God Prohibitions

Chapter 684: Shimmer

Chapter 684

   In the light gray world, Robben took the only bit of brilliance and flew on the wild beast.

Little Nalan curled up and slept quietly in Robben's arms.Yesterday, the excited little Nalan took Robben and ran a long way on the grassland, seeming to want to see that day more clearly. The beautiful silver moon...

It wasn't until Xiao Nalan slept tired and exhausted that Robben put away the illusion. Carlisle was waiting on the side. He didn't say anything about it, but Robben was still in that mechanical movement and his face without any emotion. On, I saw dissatisfaction.

   Xiao Nalan is holding Robben's hand, even if she is asleep, she can't pull it away...

   Robben didn’t know what to do now. The Demon King didn’t give him any specific instructions. Could it be that he would just live in this world, waiting for the gem on his body to shine.

Little Nalan was sleeping well in his arms. Robben has not rested, but he has never been sleepy. With the other hand, he gently grabbed the black long, silky strands of Little Nalan. so true……

If the situation here is very similar to the Demon Realm hundreds of years ago, then even if he returns to the domain of the Demon King Arthur, it will not help. He does not know himself, and the Black Emperor here will not even know himself, or even come to himself. Carlisle, a key figure in the devil world, didn't even know himself.

   Now, I am a strange stranger who shouldn't appear in the Demon World. I took a look at the little Nalan who was holding onto his hand tightly...Perhaps it was an exception to this little Nalan.

   The violent wind beast flew forward with howling, and the gray world seemed to have never changed.

   Robben slowly turned the gem in his hand. There was nothing unusual about this gem. He leaned forward and took a look. There was a little bit of bright red inside, which should be the drop of Hei Di's blood.

  Roben has never really understood why he should put his blood in this formally, just drop two drops of it.

  \"What a beautiful gem"

   Robben was taken aback, a pair of white hands hugged the gem in his hand.

  \"Roben, gave it to me?" Xiao Nalan sat up very happy.

  \"No" Robben was so big that he quickly collected the gems.

  \"Huh? Don't be so stingy? Are you a man, what do you do with such a beautiful gem? You don't want to give it to a woman?" Little Nalan began to teach Robben Dundun.

   Robben poked Nalan's forehead unceremoniously, \"You, you are still a little bit small."

  \"But I will be a beautiful woman soon, just like my mother." Little Nalan raised her nose with pride.

  \"People are little ghosts"

  \"Ah, Robben, just take a look, there won’t be one missing piece, I’m here, can I still run away with it?"

   Robben helpless, \"You can only take a look, this thing is very important to me, you know?"

  \"Hmm" Xiao Nalan promised immediately.

Looking at Little Nalan playing with this gem back and forth in his hand, Robben was a little strange. This gem has no special color and does not want to be as beautiful as a diamond. In fact, it looks like a decent gem, but Little Nalan held it in her hand, eyes full of surprise, as if she liked it very much.

  \"Do you like this gem?"

  \"Well, Robben, you want to give it to me?" Xiao Nalan immediately became excited.

\"Hmm...No." Robben felt a sense of powerlessness. He was used to seeing Nalan's serious and sometimes indifferent face. Now faced with this small little girl with a somewhat innocent girl, Robben is a little bit helpless. a feeling of.

  \"I haven’t seen anything like this since I left my mother. Training, rest, retraining, and rest... However, even with my mother, there doesn’t seem to be such a big gem."

   Xiao Nalan looked at it again and passed the gem back to Robben's hand.

  \"Don't look again?" Robben was a little surprised.

   Xiao Nalan shook his head, \"No, this is an important thing for Robben. Each of us has something that we cherish, absolutely... something that cannot be lost."

   Xiao Nalan smiled, a pair of eardrops shimmering.

   Robben collected the gems, thought about it, and asked: \"You have to ask me to follow you back, but what shall I do when I go back? I am really not some exclusive messenger of Demon King Arthur."

   Little Nalan nodded,\"Well, I know this, but...I definitely can't let you go. As for when I go back, I haven't thought about it yet."

   I didn’t think about it...

  \"Then why don't you let me leave?"

