God Prohibitions

Chapter 831: clue

Robben walked slowly, without flying. WWw.YZUU point m/m/Seven Road Chinese Seven Road Chinese Niu bb novel network

   It's not that Robben is not in a hurry to go back. Robben is very anxious, eager to find a way to recover his body, but Robben has discovered some things now, and these things have slowed Robben's pace.

   Robben now has a strange feeling, this piece of nothingness suddenly became familiar and kind. I don't even know why.

   stopped, Robben knelt down and grabbed a handful of soil. The soil in the Void Land is very special, very finely fragmented, and does not have much adhesion. It will float up like a pile of dust when touched, and it is completely pale white. Robben has always felt that it is more like White ash.

   Now holding this strange soil, Robben seems to be able to feel the warmth coming from the soil, and there is a strange, blood-connected feeling...

   Ahead, a nihility dressed up as a traveler came to face him. After approaching Robben, the nihility bowed to Robben, then walked around Robben and continued on...

Robben threw away the mud and looked back at the emptiness. His eyes were full of doubts. This is not the first time. After he escaped from the spiritual capital, these emptiness seemed to have a better attitude towards him. I used to just turn a blind eye and wouldn’t attack, but now, I actually salute myself and show kindness.

   Is this the effect brought by the "new master" that the ruler said?

   The ruler left part of his power to himself. At the same time, he said that he inherited this power is the new owner of this land, but... Does this have any meaning?

Robben can't figure out what good is it for him to have such a vast but almost nothing land. Even if there is nothing to do, it is impossible to visit here, and it is annoying to look at the scenery here... …

   has accidentally become the owner of this land, but... she didn't get what she wanted here, and... on the contrary, she lost some important things.

  Roben could not help but sighed out, the throne of the new owner of this land is not worth it...

Forget it, let's go, no matter what, this is the situation now, anyway, it seems that this piece of emptiness is always free of obstacles, if you have any ideas, you can investigate here at any time. Now the most important thing, Or his own body.

After turning around on the spot several times, Robben determined a direction and flew away quickly.In that direction, he could still hear the weak fluctuations of the spiritual imprints he had left, and along those spiritual imprints, he could quickly find them. Yu's residence.

Robben felt that he had been flying for a long time, and the expansion of Lingdu's space seemed to have had a huge impact on this piece of nothingness.Roben estimated that in the land of nothingness close to the location of Lingdu, the space has no idea how many times it has expanded, but as a chain In response, this kind of expansion will definitely have an impact on the space connected to the expansion space. Under each link, perhaps, the total area of ​​this void has skyrocketed a lot.

  Because of this, I seem to be far away from the spiritual imprint I left...

The magic hourglass Robben has long been lost. In this place where the power of nothingness is constantly changing [天珠变], the magic hourglass will also be affected at any time, and it can't be timed. Robben himself doesn't know how long it has been flying. It feels like it should have been several days before Robben finally found his spiritual mark.

   Following these spiritual imprints, Robben quickly embarked on his way home.

   This time did not seem to be very long, Robben quickly saw a touch of colorful colors on the horizon, Robben knew that it was the brilliance of the \"door", that is, he was almost there.

   Unexpectedly, Robben had already vaguely seen the tattered huts of You when the hazy colors of the sky gradually stained a small half of the sky.

   Hmm...If you can go back safely this time, you must bring good building materials to build Yu's residence. If it weren't for your help this time, I'm afraid I would have died outside the spiritual capital.

   Soon Robben approached these dilapidated rooms.

   In the accident in these rooms, there is still a circle of guards, wearing the same ragged armor as the house, and standing there motionless.

I don't know if you have finished eating those things. Even if they are finished, they are mostly eaten raw. A guy who doesn't even understand the concept of eating will definitely not be able to cook. Hey, I left it at the beginning. Those things, will they add to Yu's troubles, Haha Luo thought a little unscrupulously.

   The guards in that circle didn't mean to stop Robben at all, and directly made way for Robben where there was no access.

