God Prohibitions

Chapter 832: You're done

"The result...is the same? What do you mean by the result...?" Robben vaguely saw a weird look on Yu's face. \\\\WM provides the latest handbook fan group 1 in this chapter∴①⑺⑥⑥⑥㈢②\\\\

  Especially shook his head slowly: \"It's nothing, it's not meaningful, forget it."

   Robben suddenly wondered: \"What kind of tone is this? Isn't it obvious that I want to know more?"

  \"Hehe, um...it's nothing, ah, well...now we have finished eating like this, and then...is it a rest?"

  \"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, indeed, after eating, you should definitely... rest for a while, and then..."

Only half of Robben's words were spoken, and you had already lay down lazily, wrapped himself in the towel, and shrank comfortably on the new blanket: "I am too tired and need to rest, these days Think of it yourself first. After I recover some strength, I will help you."

   Robben felt that Yu's tone was a little weird, but he didn't know where the problem was.

   Seeing Yu seemed to be sleeping, Robben touched his head and said: "You, you are very weak now. If you absorb some elements, you will get better and faster."

Especially with a somewhat helpless voice replied: \"I am not just weak in strength now, because of sharing reasons, my vitality has also become weakened, and now it is only supplementary elements, the effect is not good, what I need It is an active life force, you may... have to wait for a while."

\"Oh...then add the elements first, the magic elements in these magic crystals are more active, maybe they can give you some more help." Robben said, stood up and began to take it in his ring Bring out the magic crystals one by one and put them beside You.

  You sat up, sighed and said: \"This is very wasteful. I only need to rest for a while and it will be good. These things are extremely precious in the void. You...you should keep it for yourself."

Robben put the last piece of crystal away and said with a smile: \"These are useless to me. They may have been useful before, but now... it has become very simple to mobilize the elements here, and I don’t need them anymore. I think their biggest use now is to heal you."

   shook his head gently: \"Really a generous ruler..."

Robben chuckled: \"After all, the way you are now has a lot to do with me. Although you didn't say what the sharing is about, I can be sure that it definitely makes you quite It’s a big consumption, otherwise... I shouldn’t be chased so urgently."

  \"It was just an accident..." You answered softly.

  \"Oh? But I remember, it seems that you told me to come back earlier at the end, do you know that you might be in danger and want me to come back and help you?"

  \"I really can imagine..." You sighed, \"I just don't want you to die in vain, I just advise you to turn around earlier."

  \"Hehe, anyway, thank you Yu, I'm back late, sorry..."

You were not only a little stunned, but he didn't expect Robben to say this to himself. He looked away from Robben and said: "This... it's nothing, you don't have to say that to me at all, and... you are now the ruler, I... In fact, it's just an errand runner under yours, you don't need to... don't do this to me."

   Robben smiled: \"That's good, then now you errand runner will be obedient, sit there and don't move, I will heal you now, and then you are resting, bear with me, okay?"

  You still smiled uncontrollably at the corner of your mouth: \"Yes, the ruler"

You can see that You are very weak. The magic elements extracted from the few magic crystals are absorbed by You very quickly, but Yu's body does not become more solid and clear like the last time. Obviously... these elements Most of the power was used to repair her weak body.

   There are not many magic crystals left. It is not long. All the magic crystals have been consumed. After the last ray of magic element brilliance penetrated into Yu's body, You slowly opened his eyes.

   Luo Ben was very happy, although You can't see too many expressions on the face that is not so clear, but this pair of eyes is more energetic than just now.

  \"You, how is it?" Robben asked with concern.

   took a long sigh. You stretched out his hand and took a closer look, then turned to look at Robben, a little dazed.

   Robben looked up and down strangely: \"Are you...are you okay? Why are you looking at me so strangely?"

\"Ah...nothing..." You quickly smiled, \"I just didn't expect that these crystals contain such sufficient and active elemental power. Last time I was in a better condition, and I didn't feel much. This time I feel more clearly that these forces have largely filled my lack of life energy."

  \"Really?" Robben Dale

  \"Ah...It seems that you don't have to wait for a long time." You smiled helplessly.

Robben looked at You strangely and said: "You just said to wait for a while, this... You, what can you do to help me find the clues to my body? This method will cause you a great burden. ?"

  \"Ah...the burden is not much, but...heh...I am not very clear about this." Robben loosened his shoulders gently.

  \"What is this, why don't you know it yourself?" Robben was puzzled.

