God Prohibitions

Chapter 687: broken heart

Chapter 687: Broken Heart

A good promotion ceremony suddenly became like this. The witches in the hall waiting to witness the birth of the youngest warrior of the clan have been very cautiously surrounded. This time, the witches surrounded by Robben are full. There were hundreds of them. Outside and behind the hall, more witches quickly ran out and surrounded the entire hall.

The black robe witch said coldly: "Friends in the distance, you are indeed very powerful, but I hope you can understand that you are facing hundreds of warriors, and there are countless witch warriors out of your sight, you think you Can you run out of here on your own?"

   Ron looked around, all the roads had been blocked, even the hall floor above his head was full of witches, there was really no way to go.

The black-robed witch couldn't help but said with a sneer: "You said you came here from the territory of Demon King Big, and you want to seek some nourishment of the wandering demons, so why are you desperately protecting this little witch? According to your statement, you only met on the road. You haven't known each other for many days, right?"

  \"What can I do? I must think that I, a stranger, is more humane than your teacher who has taught Nalan for many years."

  \"Human touch?" The black robe witch smiled, \"Those stupid humans would say such things, friends far away, you really surprised me."

Pointing to the countless witches in the hall, the black-robed witch sternly said: \"I don’t want to listen to your nonsense anymore. Nalan has violated a taboo. We have to deal with this matter now. This is our internal housework. No matter who you are, call Nalan out now, otherwise, we will have to rectify the Fa on the spot with your friend from afar."

  \"Roben, Robben"

   Luo Ben was about to talk, but he felt that Xiao Nalan was pulling his sleeves. Robben squatted down quickly and said softly: "Nalan, don't be afraid, I am here, you will be fine. It's great that we won't be this witch warrior. Let's leave here and I will take you to see your mother."

  Looking at Robben’s serious face, Xiao Nalan pursed his lips and smiled happily. Tears gradually floated in his eyes: \"Roben, thank you for being so kind to me..."

  The black robe witch slowly raised her hand, and all the witches were immediately ready, as long as this hand fell, they would immediately attack.

\"and many more"

In the dignified hall, Xiao Nalan’s voice was crisp and loud: "This is nothing to do with Robben, the ins and outs of this pair of earrings, I will make it clear to you, Robben is only from a far away Just come here, nothing more..."

   Robben was taken aback, Xiao Nalan spared his body and walked out.

  \"What are you doing?" Robben caught Nalan and pulled her back.

Seeing Robben's concerned look, Xiao Nalan couldn't help but drop a few teardrops in his eyes: \"Roben...this is our witch's private business, don't worry about it, you are not here to find something Do you do it, you are so good, you will definitely get a good life, you stand on the side for a while, we will soon handle this matter."

After speaking, Little Nalan pushed Tyroben's hand holding her shoulders, and he was about to walk out again. Robben frowned and stood up. Instead, the hand holding Little Nalan's shoulders pressed harder, tightening her tightly. Buckled by his side.

Looking at the black robe witch, Robben asked loudly: \"I apologize for the trouble I caused you, but I want to ask now, knowing the ins and outs of this pair of earrings, what do you plan to do with Nalan? ?"

  \"It's none of your business, it's up to our witch to decide." The black witch replied coldly.

  \"You said just now that this incident will affect you and cause many people to die. Is this true?" Robben continued to ask.

  \"I hope this is your last question. We don’t have time to answer these things for you. Now let go of Nalan and leave here. I will recommend you to Lord Demon King"

  \"You want to sacrifice this little witch who has not grown up to protect yourself, right?" Robben's voice was a little angry.

\"Roben, you leave, this is our witch’s business, don’t worry." Little Nalan began to struggle violently, but it was a pity that Robben’s hands clasped his shoulders like iron tongs, and couldn’t get away. . "

\"We don’t want to increase casualties, but this matter cannot be delayed. Friends from afar, if you are interested in young witches, we can arrange a few witches who are the same age as Nalan to give you. Will not tear her face" The black robe witch raised her hand a little more.

