God Prohibitions

Chapter 691: Be the boss

Treat that witch’s injury, and before going to the back ward to recuperate, Robben smiled and handed over a bucket of bamboo skewers: "Beautiful lady, please take one. If it says something on it, you need it. Stay here to pay the rewards, I believe you have already seen the sign at the door, you will not be surprised."

   The witch had to draw a piece and turn it over. Not only did it have words, but there were also many...

  \"Welcome to the birth of the second nurse of our medical clinic, Nalan, remember to choose a nurse uniform according to her figure"

  \"Ah, I got it." Xiao Nalan replied happily, because Xiao Nalan knew that in the bamboo tube, at least one word was written on each sign...

  \"Ah, this beautiful lady, you don't need to go back today, you need to stay and help."

  \"Ah pretty kid, ah...wrong is a beautiful lady, can you help me clean up my tools?"

  \"Ah, this is very beautiful...very beautiful lady, I need someone to report to me the situation of the medical clinic."

  \"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, what are you doing here, ms. camuute? you don't seem to be injured

  \"Roben, you bastard, what are you doing? Why did I receive a report that you forcibly left the witches to serve you and not let them go back to train?"

   Camuute's roar immediately showed fear on the faces of the nearby witches, and slowly backed away.

   Robben is upset.

Walking out of the medical clinic quickly, Robben snapped the two things in front of the door and slapped the sound: "Ms. Camute, I hope the promise between us is real, useful, and at least possible Executed."

Camus hurriedly chased it out, pointing to the treaty and shouted: \"What we agree is to pay you money. This has nothing to do with this matter. Don't make random contact, do anything. It's all related to the agreement we reached. We agree that paying you is the maximum tolerable."

Robben blinked suddenly: \"What? I never said to ask the witches to pay money. How could I be so abominable? They train hard every day and hold a meager salary. If I have to smoke the money, then You should have been torn to pieces by the Lord Demon God."

  \"You obviously mean..." Camute was already furious, and the surprised and disgusting look on Robben's face seemed to be the idea of ​​asking the witches to pay money.

  \"No no" Robben truncated Camute's words, \"Ms. Camute, I think you can take a good look at our contract and pay me the reward, and then come and fight with me."

   Camute's eyes fell on the two notices at the entrance of the medical clinic. He only looked at one side, and his face immediately turned black.

\"Ms. Camute, we said at that time that the witches were treated with me for many days, and I would charge them for the corresponding time. This is what we said, and it is also written in the contract. There is no error at all. ."

  Camut felt his heart\"Peng Peng Peng Peng" fluttering. Wei Wei trembled and said: \"You...you clearly said that you are paid by the witches at the corresponding time..."

Robben was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter: \"So you think so. This is really a misunderstanding. What we said does not seem to mean the same thing. This is really...but you see, our contracts are signed. It’s also restricted by the contract, it’s impossible to change..."

   Robben looked embarrassed: \"But the literal meaning is more straightforward. I want to charge time as a reward. I didn't expect that you and Ms. Lar would make a mistake. Oh, this is really..."

Seeing Robben sighed and sighed alone, the truth of Camute now immediately chopped this guy into one hundred and eighty yuan. This is obviously a yīn who repeatedly emphasized and mentioned the salary of the witches, and finally threw this míxìng. At that time, his attention was focused on how much Robben would be paid, and he didn't expect that the other party would secretly play literal lies.

Robben said embarrassingly: \"Look, this kind of thing would happen unexpectedly, this is really unexpected, but the contract has been reached and it is impossible to terminate it, or else, let’s just stay here, anyway, I only stay here for three years. Three years, for the long life of our demons, is it only very short, isn't it? Hey...It seems that this is the only way to go. Don't worry, although there may be some misunderstandings in it, I will still abide by this contract. The content of the contract will never violate the contract and cause us both to lose anything.”