You looked at Robben, nodded as if deciding what, wrapped in the towel, moved to Robben's face to do it, and smiled softly: "This... depends on how I respect the ruler and deal with me Up."


\"I know you don’t understand well, you are an outsider, I now... let you experience this method directly..." Then, You slowly stretched out a hand and pressed it to Robben On the chest, \"For an outsider, this may feel very uncomfortable, but please rest assured, I can't do something malicious to the ruler."

  \"Oh...but, what are you doing? I..." Robben's body trembled suddenly, and his voice stopped suddenly.

  \"Ah...uh..." Robben was already speechless in horror, slowly raising his head to look at Yu, his face full of disbelief.

   Yu's hand pressing on his chest has penetrated into his body...

  \"Why are you doing this expression...How do you... feel?" You focused on watching that he had completely disappeared inside Luo himself, leaving only the arms with the wrists outside, and the voice was a bit intermittent.

  \"This...what is this...?"

After being horrified in his heart, Robben suddenly woke up, You put his hand into his chest, but he did not feel the sensation of being attacked, and there was no pain or tearing from his chest, but he could clearly understand It feels like You's hand has entered his chest, and it seems to be slowly melting...like spreading throughout his body.

\"Heh... it's very simple, this... is fusion" You Wei breathed slightly, and the other hand was placed on Robben's chest. The previous arm was still slowly facing Robben's chest. It sinks in, as if Robben's chest was sucking her arm in a little bit.

  \"Fusion?" Robben was shocked when he heard these two words.

You said that he absorbed half of her weapon, and that weapon was a part of her, and she was already her fusion, but she never thought that it would happen like this, the other's living limbs merged into her body. thing.

\"You...wait a minute, you...you're crazy, you will disappear like this" Robben couldn't help but feel a little anxious, but now he has a shocking feeling in his whole body that makes him somewhat unable to control his body. Watching You's arms slowly disappeared, the face that seemed rather strenuous was slowly approaching like himself.

\"Disappear... Maybe everything... depends on what you do... This is the first time, let me take the lead... But... I'm not familiar with this, I can only... uh..." While saying this with some difficulty, You's voice trembled, as if his throat was blocked by something, and the voice suddenly disappeared. \\\\WM provides the latest handbook fan group 1 in this chapter∴①⑺⑥⑥⑥㈢②\\\\

  \"Especially stop, I don't need you, it's not good for me," Robben shouted.

You panted. After a while, he seemed to relieve himself. He chuckled and said: \"How can it be of no benefit to you, then I wouldn't do such a thing... Don't talk more now, let me Distracted, don’t look at that expression, it’s obviously that you are taking advantage, I... I may not be able to do anything for a while, I need... you need to control it yourself, you now... experience this feeling well, don’t say anything else , Hurry...otherwise... everything will be wasted"

   Luo Ben looked at Yu, who already had pain on his face, and felt really sad: \"You...stop, you are my friend, I don’t want this, if you disappear like this..."

Robben was trying to find some sincere words to impress You to make her stop, but he didn't want to take a particularly violent breath, and roared: "Who said I would disappear? This is just a fusion, you idiot outsider, I'm still the first Once you take the initiative to do this kind of thing, you actually... Actually... There are traces of your body in my body. If you, an idiot, don't want to waste the opportunity, please feel the current feeling and control it quickly. I will be in a while If you lose this power, if you don’t understand anything, it will hurt me"

Robben was stunned by the roaring for several seconds, until Yu Yi's eyes widened in annoyance again, Robben finally reacted: \"Wait...wait, I will do it, you... don't shout first "

   hurriedly gathered his mind, Robben's consciousness and psychology were all used to experience the strange feeling of this question.

   This is a very strange feeling

Luo could instinctively feel Yu's arm, but Yu's arm is strictly no longer there, because her arm has been completely integrated into her body.Although it seems to have disappeared and invisible, he feels Yu's arm. There is no element in it, and this arm seems to be presented in front of my eyes, real, clear and within reach.

   Luo could have a strong feeling especially into his body's physical existence. This strong feeling far exceeds the physical touch and mental induction, and it makes himself a little trembling strongly.

   How to put it... After eliminating the initial surprise and fear, this feeling... is very beautiful and Robben found that he can communicate with Yu's body that has been transformed into an element.

