God Prohibitions

Chapter 694: Plot?

Chapter 694: Plot?

Nalan put aside a copy of "War of Gods and Demons" in his hand somewhat boringly, and muttered, "My father, we have been soaking here all day, what are we looking for? Could it be our witch spiritual magic The source of it?"

"Well, yes, just look for this." Robben put down a book, took another book on the shelf, and continued searching.

"Then we leave the hospital and the cafeteria aside, is it okay?" Xiao Nalan took a step back and sat directly on the tall stack of books, supporting his chin, looking uninterested at all.

Robben turned his head and said, "My dear girl, I remember that I wanted you to stay in the hospital to help me watch. If anything happens, I will be notified immediately."

Nalan pouted: "What's the matter of leaving me there?"

Robben helplessly: "Well, then you can wait patiently for a while, we will find some more books, and then go back to eat, how about it?"

Nalan laughed immediately, stood up, jumped directly off Robben’s back, held Robben’s shoulders with his hands behind him, and stretched out his head curiously looking at the book in Robben’s hands on Robben’s shoulders: "Where are we? What are you looking for? If you don't tell me, I won't come down."

Nalan hung on Robben's back, kicked his two legs coquettishly, and squeezed Robben's body continuously.

Robben naturally won't be overthrown by this power, he just smiled and said: "I am indeed looking for the founder of this spiritual magic of the witches, because there are some situations I want to figure out."

"But I don't know how long this magic has been used. It is almost impossible to find the source, and there are always very few records about our witches."

Robben closed the book in his hand, his face was quite puzzled: "Indeed, this is the library of the Witch Training Camp, but...there are not many books about the Witch. This is... really strange."

Robben and Little Nalan are now in a small library in the Witch Training Camp. Robben said that he wanted to find some information. Ral and Camute agreed and gave the key here, but Robben has been searching here for a long time, but he still didn’t find anything useful. He even found a few books about witches. Even if there were, he mentioned the witches incidentally, or just didn’t hurt. Describe something that everyone knows without itching.

"It seems...the witches have very few records. You see, here is a large-scale riot of the Dragon Eater thousands of years ago, as well as the history and development of the Dragon Eater, and even the body structure, food, etc., but... ...The records about the witches are less pitiful. The most described is the biography of the witch I found. It records some outstanding witches in hundreds of years, but only a few hundred years ago... There seems to be no more ancient information."

Nalan's mood seemed to be slightly low: "Our witch's status is not high...there are very few books that record our affairs. When I was in the magic palace, the books my mother asked me to read were very few about the witch. Thing."

Robben nodded slightly, he knew this clearly, but... the Dragon Eater is just a raised low-level intelligent creature, because it is huge in size and is relatively docile most of the time. In addition to the surprising amount of appetite, It's definitely a good labor force. Many residents of the Demon Realm use them as coolies. There are even detailed records on this kind of things. How could the witches not have it?

Looking at this dusty library, it was obvious that no one came and no one cleaned. Robben only sighed. It seemed that the chances of trying to find something were not so small.

"Nalan, where is the history of your witch? The historical descriptions of your witch I have seen in some books describing the history of the devil are very vague, or even not at all. What those books say seems to be your witch now Just look and life."

Robben said that he took another dusty book, blew the dust on it, and opened it.

"I don't know, no one has ever said this. I didn't look at those things when I was in the Devil's Palace. I have always been training and training here, so there is no time to look at history."

"Perhaps it is time to ask your teacher for help. I thought it was not difficult to find, but now it seems...it seems to be a problem." Robben put the book back in his hand and patted the back of Xiao Nalan's hand, "Okay, Let's go back, eat something, and then go to your two teachers."

Robben and Xiao Nalan returned to the hospital and asked if there were any serious wounded. They learned that there were not many wounded today and they were all slightly injured, so they went upstairs to eat.

Now this small four-story building is full of busy witches inside and out. Robben has left enough treatment rolls and is almost ready for trusteeship. The main thing every day is to teach some medical knowledge and update the recipes.

After lunch, Robben came to bother Lal and Camuut again. Coincidentally...or, unfortunately, Lal was out, and Camuute was the only one.

"What do you want to do?" Camuute looked bad. Although he was defeated by Robben last time, Camuute was obviously very unwilling.

Robben hurriedly smiled: "I'm not here for trouble, don't be nervous"

"I'm not nervous." Seeing Robben's smiling face, Camuute felt angry.