   Xiao Nalan thought for a while, then asked: "Is there anything Robben must go to?"

   Robben stunned: \"This...not really."

   Xiao Nalan smiled happily at once, \"That would be fine, anyway, if you have nowhere to go, just go back with me and there will always be a way, and..."

Touching her earrings, Xiao Nalan said softly: "You have a mother's earrings, you must also have a great relationship with me. I often see you in my dreams, no matter what I think, I can't Just leave, there is no specific place for you to go, maybe we will never see again..."

\"From birth to now, only my mother is a close person, and...you, I didn’t expect...to see alive, as if it were a dream, ah no...makes me more happy than dreaming, Living Robben looks better and warmer..."

   alive... Robben scratched his head, okay, all Nalan saw before was dead...


   Xiao Nalan exclaimed, as if thinking of something, he asked anxiously: \"Roben, you haven't told me how did you get my mother's earrings?"

   Robben moved his eyebrows and thought, and then smirked, \"This is a secret, I can’t tell you now."

   Little Nalan looked at Robben, and suddenly said: \"Roben, I want a mirror"

   Robben was a little strange, but he immediately condensed an ice mirror and handed it to Xiao Nalan.

   Xiao Nalan picked up the mirror, looked at herself in the mirror carefully, then looked at Robben, and then looked at herself carefully...

  \"What are you doing?" Robben was looked at inexplicably.

  \"Although our witch's children must be witches, but...will also inherit some of the characteristics of the father, um... Robben, are we... alike?"

   Robben almost fell to the ground with his chin. What is the similarity between himself and the little Nalan in front of him?

   Raised both eyebrows, Xiao Nalan held the ice mirror tightly in his hand, \"Roben, are you...my father"

   Robben fainted.

\"I always dream of my mother, except that my mother is you, and you also wear your mother's earrings, and...you are so kind to me..." Little Nalan was full of joy,\" All that is said pass"

  \"Where did it make sense?" Robben jumped up again.

   Xiao Nalan's face showed a look of horror again, \"But, I was born in the magic palace, at that time my mother was already a princess, could it be that my mother..."

  \"Hey, what kind of weird things are in your little head" Robben had to interrupt Xiao Nalan's surprised guess.

  \"Mother, she...really amazing"

   Robben almost fainted again.

   Although it took a lot of effort to explain that he was absolutely impossible to be Xiao Nalan's father, but... Robben clearly saw a little dependence in Xiao Nalan's eyes.

It can be seen that the Demon World is very big.Roben followed Nalan and Carlisle to control the two hurricane beasts and flew all the way to the southeast, avoiding all the villages and cities, and only advancing wildly without people. Encountered several waves of unidentified Mozu warriors, but fortunately, they all avoided.

In this way, more than ten days have passed. In these ten days, Little Nalan is sticking to Robben like a worm. No matter what Robben does, he will follow Robben, and even sneak away while sleeping. come.

   On this day, Robben suddenly saw a city in front of him, and Carlisle did not avoid it this time, but landed a violent wind beast far away from the city.

  \"Should we enter the city?" Robben asked Xiao Nalan a little puzzled.

\"Well, we don’t have much things. We still have some time to go back. We will supply some necessary things here. This is the sphere of influence of a neutral demon. Even if we are identified, it will be fine." Little Nalanla Looking at Robben's sleeves, he replied very affectionately.

  \"The hurricane beast..." Robben saw Carlisle jump off the hurricane beast and left, and didn't pay attention to his hurricane beast.

\"These two violent wind beasts have the mark of Big Demon King. Although we have exposed our appearance and there is no danger, we will be hated for nothing. Let go of these two violent wind beasts here, and they will fly back by themselves. At that time, we had already gone further, and no one would know that we had robbed these two wild beasts."

  \"That... shall we do it in the future?"

   Xiao Nalan smiled, \"Of course we bought two more violent beasts in the town."

   After a short period of time, Robben and his party approached the only small town passing by these days, but everything in this town made Robben stunned...

  The gray world, the gray town, and the gray demons are walking around, like zombies, just like a town dug out in a mire...

