God Prohibitions

Chapter 683: Various stars

The 683th chapter stars

   Robben's mind was a little confused, and it was only around this day, but his life made Robben's mind full of doubts.

Now, Robben, Little Nalan and Carlisle are flying with the two violent beasts in the post. It is said that they are flying to the temporary stronghold of Little Nalan and Carlisle here. The Eastern Territory...Yes, there are two wild beasts.

  \"Roben, what are you thinking?"

   Luo Ben was frowning slightly, looking at the gloomy and gloomy world around him without saying a word, Xiao Nalan's head popped out from behind Robben.

   Turning around, Robben looked at Xiao Nalan, not knowing what he should say or do now.

   The wild wind beast has a wide back. There is no problem with two people sitting down. The problem is that Nalan did not ride a wild wind beast with Carlisle as her companion, but jumped on Robben's.

In this small area around him, the vivid colors are flowing, Xiao Nalan stared at herself with dark eyes, twelve or thirteen years old, with a pair of small corners on the top of her head, very cute .

  \"Nothing." Robben replied.

   Little Nalan blinked, \"Um...Don't tell me, do you want to eat something?" Then, Little Nalan stretched out her little hand.

  Roben saw that Little Nalan had some nuts in his hands. It seemed that Little Nalan had been peeling this kind of nuts after climbing on the violent wind beast.

   shook his head gently, Robben replied: \"No, I'm not hungry."

  \"We have been flying for a day. You haven't eaten anything, or even drank a drop of water." Xiao Nalan insisted on stretching out her hands, eyes full of strangeness.

Robben smiled bitterly in his heart. As this little Nalan said, he hasn't eaten or drunk water for more than a day, but he is neither hungry nor thirsty, and he doesn't even feel normal fatigue. There is no sleepiness at all.

   Looking at Xiao Nalan, he passed the nut man like himself in his hand, Robben had to reach out and grab a few, \"Thank you..."

   Xiao Nalan raised her eyebrows, smiled very cutely, put the remaining nuts in her hand in front of Robben, picked up one of them and threw it into her mouth, chewing slowly.

   The nuts are hard and sweet, not delicious, but they are not bad.

   Robben ate one, and gently put the others down. Robben is really not in the mood now, and he feels that he does not need to eat.

\"Huh? Don’t you eat it? Isn’t it awful? But the best thing we have now is this. If you eat some of this thing, you will not be hungry for a long time." Seeing that Robben only ate one, he stopped. Down, Little Nalan was rather strange.

   Robben smiled lightly, \"I'm just not hungry, I will eat when I am hungry."

   looked at Robben with a little suspicion, Xiao Nalan said, "Oh", and began to eat seriously.

  The wind blows the satin-like jet black head, big eyes, white and cute face, breathing, movement, chewing the hard nuts so meticulously, and even occasionally move the eyebrows, it seems to be the teeth...

   With a silent sigh in his heart, Robben moved his gaze downwards and landed on the violent wind beast he was riding on. His gray body, barely moving limbs, mechanical, slowly flashing wings...

  Why does this violent wind beast look like this, but Little Nalan...

  \"Huh? Robben, what are you staring at me for?" Little Nalan suddenly raised his head, and saw that Robben seemed to be staring at him.

  \"Do you like it? I'm sorry, I will be an adult soon, it won't look like this anymore." Xiao Nalan chewed the nuts in his mouth hard, with a serious expression on her face.

   Robben almost choked on Xiao Nalan’s words, and quickly coughed a few times, \"This... of course not"

  \"Does Robben like beautiful women? Hey, I will be an adult soon and will become a beautiful woman" Xiao Nalan smiled happily.

   Robben feels weak...

  \"Nalan, can I... ask you some questions?"

\"Huh? Robben, please ask" Xiao Nalan swallowed the food in his mouth, patted the residue on his hands, pushed the rest of the nuts towards Robben, and made it straight. Assistant listening posture.

  \"Do you... trust me that way?"

  \"Huh?" Little Nalan's face was a little puzzled, \"What did you say Robben?"

  \"I mean, I'm... not some messenger of Demon King Arthur."

  \"Well, I know" Xiao Nalan nodded immediately.

\"you know?"