  Looking at Camute with an angry face, Robben made a very difficult \"decision"

  \"Remember me that I will not let you go"

These are the words left by Camute when he left. Although his heart is full of irritation, but... the contract is the contract. Under this ancient power, no one can violate the terms of the contract. Now Robben is in accordance with the contract. I have no reason at all, and I have no power to stop...

Seeing Camute’s leaving back, Robben smiled happily, turned around, and happily said to the witches who came to seek medical treatment: \"Who else, ladies, would like to come to my medical clinic to help? Limited"

   Soon, angels in white appeared in Robben's medical clinic...Although they were actually demon in white.

Robben is finally not so busy, because except for the part of treatment, most of the work has been taken care of by the witches who stayed behind, and Robben is ecstatic that his desire to have a small hospital has come true. Even the wish that all colleagues are beauties has been realized together...

  \"Dean, where...where do you put this?"

   After having a helper, Robben immediately changed the name of the medical clinic to Robben Hospital, and he was promoted to the director.

   Looking back, Robben saw a witch holding a box of things, carefully standing behind her, looking a little afraid.

  \"These appliances are placed in the spare room over there, and there are enough things in the operating room." Robben answered casually.

   The witch nodded immediately and left quickly.

  \"Huh?" Robben suddenly felt something wrong, and quickly called the witch back: \"How do I feel..." Robben looked up and down at the witch.

   I have to say that the figures of the witches are very outstanding. Although the nurse clothes are made in a hurry, Robben doesn't know the details, but it is still very pleasing to the eyes when it is set on the witches.


  \"Why do you seem scared?" Robben was surprised.

   Robben took a step forward, and the witch immediately took a step back, put the things in her hands on the ground, folded her hands in front of her, and bowed her head.

   scratching his head, Robben tentatively asked: \"Do you have anything you want me to help? You can just say, now I have some time."

   The witch shook her head quickly.

   Robben is strange. Thinking about it now, it seems that this witch is not the only one with this look. It seems that all the witches in this small hospital are like this.

  \"Nalan" Robben yelled and used his nirvana

   Xiao Nalan ran up suspiciously: "What's the matter? I am taking care of a patient"

  Although he hasn't worked for a few days, Xiao Nalan now has a full-fledged head nurse, and looks very professional, faintly with the calmness and commanding power that Nalan should have.

   Robben immediately pulled Nalan aside and whispered: \"Do you think it is strange, the witches we recruited seem to be afraid of us"

   Xiao Nalan said in a puzzled way: "What's so strange about this, of course I will be afraid of it, and it is not us, but you. They are not afraid of me, and they will talk to me."

   Robben was immediately surprised: \"Why I am the attending physician and I cured their injuries, they can not feel jī me, but how can they fear me in turn?"

Xiao Nalan patted the dirty parts of her white nurse's uniform. Her face was full of instruction and said: \"Look, we are training here. We must have very strict management. Any irregular behavior will be It’s not allowed, every day, every year, but... you have disrupted the rhythm here, and now they can work here because of the permission of Lal and Teacher Camut, but this kind of thing It’s totally irrelevant to the previous daily activities. I think they feel punished for not taking a step now."

  \"Oh~~~"Roben knows it,\"That means they just don’t get used to it yet and they will be fine soon."

  \"Um...not necessarily"

   Robben immediately opened his eyes: \"Why?"

\"In this training camp, everything that Lal and Teacher Camuute said is the rule. I didn’t know before, but after I’m here, I haven’t seen anyone who can stand against the two teachers. You count you. What did you do when you came here? First, I had a fight with Teacher Lal, and then broke her foot. Then, a big hole was exploded in the hall and escaped. The city was full of storms and storms. Of course, the news was blocked. Not everyone knows it, but after you came back, you forcibly requisitioned the training ground, and you had a big argument with Teacher Kamut outside the hall. This is known to every witch, plus Teacher Kamut came to the door that day Coming and being blocked by you, everyone can see the anger on Teacher Camut's face very clearly..."

  \"This...what's wrong with this?" Robben didn't quite understand.

