God Prohibitions

Chapter 701: universal

Seven hundred and one chapter popularization

   Robben said haha, "Ms. Camute, what brought you to the wind and... it blew into my office privately."

   Camute didn’t even apologize for breaking into someone’s office. He said naturally: "Mr. Robben, now... it’s time for breakfast."

The meaning of   Camut is very obvious: I'm here to eat

   Robben is sweating, why are you waiting for me if you come to eat?

Looking at the obviously guilty little Nalan, Camuute said: "We received a report that the city lord’s mansion had an assassination incident, and the walls and buildings were severely damaged. Presumably... you also heard the huge explosion. Sound, I was still weird at first, although the city lord usually misbehaves and many people hate him, but few dare to mess with him, and then I was relieved, I didn't expect someone to take my precious student It disappeared without a trace at the same time."

   Camute did not hide his doubts about Robben in the words.

  \"This...haha, let's get up in the morning and go for a walk. Morning exercise is good for the body."

Camuute looked at Robben, then at Little Nalan, he couldn't help but shook his head and sighed: \"Forget it, I didn't want to investigate anything, just... I hope nothing will happen here, after all, we too We also have to take responsibility for some things that are stationed here. I can guarantee that the fat-eared guy will soon be sent to use this incident as an excuse to ask us to send him a guard."

  Walking slowly to Xiao Nalan's side, Camuute bent down slightly and smiled: \"Have you fun?"

   Xiao Nalan was obviously taken aback, and nodded subconsciously: \"Ah, happy..."

   Camute’s smiling face was awe-inspiring at once: \"Isn’t it an example to understand?"

   Little Nalan shrank her neck immediately, hiding behind Luo himself, never daring to look at Camute again.

  \"Mr. Robben, I know that waking up and exercising are good for your body, but...Nalan is still young and should have plenty of time to rest every day. I think you can go by yourself when you next activity."

  Roben really didn't understand, why now this Camute insisted that it was the city lord's mansion that he went to bomb, wasn't it just not here? Is there a mistake not here?

  \"Ah...ok" Robben replied dryly.

Camute smiled satisfied: "Speaking of which, if the fat-eared guy was assassinated this time, it might be a good thing. Let's go eat first, I'm already hungry, um... …Nalan, the things in your pocket are beautiful"

   Camuute strolled out, Robben was still wondering why Camuute had spotted himself.

   Xiao Nalan lowered her head in doubt, and suddenly exclaimed slightly, and took out something from her pocket: "Teacher, this is for you."

Robben heard the sound and glanced at it, and he couldn't help but groan. What Xiao Nalan held was a beautifully crafted goblet. This wine glass was silver-gray, and he didn't know what material it was made of. The surface was extremely smooth, like a mirror. Generally, in the large living room of the city lord's mansion, this wine glass was placed aside as a handicraft, and it was quite conspicuous. It was very valuable at first glance.

  \"Nalan, how do you put this in your pocket?" Robben now finally knows why Camuute knew he had been to the City Lord's Mansion.

   Little Nalan looked at Robben very strangely: \"Didn't you say you want to pass those things? I just took it."

  \"This is not the important thing, but why do you put it in your pocket?" Robben was already a little weak to ask.

\"I can’t fit it. My space ring is very small. Although I have completed the trial, I haven’t performed the task yet. Naturally, no one will give me some things, and I am also going to give this to the teacher. Things are mixed together."

   Camute floated in from the outside with a smiling voice: \"Nalan, your teacher knows, but I dare not ask for this thing. You can hide everything else."

   Robben was completely speechless.

   Fortunately, it seems that Camuute didn't want to continue to ask questions. He ate some food and left. As for why Robben ran to the City Lord's Mansion and dropped three big bombs, Camuute didn't mention a word.

Compared to the peace in the Witch Training Camp, the entire town has fallen into a state of semi-chaos.All the soldiers ran out, surrounded by layers of the city's main mansion. There were also three steps and one sentry inside, five steps and one. The guards and guards are several times more than usual.

On the street, there are demon soldiers who are carefully investigating the characters. At the two gates of the town, there are already heavily guarded, and the magician on the top of the city is also watching the situation in the air at any time. .

From time to time, there will be some daily instability, but these things that I usually don't bother to pay attention to, now make the soldiers' nerves are strongly stimulated.The soldiers on the street often shout and walk by quickly, and then don't. For a long time, he dragged a hapless guy back, maybe the hapless guy just stole something, or didn't believe he hit a certain soldier, or... he didn't do anything at all.

