God Prohibitions

Chapter 690: Recruit

The 690th chapter recruits soldiers

  Lal didn't have a particularly big reaction, he was just a little surprised, but Ramut was a bit annoyed by Robben's behavior.

\"How dare you privately requisition our training ground? Do you know how nervous our training ground is now? You actually took our money to buy these useless things, you are going to Are we all lost here?" Lal pointed at Robben's nose angrily and cursed.

Robben shrugged his shoulders calmly: "Why are you so anxious? I just purchased some medically necessary items. You want me to treat your injured witches here. You can't let me treat them empty-handed." Well, my mental power is always limited. It is impossible to perform magic treatment on every witch. You should understand this very well."

   Camute's eyes rounded, and he was about to shout again.

\"And" Robben cut off her words loudly in advance,\"I was very surprised to find out that a place with a high casualty rate like you does not even have a professional medical officer. This is simply sensational. Doctor [Super doctor recommends reading this book], I think this is the life of Caosuga. Now since I am a special appointment medical officer here, I will naturally take care of all medical affairs. This is also agreed by the two of you."

  \"You..." Camuute glared.

\"Also..." Robben intercepted Camute's words in advance.\"I have to admit that as a witch, as the trainer and person in charge here, you and Lal are both outstanding, but You can drag a broken foot for a long time and it won’t be cured. This is a very prominent proof that in terms of medical knowledge, you and I are completely incomparable, so I hope you will stop pointing fingers at my work. This can only be Insulting yourself"

   Camuute trembled with anger: \"You...you..."

\"I am the special medical officer here, the person in charge of Camut, if you are injured accidentally, please come to me for treatment, I will serve you wholeheartedly, but if you have nothing special now, can it be Call some witches to help me move these things in, and then you can go to your business. You have a lot of things to do every day, don't you? I'm really sorry for the delay in your time."

\"Ok...Okay" Camuut laughed furiously, \"You remember to me, if you make any mistakes, the punishment of this training camp applies to you. If not for Lal's repeated insistence, I will Won't agree..."

  \"Thank you for agreeing to let me stay here, so if the time is inconvenient for you now, I will call for someone by myself"

   Camute stared at Robben, nodded slowly, \"Ok...very good guy, help him move these weird things in for me"

   Watching Camute leave angrily, Robben smiled.

  \"Father...it doesn't do any good to offend Teacher Camuute." Little Nalan pulled Laroben behind his back.

Hearing the words'Father, Robben's face stiffened slightly. He looked around. No one seemed to pay attention here. He quickly turned around and knelt down and said to Xiao Nalan: \"Why do you follow me all day , Don’t need training?"

   Little Nalan blinked: \"Don't...you don't want to see me?" Then, Xiao Nalan showed a grievance on her face.

  \"Ah...this is of course not, it's just a bit strange..." Robben explained quickly.

\"I have passed the trial of the witch warrior, but I have not yet reached adulthood. Teacher Lal told me that he was not ready to assign me tasks immediately. He wanted me to receive intensive training for a period of time and increase my strength. When I became an adult, After the power has broken through, go out and perform tasks."

  \"That said, I have to suffer here for a while."

Xiao Nalan smiled: \"No, the current training program is no longer difficult for me. The teacher said that he was going to teach me something else. The previous training program only retained a small part of it. I mostly Time... is starting to be free."

  \"Um...that's not bad"

Robben thought for a while and patted his forehead: "Why don't you do this? Anyway, you are now relatively free most of the time. Can you come to me to help? I will hire you as the head nurse of the medical clinic. "

  \"The head nurse?" Little Nalan tilted his head and looked confused.

  \"Anyway, I just come to help when I'm okay, right?"

Xiao Nalan smiled: \"I can also sneak over when something happens. Now the things the teacher gives me are for my own comprehension. If I, um... relax a little bit, I can spend all the time. By your side."

  \"Ah...that's it..."

