God Prohibitions

Chapter 688: Prison disaster

The 680th chapter prison disaster

  Roben looked at the scenery outside the window, and didn't know how long he stood after standing until there was a noise behind his back, and a pair of small hands hugged his waist from behind.

   Little Nalan sobbed, \"You didn't go..."

  Roben turned around, smiled and squeezed Nalan’s face, \"Fool, how could I leave you here alone."

   Xiao Nalan wiped his eyes and showed a smile, \"It's almost like a dream. In just a short time, everything seems to have changed."

  \"If you have confidence, you can also change everything"

   Xiao Nalan nodded, and said with a smile: \"Well, I know, I will work hard, I will become a great witch, I will definitely"

Seeing Xiao Nalan's spirits up, Robben relaxed and asked: \"Nalan, I now confirm one thing to you, if we can prove that you didn't take your mother's pair of earrings, are you? Can we not be held accountable?"

   Xiao Nalan suddenly said strangely: "Why do you ask this? It is impossible. These earrings are now on my ears."

  \"No no" Robben immediately shook his head,\"I mean if, if we can prove it, is it all right?"

Seeing Robben's serious expression, Xiao Nalan slightly wrinkled two faint eyebrows: "I am not sure about this, but...even if it can be proved, I will still be punished, after all we did something like It’s already outrageous to run away like this now, and I can already be convicted just because of my very generous attitude towards this pair of eardrops."

  \"Oh, that's how it is." Robben nodded understandingly and fell into thought.

   Little Nalan is strange: \"Why do you ask this, father?"

   Father interrupted Robben's thoughts...

   Okay, this little boy is now his goddaughter...

\"I was thinking, how can you get rid of your guilt, in this case, your future growth can be more smooth, after all, you are a witch, and you are not yet an adult, I don’t know much about the magic practice of witch It will be a lot more convenient for you in an environment with a witch."

   Little Nalan grabbed Robben's shirt tightly: \"Nalan only needs to have his father here."

  Roben knows that now Xiao Nalan has just suddenly changed, and he is very dependent on himself. Now she will listen to what she says, but this does not mean that she can solve any problems.

  \"Hmm..." Robben rubbed his chin, thought about it, and said: \"Nalan, would you like to take a risk with me?"

  \"Yes" Xiao Nalan replied softly.

  In the center of the city, in the witch training camp covering a vast area, the black-robed witch was walking anxiously back and forth in the hall. From time to time, other witches came in to report the current situation in the city, and then quickly withdrew.

  \"There is no small news. It's been more than a day. Haven't they left here?" The black robe witch stared at a magic hourglass next to her, her face full of anxiety.

  \"Or let's go out and look for it. That Robben is not an ordinary guy. Even if our fighters find him, it may not be his opponent, but it will only increase casualties."

   Not far from the black robe witch, the witch who had fought against Robben sat there quietly, looking outside the hall with a worried face.

  \"We must have one to stay here and now you are injured again, how can you tell me to go out and find something else, it is estimated that all the witches in our city will lose their lives." The black witch could not help but roar.

  \"Actually, my injury is not as serious as you thought, I just broke one foot."

\"Broken a foot? I'm not an idiot. If I break a foot, I can still sit on a chair, it won't delay my magic, but you... how could that **** Robben interrupt Your feet"

  \"I said that Robben is not an ordinary character. He possesses special skills, can use space magic, and is also proficient in spiritual magic. It is not surprising that my tricks fail in front of him."

  \"Now is not the time to praise him, if you have this time, think of a good way to catch them both"

  \"Hey...We are really in trouble, one side is a mysterious enemy whose identity and strength are unknown, and the other side is the devil’s punishment. I don’t know if we can survive this time.”

\"Well, don’t say these things that sound irritating. I will ask Carlisle about the details of Robben. The witch sitting on the chair was left melancholy.


  The witch sitting on the chair was shocked, her body swayed strangely, and stood up from the chair like a robot: \"Who?"

   The sky above the hall was empty. After the black robe witch went out just now, there was no more breathing creature.

