God Prohibitions

Chapter 1114: Burning road

After occupying the entire territory of the Caton Empire, the Divine Court Army was furious and anxious to receive a series of reports. The 400,000 troops of the Caton Empire rushed frantically in the southern desert, and attacked seven countries in a row, all of them straight. Rushing to the country, breaking the city as quickly as possible, and then all the nobles in the city beheaded in public, and after looting the entire city, a fire burns the city to white ground. ...

He ransacked seven countries continuously for half a month, hacking one country in two days on average, beheading countless nobles, and burning down a capital...

"Bang!" With a loud noise, a protoss warrior in golden armor slapped the eighth report on the table with an angry face, "Who can you tell me! The remnants of the Caton Empire want What are you doing!? This is already the eighth country! Calculate the average speed and the time for our messengers to travel between the north and the south. Now those **** Catonians are already looting the ninth or tenth country! Are they crazy!! ?"

This is the original palace hall of the Caton Empire. This golden armored warrior sits on the throne with an extremely ugly face. There are two rows of seats below. Now there are only five or six humanoid Protoss warriors sitting sparsely. Behind them are many. Human officer.

The Protoss warrior on the throne roared with a little excitement: "We have already occupied the entire territory of the Kardon Empire! Their people have completely surrendered, and after their pious confession, they are attached to the Holy Light, but... Why are the 400,000 troops still in chaos? And no one can catch them for such a long time!!!"

No one answered above the hall.

"Ryan! You were in charge of the South at the time! What the **** is going on!?"

Ryan sat down and stood up slowly when he heard the words. First, he respectfully saluted the soldier on the throne, "Honorable general, please calm down your anger. I have already explained the situation in the south. I met with a mysterious opponent with Les. The opponent was very strong. We couldn’t fight each other. In the end, Les and I were seriously injured. Many people and soldiers saw the situation that day, and later those witches and elves. The soldier who trapped our warrior with tricks, the soldiers of the Caton Empire slipped past in the chaos!"

"I don't want to hear your excuse! We will discuss your negligence after we go back, but I now want to know why those troops have not been wiped out!"

Ryan said lightly: "My lord, you also saw in the battle report that those Caton troops are very mobile. They seem to run tirelessly, attacking a country in two days on average, and we only get news that we intend to chase them, but At that time they had already changed direction."

"Then what are you and Les doing!?"

Ryan replied calmly: "My lord, our mission is not to fight humans. It has been explained before we set out. After all, human affairs have to be solved by themselves. If the mysterious master appeared that day, we would even die. He stayed, but the current situation is that the southern army is completely based on the rhythm of the Caton army, and due to the continuous destruction of the Caton army, the mood of the Southern army is very unstable and the panic phenomenon is very serious. In fact, according to our latest update According to the battle report, the Caton army will not only destroy new countries, but sometimes they will go back to quickly attack a city and plunder resources."

"These **** rats..."

Ryan moved his eyebrows a little and said, "My lord, there is a situation I think I must explain."

"what's the situation?"

"Judging from the current trajectory of the Caton Empire, they have not only left our troops in the southern deserts far behind, but...seems to be faintly marching towards the west."

"What!?" The **** of the throne was shocked, "West! Get a map!"

Soon a map was unfolded in front of the **** general, quickly connecting the countries currently under attack into a string, and the face of the **** general suddenly changed to the color of eggplant.

"This group of **** things!!" Tore the map to pieces, the **** general stood up and shouted: "Now all follow the orders! Among the 400,000 remnants of the Caton Empire are their leaders and many important figures, that Robben is also among them, and they are hysterically destroying our hard-won peace! The countries in the South have been almost destroyed, and now their route is rapidly moving to the west! I order you! The whole army is dispatched! Immediately The last stain on this continent is erased! God's glory will never be allowed to be tainted by such infidels!"

All the protoss warriors stood up, "Yes! Your lord!"

"Lane!" God will shout loudly.


"I hope you and Les can perform in this battle. If the head of the enemy is not captured by you, it will be a great shame for you! This is even a tarnish to the glory that Lord Wars bestows on you! "

Ryan's complexion moved a bit unchecked.

"My lord, please rest assured..." Slowly, Ryan drew out the long sword from his waist... the sword body was crystal clear, and there was a faint red light flowing in it, as if it were flowing fire, and the sword body was already Intact...

