God Prohibitions

Chapter 825: win

The battle for power, naked...

Robben could see that this was an all-out battle started by those subordinates taking advantage of You's injury. As long as you defeated You, this place would have a new owner.

You squinted his eyes and looked at the man who came out carefully. There was excitement in his voice: "I thought you would do this for a long time, would you dare to make a bet with me? If you lose this time, you will start from here. Disappear forever"

The man who came out to challenge You frowned slightly and seemed to be thinking. After a while, the man said firmly: "Okay, I can promise that if I can't get the right to rule here, I am willing to be permanently exiled."


You stretched out one hand, and several contour lines stretched out from her arm, forming a shape in an instant. Robben moved his eyebrows slightly. This was Yu’s longbow. Hid his weapon in his body.

With a backhand grip, especially holding half of the longbow in his hand like a machete, he smiled and said: "To reward you for your courage to challenge me, I will only use half of my weapons, so...you will have no complaints, right? ?"

"Hum, this is good for me. I naturally have no complaints. I just hope you won't regret it halfway. That's a shameful thing." The male shook his chest with his hands, and several outlines flowed from his hands to both sides. In an instant, this guy used a spear.

Long soldiers are especially disadvantaged against short ones.

"Roben, let me win, it will be beneficial to you." Especially my own half-length bow, said softly as he passed by Robben.

"Of course..." Robben replied helplessly.

On the empty ground outside the house, Yu and the man were separated by dozens of steps, and they opened their posture.

It seems that both of them are planning to fight in close combat. Robben feels that if there is a complete weapon, it will be more advantageous. After all, the speed and strength of the attack will cause considerable trouble to the fighters in close combat, but... now obviously not Possibly, that half of the weapon has been taken away as interest...

Without saying a word, the two people rushed towards each other abruptly, bumping into each other without fancy, and after a crash, the two figures quickly separated.

The man was knocked back at a faster speed, but Yu stood at the place where the two collided, not moving. After the first confrontation, it was obvious that You had a huge advantage.

The man couldn't help stabilizing his figure, his eyes widened in surprise: "How is this possible?"

You stood on the spot, waved half of the longbow in his hand, and smiled happily: "Sorry, there is nothing impossible, didn't you say I was just pretending? I can tell you now that you guessed something right. "

Robben heard these words clearly from a distance, and could not help wiping the sweat from his forehead. This woman didn't seem to be a kind character either, and now she was starting a heart attack.

Yu was indeed injured, but he was cured by himself later, and now Yu really meant that his injury was just pretending

The purpose is to deal with this man, the difference is big.

I thought I was just pretending to be okay, and now I found that I was indeed fooled. This was a psychological blow, especially when fighting. Next, you should start to make a strong attack...

Sure enough, with a clear drink, the person leaped forward like a shadow, and the half of the long bow in his hand shone like a scimitar.

"Disappear, you annoying thing" like a female leopard rushed forward fiercely.

Robben found that the man's aura was obviously declining, and found that the situation was different from what he thought. Now the confidence of the guy who was attacked like a violent storm has begun to shake.

It seems that victory or defeat will soon be separated...


With a scream, You's half of the longbow in your hand was lifted upwards at a clever angle. The man couldn't hold his hands with his hands, and his weapon was already flying into the air by You Zhen.

Without hesitation, You took advantage of the situation and kicked the man's chest fiercely, and the hapless guy flew out like a broken kite.

With a "plop", the hapless guy fell to the ground, and there was no more movement, and it seemed that Yu's kick had no less effort.

"Hey...It's not useful..." You stood there, throwing away the half of the longbow in his hand, and shook his head helplessly. "A good one can have a good fight. I didn't expect it to be over so soon. Forget it...Since I have something to say first, I won't do anything to you. Leave, never come back, knowing that this world disappears."

Turning around, You walked towards Robben: "Ah Robben, it seems that your treatment effect is really good. My strength has indeed increased. Should I thank you?"

"If you want to thank me, I will definitely not refuse." Robben laughed, knowing that this unsuspecting competition was over.

I want to say something, Robben's face changed, and just behind the brisk footsteps of You, the air twisted a few times, and several unclear outlines emerged, which turned out to be the spear used by the man.

Zhongji Robben was shocked. The man's weapon disappeared after being shot into the sky. Neither he nor Yuco noticed this.