In the center of the long training ground, in the small training ground community, Robben stepped on a few boxes, and loudly directed the witches who were pulling back and forth, so that they could order the things they bought. All were set up, Xiao Nalan was also busy below, and the noisy voice made the witches in the training grounds on both sides concentrate all their attention at a time.

Now everyone knows that the two persons in charge hired a strange medical officer to treat the injured witch, but now everyone feels confused about this medical officer. The demon named Robben is not a witch. Not to mention, and when he came, he went to war, even forcibly requisitioning the training ground, and it is said that he had a quarrel with the person in charge of Camut.

\"Hey, those things should be lighter, lighter on the other side, arrange the beds tighter, hell, it seems that the area of ​​this training field is not enough at all. Oh my god, that is surgical equipment, not for cutting things What I said is you and you. Didn’t I say that all the boxes should be placed over there..." On this training ground, the witches walked almost without sound, and occasionally they collided with each other slightly. The voice, other than that, was all Robben's yelling...

  \"Nalan, come back"

Little Nalan leaned on her two calves, and ran quickly in front of Luo himself with something in her hand. Robben grabbed her back: "This is over there, oh, I'm so dizzy, face What's on it, why is it so dirty?" Robben took off the towel on his shoulder and rubbed it on Xiao Nalan's face.

   Little Nalan sniffs his nose: "There is a smell of sweat"

   Robben laughed dryly: \"If you’re busy, how can you not sweat, kid, don’t you sweat during training.”

  \"Our girl’s taste is different from yours."

   Robben helplessly: \"Okay, okay, put this thing over there, and then you go to rest for a while, our things here are basically almost finished."

  \"Okay" Xiao Nalan smiled and turned to leave.

  \"Give me that sweaty towel" Robben hurriedly stopped Xiao Nalan.

  \"Confiscated" Xiao Nalan trot away all the way...

After tossing for a long time, although the area of ​​this training field is indeed not small, Robben bought too many things, and he couldn't put it down at all, and finally had to leave some things in the warehouse, which is considered to be Reluctantly arranged this training ground roughly.

   Robben looked at the items basically placed to play, and could not help but wipe the sweat from his forehead, only then found that the towel was snatched away by Nalan...

\"These witches, there is no common medical knowledge at all, but fortunately, there is no big mistake at all. First, it must be soundproof and quiet." Robben's hand began to shine, and the entire training field was attached to the isolation The barbed wire raised a light blue light wave, rising to a height of more than ten meters, and then closed to the middle, sealing the entire training ground inside, and suddenly all the training sounds outside disappeared.

  \"This is the dispensing room" A transparent light wave rises, separating a small compartment.

  \"This is the staff lounge." Another space was separated.

  \"This is the corridor...this is the ward...this is my office...this is the operating room...this is the consulting room...this is..."

  Roben said as he walked, strolling back and forth in the training ground, this training ground filled with various items has completely changed its appearance.

   Standing at the door, Robben looked at his small hospital with great satisfaction, with a smile on his face: "The rest is to recruit people slowly, hey... I can't say I'm going to be a teacher again."

\"Father...why did you choose to build a medical clinic here? There is no place bigger than this in the training camp. If there is this silent enchantment here, it will be very noisy." Xiao Nalan appeared quietly Behind Robben.

\"This is the center of the entire training ground. All injured witches can be sent here as quickly as possible. Didn’t you say that there are often dead witches appearing? You know, sometimes, just There is a short time difference, but for a life, that is the difference between life and death, so I chose the position here.

  \"How about? Not bad, right?" Robben asked proudly.

  \"Father is so nice"

  \"Ahahaha, of course" Robben laughed.

   Robben’s medical clinic is officially opened...

The witches are very uncomfortable. If they are injured in normal times, they will apply some wound medicine before going to bed, or they will just stand up, but now...at the center of the training camp, there is a big medical treatment. So, if you get hurt, you have to go to see a doctor and treat your injury even if you don’t have a few headaches in your life, and there are many things that you didn’t have before...

