God Prohibitions

Chapter 700: 3 cannon sounds

Chapter 700 Three Cannons

Although everyone was very surprised yesterday, sitting here today, all the witches are still very strange. I don't know that Robben, who was suddenly promoted to chief instructor, will be handed over to himself, who have been fighters for many years. What are the witches who have worked in this training camp for many years?

Robben did not occupy the training ground this time. At the end of the entire training camp's longitudinal building, there is a forest. This forest is already on the edge of the town. Usually few people come. Robben found one here. Open a lecture hall.

\"From now on, you have to forget what you have learned before, and treat my explanation with the mentality you had when you were trained in the training camp. Don’t compare it with the magic you have learned before, because it is meaningless. These two kinds of magic are different."

   Robben’s first sentence caused quite a stir among the witches...

  \"Okay, now be quiet, let’s start today’s teaching, first, what we want to say is that the most essential concept of spiritual power..."

Robben talked endlessly. The witch below was more serious at the beginning, but after a while, I couldn't help but feel boring, because I knew all these things, and I had already studied them completely during the training camp. There is no novelty at all.

  Some witches are beginning to feel lethargic.

   Camuute and Lal are here, the eyes of the two can't help showing strange colors, it seems...Roben shouldn't talk about these things.

   The half-day course soon ended, the witches opened their sleepy eyes and left.

   Waiting for Lal to leave, Camute found Robben: \"Roben, I want to know why?"

   Robben who was packing up things was taken aback: "What and why?"

\"Why don’t you talk about your knowledge of spiritual magic, but take out what we have learned before. We all know what you talked about today, and we have all studied it seriously. Every witch here is very serious Learned."

Robben just smiled: \"Perhaps, but I think it is necessary for you to start all over again. I said that I hope they forget the magic they have learned before, but it seems that not many witches remember my words, I It's not surprising that after all, they have used this kind of magic for hundreds of years, and this kind of magic has been deeply rooted in your witches in countless years. It is hard to forget and forget, I just hope that you try to do it. ."

   Camute was puzzled: \ "What does this mean?"

\"For these witch warriors, they can learn as much as they can. I just hope they can know what my magic is like. As for the extent to which they can practice, then I can’t guarantee that I will end soon This professor, and then, my main teaching object will be the witches trained here, especially those witches who have not yet learned how to learn spiritual magic."

   Camute's complexion changed slightly: \"Roben, how do I feel, you seem to be saying that we, witches who have grown up and have certain strength, don't have much hope of learning your magic."

\"You are really sensitive..." Robben couldn't help but smile: \"Yes, my spiritual magic is similar to the spiritual magic you usually practice. Most of the places are similar or the same, but the difference is that These differences are more subtle, and these differences will have a lot of impact on the spiritual magic that you will learn later. Although each aspect is only a little bit, it is a very crucial point. It can be said that these are two kinds of spiritual magic. You have now combined the original spiritual magic. It’s not easy to cultivate to a certain level and want to go back and try again."

Robben has a good impression of this Camute, because she has a deep affection for Little Nalan, which is very rare. Robben could not help but say one more thing: "Camute, here, I As a friend, I advise you to remember my way of practicing spiritual magic, and to practice it. Although it may take a tough time, the rewards... are as far as you can imagine."

   Camute was very surprised, silently watching Robben take Nalan away, muttering to himself: \"This guy... where did he learn these magics?"

  \"Master, I want to eat dumplings today" walking towards the hospital, Xiao Nalan has already begun to ponder today's recipe.

  \"Ok...I'll make it for you, what do I want to eat?"

  \"Um... let’s have a little bit of each, I don’t know what to eat."

  \"You little thing has no consciousness of being a servant..."

  \"But do you want to eat..."

\"Okay, okay, I know." Robben felt a little helpless. Nalan recognized that he was the master. He had always treated himself respectfully when he was originally. Robben felt that if he said he wanted Nalan to run around the planet now. Nalan may not blink, but...the little Nalan now simply depends on herself, sticking to her side all day, with the following words: Master I am hungry, Master I am thirsty, Master I am sleepy Up...