"Oh, I just wanted to... Can you help me? Although the library is not too big, there are a lot of books. It seems that no one has cleaned it for a long time. It's all dust. I found something. It took a lot of time to come, and almost nothing was gained in this half day."

"Do you want me to clean up?"

"Ah no, no, of course it's not that I just want to find some books about the witches' records. Any books are fine, but I have been searching for a long time, but I almost didn't find them. So, I don't know if you can find a witch who is familiar there. Are we looking for?"

Camute was a little strange: "What are you doing so enthusiastically about our witches?"

Scratching his head, Robben evasively said: "It's nothing, I'm not talking about it, I just like to ask questions."

Camute snorted dissatisfiedly: "Forget it, since I don't want to say it, I don't bother to know it, but there are very few records about our witch. I remember the collection of books there is spare, most of them are Some materials, as well as the data saved during the construction of this training camp, if you want to find some detailed records about our witch, you may not find it there."

Robben immediately asked again, "Where can I find it?"

"Perhaps some big man's house will store this kind of thing, or the magic palace may also have it. If you have a way to go to these places, then you may be able to find it." Camute was already a little impatient.

"That's it..."

Robben frowned slightly. There is no open library management organization like a library here. Books are personal collections. It is not easy to find those books in the training camp. If this is the case, then the materials you want. It's more difficult to find.

"Well, if there is nothing else, please go back, and I have to go out to do some errands." Camut saw Robben not talking for a long time, so he just saw him off.

"Hmm...that's bothering you." Robben didn't want to be annoying, he was ready to leave, but as soon as he turned around, he saw a book on the table next to Camut.

"The Witch's Code?"

Robben walked back immediately, reached out and picked up the book.

Camute, who thought Robben was about to leave soon, and was already putting on his black robe to go out, couldn't help being surprised. He quickly stepped forward and grabbed one side of the book: "What do you want to do? Put down this book. book"

Robben couldn't help but stunned. He just wanted to read the book, and Camuut would have such a big reaction.

"I...can I borrow this book and have a look?" Robben asked tentatively.

"Of course not," Camuut answered categorically.

"Why? You promised me that I would help me find the materials, and you gave me the key to the library, but why didn't you let me read the books here? I obviously found it so hard to find books about witches. You keep some for yourself. Isn't that reasonable?"

"This is Lal's book and I can't give it to you." Camuute clung to the corner of the book.

Robben suddenly became suspicious.

"If it’s Ms. Lar’s, it’s even better. I think she’s much easier to talk than she is. I will take it away. You can just tell her when you come back."

"No" Camut's attitude was very firm.

Robben glanced at the book in his hand. The package of the book seemed to be quite new, but he could see that there were very obvious signs of rebinding. Obviously this book should be some years old, and the contents of the book are already exhausted. Yellow, and the style is relatively old.

"Ms. Camuute, I just want to have any information I need. If this book is very precious, I don't need to take it with me. Just read it here." Robben tried again to convince Camuute .

Camuute shook his head without hesitation: "This book just doesn't work."

It was already very obvious. There seemed to be some secrets hidden in this book, and Robben felt even more necessary.

"I swear, I just want to look at the information. If there is something inconvenient for me to know, I will forget it soon."

"What you should forget is seeing this book." Camut's hand gripped the book tighter.

Between the two people being in a stalemate, they were opened, and Lal sighed and walked in: "Camut, you are simply saying that there are big secrets in this book. Why don't people want to read it? "

Camuute was stunned after hearing what Lal said, and couldn't help but said in annoyance: "What are you still talking about, why don't you come and help?"

Lal came over, looked at Robben, and said with some embarrassment: "Roben, this book...may not contain anything you need, but for us, it is something that is more important, if possible. , Can you let go of this book?"

"I just want to know something about your witch, but I can't find any information anywhere. Please believe that I don't have any malice." Robben still tried hard.

When the three people were slightly stalemate, Xiao Nalan looked at the cover of the book and suddenly blinked and said, "This book...isn't it the one I've read before?"

For a while, Robben and Camuute and Lal were all taken aback.

"Nalan, have you seen it?" Robben was surprised.

"Changed the cover, but...the side of the book is marked by me..."

Robben was facing this side, and there were some strange marks on the side of the book.

"Nalan, do you remember these?" Robben looked hopeful.

"Of course" Little Nalan replied slightly excited.

Both Camuut and Lal were slightly embarrassed, because Robben had already taken a step back with a loose smile.