  \"Teacher, your foot is broken, don't stand up, the injury will get worse"

  \"Nalan?" The witch's face was full of astonishment. She looked at a place where the thin female voice in the hall came from.

  \"Teacher, I’m so sorry for causing you so much trouble, I’m so ashamed"

   In the main hall, the air was mysteriously twisted a few times, Xiao Nalan revealed with a faint sad face, feet, legs, waist, gradually clear...

  Nalan’s teacher took a step back slightly, because in the hands raised by Xiao Nalan, a tall Demon warrior, Robben

  \"How did you get in?" Nalan's teacher saw two people silently appearing in the hall, and he was extremely surprised.

   Robben smiled as politely as possible, \"Nothing, just the same as when he left." Robben didn't want to disclose more about his unique invisibility technique.

At this time, outside the hall finally ran into a witch who reported the situation in the city.At a glance, there were two more people on the hall, but the next moment when the witch discovered that these two people are the unknown source of the city that has caused the city in the past two days. When the Demon Warrior and Xiao Nalan screamed.

   swiftly turned, the witch ran out of the hall, Robben clearly felt all this, the witch must have gone out to call her companions, but Robben did not make any movements.

  Nalan’s teacher watched the witch ran out of the hall, and then looked back: \"Soon there will be a lot of surroundings, this time there will be more witches, since you have already escaped, what are you doing back?

Robben looked at the big hole in the ground, and said apologetically: "I'm so sorry for making a mess here, but the situation did not allow me to explain more, so I had to escape first. I think everyone should calm down in two days. , So I took Nalan back again to explain the matter clearly."


Nalan's teacher looked at Robben inexplicably: \"How to explain this matter? From the day when our witch is recognized as a warrior talent, we must cut off any contact with her relatives. This rule is As an insurmountable commandment, I don’t know how many years it has been strictly enforced. Every witch who violated this rule was executed without exception. Now, Nalan’s ears are wearing the princess’s earrings, how can I explain this? ?"

Nalan’s teacher became more and more angry as he said: "Originally, Nalan would become a qualified witch warrior after completing this trial. She is not an adult yet, do you know what this means? She has unlimited potential. A witch who has not yet grown up can qualify as a warrior. This kind of thing has never been born before. This is a genius among geniuses. However..."

  Nalan’s teacher pointed at Robben, \"Your presence ruined her"

Robben didn’t change his expression because of this witch’s words [Dzi Bead Change], he still smiled and said: \"Look, this is a misunderstanding. I am here to make this clear, and you just said it. , After a witch has the talent to become a warrior, she must cut off contact with her family, right?"

  \"What can it do if it's good? What do you want to explain?"

  \"What I want to say is that Nalan...actually did not violate any precepts."

   It's not just Nalan's teacher. Robben's words made Nalan's eyes widen, and his face was surprised.

  Nalan's teacher narrowed his eyes and stared at Robben fiercely and said, "What did you say?"

   Robben said calmly: "First, Nalan didn't contact her mother. Now the princess in the magic palace knows nothing about this matter."


There was a cold snort from behind Robben. The black witch had already walked in from outside the hall. At the same time, a large number of witches poured in from outside the hall and quickly surrounded Robben and Nalan. intermediate.

  \"Sure enough to have the courage to escape from here, dare to come back again"

  Roben turned around, looked at the black-robed witch who slowly walked towards him, and smiled dryly: \"I am coming back to explain things clearly. This is a misunderstanding."

The black-robed witch slowly walked past Robben and Little Nalan: "Explain? You had better give a good reason, otherwise, you might not escape as easily as the last time. , I know that the first time you came here, the witches have arranged magic around this hall, you...it’s hard to fly with wings.”

  Roben calmly said: \"We dare to come, but we never thought about running, because this matter can definitely be explained clearly."

The black robe witch said coldly: "This matter is extremely serious. It is not something you can explain clearly. We must strictly abide by the rule of life for our witch and relatives to break contact. The princess may not know this matter. Fake, but the earrings on Nalan's ears indicate that she is guilty"

   Xiao Nalan seemed to be a little frightened by the black robe witch's cold shout, shrinking slightly, hiding half of his face behind Robben.

