God Prohibitions

Chapter 693: Inexplicably defeated

The six hundred and 93rd chapter is inexplicably defeated

   Witch training camp has always been very lively, but today, it seems very lively.

  \"That Robben is going to a duel with Mr. Camute?"

  \"Yes, I was shocked when I heard that, who do you think will win?"

  \"I have to ask, of course it is Mr. Camut"

  \"This may also be true. It is said that Robben is very good. Mr. Laer was defeated by him at that time."

  \"No way, I just made two gestures in front of the main hall, that time there was no victory or defeat at all"

  \"The specific situation is unknown, but this Robben is very powerful."

The witches who are still resting come to this training ground to watch the duel with various excuses. In fact, they don't have to work hard to find excuses, because now many witches in charge of training ground have run over, and no one cares about them , For a time, this training ground was surrounded by witches.

   Several witches were arguing, and suddenly they all shut up, because behind them, I don't know when Lal was already standing here.

Looking at the two people in the field, Lal sighed helplessly: \"I was sleeping well, but I was awakened by this kind of thing. They are already the head of the training camp, and they will even run with others. duel……"

   In the field, Robben smiled and looked at Camute, who was full of anger and said: \"Listening to the voice outside the field, it seems that my voice is higher."

  \"Then they may be disappointed this time." Camute flicked his wrist, and a long black whip sprang out of his sleeve. Behind him, a shadow appeared faintly.

   is actually exactly the same as Nalan's fighting posture, really worthy of being a master and apprentice...

   But the difference is that the shadow behind Nalan is moon-white, while the phantom behind Camute is black. The black is almost opaque, like a thick fog. This group of shadows emerged, squirmed a few times, and swelled sharply.In the blink of an eye, they turned into an image of a demon warrior who was several times larger than Camute, with a pair of thick bull horns on the head He stared at Robben with his flaming eyes.

Camuute said coldly: \"Since it is a duel, there should be some bets. If I win, you will demolish your four-story building for me, and leave one for you. It’s fine to cook food in the hospital in the future...and you can’t add anything to the training camp without permission.”

  Roben nodded: \"But what if I win?"

  \"If you win, I will agree to double the fixed operating funds of your hospital, and do whatever you want."

   Robben clapped his palms: "A good word is sure"

   Camute’s eyes began to vomit like flames: \"If you unfortunately suffered a serious injury, don’t blame me."

  \"Hey, don’t worry, I can heal my wounds by myself"

  \"Om" Camute's eyes grew cold.

Ral, who was outside the field, frowned, and said to the witches around him: \"Let all the witches who are underage go back. Camuute got angry. They couldn't bear the aftermath of such a mental shock. "

   A few witches nodded hurriedly, and ran to disperse the little witches who were not yet adult.

Robben had already eaten, and he actually heard a buzzing sound in the air, and at the same time, everything in front of him seemed to have two shadows in an instant, and then slowly merged into one. At this time, his body was already stiff. Up.

   Without any fancy moves, Camute uses the most direct and purest mental attack.

   Looking into the distance, it seemed that only two Camutes with bright eyes could be seen now. Robben had to reassess the strength of this witch.

It is quite an amazing behavior to directly use a mental attack at such a long distance. Some natural magic has not much lethality at this distance, and this Camut can actually be so powerful at such a long distance by virtue of mental attack. The attack effect.

   The whole body began to stiffen, the muscles seemed to turn into stone inch by inch, and even the heartbeat and breathing were weakened. This is absolutely killing invisible.

   Although it is said that there is no in-depth involvement of spiritual power like witches, after fighting with many witches, Robben still has a lot of understanding of spiritual power, although they are all relatively basic, but... enough.

  Roben's current understanding of various magics is actually quite basic. Where can I get an exam paper from the General College of the Imperial College to test Robben, I guess Robben will fail...

   With a loud shout, Luo himself exploded with a thin white halo like water mist, his body instantly regained consciousness, and his breathing became smoother.