   Camute suppressed his anger, pointed at the thing on the training camp wire fence and shouted at Robben behind him: "This...what is this? Why are these things all over the place now?"

\"Are you sick? Injured? Or is it okay? Don’t be afraid, Robben Clinic will serve you wholeheartedly. The Robben Clinic, located in the center of the training camp, has complete medical facilities and a first-class health care environment. With advanced treatment methods, professional doctors will help you solve problems. There are gates on both sides of the training center..."

   Lal read silently...Finally, his voice became quieter, he sighed helplessly, and pointed to the thing hanging on the wire fence: \"Roben, is this you hanging, right?"

   looked up and saw that in the corridors on both sides of the training ground, there was a piece of such a large object hanging in front and back of almost every separated training ground. "

   Robben scratched his head and smiled: \"Yes, I did it, it took a lot of effort."

   Camute tore down the big advertisement: "We asked you to heal our wounded witch, not for you to do these strange things"

Robben shrugged his shoulders: \"I can’t help it, you see, my medical clinic has been opened, but the witches don’t seem to understand what’s going on. No witch came to me during the day yesterday. Healing injuries, I think it is unlikely that you will not have injuries in a day, and you just casually called me to treat the witches, but you did not officially explain my situation to all the witches. Most of the witches are still not. I understand the significance of my presence here, so I had to promote it myself. This is one of the methods. Although this may affect some environmental aspects, the effect should be good.

   Robben pulled back the big advertising parchment in Camute’s hand and re-posted it: \"I don’t think you guys want me to spend a lot of money without a witch coming to me for treatment, right?"

  \"Roben is coming back soon. The business you mentioned is here." Robben immediately followed the reputation and saw Xiao Nalan waving to himself in front of the medical clinic.

  \"Look, the effect is not here. Now I'm going to work, please do it yourself." Robben finished speaking, turned and ran back. "

   Watching Robben and Little Nalan get into the medical clinic, Camute said bitterly: "I think our original decision may have been a mistake. This guy will make us miserable here."

   Lal smiled bitterly and looked at the crooked, almost illegible advertisement: \"Forget it, this is not a big deal. We did not explain to all the witches that this is our fault."

  \"Lal" Camuute called.

  \"Well, don’t always stare at that Robben. Could it be that you are attracted to him, then you just have to pretend to be sick and go to him. Let’s do our thing."

  \"I think you are the only one who is in love with him. Everything is protecting him."

  Lal smiled: \"If I have this mood, that would be great. Don't grab me when the time comes."

  \"Damn, I can't wait to pinch him to death now"

  \"That may be more difficult, you may have to work a lot, but it can only let people squeeze around."

  Camut could not help but flushed: "You...what the **** is going on with you?"

Lal laughed happily: \"Camut is okay, I know you are a little nervous, but this Robben will not be disadvantageous to us, his current behavior is not out of the ordinary, we just need to be quiet Just watch it quietly. As long as our injured students can recover, that is also a good thing. Repeated punishments will make them more diligent."

  \"It's better to be like that..." Camute's mumble obviously still has a lot of dissatisfaction...

Robben returned to his medical clinic and saw his first patient. This is also a little witch who has not yet grown up. Now she is lying on the bed, her expression is dull, her eyes are blank, her mouth is slightly opened and closed, as if Repeated a syllable continuously.

  \"What's wrong?" Robben immediately stepped forward and began to examine the little witch's body.

Xiao Nalan probed her mind behind her back and said: "She made a serious mistake. The teacher in charge of her used the mental sting, but she didn't seem to have a good grasp of the strength. She had been selected into the deep chaos and she couldn't. After training again, I saw our ad and sent it here.

   Luo Ben's face rolled angrily: "Where is the witch who is the teacher?"