   Robben blinked, looked at all the witches around, and said a dramatic sentence: \"I think...you may be mistaken, this one Nalan brought is not her mother's earrings at all."

  \"What?" The black robe witch and another teacher of Nalan suddenly called.

Facing the stunned witch, Robben said innocently: "Originally, things are very clear, but you were very emotional at the time. It was a posture of fighting and killing. I had to take Xiao Nalan and escape first. Only today..."

  \"Wait" The black robe witch interrupted Robben with a loud yell, \"What did you say? You said Nalandy’s is not the princess’s earrings at all."

  \"Yes" Robben spread his hands and answered as expected.

  \"Is this completely different from what you said last time?" The black robe witch snarled.

Robben scratched his head, looking a little embarrassed: "I'm very sorry, maybe I didn't say it clearly, but the fact is that the earrings Nalan wears were given to him by me, not the princess's earrings, I I have been wandering on the territory of the Demon King Big, how could I come here to get things like the princess, and how do you think I sneaked into the Demon Palace?"

The black-robed witch turned her eyes and fixed her eyes on Nalan's earrings, "Nalan, why don't you explain? Don't tell us the truth? Tell us that this is something you stole from the palace ?"

Robben replied: \"I think it is not difficult for you to understand this. A little witch has lived by her mother since she was a child, but was forced to leave afterwards. She has to undergo endless training, extremely hard, and extremely tired. I don’t know when I will lose my life. I can only have time to think about my mother and reminisce about the sweet tenderness in the undisturbed sleep...a ​​little girl missed her mother, you must have all too, right? ?"

   Robben's words made Nalan's two teachers breathless, and they were slightly embarrassed. A small voice appeared among the witches in the hall.

  The black robe witch was embarrassed for a short time, and immediately lowered her face and said: \"But this is expressly forbidden. All contact with relatives, even items, are not allowed."

Robben smiled: \"You can stop their actions, but can you also stop their thoughts? Or if you just miss your loved ones, you will be punished. Then I think every witch of you here is not qualified to live. Up to now, including you two." As he said, Robben pointed his finger at Nalan's two teachers bluntly.

Before Nalan’s two teachers could speak, Robben continued: \"What I want to explain is that Nalan did not go to see her mother. Carlisle should be able to testify that Nalan left here to go out for trials. He was there during the whole process, until he met me, and then came back here, he was there all the time. Moreover, Xiao Nalan was not carrying her mother's things, but the accessories I gave her. I want to know, Nalan's crime where is it?"

\"I remember it very clearly, it was you." The black robe witch pointed to Robben and said heavily: \"It was you who said that the pair of earrings were belonging to the princess and Nalan also acquiesced in this, and even compiled a Lie

\"Well, yes, I did say that, but if I knew that things would be so serious, I would never say that. The reason why I said that is because Nalan said that the pair of earrings are very similar to her mother's She liked things very much, so I gave it to her. I just want to say that she will be happy."

  \"Lie" The black witch interrupted Robben without hesitation.

Robben shrugged his shoulders: \"I know you are very annoyed, because if I am not cautious, you will not only face the situation of being involved, but also lose a very optimistic student, and now there are troubles in the city, but what I said is This fact can be verified"

  The black robe witch panted slightly, her eyes fixed on Robben, who was calm, and said for a long time: \"Ok you can verify that, how can I verify it?"

Robben smiled: "This is very simple. Now the pair of earrings are still on Nalan's ears. We are here, and we will not go anywhere. You can go to the magic palace immediately to make sure that Nalan's mother is now Do you still wear the previous pair of earrings? I heard Nalan say that the pair of earrings are the relics of her grandmother. Her mother has been wearing them all the time and never left. It must have been hundreds of years now, I can guarantee, Now Nalan’s mother wears the pair of earrings on her ears, and she has never changed them.”

   The Black-robed Witch couldn't help but hesitate, because Robben was too confident in what he said, and his expression was too confident, as if...that was indeed the truth.