\"Of course I know that the orders of Arthur's Demon's Palace make me know what it looks like, including their magic and vindictiveness. I know them all, and there has never been any special order in the Devildom. For important matters, the demon kings will find important people to deal with them on their own, and their degree can be much faster than some emissaries."

   Robben was slightly embarrassed.

  \"That...I am not an unidentified character to you?"

  \"I know your name is Robben"

   Robben smiled,\"This is just a name, and it may be fake."

\"But, this one won't be fake..." Raising her hand, Xiao Nalan gently stroked her pair of earrings, \"I saw this pair of earrings every day when I was very young Now, although my mother gave me how to disassemble this earring, she rarely showed it to me, saying that it was to be given to me when I was married, but...I was already a soldier soon. Before he could meet his mother, he was hurriedly taken to other places..."

  \"So see your mother now?"

Xiao Nalan nodded deeply, \"Well, I...I just want to see how my mother is now, if possible, also... let her see how I look like, maybe..." Xiao Nalan’s There was a little dodge in his eyes, \"Maybe I am now different from before, I don't know, can my mother recognize me..."

  \"Ah" Little Nalan whispered, her head was held down by a big hand.

   Robben rubbed Nalan’s head.\"Don’t worry, as a mother, no matter how long it takes, you will know your daughter, sure."

Xiao Nalan's face was blushing, and she seemed a little excited.\"I think so too, I...I often dream of my mother's appearance. Over the years, she is still that way, still so beautiful and so kind... …"

   Looking at the little Nalan who was a little excited, at the gray world outside, and at the completely gray Carlisle leading the way, Robben's heart moved slightly.

   A thin stream of spirit oozes from the palm of his hand and enters Xiao Nalan's body.

   Then... Robben was surprised, Xiao Nalan... is a living person

   Fur meat, bones and internal organs, and even the spiritual world... a completely living person, completely different from the empty-shell hurricane beast I am riding now

  \"Luo...Roben, are you okay? So, I...I'm very embarrassed." Xiao Nalan's face flushed, and she twisted her fingers nervously.

   Robben was taken aback, only to realize that at the moment he was surprised, he had not concealed the infiltrating mental flow, and Xiao Nalan had already discovered that he was exploring her body.

   This is just a little unclear...

Using mental energy to comb the body of the little girl carefully, and then ran to peek into the heart of the other person...Roben felt countless beads of sweat coming out of his forehead, and quickly took it away and placed it on Xiao Nalan's head. Hands.

   After a slight breath, Xiao Nalan whispered: \"Roben... you really like it."

  \"No" is almost a roar of jumping up...

   Robben, who was stared at by Xiao Nalan's innocent and curious gaze, wanted to find a seam and drilled in. He simply turned his back and closed his eyes to calm himself.


   Robben felt that Nalan was lying on his shoulders from behind, and a little girl's somewhat sweet breath passed over.

   shrugged, but Xiao Nalan stubbornly lay on his shoulders, Robben asked in a muffled voice: "What's the matter?"

  \"Um...it's okay" Xiao Nalan replied with a smile.

   Luo Ben couldn't help but snorted, then closed his eyes and rested, not planning to see the little girl.

  Nalan climbed down from his shoulders, Robben felt a lot more relaxed, but...After a round, Xiao Nalan walked around in front of him and sat there, seeming to look up and down carefully.

   After a long time, I am still looking at...

   Robben can't sit still.

   opened his eyes, Robben said impatiently: \"What are you looking at?"

  \"Roben, you are so weird?" Little Nalan tilted her head, as if very confused.

   Strange? Robben was already awe-inspiring, and he almost raised his hand to touch the horns on his head. His current appearance has changed, and he can't even find a trace of flaws. Could this little Nalan see anything? inappropriate……

  \"Strange...Where is it strange?"

   Xiao Nalan looked at Robben carefully, her thin eyebrows wrinkled deeper and deeper, and moved forward, staring at Robben carefully, shaking her head without saying anything.

   Robben was seen like a thorn behind his back: \"You are talking, I...Is there something wrong?"