   Although the town is not too big, there are many demons living in it, coming and going, it should seem very lively, but...

The screams that should have been very complicated seem to be agreed one after another, with weird rhythms, and the crowded and crowded streets should have been crowded. Although every demon race is walking unhappy, Robben can see , Few demons can avoid other demons, as if everyone has agreed on how to go, there is almost no collision, no push...

  Everything, precise and weird, like a busy town...

   Carlisle quickly mixed into the grey crowd on the street and disappeared.

  \"Roben, let's go" Little Nalan pulled Robben's sleeve and dragged it aside.

\"where are we going?"

  \"Of course I went to buy the violent wind beast. Carlisle went to buy food and medicine. We bought the violent wind beast and waited for him outside the city."

  Roben took Xiao Nalan's hand and moved forward in the crowd of people on the street. The collision and pushing from time to time made Robben believe once again that he and this world are not one.

   Not long after he left, Robben was taken to a shop. The shop has a large storefront, and the place inside is also open. Robben saw hundreds of wild beasts inside.

  \"Ahaha, you are here again, where is your uncle? Didn’t he come with you? Oh? This is?"

As soon as    walked into this shop, a tall demon with a bare head greeted him immediately, seeming to greet Xiao Nalan affectionately.

  \"Uncle, my uncle is going to buy other things, so my father and I will come over and buy two more wild wind beasts."

   Robben sullen his face, trying to pretend to be like a father.

  \"Oh, this is your father, haha, come and pick it inside, and tell me when you pick it."

   In the innermost part of the shop, Robben and Nalan are picking out the wild beast.

  \"Do you know the owner of this shop?" Robben asked in a low voice.

  \"When Carlisle and I came here, we bought the violent wind beast here. The owner is very enthusiastic and the price is fair." Xiao Nalan replied with a smile.


  Roben looked back at the tall Demon that was poking at the door, like a piece of living wood. He was continuing to talk to the other Demon Races with that dry mechanical voice. The other Demon Races also responded in the same tone.

   From time to time, there will be violent beasts sold in the shop. The tall demon clan collects the currency of the demon world, and said thank you, it is still...dry...

   The zombie-like stiff demon walks back and forth, moves away the zombie-like violent beast, gives money, and leaves, the tall demon machine repeats those words...

  Everything seems to be moving according to the rhythm in the dark...

Xiao Nalan quickly selected two violent wind beasts, Robben probed it a little bit, these two violent wind beasts were the same as the previous two, they were just empty shells, inside the body, there was only so little possibility Have more awareness than ants.

   The street was very crowded. After buying the violent wind beast, all the customers took the violent wind beast to a small area and took off directly.

   Looking at the town in mid-air, I felt particularly awkward, the gloomy gray covering everything, as if...this is the original color of this world.

  \"Let's go" Little Nalan patted the violent wind beast on the back, and the violent wind beast roared and flew towards the small town.

  \"Roben, are you very good at using spirit magic?"

   Luo Ben is frowning and looking at this mechanical city, he can't help but smile when he hears Xiao Nalan's question, \"I am not very good at spiritual magic, but your witch's specialty."

Xiao Nalan said seriously: \"But... I have never seen such a real illusion, and... I just rely on the power of a single body to move casually, at least, all the witches I have seen now, Even my teacher does not have this power."

  \"Hehe, as long as you master that magic circle, it is very easy, and this magic circle was originally made by your witch, I just borrowed it."

   Xiao Nalan turned his head and looked at Robben, with happy memories on his face: "Almost, I can't tell what is real and what is illusion."

   Real...and unreal? Robben shook his head helplessly in secret.

  \"Roben, can you...can, uh...can..."

   Seeing Xiao Nalan's face hesitated, Robben asked: \"What? Do you want me to help?"

  Little Nalan nodded slowly,\"Um...I think..."

  \"Say, I can definitely help."

   There was a little blush on Xiao Nalan’s face, \"Roben, then you... Then can you teach me magic?"


   Robben stared and touched his eyebrows, \"You said...what?"

Xiao Nalan immediately lowered her head, \"I know, this request is too much, my own magic is hard practiced and perfected, it is impossible to easily reveal some skills and methods to others, but...I just Hope, a little bit, I just hope Robben can teach me a little bit."

