God Prohibitions

Chapter 1113: Go away!

There is no danger to the emperor on the ground now. Robben estimates that the emperor himself often cannot tell which side is the enemy and which side is his own in this chaotic situation, not to mention that it is not clear what happened. What happened to the God Court army. //

The situation in the sky made Robben even more surprised. Although the witches said they were fighting in the most secure and cruel way, but...

Robben discovered that although the defensive magic circle of the witches can protect the witches from harm in a short time, based on the current level and number of witches, it seems that the rate of loss of the magic circle is a bit fast and unnatural.

The beast warriors of the same type stayed together, as if there were racial divisions, and there were not too many constitutions that had a constant impact on the defensive formations of the witches. At this time, it was also very obvious. Their characteristics.

From the most common protoss soldiers to the God of War level protoss warriors, almost all use swords. Occasionally there are some who use other weapons, or use their bare-handed fists to practice fighting qi, but these beast warriors rarely use long swords. Once a large part of it enters a state of battle, that part of the human form rapidly shrinks, and even those that can hold swords with both hands are quite rare.

They use their own mutated limbs, hard armor covered on their bodies, or special organs that are exposed after entering the state, spray poisonous mist, acid liquids are also many people...

Robben can only shake his head when he sees this scene. This is no longer the fighting style of the Protoss, it is exactly the way the beasts fight with their minions...···

But I have to say that although these beast warriors look ugly and disgusting, their attack power cannot be underestimated. The consumption of magic power of the witches’ defensive circle is gradually accelerating, and there is a faint tendency to collapse, and this time The chaos on the ground cannot be dispersed, and the emperor has just entered the arena. If the defensive tactics of the witches now fail, the consequences would be disastrous...

It seems that the time spent in the illusion is too long, and the assessment of the witches’ strength has been greatly affected. The combat power of the witch in this world is not as strong as in the illusion. If the five thousand witches next to him in the illusion deploy such a defense If the magic circle is dominated by Nalan again, the magic power of the magic circle will not be consumed by such attack intensity, or even such a defensive circle, five thousand witches can completely kill more than one hundred beast fighters.

Robben looked into the distance. It was still very quiet in the direction where Les and Ryan were. They might still be considering their proposal. Although they don't know the final result yet... they don't seem to come to attack the witch now. What they mean.

In short, get through this level first! Robben made up his mind and wanted to go up and help, but he was taken aback, because the witches' already weak defensive circle suddenly increased in strength and continued to rise.

How is this going? A row of question marks appeared on Robben’s head, wondering if the witches would still retain their strength, but for this magic circle, there is no difference between injecting magic power early and injecting magic power late. If it’s too late, the protoss warriors Breaking is not a joke.

An eagle-eyed technique was shot on his body, and Robben carefully knocked on Nalan at the front of the witch array, and saw Nalan volley in the sky with his brows furrowed, and a purple magic circle on his chest slowly turning, his mouth Seems to be muttering something silently.

Robben recognized that Nalan was leading the defense of the magic circle, and although his face was solemn, he didn't seem to worry about anything, he seemed to be confident.

Suddenly, Robben noticed that Nalan had made a small gesture that was not easily detectable. She raised her left hand, then quickly put it down and continued to hold the magic circle in front of her.

This······Roben suddenly wondered that when he was in charge of the magic circle, the small movements of the individual would have an impact on the entire magic circle. Unnecessary movements, or even unnecessary mental activities, must be avoided to maximize To ensure the normal operation of the magic circle, this is especially true for the giant magic supported by 40,000 witches, so... this action must be necessary and very important.

Robben soon found that the strength of the magic circle had been improved again, and Nalan's eyes began to wander, and since the movement started, his eyes would occasionally glance to the ground, as if he was paying attention to the progress of the gods.

There must be something wrong with it! Robben couldn’t help but look forward to it. The message that Su brought back to him did not detail Nalan’s plan, but that Nalan was already prepared. Now it seems that Nalan has indeed formulated some possibilities and plans. Some preparations for entry and departure.

Outside of the giant magic circle, more than a hundred beast warriors madly attacked the light curtain outside the circle, and they kept approaching the witches in the center of the circle like demolishing houses, but they were almost reaching their destination. The strength of the magic circle suddenly increased, which made all the beast warriors extremely annoyed, and began to attack like a desperate roar.

