God Prohibitions

Chapter 826: I am the undead

Robben has an intuition that in the spiritual capital you mentioned, he will come to the land of nothingness to find the answer this time. In any case, he must go to that place...

"What? You said go straight?" Robben was surprised after listening to You's guidance.

Especially impatiently said: "Yes, just walk straight in the front direction, you can reach the spiritual capital, but how long it takes depends on you."

Robben swallowed the world in front of him with a visible range of only a few hundred meters, and the pitch black outside... Without any reference, walking in such an environment would quickly lose his direction.

"This...I walked out like this, won't I get lost soon, and I won't be able to come back at that time." Robben looked at You with a plea for help.

You Yi turned his head and didn't look at Robben at all. He hummed and said, "You won't get lost. As long as you keep going in the direction of increasing pressure, you can't go wrong. As for coming back, you will leave your mental coordinates all the way Is it all right?"

"But..." Robben touched his head embarrassedly. "Even if I walk in the direction of increasing pressure, I won't turn back, but there is no guarantee that I will not take the crooked path. This... This is absolutely certain. Maybe where I will go."

You shook his head: "No... as long as you can live long enough, the place you will arrive at last must be Lingdu, and as long as your direction is not very crooked, you won't meet the owners of other territories."

"Why?" Robben asked immediately without relaxing.

"Why do you have so many questions? I've already told you how to get to Lingdu, and now I will disappear immediately" You exclaimed angrily.

"As a traveler, I must fully consider and be prepared before going on the road. I need to understand everything I can understand. Once I have doubts, this may affect my judgment on some things, so I must know why I must Will reach Lingdu"

You looked unlucky and said helplessly: "How come there is such a strange and troublesome outsider, really..."

After sighing, You turned his face and said solemnly: "Then you listen carefully, the spirit is not an ordinary place. The reason why I am sure you will reach the spiritual capital is why I think you might die before you arrive. The reason for the drop."

"What is this? Speak clearly..." Robben complained.

"Hum, you are an outsider, you should be able to feel a bit more clearly, that is, the world here is slowly disappearing"

Robben nodded immediately: "Yes, the elements here are very thin, we all call this place of nothingness"

"Yes, those outsiders also said the same. This statement... is indeed very relevant, then... do you know what the world will look like if you move forward?"

"Uh... of course I don't know, so I have to check it out."

You heard Robben’s words and couldn’t help but smile: “It’s a simple idea. It’s really strange to risk your life for this. Outsiders are really weird... But forget it. After all, you have nothing to do with me. You are dead or alive. I will be responsible."

I don't mean to hold you accountable...

"If you move forward, the world will gradually disappear until it is completely nihil. Before the world completely disappears, the place where the spiritual capital is located, and in order to ensure that the spirit will not be torn apart by that unstable world or suddenly It disappeared, and the rulers of Lingdu protected it with magic."

You thought for a while and continued: "Simply put, they have distorted the space of Lingdu. In fact, after you leave here for a certain distance, you no longer walk forward, but upward." You said with a finger. sky.

"Up?" Robben raised his head suspiciously.

"Yes, because of the powerful magical influence of the rulers, the space has been distorted. Of course, you don't feel much on the road, and you still think you are moving forward."

"Then... can you reach the spiritual capital by going straight up?"

"Well, yes, in order to protect the spiritual capital, the rulers reorganized and merged the space in the world that has almost disappeared, so that the elements are more concentrated, and the world there is more stable. No matter where you are from me. If you move forward, you will eventually come to a place close to nothingness, and that place has been merged into the spiritual capital by the rulers, so you will naturally reach the spiritual capital. It can be said that the spiritual capital is anywhere in the depths of this land."

Reorganization and merger of space?

Robben was extremely surprised. The ruler in Lingdu had such a powerful force, which was simply scary.

According to Yu, Robben constructed a place of nothingness in his own impression.