  \"Eu I'm back," Robben yelled happily.

   No one responded.

   Luo Ben couldn't help but wonder, how did it happen? Today, it seems that no one is here, and he swept around with mental energy. All these rooms are actually empty. You and his men are not here.

  \"What the hell, is it impossible to go out to inspect the territory?" Robben muttered, and he came directly to Yu's door, and he was welcome, and he pushed the door directly.

  In an instant, Robben frowned.

  You's room is already in tatters. Although it looked very crude at first, it can be called a positive solution, but now...

The old blanket on the ground has turned into a scorched mass, and the ground next to it is a big hole that was obviously blown up by magic.The small table I left behind is scattered around, and those have not been moved at all. His food was lost everywhere, and the thin wall opposite him broke a huge hole...

   Another power struggle Robben immediately jumped out of this idea.

It's really **** that everyone is not there, that is to say, maybe those subordinates have all attacked You. It seems that this time is a raid, and the battle took place directly in Yu's room. Judging from the holes in the wall, it is especially possible. Backed away, maybe still being pursued now

  Roben walked out of the hole in the wall, frowning and observing the traces on the ground. There were indeed traces of fighting left here, extending far away, towards the door...

   However, after Robben chased a short distance, all traces disappeared. The wind gently brushed the dust on the ground, and the dust slowly flowed, covering everything like sand...

   Damn it, it's windy

Robben cursed inwardly.There was no wind in the Void Land, and it was as silent as death, but after the spirits disappeared, it may be that the influence of the expansion of the space has not disappeared.The Void Land is often windy, and sometimes even It will be very strong. Robben once thought that this change [Dzi Bead] was good, but now it seems that it has added a huge trouble to himself. WWw.YZUU point m

   Damn wind...


   Robben suddenly raised his hand and touched his head, as if... as if... I should think of something now, but... but I don't seem to remember it again, this... what it feels like.

   raised his head suspiciously, Robben blinked his eyes: \"Wind?"

Robben lowered his head and looked at the soil under his feet. He bent over and grabbed a handful in his hand. He watched the finely pulverized soil slowly slip from his fingers and be blown away by the wind... his eyes lit up slightly. .

   It seems that the owner of this new land also has some advantages

   Throwing away the dirt in his hand, Robben raised his head, spread his arms, and took a deep breath: "Wind...tell me...you...where is she?"

   The wind blew gently, making a whisper-like sound peculiar to the void...

   stood in the wind for five minutes, Robben slowly lowered his head and smiled...

   On the periphery of the void, in a place close to the inside of the door, especially flying fast.

\"He...hehe...It’s really ugly, I didn’t expect...I will have such a day, that...that **** bastard, he...this is hurting me" intermittently muttering to himself, You body An unstable, suddenly fell directly from the air, fell to the ground fiercely, rolled a few times like a gourd, and lay weakly on the ground.

  \"Sand...Sand..." With a light footstep, someone approached...

  \"Hmph...you **** will only attack me when I am weak. It is simply useless rubbish. I should...cough cough...should wipe out all of your leftovers..."

  \"Well... this seems to be a good note, but it seems to be meaningless now, especially, you are now... mine"

   A figure slowly came to Yu's body, looking at Yu who seemed to have no strength to move on the ground, with a smile...It was the only remaining male in the same form as Yu. Seven Road Chinese

  \"Hmph...Is it only you to catch up? That's a pity, depending on you...I can't get me to catch it." You struggled, trying to get up from the ground, but tried several times but failed.

The man smiled triumphantly:\"You, don’t struggle anymore. We are all aware of your situation. You can only let us do it now. I have already figured out how to distract those idiots. We are the same. Yes, I know what you are thinking, what you are going to do, and I know... which side you will run to, I want to wait for those guys to come here, it's time for them to see the new master."