Robben scratched his head very embarrassedly.\"But...your witch’s magic is different from other demons. You mainly practice spiritual magic. Even if there are other magics, it is closely related to the spiritual system, but I am Spiritual magic... basically no research."

   Xiao Nalan’s eyes were immediately full of admiration: \"Roben, you can use such a powerful illusion by yourself even like this"

  \"I mean, I didn’t use this magic, I just copied someone else’s magic circle, improved it myself and then moved it."

   Xiao Nalan seemed to be extremely excited: \"Roben, you can change the magic circle and... can you move so perfectly?"

   How does it feel that the more you talk, the more chaotic

Robben didn't want to refuse, no matter what the world is like, whether the little Nalan in front of him is a real living person or a phantom, but little Nalan's feelings for his mother are real, with real feelings, false , Will become real...

But... Robben is almost completely ignorant of spiritual magic. Although he can also use spiritual power to carry out simple attacks, it is only the most basic thing. The witches can use spirit to do a lot of incredible things, which makes Robben beyond the reach .

\"Roben" Little Nalan stepped forward and grasped Robben's shirt tightly with both hands.\"Teach me magic, please. I want to get stronger as soon as possible. I will become a powerful warrior at any time. Seeing my mother, as long as you teach me magic, I will do everything"

   Robben was stunned, \"When you become strong, can you see your mother? I remember, you witch warriors are forbidden to meet and communicate with relatives for life."

The excitement on Xiao Nalan's face suddenly dimmed a lot, and his eyes drooped, and he said in a low voice: "It's true...it's like this, but, but there are always exceptions in everything, as long as I become strong enough , As long as my strength can break through the shackles, I think... these death rules will definitely loosen..."

   It turned out to be just a simple wish... Robben sighed.

\"Furthermore, we witches are very hard...I think if I can be strong enough and I can meet my mother, then there will be more witches willing to work hard to become stronger, and then...they can also see To my own relatives, witches like me, there won't be as many as now..."

   The two fell silent for a while.

Suddenly I felt that what I was saying was a bit heavy, Xiao Nalan raised his head and smiled brilliantly, \"I'm really sorry, after saying these things that should not be said, I still don't want Robben to teach me magic, you don't look like you are very good at it. Looks like, if you want to become strong, you must work **** your own, relying on others, it will always be impossible in the end."

   a twelve or three-year-old girl, said something like this...

   Robben stretched out his hand and rubbed Nalan’s head.\"Nalan, you are very strong. In the past...you will become a great witch in the future, I promise. I’m so sorry, I can’t help you."

Little Nalan shook her head quickly, \"Without Robben... you have helped me a lot when you were by my side. When I was training, there were still many companions, many of whom could not stand the harsh training and died. No one came to see them from the beginning to the end, knowing that when they died, the corpse was buried hastily..."

\"Some completed training and became witch warriors, and then left. They should have been assigned to perform tasks somewhere, but there are often witch warriors who come back to our training center. The master came back together, or came back with the witch warrior because of the mission..."

  \"Whether it is a witch like us who has not yet become a warrior, or a witch who has become a warrior and has a master, they have no relatives around them, but I am different?”

   Xiao Nalan, who was sweating on Luo's forehead, looked at herself again with a smile.

  \"Nalan, I have already said that I...not your father."

  \"Hmm, but almost" Xiao Nalan smiled happily.

   Robben is weak.

  \"Mother would not do that kind of thing, she would definitely be put to death, and her mother was just an ordinary witch, there was no way to escape the devil's detection, my father was..."

   stopped talking, Xiao Nalan grinned again, showing two rows of white teeth, \"Uncle Robben, what do you think of this title?"

   Robben: \"……"

   Xiao Nalan was happily saying something to Robben, and Robben's gaze had already looked into the distance, with a look of surprise on his face.

   It seems that a red sun is rising from the horizon, and the light slowly tore through the deep gloom of the sky, and the world has begun to glow.