  \"Really?" The black robe witch couldn't help asking.

  \"Of course, because this is a fact, we will come back to explain this to you, otherwise we will naturally run away early." Robben's tone was brisk.

The black robe witch showed a contemplative look, and exchanged glances with another teacher of Nalan several times, and finally said: \"But the princess is far away in the magic palace. Items are also extremely difficult"

Robben immediately shook his head: \"No, these are not problems. We have time. We will be here before you are sure. As for certain things, I think it must be easier to talk between you witches. Nalan’s mother is Witch, she must also have witch servants by her side. There are witches everywhere in the magic palace. You will always have a way. You know, this matter is true. If you confirm this matter, Nalan’s crime will disappear. The things you may be involved in will also completely disappear, and the trouble here will also disappear. I think you... will definitely be able to do this."

   The black robe witch was obviously shaken, her face was dark, and she started to pace with some anxiety.

   After walking back and forth several times, the black-robed witch stopped fiercely: "Before that, I will lock you up"

\"Yes" Robben replied very confidently,\" However, I cannot let you seal my strength. After all, our current relationship is not so harmonious, but as long as you don't do too much, I will be honest. Stay here."

  The black-robed witch seemed to be hesitating, and at this time, a witch ran outside the hall, and the black-robed witch immediately shouted: "Who told you to come in, I didn't tell you to come in and out here."

  The witch who ran in immediately stopped and said quickly: \"Teacher, I'm very sorry, but... the magic palace sent an emissary to ask us what the chaos here is. Now the emissary is about to reach the hall."

  \"The messenger of the magic palace?" The black-robed witch's pupils shrank, \"Unexpectedly, it was less than two days before the news reached the magic palace..."

   turned her head, the black robe witch shouted: "Take them to the dungeon and lock them in the deepest place"

   After tidying up her clothes, the black robe witch looked at Robben and said coldly: \"I hope you are telling the truth, otherwise..."

  \"You will know what I said is the truth." Robben replied easily.

   snorted, the black robe witch walked out of the hall first: \"I will meet the messenger of the magic palace, everything here must not be revealed to the outside world"

   All the witches nodded gently.

  The dungeons of the witches looked very gloomy and very dark. Under the "escort" of countless witches, Robben no longer remembered how many steps he had descended, and finally came to the deepest part of this dungeon.

   A witch opened the cell door that seemed to be rusty, pushed Robben in, then opened a cell next to it, and let little Nalan walk in.

   After the witches left, the dark dungeon fell into silence.

  \"Ahhhhh...I thought I was going to be locked up alone until death, but I didn’t expect that you two would be arrested in the end. I won’t be lonely anymore."

   A voice suddenly remembered in the dungeon.

   Robben looked at the sound in astonishment, and saw that there seemed to be people moving in the cell opposite to him. A small ball of light bounced over, and Robben finally saw the situation on the opposite side.

  \"Carlisle?" Robben was surprised.

\"Are you so surprised? When something like this happened, those witches would naturally not let me go. They believed in their sisters, but they would never believe in a warrior of another race. I have not been killed yet. It seems that I still want to get some information from me, hey... This time I was killed by you and I was thinking that I would get a reward if I found a powerful warrior. I didn't expect it to be a prison disaster."

  \"Still so nagging" Robben couldn't help being funny.

  \"Huh? What do you mean? Still? Do you think I'm nagging?" Carlisle asked a little strangely.

\"Ah, nothing... I'm so sorry for the trouble, but we'll be fine soon, those witches will let us go" Robben tried to push the door of the cell, \"squeaking" , The cell door was pushed open.

   It seems to know that a Demon warrior who is not sealed by the power cannot be locked by a prison door, and the witches do not even lock the door.

  \"Release us, why?" Carlisle immediately walked to the front of the cell and asked very suspiciously, \"And, why are you not sealed? Hey, open the door of my prison, it's stinking."

Robben walked in front of Carlisle and smiled apologetically: \"Since you have been sealed with power and locked here, it is better not to mess with the witches who are getting angry. You just stay inside, anyway. Going out soon."