Robben secretly approached the defensive circle of the witches. He wanted to know what Nalan was going to do in his heart. While in doubt, Robben found that Nalan raised his hand again, and the strength of the huge magic circle skyrocketed. , The degree of enhancement completely exceeds the sum of the previous two times.

What is this for? Is it a staged defense? Then, increasing the strength of the magic circle now seems to be inconsistent with such a plan.

As he was thinking, Robben suddenly felt something was wrong. Although the magical power of the witches’ magic defense array increased, the magic power seemed mottled and impure. Messy energy breath.

This... Elf! ? Robben caught this difference, quickly distinguished, and was surprised to find that this huge defensive magic circle that was supposed to be supported by the witches was actually mixed with a considerable amount of wizard magic, which was full of vitality and escaped. Although the free magical power fluctuations were not conspicuous under the cover of the magical power fluctuations of the witches, it was still obvious once the caring people looked closely and they were surprised.

Robben was stunned to realize the fact that of the 40,000 witches in the sky, only 20,000 are real witches, and the rest of those with long hair and double horns are all elves!

No wonder there is no trace of the elves, it turns out to be mixed in the queue of the witches! But... the magic power of the elves can hardly support the magic of the witches, even if the magic power is strong enough, it will quickly dissipate. Although the strength of this magic defense array is now high, it will soon weaken at a faster rate.

At this moment, Robben found that Nalan had both raised his hands, and he didn't even bother to the magic defensive array in front of him. The cold light flashed in his eyes and shouted something. ....

Robben could vaguely distinguish the shape of his mouth, and Nalan shouted: "Offensive!"

Abandoned the entire magic defense array, ready to attack immediately? Robben couldn't help being frightened! It turns out that the rapid increase in the strength of the magic circle in a short period of time is to gain time for attacking magic, but once they fall into a situation of confrontation, those protoss warriors may quickly bully the witches. This is for witches who are not strong in close combat. For them, it is extremely dangerous.

The big thing is bad!

If this situation continues, the deaths and injuries of the witches will expand indefinitely. Perhaps honestly like the 40,000 witches just now, launching the magic defense array at the same time and persisting until the end is the best choice, even if a certain price must be paid, but it is also Much better than it is now.

Nalan, what the **** is your plan! ? Robben felt angry.

The witches in the sky have begun to completely change the type of magic. Every witch’s body is flashing with silver light. This is an obvious feature when the witches launch spiritual magic, and the elves who pretend to be witches completely give up. After disguising, he began to quickly prepare for attack magic, and for a while, countless colorful lights began to shine in the air.

Those beast warriors must be killed immediately, otherwise, after they break the weak magical defense array, they will soon cause great casualties to the witches. Robben frowned and was about to rush up, and suddenly something happened on the ground. Unexpected changes.

Countless sharp air-breaking sounds came from the ground, like countless small missile-like arrows dragging a faint tail of light quickly into the sky, straight to the back of the beast warriors.

In order to quickly break through the magical defensive array and kill the witches, the beast fighters almost focused their breakthroughs in one direction, and quickly removed the guardian light curtains on the periphery of the defensive array. Now the large area in front of the angle is blocked by the defense array that has not disappeared Then, countless arrows rained behind him, instantly sealing all the escape space.

The colorful arrows were so fast that they hit the beast warriors in the blink of an eye, bursting for a while, and all the beast warriors roared, completely submerged in various flashes.

Robben suddenly stopped and looked at the ground curiously, but found that among the chaotic emperor and the gods on the ground, a large number of people stopped everywhere. These people were also dressed in the gods. The armor of the army, but now he took off his helmet and held a long bow, and the night wind blew long hair and fluttered, and most of them were dark elves.

Part of it was in the sky, part of it was mixed in the ground troops and went around behind the beast fighters... Then, what about the remaining twenty thousand witches! ?

The question in Robben's heart only came out, and he saw that a gloomy light on the ground had been lit up, not far from the elves, and almost directly under the beast warriors, he was still alive. The witches wearing various armors of the gods' court had already stood up in the chaos, and at the same time activated the magic circle.

This magic...

As soon as Robben saw the color of the magic circle, he was slightly surprised. It seemed that Nalan didn't plan to defend at all this time, but was ready to let go and encircle all the more than one hundred beast fighters here!

The magic circle that lit up on the ground was blood red. Robben recognized this. The witches had used this magic before, but the number of witches was still very limited at that time. This magician did a lot of concealment work on the clouds, and finally The launch was successful, and the launch speed and magic intensity of the 20,000 witches had obviously increased significantly.