  \"What are you looking at Robben?" Little Nalan, who was talking to Robben, suddenly realized that Robben was a little distracted, staring straight into the distance, and couldn't help but wonder.

   was awakened by Nalan’s words, Robben quickly smiled: \"Nothing"

  \"Huh? Robben, your gem is in the light." Little Nalan pointed to Robben's chest suddenly.

   Robben was taken aback. When he looked down, the clothes on his chest showed a faint light. Then I remembered that I showed the gem to Little Nalan just now. When I took it back, he didn't put it in the space ring, but put it in the clothes. It was this gem that was bare now.

Turning out the gem quickly, Robben couldn't help but be surprised and happy.The red color in this gem was emitting a faint but absolutely true light, just like he saw before Alonfonso struck. The same light.

  \"I have a reaction, I have a reaction" Robben exclaimed excitedly.

   Hei Di said that this gem will guide him to find that person. Isn't he near here now? Robben quickly searched the surroundings, but he saw only puppet-like demons and lifeless buildings. Nothing has changed at all from the moment [天珠变].

   Robben's gaze couldn't help but fall to the color of the ocean tide coming from the horizon.

  \"Roben, Robben? What's the matter with you? Don't stay staying all the time, you will really become a fool"

  \"Nalan, you first go outside the city to meet with Carlisle. I will go out for a while and be back soon."

   Seeing Robben standing up, Xiao Nalan hurriedly grabbed Robben's sleeve, \"Roben, where are you going? When will you be back."

  Roben looked at the tumbling colors that day, turned around and gently patted the back of Xiao Nalan's hand, \"Don't worry, it just suddenly occurred to me that I have something to do, I want to deal with it, and I will be back soon."

   As he said, Robben tapped Nalan's defense with his finger, and a little starlight projected in: "I have left a spiritual mark on you, as long as it is not too far away, I will find you."

   Xiao Nalan looked at the back of his hand, and then slowly loosened Robben's clothes: \"Then... you come back soon."

  Roben was about to leave, but found that his clothes were tight again. Xiao Nalan once again grabbed his lapels: \"Roben, can I go with you?"

   Robben smiled: \"You can't help, and if there is no one waiting for him outside the city, Carlisle will be anxious, obedient, okay?"

   Xiao Nalan retracted his hand disappointedly: \"Then...we will be there waiting for you to come back."

\"Oh, I see."

   With both feet, Robben flew directly from the violent wind beast, rushing to the sky that rushed to the sky.

   Looking from a distance, it was as if I wanted to swept over crazy again, all the dim gray was washed away, the sky flashed again, the earth came back to life, and the world once again split into two halves.

   Luoben greeted the billowing vitality, and carefully searched for everything that could be possible. It was very obvious that although the vivid colors of the rolling were overwhelming, the most central direction came toward this town.

Robben flew out of the town and stopped not far from the town. Robben felt that something seemed to be coming in front of him. He glanced at the gem in his hand, which was emitting a faint red light. , It seems stronger than before.

   The vivid colors rolled past, and the deadly silent town seemed to have been completely washed all of a sudden, the withered yellow walls, the bright flags on the walls, and the shiny reflections on the guard armors near the town.

   Luo Benyin could hear the noise coming from the town, hawking, iron slamming, bellows agitation, trucks and wheels pressing over the stone ground, and even the roar of wild wind beasts.

   That stiff city like a strip, alive...

   A few black spots faintly appeared on the horizon. Robben squinted his eyes and carefully identified them. There were three in total, which seemed to be three wild beasts.

   After a short while, the three black spots were already close. Robben could see clearly that they were three demons, and the hurricane beasts they were riding on were also much taller than usual, and they looked like wind and dust.

   Three violent beasts flew in swiftly, but they all stopped outside the town.

  The demons who tried to hold the three violent beasts, all looked at the guy in front of him who was blocking the way with vigilant eyes.

   The demons on the left and right sides seemed to be guards, and the old demons in the middle had gray beard and had one-eyed eyes. They were now scanning Robben with that only eye.

  \"Young man, I have never seen you before. I don't know what you are doing to stop me when you come to my town?" The middle aged demon said.

