God Prohibitions

Chapter 682: Real phantom

Chapter 682 Real Phantom

   A horn with a faint black smoke burst out of Boll's chest, and blood dripped down like a trickle. Boll looked at the long black horn that came out of his chest in disbelief. There were a few chuckles in his mouth, blood poured out, and the huge sword in his hand fell to the ground.

  \"Ah, I didn’t expect it to be effortless. Haha, this fool seems to only look ahead."

   Robben's eyes widened instantly, and behind Boll, a face full of smiles appeared.

  \"You talk the most nonsense"

   Behind Boll, another voice came. At the same time, a black shadow rushed out like lightning, and instantly wrapped Boll's neck.


   The sound of crumbling muscles... Boll's head as big as a lion flew up...

\"Boom" Boll, your tall, headless body fell forward and hit the ground. Behind him, illuminated by the light and dark clouds of the sky, a demon warrior with black heavy armor was holding it. A handkerchief flew to wipe the blood from his hands.

\"Why do I always do this kind of work is dirty and tired, and I still don’t earn much credit. You know I have completed so many tasks, but why don’t I get a little promotion opportunity..." The demon warrior looked distressed and chattered endlessly.

   Robben felt that the corners of his eyes were twitching...twitching...


Robben was surprised and delighted. The demon warrior in front of him was Carlisle. He had a very strange black armor that he had seen before. Besides, even if he hadn't seen it, this face was full of beatings Robben will never admit his mistake.

   The demon warrior on the opposite side immediately stopped his movements and looked straight at Robben, \"Do you know me?"




   Robben repeatedly confirmed that the Demon warrior in front of him was not joking, and that the Demon warrior in front of him was Carlisle.

  \"Anyone you know?" Behind Carlisle, another figure flashed out.

   This figure is much shorter than Carlisle, but he has a nice voice. He is a woman.

   Robben's attention was focused on Carlisle's face, but he didn't know what happened, so he couldn't help but want to look at the woman next to Carlisle.

   This is a witch, but she is not tall and has a round face. She looks like a little fellow, but the pupils in her eyes are faintly shining.

   Several times he unconsciously cast his eyes on the witch's face, and Robben suddenly opened his mouth.

   The witch immediately frowned, and asked the strange and thoughtful Demon warrior beside her: "Carlisle, do you know him? Our mission cannot be perceived by other warriors."

\"Ah...hehe, this, I really don’t know him, but a powerful demon like me might have been noticed or even admired for a long time. If he knows me, there is nothing strange, ahhahaha" The Demon Warrior laughed exaggeratedly.

  \"You accidentally showed your face when you did something invisible to others." The witch looked at Robben with cold eyes and took a step forward, \"We killed him."





   The demon warrior's laughter was choked back instantly, his eyes widened, and he looked at Robben in disbelief.

   The witch also trembled, with a look of extreme astonishment on her face. Looking at Robben, who was also surprised, she asked stupidly: "You...what did you just say?"

   Robben looked at the witch and the demon warrior. He gestured vigorously, trying to say something, but he didn't know what to change.

  \"What did you call me just now?" The astonishment on the witch's face receded, and she took a step forward, her face full of murderous intent.

   Robben was taken aback for a moment, and his words flowed smoothly, \"I mean...Nalan, I...I'm Robben, don’t you know?"

   The witch was surprised again, her eyes were full of shock, \"You...Do you know me and still know my name?"

  Roben felt ridiculous, but what happened to him?

   Carlisle is still the same Carlisle, his nose and eyebrows are exactly the same, and the beating smile on his face is not bad at all, but Nalan... Nalan is obviously shrinking...

The impression Nalan is a slender, rugged, beautiful woman, although each of the witches is very beautiful, but Nalan has a kind of temperament on her body, strong, stubborn, and will never give up. The uncompromising perseverance, this temperament and the appealing appearance exist in a woman, and it has a fatal attraction to men. Robben has seen many demons drooling at Nalan, that is true. Slobber...

   The witch in front of her has a seven-point resemblance between her eyebrows and Nalan. The coldness in her eyes when she first saw Nalan was the same. The dignified and strong temperament surrounding this witch is not bad at all, but...

