God Prohibitions

Chapter 824: Memory pieces

Although the understanding of the world and the perception of things seem to have little in common, sometimes it only requires one action or one look to communicate this matter, and it is very obvious to sit face-to-face and eat together with kindness. A meal is a very effective way of communication.

You are now chatting with Robben like an old friend.

When Robben took out the third portion of meat, You sipped the soup in the bowl and said, "Roben, you are an outsider. You can't find the spiritual capital. If you can get there, you must I will like that very much."

Through the first question to You, and the many information obtained just now, Robben now has some understanding of the void here.

As long as there are places where high-level beings gather, complex relationships will be formed, there will be rules and systems, in this emptiness, there will be lives that fit the environment here, and there will also be rulers with special circumstances. Robben now understands , The Land of Nothingness is not as desolate and empty as imagined. There are also many intelligent beings living here, and even a system of ruling classes, here is an undiscovered country.

You should be regarded as the lord here. The vast land around here is ruled by this woman who does not seem to be very reliable, and her direct subordinates only have six strange lives in the few broken houses outside. There are a lot of other subordinates, even Yu himself doesn’t know how many. Robben guesses it should be the strange hordes of monsters that he saw outside. Maybe those monsters who have also come to participate in the demon hunting event. The tribe warrior thinks it is nothingness.

It seems that the demons have regarded all the lives living in the void as nothingness, but from the perspective of the world within the door, these lives are now divided into many types.

Two of You’s six subordinates are of the same kind of life as You, three of them are similar to the nothingness outside the door, and the ghost-like thing is actually a soul, at least according to Yu's description is like that.

As for the twin demon warriors, they were actually the appearance of a demon warrior who had been here before, and then the two nihilisms joined forces to kill him, and finally they all matched the shape of the warrior, and they all became Like that...

Regarding the spiritual capital, Robben knows that spirits are located in a place deeper in the land of nothingness. The world there is close to real nothingness, and the lives that exist there are extremely powerful. They are in the land of nothingness. The true ruler, in terms of hierarchy, is especially equivalent to a garrison officer on the border of the kingdom, and is only responsible for this area.

However, when Robben asked how big the area Yu ruled, Yu shook his head in distress and said, "I don't know, anyway, no matter where I go, I just treat it as my rule area. , And never made a mistake."

Robben stopped sweating. If he said that, wouldn't the territory ruled by this unreliable woman be astonishing.

"Then...is it the same for you to go to Lingdu?" Robben asked suspiciously.

Juhaha laughed: "Roben, how is that possible? I have never been to Lingdu at all."

Robben suddenly wondered: "How can you know so many things before you have been there?"

You seem to be even stranger: "How can I not know how I haven't been."

Okay... Here again... It's time to start the difficult explanation and communication...

After some inquiries and explanations, Robben finally understood that, in fact, Yu has lived in this emptiness since he had life consciousness. He has never been to any other place too far, nor has he seen other rulers, but Yu Knowing everything about the void, especially telling myself, things in the distance, everything in the void, the sky, the earth, the air, everything will tell me, I only need to touch the dust, look at the day, or even what If you don't do it, just take a breath, you can know many things.

Can the life in the void enjoy information from all the material things in this world? Robben couldn't help being stunned. Recall that as long as the soldiers who came to participate in the demon hunting event have a record of attacking nothingness, they will be attacked by other nothingness. Especially if you say so, it fits this very well. Happening.

You dexterously used chopsticks to pick up a piece of meat and threw it into his mouth and said, "So I said, Robben, you can't go to Lingdu, because even I have never been there. It is also very good for an outsider like you. Harsh, so..."

Yu's meaning is very obvious, you just need to listen to the situation in Lingdu as a story, don't think about it.

However, Robben didn't think so in his heart...

I didn’t come here for a taste. What I hope is to find the secrets in this emptiness. The connection between this emptiness and the emptiness and the original black emperor of the demon world, it seems that there is not much here. Information is available. If you want to find information, maybe you still have to go to the spiritual capital.

"You, how are your legs now?" Robben asked with a smile.

You Wei was taken aback, and then smiled: "Of course it's okay. I will recover from such a small injury soon."