The demon world can be seen as a flat, large and disappearing world, which is the land of nothingness, and in the depths of the land of nothingness, those rulers folded the space with unimaginable power, and made the space extending in all directions upward. , And finally merged into a point at the top, which is like a hemisphere, and the uppermost point of the hemisphere is Lingdu

"The other thing is, Robben, I can advise you one more time. You'd better not try to approach the spiritual capital, because as you approach the spiritual capital, you outsiders will have to bear the powerful tearing force of the power of nothingness. Near the spiritual capital, the space twisted and overlapped to the extreme will produce opposite forces. The ruler is also relying on this power to maintain the stability of the spiritual capital, but for you, the two forces will not cancel each other, only It makes you feel the opposite and powerful pressure. At that time, you may not even know what to do, because resisting one of them means having to bear more pressure from the other force. Moreover, Lingdu is now on guard It is much stricter than before."

"So dangerous" Robben raised his eyebrows.

"Regret it? Then don't go and stay with me." You grinned and smiled.

Robben also smiled: "Thank you, Yu, you helped a lot. If you didn't tell me this, I might die the first time I got there."

"You still have to go" You cried.

"Well, of course I am here for this purpose, how can I give up?"

"Hmph, then you go and die, just as if I haven't said what I just said, now I'm going to say everything to you late, you will disappear." You snorted and turned his back.

Robben laughed: "Okay, then I will leave. If I encounter something novel, I will bring him back to you as a gift."

"You can come back alive, it is already a great miracle"

"Well, then I will give you this miracle as a gift"

"? The wordy idiot now quickly disappear for me."

Robben stopped speaking, took a last look at You, and turned to leave.

"I really haven't seen a guy who is in such a hurry to die, it makes you feel so hard to be alive?" You Bu muttered, turning around abruptly and shouting: "Hey, wait a minute."

Thanks to Robben's ears being so good, this has gone so far, why are you asking me? Robben turned around strangely and shouted, "What's the matter?"

"Take this up" You Yi moved something wrapped in blue light and shot towards Robben.

Robben stretched out his hand in wonder, but when he opened his palm, there were a few lines, vaguely unreal, and he couldn't help but wonder, and shouted, "What is this?"

"It's my hair" You dull answer.

"Hair?" Robben was even more puzzled. "Hair...what do you use for me? It's hard to understand that I want to hang myself when I can't hold it anymore?"

Seeing that Robben was still in the mood for joking, Yu was upset again. This guy didn't understand what was waiting for him.

"You idiot, idiot, you have only a small field of vision right now, and no one with a brain can go to Lingdu like this" You shouted.

Robben scratched his head: "Does it matter? I mean...what use are these hairs?"

You reluctantly suppressed the anger: "I have done some treatment on those hairs. If you absorb them, you can see far away. At least... at least you will live longer, you should feel with pleasure."

Is there such a good thing? Robben was very happy, but...Hair, would it be dandruff? Robben suddenly came up with an incomprehensible thought...

Forget it, it's the beautiful hair...

"Hey, it's okay, isn't this a fusion?" Robben shouted.

You's eyebrows jumped wildly, and he turned around and walked back, muttering angrily: "Damn it, you haven't done it before, you are still hypocritical...

No more anger, it seems that there is no problem. Robben looked at You, and directly climbed up the hairs in his hand with a strand of mental power. In an instant, these hairs disappeared as if the color ink melted into the water. Robben felt a strange, but non-hostile force entered his body and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Looking up again, Robben couldn't help feeling that the world suddenly opened up

You're right, my vision suddenly brightened, and I could only see things within a few hundred meters before, but now it's the same as in broad daylight, my eyes can extend to places where I can't see. But... this emptiness is really desolate, the endless white ground looks so quiet and cold, and the sky becomes the same white as the ground, and it merges with the horizon at an infinite distance. Not out of each other.

A pale piece of the world.

"Thank you You" Robben turned and shouted at You

"Huh, this bastard" a smile appeared at the corner of You's mouth, who was walking back.

Back to his hut, especially looking at the small table, tableware, food and other things on the ground, he couldn't help sighing: "This bastard, how do you get these things..."

Two hours later...

You looked at the large piece of roasted meat in front of him and whispered in a low voice: "Hot...pot...dish...salt...plate...chopsticks...that should be it"

You nodded with certainty, and then threw the black meat into his mouth...

"Um...how it feels a little different, uh...cough cough bah bah"

After persisting for five seconds, You still couldn't help vomiting the results of his labor, looking at the various ingredients on a table, You were worried: "That **** bastard, it's best...better come back alive. ..."

Robben was already on the road. Naturally, he didn't know that You was abusing the ingredients she left behind, and she was also torturing her own tongue. What Robben wanted now was to get to Lingdu as quickly as possible.