Holding a long sword in front of him, Ryan said in a deep voice: "For the glory of the patron saint, I will sacrifice everything!"

"Very good! Now...Go and run those **** rats to death one by one!!"

Inserting the long sword back, Ryan, who slowly walked outside the hall, felt a little heavy. What he said just now... seemed to make him degenerate again...

The sword was released on the fifth day of the departure of the Caton army. To be honest, Ryan was surprised and inexplicable, although he was looking forward to it, but...When the sword was really in his hands, Ryan couldn’t believe it. This is a fact, and it feels like this sword is a bit strange, but the power in it is very familiar.

That Robben’s words are still in your ears to this day: "You don’t care where the sword came from. Even if you ask me, you won’t tell you. You only need to know that I have fulfilled my promise, and you have to fulfill it. Your previous promise, here is the contract I have drawn up. You can look at it and even make some modifications. I will take it later. During this time, I hope you can buy some time for us. Our soldiers are very exhausted······"

Fallen...Lane sighed. Without any resistance, the imperial team was like a torrent rushing across a disc of scattered sand, turning everything into a chaotic upstream...···

"My lord! Found the enemy! Our troops are not obeying the command and are fleeing to the south. They are now separated from the large troops. I suspect that they are the troops disguised by the Caton Empire!" A blood-stained face looks like a chaotic army. Not knowing how many feet were stepped on, the guy who recognized from his armor as a small officer stumbled to a general horse riding on a desert horse. ^/very literary/^

"Huh? You actually found this, are you very clever?" The imposing general, wearing armor and a red cloak behind his back, turned his head and smiled, but he was a very young youth.

The officer was taken aback. He didn't expect such a high-ranking officer to be so young, but... it seems that he didn't know that there was such a young senior officer on it.

Suddenly, he saw the high-ranking officer riding a horse, and the little officer stood up all over his hair. This is not the posture of a desert man riding a desert warfare. Only people in the northern continent can ride horses like this!


"Haha...have been discovered, it seems that the disguise is not in place!" The second prince smiled, and put his hand on his neck. A figure had already quietly touched the sharp short knife behind that Xiaojunguan. A stroke across his neck...

"Speed ​​up, there is no time. After dawn, we will have no chance at all!" The second prince frowned on the reins of the horse, "This **** horse is so hard to ride..."

The chaos lasted all night. From the moment the soldiers fell asleep, there was a riot, and then a large number of witches attacked and experienced the three unidentified Protoss warriors (the soldiers of the Gods Court still believe that they are the three Protoss warriors) The battle, and the fierce collision between the witches and the beast warriors, and then the panic and confusion that no one can control. Fires are lit everywhere, and there are terrifying gossips everywhere. No one can tell how the situation is. Just want Run away from the place, but don't know where to run...

All the chaos slowly subsided as the sun slowly rose and the night faded. The soldiers of the Shentian Army finally found that it seemed that the soldiers of all countries were no longer running in panic. No one was yelling loudly. There was no more violent collision, and the blood-red light that dyed the night sky gradually dimmed due to the relationship of the sun, the light... finally once again dispelled the darkness, and the sense of security returned to the hearts of all soldiers bit by bit. .

It was devastated...This is what Les and Lane saw after they flew into the air after dawn. After a night of chaos, the number of deaths and injuries of the gods has risen to an unacceptable level. Numerous barracks have been flattened. Burnt down, countless supplies are missing, countless people die or disappear...

"I think it's hard for us to explain it just so pale..." Les looked sad.

Ryan looked relatively calm, shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter, the victory or defeat of human beings has little to do with us. Yesterday we faced off against a mysterious master, and then we were injured regardless of the outcome. That's it."

"Injured?" Les couldn't help but looked at Ryan. He vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, but it was a moment of anger, not an injury, and Ryan was intact.

"We can make some ourselves in a while..." Ryan said lightly.

"Ryan...we, won't we just fall here?" Les sighed helplessly.

"Maybe...but we are not without reasons, and...if that Robben asks too much, we can stick to our beliefs."

Les shook his head, "Forget it, things have happened anyway, let's go and see the **** beast warriors, I hope they are not dead yet!"

Just when the Shenting Army began to integrate its troops to further calm the chaos, in the entire southern edge of the desert of the Shenting Army, more than four hundred thousand emperor teams have assembled here.