   Ignoring Carlisle's yelling, Robben came to Nalan’s cell and pulled the door lightly. As expected, the door was unlocked.

  \"Nalan, what's the matter? Don't worry, we will be fine. Even if the situation is so bad that it can't be worse, we can sneak out."

   Little Nalan squatted in the corner of the cell, silent.

   Robben also walked over and did a good job beside Xiao Nalan: "What's wrong? Are you doubting the authenticity of your earrings?"

   Xiao Nalan's body trembled slightly, although he did not speak, Robben already understood.

  \"Um...you don't have to doubt or be sad...this pair of earrings is definitely the mother's pair, I promise"

Little Nalan's eyes under her arm flashed, moved her body, leaned on Robben's shoulder, and whispered: "I am not good, I shouldn't doubt it...I can't see my mother, but With you by my side, I should have been very satisfied"

   Robben chuckled and smiled: "Stupid girl, your earrings are really your mother's thing. She entrusted me to me and asked me to pass it on to you."

   Xiao Nalan raised his head in surprise, and said in surprise: \"Then... Then why do you dare to ask the teacher to go to the magic palace to confirm it, once confirmed, don't we make a fool of ourselves?"

Robben smiled mysteriously and stretched out his hand to squeeze Nalan’s nose: "This...it’s a secret. After your teachers arrive in the magic palace, they will definitely make sure that your mother is still wearing these earrings, and then come back. Let us out"

   Xiao Nalan's face was full of surprise, and she seemed to look at Robben in disbelief.

  \"Huh? Don’t believe me?"

  \"This...this really surprised me"

\"Yeah, I know, but you can rest assured, I have a way, things will go in this direction, so we don’t have to worry, just eat and drink these days, and wait for your teachers to release us. ,Do you understand?"

  Although he was surprised, seeing Robben's determined face, Xiao Nalan nodded involuntarily.

Robben stood up: \"That's fine, don't squat here slouchingly now. I don't know how long this cell has not been cleaned. How can I live in? Let's clean up. Your teachers don't know how efficient it is. Well, if it’s unhappy, we might have to live for a while."

\"Hey you two, listen to me, do you think I don’t exist? Hey Nalan, hey Robben" I don’t know how long it’s been in the dungeon, it’s full of helplessness and a bit Urgent voices, there are some clanging, rustling cleaning sounds...

   I don't know how long it took, the stone door on the steps of the dungeon opened, and a witch walked in with a plate in her hand, which seemed to contain food, but the witch was stunned as soon as she entered the door.

   The dark and humid dungeon is now bright and dry. Under the steps, the **** and dirt accumulated on the dirt surface are gone. Because of the dampness, the dirt is always dark brown and the dirt is gray and white...

On the ground, there is a thick blanket. There are two people on the blanket, and a small table in the middle of the two people. On the table are some odds and ends of food, and some very suspicious cards. Individuals are holding some of these cards in their hands, and one of them said in the other: \"Nalan, I have said many times, mine is the king, it is the biggest card, how can you use a small three The cards are in charge?"

  \"You..." The witch who came with the food didn't know for a while, what should I say.

As soon as Robben looked up, he saw the witch standing on the steps and was stunned. He immediately stood up and smiled and said: "I think the food should be delivered too, or we will starve to death, ah, no trouble, I just go up and get it. Okay..."

   said, Robben trot all the way to the staring witch, and took the food pan from her hand: \"Well, it's pretty fragrant, thank you"

   Robben ran out a few steps, then suddenly turned his head: \"If you are more idle, do you want to come down and play cards with us? Guarding the cell may be a very boring task, right"

  \"Ah...No, no, you can fight..." Some of the witches who brought the food didn't know what they were talking about.

  \"Okay, but you are welcome to come down anytime, we have been eating here in Nalan."

   The witch retired with a stiff face. When closing the door, she heard words such as \"Stealing cards is wrong, of course, I have to count them separately..."