"Haha, in other words, it hasn't fully recovered yet, right? We walked some distance after getting close to your resting place. I think if you can fly at that time, you don't seem to walk slowly, why? , These legs now make you unable to use your strength well?"

Robben just asked speculatively, but he didn't expect You to have a violent reaction suddenly. He stood up abruptly, and You whispered, "You'd better not talk nonsense to outsiders."

This reaction was somewhat beyond Robben's expectation. Just now he was chatting like a good friend, but for a moment, Yu seemed to have become enemies with himself again.

After thinking about it, Robben guessed a possibility, and said with a smile: "Don’t worry, your residence is not very tight, and there are holes everywhere, and I can’t do anything about it, but in order to preserve some private space, I have already The mute magic is released, and our words are inaudible outside."


of? "

Robben nodded: "Of course it is true."

You sat down slowly, with a low tone: "It's not that I don't want them to know, but I don't want to have unnecessary trouble."

"If you are injured, will they cause you trouble?" Robben further confirmed his conjecture.

"Humph" You snorted, "It's okay to tell you, it's true. Now I am the master here, but if one of them beats me head-on, then this master will change. In the past years, it has been It has been changed several times. This is the second time I have regained this position. It has been a long time."

Robben shook his head gently: "Actually, I don't think there is anything to be happy even as a master here, especially, what do you do when you have nothing to do?"

"Is there nothing to be happy about?" You said a few degrees higher, "I know you outsiders see this land from a different angle to us, but I have to tell you Robben, here, survival is our only thing. Purpose, every moment of our lives, we are working hard to survive. The master here in my present time, I can control my subordinates, and when I think it is appropriate, I can let them show a part of them to maintain my Life, to maintain my strength, and if I am only a subordinate, then the position will be reversed, and as a division I will be sad."

"Split Department?" Robben was surprised, this word was the first time I heard You speak.

You seemed to frown and said, "The other two you see are different from me."

Robben understood it, and he was talking about two other subordinates who were similar in shape to him.

"You mean you are female, and those two are male?" Robben had his own understanding.

"Female? Male?" You tilted his head, obviously not quite clear.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) Represents her exquisite figure, "Like you, we are called women"

You thought for a while: "Well...most of the outsiders I see are more similar to those of non-schizophrenia. Those are men, right?"


"Um... well, maybe it's like that. Life like us is divided into two forms, one is mine, the split type, they are non-splitting type, um... between you outsiders, that male and What is the relationship between women?" You asked suddenly.

"This..." Robben scratched his head. The relationship between men and women can be discussed from a philosophical point of view...

"Well... it's not bad. We don't use this classification as the standard of relationship. If it is a friend, the relationship is better, and if it is an enemy, the relationship is worse."

"Friends... um, um, I understand that. A good relationship is called a friend, but... we are different. We have a bad relationship between us and are enemies."

"The enemy?" Robben felt strange again.

"Yes, if I am the master here, if I think I need some elements to supplement, generally I will use them, because they are a threat to me, if one of them becomes the master, then I...I will It’s more sad, I will be forced to split to increase their power, which is very painful for me."

"Forced... split?" Robben looked up and down at Yu in front of him with a puzzled face. What does split mean? Are you a bacterium? Will it split?

"That's... they will force me to merge. A part of their body will disturb my body. I can't restrain the use of my strength to reorganize my body. It will soon split into two, but the newly emerged individual Most of them have inherited their will and will listen to their commands, and I will consume a lot of energy for this. It is very likely...there will be no way to defeat them."

How does this sound like forced childbirth? Robben felt strange in his stomach.

"In short, I don’t want them to know that I’m injured. If someone beats me at this time, I will lose my master’s position. Even if it’s not a non-split system, I will drop to the same level as them, and they can send me a message. Fight, this is dangerous to me.

Robben dragged his chin and said with a smile: "It seems that you believe me very much. If I go out and talk to them now, wouldn't you be bad."

You body leaned forward and said, "Roben, you are now staying in my resting place. As an outsider, you can only do this if you are welcomed by your master. If I lose the battle and the master changes, you will not Will be welcomed again, here, you may become nothingness."

It's really a simple idea. If I use the bait to kill you to put forward some conditions, and then make a deal in the form of a contract, it will not be over, so I might really get a lot of benefits. Thinking of this, Robben seriously considered the feasibility of this approach.