Lal's face was a little serious and said, "Nalan, I have told you about this, and you can't tell outsiders."

Nalan stuck his tongue out: "Roben is not an outsider, besides...this is not a book we wrote. What does it matter? Robben won't say anything."

Camute was obviously a little unhappy: "Naren, I found that after this Luoben came, your attitude towards your teacher has been much worse than before."

Nalan was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Teacher, it's not that I just..."

Robben slightly interrupted Nalan’s words: “I don’t think we need to say anything about Nalan. She has completed all the trials and is a qualified witch warrior. Now, what she likes to do is also Her freedom and helping me are also hoping to do more for the witch here, and she and I mentioned the two teachers most."

Gradually, Camuute didn't look at himself, and Nalan couldn't help but lowered his head slightly aggrieved.

Lal came over and said softly to Xiao Nalan, "Nalan, ignore her. She was sulking in everything. You don't know this. The teacher knows that you have always cared about us. Let's go to the cafeteria to make an appointment. When doing things, you can always get Robben’s own dishes. Is this your relationship?"

Nalan wiped his eyes: "Teacher, I..."

"Okay, the teacher knows it all." Lal comforted Xiao Nalan's head, then... handed the book to Xiao Nalan.

Camuute was surprised: "Lal"

Nalan was also a little puzzled: "Teacher, what are you..."

Lal smiled helplessly: "Anyway, you will talk to Robben, then take this book, but... you have to assure the teacher that this book must be for everyone Keep it secret, you can't leak it out, you know?"

Robben knew that these words were actually for himself, and the interface replied: "It is not the information I need. I will definitely forget it. Even if I need it, I will not tell others. To be honest, I No one else can say, I don’t know anyone here."

Lal just smiled: "I hope you can do this, otherwise, although we won't have a big deal, there will be trouble."

"I see." Robben got the book from young Nalan.

Robben returned to the office of his hospital, sat in the chair and opened the book. Little Nalan squeezed onto Robben's single chair, curiously widening his eyes and watched with Robben.

"How old is this book?"

Robben opened the book and couldn't help being surprised. In addition to the new cover of this book, the pages in the book have no idea how many thoughts there are. The pages of the book are blurred and the pages of the whole book are useful. There are traces of magical maintenance, but even so, the pages of this book are still very fragile, and they were torn apart by accident when they were opened for the first time.

Nalan nodded approvingly: "I made a few marks for the convenience of reading this book, but the teacher blamed it. This book may be blown into pieces when it is thrown into the sky. Up."

"Hmm..." Robben turned the pages carefully, "Nalan, don't you think it's crowded?"

"Well, a little...you are too fat"


Yesterday, because of the duel, I didn’t have much rest. Today, I spent a long time in the library. After this time I came back quiet. Little Nalan started to quarrel with Robben, talking about reading this book for himself. Memories of time, but after a while, I fell asleep unconsciously...

Looking at the little Nalan who was sleeping on his shoulder, Robben shook his head and moved his body to make Nalan more comfortable, and then read the book by himself.

The records in this ancient book really surprised Luo Ben.

This is a book equivalent to a history book, but it records many things about the witch, which makes Robben a little strange, but after reading it for a while, Robben realized that he seemed to have a mistake in understanding. It's not that this history book specifically records things about the witch, but...

The deeds of the witches are full of the time recorded in this book. The witches are extremely active in the world that does not know how old they are, and... powerful

Although the handwriting is not very clear, it is not very difficult to recognize. What is rare is that this book is not written in magic text, but in human common text. Robben does not feel at all when reading it. difficult.

According to the description in this book, witches were an extremely powerful race in that age that I don’t know how old they were. They participated in the decision-making and judgment at the highest level of the devil world, and their position was very important. The power of the witch possesses the spiritual power beyond the reach of all the demons. The witches command the demons’ army, and the witches’ individual duel before the battle can even directly affect the outcome.

Robben is a little strange. In the book, the witches often appear on the most important battlefields as the most important combat power, and often appear on various important occasions as high-level decision-making, and these are very different from the current situation of the witches.

The deeds of witches are recorded everywhere in the history books, whether it is a large-scale war between the major lords of the demon world, or some small things that seem inconspicuous, you can see the witches everywhere.

Robben quickly turned over half of the book, and then got an impression that in that era, although not every witch was extremely powerful, they were a powerful race at the top of the demon world’s hierarchical pyramid. To put it bluntly... A powerful race in the ruling class.