   After a short while, Xiao Nalan ate his dumplings happily, and asked Robben on the opposite side: "I will really be in a hundred to two hundred years, will Mr. Kamut still be good?"

  \"Well, yes" Robben struggled with his food.

\"Speaking of mental power cultivation, I really think... the situation now is very strange, it seems to be much smoother than the previous practice, and the previous few magics that were not very proficient were suddenly used proficiently. ,and……"

   Xiao Nalan frowned slightly, her eyebrows slightly: \"Master, I'm talking to you, why don't you ignore me?"

   Robben had to raise his head: \"My little ancestor, I'm listening, I'm eating now, I can't just listen to you without doing anything."

Xiao Nalan wrinkled her nose, slipped off the chair, sat next to Robben, and pointed to the dumplings on Robben's plate: \"I want to eat this", Xiao Nalan opened her mouth and looked at it. Robben.

   Robben picked up a dumpling and shook it at Xiao Nalan’s mouth. When Xiao Nalan was happily biting, he retracted his chopsticks and threw the dumpling into his mouth.

  \"It's all so big, I need someone to feed me, I'm so ashamed"

   Xiao Nalan suddenly bulged his cheeks, and picked up a dumpling in an unskilled way, \"If you don't feed me, it's fine, I'll feed you."

  \"I don't..." Robben finished speaking, Xiao Nalan's dumplings had already blocked Robben's mouth.

  \"Eat, eat, eat, I will give you all to eat" Little Nalan almost picked up the plate and stuffed it directly into Robben’s mouth...

Robben was very strong and ate all the dumplings that Nalanfei had delivered, and then patted his belly with enjoyment. The angry little Nalan was a little crazy, jumped off the chair, and Xiao Nalan took the remaining two. I took all the dumplings, brought them to the opposite of Robben, and sat down, "I told you to eat, and I won't give you any of them this time." Little Nalan was angry and started to eat quickly.

   Robben felt a little funny unconsciously: \"Nalan, be careful to eat fat, in that case, you will be like the lord of the pig's feet."

  \"Nai Cai Lalang" Xiao Nalan ate quickly with her cheeks puffed out, her voice blurred.

   Looking at Xiao Nalan's appearance, Robben felt a little warm in his heart, and at the same time, a little nostalgic, he couldn't help but look out along the window.

   It's been a few months since I came here... I don't know how the outside world is, how is everyone? Hei Di said that time is still and don't know what it is like?

   was in a trance, Robben was suddenly startled, and a pair of black eyes in front of him was looking at him suspiciously.

   Robben smiled and said: \"Why are you not angry? Or are you finished?" Robben gently pushed away the head that Nalan stretched out in front of him.

   I don’t know when the little Nalan who came up tilted his head to look at Robben, and suddenly said in surprise: "Are you... thinking of women?"

   Robben chuckled out: \"How do you know?"

Xiao Nalan stepped back a bit, looking at Robben with a suddenly enlightened look: \"It turned out to be like this. You have been here for several months, but you have never...never touched the witch here, and never went out much. , The teacher said, you men are all perverts, you haven't touched a woman for months, it must be..."

   Robben bent down and poked Nalan’s forehead with his hand: \"Little girl, is it so complicated that Camute told you this."

  \"Each of my teachers said to me that we witch warriors also need to dress up more beautifully. This is an advantage when dealing with male demons warriors.”

Robben just smiled and nodded, and did not express any opinion. Indeed, the witches are very beautiful. Many times, this beauty is a weapon, a heart-palpiting weapon. Maybe it was still lingering at the moment, but the next moment A sharp knife will penetrate your neck and heart...

Seeing Robben calmly not speaking, Xiao Nalan came over again: \"Whether you are thinking of women or not, but... it seems you always think of someone, why... is there anyone that makes you miss? ?"

   looked at the curious little Nalan lying on the table, Robben smiled and rubbed her head: "Of course, as long as we live, there will be people who miss."

  \"Who does the master miss? Girl?" Xiao Nalan asked.

  \"There are a lot of people...a lot, including women and men."

   Xiao Nalan immediately showed a look of surprise: \"There are men?"