By now, Robben has no idea how long he has been in the void. There is no sun, moon, or light cloud. The most important thing is that the magic hourglass often has problems. It is completely impossible for Robben to calculate time. I think there may have been a lot of time, if I am not happy, Nalan outside may rush in to find myself, that is the biggest trouble.

You have said that the probability of encountering rulers of other territories is almost equal to none, and now that she is her friend and a welcome guest, then the nihility that would have attacked her should no longer do anything to herself. Attacked, before reaching Lingdu, I should be safe.

Robben intends to fly

Although flying in the void is more magical, the speed is not comparable to that of your feet. I can quickly restore my mental power through meditation, and I don’t use the elements of the body. Although it’s slower, it’s from the ground. It is also possible to obtain the consumed magic elements.

After making up his mind, Robben turned into a blue light and headed toward the depths of nothingness like a meteor.

You temporarily turned into a rabbit, because You discovered that there were only two things that Robben left behind that they could be eaten without any treatment, and the taste was not bad. In fact, they were radish and cabbage.

You were holding a piece of cabbage to help slowly and sighed helplessly: "How come it seems that there is something very anxious, flying like this is very energy-consuming..."

Robben was flying at the maximum steady speed he could achieve. Thanks to You's last help to do this, his wide sight saved most of the trouble for flying. After all, the range of his telepathy is far beyond what he can see. The area reached is vast.

Although this place of nothingness is desolate, there is almost nothing, but there are nothingnesses. Near Yu's resting place, it seems that it should be a forbidden area, where there are very few nothingness, or even invisible. Even the nihility that was the Yura cart would not approach, and after leaving a certain distance, Robben found that the nihility he could observe was obviously more.

The emptiness here is different from the emptiness outside the door. They are all pure white or translucent. Most of them don’t have the form of creatures in the devil world. Instead, they show a lot of strange appearances, which can obviously be reached. There are very few demon creatures here, and there is no'material' for them to imitate.

Moreover, the nothingness here is obviously not as harmonious as the nothingness outside the door. Outside the door, a huge amount of nothingness is gathered together, but no one hinders each other, even if you step on your feet when crowded together Looking at my face, it was absolutely all right, but what Robben saw all the way now were fighting with a high frequency.

Walking together, there is less than half of the nothingness that has not had any disputes. A considerable number of the nothingness are fighting each other. Robben knows that this is for survival...

Fortunately, whether it is those who are in peace or are roaring and killing each other, none of the emptiness has attacked Robben. Robben knows that this is due to You. When he entered the world of the door, he was at the door. The foreign preferential treatment seems to be over. These thirsty nihilisms that want to gain active life elements have shown hostility and attack on themselves, but now they turn a blind eye to themselves.

In the future, when you have a chance, give You a large amount of food as a thank you, Robben thought.

The journey that does not know when it will end is particularly long, especially when such a journey will consume a lot of your energy. Robben had to stop for the fourth time and start meditation to supplement the loss of mental power. A little anxious.

Now, the power of the Void Land is truly revealed in front of Robben. As we go deeper into the Void Land, that powerful tearing force grows more and more. Now Robben has to bless him for more than two dozen. Layers of defensive magic plus elements to strengthen the body to resist this power, and the spiritual capital to be searched for, there is no trace yet.

In Robben's line of sight, apart from the nihilities that are fighting with each other, there is only a pale world.

Decomposing the sand on the ground and storing the poor elemental power in it for consumption for a short flight, Robben felt that the time he spent meditating and absorbing the elements this time was significantly longer than the last time.

In the world of Void Land, everything is becoming thinner, and the content of elements is also the same. Robben understands that for himself, this real person, the situation will undoubtedly become more and more difficult.

But in another sense, this is also the reason why Robben would not give up. The stronger the power of the void, the thinner the elements of the void, the more it shows that he is getting closer to the spiritual capital.

"time to go"

After a long period of meditation and absorbing elements, Robben finally opened his eyes, and once again he was energized. He glanced at a nihility like a rhinoceros two steps away in front of him. Robben smiled: "Sorry, I know you think I'm suspicious, but you don't want to stare at me like this."

Since Robben sat down, the emptiness has come to look at Robben curiously, until now...