   Robben glanced at the jewel in his hand, still emitting a faint red light, and still not very strong. Robben felt a little bit ignorant, but he didn't seem to miss the opportunity.

  \"Excuse me... are you?" Robben asked politely.

  \"Who are you presumptuously, dare to stop the way of Lord Vandel?" Seeing Robben actually come to ask for his name, the guards on both sides couldn't help but drank.

   The old demon in the middle smiled and waved his hand to stop the guard's scolding twice: "Young man, did you stop my way home just to ask my name?"

   It turns out that this guy is the lord here. Robben quickly took down the appearance of this City Lord Van der and the two guards.

\"My name is Van der, the lord of this small city, a friend from afar, you come to our land without disputes, what can you do if you are looking for me?" Old Van der's eyes flickered and he started talking It's more easy going.

  \"It turned out to be City Lord Van der, then I was really abrupt." Robben hurriedly saluted.

\"Hahaha" Old Vandel laughed, \"This is a neutral area, there is no fight, many friends who were originally in the distance have come here, I have also seen many people who are so embarrassed to you, but it does not matter , Work harder, you will find something to do, this is for you"

   Robben was taken aback, the old Demon Race's hand flicked, something tossed over, and subconsciously took it, but it was a coin with a shiny black gold color.

\"The guards here are very powerful. Don’t think about snatching other people’s things, otherwise you will be thrown into jail. If you want to leave, take the money to buy a wild wind beast and some food and drink. If you want to stay, Hehe, come to my house to apply for a guard, I think you still have some strength."

  Roben couldn't help staying in place, what's this saying?

   Old Vandel and his guards whizzed past Robben and went into the city, leaving Robben alone in a daze.

For a long time, Robben squeezed the black gold coin in his hand, and an ice crystal appeared in the other hand. In the mirror, there was a handsome face, but his body was quite dirty, his head was messy, and he looked very miserable. Family.

Robben realized that he had been on the road for more than ten days, but he didn't know that he was hungry and thirsty, nor did he feel tired.He kept thinking about things in his heart, and he had never cleaned up his appearance. He looks like a beggar.

  It’s really hard for Carlisle and Nalan to say nothing about their image these days...

   Robben turned his head, Old Vandel and the two guards had fallen into the city and didn't know where they were, and disappeared. Looking at the gem in his hand, there was still a faint light.

   After thinking for a while, Robben shook his head, put the gem in his arms, and flew towards the town.

   The whole town is extremely lively, with countless demons crowded here, you can hardly imagine that there will be so many demons in such a small town.

Finally, I found a clothing store. Robben bought two sets of clothes that fit his black gold coins with old van der. Then he was recovered a lot of ordinary gold coins, and then ran to a place outside the city with no one. I took off the dirty clothes all over his body, gathered a big water ball and jumped in. The stirring water in the water ball washed Robben like a car wash. Robben jumped out, a few blue lights flashed, and he took care of his mess. Head, dry the body, put on new clothes, and fly over with the spiritual imprint of Xiao Nalan.

Intuitively, Robben didn't think that this old van der was the person the Black Emperor wanted to find by himself. There is nothing shining about the gem here, and when he met Alonfonso before, the gem flashed the same light. But... Alonfonso is dead.

Robben suddenly had a guess. The Black Emperor said to himself that he is safe to stay away from those special people. Looking at it now, the most special thing in this world is nothing more than a twist between stillness and agility. Alonfonso died, the world fell into darkness again, Bohr died, and the world fell into darkness, and now... Robben believes that it was Van der or his two guards that brought this area. Vitality, does this count as... a special person?

Robben intends to leave and go to more places to take a look. Anyway, this Van der is the lord of the city. It is very easy to find him. The appearances of the two guards are also written down, maybe he can find it in this world. There are more things that are more in line with the person the Black Emperor said. At the same time, he also wants to confirm his conjecture. Robben now wants to meet those special people. Although the Black Emperor didn't say it directly, he understood the meaning very well. Can clearly distinguish those so-called "special people"

  \"Wow Robben, what did you do?"

   Looking at Robben, who appeared in a brand new image in front of him, Xiao Nalan cheered happily, and kept spinning around Robben: "Roben, it turns out that you are a rich man, this dress is not cheap"

   Xiao Nalan clutched Robben's new shirt, with shrewd eyes.