There is nothing to entertain in the dungeon, and most of Robben's space rings are not available, only a few things, so playing cards has become Robben and Xiao Nalan's main means of playing time, and sometimes they will bring Carlisle. However, Carlisle was always locked in the cell and had to play cards across the iron pillar of the cell. This made Kylisle very depressed, because it was very inconvenient to play cards and cheat across the cell, and Robben and Nalan obviously both stole cards. Suspect of possession...

Although I don't understand why Robben is so confident, but since Robben said yes, Xiao Nalan didn't ask carefully. Although he was in a cell, he didn't need to train or do anything. Robben was with him. Xiao Nalan smiled more and more.

   So many days have passed...

  \"Roben, you shamelessly, what's under your ass?" Xiao Nalan held down the cards on the table and fixed his eyes on Robben's **** and hands.

   Robben immediately stared: "Nalan, you little girl, what kind of attitude is this? Is this the tone of talking to your father?"

  Nalan stared back unceremoniously: \"There is no father and daughter on the table, isn't that what you said?"

  \"I...I said this?" Robben was sweating.

\"If Robben wins this time, you will make me a pillow every day after we go out. Don’t be fooled. You must have hidden a card, eh..." Little Nalanfei swept the table. There are also the cards in the hands of himself and Robben, squinting his eyes as if to calculate the pile of useless cards, and then said: "You hid four cards, right?"

  \"How do you know?" Robben couldn't help but blurt out, and was taken aback when he finished speaking.

  \"Sure enough, Robben, you cheated again. In this round, you lost and I won. I won." Xiao Nalan shouted with joy.

   Good guy, is this a talent? Just a glance at the pile of useless cards will tell you how many cards there are?

  \"Nalan, the card in your sleeve fell out." Robben pointed his finger at the little Nalan who was jumping on the ground.

  \"Huh? No, it's not hidden in the sleeve." Xiao Nalan immediately looked at his sleeve in confusion...

   Just when the two people were arguing, the stone door on the steps of the dungeon opened, and the face of the black-robed witch appeared in the cell.

  \"I heard that you have had a good time here. It seems that it is so."

  \"Teacher" Seeing the black robe witch appeared here, Xiao Nalan immediately let go of the hand holding Robben's cheek and stood up from Robben.

   Robben rubbed his face and stood up: \"How about it? It's been so long, I think you should check it out too?"

  The black witch snorted, \"Anyway, you guys come with me first." Turning around, the black witch walked out of the cell.

   Robben raised his eyebrows happily: \ "Look at what I said, we are going to be released."

Quickly packed up things, Robben and Xiao Nalan walked up the stone steps, and when they were about to leave the cell, a voice rang out from behind: "My Lord Demon God is here, have I been forgotten...put me too Go out"

   Outside the door, the voice of the black robe witch came in: \"Release that Carlisle by the way..."

   There was no time in the dungeon. Robben didn't know how many days had passed now. After coming out of the dungeon, the sky was slightly dim, and Robben felt that the lights in the cell were so bright.

   is still in the main hall. The hole that Robben blasted out in the main hall has now been filled, and he pounced on the floor again, with no trace.

   The hall looked very empty. This time, only Nalan's two teachers were present. The witch who had fought Robben before was still sitting on the chair.

   The black-robed witch turned her back to Robben and Xiao Nalan, and looked up at the huge statue of the demon **** in the innermost hall of the hall. She didn't speak for a while, as if she was thinking about something.

   Robben was not in a hurry, and took Xiao Nalan to wait patiently.

\"Okay..." The black robe witch finally spoke.\"You won, although I don't know what method you used, but...In the magic palace, the pair of princesses has been wearing earrings for nearly five hundred years. It is still on her ears and it has never changed. We have confirmed this fact after several confirmations."

   turned around, the black robe witch looked at the pair of small Nalan’s earrings: \"Nalan, your pair is indeed not your mother’s."

Xiao Nalan opened her mouth and was about to say something immediately. Robben squeezed her hand immediately. At this time, don't make any more mess, and finally got out of the cell. Although it doesn't matter if you stay, you can't go in or not. Good...