Everyone was exhausted and bloodstained, but their faces were filled with excitement. Hundreds of thousands of people in the imperial district traversed millions of enemy troops overnight, killing from one end to the other. Things used to be hard to even think about, but today everyone has done it. A miracle really happened.

The elves and the witches were singing and dancing together. The battle last night was too dangerous. If the last magic circle were launched later, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The second prince lay casually on the sand, panting for breath, but it seemed to make him much older overnight, but his eyes were already flashing with excitement and excitement.

Robben walked over and sat down slowly, "The temperature in the desert will rise soon after dawn. If you don't want to be scalded, it's better to get up quickly."

The second prince laughed, Yi Gulu got up from the ground and rushed towards Robben. Robben frowned and pressed his face, "What are you doing?"

The second prince stretched his arms to reach Robben, "Ahahaha... Robben, we succeeded! We succeeded! We actually crossed through millions of troops! My hero! Come on! Let me kiss a few!"

Robben said disgustingly on his face: "I'm not interested in holding a man, you nobles have a strange interest." As he pressed the second prince to the ground, a **** magic was thrown over, and the second prince was honest. Sat there.

Although tied up, the second prince was not at all unhappy, and still exclaimed cheerfully: "Roben! This time our actions will definitely be recorded in the history of the empire! Since the founding of the empire, there has never been such a big victory!"

"Hmph...everything that the emperor likes to eat will be recorded in the annals of history, so what's so strange!" Robben shook his head.

"Ah no no! Our actions will be recorded in the annals of war in the mainland. This is definitely a great victory for no one before and no one to come!"

Robben ignored the second prince's bragging rights there, slowly grabbed a handful of yellow sand, watched the sand slowly fall down on his fingertips, and asked: "We... only these 400,000 horses have broken through?"

The second prince’s laughter stopped abruptly...···

The smile on his face slowly stiffened, and then gradually disappeared. The second prince exhaled, "Yes, we can only come here, only 400,000 horses, and half of the infantry and half have mostly abandoned their mounts. Cavalry, that's about it, and then there are your elves and witches.

"Where is our logistics supply?"

The second prince smiled, "Logistics supplies? How could it be possible to push the heavy supply trucks slowly in the chaos? All the heavy troops are left behind. We are each soldier carrying as much dry food as possible, just like this. Come here!"

Sure enough, Robben nodded secretly. Just now, he discovered that these 400,000 people were empty-handed, and there were no supply carts at all. Everyone was tired and could not wait to fall asleep. At present, they are silently gnawing on the dry food in their hands.

"Then how long will our food last?"

"Probably... for six or seven days!" The second prince replied inconclusively, "but we robbed some of the food when we passed through the enemy line, maybe more."

Robben dropped the sand in his hand and said, "It seems that the situation is slightly worse than we planned."

The second prince smiled, "Indeed...I originally planned to take the heavy troops to break through the chaos, but the enemy's land area is too large, and if the distance is too far, there will be no way. "

"That is to say..." Robben couldn't help but looked back at the exhausted army. "We now have only four hundred thousand troops full of exhaustion and infantry lacking weapons and armor, cavalry without horses, and only six or seven days without water. Dry food, right?"

"Yes... our weapons and equipment are not usable, and the things in those desert countries are really rough. There is no way. Fortunately... we still have 400,000 troops, and there are still six or seven days. Food, isn't it?"

Robben easily unlocked the magic on the second prince, stood up and said, "Then what we need most now is to find a source of water and take a good rest."

The second prince slowly got up from the ground, looked at the slowly rising sun and said, "To be honest, I want to do this too, but...we probably don't have that time!"

"The Divine Court Army will not find and pursue us immediately. Our soldiers are too tired now."

The second prince patted the dust on his body, nodded and said: "I know, Robben, I also want to sleep now. I haven't closed my eyes for three days, but... It's not the time yet, we must run away immediately! If you rest, the people of the empire will die in batches under the butcher knife! Now... it's time for us to implement the real plan!"

Pointing to the distance, the second prince said: "Most of the troops of the southern countries are behind us. There is an empty land in front of us. If your elves and witches’ intelligence is correct, there should be an oasis for us. Supply fresh water, and then...we must act now!"

Robben looked back again, only this time looking at the direction of the Caton Empire, and finally nodded, "Well, that's it..."