   Xiao Nalan raised his head, suddenly raised his hand, pointed to Robben and said: "Roben, you shouldn't have grown like this"


   Robben was taken aback again: \"What is meant by...should not grow like this"

   Xiao Nalan lowered his head and whispered softly: \"The name is correct, the behavior is correct, even the tone of speech is correct, and...the temperament is not bad at all, just...the face is wrong"

  \"Nalan, what are you talking about? Hey? What are you doing, it hurts to let go"

   Xiao Nalan suddenly raised his head, rushed forward, grabbed Robben's face, and pulled it up.

  \"Why? No change [Dzi Bead]?" Little Nalan looked at Robben's blushing face that had been pulled by him very suspiciously.

   Robben grabbed Nalan’s two small hands, held back his anger, and said in a deep voice, "Do you have any different opinions on my appearance?"

   Xiao Nalan looked at Robben's face in a daze: \ "It turns out... Robben really looks like this."

   Suddenly, Xiao Nalan showed a bright smile, \"What I said, how can Robben look that dumb or look good?"

  \"Nalan, what are you talking about?" Robben was extremely puzzled.

   stepped back a bit, Xiao Nalan happily took out a blank piece of parchment from her clothes, then took out a pen, shook it a few times randomly, and the nib was stained with jet black ink.

  \"Roben, didn't you ask me, why do you believe you?" Little Nalan leaned down and began to draw a picture. "


  \"I saw you before"

   Little Nalan's words surprised Robben: \"Have you seen me, where?"


  \"What? This... answer seriously."

Little Nalan shook her head, "Well, I'm serious, Robben, I really met you, I often dream of my mother, and then a man I don't know will appear, he said his name is Robben He is a very good person, and his mother also said that he is very trustworthy."

   Robben was surprised and speechless.

\"Well... it sounds weird, but it is so, so I knew that when you were at that post, you went up to get the map, you would not leave directly, you would definitely walk down the stairs, although You can't tell me to see my mother, but...you will definitely not have the heart to leave me alone. You should also worry about whether I will run back to see my mother on the spur of the moment and be punished for this. Dream Inside, Robben is such a strange person. Sometimes he speaks a little harshly, but... he treats me very well, like... father."

   Robben almost choked on his saliva again...

  \"Uh, I'm done drawing" Xiao Nalan stood up very happily and put the pen away, \"Look at Robben, this is what you dreamed of."

   Robben looked at the painting in Xiao Nalan's hand in disbelief, but he hadn't seen it clearly yet, Xiao Nalan had put the painting down again.

\"Well...it's not right, it's not like this" With a wave of his hand, the pen appeared in Xiao Nalan's hand again, and he flew it on the paper a few times. Xiao Nalan put away the pen and put it very happy The painting was handed over to Robben, \"Well... this time it's right"

   Looking at the painting in his hand, Robben was stunned...

   In the painting, it is a young man with an easy-going face and gentle eyes. Although the painting is a bit rough, the eyebrows are quite expressive...

   This is me, Bai He looks like I almost forget...

   The head of this simple portrait has two long horns like the demon, but it has been erased by Xiao Nalan with a pen tick, it seems to be the last change...

  \"How about Robben? Isn’t it weird, how do I think, it seems that Robben in the dream should have no horns... But... Haha strange dream?"

What exactly is going on? How can one's previous life, or the appearance of the previous life, appear here? Is there any connection between this place and one's original world? But... why does this connection appear in Nalan's dream?

  \"Roben, what's wrong with you?"

   Robben immediately returned to his senses, seeing Xiao Nalan putting a pair of small hands in front of his eyes, his expression was quite concerned.

  \"No...nothing? It's just this painting...well, Nalan, you really saw this Baihe in your dream, don't you see this Robben?"

  \"White Ho?" Xiao Nalan caught Robben's vague words very keenly.

  \"Ah~~, I mean, you saw me in your dream, that is to say... you saw me like this?" Robben quickly changed the subject.

   Little Nalan frowned slightly, her cute face showing a bit of thinking, \"Speaking of which, Robben seems to have told him that he... is also called Bai He."

   Robben felt very confused...

  \"Roben? Why are you stupid again?" Little Nalan was very strange.

  \"Ah...nothing is nothing, ahaha...Why are your strongholds so far away, when will you return?"