   The residents in the town were a little panic. Of course, there were many people who cursed the Lord of Pig's Trotter who was directly assassinated and killed.

  Roben didn't know that this town had become a mess. In the first half of the day, the witches would still train, and all the teachers in the sky would go to the forest to take classes, and the rest of the witches would continue training.

   Now, in the first half of the time, Robben and Little Nalan, who had eaten food, are reading the books they harvested in Robben’s office.

The book Xiao Nalan is holding is "Akas the Witch". Looking at the content of the book, Xiao Nalan will be surprised and admired from time to time. It seems that the deeds of the Witch of Akas must be very attractive , Robben is holding "Dark Age"...Roben is frowning greatly, not for anything else, just because... Robben can't understand the magic text.

   After working hard for a long time, Robben still gave up. He threw the book aside and got close to Nalan. He hehe smiled and said, "Nalan, this book is interesting?"

   Little Nalan nodded: "Well, this witch named Akas is so powerful that she can defeat several high-level warriors by herself, and it doesn't take much effort."

  \"So amazing? This book won't be fictional, is it an exaggeration?"

Little Nalan immediately frowned a faint eyebrow: \"How is it possible? What's said here must be true, and...some of us know that there was a powerful witch called Akasi before, but that It has been a long, long time ago, and no one knows the specifics of her. This book seems to be very old. It must have been written in an era not far from her time, and then preserved by magic, before it is kept until now. "

   Robben blinked his eyes: \"Speaking of which, there are several kinds of information that show that once, before countless years, the witch was very powerful."

\"Every witch of us knows that the teachers told us on the first day of our training, but... there is no evidence to prove this. We all become the most powerful fighters in that way, even The desire to be stronger than any race began to train, but in the end, this desire was shattered without exception." Little Nalan's voice sounded a little sad.

  \"I think... There must be some reason for the decline of such a powerful race, but the strange thing is that we can't seem to find this reason now. There are few records about the former witch, which is surprising."

  \"This is the position of our witch now. It is not taken seriously. The glory of the past has been silent in the years. Now no one will take our witch seriously. Those records may have been casually discarded."

Discarded... Robben is very strange. Even from the perspective of recording history, such a big change shouldn't show such a small number of records. A race at the peak of power has fallen to the point of being bullied. There should definitely be many records, not only in historical books, but even in many unofficial historical documents, and the stories in them should be widely spread...

   But the reality is not like this... Robben is very confused.

It can be seen that the witches are not very high in the nature of studying here at Robben. Although they are surprised by the results of Xiao Nalan's spiritual cultivation, but the level of Xiao Nalan among the witches is really not surprising. It's just that Xiao Nalan has such results at such a young age.

Robben said above that many of the witches below are actually dozing off, and the model is now more or less able to understand that some brick professors in college days only have half the report, and half of this half is still dozing off. What's your mood?

It seems that the witches don’t care about the affairs of that city lord at all. The whole town is in a tense atmosphere, and every suspicious person has to be questioned, but nothing has changed in the witch training camp [天珠变], or Say, it's just as if this thing didn't happen.

   Robben explained some of his insights on spiritual magic in the past few days, and also read a few books roughly with the help of Xiao Nalan.

Robben has some wonders in his mind. These four books are all about witches. One of them is a history book. The writing is very rigorous. It doesn't look like a random person did it. It is quite corresponding. Records cherished in the history museum.

One is the biography of the witch named Akas. It records the life of the witch, from birth to miraculous disappearance. This witch's voice is quite legendary, and Robben and Xiao Nalan are most concerned about Yes, the narration of the powerful power of this witch in this book is not a level that the current witch can reach.

Another book that seems to be a book left by someone like a scholar. This book also attracts Robben and Little Nalan the most, because this book records many witches in that legendary glory era Many of the descriptions of the witches are more detailed and do not seem to be fake, but from the narrative, they are somewhat unimaginable for the witches. At that time, the witches were not playthings of other races. On the contrary, the witches themselves Go to raise a lot of demon warriors for their own fun.

The last book is similar to the third, but it seems to be a book recorded from the perspective of a witch. This book has endless memories of the past glory, but more, it is helpless and sad. The intense anxiety and fear of status changes...

   At the dinner table, Xiao Nalan still held the "Witch Argas" and kept reading it. To say it, this book is Xiao Nalan's favorite to read.