  Camut couldn't help frowning. Although he knew that it was impossible to solve the opponent with one move, the opponent seemed to deal with himself too easily.

   Robben looked at Camute, who was drawing a magic circle on his chest, and he smiled: \"This time it's my turn."


   was stepped on by Robben's huge power and dented a large piece downwards. Robben rushed forward with a blurred shadow.

Regarding Camuute, Robben has obtained a lot of information from Xiao Nalan. This Camuute is a very pure wizard-type witch, which is exactly the opposite of Lal. Lal is uneasy and routine, and he blessed his spiritual power. Her body strengthened her muscles and bones to achieve a near-infinite explosive melee combat ability, but Camuute was a powerful witch who brought the orthodox witch spiritual magic to the limit.

But... to put it bluntly, it is a magician. Robben did not hesitate to choose close combat. Otherwise, if he chooses long-range confrontation, let alone a waste of time, and this is a training ground, and the large-scale attacking monster has a very wide area. , If you destroy this place again, you might stay for another three years...

   Robben is quite confident about the degree. When he started to learn magic, he first came into contact with wind magic. It is also the most commonly used and the most proficient.

   Robben flew close to Camute along a strange route like a cyan ghost, and in the process, Camute only had time to finish drawing a magic circle without moving his footsteps.

  \"If you want to rely on the magic shield to win time, then you may be disappointed." Robben flashed his busy hand and grabbed Camute's shoulder directly.

Relying on his current detailed understanding of various elements and keen awareness of the flow of magic elements, Robben doesn't think there are any magic shields that he can't break. It takes a little time, but he will definitely wrap it in his own hands. Assimilation of magical elements, so that you can pass the shield effortlessly.

   But this time, Robben seemed to have expected it wrong...

  Lal outside the court watched the duel with interest: "Camut and the close fighter duel, and have never suffered..."


  Roben's heart trembled, and Camut's body suddenly lit up slightly, and his figure split into two in an instant, and his grasp suddenly caught nothing. The two figures twisted anxiously, and once again the two and the only one, standing only a few steps away from just now, it seemed that they could reach the place as long as they moved forward a little.

   Luo Ben subconsciously took a step forward and grabbed it again. Once again, the figure split into two, and his hand fell through.

   This time, Robben noticed it. Camut's robe seemed to light up suddenly. With her as the center of the circle, on the ground, a strange magical array radiating from a city flashed away...

\"Too slow" Camute's sneer voice passed into Robben's ears. Robben suddenly felt black on his head. When he looked up, he couldn't help but a cold sweat burst out of his forehead, the huge one behind Camute Sombra didn't know when he had a huge axe in his hand, and now an axe the size of a small hill had already been cut in front of him.

   too late to dodge, Robben had to prop up his arms.


   In the muffled sound of impact, Robben felt as if his heart was smashed by a sledgehammer. The power from his arm was so heavy that he suddenly felt uncomfortable.

  \"Oh? I didn't expect you to be able to carry it? You are a strange guy as expected." Camute got into his ears again with a sneer.

   When Robben turned his head to look, he found that Camute was far away from him, and the black demonic warrior phantom behind her was still the same size, and there was nothing in his hands.

   Robben looked at his wrist in surprise. There was still a red mark on it that had been hit by a heavy object. The bones were aching, and even the ground under his feet was cracked because of the tremendous force. He was indeed attacked.

   Robben knew that the witches attacked in a variety of ways, even weird. He couldn't help but energized him. This Camute was more difficult to deal with than he thought.

Jin Luoben showed a close look on his face, and Camute couldn't help but smile: "It seems that you didn't even inquire about my strength from Nalan and ran to a duel with me. This is really true. Stupid behavior."

As Camute was talking, he gently wiped the palm of his hand to draw the magic circle. The magic circle released a burst of black light and exploded directly, and the black fragments that turned into pieces began to surround Camute slowly. With the turning of Robben, Robben's eyes were sharp, and he recognized that all those fragments seemed to be runes that he didn't recognize.