   This Nalan is too young... She looks like a 14-five-year-old girl.

  \"Nalan, did you accidentally show your face and even your name when you did something to see innocent people..." The demon warrior beside the witch suppressed the smile on his face and whispered to the witch.

  \"Shut up" The witch interrupted the Mozu warrior with a cry, \"How could I make such a low-level mistake"

  \"That said, I have indeed done shameful things." The Demon Warrior looked excited, as if a new big 6 appeared.

   The witch no longer paid attention to the entanglement of the demon warrior, and looked at Robben coldly: "Who are you and why do you know the name?"

  Roben really doesn’t know how to explain...

   pointed to himself, Robben emphasized, and slowly said: \"Nalan, I... Robben, I am Robben, don’t you know?"

   The witch shook her head directly, \"I have never seen you or heard of this name"

   Robben was slightly embarrassed, his eyes fell on Carlisle, \"Carlisle, don't you remember me?"

Carlisle blinked his eyes and looked up and down Robben, \"Maybe I have seen it, but he is more handsome than me, then I will definitely not remember it, even if I remember it, I can forget it. If it is a woman, maybe I will remember you"

   This must be that Carlisle Robben is very sure of this, and that guy Carlisle always says such shameless words, anything can be done to a woman.

  \"Answer me, where did you know my name, otherwise, we will be very welcome." The witch took a step forward again, turning a black whip in her hand gently like a living thing.

   Robben hugged his head and turned around in place, thinking what he said, this **** world seemed completely messed up.

  \"Ah yes"

   Luo Ben's heart brightened, and when he turned his hand, something appeared in his palm, \"Nalan, if you are Nalan, you should...recognize this thing."

   Luo Ben’s hands are two crescent-shaped earrings. The material is not very good, but they are very finely carved. It seems that there are some patterns on them.


   The witch frowned and glanced at the things in Robben's hand, she was struck by lightning, and the whip in her hand fell to the ground...

\"You...how did you...how do you have this? Where...where did it come from? Where did it come from?" This witch was obviously shocked, and she kept walking towards Robben Robben with her eyes There are only those two pendants in it.

   A black shadow blocked the witch.

  \"Nalan, what's the matter with you?" The demon warrior gently grabbed the witch's shoulder, \"This is not like you."

  \"Fuck away" The witch pushed hard to push away the demon warrior in front of him, \"That's my mother's thing"

   The demon warrior was pushed away, his eyes were extremely surprised, \"What? The princess?"

   The witch staggered to Robben, and trembling hands picked up the two eardrops from Robben, \"This...this is mother's, you...where did you get it? Tell me."

   The excited witch stepped forward and grabbed Robben's clothes, her voice was extremely anxious, looking at Robben's eyes...

   With her head tilted, the witch's body fell straight down, and Robben reached out to support it.


   The demon warrior screamed anxiously, and his steps stopped immediately, and his companion had been picked up by the opponent.

   Robben picked up the witch who had fainted, and couldn't help but smile, \"It turns out that you are so bad and have never been seen. Fortunately, I responded in time.

  \"Let go of her one-to-one fair fight" The Demon Warrior saw Robben turned around and left, and immediately shouted.

  Roben turned around and said in a brisk tone: \"I don't have time to fight with you, I still have things to do. If you care about your companions, come here..."

  In the watchtower, Carlisle looked at Robben with a gloomy expression,\"What do you want? Grab my companion, what is your purpose now?"

The stone room that Robben chose was very bright and well ventilated.On the bed, the dying witch was lying, and the little Nalan, wrapped in Robben's blanket, was placed on another bed. Carlisle was confined in the stone room. No entry is allowed at the door. The witches at the outpost were already so scared that they all squeezed into one room and hugged them together. It took Robben a lot of effort to pull a few to help.

  \"Why do you have a gloomy face, it's not like you usually" Robben talked to Carlisle in a joking tone.

  \"Are you familiar with me?" Carlisle frowned as he watched Robben start stroking the scarred Scarlet Witch.

\"That's right, but...maybe not, even I'm very strange now..." Robben squeezed the whole body of the witch, once again confirmed the situation, and greeted the two witches behind him for help. Light up a milky halo.

   Carlisle's eyes widened instantly: \"Light healing magic?"