\"Nalan, don’t you think it’s weird? The records of your witches are a bit too much, and now from these books, the glorious years of your witches should exist, but Such a huge change [Dzi Bead Change] did not leave any traces. This is not normal."

Xiao Nalan raised her head to look at Robben, and shook her head slightly: \"This is actually very strange, but...that is not important, the important thing is that our witch is like this now, and we can't do much about it. All we can do is to work hard to practice magic and gain powerful power. Since we have been brilliant, it does not mean that we will not return to the previous scene in the future, but that does not need to be sighed, what we need is work hard and harder"

   Robben nodded slightly after listening to Xiao Nalan's words, and felt that he might have been thinking too much, and no matter how much he thought, it would be better to be more realistic.

  \"Well, let's review the magic we learned yesterday" Robben lifted the book in Nalan's hand.

  \"Oh no, good master, okay in a while?"

  \"No way"

  \"Don't be so stingy, just for a while"

  \"You can think I am stingy"


The days in the training camp were very ordinary, and outside the training camp, the commotion in the town gradually subsided. After many days of tossing, they did not even catch a single hair of the assassin. Although he was extremely angry, the man The owner of the pig's hoof also knew that he could not go on indefinitely, and now there were more than half of the soldiers on the street.

This time, the witches were not suspected, because the other party appeared to be very powerful, let alone natural magic is not the magic that witches are good at, just blasting the wall of the city lord mansion requires a very powerful force. Many defensive magic, some are very powerful, according to the situation of the witches, this is very difficult for the witches who tend to hide and sneak through the wall.

Moreover, the witch who has always been in a position of management should not make such a blatant rebellion, which is of no benefit to the witch. This time there was no casualties in the attack, but the wall was blown up by two huge holes. The mud on the ground was thrown into the sky together. Two huge pits were left on the ground. An explosion also occurred on the main building of the city lord’s mansion. The city lord’s large living room, like an exhibition hall, was destroyed. The walls have been blown away by a powerful impact, and now the main building of the City Lord's Mansion looked like a monster with a big mouth a few days ago.

The suspicion of the witches is very small, and the owner of the pig's hoof city also knows that these witches are difficult to deal with, so the search for the witch training camp is hastily ended, even just wandering outside, warning, and no more Come here, and Robben, he didn't know anything about it in the training camp these days.

   Robben has been preparing for his own courses during this time, because after a period of time, he will mainly teach the witches trained here, and that is his main thing.

After more than ten days, many witches have discovered some strange places. The spiritual magic taught by the chief instructor began to gradually deviate from the spiritual magic that he originally learned. This deviation is not obvious. Even sometimes the things spoken are the same as before, but when these magics are used, the results are surprisingly different.

\"Okay, today’s course is over. I know that your time is tight. I am very dissatisfied when I find time to listen to my boring explanation, but I still hope that you can listen to it and remember that you can not, But you must know how to do it, because you will teach your students like this in the future."

   Robben finished speaking, turned and left, but only after taking a step, Robben stopped.

  \"What's the matter with you?" Robben was a little strange. These witches should have left immediately, but now there is a witch who came in front of him, seeming to have something to do with him.

  \"I... I have some questions, can I ask?"

   Robben smiled: \ "Of course I hope you can be proficient in the magic that I talk about. If you don't understand, you can ask me directly."

   What makes Robben a little strange is that when he said that, the witch seemed to be even more cramped.

  \"I...I meant to say, you know, I didn't...we were also very busy, sometimes tired, so..." This witch seemed a bit incoherent.

   Robben is very strange: \"What do you want to ask?"

  \"This... the magic that I have now seems a bit strange, but... the previous explanation, I... I am not very familiar with it, I..."

   Luo Ben's heart suddenly brightened, and he understood what the witch was looking for.

He took out a notebook in his arms, and Robben handed it to the witch: "This is the information and transcripts I have compiled about spiritual magic. There are records on the things you left before. You can take them back and read them. "

  The witch's face flushed suddenly: \"Yes... I'm sorry I was too slack before."

   Robben smiled: \"It would be nice to know that you came to me, don’t worry, there are not many things, but you need to be careful, you have to be fast, because I still need this transcript."

   The witch took the transcript and bowed to Robben very gratefully: \"I will copy a copy immediately before I rest today.

  \"Give it to me tomorrow, let's go"

  \"Yes" The witch turned and left.

  \"Isn't she the one who always dozed off before?" Little Nalan whispered to Robben until the witch was gone.

