God of Wine

Chapter 135: Five Elements God Forging Furnace

Casting magic weapons is definitely an extremely delicate art. Ji Dong asked himself that he had reached the pinnacle in bartending, but when he saw Zhu Yan casting magic weapons for the first time, he was still surprised from ear to ear, and was also impressed by this door. Fascinated by craftsmanship.

Magic weapon casting is mainly divided into five steps. The first step is naturally the preparation of materials. If you want to manufacture an excellent magic weapon, the material is very important. The more magic power contained in the material, the better the material itself. Well, the greater the beneficial effect on magic weapons when cast.

The two main casting materials are metal and Warcraft crystal nucleus. Of course, if there is a crystal crown, the effect will be better. Especially for the ultimate magic magician like Ji Dong, whether it is the crystal crown of the Dark Continent or the Crystal Crown of the Light Continent He can use the crystal crown.

The second step in casting magic weapons is the fusion of materials. Zhu Yan told Ji Dong that one of the main reasons why the number of magic weapon casting masters on the mainland is extremely rare is the fusion of materials. Only fire magicians Only by relying on the characteristics of fire to overcome gold can metal fusion be carried out. Excellent magic weapons cannot be made by a single metal. Although Zhu Yan used the most primitive hand-crafted methods when making magic weapons, Ji Dong was extremely To his surprise, he found that all the magical weapons he made were made of alloys. Before he saw it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that someone could complete the casting of alloys by hand. But Zhu Yan did it.

The higher the metal, the higher the melting point. If one wants to be able to melt most metals, at least a fire magician of the Six-Crown Heavenly Scholar level can do it. This alone restricts this profession. Let me ask, the mainland How many magicians can there be in the six crowns? How many strong people of this level can endure loneliness to research and create magic weapons?

Yin Zhaorong once told Ji Dong that in terms of cultivation talent, Zhu Yan is still higher than Zhu Rong, because he devoted all his energy to the research of magic weapons at any time. There is no progress after level.

It can be said that Zhu Yan gave up his future as a magician and devoted himself to the research of magic weapons. There are too few magicians above the heavenly level who are willing to sacrifice like him and are so talented. Therefore, in the entire Bright The real top magic weapon casting masters of the Five Elements are only rare.

After the material fusion is completed, it is the third step of magic weapon casting. The main body of the weapon is made. According to the different requirements of attack and defense, the forged metal will be shaped into various shapes. Then comes the fourth step, the details of magic weapon Even ordinary magical weapons must be inlaid with magical beast crystal cores. The polishing and adjustment of magical weapons are all completed in this fourth step. The last step is to brand the magical weapons with the magic circle.

Since the vast majority of magic circles have disappeared from ancient times to the present, many magic weapon castings have been completed in the fourth step. However, as the disciple of the supreme powerhouse, Zhu Yan still mastered some simple magic circles , so the inlaying of the magic circle and the overall experimental adjustment of the magic weapon became the last step in his casting, and also the final perfection.

After these five steps, any magical weapon that Zhu Yan casts can be regarded as a high-quality product, which is why he has an extremely high status in Tiangan Academy. Existence, wanting to take him away is by no means an easy task.

In normal casting, Zhu Yan has to keep improving himself, not to mention casting for Ji Dong at this time. After measuring his body, Zhu Yan started the design of forgetting to eat and sleep, and Ji Dong also stayed by his side to practice magic power. .

It took Zhu Yan three days to complete the design of the entire set of magic armor, and after several revisions, he started to work.

In the first step of casting, choosing materials is naturally not a problem. Yin Chaoyang gave Zhu Yan enough materials for him to squander. After seven days, Zhu Yan selected the final metal synthesis after many tests and ratios. plan, and then began to call Ji Dong to help him cast it together.

The fire in the ancient casting furnace is raging, and the hot flame is burning thirty-six kinds of rare metals. Each metal has its own characteristics. Zhu Yan puts them into the casting furnace one by one according to a certain order and quantity ratio. Middle. One of his hands puts the metal, and the other hand constantly urges his own powerful C-fire magic power to inject into it. He also adds some crystal nuclei from time to time to enhance the intensity of combustion and serve as a catalyst for the fusion of metals.

Casting magic weapons is extremely costly. This is another reason why the number of magic weapon smiths is rare. Without a lot of rare materials to squander, it is impossible to become an excellent magic weapon smith.