This is the magic used by the witches to hunt the Protoss!

The situation on the ground became more chaotic because of the appearance of the elves and witches. Some of the gods wanted to attack the elves, while others shouted and flee. As for the witches, seeing the blood-red magic circle, The soldiers of the God's Court were scared and fled. No one dared to provoke the witch.

The emperor took the opportunity to be irritable and chaotic. For a time, the crowds were clamoring, the commanders of various countries were killed, the protoss was about to be wiped out, and so on. All kinds of voices were heard, and the gods were completely unable to control the scene.

The arrows of the elves intermittently attacked all the beast warriors from behind. What Robben did not understand was that the arrows of these elves were obviously endowed with magic or what items were used, but Robben couldn’t. I distinguished what these magics and items were for, but Robben discovered one thing, that is, the elves’ attacks were very effective. The beast warriors were blown up by these arrows and called the elves for several rounds of arrows. After that, no beast warrior could rush out to attack the elf.

The magical defensive array of the witches in the sky is declining rapidly, losing the magical support of the witches, and the magical power of the elves is rapidly dissipating. The speed of the magical array depleting is several times faster than when the beast warrior attacked just now. The attack magic of the elves and witches is also ready.

While the huge purple magic circle gradually lost its color in the sorrow, and a loud noise completely collapsed, the witches collectively launched a mental attack on the beast warriors who were being beaten by the arrows of the elves, and behind them The elves are all smashed with a variety of magic. The slight difference is that this attack is not a simple elementary magic bullet. It is all intermediate magic or above. The magic with powerful lethality flashes thunder for a time, fire dragon ice river Throw it at the beast warriors together without money.

The sudden escalation of the battle in the sky has spread to the ground. The human soldiers wailed and avoided the aftermath of the sky magic. Now no one cares whether the enemy next to him or not, all of them are running away. This is for the emperor. With a fairly good opportunity, a large group of emperor teams mixed among the fleeing Shentian army and began to move quickly.

The situation that had been hard-working had now become a flanking attack, and once the magic circle of 20,000 witches on the ground was completed, the form would be more advantageous. Robben watched the elves and witches attacking the beast warriors not far away, and he couldn't help but admire him slightly. It seems that for the war, apart from having a few ancient tricks in his stomach, he also Completely a layman...

After taking a look at Nalan, Nalan's black hair was mad, and the gloomy light in his eyes gleamed, and his face was still completely enveloped by murderous intent, and there was a solemn killing intent that strangers should not get near.

Robben couldn't help but smile. It turned out that this witch is always heavy-minded, weighing the future of the entire witch clan on his shoulders, and the witch who will always be speechless by himself has such a terrifying side...

Those beast warriors were obviously effectively harassed by the special arrows made by the elves, and in their anger, they were restricted by the spiritual magic of the witches in the sky, and the elves in the sky did their best to bombard the beast warriors. , Robben never thought that the elves would use so many destructive attack magic.

If the magic of the witches on the ground can be completed and successfully launched, then the situation of this battle will instantly become extremely advantageous.

When Robben thought of this, he couldn't help but his gaze turned slightly to the distance. In the high altitude in the distance, two tiny golden rays of light had already risen, but the rays were very weak and could not be distinguished carefully or even clearly. °

Ryan is Rice.

Robben looked into the distance and felt a little expectant in his heart. If these two guys rush over, even if they don’t have the two magical tools anymore, there is definitely no way to complete the magic circle of the witches on the ground. Only two of them can be killed, but in that case... I am afraid that the Protoss will immediately descend upon a terrifying general, and the situation will be very difficult at that time.

If the two of them choose to go back quietly, then...the best!

Although the warriors of the Protoss have pious beliefs and unparalleled loyalty, but... they also have feelings, have relatives, and fight against the Protoss in the illusion. This is what Robben feels most deeply...

Rosie’s death is definitely a memory that has been forgotten all his life...

Looking into the distance silently, Robben finally let out a long sigh, "Thank you...good luck." Those two thin golden lights slowly fell back...

The battle in the sky has become fierce. The roars of the beast warriors are exhausted. They seem to be suffering tremendously, and they seem to be struggling hard. The arrows of the elves are about to shoot out, all the faces of the elves. The above all showed anxious color, and although the witches in the sky were full of murderous faces, they could no longer conceal the hidden paleness and exhaustion. Obviously, the vigorous struggle of those beast warriors brought great spiritual magic to the witches. pressure.