   Robben nodded slightly,\"Well, I probably understand what's going on, Nalan, let's go."

   directly turned around, Robben walked outside the hall with Xiao Nalan.

  The black robe witch has a violent rage on her face, \"A madman took him to me whether he was alive or dead."

   The empty hall was distorted in an instant. Around Robben, above his head, countless witches rushed up in a swarm. In a moment, the hall was full of gloomy eyes.


   The mountain shook for a while, and the whole hall shook three times. Thick smoke and dust rushed up from where Robben and Nalan stood, wrapped in fire, and the witches who rushed forward could not help being blocked.

  The black robe witch shouted: "Hold the exit, don't let them run away."

   After finishing speaking, with a wave of the broad sleeves of the robe, a gust of wind blew up in the hall, and the smoke and fire suddenly dissipated.

   Qingming was restored to all, all the witches couldn't help being taken aback, and a huge pothole appeared on the flat stone floor above the main hall.

  \"Chasing" the black-robed witch screamed without hesitation, and the witches quickly jumped into the pit.

   However... After a while, there was a voice from inside: \"Don't be dead inside when you come in."

  The black robe witch looked at the big hole on the floor in front of her with a blue face. This thing that looked like a tunnel was actually just a deep pit. There was a very short passage beside it, and it was over in a few steps.

   This is a complete cover

\"A good method can actually escape under the eyes of hundreds of witches." The black robe witch gritted her teeth. It is very obvious that the other party should have escaped by the chaos when all her attention was focused on this big hole. , As for what the other party used to hide the eyes of so many people, the black robe witch didn't know. What she knew was that the two people were no longer visible in this hall.

  \"Go immediately to make all the city gates more vigilant, saying that a defector has appeared, and any suspicious person will be seized, and I will bear any responsibility, and... everything born here must be kept secret."


   The black robe witch quickly gave orders, and the witches who got the order ran out one by one, and began to stop the round up.

  \"Why don't you speak?" After the black robe witch had explained the last thing, she turned around and asked the witch who had fought Robben.

  The witch sighed slightly: \"I didn't expect...The student I had the most hope would have such a thing?"

The black robe witch snorted: "I have the same idea. I didn't expect that this time, instead of seeing some hope, it caused misfortune. If this incident spreads, our two heads will not be able to keep it, this little The girl’s mother is the princess again, and she might have many lives involved.”

The witch who had competed with Robben sighed again and said softly: "Don't you think this thing is very strange? At first, Nalan admitted that the eardrops were given by Robben, and Robben did not object. This seems to be the true situation, and the statements Nalan made later are obviously false."

  \"I know this naturally," the black robe witch replied boredly.

\"But why did the princess's earrings appear on Robben's body? He met Nalan in the Tianlan grassland again. This matter is simply to the extreme. I feel that Nalan may not be wrong, but the problem is It happened to the demon named Robben, Nalan... was she cheated"

  The black robe witch snorted: \"It is no longer the problem that she was deceived not to be deceived. She carried the princess's things on her body. This is a felony, neither of us can afford to cover it... It's a mess"

  \"But is that really the princess's earrings?"

The black-robed witch looked a little annoyed: \"You ask me, who am I going to ask? Even if it is not Nalan, it is a felony. She actually dared to accept the items that might be the princess. This is really no different. It is definitely to be executed. of"

\"But... Nalan is still young and can't stand the temptation. That Robben might use some means on him. We rescued her and enlightened her. The matter...maybe not as serious as you think. ."

\"If it's like you think, it would be best, but... we still have to find her first." The black robe witch finished speaking, turned around, looked gloomy and looked aside, still standing stupidly Carlisle: \"Carlisle, now I want you to truthfully describe to me everything before and after you met Robben on your journey."

   Carlisle smiled bitterly: \"Respected Elder Witch, I will not tell anyone what I have seen and heard today."