"Yu" Robben yelled fiercely that the spear had already stabbed Yu's back fiercely.

Between the electric light and flint, You's body twisted fiercely, and the half of the longbow in his hand slashed straight from front to behind like a fire, and the spear that had been bullied by You was hit by the thunder. One blow cuts in half directly from the middle. The spear was only divided into two, unwillingly flew past Yu's side, and plunged into the ground.

"Using this method" Yu's voice was full of anger

On the other side, the man who had just fallen to the ground had already bounced off the ground, an acceleration, already rushed over like the wind, and he shouted with excitement: "Especially you are mine."

"Idiot" You snorted, and he was about to attack again, but his hands suddenly stopped and his movements stopped completely.

Heck it's a trick again Robben frowned.

The spears that had been split in half were inserted on both sides of Yu's back. Now, the two spears have softened like noodles, and the long tentacles like tentacles separated from the barrel of the gun. Wrapped Yu's arms and pulled both sides together, and even tied You completely in place.

The man who rushed over laughed wildly: "You are my fusion of mine, let's split."

Robben quickly glanced at the other five subordinates not far away from You. They didn't seem to have any response. It seemed that it was time for him to go out to save people, and it would be too late.

"Sure enough, it's an idiot..." You didn't struggle, but looked at the man who rushed forward and shook his head helplessly.

Just when Robben was ready to take action, the situation there suddenly changed.

A flash of light suddenly rushed down from the sky, and it struck the head of the rushing male like a thunder. The body of this male flying in the air was directly hit by the heavy force, and one end was pressed into the mud. He was surprised. The fast speed dragged his face on the ground for a long distance. The corners of Robben's eyes twitched from a distance. This must be quite painful, and it was broken.

The man just slid to a place not far in front of You and stopped. His body was no longer moving. This time it seemed that he was really hit hard and couldn't get up.

The tentacle-like objects wrapped around You's arms fell loose for a while, and all of them fell off automatically. The two halves of the spear also fell to the ground, seeming to have lost the strength of the master.

You moved the wrists of both hands and said with a sigh: "It's a pity, I really didn't expect you to use this method in such a formal duel. This is your shame, and it is also mine, because of you. Before being exiled, he was still my subordinate."

"Unexpectedly...failed..." The man whose face was buried in the soil turned his head hard and spoke intermittently.

"Well, I know about this." You smiled, took a few steps forward, came to the man, leaned down, stretched out his hand and pulled out something on his back, the man bowed sharply, watching The movement of Qiyou brought him considerable pain.

Robben took a closer look and was surprised, especially that what he pulled from that guy’s back was not something else, but a part of the front of her own half of the longbow, that is to say, the sharp parts on both sides of the longbow. It was her. There is only half of the longbow left.

When did she split the weapon in half? Robben didn't notice it at all.

You combined the two halves of his weapon into one, and the air was distorted. The two weapons seemed to merge with ink and wash, and merged into one in the blink of an eye.

Throwing his weapon up and down, You said with a smile: "There is one thing I have to tell you. Although in this kind of competition, your method is despicable, but I have to say it is very effective, but... it is unfortunate , I have just seen this trick, even if you throw yourself over and be split in half by me, I will pay attention to whether your two halves will suddenly turn back

Come to hurt me, do you understand? Besides, I can use this trick too, haha..."

You smiled very proudly.

In the distance, Robben only thought that he hadn't heard these words, and he took out his ears. The despicable means that Yu said in the mouth was that he had been blasted with a light arrow that had been split into two. Things.

However, Robben also admired You’s learning and application. After one lesson, he would never be fooled the second time. He also divided his weapon into two halves, holding half by himself, and sending the other half into the air. The enemy had a fatal blow, without knowing when she dismantled the weapon.

"Well, since you have lost, then accept my treatment now" You said, grabbing the man by the neck and lifting him from the ground.

"I...I will leave..." There was a little more fear in the hapless guy's voice

You nodded: "That's good, at least I remember what I said, but... now the situation has changed a bit."

His hand tightened fiercely, and in the midst of the male's fierce struggle, You Shen said coldly: "If you just lose the battle, I will let you leave, but since you don't hesitate to use despicable means in such a duel, Then I won't treat you in the usual way, you...no complaints, right?"

"Uh...uh..." The man began to struggle even more violently, but his neck was pinched to death, but he couldn't make any other sounds.