But after thinking about it, forget it. At any rate, there is a wounded woman in front of me, and it is not profitable to do it by myself. If you inquire about information, the relationship with Yu is enough to do this now, hey...I don't know if I do Suddenly I broke my studies...

Robben shrugged his shoulders seemingly helplessly: "So, I should get along well with you. At the very least, I should try my best to ensure the existence of your master, so that I will be safe."


Robben nodded: "Well, as you wish, after we have eaten, I will show you the injury. Maybe I can treat it."

"Really, you have a way." There was full expectation in Yu's voice.

"It can only be said that it is possible. After all, I have never touched a life like you."

"Okay, let's eat quickly." You was like flying manually, and the food in front of him decreased like lightning.

After a meal, Robben felt more relaxed and more energetic. He put away all the dining table and oven and other things, Robben stepped forward: "Lie down, I will give you

Look at the injury. "

You were very obedient at this time and lay down directly.

Touching this strange life with his fingers, Robben felt so strange and strange, there are such strange life forms in the world.

Generally speaking, it is very similar to humans or demons. At least the body shape is similar, and she is still a beautiful woman, but she has no body temperature and feels cold, but it is not as cold as a corpse. It is probably physical activity. It always consumes energy and emits heat.

The body is soft and the thighs are very elastic, which is very similar to women, but Robben can't feel Yu's bones. It seems that she has no bones at all.

"Do you like my legs very much? When do you want to touch them?"

Just as Robben was very interested in studying this novel life form, a particularly impatient voice came over.

"Ah, sorry for being distracted by accident. It's not that I was too involved by accident. How about it. Will the wound feel pain when pressed?"

"Of course" You answered without hesitation, "I will hurt if you don't pinch it, it's always been."

"Ah...Ahhaha" Robben quickly relaxed his hand slightly.

"Well, don't be nervous now. I need to use my mental energy to find out how your injury is going. It won't hurt you in the slightest."

As Robben said, his mental power penetrated into Yu's legs along the tips of his fingers like mercury. It was very strange that Yu's body seemed to be particularly sensitive to mental power, and Robben felt that his mental power had not taken up at all. When it is blocked, there are even some being pulled out...


Suddenly, Youhui had an extremely violent reaction, his body arched fiercely, and he began to tremble sharply, as if he wanted to shout something, but there were only some unclear sounds in his throat.

Robben was a little lost...

One's mental power did not enter into the flesh and blood of a living body, but seemed to be involved in some mental turbulence. Memories and feelings like a time tunnel are flying around him, mixed with a lot of emotions. The spirit flowed to me, and countless scenes began to flash in front of me...

what is this? Robben was at a loss...

"Ah" with a scream, Yu's body twitched abruptly and rolled to the side, but this made Robben's hand separate from her body.

The link of mental power was suddenly broken, the scene in Robben's heart disappeared, and the person immediately came to his senses. When he turned his head, he found that You had already rolled onto the white ground and was struggling to crawl outward.

"Yu" Robben yelled, and quickly ran forward to help her up, "What's wrong with you."

"Let... let me go, no... don't... I..." Yu's whole body was trembling, speaking with extreme difficulty.

Robben was surprised to find that the outline of Yu's body was dimming and slowly disappearing...

"What's going on? What's wrong with you?" Robben was shocked.

"Don't... kill me, I... you... attack..." You cut off

Continued, Robben was a little confused.

"Wait a minute, don't speak and waste your energy." Robben quickly dragged her back to her old blanket, especially now that he looks weak, and even Robben wants her to sit upright. No way, Robben had to let her lie down.

Is the most critical thing for survival in the void, right? This can have...

"Dong dong dong dong" Robben placed a circle of magic crystals around Yu's body. These crystals are the only ones left. With the improvement of his magic skills, Robben has used these things less and less. I didn’t expect that these things would actually come in handy today.

Robben didn’t know what the situation in the Voidland was like. After learning that he could absorb the elements to replenish his strength, he originally planned to keep these remaining crystals for emergency use, but now...especially if there are three long and two short, you can do it yourself. The trouble is big.

Grabbing Yu by the shoulders, Robben shouted loudly: "Can you hear you? Now that I give you all the elements, can you alleviate your current situation? Just nod your head, no, I can think of a way to Yu."