"Oh...really? That's a pity...cough cough..." You simply gave up the struggle, lay on the ground, and laughed mockingly: "The new owner of this place, who is it in the end? Hard to say"

\"Bluffing is useless, especially, you are very good...I like you very much, you will split more excellent subordinates for me, and you will love the feeling of merging with me, this and that strange alien Those are different, especially, we are the same, so..."

  \"So you'd better deal with the few people behind you first, otherwise, you may disappear immediately"


   The man turned his head fiercely, and was surprised to find that the twin demons, the round nothingness, and the ghost-like guy were all standing not far behind him.

  \"It's really cunning..." The ghost smiled obscurely.

\"Oh, yes"

  \"Uh, yeah," the twin Mozu said in unison.

  \"Gurulu..." The round, nihility seems to express its dissatisfaction.

  \"But you can’t fool us with such a small means. Now, we have to decide who is the new owner here, and now... only now are we starting to decide." The ghost’s voice seems to be full of certainty.

\"Hmph, this question doesn't seem to need to be discussed anymore..." The man standing next to You said funnyly,\"This time it is not a usual decisive battle, but because the original owner is no longer suitable for this place. The master of, we jointly carried out the crusade, and we also said at the time that whoever caught Yu first will be the new master. Now the result is very obvious.”

  \"But you lied to us"

  \"Thanks that we were not deceived" The twins rarely said different things.

The man chuckled: \"We didn’t say that we could not use any means at the beginning. If you were so stupid to be fooled by me as simple as me, you don’t seem to be qualified to be the masters here. According to our agreement, now I have caught You, she is mine, that's it, isn't it?"

\"of course not"

  \"Of course not" the twins screamed together.

  \"Oh... you are right. According to our previous agreement, it is indeed like this. The agreement is the agreement. It should not be changed." The ghost suddenly changed his words, which made the twins stare at the same time.

\"Hahaha..." The man laughed.\"You know, it’s the worst to violate the agreement, now...I think we can go back, and when I get closer to You, you can welcome the new Master."

  \"Oh, don't you think you can take Yu away?" Ghost Jiejie smiled strangely.

  \"What do you mean, do you want to go back and forth?" The man immediately became violent.

  \"Hehe...Of course not, I just think that if you want to take Yu away, you might have to pay some price..."

\"What?" The male Ling Ran was startled. Suddenly the outline of his face twisted. It was obvious that his expression changed drastically. His body twisted rapidly. The whole person leaped to the side and saw a shadow flashing from him. Passed by, then circled in the air and flew back again.

   You panted and stretched out his hand directly on the half of the longbow he threw out as a boomerang. He felt a little confused. The last force seemed to be too strong, which made him a little unbearable.

  \"Oh...Look, you seem to have not caught Yu yet. Maybe we need to re-discuss who is the new owner of this land." The ghost smiled gleefully.


  \"Yes," the twin Mozu nodded.

   The male trembling body slowly stood up from the ground, his eyes seemed to be full of rage, and his left hand had been completely cut off by the blow just now.

\"You... this **** thing" roared wildly, the man flew up and kicked Yu's stomach, Yu's already helpless body flew up like a broken doll, falling far away When it hit the ground, a pile of dust splashed, and it didn't move. The weapon was thrown aside, and he didn't know his life or death. 【】【】

"Damn... idiot... I must torture you and you... I want you to keep splitting, and I will enjoy your body until you go crazy, I..." The man picked up tremblingly The severed left hand quickly turned back on his wrist, the ink-like outlines merged with each other immediately, and the hand that had just been severed seemed to be restored all at once.

\ "Hum hum ...... ha ha ha ha ......" ghost laugh, \ "really exciting, especially just that kick, you can not expect such play former master, it seems that this time really is your ...... I won, here, I immediately admit that you are the new owner of this land."

  \"What?" The man was taken aback, and the twin demons opened their mouths again.

\"Hehehe...but ah...my new master, now...I want you to challenge, you won’t accept it? If that’s the case, this master will be done by me.” The ghost smiled incredibly hideously .