   Xiao Nalan sighed helplessly, and explained straightforwardly: "My dear father, you are breaking the rules, you are fighting against authority, you are a restless and dangerous element"\"


\"Although we all understand your kindness to us, your actions are completely different from the rules here, and we have been living under such iron rules for a long time. Some witches with weaker talents have even been there for hundreds of years. Now... Your behavior will instinctively make us feel scared and intimidated, and you leave us to work here and wear strange clothes...

  \"Nurse suit" Robben corrected it immediately.

  \"Well, it’s a nurse's uniform. This is forcibly making us doing things that don’t conform to the rules. It also makes us feel uneasy, understand?"

   was taught by a little girl, Robben was very frustrated...

   Robben sighed, and suddenly looked at the smiling little Nalan: \"Then why are you so happy every day?"

Little Nalan chuckled, stepped forward and took Robben's hand and pulled Robben down short, holding Robben's cheek \"Hmm~~~" A sweet kiss: \"I am your good daughter Oh, it's different"

   Robben wiped the saliva on his face, quite helpless: \"Then what should I do to alleviate this situation?"

  \"No, hey, I think as long as it takes a little longer, we will naturally know that nothing will happen, and we will also know that you are good to us"

  \"I hope so..."

   In the witch training camp, there was a rule that seemed disharmonious, but was faithfully implemented. The witches came to the Robben Hospital with a little embarrassment to seek medical treatment, and then paid.

   But soon, the witches found that the Demon Warrior named Robben no longer received payment, or delayed the payment.

\"Ah, I'm really sorry, now that there are too many people to use, you can go back to training happily, ah, if you insist, you can write an IOU here, and when you need more manpower, I hope you will be there on call , Don’t worry. This is an agreement with the leaders of Lal and Camut, you don’t have to worry about any trouble..."

   So, Robben had to make a space to hold the white bars laid by the witches...

   This witch training camp has been established for a long time, but it is the first time someone has set up a special medical institution, but after a period of strangeness, the witches finally get used to it.

Originally, once severely injured, it was almost announced that the life here was half over, because it was difficult to complete the training content because of the severely injured body, but now the situation has changed [天珠变], once injured, it becomes As long as the personnel under the management of Robben Medical Officer hide in that hospital, there will be nothing, no unsuccessful training, no severe punishment, and a comfortable environment to heal the injury, and the injury will recover. Soon, ten times or even dozens of times faster than usual. By the time she was discharged from the hospital, she was a healthy and energetic witch again, and this exempted the cost of training and punishment, it was just a small IOU...

   To tell the truth, some witches are willing to stay, after all, life here is very easy, which is simply impossible in the harsh training camp.

   However, the demon warrior named Robben never delays the treatment. Once the wound is healed, he rarely retains the witch who comes to heal.

The witches heard that there seemed to be a few sisters who wanted to sèu that Robben, but in the end they were unsuccessful, because beside him, there was a small witch-Nalan and purposeful witches were all driven away by Nalan. Up...

  Although this hospital has never kept the witches for a long time, they will be forced to be educated during the last period of time when the witches are cured and work here...

   Robben coughed, and glanced at the nearly one hundred sitting underneath \"white angels" said: \"Alright, we will start class now."

   Turning around, Robben began to draw on a large wooden board, and magic lines emerged: "Today we are going to talk about the detailed anatomy of the witch's arm and emergency treatment of some situations...

   Robben took out his courage as a Wudaogang student in college and started an extremely detailed explanation, but after a short while, Robben frowned and stopped.

   buckled his podium with his fingers, Robben flicked his fingers, and a blue light flew out. \"Boom" The head of a dozing witch suddenly tilted and fell from the hand supporting the chin.

  \"Do you have any dissatisfaction with my explanation, Nalan classmate?" Robben stared at the skull, and little Nalan raised his head sleepily.

   Xiao Nalan stood up: \"Mr. Robben, we all understand what you said, about the structure of our body, we are all familiar with it and cannot be familiar with it anymore."