   Robben banged on Xiao Nalan’s head hard: "Ghost girl, what's in my head, go eat, practice magic after eating, then go to sleep"

   Xiao Nalan pouted: \"I am full, so I don’t want to eat so much like you. Sooner or later I will become that city lord?"

   Suddenly, Robben's eyebrows twitched slightly: \"Nalan, you said, is there any book about your witch in the home of the lord of the pig's feet?"

   Little Nalan said very strangely: \"About our books? Why do you care so much about books about us?"

  \"Why do you ask so much? I want to ask if there is or is it?"

\"Of course, even though the city lord has fat head and big ears, he knows that he has no ability and no brains at a glance, but at any rate he is the city lord, and this guy loves imaginary names. I think there must be some books in the living room where he meets guests. Go to the front, but I don’t know if there are any books about us in it."

Looking at the thoughtful Robben, Little Nalan reminded: \"Don't think about sneaking in, that guy is fat and ugly, and he is afraid of death. There are many powerful guys in his family to help him. Resist the danger that may arise. If you are not caught by them, you will be unlucky."

   The day's training is over. The Witch Training Camp is now a rest time. All the witches who have been tired for a day have gone to bed, but Robben and Xia Nalan did not.

   This is a darker corner, from here you can clearly see the grand mansion of the lord of Pigshoe.

   Luo Ben is squatting here.

  \"Since I'm afraid of causing trouble, why are you still following?" Robben turned his head and looked at Xiao Nalan, who was pulling his jacket behind his back.

  \"You are not here, I can't sleep" Xiao Nalan is plausible.

  \"What kind of reason is this?"

  \"Anyway, if you cause trouble, you will definitely hurt me. I have to come with you. Otherwise, something happens to you, what if you leave me and run away?"

   Robben sighed helplessly: \"Well, you can go together, but you can't make trouble. I will go and stop if I say stop."


   It seemed that it was time to rest in the city lord’s mansion at this time. No one was walking around, only the tired witches at the door were still guarding the gate.

   Robben took Xiao Nalan around to the back of the City Lord’s Mansion, there was no one here.

  \"Wait, it is protected by magic." Little Nalan saw Robben directly touch the wall here with his hand, and immediately reminded him, but it was too late. Robben's hand had already touched the wall.

  \"Run fast"

   Little Nalan screamed and immediately pulled Robben to turn and ran, but after running a few steps, he was taken aback when he immediately wanted to use magic, and turned around: \"Why... it seems that there is no response."

   Robben knocked on Xiao Nalan’s head in an angry manner: \"You yelled so loudly and people didn’t respond. That’s why it’s weird that you have forgotten what I said. You can just follow me, you know?"

   Xiao Nalan had strange eyes and touched Robben back to the wall, watching Robben's hand pressing on the wall, it seemed that there was a faint colorless brilliance flowing slowly on Robben's hand.

  \"I remember that this mansion is protected by many kinds of magic, and there are several kinds of attack magic on it, if you touch it casually..."

  \"Um...Okay" Robben nodded lightly, and took it down by pressing his hand against the wall.

   Xiao Nalan stared: \"What's up?"

   Robben walked over and took Xiao Nalan's hand: \"We should go in."

   A faint five-color light floated on his body, and the light was flowing on Xiao Nalan's body like water. The light turned a few times, and Xiao Nalan's figure disappeared with Robben.

  \"This invisibility magic is so powerful" Little Nalan shook her other hand back and forth in front of her, but she couldn't see anything at all.

  \"And...what are you going to do?"

   Little Nalan couldn't help but screamed again, Robben pulled himself up and jumped onto the wall.

  \"My little ancestor, stop calling"

   Until Xiao Nalan Easygoing Robben stepped on the ground of the City Lord's Mansion, Xiao Nalan was still surprised and inexplicably: "We...we just came in?"

   Xiao Nalan looked back at the high wall and said: \"There are many magics protecting the wall around this mansion, so we just... jumped in."

Robben smiled and said, "What else do you want? It's earth-shattering? We are not here to rob, let's go. But speaking of it, the owner of the pig's hoof is really afraid of death, I am afraid it is usually his own loss Too much, the magic on this wall is incredible."