   The two witches behind Luo themselves were also scared and faceless, and they retreated unconsciously under their feet, and one fell directly to the ground.

  \"You are a Protoss" Carlisle's voice is already full of bitter hatred.

   A layer of milky white halo was plated on the injured witch, Robben could not help reaching out and tapping the corner of his head, \"Don't be silly, have you seen a protoss like me?"

  \"What about you?"

   Robben said humorously: \"Who told you that the demons cannot use light healing magic? Is it the devil or the black emperor?"

   Carlisle was speechless for a while, there is really no definite statement about this, but for countless years, all the demons could not use light magic, which would cause a lot of damage to themselves.

Robben held the injured knee of the witch with one hand, and suddenly the colorful magic light began to flicker. With a free hand, Robben stretched his hand to Carlisle, \"Look, if I am a Protoss, how could it be possible? Will use dark magic."

   Carlisle looked at the dark flames beating in Robben's hand, and was extremely puzzled. This is a very pure dark power...

This witch’s injury is not difficult to treat. The trauma is easy to handle. The area of ​​the shattered limbs is not too large. It is much easier to repair than to regenerate the limbs. Robben’s hand on the witch’s knee is removed. The only distorted leg that didn't look like it just now became a smooth and straight one, in addition to some blood stains.

   Carlisle was shocked.

  \"This... how did you heal, light magic, can heal our demons?"

Robben has already put his hand on the other injured leg of the witch, \"Well, it was not good at the beginning, but I thought of a lot of ways, improved many times, and it was still possible, hehe, let me just say it , There are so many absolute things in the world, isn’t it just that the effort is not enough?”

  \"Who on earth are you...?" Carlisle was full of doubts now.

   Robben looked at Carlisle and grinned: \"You can answer me, but...you have to answer a few questions first."

  \"What is it, you can ask?" Carlisle answered simply.

   looked at Nalan lying quietly on the side, Robben took a breath, \"Nalan...How old is she this year?"

  \"What?" A strange look climbed onto Carlisle's face again, \"What are you asking for?"

  \"Nothing, just want to know." Robben answered casually.

  \"This..." Carlisle seemed to hesitate, \"I don't know very clearly, but I infer that..."

  \"You can shut up..." A cold voice sounded in the stone chamber.

   Robben took his hand from the witch's leg and moved it to one of her arms, \"Ah, Nalan, you are awake"

   Xiao Nalan straightened up, and the two of them pulled away the blanket wrapped around him. At this moment, something fell out of the tightly wrapped blanket. Nalan's eyes flashed and he quickly reached out and grabbed it.

   Spread out the palms, Xiao Nalan's hands are those two eardrops.

  \"Unexpectedly, you can resist my mental attack, and you can also use it to fight back..." Xiao Nalan gently stroked the eardrop in her hand, her tone low.

\"Nalan, are you okay?" When Carlisle stood at the door, seeing Nalan getting up, he asked with concern, and then he wanted to raise his foot and walk in, but saw Robben’s gaze looking at him intentionally or unintentionally, seeing himself and Nalan compared the distance between Robben and Nalan, and Carlisle retracted his raised feet.

  Ignoring Carlisle, Nalan said again: "How did you get such a thing? My mother is in the magic palace, I...I can't see it myself"

   Looked at Nalan, whose voice was a little trembling, Robben sighed, and he felt a little bit of a spectrum in his heart.

  \"Can you tell me first, how old are you this year?" Robben insisted on asking this question.

  \"In two years, I will be an adult, why, is there any problem with this?"

   Robben nodded secretly, sure enough, it was not a question of confessing the wrong person...

  \"Carlisle, are the guards of Flame Canyon about to change? Do you want to go?"

   Carlisle was taken aback, and apparently didn’t have much preparation for Robben’s headless question: \"Flame Canyon?"

Seeing Robben's mysterious smile on his face, he had already started to treat the last arm of the witch, obviously he didn't intend to say more, so he replied: \"My duty is to be loyal to Lord Demon, and my mission Lord Lord Demon will arrange Yes, but speaking of it, one of the guards in Flame Canyon is indeed very old, and may soon be replaced."

   Robben affirmed the thoughts in his mind even more.