His own body is now in an unstable state, and the attached elements suddenly become extremely active and excited, and they resonate strongly with the elements of Yu's body. Robben can appreciate the entanglement of these elements. The strong feeling that time brought, it was a feeling of melting, regardless of each other, Robben even felt that at this moment, Yu's body was completely his own...

It is really amazing that Robben was a little surprised at first. This kind of strong feeling even surpasses the unsuspecting exchange of spirit. After confirming the relationship with Fanny, with the good spiritual resonance between Fanny, he is not less in spirit. I have a seamless communication with Fanny. Of course, most of the time I communicate with a little bit of color. Fanny is always chasing herself. But... they are not as strong as the feeling of touching each other when the elements are fused together.

  Different lives really have their own places that are different enough to amaze other lives

You's arms almost disappeared from Robben's body. He curled up slightly, and his legs stretched forward slowly. Although you have seen it, Dang You's legs slowly merged into his own. Robben was still a little surprised when he was in.

   As the number of fusion body parts increased, this strong influenza A became more severe, Robben even felt that he was a little uncontrollable, and his whole body seemed to be excited about the promise.

Slowly, Robben felt a little embarrassed, but his arms were okay, but when the legs began to fuse, it became obvious that Robben felt a little bit more resistant. A pair of fused into the body, Robben felt that it was better than I felt a hundred times stronger when I curiously touched the body of this strange creature. This feeling was particularly exciting. If I just touched these legs with my hands, I feel that my whole body is touching these legs.

   facing the waist and hips gradually disappeared into Robben's body, especially the remaining half of his body began to tremble violently.

Robben now finally knows what the fusion is. It seems that there is not much difference in his previous guesses, or such fusion is the way for such a life form to reproduce offspring. It is just from You's explanation and those two. From the performance of individual men, this way of reproducing offspring has elements of violence and slavery.

With a strong stimulus, Robben felt that the elements of his body were boiling water in Nuosu, tightly wrapping the elements that melted into your body, and now you have almost no power, everything is under his control. The strong life fluctuations brought about by this element, and the strong sense of contact it brought, made me crazy with excitement.

The weak Yoo slowly moved her body.Finally, Yo only left her upper body and head outside, and the rest of her body had completely disappeared in Robben's body.Now it seems Yo seems to be suffering from something. With a violent shock, I tried to speak several times, but only a "chuckle..." sound came from my throat, unable to say anything.

   All I want all Robben to feel is unprecedented in his body. What I want most now is to draw You completely closer to his body, and to completely occupy the body that has brought him extremely exciting.

   As soon as he stretched out his hand, Robben saved Yu, who was barely head and shoulders left in front of him, but found that his hand had sunk directly into Yu's body. This discovery made Robben even more excited.

   realized that Robben was going to pull himself completely into his body, he couldn't help but lose his face, and resisted the violent mental shock and said loudly: "Wait a minute, I have something to say"

   Robben panted hard: \"Say...what? You, come on, let's merge completely"

   felt that his little body began to slide quickly towards Robben’s body, and couldn’t help but hurriedly said: "Don’t just care about the pleasure, you can’t find a clue to your body."

   This sentence worked, Robben stopped the movement in his hand immediately, his expression changed a little bit of amazement, a few seconds later Robben shook his head vigorously, and said with a slight breath: \"You, I'm sorry..."

  You seemed to be relieved, but he still seemed to endure something and said:\"Finally, I finally stopped ravaging me...you guys...maybe all like this..."

   If he still had a skinny now, Robben would definitely feel burnt on his face. This kind of thing is probably the equivalent of human female love... Just now, I seemed to be entangled with Yu's body without any scruples, the feeling almost made me lost.

Seeing that Robben seemed to blame himself, he smiled: \"Okay... don't mind, it was my willingness, and... you are an outsider, this kind of thing... I'm afraid I have never heard of it. Now that I can control it, it’s good...I finally...I didn’t read it wrong."

  \"Uh...you, I..." Robben wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

  You gently shook his head, and said slowly: \"Roben, you don't have to say much, now... there is no time, I'm almost out of energy, please listen to me."

  \"Okay, you said" Seeing You said seriously, Robben quickly got serious.

\"Roben, you absorbed my weapon. In fact, it was a part of my body. It was originally impossible, but... it seems that you, an outsider, are a little different, but anyway, you are my fusion, although We have not formally merged before, but as long as this relationship is established, there will be traces of you in my body. This is also a characteristic of us who rely on fusion and division. This trace, I think it will be helpful to you, and The only way to find this trace is for us to merge."