  \"My master... how did we get in" Xiao Nalan was still wondering about this question.

  \"Hehe, I will teach you when your magic improves."

  \"Tell me now"

  \"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Robben stopped walking fast.

Walking forward carefully all the way, under Robben's meticulous mental power scan, avoiding many traps and protective facilities, encountering pure magical defense, Robben directly simulates the composition of the defense circle, and passes it effortlessly. , Soon, Robben brought Xiao Nalan to search through the first and second floors, and then a large living room appeared on the third floor. The furnishings inside were also very elegant. It seems that this is the host of the pig's hoof city. At the place of the distinguished guest, Robben couldn't help but mumble. He was not waiting here at the time. It seems that the owner of the pig's hoof city didn't value himself very much. Robben's guilt of stealing things in his mind immediately reduced...

Now the Lord of Pig's Trotter should be sleeping like Fat Pig, and there is no one here, Robben and Xiao Nalan slipped in, closed the door outside, and suddenly saw this large living room, leaning against the wall. There is a row of tall bookcases in the place.

   Robben took a look before he walked to the bookcase: \"Well... this bookcase does not look cheap, it is rich.

   On the other side, Xiao Nalan had already rolled up his sleeves and started to find something inside.

\"The two people turned around in a mess, but the harvest was very little. Robben put a book in his hand on the table behind him, and Wei Wei asked strangely: \"Nalan, why are so many books here are made of humans Is it written in text? Who are you going to show these things? "

   Robben quickly found a problem, not only in the library in the training camp but also here. Many books are written in human words, and there is no obstacle to reading by himself.

\"Hmm..." Xiao Nalan also has a strange face, \"I don’t know this. We all learn human characters. It is said that this is the general writing of the gods. In other words, this is actually a god, maybe It is because we have snatched a lot of books there before, that's why there is this kind of circulation of writing."

Robben didn't say anything, but Robben knew that the divine writings and human writings were not the same at all, and he still had some unclear knowledge of divine writings.Humans lived in the gods, but there were many human writings in the demons. Books, this is really strange, Robben pondered for a long time but couldn't understand it.

The two secretly searched back and forth in this small living room, but there are really very few books about the witch, almost none. After looking for a whole row of bookcases, they only found one, and the narrative on it is also very good. Of generality.

   Robben looked at the surrounding settings, and strolled to the living room next to the owner's seat. There was a small cabinet with four drawers from top to bottom.

   Pulled aside, Robben couldn't help but his eyes lit up. Inside were all books, and it looked like the kind of worn-out book that was often turned over.

   Robben picked up a book and opened it immediately, but after only reading a few pages, Robben frowned, closed the book, and looked at the cover. There are a few big words on it: New Laws for the Taming of Witches.

Robben threw this book aside, picked up another one, read a few pages, and threw it aside, a full drawer of books, all of how to tame, play with, and even abuse witches and similar content The book, Robben was still on the basic book. He saw some oil stains, and the pages were wrinkled. It seemed that the owner rubbed the pages when they accidentally grasped them hard.

   Robben opened the second drawer directly. There were still books in it, but it seemed a little bit less, and it seemed that the flipping was not so diligent.

   But the content is similar.

It seems that the Lord of Pig's Trotter is very concerned about the witch, or that he has a special attachment to the witch. In some places, there are obvious signs of multiple viewings, and even signs of repeated rubbing with his fingers, even the handwriting is a little fuzzy, Robben doesn't know Is this because of lechery or because Lal and Camuut have not given the owner of the pig's hoof a good face, of course, Robben did not want to study this. Robben opened the bottom drawer directly.

   What surprised Robben was that there were only four books in this drawer, lying slantingly there, covered with dust, obviously no one had turned it over for a long time.

Picking up one of them, Robben shook the dust on it. He was surprised. This book was written in a very simple magic text. Although Robben did not recognize the magic text, these few words One is still recognizable: "The History of Witches"

   I was looking for the witch's material for what I was thinking about. I didn't expect to find a book dedicated to the history of the witch, and Robben immediately opened it and read it.