Robben is really afraid that this woman will die like this, because her situation now looks quite scary. If she dies, or disappears, then she becomes an unwelcome outsider as a guest.

"Uh..." Nodding especially hard.

Robben heaved a sigh of relief, and hurriedly put Yu's body in place, energizing the magic crystals with all his strength, extracting all the magic elements inside and gathering them to You.

You looked painful, his body trembling and twitching constantly, his head seemed to be held up uncontrollably, as if he was suffering from a sudden illness.

With the gradual collection of magical elements, various elements gradually penetrated into Yu's body, Yu slowly calmed down, and Robben found that the outline of her body began to gradually return to clarity, even clearer than before. some.

After consuming half of those magic crystals, You finally calmed down.

Robben breathed a sigh of relief. Now Yu's body contour lines are clearly clearer and a lot more. The texture of his hair and facial expressions are now clearly visible, which is obviously much better than before.

Putting away all the magic crystals, Robben hurried to Yu's side and asked carefully: "How are you? Is it all right?"

You Yi tilted his head and opened his eyes, with joy on his face: "Roben, what were those things just now?"

It seems to be good, and I am in the mood to ask these questions.

Robben sighed and sat down, "It scared me to death. What's wrong with you? It's like saying that you are going to disappear."

You Yigulu stood up from the ground, raised his hands and looked at it, and smiled: "What a strong elemental aura, what are your things Robben? You...I am willing to agree to some of your conditions. Exchange those things"

So soon I started to pay attention to my crystal, and Robben rolled his eyes: "That's my baby, I won't change it. This time I used half of it for you. I have lost a lot of money. You

Stop thinking about it, now tell me what happened just now. "

"Really...Is there no room for negotiation? I also have a lot of good things here? What do you think I exchanged some of my subordinates with you?"

"I wouldn't want that kind of thing even if I gave it to me..."


"Well, don't do this and that, I will never change it, these are my life-saving things, you should be content"

You slightly nodded: "It's true...but...well, forget it, you are my guest, I shouldn't have said that, sorry."

This attitude is not bad, Robben nodded with satisfaction: "What happened just now?"

You shrugged his shoulders: "You shouldn’t have asked this question, Robben, what did you...what did you do? I almost... almost couldn’t come back. Do you understand what I mean? You almost I was wiped out."

"Kill you?" Robben was surprised.

You took a few steps, and stood there suddenly as if hesitating, but smiled in relief, walked up to Robben, walked in front of Robben, and sat down upright.

"It seems that you were unintentional. Otherwise, you wouldn't do the same thing for me later, Robben, you... just interfered with my life. I felt a very strong energy impacting the origin of my life. Even if you stop, otherwise, my consciousness may be quickly dissipated, but... it seems that I have benefited from this. My body has never been so full of power."

Is there something wrong with the mental power? I just went in and explored it, it shouldn’t cause such a result, and... in my mental power at that time, there were emotions that I only felt when the nothingness dissipated, and it was more than It used to be many times stronger.

"You, do you believe that I won't hurt you now?" Robben asked softly.

"Well" Robben nodded without hesitation, "It won't be my enemy that can give me such generous elemental energy."

Really simple and clear judgment, Robben smiled softly: "So Yu, I want you to do me a favor now, can you agree?"

"Yes," You answered without hesitation.

Robben was surprised: "You agreed before I said anything?"

"Yes, for those who are not enemies, be generous. You are not an enemy. I'm pretty sure of this." A kind smile appeared on You's face, bright as a flower.

"Hehe, okay, let me ask first, how are your legs?"

"Recovered. With the support of a large number of active elements, such an injury is no longer a big deal?" You answered happily.

Robben sighed inwardly, this is really a convenient life form, if it goes to the Demon Realm, wouldn't it be an immortal body?

"So...Especially the situation of our team just now has some questions, I want to repeat the process just now"

"Repeat?" You were stunned, and then he immediately raised his eyebrows, "Do you want to repeat the last one too?" Especially Robben had added elements to her.


Robben smiled bitterly: "Especially, I only have that little thing. If you really like it, I will bring you some when I come next time, but it won't work this time."

You seemed disappointed, and frowned and said, "In that case, I might disappear, Robben, are you sure you want to do this?"