  \"You..." Robben said a word, but paused again, \"Thank you..." Robben didn't know what to say.

\"Don't talk" especially glared at Robben and continued: \"But you have to understand that during the process of fusion, our divisions are in a state of being suppressed. Once the integration is completed, we can only let it go You can't do anything at the mercy of the fusion, that is to say, after we are fully integrated in a while, you can only find the traces of your body by yourself. I know that this feeling may be very new to you, an outsider. It's very exciting, but... don't indulge in it, find the traces of your body, do you understand?"

  \"I understand" Robben nodded solemnly.

   smiled weakly: \"Well, everything...I will leave it to you."

   Facing each other, Yu's tired face gradually approached, Robben seemed to feel Yuna's cool skin across his lips, and then Yu disappeared...

   This is... Fusion?

Previously, it was just the body, but now it also includes the spirit.All the thoughts and memories in Yu's mind appear in his consciousness without reservation.It seems that he has fallen into a time corridor, which is full of memory fragments from the past. At this time, Robben was able to see everything more clearly from You's thoughts, and now it seems that from some traces, the memory fragments of the war between gods and demons can also be distinguished.

   After You completely merged into his body, Robben truly understood what fusion is all about.

To put it more bluntly, it means that a living entity completely transforms itself into an energy form and integrates it into your body, its own material body, its own spiritual power, and everything that it has completely unreservedly dedicated. After being fully integrated, Robben felt that he was able to control all of You.

What an unfair fusion, no wonder Yu was so disgusted with the fusion performance at the beginning, but the two men were very keen on this. For a split system like Yu, it is completely unreserved to lose himself. On the cutting board, it is up to others to decide whether to die or not. Even how to die and how to live can no longer be decided by oneself. Now if all the elements and energies fused into the body are taken as one's own, it is especially afraid that they will disappear instantly...

Robben carefully understood the current feeling of fusion, and did not first search for the traces of his body.This is not that Robben is greedy for pleasure, but Robben has discovered a very serious problem, and seems to have forgotten to explain one. The most critical thing.

   If you find a clue to your body, how can you go back after the fusion is over? Now Yu has completely fallen into a state of unconsciousness...

   What Robben is looking for is not the clues of his own body, but the clues of his own body...

The elements of the   no book were entangled, and the strong sense of mutual contact made it difficult for Robben to distinguish some other things, but Robben had to insist on a stable mind, and the old monk looked for what he wanted as if he had entered concentration.

It seems that Yu's body has been completely decomposed, and there are no other clues to be found. This makes Robben very anxious.If he expels all the elements that are different from his body, then Yu should be completely elemental. The situation dissipated...

At the beginning of the fusion, Yu's body gradually merged into his body and spread out.Roben felt that he should integrate the elements that Yu had completely integrated into his body and then reverse it according to a certain situation. , Otherwise it will be particularly annoying.

   But... what should I do? Robben has a big head.

I carefully sorted out the elements of Yu's fusion. After repeatedly not knowing how many times, Robben found a strange place. There seemed to be something that was not very the same as the wave form of Yu's body elements. This little difference came from A fragment of Yu You's memory.

Carefully intercepted this fragment of memory, Robben explored carefully, but he couldn't help feeling a surprise in his heart. There was actually an image of himself left in it. There was an image of his original body. This fragment of memory was actually a memory of his body. , Digging down again, Robben found what he wanted most.

   This is a complete memory of your own body by the separatist. As you said, although it has not been completely integrated, you already have your own memory and it is very complete.

   Luo Ben was extremely excited. It was the wisest move to come back to find You this time. Otherwise, he would walk all over the emptiness, I am afraid that he would not find any information about his body.

   Careful and careful, Robben saved this information and melted it into his sea of ​​consciousness.

   Now the rest is to solve Yu's problem.

   After finding his body information, Robben realized something, and once again ran into Yu's memory fragments to search, and he had a complete memory of others, so he must have a complete memory of himself.

It seems that this idea is correct. Robben quickly found what he wanted. These memories seem to be fragmented and random. They don't seem to be reserved specially, but there are a lot of them. A little bit of piecing together can get quite complete information. .

To some extent, Robben is somewhat obsessed with this feeling of integration.Of course, Robben knows that this is wrong, and even if it rises to a moral level, this is a very unscrupulous idea, but Robben has to admit that it is a magical life fusion. The way to make oneself a little greedy, this way of contact closer than spiritual contact, unprecedented stimulation.