   Xiao Nalan looked at Robben and smiled happily, \"Roben in the dream is also like this, often looks silly, very funny, hahaha"

With her hands folded on her chest, Xiao Nalan's face showed a bit of piety, "I didn't expect that the person in the dream would really appear, does that mean that the dream can really be realized? I often dream of my mother. ... Robben, you said... I can definitely see my mother, right?"

   is really a simple idea...

   Looking at the coloring of expectation on Xiao Nalan’s face, Robben only nodded and said with a smile: "It will definitely be, even if you don’t see it in a short time, you will definitely see it in the future.

   Little Nalan jumped up happily, stepped forward and hugged Robben’s neck, pursed her rosy lips and kissed Robben’s cheek sweetly, \"I knew you would say so"

   Robben smiled helplessly, \"Then...what else did Robben in the dream say to you?"

   Little Nalan blinked,\"He said...he likes it."

  \"How is it possible?" Robben jumped violently on his head

   Xiao Nalan giggled over her waist...

   The hiding place of Carlisle and Little Nalan is quite far away from the outpost guarded by Alonfonso and Boll, and the hurricane beast finally flew here for nearly two days.

There is an endless grassland around. The weeds are very tall, much higher than the grass that has just reached the knee near the post. The average height is up to the waist, and there are many places where the grass is even much higher than people. ...

   The hiding place was unexpectedly in a piece of grass that only reached his waist.

\"The wind on the grassland is very strong. When the wind blows, the tall grass bends more, while the slightly shorter grass bends less. In fact, most of the time, the height of the two is the same. , But the tall grass will be inspected more closely by the guards, so it is safer here."

   The height is about the same height as the grass on the prairie. Little Nalan, who can only show half of his head, saw that Robben was a little confused, and explained with a smile.

   Carlisle removed a piece of turf, and an underground entrance was exposed on the grassland.

  \"Come down, let's clean up, and we will leave after a short break." Carlisle said this mechanically and went on first.

  \"Ah, I can finally take a break, Robben, don't be stunned, let's go" Little Nalan took Robben's hand very happily and walked towards the entrance.

\"The two violent wind beasts, is it okay to put them there?” Robben looked at the two violent wind beasts crawling on the ground not far away, even if they were placed in the highest grass. Can't hide the huge figure.

\"Don’t worry about them, we will only stay here for one day. The guards of this grassland have been killed by us. Didn’t you say that Alonfonso was also killed by you? Then in a short time, here No one from Big Demon will come, don’t worry."

   Robben walked into this hiding place with Xiao Nalan.

This hiding place seems to be not small in size or very deep. There are still traces of hacking in the surrounding soil. It seems to be Carlisle's credit. Although it is underground, he doesn't feel depressed. Robben sees how much There is a small magic circle running at a vent. It may be that the wind magic is continuously inputting fresh air. Under the magic light, it looks as bright as a sunny day.

   There is some food here, and the three of them ate some. Carlisle and Xiao Nalan quickly packed up everything here, it seems that they are ready to eliminate the traces and leave directly.

The hiding place is divided into two halves, half used by Carlisle and half used by Nalan, but now there is one more person. Nalan wanted Robben to sleep on his side, but in the end Carlisle dragged Robben to his side... …

Speaking of getting up, just spread a thin straw mat on the ground.Roben thought for a while, and the wind magic used to get out of the hiding place collected some dry weed leaves on a huge area, and entangled them with wind. At the same time, three thick straw mats were woven and taken back.

   Xiao Nalan accepted it very happily, and said that Robben is really amazing, Carlisle wind magic is just as low-level as a dragon-eater...

   Carlisle also accepted it, but he didn't speak. Robben felt that Carlisle was now hostile towards him. If it weren't for Little Nalan's repeated insistence, Carlisle would never agree to go with them.

   Take a break, and then leave here immediately.

   Maybe it was too tired. Not long after he lay down, Robben heard Carlisle snoring slightly.

   Robben didn’t feel sleepy, because he didn’t feel tired at all...

   This world seems to be completely false. Everything in the gray and solidified world reminds Robben of this, and Hui Hei Di once said such things, but... how does Xiao Nalan explain?

Robben clearly felt that Xiao Nalan was a living person, or a living demon, but whether it was a human, a demon or anything else, Xiao Nalan was truly real. Exists, but...

   This world is false...

   Robben has a headache...