"Ji Dong, inject the two fires." Zhu Yan shouted loudly.

Ji Dong, who was already waiting by his side, raised his palms at the same time, and injected the golden Bingwu Yuanyang Holy Fire and the black Ding Jimingyin Spiritual Fire at the same time, and the ultimate twin fires directly turned into a golden and black two-color vortex and fell into the casting furnace.

Immediately, the originally fiery red fire suddenly dimmed for a moment, and the next moment, the entire fire was completely replaced by this two-color vortex. A series of surging explosions continued to implode from the metal in the fire.

"Enlarge" Zhu Yan stared at the change of the fire with burning eyes, and shouted again.

Ji Dong said in a deep voice: "Brother, if the ultimate flame is too strong, will it burn out your casting furnace?"

Zhu Yan said: "It's okay, the inner body of my casting furnace is made of the Five Elements Sacred Stone and the above ancient Sacred Iron. It is a magic weapon in the foundry world, called the Five Elements Forging Sacred Furnace.

Even if the teacher urges the magic power with all his strength, it is impossible to destroy it by burning it alone."

Five Elements Divine Stone? Hearing these four words, Ji Dong couldn't help but feel his heart move. He still clearly remembered that Lie Yan had these things in his request to Soaring Snake. While increasing the output of Ultimate Twin Fires, he couldn't help asking: "Brother, what exactly is the Five Elements Divine Stone?"

Zhu Yan's energy was concentrated on the thirty-six kinds of metals in the furnace, and he replied subconsciously: "The Five Elements God Stones are ten kinds of gemstones that contain the ultimate magic power of yin and yang, and the connotation is huge. It is extremely pure. It is extremely Rare. It is the ultimate in casting magic weapons. I read in ancient books that in ancient times, if you want to create a scroll of magic skills above the level of nirvana, the scroll body must be mixed with at least one kind of five-element stone Powder is the only way to succeed."

Hearing Zhu Yan's words, Ji Dong's mind couldn't help flashing an idea. Yao Qianshu once told him that with the help of the Five Elements Array, he has the ability to create magic scrolls, but he has always been obsessed with cultivation and has no time to study. The Five Elements Method How does the formation work on the scroll? What is the scroll itself? He doesn’t know anything about it. Hearing Zhu Yan’s words at this time undoubtedly opened a door for him to create magic skill scrolls. Forging magic weapons , he asked himself that he couldn't learn it in a short time, but he has the unique ability of the five-element magic circle. If he can become a magic skill scroll casting master, then he will not only be a unique existence on the mainland, but also have great strength amplitude increased.

Thinking of this, Ji Dong already had a certain prototype in his heart. It is impossible for Zhu Yan to know how to make scrolls, but Teng Snake, who has lived from ancient times to the present, will know something. If not, he can still go to Ask Lie Yan.

"Brother, if the fire is stronger, the metal will almost melt." Zhu Yan's voice temporarily interrupted Ji Dong's train of thought.

Sure enough, among the thirty-six kinds of metals placed in a certain order and position by Zhu Yan, the most difficult to melt have begun to turn into liquids, and all thirty-six kinds of metals have begun to show signs of fusion. They almost occupy the Half of the volume of the entire Five Elements Stove. However, the colors produced by the melting of the thirty-six kinds of metals are different and the feeling of confusion is eliminated.

Zhu Yan's expression became dignified, and he took out a long metal stick of unknown material from his storage magic weapon, plunged it into the casting furnace, and stirred it up. Ji Dong was also increasing his ultimate dual fire output at the same time , so that these metals melt more thoroughly.

The bag of dark red powder was thrown into the Five Elements God Furnace by Zhu Yan. Immediately, Ji Dong's ultimate twin fires burned more vigorously. Immediately afterwards, Zhu Yan added more than 20 kinds of materials to it one after another. Gradually, the thirty During the integration process of the six liquids of different colors, the impurities were completely destroyed by the extreme twin fires, leaving only the most essential part, and the integrated golden-red liquid was constantly stirred in the Five Elements Forging Furnace. Strange to say, In such a high heat, the temperature even surpassing the high temperature of magma, the Five Elements Forging God Furnace ghostly does not move, revealing a trace of the truth of the earth, which is neutral and peaceful, and is not affected by the heat inside the furnace.