  \"Well... I got a gift from Lord Van der, so I bought a piece of clothing, oh forgotten to bring you." Robben patted his forehead, turned around and left.

  \"No, even if I bought it, I won't have a chance to wear it." Xiao Nalan pulled Robben back.

\"We usually wear regulations. When going out to perform tasks, we must also hide our traces. This time I went back to hand over the task, which is the official witch warrior, and there will be new allegiance objects. In short... there should be no new clothes. There’s a chance for clothes. I think the older witches all wear the same look."

  \"Wait, I'll be back soon." Robben pulled off Xiao Nalan's hand and flew away anxiously...


   Looking at the thick pile of ordinary expensive, hardcover and hardcover clothes in front of him, Xiao Nalan couldn't help but open his mouth, you...you go and buy all the other people's stores, can't you? "

   Robben chuckled, \"Almost, it's not my money anyway, I bought one of almost everything, there must be something you like."

   Xiao Nalan carefully picked up a piece of clothing, looked at it blankly, a brilliant smile appeared on her face.

Behind a hidden hillside outside the city, under the shelter of a few short trees, Robben is sitting with his back against a violent wind beast, trying to communicate with it, but... although this violent wind beast is already alive, its mental composition seems to be a little more complicated. , But still did not have enough wisdom and will to communicate, Robben had to give up after working hard for a long time.

   On the other side of the violent wind beast, Xiao Nalan’s screams and screams were heard from time to time, which seemed to be a joy to change.

  \"Roben, what do you think?" A red figure jumped in front of Robben.

   This is a big red shirt with a wide robe and big sleeves. Robben feels a bit like a Hanfu. His waist is **** with a white belt. The breeze blows and the sleeves of the robe are floating. It has a great charm.

   Xiao Nalan was baring her teeth, smiling happily, waiting for Robben's opinion.

  \"Very beautiful" Robben replied with a smile.

  \"Ah, Robben, you have said this many times" Xiao Nalan immediately quit.

   Robben had to smile wryly,\"But... it really is."

  \"So... which one is the most beautiful?"

  \"Um..." Robben thought carefully: \"They all seem the most beautiful"


   When Carlisle came back, he saw little Nalan, who was wearing a long red robe and sleeves, flying in the air like a butterfly, laughing with Robben endlessly.

  \"Nalan, where did the clothes come from?"

   Robben was taken aback, and when he turned around, he saw that Carlisle still had no expression on his face.

  \"I bought it back" Robben replied immediately.

Carlisle frowned, did not speak any more, just stepped forward and put a bag of things in front of Robben and Little Nalan: \" Eat something, we will go out later. Before answering the magic palace, take off your clothes~ www.readwn.com~ Watching Carlisle walk towards another violent wind beast and put something on the violent wind beast's back, Xiao Nalan stuck out his tongue: \"Of course I know, and I don't need your reminder. "

   Robben scratched his head,\"I think Carlisle is also kind."

  \"I care if he is kind."

   Xiao Nalan picked up the package of food in front of him, opened it and ate it comfortably.

  \"Roben, I have already figured out your identity when you go back." Little Nalan said to Robben in a vague voice while eating.

  \"Huh? What status?" Robben was very interested.

\"You have no identity. You are a wandering demon in the territory of Big Demon King. There are many dissatisfaction with the rule of Big Demon King. When wandering in the Tianlan grassland, we wanted to attack their sentry. We just met, and then Persuaded you to come back and work for Demon King Arthur, that's it"

  \"Wandering demons?" Robben thought for a while, this identity is very suitable for him, no relatives and no reason, wandering around is not easy to find out the details.

  \"Well, at the time, Carlisle and I saw that Boll was going to kill you with our own eyes. We wouldn't lie to the demon lord who is loyal to you. Are we, Carlisle?"

   Carlisle ate silently not far away without saying a word.

   Xiao Nalan turned her head and smiled brilliantly: "Look, he agreed, and the two of us testified, you should become ours."

(www.. Lang Lang Book)

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