   However, after turning a few pages, Robben couldn't help being discouraged. This book was all written in magic texts. He only knew a few magic texts and couldn't understand the content of this book at all.

  \"Nalan sees I have found..."

When Robben was halfway through his words, he couldn't help but stop. Xiao Nalan didn't continue to look for another bookcase over there, but didn't know when he got to his side. At this time, he was holding a book he had left over there. In this book, a pair of black eyes were rounded, and his face was full of shock.

   Robben glanced at the cover of the book: "Witch's Training and Punishment"

   A huge drop of sweat ran down from Robben’s forehead. If his memory is not bad, Robben remembers that the book seems to be in the illustrated edition...

   Very embarrassing, Robben bit the bullet and said: \"Nalan, I found...useful things."

   Luo's implication is that all the things in your hand are useless, and he shook the book in his hand as he spoke.

However, Xiao Nalan didn't seem to notice this, but just held a book to cover his face, only showing a pair of eyes, looking at Robben with surprise and disbelief: "You...Master, you like this ?"

  \"I..." Robben was almost choked by Nalan.

He grabbed the book in Nalan's hand and threw it aside, Robben put the "Witch History" in his hand in front of Nalan's eyes: \"What I want to show you is this, can you understand? ?"

   Xiao Nalan moved his gaze back from the "Witch's Discipline and Punishment" and looked at the book in front of him, her face became more natural: \"This, is this the history of our witch?"

   Opening the book, Xiao Nalan glanced at it, and couldn't help being slightly surprised: \"What an ancient book is actually written in ancient magic text."

  \"Ancient magic text?"

\"It is a magic text used in a very old age, and there are some differences with the current one, but the difference is not much, um... I can still understand it, wow, we witches existed in the era of Gul Black Emperor" Xiaona Lan's eyes suddenly widened.

  \"Gulhei Di? What is that?" Robben looked at the book and couldn't understand...

   Little Nalan raised his head, blinked his eyes, and then said: "I have never heard of such a black emperor as Gul."

   Robben almost didn't fall: \"I don't know what your name is? If it wasn't for my mute magic, someone would have found it."

Xiao Nalan said very solemnly: "The Black Emperor's life is extremely long. No one knows how long the Black Emperor's life is. There are still records saying that the last Black Emperor's name should be Merck, but before No one remembers the name of the black emperor, and there is no record of it, because you are the black emperor and now, it is too long, too long. These long years have all traces of him. Erased, and this unheard of Gulhei may be a black emperor who took office, or even a long time ago. I can't estimate how long it is from now...but, the above mentioned , At that time, our witch already existed"

  Roben nodded, he understood, but then asked: \"Do you think this book is credible?"

   Xiao Nalan immediately said loudly: \ "Of course I don’t think anyone would be bored enough to use this very troublesome ancient magic text to describe our witch’s affairs, in order to make this book dusty somewhere."

  Roben was right to think about it. He immediately turned around and took out the other three books from the fourth drawer below and wiped the dust off. Robben looked at the titles of several books and was overjoyed.

   "Witch Akasi" "Witch-Fallen Star" "Dark Age"

It seems that one book is dedicated to recording the affairs of a witch named Akas, and the other seems to mainly introduce the witch. As for the last book, Robben doesn’t know what it is, it is also written in magic text, but thrown in Here, maybe it has something to do with the witch.

\"Take these four books back, um...you can go over there and see if there are any other books like this, let's take it away together." Robben said and pointed to the other one over there. Bookcase.

   Xiao Nalan blinked, looked at the books scattered around, and said: \"Are you still here... looking for something else?"

   Robben's brows jumped: \"Little girl, go to the adults, don’t worry about it"

   Little Nalan pouted, stuck out his tongue at Robben, and ran to the bookcase over there.

   Robben shook his head helplessly, and stretched out his hand to open the third drawer that he had just overrun.

No way, who told the owner of the pig's hoof to collect these things that are not suitable for children. If there are still those books in it, it is difficult for me to search in front of the underage young Nalan, but the fourth drawer can be used. The third drawer, Robben definitely doesn't want to let go.