  \"She didn't come, she just asked someone to send this little witch. Those witches who sent her have already returned. And... Robben, do you really want to take off her clothes?"

  \"Simply a murderer, as a murderer, I want to check if she has any other injuries."

  \"Oh..." Little Nalan said in a low voice and stopped speaking.

   Robben felt his heart beating, this little witch who has fallen into chaos has scars all over her young body, and some places seem to be newly injured, and she can see the bloodshots, as if she has undergone countless torture...

  \"You...you treat your compatriots like this? How can you treat her like this when she is still a child" Robben couldn't believe it.

Xiao Nalan returned softly: "It seems that she often makes mistakes, or is a newcomer, and is punished more often, otherwise she won't leave so many scars. Our witch has a special skin. , Once the wound has healed after the injury, there will be no traces left on the skin. There are no scars on my body now, you see..."

  \"Okay, well, I see." Robben quickly grabbed Nalan's hand to undress.

Turning back, Robben used magic to heal all the wounds on the little witch's body first, and then let Xiao Nalan help her to dress her clothes, lay it flat on the bed, and pull the little witch's little hand, Robben's mental power Pour into it.

  Walking around in this little witch's sea of ​​consciousness, Robben couldn't help sighing. This is almost like a mental attack to kill, how can it be used for punishment.

\"Nalan, you are both witches, your witch warriors as teachers must have also come out of the same training camp. How can they treat their compatriots so cruelly? This is simply to kill her directly. The sea is already in chaos. If you don’t quickly sort it out, I’m afraid I’ll become stupid in this life. Why? Why do they do this? Don’t they remember the sufferings they suffered in the training camp? Treating others like this now is because I was treated at that time, and now I abuse others in turn? This kind of person... should be killed

   Robben became more and more excited when he spoke and finally he couldn't help but roar.

   Little Nalan listened to Robben's roar silently, but said nothing.

   After taking a few breaths, Luo Ben calmed down his mood: \"Forget it, it's not the time to talk about this, now I will help her sort out the sea of ​​consciousness."

   After finishing speaking, Robben's mental power flowed into the sea of ​​consciousness of this little witch, following the no longer clear trajectory, slowly pushing the chaotic sea of ​​consciousness to the original law of operation.

Seeing that Robben was calmer, Xiao Nalan stepped forward gently, looked at the little witch lying on the bed, and slowly said: \"Actually... the teachers naturally know that we are very hard and very tired. They also came from this time of ours. They survived tenaciously and have their status today. They whipped us and punished us severely. I didn't understand it at first, but then I gradually understood. "

\"We have a lot of witches, a lot of witch warriors, but there are always few strong ones, very few. The teachers hope that we can be strong, hope that we can excel, be stronger than them, and have more status than them. This requires harshness environment of"

  \"But if you don't have anything to do with it, you can rush to life." Robben's voice was full of anger.

Xiao Nalan smiled bitterly: "This is the destiny of the witch... We have a lot of people, our talents are also uneven, and our personalities are very different. Each of our teachers is a witch warrior, and their number is less than ours. Poor, it is difficult to manage these little witches who have left their mothers. The best way is to punish them. Kill a hundred. We witches come to the training camp. The most stringent one is the little witches who have not yet grown up. The punishment is also the most fierce. Everything... is for the emergence of a stronger and more powerful witch warrior. I accidentally saw it. A teacher slapped a little witch with a whip, and then the little witch died. , And then I saw the witch teacher secretly crying in the corner, crying very sad, she held the wall with her hand to prevent herself from speaking, the wall was full of blood stains she caught...Of course, she also found me, I was also slapped with a whip and promised not to reveal this matter."

   smiled faintly, Xiao Nalan repeated softly: "This is our destiny..."

   Robben was silent, how cruel such a fate...

   gently let go of his hand, Robben clicked on the center of the little witch's eyebrows, and a black ripple leaked in.