Robben hurriedly shook his head: "No, I won't be so careless anymore. I will do it gently. Although I don't know the cause of the situation, I still have at least half of those things here. In case something happens, I will save you back."

"That's it, good" You agreed very simply.

Can she provide some valuable clues for the higher life forms in the gate of the void? Robben had extremely high expectations.

Robben was very careful this time. He gently grasped Yu's hand, and put a trace of weak mental power into Yu's body, slowly extending from the palm to the arm.

"How do you feel?" Robben asked You softly.

You frowned, and sometimes his brows would jump a few times, and his face was weird: "What are you doing? How do you feel... well... strange, do you... do you want to merge with me? You are an outsider, This seems...it seems unlikely, but...it seems...it doesn't seem like this?"

Although it was a bit messy, Robben could see that it was all right now.

"Well, it's fine, let's continue"

Robben’s face was very calm, but he was already extremely surprised. Robben is now completely affirmed that the Yu in front of him is a spiritual body.

Under the exploration of mental power, Luo Ben can clearly feel the characteristics of the mental body, and...this is a mental body that has survived countless years. In her body, Robben can feel the fluctuation of countless memory fragments. That is the memory of the past years, whether it is what she thinks of now or what she has forgotten...

What makes Robben strange is that in the touch of his palm, Yu is a real entity. The cold palm of his hand is soft. This is absolutely not wrong, but the spiritual exploration tells Robben that in front of him The life form of this life is consistent with the spiritual body.

This is a strange life that takes the spiritual body as its source life, but takes material as its carrier.

Just now, I didn’t realize the essence of Yu’s spiritual body, and the arbitrarily introduced exploration mental power and her own spiritual body produced a violent shock. In contrast, the spiritual body was much more fragile, so Robben didn’t feel that What, but Yu has received a violent shock. If her body hadn't twitched and separated from her palm, perhaps this time the mental power connection would have directly washed Yu's life away...

After understanding this, Robben was relieved, but it turned out that he had made the situation just now without feelings. It was a waste of half of his magic crystal. He had known it carefully and used his mental power to help You set up. It's enough to loose mental power...

The mental body is better for communication, because they are more sensitive, and sometimes you can feel your hostility or kindness at a distance, but Robben is not sure about this

Is it possible to have a mental body in the form of a physical body? At the moment, Robben has strengthened his mental input. As long as he is more careful, he will never have an impact on You.

You's body trembled: "You...this is...what are you doing? This feeling..."

"It's weird?" Robben smiled and took the conversation. It seemed that Yu didn't realize his spiritual body at all, and was very strange to everything about the spiritual body.

You gently moved the hand held by Robben back, and looked at it carefully several times before murmured in confusion, "It's not a fusion, but...this feeling, something has entered the body, Luo What is this?"

"Especially, do you use magic without mental power?"

"Mental power? Magic power? That is power? The power that drives magic?"

Especially after a series of rhetorical questions, Robben realized that in the cognition and definition of spiritual power, I am afraid that there is a considerable difference between himself and this spiritual body.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this issue, wait a moment, and it will be fine soon" Robben said, once again increasing the input of mental power, and now the mental strength can already perceive some more sensitive emotions. ...


In an instant, Robben felt the countless emotions of sadness and resentment in his heart again, just like those nothingness, and much clearer than before. It seems that there are still many fragments flashing before his eyes...

It seems...There are many flames, many rays of light, but it is so incomplete, it is impossible to tell what it is.

This should be Yu’s memory, but Robben has some doubts in his mind. Yu said that since she was alive, she has lived in this emptiness, but although most of her memory fragments are very vague things, there are some It is still possible to distinguish one from the other. Some scenes are obviously not in the void. Are these fragments of memory belonging to the Demon Warriors you killed before?

Robben thinks this is unlikely. According to his understanding of the spiritual body, even if he can swallow other spiritual lives, he must completely assimilate the other person, otherwise he will definitely suffer, especially in the emptiness. I don't know how many years it has been, it is impossible for that kind of situation to happen, or else there would be no self-awareness long ago.

"Roben, is it... OK, I... I have some..."

Just when Robben was feeling very puzzled, the voice of You extremely embarrassed reached his ears. Robben was taken aback for a moment, turned his head and lowered his head slightly, his body was twisting uncomfortably.