   In a trance, Luo Ben's heart moved. The Black Emperor once said to himself, those special people...

   took out the gem that the black emperor wanted to keep carefully, but Robben was a little disappointed. This gem didn't react in the slightest, not even the sparkle before he met Alonfonso.

  What the **** do I do?

   Robben is now starting to curse the Black Emperor. This angry little kid doesn't want to say anything to himself, and then he has to run into this strange world by himself to do things for him...

   Raising his head, Robben stared at the grass roots sticking out of the roof of the hiding place.

   Robben understands that he should, indeed he has crossed again...

   This should be the Demon Realm, but it is not the Demon Realm. It seems that there is some power dominating the world, the gray that is surging around is extremely strange, and... It seems that except for themselves, Nalan and Carlisle are not paying much attention to this.

   The general situation of this world should be similar to that of the Demon World, but the time is a bit wrong.

Nalan is still not an adult, and Carlisle is not the guard of the Canyon of Flames. The two are still working together to perform some tasks, and in the Hanging City...Well, I know from Nalan and Carlisle that there is nothing left in the air. city……

The name    Hangkong City was still officially named after he settled there. Sauron lived there before, but the empty stone group of floating stones has no fixed and widely recognized name.

If you guess right, here...it should be the Demon Realm hundreds of years ago. As for the specific time, Robben couldn’t infer how long Carlisle had been a guard. Robben didn’t ask about Nalan’s age at that time... Women, how can you chase after asking age.

But fortunately, Nalan did not participate in the war between humans and demons a thousand years ago, which means that Nalan's age is less than a thousand years old, and all signs show that Nalan is actually very young. Of course, it is a relative demon. For the long life of the clan, it should be... three to four hundred years old, or four to five hundred years old, or five to six hundred years old...

  Roben could not help sighing, this ambiguity, two or three hundred years have passed...

   I really don’t know, if I stay here long enough, will there be another Robben here...

  Hei Di said that he must act carefully and be careful of those special people. After avoiding them, he will be safe. But what are special people and where are these special people? I don't know everything...

   This gem is said to guide myself to find the person I am looking for, but it seems that it has not changed much [天珠变]......

   There is no way to explain the vivid life of Xiao Nalan, and that strange dream, it would be like when he was still in vain, this is simply impossible...

   Everything is a mess.

  \"Hey Robben, why are you still not sleeping?"

   Robben rolled over irritably, but found that Xiao Nalan was not asleep either. He was propped up from the straw mat and looked at himself stiffly.

  \"Now sleep." Robben rolled over again.

   A light treading sound came to his back, Robben felt a pair of small hands grab his sleeves: \"Roben..."

   Robben turned around helplessly, \"What are you doing? We are going to sleep now, we are leaving soon."

   Xiao Nalan didn't seem to hear Robben's words, narrowed his eyes, and whispered: \"Roben, you told me that you can see stars when you sleep, is it true?"


  \"I never said, hey, don't pull me"

The ground secret door of   's hiding place was opened, Xiao Nalan excitedly took Robben's hand and ran out.

  \"Where are the stars?" Xiao Nalan looked at the sky in surprise.

  Roben saw only the light clouds that looked like solidified oil in the sky.

  \"How can there be stars in the demon world? Only when you are 6 years old, you can see the stars at night, and you must find places where the light is not particularly strong. Like some big cities, you can't see the stars at night."

  \"Big 6?" Little Nalan tilted his head in confusion.

  \"Well, big 6, don’t you want to go to big 6?"

  \"Big 6, is it somewhere in the demon world?" Little Nalan asked in a low voice.

  \"Hehe, big 6 is of course not somewhere in the demon world, big 6 is big 6, don't say you have never heard of big 6." Robben felt very funny.

   Xiao Nalan scratched his head questioningly,\"But...I really haven't heard of it."

  Roben couldn't help but the expression on his face became stiff, Xiao Nalan's expression was very serious, it didn't seem to be a joke at all.

  Slowly, Robben squatted down, looked at Xiao Nalan's eyes, and asked seriously: \"Nalan, this is the devil, right?"

  \"Yes" Little Nalan nodded.

  \"Then...Do you know the God Realm?"

  \"Of course" Xiao Nalan frowned immediately, \"The God Realm is the place where the Protoss live. They have been our enemies for generations, and we must destroy them."