Nalan once mentioned to himself that he had seen Carlisle. Carlisle has been the guard of the Canyon of Flames for hundreds of years. He took over the class of an old guardian to go there. It was also from that time. The relationship with Carlisle is completely over.

  \"Ah...then can I ask another question now?" Robben smiled.

  \"As long as you tell me, where did this pair of earrings come from?" Xiao Nalan held the earrings in her hand tightly.

  \"I can tell you this now, it was given to me by your mother and asked me to pass it on to you"

   Robben’s answer made little Nalan’s eyes flashed: \"My mother..."

  \"Speaking of which, I want to inquire, Hanging City, how is it now?"



   Carlisle and Xiao Nalan both showed doubts on their faces: \"Hanging City?"

   Robben sighed, it seems... it's almost like this. This is really painful

Robben had a very limited understanding of the Demon World. After thinking about it, there were only a few things that seemed certain. He healed the other arm of the witch, Robben sighed, stepped aside from the bed, and spoke to his back. A witch who was still full of fear said: "Take good care of her, she is fine, but she was frightened and shed a lot of blood. It will take some time to recuperate."

   The two witches nodded mechanically.

   Robben walked to Xiao Nalan and poked her round cheek: "Okay, you can move around freely. The magic control in your body is just a cover, and it doesn't work."

   Nalan was startled slightly, when he raised his eyes, Robben had already walked to the door.

  \"Okay, let's stop disturbing others to rest. Let's go outside and chat."

On the grassland outside the guard tower, Boll's corpse was still there unattended, and the big head was still filled with consternation and incomprehension. He died. He didn't know who killed him... …

Stopped, Robben turned around and looked at Carlisle and Little Nalan with doubts on their faces. Robben smiled, \"You don't have to be curious about who I am, I actually... belong to King Arthur Messenger"

  \"Devil King Arthur's messenger?" Carlisle opened his mouth wide.

  \"I've seen all of Arthur's orders, none of them are named Robben, and they are all different from yours." Little Nalan said with a faint voice, but gave Robben a stick.

Robben suddenly looked embarrassed, \"Ah...this, Nalan, you have to understand that every high-ranking person has secrets that I don't want people to know, I...I'm an invisible existence, in the magic palace In China, few people know my existence."

  \"Can you prove your identity?" Xiao Nalan asked lightly.

   Robben was sweating, and after thinking about it, he still didn't show off his botched pocket trick again...

  \"Sorry, I can’t. I don’t have any identity mark on my body. This is inevitable. I am only responsible for sending messages to certain objects. Other people cannot know my existence."

   Carlisle touched his chin, his face full of suspicion: "Nalan, look at him...does it look like I usually lie?"

  \"A lie worse than you." Xiao Nalan said bluntly.

   Robben knew for the first time that Nalan was so difficult to deal with...

  \"What I said is true," Robben emphasized.

Nalan's gaze fell from Robben's face back to the earrings in his hands, \"Whether your words are true or false, but these earrings are true... You know what I look like, know my name... This is also true."

   raised his head, Nalan smiled, \"Roben, can you bring these earrings for me?"

   Carlyton jumped up exaggeratedly, \"Nalan, you are crazy, do you trust him?"

  \"Shut up" Little Nalan was not at all polite to Carlisle.

  \"I... bring it to you?" Robben was a little dazed.

  \"Hmm..." Little Nalan said, already walking towards Robben.

   Robben watched Xiao Nalan walk to his side in surprise, and put the pair of earrings in his hands.

  \"Um... OK." Robben squatted down and looked at Xiao Nalan's earlobe. You haven't brought this, and you have to pierce your ears. I don't know this. "

  \"It's okay, just bring it, it doesn't matter." Xiao Nalan chuckled lightly.

  \"Okay" Robben pinched an earring.

   Seeing Robben working hard to deal with the cumbersome button chain on the earring, Xiao Nalan asked softly: "I just saw you saving the witch."

  \"Um..." Robben hummed a bit as an answer. The cumbersomeness of the earring in his hand was beyond his imagination. I really don't understand why women use such troublesome things.


\"what why?"

  \"A witch, is it worth treating?"