However, performing an excessive amount of magical attacks in a short period of time has already caused the elves behind the witches to pant, and the density and intensity of magical attacks are rapidly decreasing...···

Suddenly there was a roar from among the beast warriors, and a dozen witches snorted immediately, and they were planted directly from the sky. There was a huge figure in the unrecognizable space bombarded by magic and arrows. Leaping out, the beast warrior with multiple fragments of hard armor wrapped in his body broke through the shackles of the witches' spiritual magic and jumped out first.

"Damn..." Nalan's silver teeth bit, and the long whip in his hand was shaken away. He was about to meet up but heard a muffled buzzing sound. When did a **** light rise from the ground, The beast warrior was covered in it.

The furious beast warrior kept the posture of the front cross and stopped completely stiff in the air. The blood-red beam of light enveloped him, slowly pulling him to the ground...

Nalan's face was full of cold sweat, "Finally...finally finished!"

On the ground, twenty thousand witches have successfully activated the magic circle. The blood-red light is like a blazing fire from hell. The entire sky is covered with a blood-red color. On the desert, I don’t know how many human soldiers are looking at the end of the sky. He knelt down again trembling like a scene.

I have to say here that sometimes human beliefs are worthless.

The strong light emitted by the magic circle was projected to the concentrated position of the beast warriors, amidst hiss and wailing, these beast warriors were slowly pulled down from the sky.

The battle is over... Robben let out a long sigh and couldn't help but smile. This battle is simply beautiful! If the witches had no casualties due to mental shock after the war, it would be a perfect victory.

The light of the magic circle greatly limits the power of the Protoss, blocking their ability to move can be caught by this magic circle, which is equivalent to becoming a lamb to be slaughtered. Of course, if the power of resistance is too strong, the magic circle will collapse. For a powerful Protoss warrior, the practicality of this magic that takes a lot of time and cannot be prepared in advance is almost zero.

But for the current beast fighters, this magic will be fatal to them.

"Shoot!" The last wave of arrows of the elves was instantly killed, completely restricted from movement, most of the beast warriors who were unable to exert their abilities suddenly wailed, and the sharp arrows directly penetrated their flesh and blood. It is easy to find a fragile place to shoot.

"Very...very good!" Nalan wiped the cold sweat from his face on the sky, "Kill them immediately! Let's retreat!"

"No, we have already won..."

Nalan was shocked, and when he looked back, it was Robben who was standing behind him with a smile.

"Master, you... why are you here?"

"Ah...If I don't come, I won't see such a wonderful performance. Nalan...You really are a genius!"

Nalan was slightly embarrassed by Robben’s praise, but immediately glanced at the situation on the ground and said: “Master, no matter how kind, we can’t be soft on these guys. If you don’t kill them immediately, the witches will not last long. And we can’t retreat.”

Robben smiled, "Don't worry about these. Now gather all the elves and witches immediately, and retreat in a scattered fan shape with our breakout route as the center line. You don't have to worry about the situation here. The beast warriors must live. , We cannot kill them all."

After hearing Robben's words, Nalan was greatly surprised, the corners of his mouth twitched, and finally nodded, "Yes, Master!"

Soon, the elves and witches all ascended into the air, and tens of thousands of people were scattered high in the sky, their bodies shining with various colors of halo, and they looked more and more weird against the blood-red sky.

Although I don’t know why, I even think it’s a bit crazy, but the elves and witches still obeyed Robben’s advice and flew in a fan-shaped direction in all directions. For a time, the sky was scattered, and the soldiers of the Shentian Army looked up. Looking at the sky, he couldn't say a word with his mouth open.

The blood-red magic circle on the ground lost the support of the witches and quickly weakened, and the roar of the beast warrior began to gradually strengthen, but no one noticed a figure quietly appearing in the magic circle.

"Hey...you poor guys, obviously also excellent warriors..." The visitor's one hand pressed lightly on the magic circle on the ground, slowly losing the magic of light. There was a violent noise, and the blood-red light lit up like the sky in the sun. The struggling beast warriors suddenly stopped moving and were once again locked in the magic circle.

The elves and the witches flew arrogantly over the head of the Shenting Army without hesitation. In the distance, many soldiers of the Shenting Army who did not understand the situation looked at the scattered rays of light in the sky, with unspeakable horror in their hearts.