The second prince glanced at Robben, "Roben, don’t worry, I know very well the psychology of those **** countries. They are timid and fearful and only care about their own interests. As long as we approach their country, then the Caton Empire The situation will naturally ease, and those false faces of the Protoss can save our lives now, although we may lose a lot of things, but... at least the Caton Empire will not perish!"

"I know……"

The second prince patted his cheek vigorously, seeming to want to make himself more awake, and continued: "And...as I said to you before, we don’t have time and energy to spend on extra things. , As long as we are a little slower, we will be encircled and strangled. Robben, your elves are going to endure hardships. I need their activities on a large scale. We must master the movements of the enemy’s army. The witches must stay near the army to prevent them. A sneak attack by a protoss warrior."

"Don't need to remind, these things have already been said..."

The second prince patted Robben's shoulder heavily, "Roben, I can't say anything to you anymore. I can only say that as long as my Caton Empire still exists, as long as you want humans, With this identity, you and your descendants will be the noblest and most respected nobles in the Caton Empire! There is no one!"

Robben smiled, "You seem to have lost the entire empire to me."

The second prince laughed, "I also thought about this, but then I might be beaten to death by all the ministers right away. Anyway, you are almost the same as being a great emperor. I have never seen anyone who dares to punch or kick me. ."

"I should be the emperor if I miss you someday." Robben waved his hand and left on his own. "I'll go to the elves and witches to give orders. You can do the rest."

The second prince sighed and looked at the direction of the Caton Empire for a moment. "No problem! Soon I will take a look at the whole continent! Our Caton Empire! What kind of beast is it!"

In the dilapidated garrison of the God Court Army, Ryan and Lyle are counting the number of beast warriors. These more than one hundred and twenty beast warriors suffered huge damage in the battle yesterday. The light was born on the magic circle and was drained of vitality. There are more than forty, many beast warriors are still injured by the magic arrows and magic of the elves after being controlled. They are dying, and the number of casualties will continue to expand sooner or later...

"Those guys are really not easy... It's just some elves and witches that can actually hurt these things like this." Les looked at the bruised beast warriors, feeling very surprised.

"Our opponent seems to be far stronger than we thought." Ryan was expressionless.

"My lord! The big event is not good!!" At this moment, a human soldier hurriedly ran over.

"What's the matter?" Les was in a bad mood and suddenly looked displeased.

"My lord, there have been a large number of Caton Emperor teams in our south! After they attacked us, they are fleeing to the south quickly!"

Les and Ryan were not surprised at all, because Ryan had expected it yesterday.

"How many of them are there?" Ryan asked lightly.

"It seems... there are hundreds of thousands!" The soldier wiped the cold sweat from his head.

"Hundreds of thousands..." Les and Ryan looked slightly surprised. Although they knew that the Emperor team had broken out, they didn't expect that the number would be so large.

"Did you flee to the south?" Ryan turned his gaze to the south.

"Yes, sir! They suddenly appeared and attacked our small group of troops. They are now fleeing to the south and have entered the desert."

"Ah...it's like this..." Ryan muttered to himself, and suddenly a flash of light flashed in his eyes, "This is crazy..."

The soldier didn't understand what Ryan meant, and asked tentatively, "My lord, what do I do now?"

"Let's chase!" Les frowned.

Ryan shook his head immediately and slowly said, "No...I can't chase it yet, let me think..."

After pondering for a moment, Ryan said carefully and carefully: "Now... immediately send an investigation team to follow them quickly, follow them all the time, see what they are doing, and then immediately return to report!"

The soldier received the order, but did not immediately agree. Instead, he knelt and summoned his courage and said, "My lord! The army of the Caton Empire seems to be heading for a certain country. If we don't pursue it, the army is here now. ,that……"

"Is it your country?" Ryan asked softly.

A layer of sweat suddenly appeared on the forehead of the soldier, and he lowered his head deeply, "Yes..."

"Don't worry, it's no use rushing. Your army is in chaos. There are countless deaths and injuries. It will take time to rectify these defeated soldiers. Now go and notify the investigation team immediately, soldiers!"

"Yes..." The soldier just left sadly.

"Aren't we chasing it?" Les wondered.

Ryan shook his head, "Les... this Caton Empire is really far beyond our imagination! What do you think they did when hundreds of thousands of them broke through?"

Les was surprised, "Of course I don't want to be wiped out!"