  Roben was slightly puzzled, \"Since I know about the Protoss and the God Realm, but Big 6...Ah, right, humans know it"

  \"I know, they are the hateful races that please the Protoss and have no power."

  \"Ah...Where do humans live?"

  \"In the realm of the gods" Little Nalan seemed very strange about Robben's problem.

   Robben was stunned, humans... when did they go to the gods?

\"Speaking of which, Robben in the dream looks very similar to human beings, but... Robben is different, hehe, and it turns out that Robben looks like this." Nalan looked very happy. With Robben.

   There is no big 6... Human beings in the God Realm?

   Robben gulped: "Then do you know the Canyon of Flames?"

  \"Of course you know, Robben, why do you always ask strange questions? Flame Canyon is a very important place for us."

   Robben immediately asked: "Is there a huge space teleportation array in the Canyon of Flames?"

   Xiao Nalan's face showed a look of astonishment, \"What are you talking about Robben? There is our important altar."

   Altar Robben's heart trembled.

  \"Then this altar also has a teleportation function?" Robben suddenly had this idea in his mind.

   Little Nalan giggled.\"Roben, you are stupid again. How could there be a teleportation function in such an important place as the altar? Wouldn’t it be troublesome if the enemy all broke in through there?"

   Robben stood blankly on the spot.

There is no such large teleportation array in Flame Canyon, that is to say, there is no channel leading to the big six. Robben doesn't know where there is such a large teleportation array in the Demon Realm, but there will definitely be, and there are many, but I am afraid , This is the result already.

   There is no concept of a big 6 in this demon world...

  \"Nalan, then tell me, you, oh not our demons and protoss, why are we fighting?"

Xiao Nalan frowned, and forced him to look at Robben carefully, and said: \"Roben, did you not eat or drink water, did not rest well, and felt a little uncomfortable, why are you always Ask these strange questions?"

   Robben looked straight, \"Nalan, answer me, this is very important to me"

Xiao Nalan’s face was full of doubts, but she still said: "For reasons, we have been fighting with the Protoss for a long time. They killed our people, and I also killed their people. It seems... there is no reason. If we don’t kill them, they will kill us."

   Such a rough explanation... Robben felt the weirdness of this world more and more.

  \"Roben, are you... ill? His face is so ugly." Xiao Nalan stretched out a small hand and pressed Robben's forehead with a look of concern.

   Robben smiled and took off Xiao Nalan’s hand.\"It’s okay, but I prefer to ask questions."

   Xiao Nalan tilted his head left and right to look at Robben, and shook his head helplessly: \"Forget it, Robben is so strange anyway, there is nothing strange about it."

   Looking back, Little Nalan’s voice was full of excitement: \"Roben, will the stars come out? What do they look like? Is it really that good-looking to you?"

   Robben raised his head helplessly: \"The Devil...There will be no stars."

\"Why not?" Xiao Nalan turned her head, a little unwilling, \"You clearly told me that if you secretly get up while sleeping, you will see many bright things in the sky, that scene is more than any Everything must be beautiful."

   I never said... Robben smiled bitterly in his heart.

  \"Since I said it, you must have tried it too. You can't see it, can you?"

   Xiao Nalan looked up at the sky and muttered: "I...this is the first time I ran out while sleeping."

\"the first time?"

\"It used to be training, training again, then eating, sleeping, training again..." Xiao Nalan turned around and smiled happily, \"If you run out when you dare to sleep, you will be severely punished , Maybe there will be no food to eat, when the time comes to train, there will be no energy, and you may be punished again, and then you will be finished..."

  The tender voice that is only twelve or thirteen years old makes people feel pity...

\"This time I came out to perform a special mission, which is my trial. Carlisle and I have already walked a long circle in the devil world and completed many things. This is the last mission. Kill the outpost. Boll Sentinel, even if my mission is successfully completed, I can go back to accept promotion. Hey Robben, I have become an official witch warrior before I reach adulthood. Isn't it amazing?"

   Xiao Nalan held hands on hips, raised her chest, and her face was full of triumph.

  \"Well, you are a genius, you will become the most watched witch in the devil world"

  \"Um...this is not unimaginable, haha" Little Nalan touched his head and smiled embarrassingly, \"but..."