  \"Challenge?" The man was startled, his left hand retracted involuntarily, \"But...we don’t allow continuous challenges, don’t you remember?"

The ghost said briskly: "Of course...I won't break the rules, but... You don't seem to be defeated in the challenge, especially? We are the attack launched by the contact, I now...This is the number one. How about this challenge? The new owner of this land, do you accept this challenge?"

  \"You..." The male was furious, but he couldn't speak for a while.

\"Why, are you scared? Ha... Then just give up your position... Your left hand is temporarily useless, if you don't want to die in vain... Humph..." In a moment, the ghost's voice became cold. ,\"If you don't want to die, leave you behind will be my subordinates, I don't want you to cause any harm to her..."

The masculine trembling all over, it was a situation that was completely sure to win, but now, it will become like this hell. If you can't use your left hand, you can't beat this **** guy. I didn't expect to wait for such a long time. , I just missed it for nothing in front of my eyes, this...

In an instant, this man transferred all his anger to Yu. If it weren't for her to fight back at last, it would be no doubt for her, but it was a fatal blow to herself that disrupted her plan. meeting……

   turned around fiercely, the man was going to hurt the killer and then, he was stunned...

The ghost was originally admiring the expression on the man's face, but when he turned around and did not move, his gaze followed him, and then he was also stunned. The twins were the same as the round nothingness... In place.

Yu was kicked far away by the man, and then this man was verbose with that possession, everyone's attention was focused on these two people, and Yu, who had already been determined to lose his master status, no one cared. , Now everyone's eyes are looking over, but suddenly they realize that, I don't know when, there is something more beside You

\"Oh, I've been away for such a short period of time, why did you make it so miserable? It seems that if I don't come back, you seem to be caught by someone else as a runner..." Robben gently lifted You's body, let her lean on her body, carefully patted the dust on her head and face.

  \"Ahem...you...you...you bastard..." After you have spent a long time, You finally said a few words.

  \"Either a **** or a badass, but the one who comes back now is a good one, isn't it? You are really embarrassed, I didn't make it like this in Lingdu." Robben began to talk big...

\"You...you are also better than me...not much better, unexpectedly... it turned out to be... this way" especially tightly grasping Robben's arm, seemingly afraid that Robben would run away as soon as he let go same.

  \"Um...some accidents did happen, but finally I survived. It looks like this, haha, isn’t it actually good? Do you think we look alike already?"

  \"Really...ugly..." You smiled softly.

  \"Who...Who are you? Why are you here?" Robben was talking to You Reluo, and the man over there finally couldn't help it, and roared loudly.

As soon as Robben looked up, he looked at the people in front of him, raised his hand and said hello: \"You have not seen you for a while, and you can't recognize me, uh...no wonder, after all, my current appearance is the same Compared to the past, there are some small differences, but... It seems that your memory is obviously not particularly good, and she immediately recognized me.

  \"Huh...I just remember this ring, there is...to eat in it." Especially softly, he glanced at the ring in Robben's hand.

  \"Ah...Really?" Robben chuckled, \"This is really a blow..."

  \"Is that you? That outsider... Robben?" The ghost over there suddenly woke up and recognized Robben.

\"Hehe, it seems that the souls of the same form are more sensitive to each other. Indeed, I am the outsider who came here a few days ago. I went to Lingdu once, and now I am back, but a little bit happened. It turned out to be like this because of his accident." Robben explained in a hurry.

  \"Go to...Lingdu?" Everyone was suddenly surprised.

  \"Unexpectedly...you would go there in the end, there is really nothing you can do about it..." You shook his head weakly.

\"Hehe, I also want to thank you for your help, otherwise I won't be able to come back. You seemed weird when you came here. Doesn't this look have anything to do with me?" Robben remembered that he was very weak at the time. sound.

  \"Hmph...you guessed it" You snorted.