With a soft sound, Robben frowned in flight, and his outermost magic shield was torn apart by the powerful force of nothingness outside.

Before Robben could react, with a crisp sound, the shield had shattered and disappeared, and Robben hurriedly stopped.

Robben felt that something was not right, the increase in the power of nothingness seemed to be much larger suddenly, and his magic shield seemed to be unable to block this power, and his body had already begun to be affected.

Where the hell, Robben cursed secretly, and immediately rested on the spot, blessing himself with a stronger magic shield, strengthening his body again, and then flying again.

But just a short distance away, Robben stopped again.

The situation seems to be a little different from what I thought... It seems... it's not that the power of nihility has become stronger, or to be more accurate, it is not just the power of nihility has become stronger.

This kind of pressure from the body seems to be a little different from the power of nothingness, and the magic shield now seems to be suffering from double heavy pressure.

Suddenly, Robben's mind is illuminated by the reorganization of multiple space folding

Thinking of this, Robben was extremely excited. Of course, there is almost no way to offset the power of space distortion. Unless you can open up a new space around yourself, as long as you are still in this space, this power will It will act directly on your body.

Although the situation seems not very optimistic, it proves that it is very close to the spiritual capital.

The irresistible space-distorting power, it seems that I can only use my body to carry it hard. I hope that my magic shield can still hold on. If the magic shield is broken, the force of emptiness and space distortion will simultaneously press on the body, saying I may turn into powder...

Robben settled on the spot, and flew forward without hesitation.

The heavy power is pressing like a mountain, Robben feels more strenuous, the magic shield is broken almost every once in a while, he has to replenish it frequently, and the pressure on his body is getting heavier. It was as if a huge stone had been pressed against his chest, making him breathless.

Robben really doubts whether he can really reach the spiritual capital with his own strength. The spiritual and magical power consumed by flying has reached an astonishing level, and he has to bear double pressure when he recovers. It is also necessary to continuously bless the magic shield. If this continues, the consumption will be greater than the recovery of oneself...

Thinking of ways to ensure that he can move forward smoothly, Robben suddenly noticed that a blue flash of light was rushing towards him at an incredible speed.

Before he could react, Robben felt a cold in his left chest, and then a huge force hit him, his body was already rolling and flying back.

Robben almost fell from the sky and fell to the ground fiercely. Robben reacted quickly in shock. He rolled on the ground and quickly propped up his body. At this time, Robben heard something in the sky. The air blast caused by fast flying.

When he touched his heart with his hand, Robben was instantly covered in an ice cellar...

"Uh... he..." When he wanted to say something, Robben realized that he was speechless, and there was only a vague voice in his throat. A burst of warmth surged, Robben felt a lot of blood coming from Squirting out of the mouth.

Slowly lowering his head, Robben looked at his chest in disbelief.

In the heart of the left chest, in a hole the size of a bowl, Robben seemed to be able to see the light coming through behind him...

My body was actually pierced through a big hole without any reaction time. My heart was... Robben was simply unbelievable. His magic shield was still intact, and his body strengthened by extreme elements was so easily destroyed. Penetrate

For an instant, Robben felt extremely tired and flooded his brain, his body began to become dull, his vision became increasingly blurred, and the world seemed to be gradually sinking into darkness.

"Pumping" Robben fell to the ground, blood rushing from his chest, his eyes opened wide and he looked at the flat ground, but he could hardly see anything...

Screaming, the blue light went back and forth, and once again struck Robben. Robben had fallen to the ground, completely unable to move.

Suddenly, a pale handle was stretched out abruptly in midair to grab the blue light.

A figure gradually emerged from behind Robben and said in a shrill voice: "It's really rare, there are outsiders appearing, um... very good life element, and... it seems to have a special taste, Hum, it seems she has betrayed, and I don't seem to know that outsiders passed by her."

Another voice came from mid-air: "She has always liked troublesome things. It seems that this time she was succeeded by outsiders, and being fused by outsiders is considered her own choice." Gradually, Robben also appeared in front of her. A silhouette.

"What about then? How about choosing a new guardian?" the figure who appeared first asked.

"It's not necessary. If this outsider disappears, Yu's fusion state will also disappear. I hope she learns the lesson."

"Hehe, so to speak, this outsider... is my trophy?"