Vaguely, Robben seemed to be quite similar to other witches, even Nalan mentioned that in the very long time, the witches were extremely powerful, but then as the years passed, the witches slowly declined until now. Reduced to the terrible situation of a lower race. It seems that this book should describe the events of that era.

Robben quickly flipped through this book, but he couldn't find what he wanted. However, at the end of the book, there are some pages with different handwriting that caught Robben's attention. .

The content of these pages is not the content of this book. It seems that the author who recorded this book finally wrote it by hand.

Thousands of eloquent words, beautiful fonts, roughly means that although the witches are strong for a while, they are also facing a huge crisis. If this crisis cannot be resolved, then... an unimaginable disaster will soon befall this race. On the head.

Look at the tone, the Mozu who wrote this book should be a witch. In the narration, he also cited some allusions that Robben was completely unclear to prove his point, and also refuted some views that should be other people. The wording was very intense. , It seems as if we have seen the tragic future of the witches.

I have to say that the author of this book is an amazing witch, and everything she said has been verified by facts. The current situation of the witches is already very bad.

"The dean has serious wounds, we can't handle it" Robben was thinking, and there was a quick knock on the door outside.

"I'm coming now" Robben immediately put down the book, put little Nalan down gently, let her lean on the chair and continue to sleep soundly, took his own clothes on the side to cover her, and then went to open the door, In addition, a witch in a nurse's uniform was looking anxious, and there was still some blood stains on her white nurse's uniform. It seemed that something had happened.

"Let's go" Robben walked out first.

The wounded was a witch who was about to start the final trial, but a small mistake was made in this daily training. As a result, the opponent’s ice cone did not have time to withdraw, and it plunged directly into her left eye. Now the ice cone is still the same It looked terrifying to stay on her head, and it was a blessing in misfortune that she did not die.

As long as he is not dead, Robben is confident to save him. Besides, this is just an injury, not a difficult disease...

With precise surgery and magic, the witch's injury quickly stabilized, and she was sent to the intensive care unit for care, but Robben was not in a good mood.

The trial of this witch will be postponed, and if this serious injury causes irreparable damage to the brain, then this witch will not be able to become a warrior, which means that she will be sent to the demon army Go in and become an army

Why is there such a cruel fate? What happened to that powerful race in the past? To this day will be like this, not only weak, but also endure unbelievable bullying...

When Robben returned to his office, Little Nalan was gone, only the book was still there. Robben was wondering where Nalan was going, the door behind him again hit Nalan carefully holding a A plate of fried rice came in.

"I'm going to give you something to eat, don't say you must eat if you are not hungry"

Robben looked at Xiao Nalan, who was holding a plate in one hand and a spoon in the other hand, couldn't help but smile, Xiao Nalan looked threatening, so I would cry if you didn't eat...

At the table, Robben was holding the small spoon. He had a bite of fried rice with little Nalan without salt. He asked softly: "Why does your teacher not let me read this book? There is nothing you can't know, it's just a history book. If it's special, it's just a bit old."

Nalan was holding the book and watching with gusto. When Robben asked, he immediately poked his head and said, "I also asked the teacher about this question, but the teacher said that the things in this book are countless years ago. The witch above is completely different from our current witch. It’s said that there were some books like this hundreds of years ago, but later rebelled because some witches seemed unwilling to their current situation. These witches In the end, they were all killed, but such books also suffered. The demon kings collectively believed that these unrealistic descriptions would cause confusion, so they all confiscated them."

"It turned out to be so, that's why your teachers are so nervous." Robben understood.

"Well... but after a few hundred years, everyone doesn't remember this incident very much, and no longer continue to seize these books, but once they are discovered, they will definitely be confiscated. If they are discovered by the teachers If so, I will definitely be blamed"

Robben thought for a while, and then asked: "Then how did you read this book?"

Nalan raised her head somewhat proudly: "Because I am a genius, this book is from the collection of Teacher Camuute. She told me, don’t think that the witch is not strong enough. As long as you practice hard, you can surpass the other races, those The ancient witches are the evidence, but now we are squeezed out by other races, it is very difficult for us to be such a strong one, but... there will definitely be."

"It turns out... your teacher Camute is quite amazing."

Nalan said very seriously: "Ms. Camute was amazing. Even though you defeated her, she is still a great witch, and... when I was here, Ms. Camute took care of me. Yes, Mr. Laer has always been very strict with me."