  \"Roben, why are there no stars in the Demon World?" Xiao Nalan seemed to be very persistent on this question.

   Robben can’t answer...

  \"I was very cautious when performing the mission, and did not dare to make any mistakes. Now that the mission is completed, I dare to run out to see the stars, Robben, how can you tell me now that there are no stars in the Demon World, you clearly said there will be?

   Robben was grabbed by the skirt of Nalan, shaking back and forth.

  \"Well, then...I will show you, and I will come back to rest later, you know?"

  \"Ah really? Where is it? Where are we going to see? Huh? Robben, what are you doing?"

   Xiao Nalan saw that a purple light emerged from Robben's hand, slowly drawing the magic circle in the air.

\"Roben, you are so amazing. I have never seen such a complicated magic array." Xiao Nalan watched Robben arbitrarily sketch in mid-air. After a while, a magic array with very complicated patterns and lines Has appeared in front of him.

  \"But, what are the runes that are recorded in the blockbuster here? Why... there are still pieces, is this magic pattern too thick, and..."

  Roben knocked on Xiao Nalan's head impatiently, \"Okay, there are so many questions...I have used this magic circle once, and I am not very familiar with it, so...it is reasonable to use it."

\"Go...Go on the spot?" Xiao Nalan stood still on the spot. It was the first time that he heard that when drawing the magic circle, it can still be painted. The magic circle is very precise, almost impossible. , Don't talk about Gouma...

  \"That, Robben...Although I don't know what the magic circle is, but... we can draw a new one. If this is a hook and wipe... I think this magic circle doesn't seem to be very complicated."

  \"Well, it's done." Robben took a step back and looked at the magic circle he had drawn except for Gomo. He nodded in satisfaction, \"Yes, it's him."

   Xiao Nalan’s worries are clearly written on her face, \"This... is it done?"

  \"Well, okay, now close your eyes"


  \"Hmm, hurry up"

  \"Oh..." With anxiety, Xiao Nalan closed his eyes.

   Robben saw that Nalan closed his eyes, and lightly tapped the magic circle that stopped in the air.

   The magic circle is rippling like water waves...

  \"Alright, open your eyes?"

   Xiao Nalan had doubts on her face, and opened her eyes. It was clear that there was no special feeling just now, that magic circle...


   exclaimed, Xiao Nalan stayed in place completely.

  \"This...this is...what is this?"

   Robben looked up at the sky like Little Nalan, \"This...is the starry sky."

   Xiao Nalan opened her mouth wide in astonishment, her eyes rounded.

   On the grassland where the night breeze blows, there are long grasses grazing together, and quiet insect sounds one after another. In the deep night, it seems that there are dots of light looming in the night.

   The sky ran across the ink-like night, and countless stars filled the Tianhe, like a bright dream.

  \"Lord Demon God is up, Lord Demon God is up, this...this..." Xiao Nalan's eyes were full of starlight, and she couldn't help herself.

\"Roben and Robben...is this the stars? Isn't it?" Little Nalan pulled Robben's sleeves hard, and quickly asked~www.readwn.com~ Ah...it is true. . "

  \"What's that? That that" pulled Robben's sleeve, little Nalan tiptoed, pointing at the shining starry sky.

  \"That... is Galaxy, the home of the stars." Robben smiled.

  \"The home of the stars is so big" Looking at the wide galaxy across the sky, Xiao Nalan cried out excitedly.

  \"Roben Robben, look quickly? What a big star? Is it the mother of the star?"

  \"Um...that is the moon."

  \"The mother of the stars is called the moon?"

  \"Um... uh yes."

  \"Wow...What a beautiful mother..." Little Nalan folded her hands on her chest, looking forward to her face.

  \"Ah Robben Robben... uh, disappeared?"

  \"That is a shooting star. Speaking of which, if you silently make a wish before the shooting star disappears, it will come true."


  \"Well, it's true"

  \"Ah is a shooting star" Little Nalan quickly read something in a low voice, \"Ah? Disappeared..." Little Nalan was frustrated.

  \"It's another one" Little Nalan cried again.

   Robben silently looked at the stars in the sky. He didn't know how far away the stars were, but he didn't know how many people and how many life dreams he carried...

(www.. Lang Lang Book)

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