"Hum, don't forget it's the two of us"

"You four and six"

"You're just taking the first shot, evenly sharing."

"Hmm... Is it solved by force like that?"

"It's not impossible"

Robben's consciousness has fallen into chaos, and there is only one remaining consciousness: I am going to die...

In the blurred image of the binoculars, there seem to be two shadows standing, some resembling demons, discussing, or arguing, but I can’t hear what I’m talking about...

Are you going to die?

In such a place of nothingness, perhaps miracles are forbidden to happen...


Darkness fell.

"Hey bastard, wake up, don't just die casually, okay? Even if you die, you have to make it clear before you die. I don't want to be charged with no charge."

"Hey bastard"

"Mixed protein idiot"

In the dim, Robben seemed to hear a voice vaguely.

"You?" Luo instinctively felt strange.

"It's just that a part of your body is missing. Are you outsiders so fragile? Why didn't that prestige and vigor when you hit me? Get up quickly."

It's Yu.

"I am dead……"

"Dead shit" was particularly furious, "We have merged, if you died or not, I still don't know if I am sharing with you now. Do you think it is easy for me to talk to you at such a distance? Come and explain to me quickly."

"Share? Explain?"

"There is no time to say so much that you are not dead yet, you bastard, stand up soon..."


"I didn't make any mistakes. You asked me to be a friend to ask you to go in for practice. If you don't explain to them, how can you die? You want to kill you?"


"No but" You's voice was deafening, like a hundred lions roaring in Robben's ears.

Robben blinked blankly, and the world became clear again in front of him, his body feeling gradually recovered...

However, the severe pain that pierced the bones almost made Robben die again.

The void in his heart still exists, blood is still flowing continuously, his body is already soft, the magic shield outside his body is shattering layer by layer, Robben once again feels the coming of death.

"You?" Robben called out in doubt.

The answer to Robben was a weak voice: "All I can do is this... Sharing has consumed too much of my power. I now...must...you..."

"What's wrong with you?" Robben heard that Yu was wrong.

"Early...come back..." This was the last message from Yu Zai's consciousness, after which this conscious connection completely disappeared...

It seemed that Yu had used some method to pull himself back from the death line, and Robben was extremely moved. It was obvious that Yu had paid a great price for this.

It's just that... the current situation seems to have begun to repeat time again, and he is dying step by step, and...still powerless...

The Demon King's Battle Armor Robben thought of using his last trump card in his heart, but...

Robben found desperately. With his current situation, let alone summoning the Demon King’s battle armor, even the use of ordinary healing magic is a difficult task. If the battle armor is added, such a fragile body may be immediately defeated. Armor's powerful force impacted the collapse.

What's more, there are two enemies with unknown origins beside him, who can even kill him with one blow.

Now Robben can see clearly that these two guys are actually demons, at least in the appearance of demons. One of the thin and small hands holds a short machete. This machete is almost The pure white world was shining strangely with blue fluorescence, and it seemed that this thing had penetrated his body at an unbelievable speed.

Nothing can be done... Even if he can do it, he will be immediately discovered by the two enemies around him, and he will be killed instantly. Robben has never been forced to such an urgent level.

On the one hand it is the abyss of death, on the other it is a situation that cannot be reversed at all.

Could it be... I am destined to die here and disappear in this illusory world on this emptiness

Robben felt drowsy again, his body was exhausted, his eyes began to heavier, and the world began to gradually dim again...

Is it... really going to disappear? Turned into fragmented elements, dissipated in this world...



"Crack, click, click"

The two demons around Robben are facing the red-faced disputer's trophy. The magic shield on Luo himself has all collapsed in a burst of beans, and the magic elements of various colors dissipated into the air like a mist. Robben's body lying on the ground was exposed to the air, and quickly began to collapse. In a blink of an eye, the wind blew into the air like fine sand.

"Unfortunately, this outsider has collapsed" the two demons screamed in unison, and all began to try their best to absorb the surrounding elements.

The elements that would dissipate in mid-air were absorbed into the body by the two demon races like a long whale absorbing water. All this took only a blink of an eye, and the ground was completely clean, even Robben sprayed. The blood that was released has disappeared.

Both Demon Races breathed a sigh of relief, and the thin Demon Race said with emotion: "I don't know how many times I haven't seen such a vibrant life element. It's really rare."