"Yes, I really don't want to, but after they break through, there is no need to go back and tell us that they have left silently, and then reveal their signs of action."

"This... why is this?"

"They are saying...Come after me! I challenge all of you with these forces!"

Les shook his head and said, "Isn't that crazy?"

"Yeah...it's crazy! This is definitely something crazy people do!" Thinking about it a little bit, Ryan continued: "Since they broke out of the siege, naturally they won't be sent to death, and this arouses our attention, I'm afraid It is to tell us something more important."

"More important things?" Les became increasingly confused.

"Only for their own sake, they don't have to expose their deeds. They do this to involve our forces and attention and reduce our pressure on the Caton Empire, but this is not enough. If they are right, they... I am afraid It has become a beast!"

"You mean they..."

Ryan nodded, "Yes! And we must act quickly, otherwise we will soon be besieged by our huge army, hundreds of thousands of troops, do you really want to challenge the entire continent?"

"Then... Are we going to let them go first?"

Ryan's expression was slightly sad, "I'm afraid this is the case, and when it comes to speaking...the one who really has no strength is us. That Robben, his power does not seem to be as strong as in this world, if there is a conflict Rise up, all of us together are not his opponents. He obviously still had extra energy that day. We are now selling our personal feelings and only sending investigative troops out. Bring them back truthfully and let them know that we are not pursuing them. After the battle with the vanguard and the breakout last night, I am afraid that they are now exhausted too..."

Les's hand couldn't help but clenched his long sword. Now the sword has completely lost its supernatural power, and it has been cut off. You can only put it in the scabbard to pretend that it will be exposed once it is pulled out. Hold this Familiar with the incomparable sword hilt, Les had an unspeakable anger and incompetence.

"That Robben...what is his origin? If he is a human being, then he is definitely a demon!!"

Ryan shook his head, "This... is really hard to judge. No matter how you look at him, he is a human being, but... how can humans have such a powerful force? According to previous information, he controls the elves and witch forces. I I really haven't believed how a human being can control the elves and witches, but...hey! But he doesn't seem to have any need to hide his race, maybe... he is a human."

"I can't believe it!"

Ryan smiled bitterly, "Now this doesn't matter anymore, we...we have a handle in his hand." As Ryan touched his hilt. "Now I find that I seem to be hoping strongly. He can come back in ten days... Maybe my faith is not religious enough. If I get through this difficult time, I will resign from my current position to be an ordinary warrior, re-train my character, and re-cast my faith. Les..."

"Huh! Me too!" Les didn't hesitate, "We can't blame others at this stage. It's our own fault!"

Ryan let out a long sigh, "Yes, but I hope that this fault is just like that Robben said...it is the one that can be made up, not that it can't be recovered after a lifetime of energy and time."

The battle in the southern part of the empire came to an end. The intelligence was quickly transmitted to the sacred army in all directions of the mainland. Of course, this included the army of the Caton Empire miraculously appeared in the south, and the number was as high as hundreds of thousands, and it has been rapidly sent to Fleeing in the southern desert.

Ryan and Rice sent a small reconnaissance unit to investigate the whereabouts and actions of the Caton Emperor team~www.readwn.com~, but these units were all attacked by unknown circumstances in the middle, and everyone was shot. , And then fainted on the spot, and only woke up from a coma the next day, some unfortunately were buried directly by the yellow sand at night, and never got up again.

However, there is no need for these reconnaissance forces to check the whereabouts of the Caton Emperor team, because the 400,000 army does not have a desert blond like an uninhabited desert at all. Instead, it advances straight toward the nearest desert country. After getting out of the southern battle group, The first desert country was reached on the third day. After that, the 400,000 Carton Emperor team that seemed to be exhausted instantly turned into a demon.

Almost all of the troops in the southern part of the Caton Empire were forcibly conscripted by the Protoss warriors to the assembly areas in the south. The 400,000 troops of the emperor rushed violently, such as entering an uninhabited state and breaking the city in a single day. The royal capital, the city was completely destroyed in less than half a day. The former kings in the royal city, and now the court officials of the gods were beheaded in public, along with the princes and ministers in the royal city, and hundreds of people stained the streets with blood.

Amidst the screams of all ordinary people in this desert country, the Caton army ransacked the king's capital, then set the city on fire, drove away, and ran straight to the next country!

In less than half a month,

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