  \"That’s the best, but you have to understand, it’s not that we have to be able to conceal it, we just don’t want to cause trouble to Lord Demon. After we handle this matter, we will naturally want Lord Demon to report.”

   Carlisle smiled quickly: \"Of course, of course"

  \"Okay, now tell us all the situation immediately"



  \"Nalan, eat something first, don't think about those things, there will always be a way."

On the bustling street, a crowd of demons were all coming and going. Robben took Nalan and ran out of the chaos. Now before hiding in a pavement on the street, Robben asked for two. The bowl didn't know what kind of food it was. Anyway, seeing other demons eating it, one bowl was placed in front of him, and the other bowl was pushed in front of Xiao Nalan.

   Little Nalan was a little surprised: \"We...we escaped?"

\"This is the case for the time being? You can't run away. Those witches are obviously ill-intentioned, saying that they are going to deal with things. I think they are going to kill you." Robben smelled the food, it didn't seem to be a special smell, and drank A mouthful of the soup, which is not bad, just picked up the bowl and ate it. Although not hungry at all, it is good to be calm and calm.

  \"Yes, it will kill me soon...definitely..." Little Nalan held the bowl, just staying, as if she didn't know how to eat anymore.

\"Don't think about it, fill up your stomach first. Let's find a place to hide. If we go out now, the risk is relatively high. I have seen many witches flying to the city gate, and there are warnings in the sky." Robben quickly Eating.

  \"Roben, what should I do? What shall I do later...I..."

\"I’ll talk about things in the future. Now I’ll save my life first. I don’t dare to say anything else, but I’m still good at escaping. Even if it’s discovered, I can guarantee that our chances of forcibly escape are relatively high. But just in case, let's stay honestly now, eat quickly, and find a place to live after eating."

After a simple meal, Robben's mental power was carefully expanded, searching for the witches who came out from the huge manor in the center of the city to search for himself and Nalan, effectively avoiding them, Robben took the little Nalan in. The street slowly left the exaggerated manor.

In a place that is not considered remote but not conspicuous in the city, Robben used magic to slightly change his appearance, and then found a store that can provide accommodation. Thanks to a black gold coin at the time, he is still rich and a lot of money. Robben asked for a room like a traveler. Fortunately, I don’t need an ID card to stay in a small hotel here.

Little Nalan is relatively short, Robben did his best to hide Little Nalan directly and let her follow him, no one noticed, otherwise he and Xiao Nalan, a young demon and a minor witch , It's too easy to recognize...

The room is small and messy, but now I don't have time to worry about it. Robben looked at the surrounding environment from the window, and for a while, he predicted how to go if something happened. Then he left the window ajar and retracted it. body.

   Xiao Nalan held her legs motionless, and sat curled up on the corner of the bed, leaning against the wall. It seems that she has not yet reacted to the shock of the incident.

\"Roben...I have been looking forward to this day since I knew that I have the talent to be a warrior, hoping that I can become a powerful witch warrior, hoping that I will not suffer like other witches. People wantonly manipulate, I have been looking forward to this day, always..."

   Robben was helpless, this time the promotion ceremony was really bad.

  \"Sorry, I messed up your promotion and got you into the current predicament."

   Little Nalan shook his head quickly, \"No...No Robben, you are not wrong..."

Finally, I couldn't help it. Little Nalan's eyes fell with tears, and she shrank again. Little Nalan looked at Robben, \"Roben...Can you hold me, I... Afraid"

   Robben reached the bed, stretched out his hand, \"Come here..."

   Little Nalan nudged forward a few steps, threw himself into Robben's arms, and started sobbing.

   patted Xiao Nalan on the back, and Robben comforted: "Don't worry, everything will turn for the better... The most important thing is that we live now. Only if we live, things will turn for the better..."

After crying for a while, Xiao Nalan raised her hand and wiped her tears, propped up, as if she wanted to sit up, but just turned around and put all her weight in Robben's arms: \"Actually …When I saw this pair of earrings, I probably guessed what would happen when I came back?"