\"Okay, I have sorted out her sea of ​​consciousness, but she was mentally shocked, she would still be in a trance, first sleep, and rest for a few days, and then she will be fine, we carried her to the bed inside go with."

   Xiao Nalan was taken aback: \"Have you... sorted out her sea of ​​consciousness?"

  \"Of course, this is not difficult." Robben said and picked up the little witch.

  \"But... this is something that even Mrs. Lal and Camuute can't do?"

\"Your witch's treatment skills are really not flattering, but all of your sophisticated mental power is used for offense, which is simply a waste..." Robben has already carried this little witch into the "ward" A clean bed went up.

  \"But... if she is fine, she will have to train immediately, otherwise she will be punished"

Robben’s face suddenly pulled down: \"Who said she’s okay, I’m a doctor here [super doctor recommends reading this book], she’s a patient, I don’t say she’s okay, anyone who dares to grab is against me and against me It's tantamount to fighting against Lahr and Camuut who hired me."

   Xiao Nalan couldn't help being speechless.

  \"Let her sleep first, let's go out for a while, you see that we only have one business door, which is very bad, it seems that the effect of advertising is limited, we have to do it personally."

  \"What do you mean by doing it yourself...?" Xiao Nalan was stunned by Robben pulled out the door...


   In the training ground, two witches were fighting fiercely. When one of them suppressed the other in the corner and attacked, a loud roar came from the sound of the wire fence behind the attacked witch being torn.

   A hand came out of the wire fence and held the wrist of the attacking witch.

Robben said to the stunned witch in a very serious voice: "Your opponent has been injured and is about to fall to the ground. It is no longer worthwhile to attack her now, so you should stop, I want Take her to heal her injuries"

  \"You...what did you say?" The attacking witch obviously did not react.

  \"And you, your legs are bleeding, and the wound is deep. If you move violently for a while, you will faint due to blood loss."

  The attacking witch opened her mouth wide, and looked at a demon warrior outside, tearing the barbed wire fence, and dragging her dazed opponent out, then stepped forward and grabbed her wrist.

  \"Well, you two are my second batch of guests, you can cheer in your hearts now"

   Xiao Nalan was in a cold sweat behind Luo himself. It turned out that this physical exercise was to run out and force someone back to treat the injury...

  \"Is Robben? I know you are a medical officer, but please don't disturb our training casually. This is not allowed." The witch in charge of this training ground ran over immediately.

\"My duty is to treat the wounded witches here, and to exercise the rights of a medical officer with full authority. Although an agreement was signed at that time, there is still this article. Now I want these two witches to be injured, they just I have entered the scope of my duties. As a medical officer, I have the right to request that my patient not receive training until my patient has recovered. If you have any objections, you can go directly to the two responsible persons, Lar and Camuut. , They hired me to come"

Robben pointed to the leg on one witch's hand, and another witch's slumped arm, which seemed to be either broken or dislocated, indicating that these two were wounded, and then pulling the two witches without looking back. Gone.

   Anyway, it was true that Lal and Camus hired themselves to come here. As for whether every witch warrior would have the courage to communicate with these two responsible persons, that would not be within Robben's consideration.

   After a while, the two witches who were pulled back by Robben walked out of the clinic a little dazedly, and their injuries were healed...

In the distance, Camuute said to Lal behind him frantically: \"Are we already a shield for that kid? Now, wherever he goes, no matter what he does, he says that he has the permission of the two of us. Come to us directly"

Lal had no choice but to smile bitterly: \"It seems...that's true, but it's not too bad. He didn't do anything unforgivable, and...you see that we now have two witches cured. Is it hurt? Maybe we formally introduce him so that everything can be on the right track, so there will be no such chaos."

  \"What? You still want to help him?" Camute's eyes widened.

   Witch Training Camp, in the main hall, Lal's complexion was standing on a high platform, and countless witches gathered below.