Lifting him high with one hand, You's eyes are full of cold murderous intent: "Disappear, loser"


Robben was startled by the explosion, and saw that the male body lifted by You swelled fiercely. After that, the outline of his body was quickly distorted, and it dried up like a flat ball.

"Dirty things, leave it to you, I won't touch such elements" especially said to this side, just throw it away, throwing away the body that was already completely dead.

In an instant, all the five figures beside Robben rushed towards the body quickly, instantly tore the body into five pieces, and then quickly flashed back into their respective rooms.


Robben was completely stunned. He was still a companion just now. After only about ten minutes of effort, he was scrambling to carve up his companions and take them away. Robben glanced at the rooms and couldn't help feeling horrified. They are now What are you doing?

"what happened?"

In Robben's consternation, a particularly brisk question came from his ear.

As soon as Robben turned his head, You already stood behind him happily, silently...

This woman was much better than when he fought with him. Robben felt a little bit astonished.

"Well... it seems that you outsiders don’t do this, I remember, it seems that if one of you dies, then other companions will take him... uh, wait, it’s... oh yes it’s the corpse, you outsider After death is called a corpse, they will take the corpse away you may

Not quite used to the way we deal with dead bodies, right? "

Robben immediately pointed to the rooms and asked, "What are they doing now? They grabbed the guy's body, could it be..."

"Absorbing" You answered faintly, as if this was a normal thing.

"Suck... absorb?" Robben felt sick.

"Yes, there is nothing more precious than the active elements in life. He has no need to survive, but the elements of life are still precious and cannot be wasted."

Robben's eyes jumped and said: "Then if someone dies accidentally, the corpse will..."

"Be absorbed by other beings, if it's time, it will definitely be."

Especially looking at Robben carefully, he couldn't help but shrugged his shoulders and said, "Is this so difficult to understand? If I lose my life, even if you die here, it will be the same, and... you have obviously done the comparison. This much worse thing is still showing sympathy hypocritically here."

Robben glared: "When did I do bad things?"

You immediately stared, "Then what about my weapons? My...isn't you yet?"

After shouting, You shut up immediately, and glanced at the distant room as if he was afraid that people would hear it. He quickly set a mute magic around, and You annoyed and grabbed Robben's collar and whispered: "The element is here. The most precious things must not be wasted in any case. We have lived in accordance with this principle for countless years, but"

You said that there seemed to be anger burning in his eyes: "We will not **** the elements of living life. Only when they go to life and the elements become meaningless, we will, but I am still alive, so you should be in front of me. The face, just... you..."

Facing Yu who gritted his teeth, Robben was somewhat guilty, but...but something seems to be wrong...

"I said...Is this something wrong with you? What I am holding is only part of your weapon. You... As for this?"

"That's my body" You almost yelled at Robben's face.

"Body?" Robben was dumbfounded.

Pushing Robben, You turned around: "You bastard, you have to be thankful, I am trying to suppress my anger, otherwise I will cut you to pieces, and then absorb them all"

"Uh... this, especially... can you make it clear... I'm a little confused..."

Turning around with a "hoo", You said angrily: "I said that it is part of my body. Is there anything else I don't understand? Are you an idiot?"

With the arm forward, the outline of Yu's forearm swayed slightly, and the unobtrusive outline of the half of the long bow in his hand began to soften quickly, and then disappeared on Yu's arm. Before Robben could take a closer look, this half of the longbow had already rushed out again, almost hitting Robben's head.

"Understand? This weapon is a part of my body, it is an extension of my body, and I am originally one, you...

This is simply a shame. I have been patient because you are an outsider. You'd better... don't talk about things with me again."

Robben finally knew that he had made a huge mistake, and that it was a mistake that could not be undone.

"This... is there no way to remedy it?" Robben asked tentatively.

"I said... don't mention it again" You shouted.

Didn't you talk about what I did despicable things first... Robben was helpless.

"Hmph... for the benefit you have given me, I won't pursue this matter anymore, you should be thankful"

Robben nodded quickly: "Yes, I'm really lucky."

You snorted, and suddenly looked at Robben, with some doubts in his eyes: "You... haven't you felt anything yet?"

Robben was taken aback: "Feeling? How does it feel?"

"Um... just... a different feeling from before?"