Lal outside the court was a little helpless: \"It seems that Camute is really angry. He even took out this. You guys, come over and drive all the witches onlookers back to me and tell them if they don't want these two If Tian is in a trance and can't train, just give me back to sleep."

   With the rotation of these black runes, a huge strange magic circle at Camut's feet, as if countless barbs extending outward, appeared on the ground. Robben recognized that this magic circle had appeared just now.

   His hands formed a seal, Camute began to chant a spell loudly, and a pair of eyes flashed with frightening brilliance.

   Shaking his head, Robben threw his weird thoughts out of his mind. The witch's attack method was originally weird. If he had any more doubts, the battle would have been lost by half.

  Zhanjue Luo Ben was really fooled.

   a layer of golden light rose up from his body, and Robben seemed to crash into Camut like a golden meteor.

   Camute frowned suddenly, Robben's body sent a breath of light power that he hated the most, this demon warrior was actually using light power

Not only Camut, but all the witches including Lal and Little Nalan had their eyes widened. If Robben would use light healing magic, it would be acceptable. After all, dark power-driven healing magic appeared later. , But now, fighting with pure light power is another matter...

The golden light and shadow behind    are like long wings of light. In Camute’s astonishment, Robben has come to the top of Camute’s head, with five fingers, Robben is not at all polite: \"Purification"

   Suddenly, a golden light surged from Robben's body.

   However... the golden light just came up, and Camut's surprised face split into two again...

   The brilliant golden brilliance hit the ground between the two phantoms, and the ground was cracked open several cracks.

   The two phantoms merged into one in an instant, and the eyes were still full of sneers, and Camute's spell finished the last syllable at this time

   Robben's stunned appearance Camute's figure began to skyrocket, his clothes broke, and he was flying. Almost instantly, a giant demon that was hundreds of meters tall had already stood in front of him, and his unprecedented horror aura was overwhelmed.

   The huge demon roared wildly, and the sky and the earth shook. There were even tremors and fluctuations in the air that could be seen by the naked eye. Robben felt that his whole body was shaking with the air.

   leaned down and the huge demon spoke: \"Roben, are you still stunned, hahaha" The voice was beautiful, and it was cold.

   Robben regained his senses in an instant, his eyes widened immediately, there were no giant demons, some of them were only Camut with a sneer on his face, and a huge fist had been attached to the tip of his nose.


This time he didn't even have time to block. Robben was already hit by a strong blow and flew out. The barbed wire on the training ground had no effect at all. Breaking through the barbed wire, Robben smashed through the opposite classroom. The wall finally stopped after hitting the second wall with a big hole.

  Camut looked at the route Robben flew out, and frowned slightly: \"Is it heavy, just... he was merciful."

   Purification is just a simple light magic, but its power is definitely not as simple as punching a few cracks on the slate floor. This Camute still knows very well.

The witches have been dispelled a lot, but most of them stood far away and watched the battle. Seeing that Robben was blown away by a blow, I couldn't help but feel a little worried. Just die like that.

  \"Don't stand up, you're still bleeding." In the dilapidated classroom opposite, the anxious voice of Xiao Nalanjiao came.

Camuute couldn't help laughing: \"It seems that Robben not only reflects the sluggishness, but also his body is so sluggish... Robben will let you go for the time being today, remember that you are not allowed to come here in the future, this is the witch training camp, not you Wandering prairie you...huh?"

   In the middle of the talk, Robben had pushed away the broken bricks amidst the sound of scattered bricks and got out of the classroom wall. The dust was covered with blood on his head, and he looked very embarrassed.

  \"Why? Don't you accept defeat? You may lose your life next time." Camute raised his eyebrows, Robben's face showed no sign of conceding.