\"My compatriots, I called you here today to officially announce something. I think you have already appeared. A medical clinic appeared in the training ground. Yes, the medical clinic was approved by me and Camut. After it was established, it will be responsible for treating you who were injured during the training. Now... we invite our newly-invited medical officer to meet with you.

  Lal went down, Robben stepped onto the stage, the witches talked a lot, and recognized that this guy was the demon warrior who wandered around the training ground these days.

  \"Hello ladies, children" Robben spoke very happily, but the little witches below who are not yet adults seem to be very dissatisfied with Robben's name.

\"My name is Robben, I believe you have noticed me these days. In the future, I will be responsible for your treatment work, and I want to reiterate that you can come to me not only if you are injured normally If you feel uncomfortable accidentally, such as loss of appetite, insomnia, upset and restlessness, you can come to me. I am fully responsible for your health work."

   The witches couldn't help whispering timidly. The above guy's words sounded fake, or smelled like a trap.

\"And..." Robben continued: "Now there are only me and Nalan in the medical clinic, and how many witches are there... I'm sorry I don't know, but obviously we don't have enough manpower. , So I am here to sincerely recruit helpers. In your usual time that is not too busy, I think I can come and help, otherwise our medical clinic will not be able to operate normally. I need your support."

   Camute looked at Robben with gritted teeth below: \"What is this **** talking about? How can we have time to help him?"

  Lal smiled: \"I think he will see this soon..."

   The brief introduction is over. The witches still have daily training tasks, and they all left early.

   Robben and Nalan returned to their medical clinic and couldn't help being stunned. There was a witch waiting in it. It seems that the official promotion effect is better.

  \"Nalan starts work" Robben rolled up his sleeves...

   Indeed, Rahr’s action has greatly illuminated the medical clinic’s signs. The witches who were suspicious before were finally sent here after being injured. Robben immediately became busy, and... more and more busy...

Because the witches soon discovered that although there was only one medical officer and a little witch in this medical clinic, the treatment was so fast that people were staggering. If it was not too serious, it would be cured in a blink of an eye. Now, go in and go...

   At the end, Robben finally has a long queue at the door of his medical clinic in a short time.

  \"Where are you hurt, let me see" Robben wiped his sweat and asked a witch who staggered into the infirmary.

  The witch looked embarrassed: \"I...I..."

  \"Alright, alright, don’t be shy, although I am a man, I am the first doctor now [Super doctor recommends reading this book] It is my responsibility to treat your body, you can treat me as a wooden person."

  \"No no" This witch is anxious, \"I am not injured"

  \"No" Robben stared,\"Then what are you doing here? Ah well, if you are tired, you can go to the bed inside and lie down for a while."

  \"I...I just passed by here, but it is too crowded. I wanted to go there, but I was squeezed in..."

   Robben absolutely fell.

\"Roben, you are too tired to rest." Nalan took a towel and wiped the sweat from Robben's forehead. Robben was performing a minor operation on a witch, removing the broken bones in her arm. To pick out.

  \"Damn it, why are we still the two of us now, is there no witch willing to help?"

Xiao Nalan said helplessly: \"Our training schedule is full, and the most free time is when sleeping. Actually, there is no time to help. My situation is relatively special, so it will always it's here."

  \"Well, it seems that I have to use another method"

   In a quiet room of the Witch Training Camp, Camute spouted all his tea: "What did you say? You want to be paid?"

   Robben nodded very happily: \"Yes, this is as it should be. In only three or four days, my threshold is about to be squeezed. It is impossible for me to do such unpaid work and I will be exhausted."

  Lal couldn't help but frowned.\"Roben, the witch we train here, doesn't have any money, how can I pay you?"

  Roben shook his head indifferently: \"It’s no problem with less, I naturally won’t be a vampire. I heard Nalan say that you will symbolically give these trained witches some living expenses, although they have nowhere to spend."