Robben blinked strangely: "It seems... as if there is nothing special."

You scratched his face and shook his head a few times: "The outsiders are really strange..." As he said, he lifted the mute magic around him and walked back.

In Robben's heart, the boss's question was not solved. What is a strange feeling? Shouldn't he have any strange feeling? Thinking of these, Robben quickly caught up with You and asked, "You, what do you mean by the strange feeling you just said, should I feel something because of something?"

You stood still, looked back at Robben, a little annoyed, and planted mute magic around him, and then took a breath, did not speak, Robben couldn't help but wonder.

After a while, Youcai said, "Just now I was calming down, because you mentioned something that irritated me again."

Robben could not help yelling wrong, this is obviously the topic you are talking about, I just want to ask clearly.

You frowned and said: "Roben, it is not strange to absorb the elements here, but you should see that I am still alive, I am still an active life, and my elements are governed by my life. You...you Just absorbed it without authorization. This has an impact on us..., do you understand?"

Robben blinked his eyes and said helplessly: "I... don't understand..."

Seeing that Yu was getting angry again, Robben quickly said: "But if you explain, I will definitely understand and understand immediately."

"Okay you bastard" You Nai said with temper, "If I lose my life, or you lose my life, then the absorption of the elements is not a problem, but if we are all alive and all have life elements mixed with each other... ...Then...that's different"

"What's the difference?" Luo Ben asked immediately.

"That...that...that..." You obviously got excited, "that's...that's fusion"

"Fusion?" Robben blinked, still not understanding.

"Are you an idiot, **** outsider?" Seeing Robben's puzzled face, You got angry again.

Robben smiled innocently: "But I really don't understand..."

"Let's go back and say something

Bai" grabbed Robben's wrist and tore through the mute magic, and You walked back angrily.

In Yu’s room, after rushing into and establishing a complete mute enchantment, Yu sat on his old blanket and said with a serious expression: “It’s very dangerous for the living elements to merge with each other, because I don’t know what it will be. Whose life is finally manifested, or, after the fusion, the two lives disappear and form a new life, so no one here will risk that kind of danger, but...except for the split system like me."

He sighed slightly, seemingly unwilling, You continued: "Our combat effectiveness is stronger than other beings, but correspondingly, we also have fatal weaknesses. We can be fused, and after fusion, it will be irresistible. Splitting, the double loss of energy and elements makes oneself very weak. If you are in a low position, you may be forced to continue to merge, and then split, it is very difficult to become strong again..."

This Robben had already heard You say, and quickly nodded to show that he understood.

After a pause, You said in a low voice: "From the beginning of the fusion, the split system will be affected. As time goes by, this impact will become larger and larger, until the uncontrollable split occurs. This impact... It comes from the life elements that the other party keeps in our body when we merge, and similarly, we will also have some life elements in the other party’s body, which will have some impact on them, but these effects are good and will make them Strengthen when the influence is present, and you can also understand the condition of our body, that's probably it."

Robben summed it up a bit. It seems that fusion is a process of being controlled for the split-line Yu, no wonder Yu extremely does not want that.

"But..." You hesitated for a while, "Although we have... fused, but... I didn't feel anything, which is a bit strange. Originally, I wanted to use this power enhancement to drive out these influences, but later Found that there is nothing to expel."

Robben said of course: "This is normal, because I only absorbed part of you, and there is no residual element in your body."

You snorted disdainfully: "A part of my body is enough, and that part is enough to affect my whole body. I am not uncovered by such a trick. Fortunately, I was lucky, even if I found it and dealt with it."

"Could it be...because you are an outsider?" You looked at Robben with some doubts, then frowned and said: "And...I don't seem to feel the existence of that part of my body anymore. According to the truth, I'm still alive, so my life elements won't dissipate so quickly in your body."

Robben could only look at You in confusion, but Robben understood somewhat in his heart.

Actually, I didn’t really absorb a part of Yu’s body, nor did I merge with her in the sense of Yu’s words. At that time, all of Yu’s weapons were enriched into the magic shield as elemental reserves. A few elements are sucked in

The body is strengthened with elements.

But Robben didn't intend to tell you this, let him keep his doubts in his own favor.

"Well, maybe I'm an outsider, so I'm different from other lives, maybe without the idea of ​​fusion," Robben said casually.