   Robben was taken aback, \"What? You know?"

Xiao Nalan nodded slightly.\"Well...On the first day of training, the teacher told me that we witch warriors should not contact their relatives again. This is a very strict rule. If it is violated, there will be no Discuss and be executed directly"

   Robben took a slight breath.

\"I was very scared and unwilling, I missed my mother, missed her warm hug, soft voice, and smile that can only be shown to me, but... the first day I was harsh The whipping, just because I said something I want to see my mother, it hurts, I still remember..."

\"The next day, I said the same thing again, and I was almost killed... On the third day, I stopped saying... I knew that if I was punished again, I would really die to see my mother again. ..."

Little Nalan’s voice was trembling: "I know that I will become a qualified fighter. These training will end, and I will have a new life. Although the teacher always emphasizes that the witch warrior has no relatives, but...I still want to meet Mother, she nurtures me and cares for me...How can you say that if you don't have it, there will be no, this is too cruel...My mother is clearly in the magic palace hundreds of miles away from here"

After sniffing, Xiao Nalan went on to say: \"I know I will not be a fighter, and I will never have the opportunity to leave here. I train hard, practice magic hard, and practice fighting that I can’t learn. Skill, I just want to end it all earlier, I want to see my mother"

   Robben listened to all this silently, feeling sad...

\"The teachers said I was a genius, that would be a genius. Anyway, as long as they make me stronger... As long as I can become a qualified witch warrior, then everything is fine... As long as I leave here, I will definitely find a chance to meet my mother..."

  \"Nalan, let me take you to the magic palace and meet your mother" Robben couldn't help but interject.

   Xiao Nalan shook his whole body, raised his head, looked at Robben, opened his mouth several times, but said nothing.

   Slowly raised his head again, Xiao Nalan gently, but firmly shook his head: "No... Robben, we can't go"

  \"Why?" Robben asked immediately.

  \"It will die, and it will die miserably..."

  \"Roben, what I just said was actually my first idea, but as I practiced here day by day, I realized how ridiculous my idea is..."

Gently grasping Robben's palm, Little Nalan fiddled with Robben's fingers, and asked softly: \"Roben, you are very powerful, you know a lot of things, I have never seen a demon like you Warrior..." Gently, Nalan put his own hand on Robben's hand. The small palm is a lot smaller than Robben's. \"Roben, our witch warrior... is not powerful"

After taking a long breath, Xiao Nalan said sadly: \"Here, I have to endure hard, I don’t know the tired training, and survived a few times, but I have become more and more aware of the powerful existence I have seen. In the middle, the witch... seems pitiful, my teacher is already one of the best among the witches, but compared with the powerful existence of other races, it is much weaker... I doubted it at that time, and when I became A witch warrior, do I really have a chance to meet my mother..."

After a pause, Xiao Nalan continued: \"But I continue to endure and continue training... This time the teacher wants me to complete my final trial. I am very happy because I am too young. This time I make an exception. There is a demon warrior, Carlisle and I are passing through, but I walked out of here, and what I saw was not hope... The Demon World is really big, there are countless powerful existences, I suddenly feel... I am very small, I The goals of previous efforts were so small."

Gently fiddled with Robben’s fingers, Xiao Nalan smiled: \"Roben, you are actually much stronger than the power you showed, right? Today even if we don’t run away, you can take me to kill. Come out right? My two teachers may not be your opponents together, right?"

   Robben could not answer, so he chose to remain silent.

\"Actually, I can see that although we seem to be chased, you are not in a hurry, and you are not panicked at all. A person who has been hunted by tens of thousands of witches can still sit in the house so leisurely and listen to a little girl If this is boring, he must be very confident in his own strength."

  \"I will try my best to protect your safety." Robben wanted to take the topic elsewhere.

Xiao Nalan smiled softly, \"I know...you will, it is not difficult for you...you can hide me, you can hide my breath, as long as you want, I can even not exist at all."