  Roben saw that all the witches had approval on their faces, and he couldn't help sighing: "Alright, you sit down" Little Nalan pouted, and immediately sat down.

My beautiful ladies, I know that you are here to learn all kinds of fighting skills, learn **** the enemy with one blow, learn what is the fatal weakness of the opponent, and you are also familiar with the structure of the body, but that is what you use Look at the soldier's eyes and get familiar, and what I want to teach you now is from the perspective of a healer. Your vocation is to kill the other party, but my duty is to save the other party. These are two completely different concepts. Therefore, I hope you can listen to me carefully and remember that these will be your future training. And the mission will help you. "

Robben couldn’t help sighing: \"My hospital is only this big...but your number is too large, and there are many witches who cannot get timely treatment, so it is necessary for you to have good self-medical knowledge. , After I finish speaking today, I will come tomorrow to ask questions about today’s content. If you can’t answer it...you should know what will happen?”

   Xiao Nalan slapped her lips and muttered in a low voice: "I obviously didn't think of what I would like..."

  \"Okay...This is the end of today's explanation." Robben smiled satisfied, because the witches seemed to be listening very seriously.

   Just when Xiao Nalan was about to stand up and leave, Robben said: \"There is a little more" Xiao Nalan had to sit back again.

  \"I just thought of this. I don’t know how it works, but at least it won’t be harmful. This is also the focus of today’s course. Every witch of you must keep this in mind."

   As he said, Robben's fingers slowly slid in the air, and a small circular magic circle slowly formed in the air.

  \"This is a healing magic circle activated by dark power. I have tried it on my own body. The effect is good. When you are injured, you can use this for your own emergency treatment."

   Including Xiao Nalan, all the witches opened their mouths in surprise.

  \"Roben...Teacher" Little Nalan swallowed and continued, \"I remember, there doesn't seem to be such a healing magic circle in dark magic, right?"

  \"Well, I painted it myself." Robben nodded.

   The witches' jaws almost fell to the ground.

   Little Nalan’s voice is a bit dry: \"Is it... you painted it yourself?"

  \"Do you have any questions?" Robben looked around. All the witches looked unbelievable. It seemed that there were not only doubts, but also big questions.

\"Well then" Robben shook his head helplessly, swiped his finger, and the blue light flashed, a wound appeared on his arm, blood suddenly flowed out, Xiao Nalan was shocked: \"Are you crazy?" The gauze on the edge jumped over.

Robben just smiled slightly, his eyes fell on the magic circle in the air, the magic circle suddenly emitted a burst of black light, and the wound on his arm was suddenly covered by a burst of black light, and when Xiao Nalan ran to him, The black light on Robben's arm was gone.

   The witches were surprised to find that although the wound on Robben's arm hadn't healed, it had stopped bleeding and healed most of it.

  Roben nodded in satisfaction, flicked his finger, the white light flashed, and the wound disappeared suddenly.

\"Dark magic is indeed not so stable in nature, and it does not seem to be suitable for healing magic, but it was impossible in the past, but now it is not the same as it has been discovered by me and can be used in healing magic. I think the reason why it is not effective now Okay, it’s just that I haven’t studied it yet. I think there will be better healing magic soon, but...this needs your help, okay?"

   All the witches nodded in amazement, and they haven't recovered from the shock.

\"Hmm... Then you can first remember the structure of this magic circle. This is a foolish magic circle. As long as there is a formation, you can use the dark power to drive it. You can use some simple magic materials to make it. Paint it on your belongings, it will be convenient to use."

   Robben finally emphasized: "The most important thing is that after you leave here, when you return to training, don't forget to teach this healing magic to your companions."

   The witches still nodded in amazement...

\"Well, today’s time is all over. It’s time for the training camp to rest. If you want to practice this magic circle, stay. If you feel tired, go to the rest area to rest. I have to go to work. "

   No witch left, all the witches stared at the magic circle in mid-air, Robben smiled and left...

  In the eyes of all the witches, this medical officer Robben is a strange demon warrior. Although he is a bit out of character, he is very kind when he speaks, and the treatment is very good, and he never sleeps."