Robben slapped the dust on his body and walked slowly back to the training ground. He stood some distance in front of Camuute and said: \"It was my carelessness. I have to admit that you are a powerful witch , Among the witches I know, you are still the only one...the domain powerhouse"

   When all the witches heard Robben's words, they all opened their mouths and looked surprised.

   Camute frowned: "I think you have misunderstood, I am not a strong person in the field, nor do I have my own field."

   Robben smiled: \ "In my opinion, you already have your own domain, that's enough"

   Camuute also smiled: \"It's so maddening, maybe it was my brain that broke my mind."

  \"Probably, but if you are brainstormed, you will be dealt with soon." Robben slowly rose up with fluttering flames.


   Lal, who was not far away, was a little surprised: \"What is this again? Why is this guy such a weird trick."

Ramute didn’t care and said: \"Is it Mingyan? Yes, it’s not easy to control this kind of flame, but... it doesn’t do anything to me. Of course, you won’t believe it, so I have to give it to myself. Did you demonstrate"

   Camuute, who had a big win in the dark eyes, stepped forward for the first time and slowly leaned towards Robben, like Robben, slowly walked over.

   Both have smiles on their faces, as if an old friend is going to say hello when they meet.

   Xiao Nalan looked from behind and was shocked. Seeing that Robben was about to approach Carmut, she finally couldn't help but yelled: \"Roben, you fool, Teacher Carmut, can’t get close."

   However, it was too late, Robben had already approached Camut, and approached the huge magic circle that showed radioactivity.

   Looking at Robben, who was standing in front of him, Camuute suddenly felt a sense of anxiety. The black flames entwined with Luo itself fluttered in the air like silk, as if... it wasn't a dark flame.

   However, it is not the time to hesitate, Camute's eyes are shining, and a hand is slowly stretched out: "My servant, I now grant you the glory of kissing my hand, kneel down"

  Lal outside the field patted his forehead: \"It's still such a temperament, there's really no way..."

   Little Nalan was so anxious that he yelled again: "Roben, wake up"

   Robben has slowly knelt on one knee...

   took Camute's hand, and Robben kissed gently, very gentlemanly: \"Beautiful lady, do you have any more requests?"

   Camuut was surprised: \"My servant, what do you call me?" Camu's eyes shone like two bright lights.

  \"Ah is the master" Robben changed his words.

   Camuute sighed slightly, his face showing a bit of pride: "So now... I give you the glory of kissing the soles of my feet, get down."

   Robben slowly put down Camute’s hand, Camute’s face was full of triumphant smiles.

   The witches all looked at each other, and I didn't expect that this situation would end in the end. As expected, Teacher Camuute was still great.

  \"Roben" Little Nalan was so anxious to cry.

   was smiling smugly, Camute suddenly felt his hand tighten, and the hand that was supposed to be released suddenly became tighter, and he couldn't help being surprised.

\"This... don't you think this request is a bit too much? I think it's not a big deal to kneel down on one knee and kiss the palm of a beautiful lady. There is a saying in China that men have gold under their knees. , My knee is very valuable. You owe me a debt now, and don’t think I don’t know. For so long, you have been secretly letting other witches order food for you. In fact, those It should be your name on the white bar. If you let other witches pay for you, don’t you feel ashamed?"

   Robben didn’t say a word, Camute’s eyes widened

  Lal shrugged his shoulders: \ "Sure enough... I still can't escape the fate of being reversed, hey~~~ I said he is a great guy, you don't believe it..."

All the witches’ faces were full of surprises. Although they were far away, I don’t know what happened, but now Teacher Camuute is inexplicably surprised. It must be something unexpected, and... ...And now that Robben has stood up.

  \"No...impossible" Camute watched Robben stand up from the ground, almost speechless in horror.

  \"There is nothing impossible... everything that is possible is the truth." Robben taught Camut very seriously.

   was about to attack, Camute suddenly felt a tingling sensation on his arm, and his body shook fiercely. The idea of ​​using force was suddenly dispelled.

  \"I advise you to stop struggling. You are a pure magician, but now I have been caught. You have lost" Robben said, raising Camut's hand in his palm.