   To calm down, Robben began to slowly reassemble the elements especially integrated in his body. This feeling was also very strange. Robben thought dumbfounded that he seemed to be gestating a life.

   gradually aggregated these elements, and according to the traces found in the memory fragments by himself, Robben slowly forced these elements out of his body.

  \"Uh...ah..." Gradually, Yu poked his head out of Robben again, gasping for breath, and Robben realized that Yu seemed to be breathing too.

   When his hands gradually withdrew from Robben's body, You weakly put his hand on Robben's shoulder, and said weakly: "You...you...for so long..."

   Robben said wonderingly: \"You were completely unaware just now, do you remember the time?"

  \"Asshole... asshole... That's just a special way of being for me, why don't you feel it?"

  \"It turned out to be so." Robben scratched his head knowingly.

  \"I...I'm already... out of strength, outsiders' induction... is too strong..." You speak out of breath, \"You still... it took so long..."

   Robben helpless: \"You, it seems that you forgot to tell you how to end the fusion. If I didn't find your physical memory, you would not be able to come back."

\"What?" You suddenly glared, but immediately knocked on his head, \"Really... the first time I did this kind of thing, I forgot this... It should have been a fusion of things, but I forgot ...You don't even know about this..."

Robben chuckled, Yu's body was basically retreated, but it looked very weak, Robben stretched out his hand to support her, let her sit on the new blanket, and wrapped her with the towel that You liked very much. On the body.

  Looking at Yu now, Robben felt in his heart... how to put it, it's... weird, it's weird...

While holding Yu, Robben clearly felt that when he touched Yu's body again, the feeling was completely different from the previous one.A familiar and intimate feeling came out spontaneously from Yu's body. In his own hands, You also seemed to react, but he didn't say a word.

  This...how do you say it? Between He You, it's a real husband and wife, but...there doesn't seem to be a concept of husband and wife at all...

   You are not a human being, nor a demon, but a peculiar life form in the Void Land. Robben can't describe how he feels now.

\"What are you doing looking at me like this, I now... If you accept the fusion, it may be very painful, and you won't feel happy..." You see Robben staring straight at himself, seemingly somewhat Frightened back.

   Robben suddenly knew that his gaze might have caused a misunderstanding, so he scratched his head quickly: \"Sorry, I didn't mean to look at you like this, but, I just have some questions..."

   After thinking for a while, Robben walked to Yu's side and sat down, which seemed to make Yu a little nervous.

  Looking at You, Robben suddenly thought of a question: \"You, you just said that if you continue to merge, you will feel pain. Isn’t it the case just now?"

  \"This..." You were taken aback for a while, and he didn't expect Robben to ask this.

  \"You..." You Wei lowered his head slightly, and his heart was furious. This **** took advantage of this and asked about this kind of thing. It was simply...

   It's just... that's... the **** outsider doesn't understand anything. When Yu saw Robben's somewhat cautious but really puzzled eyes, he felt helpless.

He snorted, and You said: \"If you insist on saying...it's not special, it's particularly painful...well, after the fusion, if the fusion is not only about themselves, our division... and they don’t feel much different. It's just that most of the fusionists are enslaving the insurgency. Once our divisions are fused, there is no way to resist. Most of them... are helpless, it should be... well... that's it."

You said that he stuttered a little, and he was obviously a bit embarrassed. Robben was aware of this and immediately knew that he had asked a stupid question.Although the races are different, even the life situation is different, but there are still many similarities in emotion. , I’m asking like that... it is indeed a bit immoral...

Robben coughed a few times and concealed his embarrassment. After thinking for a while, he asked as subtle as possible: "You, we...we are friends, and now we are... in short, the relationship is very good, I don't know... Is there anything that must be done between you and the Fusion?"

  \"Do you mean fusion?" You asked helplessly.

  \"No, no, of course not, I mean, apart from this, are there any obligations that must be fulfilled between you and the fusion? For example, to be together often or other things?"

You silently shook his head: "No...Once the insurgents of our divisional system are fused, they can only passively accept the arrangements of non-splitting system fusioners. There is no special opportunity, knowing that disappearance may be under the control of the fusionists forever. "

After that, You took a look at Robben: "Of course, this doesn't make much sense to you, this land is already yours, I...have been included...maybe when you merged my weapons... ...I should take the initiative to do this, so...I might get a lot of benefits."

   Robben smiled: \"You, you can't, I didn't say it."