\"For me, life is almost the same, as long as possible, I will not let any life pass in vain in front of me, not to mention that the witch was hurt by my involvement. What kind of eardrop is this, so difficult to get "

   Little Nalan smiled slightly, and reached out and pressed Robben's finger that was playing the earring.\"It seems that it was indeed my mother who handed the earring to you."

   Robben was slightly surprised, \"Of course it is."

Reached out and retrieved these two earrings from Robben, Xiao Nalan's fingers swayed like a lotus.\"This earring looks very ordinary, but it is actually very cumbersome to use. The witches do it every day, most of the time. It’s this kind of thing to kill time, my mother, the same..."

The bite of the   \"Ka" earring was opened by Nalan in a very short time.

   With both hands close to his earlobe, he applied a little force, the bite on the earring directly penetrated the earlobe, and a few drops of blood flowed down. Nalan gently took the earlobe and smiled, \"Does it look good?"

  Roben looked at this little Nalan, not knowing what to do for a moment, but just nodded mechanically.

  \"This kind of earrings can only be opened by the witch who uses them in the shortest time, or...the closest person around her, such as...daughter" Xiao Nalan opened another earring.

\"When these two earrings were brought, there was no blood stain. I know this clearly, the breath of mother’s blood, if you don’t have this earring, you will not open this thing at all, it must be solved by the mother herself , Not you grabbed it."

   Robben was taken aback, could it be that he was testing himself.

Xiao Nalan took another earring with him, and she looked very happy.\"This pair of earrings is something that my mother likes. They will not be taken off during bathing or sleeping. Mother said, this is the mother’s mother’s. thing……"

   Looking at the sadness and joy in Xiao Nalan's eyes, Robben felt uncomfortable. The origin of the pair of earrings has to be talked about since the time he went to see the Black Emperor. The Black Emperor agreed to his condition, and he delivered the gifts brought back by the witches to the hands of the witches' relatives. At the same time, he also received many gifts from the witches' relatives.

   These earrings are Nalan’s mother, which is one of the gifts that Princess Arthur hopes to bring to Nalan.

However, Nalan didn't want the pair of earrings, but left it for her own custody.Nalan said that these pair of earrings represented her mother's hope that she could find a stable place to live, and she had come to the 6th year to prepare for the witch Nalan, who was doing something, flatly did not accept this thing.

   Now, this little Nalan, almost in tears, took the pair of earrings.

Looking at the small figure in front of him, Robben seemed to see the helpless witch hundreds of years ago. Nalan is indeed the top figure among witches, but... how much did Nalan pay for this, Luo This can't imagine.

   This strong and sad witch...

  \"Very beautiful...just like your mother"

   Xiao Nalan's eyes were a little wet, she bit her lip and nodded lightly.

   Robben stretched out his hand and rubbed Nalan’s head, \"Cry, no one laughs."

With a sound of   \"Wow", Xiao Nalan stepped forward suddenly, hugging Robben and crying loudly. Carlisle, standing not far away, couldn't believe it.

   Lightly patted Little Nalan on the back, Robben's heart was a little messy, this young heart is far from being as hard as the Nalan he knew...

  Roben was wondering if he should think of some way to comfort this little Nalan, his eyes couldn't help but condensed, the horizon...the tumbling gray rushed over again.

Little Nalan was crying sadly. Robben knew that it was not the time to talk about other things, but the scene was too weird. He glanced at Carlisle next to him. Robben was a bit strange. Carlisle seemed to be used to that day. Gray didn't notice it at all.

   Can't see? Luo Ben was very puzzled, the gray color was as conspicuous as blood stains, and quickly swallowed all the colors between the sky and the earth.

   Soon, the gray that covers the entire sky has swallowed the world, leaving only a small area around the tower. Robben felt that something was wrong...

   Neither Nalan, who was crying in his arms, nor Carlisle standing there, didn't seem to realize that the world was changing strangely [天珠变].

  \"Nalan, Nalan?" Robben shook Nalan's petite body gently.

   Xiao Nalan stopped crying, raised his head and looked at Robben, immediately raised his hand and wiped the tears from his face, and gathered a water ball over and washed his face flying.

   Carlisle is on the side, still looking helpless, everything... is very normal.