"This feeling, I'm... very weak, as if everything has been seen through..."

Robben suddenly understood that it was his negligence. Although he is a mental body, he obviously has the same wisdom and feelings as himself. This way of communicating directly with the spiritual body is very strong, and it is in particular. Carrying out the inside of her body, careful exploration by herself will give her a feeling of being undressed and being peeped at. Robben estimates that this woman is shy.

"Sorry, sorry, it will end soon"

Robben warned himself that this was not a spiritual body, but a real, wise and emotional life. After he quickly withdrew the mental power of exploration, he let go of You's hand.

You apparently let out a sigh of relief, retracted his hand, clenched his fists and placed it on his legs, as if he hadn't been relieved from the tension.

Although there was no definitive information and no confirmation of what Yu's memory fragments were, Robben knew he had gained something.

When the emptiness outside the door died, the spiritual energy scattered in the air was filled with many negative emotions, but that was all. Now I found a spiritual body with these emotions in the door, and found that Some memory fragments...

If the origin of these memory fragments is determined, can we get more information? Robben kept thinking about it.

After a long sigh, You seemed to finally relieved from the tension just now, raised his head, and said with a slight reproach: "Roben, you...you shouldn't do this. It's not fair to me. I haven't allowed..."

Robben apologized quickly, and his behavior seemed to have caused the lady's dissatisfaction.

With a sigh, You said helplessly: "Forget it, you are my guest, you let me eat, and you helped me restore my legs. I don’t care about this, but next time I don’t allow it. If you do, you are not allowed to do this to me. It's... it's no different from fusion"

Robben scratched his head: "Sorry, not next time."

You stood up, scratched his hair and said, "I didn't expect that an outsider would do such a thing, eh..."

Shaking his head, You said indifferently: "Forget it, forget it, anyway, it's no loss, now... it's better to do important things, Robben, you come too."

Robben blinked his eyes: "What is the most important thing? It has something to do with spirituality?" Robben stood up immediately.

"You are an outsider, so you don't need to think about Lingdu anymore." Especially, he waved his hand impatiently. Now we are going to do something else.

"We?" Robben sensitively discovered the change in Yu's words.

"Yes, it's us, me... and you"

What can be related to me? A row of question marks on Robben's head: "I... what do I need to do?"

"Hmm..." You smiled, "It shouldn't be necessary, but if you need it, you can help me." With that, You turned around, pushed the tattered door and walked out.

Isn't it any bad luck? Robben had to follow out.

As You walked out and walked to a place a little further away from the seven houses, You stopped, and Robben naturally stopped with him. Once you turned around, a bit of irritation appeared on his face: "You guys I'm an idiot, come out and I'll be here"

Robben was taken aback for a moment, what is this for?

Before Yu's words fell, the doors of those broken houses were all opened. Just now, all the six subordinates walked or floated or squirmed to Yu'e.


"Do you want to try?" You smiled triumphantly on his face.

Obviously, the twin demon warriors and the two men with the same life form as You frowned. The ghost said in a vague way: "You, you seem to be... stronger?"

"This seems to be different from what you expected, right? Isn't that... you don't have to try?" You said lazily.

"If so, will this outsider help you?" the ghost asked again.

"of course"

Robben hadn't spoken yet, and You had already answered first. The ghost suddenly lost its voice and seemed to start thinking about something. The twin demon warriors looked at each other and didn't know if they were communicating silently. The two male form guys were talking quietly, and one of them kept shaking his head.

"I don't have time to waste with you here. I still have guests to entertain. It is because you seem to be interested. If you are not ready to try, I will go back. I still want to go back and eat something."

You have eaten for four people~www.readwn.com~ You don’t feel full, right? Robben was sweating on the side.

"and many more"

One of the two men who had been whispering and discussing over there stood up: "Although you look stronger,...I still want to try."

"Oh... it's you..." You narrowed your eyes. Robben seemed to hear a bit of danger in this sentence.

"You came to me purely hoping to find an insurgency, right?"

"Yes, I have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, especially... You are just pretending that you are injured and you are not my opponent." The man turned his head directly to Robben: "Outsiders, you better not interfere, otherwise we have All rights join the battle."

I plan to intervene, OK?

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