Robben was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Ral, who was always smiling, was very harsh, and Camuute, who was full of anger every time he saw him, would take care of Nalan privately.

"It seems that I may also have some misunderstanding..."

Nalan flipped over the last few pages of the book, jumped out of the chair, and sat next to Robben: "You have seen this book, too. It's time to tell me now. What are you looking for? It's mysterious"

Robben thought for a while and said, "I didn't expect these materials to be so difficult to find. In that case, I will tell you a little bit first."

Nalan immediately pricked up her ears happily.

"Nalan, do you want to become a powerful witch warrior?" Robben suddenly asked another question.

"Of course I do. Every witch here, including the two teachers, wants to be stronger. Don't change the subject. You have already fooled you once."

Seeing Xiao Nalan pouting, Robben smiled: "I am not changing the subject, but talking about serious matters."

Then, Robben stretched out his hand, "Bring your magic transcript."

With strangeness in his heart, Little Nalan put the magic transcript into Robben's hands.

Robben took this transcript and shook it before Xiao Nalan's eyes, and said, "How much do you understand about this transcript."

Nalan frowned: "Almost half, I can't understand many places."

"Half, that's good"

Nalan was surprised, "What would be good?"

"I mean, the less you learn, the better..."


Little Nalan with a puzzled face suddenly showed an extremely horrified expression, because Robben's hand holding the magic transcript instantly burst into flames, and suddenly wrapped the magic transcript in.

"You...what are you doing"

Nalan screamed, suddenly recovered, and rushed forward to grab the transcript, but the flame in Robben's hand jumped, and the transcript was instantly turned to ashes...

Nalan looked at the ashes remaining in Robben's hand, his whole body stiff, unable to speak a word.

"Nalan, if you rely on this record to practice spiritual magic, you may be a powerful witch, but...you will never be a powerful demon warrior in your life."

Nalan was already shocked to the extreme, and said uneasily: "You...what are you talking about? Do you know what you are doing?"

Robben frowned, stretched out his hand to hold down Nalan’s shoulders, and shook it vigorously: “Nalan, this record is problematic. The spiritual magic of cultivators who walks the wrong way will not become an unlimited spiritual growth. Of the soldiers, after you reach a bottleneck, it will be extremely difficult to break through, or in other words, there is no way to break through.

Nalan looked at Robben blankly, his mouth widening...

Robben looked at Xiao Nalan, who seemed to have no reaction at all, closed her growing mouth and asked, "Do you understand what I am saying?"

After a long time, Xiao Nalan finally moved his eyes and looked at the ashes on the desk in Robben's hand again: "You said...you said there is a problem with this transcript?"


"But... This was handed to me by Teacher Camuute himself."

"She doesn't think there is a problem with this transcript, of course it will give you something wrong. This has nothing to do with her. The key is that this kind of spiritual magic itself has flaws, so I want to find this magic. Where is the source, I want to know how this error occurred. You must know that if according to your statement, this kind of spiritual magic has been circulated among the witches for countless years, it is really a terrible thing."

Robben thought for a while, and then said: "Also, this error is very small, but... it is very clever. I don't know whether this is a misunderstanding that has lasted for countless years, or... something else."

Nalan was obviously frightened by Robben, and said in a low voice, "You mean, don't you..."

"I'm just guessing, because I'm not sure, I wanted to find some information, but...it seems that your witch's information is very difficult to find. It seems that I will only find a chance to confirm this in the future."

Nalan was obviously digesting the meaning of Robben's words, her face was full of consternation.

"Then...then if, I mean, are you really sure that there is something wrong with this spiritual magic? I don't doubt it, but... this kind of magic teacher said it is the most basic thing of the witch, we continue to use it For countless years, and we are considered the most proficient in spiritual magic, we have...have never found any problems."

Knowing that Nalan might not accept this fact well, Robben explained: "I said it was a mistake, rather than an illusion. It's like hiding the real door, but opening another door for you to go. This The road behind the gate is not wrong in nature. It still leads to the destination, but it is so far away that it is impossible for you to reach the destination, and there are various difficulties and obstacles on the road that hinder you at any time. False doors will drag you into the quagmire and never get out again."

"How could this be, this...is this true?"

"I don't know why this is happening. It's an accidental mistake between countless years or other circumstances, but this kind of spiritual magic is not good, I can be sure."