   Camuute almost fainted in anger. This was because he had just automatically sent his hand to the door.

  \"You...how did you do it?" Camuute asked bitterly.

  \"Oh, no, no, no, I said, you'd better not struggle. I'm holding your hand now. I feel your spirit fluctuate very clearly."

   Before Robben’s voice fell, a string of lightning shot up from Camute’s grasped arm and quickly traveled throughout his body. Camute was shocked by the electric shock, and his head was raised.

  \"You see, the magician is very fragile after being close, and you should also know this very well." Robben looked at Camute with a sullen face.

  \"This...it is impossible that my magic is still working, you..."

   The radioactive magic circle on the ground is still working well. Robben just grabbed Camute’s hand, but didn’t imprison her magic, which made Camute’s heart a little confused.

  \"It is indeed still working, but... it is not always effective. I still want to ask the previous question. I think you should be able to answer me."

   Camute made two puffs, but he didn't get Cai Luoben's hand. He couldn't help but stared and roared: \"I have lost, what are you holding me for?"

  Roben had to smile apologetically,\"That's really sorry, I'll let go." As he said, Robben let go and took a few steps back.

   Seeing Robben taking it freely in the magic circle, the puzzled look on Camute's face was very obvious.

  \"Well, I admit that I lost this time, but this does not mean that I lost to you, but I will naturally abide by the previous agreement. Let's find a place to talk, and I have something to ask you."

   Robben blinked his eyes: \"I just want to ask a question, don't you have to worry about it?"

  \"If you don't want to know the answer, you can naturally not come." Camute left without looking back.

   Robben, standing still, couldn't help but curl his lips: "Women are always so difficult."

  \"Huh? Am I too difficult?" Little Nalan's voice came from behind Robben.

  Roben turned around and rubbed Xiao Nalan's head with a smile: \"Of course not, are you still a woman?"

   After hearing Robben's words, Xiao Nalan pouted, but immediately became happy again, and said excitedly: "I didn't expect you to have the upper hand in the duel with Mr. Camut. This is really amazing."

   Robben laughed loudly: \"Awesome, right? Hehe...Would you like to learn from me?"

   Xiao Nalan said excitedly: \"Would you like to teach me?"

   Rubbing his chin, Robben said: \"I didn't dare to say it before, but now...you really have to study with me for a period of time, you may not even want to learn it."

   Xiao Nalan was suddenly surprised: \ "Why can't you not learn?"

   Robben smiled mysteriously: \"Well, let's not talk about this now, first go to your teacher to verify something, and then we will go back and talk about it."

   Pulling the little Nalan who was full of questions, Robben came to Camuut's room again, but was notified by the guarding witches that Camuut and Ral had been waiting in another room.

  Roben could see that the two guards of the witches respected him a lot. Here...there is also a world where the strong are respected.

   In a quiet and small room, Camuute and Lal stood one by one. Camuute stood by the bed, looking outside, with no expression, while Lal was drinking tea at the table leisurely.

  \"How come you don't seem to be nervous at all?" Camute, who had been standing for a long time, suddenly turned around and yelled at Lal.

  Lal looked at Camute strangely: "What's the nervousness?"

Camute couldn't help taking a few steps forward, and quickly said: \"Don't you see how weird that Robben is? He is immune to my mind control, immune to my weakened spirit, and walks around me as if I don't exist at all. same."

Lal smacked his lips, as if he felt that this cup of tea was not very delicious: "Isn’t it just that I lost a contest with others? What’s the matter with this kind of thing? You don’t know how many people have defeated you before you sit in this position. And there is something stronger than ours in the demons, you should understand this."

   Camute widened his eyes and said, "I don't mean this or that Robben, he is just weird."