"Impossible" You said bitterly: "If it doesn't exist, I can't be so tolerant to you. I should give you a good lesson immediately after regaining my strength."

"Huh? What does this mean?" Robben was stunned again.

"Uh" You blinked a few times, and an unnatural smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. "Uh...haha, it's strange, what am I talking about?"

"Huh?" Robben felt that he had found something useful. He narrowed his eyes, leaned forward, and slowly moved his head closer to You, looking at her face constantly.

"You...what are you doing? Do you want to provoke?" You shook his eyebrows and snarled at Robben with his fists.

Robben looked at the inconspicuous embarrassment on You’s face and smiled: “Can I understand what you said just now that after the fusion, the impact on you is beneficial to the other fusion, for example, trust He will tolerate him and be kind to him. In short, will his impression of him become better?"

"You"'s eyes widened with a loud shout, and he hit Robben's face with a fist. Robben was unconsciously knocked out like a ball, smashed the house directly, and smashed. Went outside...

After an hour...

Using the materials that he could find in his ring, he filled the hole he had broken, and Robben sat in front of Yu who was full of anger.

"Outsiders, don't think you can get any special treatment with me. I only welcome you because of the promise between us. You must honestly remember this fact."

Robben touched his face, his expression was full of flesh pain, it was real flesh pain, especially the punch was not light, it looks like this woman has a slender figure and slender arms, but the strength is very scary...

"Remember, I have used my body to understand this well..." Robben hummed helplessly.

Robben agreed, but he was... actually very happy

My guess seems to be more or less correct, especially my attitude towards myself is being tempered in a way that does not fit her usual personality. Although the power of the punch just now is not small, Robben clearly senses that it can be defeated there. When the power of a giant mammoth is about to touch his face, he still pulls out his force. This punch only has three points of strength to fight it, otherwise he is not just being beaten out of the house...

Inadvertently mixed up with a good popularity, although it is somewhat mandatory, and the effect seems relatively weak, this may be related to the fact that I did not absorb too much of those elements at the time, but who knows that it will have this effect, it is a weapon after all , How could a normal person like myself breathe into the body so without psychological obstacles...

But this situation is not bad, now, there is really one thing that must

It is necessary to especially help.

"Ah, well, we have said so much, and you have also engaged in abnormal battles, which consumed a lot of energy. Let's now... come and eat something" Robben suggested with a smile.

You directly refused: "There are not many ways to supplement active elements, so it's better not to waste time."

Fifteen minutes later...

You sipped the delicious soup in his bowl and said, "For the sake of your sincere invitation, I will waste some more time, that...is the barbecue almost ready again?"

You like eating very much, and at this time people become more amiable. Robben already knows this very well...

"Yu, I may be leaving." Robben watched You gobble up and continued to prepare food for her.

"Leave?" You raised his head slightly unexpectedly: "You can just come, I haven't taken you to see my territory and my other subordinates, so that you can fully feel how welcome I am by all the rulers. An honor

Robben couldn't help but smiled: "Even if I don't look at those, I am honored to welcome you, respected ruler."

"Really?" You looked very suspicious.

"Of course, so I treat you as a friend. Only friends will get together and eat and chat happily."

"Well...In this case, then we are indeed friends." You looked at the food on the table.

As if suddenly thinking of something, You asked: "Are you leaving here, are you going to go back?"

Robben shook his head.

You raised his eyebrows: "Are you going to go elsewhere?"

This time Robben nodded.

You shrugged his shoulders: "That may be going on for a while, because my territory is very vast. If you want to go out, you don’t know how much time it will take. Calculated based on the life time of your outsiders, it seems that it is difficult to give up. Part of the time."

"Especially, I want to go to Lingdu" Robben said straightforwardly.

You suddenly put down the soup bowl in his hand and frowned, but then shrugged his shoulders and took a sip of fresh soup from the soup bowl for a short time: "Roben, dispel this idea, you are an outsider, you go It's not in Lingdu."

"You, you never told me why outsiders can't go to Lingdu? I want to know."

"Do you know that it's all the same, outsiders will never go, even I have never been to Lingdu." You still shook his head.

"That's why you didn't want to go, especially, but I want to go, I want to see the unknown world, I want to see a stronger existence, I want to experience myself, I want to become stronger."

You didn't speak, but the boss deliberately made the sound of drinking soup, as if he hadn't heard Robben talking.