However, Robben was quite disappointed. There was nothing valuable in this drawer, and it was not much different from the second one. It seems that the owner of the pig's hoof has collected a lot of books about witches, and finally sorted them according to his own preferences. In these drawers.

   I searched through all the bookcases in this living room, and found no books about the witch again. It seems that the city lord has stuffed all the books about the witch in that small cabinet.

  \"Um... almost, let's go back." Robben saw that he had found all the bookcases and was ready to go home.

  \"Are you not looking for it?"


  \"Over there...Don't you bring the book about the witch?" Nalan looked at the books scattered on the side of the small cabinet over there.

  \"啰嗦" Robben slammed Nalan on the skull.

   Xiao Nalan rubbed his head very dissatisfied, and said: \"We just took the things and walked away. We will definitely be discovered by others. After that, the witches who serve as guards will definitely be punished. I heard that the city lord..."

Robben interrupted Xiao Nalan indifferently: \"Ah, I have already thought of this. Of course we can't drag them down, so... we can't leave like when we came, we have to sway... go away"

  \"Hu" a Peng Huo Miao jumped up from Robben's hand: \"Well...Look, there is something valuable here. Let's take it away together. It can be considered a confusion of sight."

   Xiao Nalan's face was rather strange, but he still did. Everything in this living room seemed to be of great value. Xiao Nalan picked out some small and beautiful ones, and put them into her space ring.

   When Xiao Nalan did this, the flame in Robben's hand began to dance frantically, the color changed from bright yellow to fiery red, and finally it was already a little purple. This is a manifestation of the extremely concentrated fire element.

The flame finally shrank quickly, until it stopped shrinking when it was as big as a lamp. Robben gently placed the purple-black flame on a thick candle, and the flame bounced gently on the candle, but the candle Not a single trace of it was burned.

  \"Alright, let's go"

   Little Nalan said strangely: \"Go? Don't we even clean up?"

  \"Hey, don't worry, I've already packed up"

Taking Nalan to avoid all the open and secret sentries and traps, Robben had touched the wall where he had jumped in. The same flame was placed in the corner by Robben, and then he covered it with a small stone and pulled Nalan. Go away.

At the foot of another wall not too far away from the wall where the flame was buried, Robben put down another flame, and then smiled and took Xiao Nalan's hand to easily cross the wall and left the city lord. House.

When he walked around the corner where he was hiding when he came, Robben withdrew his invisibility magic, looked back at the mansion of the lord, and said to Xiao Nalan: \"The lord of the pig's hoof does not look like a good thing as long as you look at it. Isn't it?"

\"Hmph, it's not just a good thing, it's shameless, nasty, disgusting, mean, dirty, a brainless Dragon Eater teacher has told me long ago that he always embarrass us, and often uses various excuses Snatch the sisters from our training camp."

  \"Ah...I think it should be like this. I haven't seen the official who denies himself and serves his duties in that way. So I am a thief."

  \"Huh? What is Rogue?" Xiao Nalan obviously didn't understand.

  \"Well, the thief is to take things secretly, but it is not stealing, but equivalent exchange, so I left some things."

  \"Those flames?" Little Nalan thought of the last little flame that Robben left behind.

  \"Ah Nalan, have you seen the fireworks?" Robben suddenly turned around and asked.

  \"Fireworks? A messenger from the Devil’s Palace came here before. The Lord of the Trotter used to let off fireworks, and there is nothing to look at." Little Nalan seemed a little disdainful.

  \"Hey, I'm afraid you haven't seen this firework" Robben said, spreading out his palm, and on the palm of his palm, there is a very simple triangle magic circle with a small flame on each of the three corners.

   Robben thief smiled: "Nalan, this is a button, you can see fireworks when you press it"

   Xiao Nalan came over curiously: \"Button?"

  \"Well... I'll show it to you." Robben said as he raised a finger, gently pressed one of the flames, and pressed it out...


   A loud noise came from the front, and the ground seemed to jump fiercely. The unsuspecting little Nalan was staggered by the shock, almost fell, and was caught by Robben.

  \"Quick look, look quickly" Robben supported Xiao Nalan, pointed in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion, and motioned Xiao Nalan to look.