At this time, the emperor was swiftly passing through the enemy's formation, and the Shenting Army had completely fallen into a situation where there was no leader and no one to decipher the rumors. Many soldiers of the Shenting Army did not know what happened in the direction of the red light. They just saw a lot. The country’s army is running and fleeing, saying that there is everything and even that the Protoss warriors have been beheaded to death. The red light is shot out of **** and so on. In short, they are headless towards the red light when they arrive home. Fleeing in the opposite direction, and most soldiers don’t even know why they want to run...

In the center of the desert where the huge gods were stationed, Lane and Les were sitting silently in the camp.

"They seem to have left..." Les muttered.

Ryan nodded, "Well...they are quickly moving away from the battlefield. It seems that the battle outside is over."

Les said with a sullen face: "We should at least go out now to stabilize the **** human army. If they continue to make trouble like this..."

"No..." Before Rice finished speaking, Ryan shook his head and interrupted him. "We just stay here and don't have to go anywhere."

"Ryan! We can't do too much!" Leslie stood up suddenly.

Ryan glanced at the twin brother opposite and sighed: "No, Les, we are not doing too much but not enough. If we go out now, I don't think Robben will cooperate with us."

"But those **** elves and witches have retreated! We are just going out to reduce our losses!" Les yelled in a low voice, "Isn't that OK?"

Ryan said softly, "Les, our intelligence shows that Robben has brought about 50,000 witches from the Demon Realm. Judging from the situation of this battle, most of the witches have gathered here. In addition to the witches who have been harassing us in the south these days, I believe that all the witches are active on this battlefield now!"

"So what can I do?"

"Les...That means that all the forces of the Caton Empire may be concentrated here!"

"All forces!?" Les was taken aback.

Ryan nodded, "Yes, only those witches in the Caton Empire really have the power to fight our gods. Since all the witches are here, it is impossible to deploy other troops in the rest of the place. It is tantamount to seeking death. Although not all of them, most of the vital power of the Caton Empire must be here, definitely!"

"All... are on the current battlefield?" Les looked outside in amazement.

"Yes, it should be like this. We have just seen the chaos in the north, and the spread is very fast. If you look closely, it is not difficult to find that the density of the army on the back is far greater than inevitable..."

"You mean... they have entered our army!?"

Ryan smiled bitterly, "Yeah... It's really a bold and crazy plan. If it weren't for us to stop here, but the human army here, I think it should be more chaotic now. The Emperor of the Caton Empire is a pretty cunning guy. Of course... Maybe this is Robben's plan."

After thinking about it, Ryan said: "If this chaos spreads to us rapidly and continues to the south, then I can be sure that the main purpose of this attack is actually to cover the millions of people in our army. The Caton Emperor team broke through. They should now be wearing the armor of our vanguard troops, under our banner, while creating chaos while cutting and killing, while breaking through the siege to the south, I am afraid that most human forces have not discovered this yet, they are still Tired of reorganizing my chaotic army."

Les sat down slowly, "If we go out now...the army of the Caton Empire will die without a burial place, and that Robben..."

"No... this time, no matter what the breakout of the Caton Empire will be successful, because once we pave the road, Robben will kill us without hesitation. If we die in full view, then here The human army also completely collapsed..."

Les heard these words completely silent.

Ryan took the teapot on the table and poured himself a cup of tea slowly, shaking his hands unconsciously, "I understand how you feel, and I am also wondering how a human being is useful... Such a powerful ~www.readwn.com~ and he seems to know us a little bit. What puzzles me most is that he actually said that we can recast our sword.

"I can't believe it now! Does he have the same power as God of War! Our sword was made by Master Ya back then!" Les was a little excited.

"Yeah...I can't believe it either, but...now we have no choice. No matter what, we can't change the situation today. If he doesn't come and send us a temporary substitute after ten days, we ······You can only fight to the death and wash away your shame with your own blood. I hope this can alleviate the mistakes committed."

"You don't have to worry about this..." Robben's voice was soft, but it sounded abruptly in the big tent. Les and Ryan had both eaten and stood up immediately, only to realize that Robben didn't know. When has he reached the door?

Robben smiled and said: "I'm glad you are still here. Within ten days, I will find you and bring two swords that can be fooled for the time being. I hope you don't hesitate anymore, because we are hostile. At that time, I will reach an agreement with you in the form of a contract. I hope you will be mentally prepared. Of course, you can read the contract carefully and decide whether to accept it. I even accept bargaining, then...bye. "

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