\"The outsider" saw Robben and You talk endlessly, and seemed to be very affectionate. He didn't put himself in his eyes at all. The man standing aside couldn't help it anymore and let out a loud roar,\" Now let her go immediately. This is our business. If you don't want to be turned into nothingness, just get out of me immediately and never show up in front of me again."

Robben carefully gave You Li's stray hair, and said helplessly: \"I understand your feelings. After so long of forbearing until the end, I lost everything. I would be very excited and angry, but... I have to say, This has nothing to do with me, and... you intend to hurt my friend. I didn't settle accounts with you right away. It's all because there is at least a struggle for rights. You didn't hurt her out of malice, but... …If you bark like a mad dog, I won’t be polite.”

\ "Ahem ...... ...... Ayaya to have a spirit, you seem to have become a very powerful way ......" Mrs Lo against itself, chuckle quips.

  \"In front of beautiful women, even if you are pretending, you must pretend to be more powerful." Robben smiled and blinked at You, and especially smiled happily.

  \"Look for...death"

A violent roar, the man who had been burned through the top of his head by anger, couldn't bear it anymore, his body shook, and a weapon that couldn't be opened from the outline had been copied in his hand, and he glared at him like a gust of wind. This volume comes.

   Two cold stars flashed in Robben’s eyes instantly: \"I have...warned you." Robben suddenly raised one hand and five fingers in the direction of the man, and a looming ripple spread out.

  \"Huh..." The air seemed to fluctuate.

   The male body rushed forward suddenly, as if hitting his head against a soft wall, he stopped immediately, his face seemed full of surprise.

   Robben's five fingers quivered slightly.

  \"咻咻咻......" In the light of the sound of breaking through the air, countless shadows shot out on the ground, and all of them penetrated the male's body in an instant, directly supporting him in place and unable to move.

"Uh... how... how is this possible?" This man looked down at his body in amazement. There are hundreds of thin threads running through him, all of which are made of the soil on the ground. Condensed but not scattered, and extremely tough.

  \"To be honest, I hate you because I seem to have bad fantasies about my friends in addition to wanting to seize power." Robben frowned, his open fingers squeezed together.

   The hundreds of mud silk threads that pierced through the male's body instantly collapsed and turned into a piece of smoke. In an instant, a thin curtain was formed, directly rolling up the male.

   The man who hadn't recovered yet let out a scream, his whole body immediately shrank, and slowly rose from the ground.

Not far away, the um, the ghost, the twins, and the round nothingness could no longer describe the surprise in my heart.The thin layer of soil that curled up the man like a blanket, and a deep huge appeared on it. The handprints are as if there is an invisible **** holding him tightly, and just not too far in front of him, Robben's hand is facing him, and he is holding it hard, as if With every effort, the man screamed.

\"I didn’t mean to kill you. After all, you still have to seize power to a large extent, and seizing power is also a rule of survival [eternal life] in this land, but I don’t want you to appear in front of my friends again, You disappear, you can go wherever you go, but don’t come back again. If you meet my friend in other places, then retreat immediately, otherwise...

With a casual wave of his hand like a fly, Robben let go of his five fingers, the man groaned, his body was thrown high, and then he slammed to the ground in the distance, his body twitching, it seemed that for a while. I can't get scared anymore.

  \"Ahhh~~" You Qing smiled,\"It seems...I seem to have accidentally...found a fusion person"

   Robben smiled: \"Are you happy now? I won't let me lose your weapon anymore."

  \"Heh... you saved my life, we are all cleaned up."

  \"So I'm still a guest?" Robben moved his eyebrows, his tone brisk.

  \"Ah...may not be anymore..." You slightly helplessly, \"Now...you are the master..."

  \"Huh?" Robben was taken aback slightly.

\"Some time ago, I started to be unable to receive the disappearance of Lingdu. Something seemed to happen there. From the last news, it seemed to be a very chaotic situation. I did not expect that now... the situation has actually developed into Like this."

   Robben smiled bitterly and scratched his head: \"You feel it?"