Camute’s teacup was smashed to the ground, and the angry Camute stood up: "The money is ready to be used after they grow into fighters. Do you even want to squeeze this money? You have to understand you It is here to pay off the debt"

Robben said in a cold voice: "The condition I promised was to stay here to treat the witches, but it didn't say it was free. You have already seen the effect of the treatment. Now, it is reasonable for me to charge a certain amount of remuneration, and I don’t charge much. After all, the witches have a large base, and I will not lose money."

  \"You **** demon scum, I am now..."

  \"Wait..." Lal interrupted Camute aloud. A pair of eyes shone at Robben and asked: "How much do you want?"

Robben smiled: \"Not much, and I won't pay every witch, it depends on the severity of their injuries. As for how much they are paid, I heard that you give them a monthly salary. Yes, how many days they have been treated with me, I will charge these witches for the corresponding time. Is this price very reasonable?"

  Lal was silent for a while and said: "This is fine, but you can't deliberately extend the duration of treatment"

Robben said disdainfully: \"My patients are too many to count. Extending their treatment period will only make me crowded. If you agree to this request, please sign this note. Witch We pay compensation, and I treat them in exchange for equivalent treatment, I don’t want to get the last bit of compensation.”

  Lal took Robben's handwriting and looked up and down carefully. There was no problem. It was the same as what I said earlier, even the word was not bad. It seemed that Robben had been prepared.

After reading it carefully, Lal wrote his name on it, and then the name was written on it, and a fire flashed, the name became a black mark and fell into the paper, the contract has been established, and both parties cannot regret it. Up. Lal then handed the papers to Camut.

   Camuute wrote his name heavily on it, and said viciously: "You **** fellow, you will remember it for me"

  \"I'll remember" Robben smiled and put away the binding documents, and left.

   After Robben left, Lal thoughtfully: \"We... seem to be fooled."

  \"What?" Camute was surprised.

Lal touched his eyebrows and said confusedly: \"I can feel that Robben doesn't want money, but... everything seems to be right and it's still an exchange of conditions bound by contract. What is wrong? ?"

   in Robben's medical clinic.

  \"What...what is this?" Xiao Nalan was very confused, holding a white dress and comparing it to herself.

  \"This is the nurse uniform. It is the professional uniform worn by our helper. Nalan, yours is here. This is the little one." Robben said and passed the other one.

   Little Nalan beats his own body: "It seems to be just right"

  \"Well, I made it according to your figure"

   Xiao Nalan raised his head, looked at Robben, his face was ruddy, and it took a long time before he said softly: "I hate..."

   Robben: \"……"

  \"But... where is our helper?" Xiao Nalan was very confused.

  \"I will be back soon, soon, oh yes, hang up this brand, and we will charge according to the charging standard on this brand when it opens tomorrow."

  \"Charge" Little Nalan's eyes widened, and when he took the sign from Robben's hand, his eyes widened, \"Roben...this is...our helper?"

  \"Hmm" Robben smiled and nodded, \"Not bad"

  \"It’s good...but the teachers won’t agree."

\"Hmm...how is it possible? Look" Robben unfolded the contract-restricted paper with a scream, and the names of Rahr and Camut were deeply stuck in the paper~www.readwn.com~Little Nalan After reading this note carefully, and then looking at the two names, he couldn't help but swallowed his mouth: "This...my dear father, will the contract terms obtained by this method be punished by Lord Demon God? ?"

  \"Of course, Lord Demon God will bless us," Robben said very positively.

The next day, when the first batch of injured witches came to the medical clinic, they were shocked by the two things in front of the medical clinic. One was a crooked, barely recognizable brand, and the charging standard was on it. . The other is that the handwriting is still ugly, but there are two beautifully named contract papers below.

   The witch who came to heal herself and didn't break her arm was surprised and muttered to herself: "I...I am here as that...that nurse?"

The charging standard on the    Luoben small brand is very simple. The number of days of treatment in the medical clinic depends on how many days of working as a "nurse".

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