  \"Father, don't you take a rest? You haven't eaten anything today."

  Roben is checking the ward. Now it is full of witches suffering from various injuries. When covering a little witch, Nalan’s head sticks out from behind Robben.

   Robben smiled: \"Why don't you go to bed? There are more things to do tomorrow."

  \"I can’t fall asleep. What I’ve done recently has been a lot easier, and I’m not tired at all. But you are busy every day, hardly sleeping, not talking, not even eating, is this also a kind of magic?"

  Looking at the suspicious little Nalan, Robben could not help squeezing her face, and said seriously: "Yes, this is a very powerful magic, I have never told anyone about it."

  \"Little Nalan was immediately interested, what kind of magic is it, tell me quickly"

   Luoben pretended to be mysterious and looked left and right: \"It is to eat secretly so that no one can see it, and then go to bed early, sleep for many days at a time, how about keeping your energy up afterwards? Great, right?"

  \"Secretly...eating? And...isn’t this a lie?"

  \"How is it possible? If you don’t believe me, you can go back and try now"

   Xiao Nalan looked at Robben suspiciously, obviously not believing it.

  \"That... Dean Robben?"

   Robben was making fun with Xiao Nalan when a timid voice suddenly came from behind. Robben looked back and saw that they were two witches who were shorter than Nalan.

  \"What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?" Robben squatted down, his face full of kindness.

  \"I...we have healed, and now...we are leaving." The little witch who talked had a small voice toward the mosquito.

  \"Huh?" Robben was strange,\"I don’t rush for a while when I leave. Now the witches are resting. It’s the same for you to go back tomorrow, which is more convenient."

\"This...I'm very sorry, if tomorrow, it will be another day, we want to go back to training earlier, because... our two talents are not good, but it is really comfortable here, we Reluctant to leave, I have stayed till now, this kind of thing is really shameful..."

   Robben understands that tomorrow, the rewards to be paid by these two little witches will be added for another day.

With a smile, Robben said: \"It’s okay, the manpower here is enough, but according to the rules, you two have to leave an IOU, but... I might get this IOU sometime. Lost, there are a lot of IOUs after all"

   After listening to Robben’s words, the little witch immediately showed a full face: \"This...we...\"

   Robben smiled and said: "Well, at this time, you should just say thank you."

  \"Thanks...Thank you"

   Robben nodded happily: \"Well, you two go back to sleep, you can go back to training after you get up tomorrow, you don't have to say hello to me."

\"Thank you" The little witch came up and kissed Robben lightly on the cheek, a bit shy on the round cheek, and backed back: \"I will remember the help of Dean Luo Ben. "

   Behind her, the other witch looked a little cringe, but she still walked up and kissed Robben's other cheek: \"Thank you Dean Robben."

   Robben felt that he might become the head of the kindergarten...

  \"Alright, go back to sleep, or you will delay tomorrow's training and you will be punished again." Robben urged, and the two little witches ran back happily.

  \"It’s unimaginable to grow up in such a hard environment since I was a child. I don’t even want to guess your mood. Hundreds of years of accumulation and patience are too heavy."

   Xiao Nalan came over, hugged Robben lightly, and said softly: "I didn't expect that among the Demon Warriors, there is such a sentimental existence for our witch."

   Robben laughed at himself: "The little girl dared to make fun of her father"

   Xiao Nalan just smiled.

  \"Well, I'm sleepy, let me kiss me, I'm going to sleep" Little Nalan hugged Robben's neck.

  \"No more saliva on my face..."

Before he finished speaking, Robben's hair stood up, his mouth...feeled a pair of soft bsp; Robben hurriedly withdrew, but Nalan grabbed Robben's neck, heads forward together, Robben backward Yang, Xiao Nalan chased forward, and Robben felt a small tongue curling his teeth.


   Luo Ben fell heavily on the ground, Xiao Nalan still looked at Robben, with a sweet face, and didn't mean to let go.