\"how do you know……"

\"Because you don’t have to do this, you will also get many gifts from me, and... I think you hate it. Entrust yourself to other lives without reservations and defenses. You have no autonomy at all. When you connect, you will be I don't know what it looks like."

  You did not speak.

  \"So, I thank you very much, you, you believe me, help me, save me my life, now it’s been counted twice, and I owe you a lot."

  \"Huh... It’s just that I can’t judge some things as usual in the face of outsiders, and I may have done something that is not in line with my intentions."

  \"Haha" Robben burst out laughing,\"That's enough. If you did something contrary to your intentions for me, then I owe you even more."

   Seeing Robben smile happily, I feel a little helpless. The logic of this guy is completely different from his own.

\"Well, the new ruler, as your subordinate, I shouldn't have said this, but... you are fundamentally different from the last ruler. You are an outsider, and I can't even believe you Now I have mastered the power to use all the elements of this world, but I know this is true...then...what are you going to do with me, foreign ruler"

   Luo Ben was smiling, and suddenly he was taken aback: \"Disposal? What disposition?"

You said softly: "I...we have officially merged. Now there are many of your life elements in my body. Soon, my will will gradually weaken and become obedience to you. , And...maybe it will start to split. You are my fusion. Now... I want to hear about my future destiny. It's good... some preparation."

  \"Weakened? Follow me?" Robben was stunned...

  \"Heh...I mentioned it before, but I didn't elaborate on it..." It seemed very calm.

  \"Does that mean that the fusionists decide the relationship with your insurgency?"

  \"Yes." Especially short answer.

   is really a harsh partnership, maybe... this can't be called a partner anymore...

  \"You listen to what I say?" Robben confirmed.

  \"Ah...that's it."

  \"That's good" Robben looks very happy, \"You can do whatever you like later, and I don’t have to let the existence of me as a fusion person influence any of your judgments and actions."

   Your eyes seemed to change slightly [Dzi Bead Change], and his body trembled slightly: \"This...is your decision?"

  \"Um...yes" Robben nodded solemnly.

  \"That is to say, completely as a person without fusion, as fusion has never happened, right?"

  \"Uh...not, um..." Robben scratched his head, hearing the annoyance in Yu's words.

\"In this way, you... I mean, you are an equal relationship, I will not enslaved you, you are my lifesaver, I am grateful to you, I want to give you back, you save me and I merge, I want you to be free, I want you to be happy, and... If you need me to do anything, I will not refuse."

Although it is a life body completely different from himself, it seems that he does not have the concept of his partner, but he is especially shy, and feels huge embarrassment and disgust for the integration. Robben knows that he should bear some responsibilities, and perhaps not Will understand, but I must do this...

  \"Is this the ruler's promise to me?" You said with a little surprise in his tone.

\"No, especially, as myself, Robben, your fusionists promised you. Of course, as a ruler, if I can open the back door easily, I am also very happy. You are me here, the only important thing friend."

   Finally, I smiled softly, tightened the towel on my body, and smiled happily: \"The outsider is really strange, and the words are the same, but...I like it very much...Thank you."

   What a strange relationship, Robben thought.

  \"Well, then...Especially if you want to rest now, or...eat something, I have some last food here"

  \"Eat something" answered without hesitation

   half an hour later...

   After eating a half full Robben mysteriously took out something, put it on the mouth, rubbed his hands and said: "You, you must have never seen this thing"

\"Huh?" I looked at the things Robben took out very strangely, reached out and touched it~www.readwn.com~ picked it up and smelled it-this is how you can tell Robben's food Basic steps...

  \"What is this? How come I have never seen it before? Is it soup?" Especially looking at the thing in his hand strangely.

  \"It's wine" Robben smiled.

  \"Wine?" I heard a new term especially.

   wine will bring closer the relationship between strangers, but Robben only likes to drink with friends.

  \"Haha... Robben this... um... hahaha... stranger than the feeling of fusion..."

Ten minutes later, You, who drank the wine like soup, was already floating, spinning around from the side of the table, and then fell completely on Luo himself. Fortunately, Robben pushed the table slightly. Youcai had no head banging.

\"Ah~~Ha~~Ha... Robben, where's the wine? Is there any wine? The wine has been drunk... I have to clean up you if I don’t take it out... Cut off your hands, your feet ...Your head..." You Yong's head was put on Robben's stomach, completely drunk crazy.

   Hey~~ It seems that this woman has a bad wine... ..

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