"Especially, I need your help. If you don't help me, I don't even know where my soul is, let alone how to go." Robben did not give up.


"Okay" put the soup bowl on the table especially impatiently, and muttered, "I knew there was no such cheap thing. Ask me to eat. It turned out to be me for help.

you. "

Robben smiled happily: "You, this is also a manifestation of friends, but there is no relationship between asking you to eat and asking you to help, because we are friends, and I ask you to eat, and because we are friends. , So I will ask you to help."

"Troublesome outsider..." You took the chopsticks and tapped the soup bowl gently and said, "Roben, I can tell you directly, you can't go to Lingdu, there is not something outsiders like you can go to. , Not because your strength is not strong enough, although your ability is really nothing, but because you are an outsider, you are not the life of Lingdu, you can’t live there, you have lost it before you reach Lingdu Life, that's it."

"Then how can I live in Turin?" Robben continued to ask.

"Are you endless? I'm the guard here. I'm responsible for not letting you pass through here. Why are you still asking me the way?" You became annoyed.

"Guard? You didn't seem to have said this. It's the first time I heard it." Robben blinked strangely and looked at Yu again.

Especially impatiently said: "Otherwise what do you think I am staying here for? My task is to stop you outsiders from harassing our land. As a result, after you came, you rushed to my subordinates. I have suffered a great loss"

Robben immediately smiled: "But that's not my fault, I'm not hurt by anyone."

"Otherwise you won't stay here well" You gave Robben a fierce look and continued: "The pretending blind will bring many outsiders to my territory soon. , But this time does not seem to be coming. Something happened in Lingdu shortly after they left last time. The guards outside also have new tasks. This time they must have suffered a lot."

"What's the situation? What new tasks does the guard outside have?" Robben asked immediately.

"Of course I won't tell you, these are secrets" You rolled his eyes.

"The one who pretends to be blind always avoids me, and then goes to my subordinates to do something. There are also some individual outsiders who have broken through my defense and wandered around in the territory. I originally wanted to kill. He’s, but he’s also a respectable powerhouse, so I let him go, and he’s out now...what's that look on you? I really only let him go before he can go back alive."

"I know I know..." Robben quickly stated his position and continued: "But Yu, I understand that you are the guard here, but I think a real guard should be able to distinguish between enemies and friends. We are friends. , Isn't it?"

"This...this is true, but..." You Xiu nodded, and then immediately frowned seriously.

"No, no, no, but, we are friends, not enemies. This is enough. I am a traveler. I just want to increase my knowledge and strength. I don’t have any danger, and I don’t want to hurt anyone. , If I have any other ideas, then I hope to have more friends, especially for friends

, You should be welcome"

You's brow furrowed tighter.

Robben hesitated again and again, but decided to try, and moved forward. Robben gently grabbed You by the shoulder and shook it: "You, now only you can help me."

"Ah" he hesitated with a loud scream, only to find that Robben had suddenly arrived in front of him and grabbed his shoulder.

"You...you let go" especially panic opened Robben's hand and directly pushed Robben to an arm's away.

The response is really big...

"Actually...it wasn't that I deliberately stopped you, it's just...you can't survive there, so I don't want you to go." You whispered.

Robben smiled: "Thank you, Yu, I didn't expect you to care about me."

"You..." You suddenly became speechless.

"However, you should also have confidence in me. I have traveled around and been to many dangerous places. I still have the ability to deal with some situations. If I feel incapable of getting there, I will come back, so you can rest assured Okay"

Then, Robben leaned forward again and pressed Yu's shoulders: "You help me."

You seem to be forced to cry by Robben~www.readwn.com~ The body trembles a few times, and he pushed Robben away, screaming, "It doesn't matter if you are going to die, it’s okay to die. After that, leave everything you eat on your body so as not to waste it, and then I will tell you how to get to Lingdu"

With a great heart, Robben immediately took out most of the food from the ring and kept it, and said, "You, I want to save some for emergencies. These are all for you, okay?"

"Emergency?" You raised his eyebrows, and then snorted: "There is no sincerity at all, you can take it back if you don't need it, come with me now, I will tell you how to get to Lingdu, and then quickly disappear for me." You strode out of the room.

She was a pretty cute girl. Robben smiled and shook his head. He didn't accept the food and left the small table. Then he followed and went out.

. ..

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