Ji Dong understands that the reason why the Five Elements Forging God Furnace can do this must be because the combination of the Five Elements God Stones produces the effect of the fusion of the Five Elements and complements each other. That's why such a situation was created.

The content of the chapter is organized by Crazy Low-key ㄣ and Xiaolang

Just when Ji Dong's magic power was about to run out, Zhu Yan shouted joyfully, "Okay. Take your strength. Brother, hurry up and recover your magic power, and I will rely on your help later."

Ji Dong didn't say much, and went straight to the side to activate the magic power condensing circle, and went to practice to recover the magic power. Zhu Yan carefully used a special material to release the metal fusion liquid in the Five Elements Forging God Furnace, and condensed it into a huge one. Metal, he did not use any external force to cool them. Once these liquids left the high temperature of the Five Elements Forging Furnace, they quickly completed the process of self-fusion. It formed an extremely gorgeous golden-red metal with faint cloud patterns, like the sun. color is general.

At this time, Zhu Yan only had this piece of metal in his eyes. He changed into a sledgehammer in his hand, and with a sudden blow, he picked up the metal that was about to cool down, and it fell heavily on the huge iron felt next to him. The hammer struck upwards with a tempest-like speed.

At this moment, it seemed that the sound of his hammer beating could be heard throughout the East China Sea. Gradually, the huge metal was struck by him into a larger rectangular iron piece. At this time, Zhu Yan was sweating. You must know that every time he strikes with a hammer, he will inject a stream of pure fire-attribute magic power to maintain the alloy's temperature and ensure its ductility.

After a short rest, Zhu Yan had already released the fiery Binghuo magic power, heated the metal piece again, folded it into two layers, and continued to forge.

For a long time to come, Zhu Yan was doing the same thing every day. Folding, forging, folding, and forging again.

Ji Dong is also repeating the same thing, practicing to restore magic power, and burning the alloy for Zhu Yan. When he helps Zhu Yan to increase the temperature and burn, Zhu Yan can devote himself to the overlap of the metal, greatly Save energy. Moreover, the metal will soften much faster under the terrifying high temperature of the extreme double fire, and the speed of forging will be greatly increased. After all, Zhu Yan is a strong man at the level of the Seven Crowns, and it took only three days for the two masters. This piece of metal was folded a thousand times.

However, Zhu Yan told Ji Dong that this was just the beginning.

As the saying goes, a hundred stacks makes a fine product, a thousand stacks is a treasure, and ten thousand stacks is a divine product. With so many rare materials, Zhu Yan will certainly not be satisfied with the thousand stacks that he can complete by himself. Ji Dong's ultimate twin fires, from this After the first moment, its true effect was exerted. After a thousand stacks, although the alloy has become extremely tough, it is no longer what Zhu Yan's ordinary Binghuo can soften. All subsequent work of softening the metal will be done by Ji Dong will complete it, and Zhu Yan will devote himself to it.

The speed of folding and forging has obviously slowed down. In one day, the number of folds that can be folded is only a hundred times at most. Moreover, the further you go, the slower the speed is for two months, and you can only complete more than 5,000 times in total. It is just folded and forged. According to this speed, it is impossible for Ji Dong to wear this armor on the Shengya battlefield.

Zhu Yan has already planned to give up. After all, folding five thousand times is already an extremely terrifying existence. The alloy itself is already so strong that it is abnormal. You must know that Fury's equipment is only a treasure that can be folded a thousand times. Yan told Ji Dong that he could make armor for him first, and then re-smelt and build it after the end of the holy and evil battle. It's just that the effect of the second build will definitely be worse.

At this time, it was Ji Dong who became persistent. He told Zhu Yan that he would rather not wear this set of armor on the battlefield than waste these materials. He must complete ten thousand times of folding and cast a magic product.

Zhu Yan naturally agrees with Ji Dong's approach very much. You must know that if he is the only one casting it, if he wants to complete a thousand times of folding, and slowly soften the metal with his own magic power after each folding, it will take at least Thirty years. Although their current speed is not fast, it is almost the same as thirty years. Zhu Yan told Ji Dong with absolute certainty that if this armor is cast successfully, then even though it cannot become a divine weapon, it will It will be very close, and it can even be called a sub-artifact.

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