\"Well, it's her, and she has been dozing off all the time, but fortunately, she discovered the difference in my spiritual magic earlier than other witches. I think she will become a good teacher. I really hope Other witches can also realize this earlier. I have emphasized the importance of this kind of magic many times, but they seem to have many people who just came here to take a place for me and play a prestige..."

   Xiao Nalan said nonchalantly: \"It’s okay. After a while, after they discover that their spiritual magic has grown strangely, they will know your kindness."

  \"Hmm... I hope it'

   looked at Robben next to him, Xiao Nalan suddenly asked: "Master, can I ask a question?"

   Seeing that Xiao Nalan suddenly became serious, Robben smiled and asked: "What is the problem, you still need to be so serious, I remember that you want to know what you want to know, you all jumped up and threatened me by the ear.

   Xiao Nalan didn't smile.

\"Although... it seems that you have nothing urgent to do, but I always feel that you seem to be a little anxious, seem to want to do something in a hurry, and, although there are not many, but sometimes stay, you must be thinking Who is it?"

   The thoughtful little girl...

Robben smiled: \"Each of us will have something to do. Although we may not do it, we do think about it. This is not surprising, and I didn’t say that as long as people live , There will be people you miss."

  \"Who does the master miss most?" Xiao Nalan asked.

  \"Little girl, why do you ask so much? Now come back with me quickly and make me something to eat for the host."

  \"Um...but you didn't dare to eat if I did..."

Robben smiled happily, and suddenly he took out something from his pocket: \"If you make it delicious today, there will be a reward." As he said, Robben shook this thing in front of Xiao Nalan's eyes. shake.

   Xiao Nalan was taken aback for a moment: "This?"

   The gem in Robben's hand is exactly that gem, the red dot in the center is still flashing with some ghostly light.

   gently placed the gem in Nalan’s hand, Robben said: "How about it? Isn't it beautiful?"

   Little Nalan nodded: "I have never seen such a big gem, and it is so finely carved."

As he said, Xiao Nalan suddenly raised his head in confusion: \"But... isn't this something very important to the owner? How can you give it to me casually, even if the owner says yes, I... I can't ask for it. "

   Xiao Nalan pushed this gem back.

\"No...this piece is given to you, I made it especially for you, please keep it safe" Robben said and shook his other hand, Xiao Nalan was surprised to find that Robben's hand actually Grasping a gem exactly like this one in his hand.

  \"There are... two?"

Robben shook his head, pointed to the gem in Xiao Nalan's hand, and said: \"Your piece was copied very carefully, and it is almost indistinguishable from the one in my hand, but I This one in my hand is the first piece"

  \"Copy?" Xiao Nalan's eyes rounded.

Robben's gaze swept across Little Nalan’s ears, and he gently shook his head and said: "Nalan, the gems in your hand are copied, almost indistinguishable from mine, but you take The earrings you are wearing are not copied, but your mother’s belongings. I can use my soul to guarantee."

  \"No, I never doubted it." Little Nalan was anxious immediately, \"Even if it is really a copy...it doesn't matter, because...the owner gave me something, Nalan will definitely cherish it."

   Robben squatted down and smiled happily: \"My little princess, believe me, your earrings are real. I used some small tricks, so the results of your teachers' investigations are like that."

   Little Nalan nodded and replied softly: \"I know...I never doubted that Nalan trusted the master the most."

   Robben is funny: \"At this time I became a good girl, little girl, today we will eat what you made, understand?"

  \"Huh? Really?" Xiao Nalan quit immediately, \"Why should I eat too?"

  \"All the masters are eating"

  \"Can we ask others to do it"

  \"I don’t even know how to do anything. Wouldn’t it be possible to starve to death if I went out to perform tasks alone"

  \"Who would carry the iron pot and condiments to perform the task..."

After arguing all the way, the master and servant walked to the hospital, and they still attracted the attention of many witches along the way.Now all the witches know that the genius witch Nalan in the training camp chose one after completing the trial. The master is loyal, this master is the chief instructor who has just taken office, but...

  What the witches can’t figure out is that neither the chief instructor nor Nalan seem to have positioned themselves well. The chief instructor is now the most powerful person in the entire training camp. Although the training camp has always had a disharmonious relationship with the city lord, the city lord is the most important person here after all. His power level is far above the level of the head of the witch training camp. It is indeed necessary to appoint a chief instructor. , But this training camp was assigned by the Demon King to build and the person in charge was assigned to be responsible. This puts a lot of obstacles in the execution of the City Lord's orders. In other words, in the training camp, the City Lord's orders are almost never executed , But this time an exception, the chief instructor couldn’t help being appointed sadly, and he also made reforms.