   Robben shook his head, reached out his hand to grasp Xiao Nalan's shoulder, and turned her body to face him, with a serious look on his face.

  \"Nalan, don't feel sorry for yourself like this. Of course, there are natural limitations. Some people struggle for a lifetime, and some people have it at birth, but... it doesn't matter, do you understand?"

   Xiao Nalan lowered her head slightly and said nothing.

\"Everyone is different, their status, location, things they do, what they say, but... the world is actually fair. If you want to get something, you have to pay the corresponding price. It has a powerful force. , And at the same time you have a lot of things that follow. You have to bear the things that this power has to do, and you have to bear the troubles caused by this power. If it is just mediocre, although sometimes you will swallow , But it is very likely that you will live a happy life."

\"I would rather, take the responsibilities and troubles, and also want to gain that kind of power..." Little Nalan's voice trembled with excitement, \"Without this power, I would not even be able to see my mother and change Nothing, if the world is fair, then I am willing to pay any price in exchange for that power, but..."

Xiao Nalan's fists are tightening: "Roben, you tell me, your experience of strong force tells me, I am a witch, what price do I have to pay to gain strong power? We witch...really Will there be that legendary power?"

Robben was silent...In the Demon Realm, the power levels of the witches were indeed not very high. Although there were a lot of them, there were not many outstanding ones. Even the genius witches like Nalan were practical. The combat power is not very high, at least after he went to the Demon Realm for a while, learned the magic of the black emperor, and learned some dark powers, Nalan was already far behind by himself...

\"When I was in Tianlan Grassland, I saw you take out your mother’s earrings. I was really shocked. I don’t know what happened. I don’t know why mother’s earrings are in your hands. But...but I can't help it, I can't help but want to wear it on my body, because I know...this may be the only opportunity in my life to touch my mother's things..."

Looking up, Xiao Nalan’s face is already full of tears: "Do you know Robben? When we were sent for training, there were many witches who were about the same age as me, but now, they are in the same batch as me. Of those witches, there are only less than a hundred left... I don’t know how many of them can pass the trial in the end? Many of them died, some died accidentally during training, and some couldn’t stand the high intensity. Those who died from training exhausted, some committed suicide, and others... escaped and were caught..."

\"Roben We once had a companion who was very attached to her mother. Her talent was very outstanding, even more powerful than me. At that time, she was very concerned by the teacher, but she was not very attentive, because she always wanted to go back Seeing my mother, but because of her high talent, she can complete the training very well even in this way. The teachers had to open one eye and close the other, but one day, she suddenly said to me that she was going to run away and go back... Find her mother, and then hide together to live where no one is."

   Luo Ben's heart trembled slightly.

  \"As a result... she was caught back before she ran out of the city. She cried and called her mother's name... Robben, do you know how she died?"

   Robben frowned, and gently rubbed Nalan's head: \"Okay, don't think about it, it's not you"

\"She was passed through her limbs with iron chains. The iron chains were connected to the four pillars of the hall. She lay flat and fell into the air, with a huge stone pressed on her back. Under the rock, it was a needle board. ..."


\"The rock is very heavy, pressing the needle board and constantly piercing her body, she has not been imprisoned by magic, desperately resisting, but with the consumption of mental power, the needle board slowly plunged into her On the back, the weight of the rock also caused her limbs to be slowly elongated, her bones and flesh were torn apart, she groaned in pain, and sometimes couldn't help but wailed loudly...We were outside the hall, or sometimes When you enter the hall, you can hear clearly... Blood is always dripping from her body."

  \"Okay, Nalan, don't talk about it, it's enough"

\"Later, a long needle on the needle board pierced her skin and flesh, pierced her bones, pierced her internal organs, and finally pierced her chest... She was dead... From the beginning of the execution to the end of her death, a total of After a month, I learned that the reason why she endured such a huge pain, even the long needle pierced into her heart, was still struggling to support it, because the teacher gave her a secret medicine, so..."