  \"Nalan, don't you think that there is some...uh..." Robben felt that he really didn't need to say more, the difference between the two worlds was simply huge.

  \"What's wrong with Robben?" Little Nalan looked at Robben strangely.

\"Uh...I just said, the clouds in the sky over there are so bright" Robben said, pointing his finger at a cloud of light in the sky. The cloud of light has been stained with gray, but this time it is not. It was completely frozen in the sky like a block of colored oil, it seemed that it was still faintly squirming.

   Xiao Nalan raised his head questioningly, \"Is there anything weird about that light cloud? It is perfectly correct to be brighter."

   Robben swallowed his saliva, that piece of light cloud was already a lead gray, Xiao Nalan actually said it was shiny.

   Suddenly Robben had another guess, could it be... only he can see this light and dark change [天珠变]?

   The colors are disappearing eagerly, the world has plunged into a dark gray, Robben's eyes widened, and the gray has already climbed onto Carlisle's unaware face.

  \"Nalan, come here"

   Robben's body shook, Carlisle's voice actually changed

Mechanical, monotonous, without a trace of emotion, Carlisle's original voice filled with rogues and escaping smells disappeared cleanly... Raised his hand and beckoned here, and then put it down again, his movements were extremely stiff, even his arms did not show much Turn back.

  \"I will explain to him"

   There was no abnormality at all, the little Nalan, who had cleaned her face, smiled gently at Robben, and took a step back...

  Roben slammed his heart, \"Wait" quickly stretched out his hand, Robben grabbed Nalan's hand. That gray has come to my side...

  \"What's the matter?" Xiao Nalan turned around and looked at Robben very suspiciously.

   Robben opened his mouth several times, but there was no sound.

  \"Roben?" Xiao Nalan asked again.

  \"No...nothing." Robben let go.

  Nalan looked at Robben strangely, then turned and walked towards Carlisle.

Robben brows straight, watching the dark gray color smear Xiao Nalan's body.In an instant, this petite body's movements become stiff and unnatural, his body swayed, and he was expressionless when he walked over there. Carlisle.

   In this world, only a touch of color is left of myself...

   Burroben quickly denied this idea, because not far behind him, there is a colorful place, there, Boll's body...

   Robben came to Boll's corpse in a daze, and looked at Boll, who had lost his head, with an indescribable depression in his heart.

  \"Nalan, you just believe him like that, do you know who he is?" There, Carlisle's voice came over, mechanically and stiffly, as if it came from a poor-quality pronunciation machine.

  \"I don't know who he is..." Little Nalan's voice was mechanically stiff like Carlisle.

  \"Then how can you trust him" Carlisle didn't care about Robben at all and listened.

  \"I just believe in my mother"

  \"He may have deceived your mother's trust and asked her to untie these two eardrops by herself"

\"That's impossible"

\"how do you know?"

\"I just know it"

  \"Nalan, be reasonable," Carlisle seemed to be angry, but Robben couldn't hear the slightest emotion in the conversation between the two.

  \"I am sane"

   The two people are arguing, and Robben, the focus of the argument, feels cold in his heart.

  Everything is illusory, everything is fake...

  In this world, only myself...is real?

   Robben stared at Boll's corpse on the ground in a daze. The blood had solidified and the corpse had been cold. The light near Boll's corpse was gradually disappearing and disappearing...

   Finally, in this world, only Robben is left...

   At a loss, Robben flipped Boll's body. On the ground behind him, there was a pool of blood, and there was no glimmer of hiding in hiding that he expected to see.

  \"Roben, what are you doing?"

   Robben was taken aback, turned his head, but didn't know when Xiao Nalan had already stood behind him, looking at him suspiciously, his expression was so vivid and his voice was so beautiful.

   Robben saw that Xiao Nalan was standing in the small piece of light around him...

  \"Ah no, it's nothing, I just wanted to bury him." Robben stood up and took a step outward calmly.

Xiao Nalan stood in the gray world again.In an instant, the brilliance on her body disappeared, and she was coated with a layer of stiff gray, and the expression on her face disappeared clean, and the light in her eyes seemed to be swallowed by the gray. Just stand there, like a wax statue.

   Robben's heart was twitching.