The strange thing is that the most powerful figure in the current training camp, this demon warrior who is not a witch, has hardly changed from before, except for spending half of the time every day to explain some strange spirits to the witch teachers. Apart from magic, I still stayed in my own hospital, doing the same things as before, explaining new medical knowledge to the witches, improving healing magic, adding new dishes to the recipe, and sometimes, I would personally go to the battle to treat severe injuries. The witch, in the witch training camp, has not died for two months...

Some witches can't help but worry when they learn that the former medical officer has become the chief instructor. After all, this place is all witches, and suddenly there is a male demon who no one can manage. This may be the beginning of a chaos, but this worry is very Almost disappearing, this chief instructor didn't enjoy any special treatment, and it is still me. Many witches even feel that they have never had a chief instructor.

As for Little Nalan, the other witches are even more weird. This talented little witch has completed the trial before she reaches adulthood, and has her own master, but...compared to that strange master, this little witch is also It seems very strange. The first point is her rapid mental power. This can also be explained as our chief instructor might give Nalan a small stove, but the second point is a bit scary. Nalan seems to have never There is no sense of respect for the owner.

Many times, the witches were frightened and found that Xiao Nalan was arguing with his master, and sometimes there were threatening words. For example, if you don’t give me anything to eat today, I will do whatever you want. If I don't coax me to sleep, I just do...

The witch must completely obey the master. This is a truth that has been formed in countless years. The witch with the master has become the private property of the master at the moment when the contract takes effect. The flesh and blood, and even the soul must be dedicated to the master, the master None of the demands, orders, and punishments made by him can be resisted, let alone talk back, it may become a sin if the promise is slow.

Many witches felt that Nalan might face a tragic fate, but the next day, the witches found that they should have been tied to a pillar yesterday and were pumped to death. Nalan, who could not climb up today, was still with his master. quarrel……

   Today Xiao Nalan fry two plates of Yangzhou fried rice under the worried eyes of other witches, and put them into that small compartment.

  \"Well...Yes, there is no smoke this time." Robben looked at two plates of suspicious Yangzhou fried rice and nodded in satisfaction.

Although he knew that the taste must not be very good, Xiao Nalan still seemed a bit excited about the things he made. After picking up the spoon and drumming up his courage several times, Xiao Nalan still looked at Robben and said: \"Master, Don’t you eat first?"

Robben laughed, picked up his chopsticks and tasted the Yangzhou fried rice this time. It was not bad...It was just a bit burnt, maybe because I was afraid of putting the wrong ingredients, so almost all rice grains, and at least a lot of rice without salt. A lot of salt is better.

  \"Nalan, we may not have much time to cook and eat in the future, and there may not be so many handy things." Robben said and took another bite of fried rice.

   Xiao Nalan raised his head in surprise: \"What? Are we leaving here?"

   Robben nodded slightly: \"We will not stay here for a long time. I want to go out for a trip. What do you think of this?"

   Xiao Nalan seemed to be unable to digest Robben's words for a while: \"But...but what about everything here? Don't you still want to teach the witches magic?"

  \"Can't bear Camute, are you?" Robben read some information on Xiao Nalan's face.

   Little Nalan suffocated slightly: \"I... uh, yes, teacher Camuute treated me very well... After leaving my mother, there is no witch to treat me like this anymore."

  \"But" Xiao Nalan's face floated with determination: \"If the master leaves, I will definitely follow."

Robben shook his head funny: "Of course, even if you don't want to leave, I will take you away now. There is no permanent banquet in the world [zhetian], there is no reunion if there is separation, you don't want to be A strong warrior? It’s not enough to stay here. We need some experience. Your teacher must also hope you can experience more things."

  \"Then...when shall we leave?"

Robben thought for a while: \"It won’t be fast, I still have to teach magic to those witches. They will have better results if they don’t have much foundation in magic, so that they will recognize these magics. , We can leave afterwards. I’m just telling you now, so that you don’t feel suddenly. I know you grew up here. Although this is not a good place, but... there will always be some reluctance."

   Xiao Nalan slowly stirred his plate of fried rice with a spoon: \"Maybe...but the only familiar ones are this training camp and some teachers. Many of my companions are no longer here..."

   took a small bite, Xiao Nalan immediately frowned and put the spoon down, looking at Robben's chopsticks that hadn't stopped.