Pointing his finger at the surprised little Nalan, Robben said with certainty: "Nalan, now you forget the part of the magic you have learned. From now on, I will teach you spiritual magic. Later, you can go again. How about your teacher assessing your entry?"

Nalan's mouth opened involuntarily, "You... teach me spiritual magic?"

Robben was surprised: "Don't you want to learn magic with me before?"

"But... our witch's spiritual magic is in its own way. You are not a witch, and you have not been trained by us. How can you understand our routines? I really want to learn some magic knowledge from you, but... Come in charge of my spiritual magic practice, this... seems unlikely."

Robben thought for a moment. It seemed that what Xiao Nalan said was indeed reasonable. Even if he found something weird, it didn't mean he could deny the magic system formed by the witches over the countless years.

"Well, I will go to class tomorrow"

The next day, Camute, who seemed to be tempered by Robben, said helplessly to Robben outside a classroom: "My Dean Robben, I really want to know, are you here? What are we doing here? We first hired you so that you could keep the names of our students at a critical time, but you occupied our training ground first, and only privately detained our students to help you, and built it again The four-story building has made our training ground often smell of food. Now, I heard that you have been sprinting between classrooms these days, disturbing our training procedures. Wasn't it really sent to us to make trouble?"

"Ms. Camute, please don't be angry, I'm just learning knowledge."


"Look, I want to spend some time with these witches here day and night. Your training intensity is far beyond my imagination. I have to face various situations at any time, but I am still not very clear about your training situation. , I want to understand these I can better deal with the injured witches, I want to know what kind of training they are injured in, how they are injured, how to deal with such injuries will be better, what do I have to do for these witches For better recovery, I can’t just passively accept the wounded. I have to understand the situation before I can respond better. Everything I do now is to better fulfill the agreement between us and do better. Witch service, Ms. Camute, I think I should be praised for such behavior."

Camuute was stunned as he listened to Robben talking about Chase, his eyebrows twitched: "In order to serve us better...should be praised?"

"Not bad" Robben replied without hesitation.

"Teacher, we didn't cause anything. We just listened quietly in the classroom, and we won't disturb our normal order."

Nalan walked out from behind Luo himself, stepped forward and gently grabbed Camute's sleeve, and shook it slowly.

Camute smiled bitterly: "You little girl, be careful of being tricked by bad guys"

Nalan grinned, "No, there is a teacher, who dares to lie to me, and Robben protects me."

Nalan's words couldn't help but make Camute very helpless: "Well, I know that you are very safe, no need to pull my sleeves... Also, stay in your own residence when you are fine, don't be messy. Run, you are a genius little witch, you have to work hard to practice magic, don't waste this time, understand?"

Nalan sticks out his tongue: "You can always rest assured that I have been practicing magic very hard. After a while, I will go to your place for an assessment and it will not work."

Camute's eyes showed a bit of doting, and he squatted down, looking at Nalan like a mother looking at her daughter: "That's OK. If I find you lazy, I will punish you. , Two months later, we will conduct an assessment. At that time, according to your qualifications, you should have completely mastered the first stage of actual combat magic."

Nalan nodded vigorously: "Well, I won't let the teacher down"

Looking at Little Nalan again, Camuut stood up, and his gaze at Robben immediately lost the warmth he had just said: "Nalan has been with you all this time. I don’t expect you to take care of her, but I hope... you'd better not do anything unforgivable. I can defeat me, but there may be no way to defeat all the witches here."

Robben chuckled: "I'm not messing around. Nalan just helped me because he had the most free time."

"I hope you won't let Nalan help anymore during this time. She still has important things to do."

Robben showed a little embarrassment on his face: "I'm sorry, now only Nalan has the most time, and I can't bring the witches in training back to help them regardless of their three-seven-ones. That will hurt them, don't worry. Well, I won't delay Nalan's cultivation time."

Camute pondered for a moment and said, "If Nalan's assessment in two months does not meet the standard, then I will take Nalan back to concentrate on practicing magic. At that time, you can't ask her to help. I think This is fair. I can't let you ruin a genius witch."

Robben shrugged: "Of course you can"

I told Little Nalan again~www.readwn.com~Camut left.

Nalan breathed a sigh of relief, and Lara Robben's sleeve said, "You said that when the time comes... Will Teacher Camut be scared?"

"Hey, it's not a bad thing anyway, she might wish she was scared to death..."

"how come?"

"Haha, just kidding, Kamut seems to be really nice to you..."

"Ms. Camute is very kind to me"




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