Looking at Camute, Lal shook his head helplessly: \"I told you a long time ago, that guy is great, but you still have to provoke him, he is serving us now, you should have been happy that Instead of always going against him"

   Camute couldn’t help being so angry that his nose smoked: \"Why did I mess with him? Obviously he messed with me”

  Lal shrugged his shoulders: \"Then why didn't he come to provoke me?"

  \"You..." Camuut was speechless, \"This...how do I know this"

  \"咚咚" There was a knock on the door outside.

   Camute just sat down angrily, picked up a cup of tea and started drinking: \"Come in"

   Robben took Xiao Nalan and walked in from the door

   Xiao Nalan bowed to the two teachers and stood beside Robben.

  \"Let's sit down." Robben didn't see anything, and took Nalan to sit down.

  \"Okay, I think I can know what I want to know now." Robben's eyes swayed on Camute and Lal's faces.

  Camut put down the teacup that had no tea, and frowned and said: \"I will naturally abide by the agreement, but I have to ask you a few questions."

  \"I think it is your duty to answer my questions, but your question depends on whether I am happy or not."

   Camute's eyebrows rose suddenly.

\"Roben, please don't get me wrong. We are just a little curious. Moreover, this matter is indeed strange, and it is also related to our vital interests, so if we can, we would like to hear what you say, it's just that "Lal quickly came out to make a round.

   People are polite to himself, Robben is naturally not good and sullen again: \"If I can say it, I will naturally."

   Camuute was about to speak again. Under the table, Lal had already stepped on her quietly, and Camuute had to hold back.

  \"Roben, Camuut said to me that you seem to be very interested in the spiritual magic that Nalan cultivated during this period. You want to know the source of this magic and whether we have also practiced this kind of magic."

   Robben nodded: \"Yes, I really want to know this."

Lal thought for a while and said directly: "The spiritual magic cultivated by Nalan does not belong to the training content of this training camp, because our training content aims to train qualified witch warriors. Once qualified, they will She was assigned to other places to perform tasks and further practice, but Nalan is still young, so we left her here and gave her standard witch warrior spiritual magic in advance."

  \"So, these spiritual magic is popular among witch warriors, and...you should have practiced too?"

Lal nodded: \"Of course, Camute and I have both practiced. When we were only qualified, and every witch warrior had practiced, this is the foundation of a witch warrior, and it will be the most common in the future. The magic used."

  Roben took out Xiao Nalan’s transcript and placed it gently on the table: \"This is Nalan’s transcript of practicing magic. Are you sure that there is no error in this transcript?"

Lal picked up the transcript, turned it over, and shook his head and said: \"This transcript was written by Camute, because we don’t have a witch’s magic practice manual here, and I’m afraid she checked it carelessly afterwards. There is nothing. Wrong, I can guarantee"

   Robben stared at this transcript, his eyes flashed slightly: \"It turns out that it is like this..."

  Lal pondered for a while, and asked a little strangely: \"Roben, can we know, why are you asking this?"

Robben smiled relaxedly: "It's nothing, I just like to ask the bottom line, your answer is good, but... what I want to ask is the source of the magic, that is to say... the magic that your witch cultivated, Who created it in the first place?"

   This question seems to have asked both Lal and Camut. The two looked at each other, but neither of them saw the answer in each other's eyes.

\"This... this kind of magic has been circulated among our witches for so long, I am afraid... it has been thousands or even tens of thousands of years, or even longer, who created it... I am afraid that no one has created it. That's clear"

  \"It turned out to be like this... Then it seems that my question is a bit difficult for you."

   Camuute couldn't help but snorted: "We have already answered your question, but you have added additional questions. This can't be regarded as my inability to fulfill my promise."

   Robben didn’t care about Camute’s statement: "Of course."

  Lal glared at Camute and continued to say to Robben: \"That...now I don't know if you can answer some of our questions."

  \"You can ask."

Lal paused for a while, sorting out his thoughts, and then asked: \"Actually, I have always been puzzled. As a demon warrior, you seem to be very proficient in the spiritual power training that our witch specializes in. I don't know if it is. such?"