   Robben, who has no retreat, grabbed Nalan's shoulders and supported her by relying on the length of his arms: "You...what are you doing?"

The sound of Robben falling to the ground has attracted the attention of many witches in the ward. When everyone turned their heads to look at them, they saw an innocent-looking little Nalan sitting on Robben's waist, Robben holding her shoulders with both hands. , I couldn't help but a strange expression appeared on his face, looked at each other, and drew his heads wisely.

  \"So he likes those who are not grown up..."

  \"It's so bold, in this kind of place..."

  \"I seem to hear him ask Nalan to call him father, it's really nasty..."

   Xixisuosuo's small voice came over, Robben Khan rained like rain...

   Jumped up from the ground, Robben immediately took Nalan out of the ward and into his office.

  \"You fool, what are you doing? Many witches have seen it." Robben's eyes rounded.

   Xiao Nalan pouted, her expression very dissatisfied: "You let them kiss, but you don't let me kiss"

  \"It's not the problem" Robben is crazy...

  \"They took both sides of your face, I am your daughter, of course I can’t be the same as them"

  \"What kind of perversion is this?"

  \"And... you didn't eat secretly. What you said just now was a lie to me. You haven't rested for a few days, and you haven't eaten properly."

  \"Huh?" Robben was taken aback at once, \"What did you say?"

  \"Your teeth are very clean, there is no food residue, and no peculiar smell. Your mouth is completely lacking in taste. This proves that you haven't eaten for a long time."

   The corner of Robben's eyes twitched, unexpectedly... Is there such a thing?

  \"So today, as the head nurse and daughter, I ordered you to rest and hold things. Now you lie down here. I will get you something and go to bed immediately after eating until the hospital opens tomorrow."

  \"But...the hospital is all day..."

  \"Now I have the final say" There was a bit of cold light in Xiao Nalan's eyes, and Robben couldn't help but shrink his head.

  \"Actually...I'm really not hungry, and..."

  \"啰嗦" Xiao Nalan took out the food with him, and started to do the processing that Robben was very suspicious of.

   After a short while, a plate of food was brought up. Robben looked at the plate of food that was cut and rearranged with a simple ration. He looked at Xiao Nalan with some embarrassment.

  \"I'm sorry, I only have this" Little Nalan's face doesn't have the slightest sorry god.

   Robben picked up a piece of dry, unclear food and threw it into his mouth, chewed for a while, Robben's only feeling was-hard

  \"Have you always eaten this?" Robben frowned. He was neither hungry nor tired during this period. These food and accommodation matters were ignored.

  \"The witches of the entire training camp eat this most of the time..."

  Roben couldn't help scratching his head, but he was busy these days, but he didn't realize this situation.

After thinking for a while, Robben settled to pay attention, \"It seems... we still need some new departments and new employees. Okay, since my baby girl wants to get me food, how can I be lazy? , I will give you a holiday tomorrow, now the witches are all resting, and there are no patients coming, let's go out to eat, by the way... buy some daily necessities"

   There are no days and nights in the Demon Realm, but there are approximate schedules for work and rest. However, all facilities are available at any time, and there are never fewer vendors on the street.

Robben took Nalan out of the training camp and ate a full meal in a restaurant outside. During the period, he attracted a lot of attention. Robben seemed to hear his name vaguely. It seems that the training camp The news that a medical officer appeared there has been spread.

After   , Robben bought some daily necessities and went back to the training camp with Xiao Nalan.

   Along the way, Xiao Nalan couldn't help looking back at his back: \"Will this offend Teacher Camut again?"

\"Maybe? But this is my business. If she is dissatisfied, then I will have to compete with her. If even my basic board and lodging problems cannot be solved well, then it is not that I am making trouble, but They are so harsh."

   Xiao Nalan couldn't help but slobbered, looking at the full cargo pulled by a series of carts behind him: \"Just basic board and lodging..."

  \"Um...haha, is it okay to even make some nutrition for the patients"

At the entrance of the training camp’s main hall, Camute walked back and forth like a grumpy lion: "What is this? What is this? Robben, you **** **** and what did you buy with our money? Something back?"