"Well... Maybe we should also be guards outside the island, so at least we can see more outsiders. Here, those guys are almost invisible."

"Haha forget it, we are enough for them to envy us, let's go"

The distribution of the spoils was completed in the free struggle, and the two demons immediately became friendly again and left with satisfaction.

The world was calm again, and everything seemed to have never happened, except... Robben disappeared.

The Void Land is very quiet, there are no creatures moving around, not even wind, just like a huge coffin space. Silence is everything here.

And sometimes, strange things happen in such a dead place, such as ghosts, ghosts, etc. Of course, Robben never believed these before he came to this world, because he At that time, a rigorous scientific worker, how can he believe in those illusory things, but he must treat the patients otherwise.

But... after he learned magic, saw the soul, and even often chatted with the undead, Robben had to believe that there was indeed such a form of existence in the world, but... Robben never thought that one day he Will become like this...

After a full two hours, at the place where Robben died, the dust suddenly rose without wind, as if a small tornado gradually rolled up the thin dust on the ground until mid-air.

The dust melted into the basic elements in the air, and then a hazy translucent shadow emerged from the ground. The elements in the air filled the shadow, and the shadow began to become real.

The simple outline, the translucent body, is the same life form as You.


A long sigh was Robben's voice.

The figure raised his hand and looked at it, and gave out a wry smile: "This is really troublesome. Although I saved my life, I lost my body. I still can't do it because of the special environment of nothingness. Can I go back like this? It's all a problem."

Robben is very depressed now.

I'm dead... Now it's a ghost, this is the simplest explanation of the situation...

Robben knew that he couldn't defeat the demons who killed him with just one move, not to mention that there was one standing beside him, but he definitely didn't want to die or disappear here.

In the last moments of his life, his unwillingness and persistence turned into a determination to take risks, Robben gave up his body

This is a place of nothingness, where the elements exist in a special situation, and I feel pressure all the way, but it seems that Yu's mental body is completely unaffected, and the absorption of the elements here is also very easy, so Robben thought. An unsuccessful way will be forever.

Relying on the powerful soul power of cultivating soul magic, Robben took the soul directly out of the body, dived deeply into the ground, and attached to the thin sand.

The body and the magic shield on his body collapsed and were absorbed by the two demons. The current Robben is a life formed by combining some elements with the power of the soul. Speaking of it, it is really the same as You, the spiritual body. The essence of life is expressed in material form.

Although it was successful, the risk was indeed huge. If the fragile soul was caught by those two guys during this process, it would be beyond hope, and there would be no hope at all.

Thanks to these years of research on soul magic, thanks to the fact that I have been developing my own soul power, and thanks to the elemental state of this void, otherwise I don't even have an entity now.

Moreover, the soul is fragile. After all, I am not a real life like that of a spiritual body, my soul is not adapted to this way of existence, even if I have elements to rely on temporarily, but...

Every time Robben leaves the body, it means a change in his soul. Robben knows that even if he gets his body back, some changes may already be irreversible.


Robben now understands that he is facing several problems. The first body is gone, how to get it back? There is no hope for this problem now. What I am good at is regenerating limbs, but it is not made out of thin air. Now I don’t even have a little finger. How can I regenerate?

Second, can I go back?

Robben clearly felt that now the tearing force of the Void Land has almost disappeared, because the content of his physical body elements has been extremely thin ~ www.readwn.com~ is almost the same as the average level of the Void Land, only better than The ground is a little thicker, but the power of space distortion here can help stabilize your soul. However, if you leave here, the element content outside of the void is quite strong. If you absorb it with your soul body, you will inevitably be greatly affected, and lose the stability of the space distortion, this effect will be amplified. I may become another person...

The third one is to decide now, do you want to keep going? Obviously, this Lingdu is not a safe place. Before I saw Lingdu's shadow, his body had already been taken to pay the toll.

After hesitating again and again in the same place, Robben sighed again and again: "I came back all the way and left the corpse. Is this too frustrating... and..."

Robben couldn't help but became annoyed: "Did those two guys have seen outsiders? Why did you take away all of my things, don't you know there is something important in my space ring?"

It turns out that the gem given to him by the Black Emperor of the Demon Realm is something that he can’t throw away anyway.

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