  \"Where shall we go after we leave here?" Xiao Nalan asked.

  \"I don't know yet, but I will definitely leave."

  \"Sure enough, the master... is in a hurry to do something." Xiao Nalan looked at Robben's face carefully.

  \"Ghost Elf"

Xiao Nalan simply dropped his unbearable fried rice and came to Robben: "What is the master, I am now your witch, you can tell me anything, I will definitely help Yours, absolutely will"

  \"When the situation becomes clear, I will tell you"

  \"Huh? What does it mean to be clear?"

  \"That means...I am still a little confused about the current situation..." Robben felt rather helpless.

   As time passed a little bit, the witches did not seem to have much difference with Robben, but their attitudes towards magic changed a little. The witches finally realized that these seemingly inconspicuous subtle changes [Dzi Beads], but accumulated before and after, can have a lot of influence on their magic, and some are even subversive.

  Roben looked at the energetic witches below, and said with some relief: "I'm very happy, you are finally willing to come with your ears now."

   Most of the witches who said in one sentence have reddened faces.

  \"But it is also a pity, my course will end today"

   These words made the witches suddenly shocked.

\"I don’t have much to talk about, just some small differences that are not too obvious. You don’t have to think that you missed the opportunity, because tomorrow I will hold an assessment to see what you have learned these days. What, of course, I didn’t do this to humiliate you who had previously dozed off. Rather, I hope to select those witches who have been listening carefully to my explanation. Later, they will become the first batch of instructors and start a new round of courses. , The target of the professor is the witches trained in our training camp. I now request that those who are not qualified in the assessment or feel that they have not fully remembered what I said, you can go to the class and get everything. Understand, I will also teach these things to the trained witches, and you can go and listen again."

   The witches looked at each other, such an arrangement had never been heard before.

\"After making sure that each of you knows how to practice these magics, you have completed the task. The use of these magics is a little different from what you have learned before. You may find it difficult to twist these changes, and I don’t ask you to do that. I just hope that you will be good professors, understand."

   Now these witches finally understood Robben's intentions, and now they regretted that they were just dozing off at the time, but fortunately, they could remedy it.

On the second day, Robben conducted an assessment. Each witch took a test paper. It can be seen that after these witches went back, they all supplemented the knowledge of a rest time. From a mental point of view, it was worse than yesterday. A lot.

After the assessment, Robben felt a little helpless.Witches, if you move to the college entrance examination room, make sure that all the witches in a classroom have the same answers.These witches rely on strong spiritual power to directly enlighten at close range. Bo's communication asked the answer. If it weren't for his already good use of mental power, it would really be impossible to show it.

After collecting the test papers, Robben and Xiao Nalan reviewed all the test papers on the spot, and then directly selected the qualified witches. In terms of the number of qualified witches, half of the number has made Robben very satisfied. .

  \"Starting tomorrow, we will officially start the popularization of magic. Those who are not qualified yet, don’t forget to hurry up and make up lessons. Time is running out."

Robben's spiritual magic has finally begun to be taught on a large scale in the witch training camp. The witches trained in the training camp are only slightly weird. The witches who have not received much magic training are suddenly surprised. It seems that there is not much reaction to the re-teaching of magic. After all, obedience is a very important way to survive here~www.readwn.com~ The training in the witch training camp does not seem to have changed [天珠(Change), but the spiritual magic is slightly different, and there is an additional demon warrior as a teacher, the physical training has not changed, and it is still difficult, but there is one thing that the witches are more relieved, that is, no matter how many injuries you have, you don't have to worry about it. Disabled or dead, as long as you can reach the chief instructor’s hospital alive.

In the training camp, there is also a not-so-small change, that is, every day on each training ground, the written test method that Robben took out that day was used by Lalyan to train the witch. Our mental strength is very effective without any casualties. This training method has become a part of training in the training camp.

  In the quiet room, Camuute looked at the somewhat leisurely Ral, frowned and said: "You seem to have been sitting here all day."

\"Well...Yes, but it’s not that I am slack, but that I have nothing to do. After our chief instructor comes, sometimes, this will happen. Your mind is all on Nalan, and it’s nothing. I ran to see her, so I didn't notice it."

   Camute was slightly embarrassed and immediately changed the subject: \"In our evaluation this year, do you think there will be any changes from last year [天珠变]?"

  \"It’s not very obvious, Camute, we will be rewarded this year."

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