  \"Look, I'm telling the truth, right" Robben smiled relaxedly.

  The black-robed witch's gaze swept across Robben's face a few times: \"I don't believe you now, but...the result of our investigation is like this, I have to think that way"

  \"Facts speak louder than words. I think now that this matter has been clarified, are we not charged with that crime?" Robben looked at the black robe witch very happy.

\"If Nalan didn’t come into contact with the princess, and the pair of earrings was not the princess’s thing, Nalan did not have such a serious charge, but... a witch warrior should have kept his code of conduct in mind, Nalan, because of this Accept the item that looks like a princess on the earrings. This is a kind of negligence.Although it is far less serious than the previous crime, we still have to punish you, and because of this incident, it has caused trouble in the city, and even alarmed the messenger of the magic palace, I It's all your fault to comfort him and return to Nalan with difficulty. Would you like to accept punishment?"

Xiao Nalan looked at her teacher with a little surprise.At first, there was no room for easing this matter, but suddenly there seemed to be nothing. If it was only the latter two crimes, then the punishment for herself would be severe. Ease.

   Seeing Xiao Nalan was a little stunned, the black robe witch immediately repeated her words again.

  \"Ah this...I think I should take this responsibility." Little Nalan hadn't spoken yet, Robben had already spoken.


To be honest, the black robe witch really wants to strangle Robben, who has caused her troubles here. Now the tense is relaxed. As long as Nalan is punished, the matter can be ended. This is not a violation of the ban at all, even in the future. When it was checked, only minor responsibility would be pursued. Seeing that the matter was about to end, this Robben actually jumped out to speak again, and the black robe witch couldn't help but his eyelids jumped.

  \"What do you want to say again?"

\"I think, it has caused so many troubles, but in fact, I would be wrong at the time, and said the wrong words, so that the next thing happened, Nalan is just a little girl, I think the responsibility of this matter , It should be my responsibility."

   Xiao Nalan quickly pulled La Luo Ben's hand, Robben turned his head and showed a smile: "It's okay, it was my fault, obedient."

   Raising his head, Robben said: \"I am willing to accept punishment for Nalan, or what terms will I exchange for the price of this punishment."

  \"This is not something you can exchange when you say exchange." The black robe witch's voice was full of irritation.

Robben shook his head slowly: \"I can see that you don't want to make any noise about this matter. You don't want to lose a good student. At the same time, Nalan's father is the Devil King Arthur. There will be many problems involved in this, the best The solution is to make this matter silently and reasonably settled, so that you can live safely without violating the precepts. Even if you find something in your head in the future, there will be no major problems."

   The black-robed witch looked at Robben's eyes, almost breathing fire.

\"Nalan turned over the mistake, it was because of me, so I took it on her behalf. This is reasonable and there is nothing wrong with it... "Speaking of Robben, he smiled,\" Speaking of it, I will think something you might think Strange magic, this may be very helpful to you, and I am happy to use it to atone for my sins, it is better to say...your feet"

Robben’s gaze fell on the witch’s feet who had been sitting on the chair: "We have been in the dungeon for a long time, but it seems that your feet haven’t gotten much better. Our demons are healing the wounds. In terms of items, it's really too weak..."

   Robben shook his head regretfully, then blinked, and said mischievously: \"Would you like me to treat you for a while, it’s an immediate effect"

  \"Will you heal the wound?" The black-robed witch was obviously accidental,\"For us?"

Robben nodded.\"I think I have been in the prison for so long, and I have fully shown my sincerity. As for how I can cure, I don’t know if you have heard this sentence. If you don’t have diamonds, don’t buy porcelain. You may not have heard of it, but it doesn’t matter, you will soon know what it means.”

  \"Now I need a basin of water, preferably warm and some bandages, some clean cloth"



Robben looked at the two witches who did not respond in confusion: "What? Don't you want to heal? I don't seem to have a reason to lie to you~www.readwn.com~The black robe witch slowly nodded,\"You are the most Don’t play tricks, and someone will prepare me a basin of water, bandages, and clean cloth.”

(www.. Lang Lang Book)

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