\"Well, I have some research on mental power, because I have fought with many witches before, and they have explained a lot of spiritual things to me, but... to be honest, I am not proficient at all, only have a superficial understanding ."

  Lal nodded slightly, but Camute's face was full of unbelief.

  \"No wonder at that time you could break my spiritual suggestion and break my foot directly. It turns out that you have communicated with many witches. It seems that they must also be very powerful witches."

  Roben glanced at the silent little Nalan, who was squinting next to him, and smiled: \"Well...it is indeed a very amazing witch haha...maybe it is still your student."

  Lal rethinked, with a little embarrassment on his face: \"I know, this is already related to private secrets, but if you can, I hope Robben can tell us a little bit."

  Looking at Lal’s embarrassed look, Robben smiled cheerfully: \"I don’t have too many shady secrets here, what do you want to know?"

Rael asked: \"I want to know that since... you are not very proficient in mental power, why can you defeat Camut? In the territory of Arthur Devil, I dare not say anything else, but you have to think It is really difficult to find a witch who is more powerful than Camute’s spiritual magic.”

   Camuute raised his nose very cooperatively, with a haughty face, but quickly realized that he was a defeated player now, and couldn't help but get angry again.

  \"Is there no way to defeat her without being proficient in spiritual magic?" Robben was strange.

Camute couldn't help saying: \"I would naturally not be arrogant enough to think that there is no power to defeat me except spiritual magic. There are many beings stronger than me, and they can easily defeat me, but it is definitely not like you. Yes, they can suppress me with their power, but... they definitely shouldn't be nothing while my magic is still working on them."

Camuute could not help but stand up a little excited: "I can get the status I am today, not by luck, but by strength. I have defeated countless opponents and failed countless times, or my magic is complete I can't move, or they directly destroyed my magic. In front of those powerful forces, I can't do anything, but I have never seen a person who can be completely immune to my magical attack. You seem to be transparent, but You are standing there again and you will use many kinds of magic, even light magic, your whole body is weird"

  Lal quickly coughed, it seems that today’s somewhat weird defeat seemed to stimulate Camuut.

   Camute was taken aback by Lal's cough. Knowing that he was a little excited, he said too much, glared at Robben, and sat back dullly.

  Roben nodded clearly: \"So what you want to know is this."

Lal quickly said: \"I know this is about the secret of private power. We shouldn't ask about this kind of thing, but Camut has never failed so strangely. If you can, I hope you can be within the allowed range. Reveal something, isn't it, where is our fighting method flawed? Look...we are not actually enemies, but companions, right?"

   Robben laughed. Lal and Camuut’s thoughts are not strange at all. It is more uncomfortable to be defeated inexplicably than to be killed by plain power. Unidentified opponents and doubts about their own abilities will become a huge psychological obstacle.

\"I am actually not a secret. There are two reasons for this." Robben stretched out two fingers, and both Lal and Camute raised their ears~www.readwn.com~ one of them, It's because you...are a magic eye." Robben clearly remembers that the domain powerhouse of the Demon Race is called the magic eye.

  Camut was a little surprised to see Robben pointing at himself, shook his head quickly: \"I...I am not"

  Roben also shook his head: \"No...I didn't say that, in fact, you are already, I think I can't get it wrong, but you are cultivating mental power, and the form of expression is quite special."

   Camute's mouth was slightly open, and his face was totally unbelievable.

  \"And I, for opponents who rely on the domain to fight, have a little magic way, so I can walk freely in your domain. This is not because your domain has any defects."

\"As for the second point, I still can’t explain it very clearly. I need some more information to confirm some things. If this matter is confirmed, I think I will notify you. Before that, please Don't ask anything more."

  \"Does the means to deal with the strong in the realm...have an effect on the strong in all the realms?" Lal was a little surprised.

\"Haha, it's almost the same, but of course it will not be absolute. Those powerful existences are not something I can provoke. Is there a library or something in your city? I want to find some information ."

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