  \"Well, it was unexpected, the outsider...no, now it should be... called the ruler"

Robben looked at the man who was thrown out by himself, and asked a little strangely: \"He didn't find this? How could he still attack me? When I came back, all the lives encountered seemed to be Be kind to me."

You smiled helplessly: \"We are different from those foolish guys. We always have a lot of things to do. We just exchange information with other companions on a regular basis, and we don’t feel the changes around us all the time. [天(Zhubian), only those guys who have nothing to do all day, just wandering around, are collecting and transmitting information all the time. We also rely on them to exchange some information. If that hapless guy can seriously investigate yours With strength, I think he will retreat honestly."

  \"Oh, it turned out to be like this." Robben suddenly realized, but he asked strangely at once,\"But why can't I communicate with other beings from a distance like you, I find you very hard."

   is particularly puzzled: \"Then how did you find me in such a vast land?"

Robben smiled, and said contentedly: \"I tried the remote communication method you just mentioned, but it seemed to not work, so... I asked the guard at the edge of your house, and they told me you are here."


   Robben laughed loudly at Yu Cuo's shocked face.

  \"Ah, by the way, how are you now? It seems to be very weak, are you injured?" Robben suddenly remembered that he had not asked Yu about his injury.

  \"There is no injury, it's just a little weak, the strength has been exhausted, you won't come again, huh...I'm not just being caught back as an errand runner..."

Seeing that You seemed to be quite weak, Robben didn't seem to have any major problems. He was relieved at the moment, raised his head and said to the ghosts standing opposite: "You guys, do you have anything else to say? Do you want to seize power? ?"

The ghost first said: "The ruler who controls all the elemental forces in this world, you forgive us for our rudeness, we absolutely dare not disrespect you, especially since it is your friend, we will respect her as well, never This happened."

   Robben nodded in satisfaction: \"This is the best, then now... let's go back."

   With a weak You, followed by the four Yuanyou's men, Robben returned to You's residence. As for the man who had been pinched and dislocated by Robben, Robben didn't bother to take care of him anymore.

   After returning to Yu's residence, Robben's first thing was to repair Yu's house. This was not too difficult, and it would not take much time to rebuild a dilapidated house like Yu.

   Although the subordinates strongly invited Robben and You to move into their house, Robben refused. Psychologically, Robben was quite disgusted with these guys who treated You as prey.

   quickly completed the repair, and placed a silent barrier around, Robben took out the spare small dining table, pots and pans, and was ready to cook.

   already wrapped in a towel, sitting on the new blanket looked at Robben strangely, and asked: \"Shall we... eat?"

\"Um" Robben nodded, \"After a catastrophe, if you have a good meal, you will feel that life is better and tomorrow is more hopeful. It seems that both of us are escaping from the dead, and we still save each other For the sake of life, this meal should be eaten well."

You smiled, moved slowly to the small table, and picked up the chopsticks: "It seems...that is indeed the case, does that mean you owe me a weapon again? If we help each other, You didn’t come to compensate for my weapons."

  \"Ah, don't be so stingy... It's just a weapon, it's been a long time, forget it." Robben waved his hand.

\"Haha... this is probably not possible, because of that, we have today's situation, ha ha... If I knew that my fusion would become the ruler of this land, I wonder if I would take the initiative... "

  \"Maybe not..." Robben started to light up.


\"My guess."


   Soon, Robben prepared a table of food with ease, and happily pushed the steaming soup in front of You, Robben planned to drink some meat porridge first.

  \"This...is it for food?" It was strange.

  \"Of course" Robben is even stranger.

  \"But this is not the last thing"

   Robben felt helpless: \"There are many kinds of food, and this is the same, just put it in your mouth."


ten minutes later……

  \"You, that's my soup"

  \"Huh? Really?" With these two sentences, You drank Robben's soup, and Robben was dumbfounded: Don't you feel hot?

   ate a full meal, Robben started to drink tea after dinner, while Yu was eating vegetable leaves. In Yu's words, she liked this kind of food that had a good taste without any manipulation.