Robben shook Xiao Nalan's body abruptly: "Okay, you little thing we are now on the run, not when you are talking about these things, you just need to remember now as long as you are willing to work hard, no matter how desperate the situation is, No matter how impossible the reason exists, but as long as you are willing to work hard, it will not be impossible."

   Little Nalan has tears in her eyes, her small body looks very sad and helpless, \"Roben, how can I work hard? How can I give it? Where is my hope?"

Gently touching the earrings on her ears, Xiao Nalan said softly: "If you don't show up, maybe I will work hard, because I don't have the courage to commit suicide... But now I would rather leave this place with my mother's things forever. The world, perhaps, this is my best result."

  \"Nalan, if you are not a child now, I would definitely slap you in the face, Nalan, I know, is not like this"

Xiao Nalan's heart was a little shaken, he didn't realize the strangeness in Robben's words, but smiled sadly: \"Roben, you are so good... This is the first time I have seen a demon warrior like you, dreamer than me. Robben in here is even better, if my father is you, that would be great"

  \"I can be your father" Robben blurted out.

   Xiao Nalan was obviously taken aback, her mouth slightly opened, unable to say a word.

Seeing that there seemed to be some brilliance flashing in Xiao Nalan’s eyes, Robben quickly raised her little hand: "Nalan, I will protect you, take care of you, and teach you magic. When the time is right, I will take you to see your mother. You are a genius witch, you will do things that other witches can't do in the future, you will become stronger, and the witches will change because of you. All of these are possible."

   Xiao Nalan looked at Robben, obviously a little surprised at Robben's words, and his eyes were a little dazed.

   Robben quickly said again: \"Nalan, do you think I am very strong, I am very powerful?"

   Little Nalan looked at Robben blankly.

  \"You said that the two of your teachers are not necessarily my opponents, saying that I can take you out of here forcibly, right?"

   Xiao Nalan nodded mechanically.

Robben smiled and wiped the tears on Xiao Nalan's face.\"You are right. I will take you away because I don't want to increase casualties. If the fight is really started, I will be confident that I will take you without injury. Leaving there from the main entrance, but the price will be the blood of countless witches..."

   Little Nalan blinked, a strange look appeared on his face, it seemed that he didn't quite understand what Robben was saying at this time.

   Robben retracted his hand and pointed to his chest: \"Nalan, don't you believe it? A few years ago, I didn't know anything about magic, even... I didn't even know what magic is."

   Xiao Nalan's expression moved, his eyes widened slowly, and his mouth opened involuntarily.

Seeing the look of horror on Xiao Nalan's face, Robben scratched his head with embarrassment: \"Now that I think about it, it is indeed the same as a dream, but... this is true. A few years ago, I even used magic I don't know what it is, even the most common fireball technique cannot be released, but now...I am already a powerful magician"

Reaching out his hand again, Robben slowly said: "Nalan, I just have an ordinary demon, but you are a genius, I can do it..." Robben's finger lightly nodded Little Nalan’s heart, \"You can too"


   It seems that Robben has great power on this point, Xiao Nalan was staggered and took a step back, looking at Robben in amazement, staring blankly, unable to say a word.

   After a long time, Xiao Nalan finally shook his head slowly: \"No... it's impossible"

  \"Possible" Robben said firmly.

  \"How can you be able to do this kind of thing in a few years?"

Robben stepped forward and held down Nalan's shoulder again: "No... this is not a lie, everything is for a reason, there is a reason, I have indeed gained great power, but... also for this reason I paid a huge price, I lost everything I cherished, everything... This almost broke me, but I firmly believe that as long as there is hope, it will be possible... So I am not like a bunch of useless The bones are slowly rancid in the dark corners like flesh and blood, so that they can stand here and tell you these things about me."


  Roben nodded heavily,\"Of course you think I would lie to you again?"

   Xiao Nalan stared at Robben's eyes tightly. In front of him, there was only gentleness and honesty in these eyes.

  \"Really...really Robben? Really..." Little Nalan's tears welled up again.