Robben pointed to the neatly stacked goods on the back and said: "It's just some pots and pans. I will live here for three years. Of course, I have to buy some of my personal belongings. I will work first. The venue is well arranged. Is this kind of spirit of public service first worthy of praise?"

\"Fart" Camute couldn't help being yelled out of anger,\"These **** sī items can fill the hall. What is this? Sausage? What kind of cracked fruit is this? And a dozen iron pots? What do you want?"

Robben said haha: \"It may be a lot, but are you prepared? I like the feeling of being more crowded. You have seen these things. They are all some ingredients, kitchen supplies and some tables and chairs. I just If you want to make a small home for yourself, it won't have any bad influence."

   Camuute nodded his head heavily: "Very good, very good. You can buy some sī people for yourself, but we have no extra space for you to figure out how to use your hospital."

  \"Okay, no matter how much space I need, I really feel a little sad, I will find a way by myself"

  \"Okay, I want to see, what can you do?"

   Camute left, Xiao Nalan whispered: \"We... seem to really have no place to put these things, if there is no new venue for us."

   Robben smiled: \"How is it possible, place...but as many as you want"

   The witches are a little strange. Today, Robben Hospital seems to be beginning to collect remuneration wildly. Many witches who previously drew IOUs have been recalled for remuneration as long as they did not have particularly urgent training.

  In the corridor between the training ground and the classroom, the witches lined up, holding large and small ancient monsters in their hands, sent them to the entrance of Robben Hospital, and then threw them...

   Not bad, but throw it up...

  Roben arranged hundreds of magic scrolls on the top floor of the hospital, and then a deep black light film was spread to isolate the upper and lower light. At the same time, the magic in the divided areas of the hospital was also strengthened.

   Robben is preparing to build a building...

The building of the Witch Training Camp is very tall, because there will always be tall statues inside, such as the devil, such as the black emperor and the devil, or someone that Robben does not know. The building is tall and the lighting is very good. There are classrooms on both sides. There are many floors, but the training ground is empty. It may be that the relatively fragile floor structure is not chosen because it has to withstand the impact of powerful forces.

   But there is such a training ground that there is no need to worry about this matter...

Robben re-planned the structure of this layer on the hospital. Anyway, it is not a normal building, but a small building supported by magical power. Robben does not care about the architectural rules, and plans as he likes, and then he is busy. It took a long time to put everything up, and thanks to more than one hundred \"white angels" now helping in the hospital below, otherwise Robben really couldn't get out to do these things.

   In the distance, Camute, who watched Robben built a second-story building, creaked his teeth: \"It actually made our sacred training ground a smog."

Lal shook his head helplessly: "I didn't expect this Robben's magic to be so powerful, but this requires permanent reinforcement of the first layer of magic brackets. This kind of thing, you and I can't do it, even a lot of me The powerful mages of the clan can’t do it. I feel more and more that we have invited back an amazing character.”

  \"I think we have brought back a terrible trouble. He might pull something back tomorrow, and then build another layer. After a while, we will have a hole in this place."

  \"Haha, if something like that really happened, I would really like to see it with my own eyes" Lal laughed~www.readwn.com~Why is this nurse uniform so strange? What is this big apron? "On the second floor of the hospital, Xiao Nalan was very strangely pulling her big apron around."

  \"Fool, don't turn around, watch intently, I will teach you a secret technique that no one in the demon world can use"

  \"Secret Skills" Xiao Nalan's eyes lit up, and then he pursed his mouth again, \"It's not fake, it's the first time I have seen secret skills using shovel and spoon"

   Robben bumped the shovel and spoon in his hand, and made a crisp sound: \"This secret technique is called ‘fish-scent-meat-silk"

  \"Shredded pork with fish flavor?" Little Nalan had a strange face.

  \"Well, after learning this from you, I will appoint you to be the head chef. Remember, here, I have to call my boss"


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