  Everything is false


   Robben even listened to Xiao Nalan's mechanical voice in fear.

  \"Um...buried, he...a worthy soldier." Robben waved his palm, and the earth around him blew up Da Peng's soil, and a simple tomb was immediately built.

  \"Also, he is the object of my trial. His death is very important to me. Buried him is a commemoration."

Little Nalan held Boll's head in one hand, and dragged Boll's tall body on the ground with the other hand, and came to the tomb next to Robben. The moment he passed by Robben, Robben closed his eyes. Robben really didn't want to I saw the real expression of this little Nalan again, and then all disappeared...

   Throw all Boll's body into the tomb, Xiao Nalan filled the tomb with mud, and then stepped on the soil bag, \"Thank you, you are dead, I will be qualified"

   Robben has been on the side without any help. Robben’s heart is a little confused. In this world, the falsehood is so real, and the truth is so false...


   Luoben came back to his senses and saw Xiao Nalan's faint smile in front of him, he couldn't help taking a breath, and immediately wanted to step back, but Xiao Nalan had already stretched out his hand and grabbed his shirt.

  \"Roben my trial is over, I will have a short free time, you...can you take me to see my mother?"

Robben's heart was tossing up and down, and he took a few steps back quickly. Xiao Nalan looked a little surprised, still holding Robbendu's lap in her hand, Robben strode back, she could not help but stagger a few times and almost fell. inverted.

  \"Roben, what happened to you...?"

   Robben panted slightly, looking at little Nalan, who was a little helpless and suspicious, pulling his clothes, sweat dripped from his forehead.

  \"Let’s see you... okay?" The soft pleading sounded like thunder in Robben’s ears.

  \"Nalan, this is not allowed, it is a capital crime." Robben's heart softened just now was suddenly broken by Carlisle's rigid and mechanical voice.

  \"No way" Robben directly refused.

   Xiao Nalan's face stiffened slightly, her expression dimmed, but she immediately raised her head, her expression excited.

  \"Don't say it." Robben snorted and pushed Nalan out. Suddenly, his excited face stiffened in the dark gray.

  \"Roben, what's wrong with you?"

  \"Enough is enough, don't talk anymore" Robben shouted.

   The world fell into silence, and only Robben's heavy gasps were left. Both Nalan and Carlisle looked here, and there was no sound.

Robben drew his neckline to make his breathing a little smoother, and said in a rough voice: "The thing is in your hands, that's it, you don't need to know who I am, now I am leaving here, please do it yourself "

   After finishing speaking, Robben turned his head and walked straight to the guard tower. Robben still needs a map now, at least... that is a real dead thing.

  \"I just want to see my mother, just one side, far away, take a look..."

  Roben was about to walk into the first gate of the sentry tower, but he felt that his feet were as heavy as lead poured, the mechanical sound was so harsh, but it made him so uneasy...

  \"Roben, please..."

   Huo Ran turned around. The blue veins on Robben's forehead burst out, his eyes fixed on the little Nalan who was standing not far away, his face was stiff, his body did not move, and there was no chest breathing ups and downs, wax-like little Nalan...

   Reality and illusion overlap, Robben can't recognize it for a while~www.readwn.com~ dispel this idea, you will be put to death" Robben finished speaking, and walked into the tower without looking back.

   All the way up, Robben walked swiftly, everything in the guard tower was already frozen, and the witches were like moving dolls, like false lives.

   glanced at the witch who was resting in a tower on the first floor, the witch who had just been saved by himself, Robben never wanted to look at it again, turned his head and walked straight up.

On the top floor, Robben finally found what he was looking for, a map with the names of the terrain and regions in the vicinity on it in detail, he slammed this map into his arms, and Robben turned and walked directly. Go down the stairs.

   At the bottom of the post, Robben looked at Xiao Nalan who was slowly walking over, and said in a cold voice: \"Don't think about this, practice magic well, and you will have your wish fulfilled one day."

   Robben strode past the young Nalan San.

   The skirt was tight, Robben turned his head in amazement, Xiao Nalan was smiling at himself happily, and gently pulled the corner of his clothes with one hand: "Roben, you really didn't leave on it alone, let's go"

(www.. Lang Lang Book)

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