   A pair of staring bosses, Xiao Nalan's jaw dropped involuntarily...

Behind the City Lord's Mansion, a huge fireball as large as a hill rushed up near the wall.In such a moment, this huge fireball had already surged up, rising higher than the main building of the City Lord's Mansion, above the sky. The light and dark clouds seemed to have been roasted red, and everything around them was instantly coated with a bright red light.A long way away, Xiao Nalan felt a scorching heat rushing over, and the moisture on her body Instantly dried.

   The huge mushroom-shaped fireball that rose up continuously expanded, and it soon covered all the clouds above the entire city lord’s mansion. From below, it seemed that it was already a burning sky.

   Suddenly, there was a lot of noise in the city lord’s mansion. The duke’s mansion, which was still quiet a moment ago, immediately rang countless voices, and countless shadows in every corner began to gather in the direction of explosion.

  \"There are assassins"

  \"The wall was blown up and protect the lord of the city"

  \"Quick fire extinguishing"

It's a mess……

   Robben pushed Xiao Nalan, \"How about? Have you never seen such a big firework?"

   In the fiery red color of the sky, Little Nalan stared blankly at the huge flame that stretched its limbs like a behemoth, and could not speak for a while.

Robben handed the small magic circle in his palm to Xiao Nalan: \"Press the front one first, then press the back one. There are two more fireworks, don't worry, there will be no people in the living room at this time. A wall is also very remote, not close to the first explosion point, no witch will be injured.

   lowered his head and looked at the small magic circle in Robben's palm. The surprise in Xiao Nalan's eyes had turned into excitement. As soon as he raised his hand, he did not hesitate to press the flame that was closer to him.


The townspeople who have not yet refreshed from their shock are looking at the huge fireball that rises in the City Lord's Mansion. However, the next moment, the City Lord's Mansion is shaking again. On the third floor of the City Lord's Mansion, a fire dragon rushes straight. He came out, rushed into the sky, and the bright flame instantly wrapped the entire city lord's mansion in.

  \"Quick assassin is there to protect the lord of the city"

  \"Call the magician to almost burn the study of the Lord of the Water System Magician City Lord"

  \"Go and block off the surrounding area and don’t let the assassin go away"

   The pot has been boiled in the city lord’s mansion.

   Two huge fireballs, one has risen to the old height, and the other climbs straight up the main building of the city lord’s mansion. For a time, the fire blazes into the sky and the heat waves hit people.

\"Hey, don’t worry, I’ve already debugged this flame, it doesn’t hurt the creatures, it just feels a little hotter, there is one more, we can wait and press again, you know, there are two little thieves now Stealing things from the city lord’s mansion, and fleeing towards the wall that will be blown up in a while"

   Little Nalan giggled when Robben was teased: "My master, you are so bad"

  \"You are an accomplice, don’t remember who pressed the button just now?"

   Xiao Nalan smiled even more happily~www.readwn.com~Everyone in the city lord’s mansion was busily scorched, looking around but couldn’t catch the assassin, there were flames everywhere, and when there were shouts...


   Everyone in the city lord’s mansion felt desperate. On the side of an unattended wall, with the sound of a huge explosion, a huge flame that was more spectacular than before blared...

On this day, the forbidden land of the City Lord's Mansion became the most talked about among the townspeople, but everyone was not talking about whether the assassin was caught, but inquiring about each other, whether the fat-eared City Lord had been blown up. , In that case, you can change to another city lord, although the new city lord may not be so good, but... no matter how bad it is, it can’t be broken, right...

   Robben and Little Nalan sneaked back to the training camp. No one noticed. When they stood at the door of their office, Robben breathed a sigh of relief. At last no one showed up. The invisibility magic was lifted and Robben opened the door.

  \"I really didn’t expect that our chief instructor was so enthusiastic about the security of the town. There was an assassination in the city lord’s mansion, but you happened to be not here, of course...and Nalan"

  \"Teacher?" Little Nalan couldn't help but shrank his head immediately. In the room, Camute was looking at himself with a dark face.

(www.. Lang Lang Book)

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