He stretched out his arm and hugged Nalan, Robben said softly: "It's true, Nalan, everything is true, you are a great witch, you will do many great things in the future, your name will Let every witch know that these...all are true"

   Little Nalan hugged Robben's shoulders and cried loudly.

Robben knelt on the ground and gently hugged Nalan until the loud cry turned into a low sob, and finally turned into a silent choking. Finally, Nalan let go of his hand and raised his head. Come.

   Robben smiled gently, raised his hand and waved, a few red lights flashed, and the tears on Xiao Nalan's face disappeared instantly: "Nalan, trust me, you can do everything."

Little Nalan put his arm around Robben's neck again, cheeks against his cheeks, and whispered: \"Roben, you are so kind to me, in memory... only my mother treats me like this, no matter what I do, it will comfort me , Speak to me softly, hug me, wipe my tears..."

  \"Roben, are you really my father?" Xiao Nalan suddenly said this.

   Robben chuckled: \"Then do I take a good daughter today?"

  \"Really" Little Nalan raised her head, her face full of surprise.



   Robben felt sweaty.

  \"What's wrong, Robben...you don't want to..." Xiao Nalan's expression was dim.

  \"Ah, no...if you want."


  \"Ah...ah" Robben answered stiffly.

   Leaning over, Little Nalan kissed Robben on the cheek, a little fascinated in his eyes: \"Father..."

   Okay... The father is just the father, it's not a big deal, isn't it just a name... Robben is cruel, and the elder is the elder.

\"Okay, little girl, don't be acting like a baby. I'll go to the food below, you first have a rest." Robben had to say aloud, and gently pushed away the little Nalan who had been rubbing his face endlessly. .

   Little Nalan smiled sweetly:\"Well, I see, Father, be careful not to be spotted by those witches."

  \"Ah..." Robben took a stiff step and left the room.

   Out of the door, Robben exhaled a long sigh, he seemed to...have made a big deal...

When Robben came back from buying something from the outside, he opened the door of the room and he was taken aback. The room that was originally a bit messy had been cleaned very clean. Xiao Nalan was holding one and didn't know where it came from. The broom that came was sweeping the ground hard.

   Seeing Robben come in, Xiao Nalan immediately jumped over happily: "Father, you are back."

  \"Ah...it's so troublesome to call it that way, let's... call it Robben."

   Xiao Nalan's eyes seemed to be red again.

  \"Of course, you can call whatever you like, my...good girl"

   Xiao Nalan immediately opened her eyes and smiled.

In order not to look particularly weird, Robben bought two foods. There was no table in the house. As long as he sat on the bed to eat, Xiao Nalan saw Robben sitting down, and immediately jumped onto the bed, sat next to Robben, and leaned against him. Robben's body eats in small bites~www.readwn.com~Roben..."

  \"Uh...huh?" Robben suddenly noticed that Xiao Nalan changed her name again.

  \"Does this make you feel embarrassed?"

  \"Ah, what?"

\"I know, this is indeed strange, but... Robben, if you are willing to take me with you, please be my father... I have thought about this for a long time in my dreams, but, but you just Tell me that as long as there is hope in my heart, it may be realized, right, so...I should insist on saying it, right?"

   It seems that this generation is fixed...

   The dawn that I saw in despair, would it be as tight as a climbing vine...

  \"Well, you little girl just follow me, I will take care of you" Robben rubbed Nalan's head.

Maybe it was tired of crying. After eating, Xiao Nalan fell asleep with a sweet smile, as if he was afraid of Robben leaving. In his sleep, he still held Robben's clothes tightly, and Robben had to After taking off his clothes, when the quilt was put on Xiao Nalan, he walked to the window and pondered slowly.

   It seems that things are not so good...

   was originally going to come here to get a recommendation and show off my strength. If possible, I can quickly get a certain position and get some convenience, so that I can collect information and find the person I am looking for, but...

   I seem to be a wanted criminal now

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