   It seems that this guy was muttering to himself in the rabbit Robben in his last life.

  \"Roben..." You suddenly put down the leaf in his hand, breaking the short silence between the two of them, \"You came back this time...Are you here to...look for me?"

   Robben drank the tea, feeling warm in his stomach, very comfortable, nodded immediately and said: \"Well, I am indeed here to find you."

  You smiled softly: \"Sure enough...hehe, but...this is not bad, now...I can almost voluntarily accept it."

  \"What?" Robben was puzzled.

  You took off the towel on his body, stood up and walked around the small square table, walked to Robben and sat down again, facing Robben and whispered: \"Ruler, now... will you begin to merge?"

   Robben’s eyebrows twitched: "What is fusion and fusion? I didn’t say anything...what fusion"

  You suddenly stunned: "What? Isn't it...you...you come back, don't you want to...want to merge with me and create new subordinates?"

Robben sighed helplessly: \"Please...I am an outsider, and I am not an aboriginal in your place. Why would I think about those things? I have something to ask you to help me find a solution when I come back. I can't find anyone, only you can come."

   You looked at Robben in a daze for dozens of seconds before stammering: \"It turns out... Original... It turns out that it wasn't that what did you come back for?"

Robben shrugged his shoulders, pointed to his nose and said: \"You have seen it, my body has become like this now, although I don't think it is ugly, but... this is not me after all, and it is lost My original body will have a very bad influence on me in the near future. I am very anxious to find my original body, even if it is only a small piece, but I can't help it, I think Although it is difficult, this is a place of nothingness. Maybe there are things I don't understand, and there may be miracles, but first... I want to find a guy who understands this land and I can trust."

  \"Body...It turned out to be like this, you want the original body" You finally understand Robben's purpose of coming back.

He rested his chin with one hand and rested on the table with the other. After thinking about it for a while, he shook his head: "Your body has been transformed into elements outside the capital city and absorbed by the two guards. I want to restore that body. Now I can’t think of a good way for a while, I think... Or ask the gloomy guy. Although he is more annoying, he seems to know more."

  \"A guy with a gloomy look?"

  \"It's the one floating around"

  \"Oh... if you say that ghost, forget it first, let's think of other ways first, I see him very annoying."

  \"At this time, you still say this kind of thing, aren't you in a hurry to get your body back? Then honestly think about yourself, at least be pragmatic," especially the old-fashioned lesson Robben.

Robben smiled: \"You still say to me, if you talk about thinking about yourself, don't know what the idiot is saying about sharing and other weird things, then it will be weak and silent, and then I will see her being chased by others He was so ashamed that he was almost caught back as an errand runner."

You were at a loss for words, and stammered for a while before he said angrily: "That's because the fusion relationship, as a splitter, will instinctively share when the fusion is in danger. I... I was forced or I didn't. Will risk being defeated to help you as an outsider"

Robben smiled happily: \"Um... Maybe, but you saved me in the end, so that I can sit here again to eat and talk to you here, so I hate those who chase you, Yes, it is like that"

  \"What kind of logic is this?" I couldn't help but cried out~www.readwn.com~um~~ it's my logic. "Roben smiled happily.

  \"Really...Forget it, you don’t want me naturally and don’t force it. Anyway, it’s not that I get my body back. If this is the case, what do you plan to do?"

\"Hmm..." Robben thought for a while and asked: \"Especially, I don't need to retrieve all of my body, even a small piece is good. Although success is not guaranteed, I think the probability is still very high. Great, can you help me find some clues to my original body."

  \"So...the clue to the body???" You said in a strange tone.

  \"Um...even if it's a clue."

  \"So...that's...you can" nodded especially slowly.

  \"Really" Robben was overjoyed.

  You hehe smiled: \"Of course...It seems that although the path is different, the result has not changed.\"

\"what?". .

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