God Prohibitions

Chapter 833: Simple complex relationship

   You fell asleep in a daze, and didn't know whether it was caused by alcohol or really tired. In fact, Robben didn't know if You used sleep to rest.

   But watching Yu wrapped in the towel and smacked and said something dazedly while lying on the stall, Robben estimated that Yu might be asleep

  Roben cleaned up the cups and plates on the table, and saw the empty bottles for drinking, shaking his head helplessly...

   After everything was done, Robben left You's house lightly

   Now, it's time to start planning for myself

  The memories of his body in the memory fragments of    have already been obtained. What is missing now is just the right materials. Robben is not sure if he can create one out of thin air, but after all, he has to try it.

   You's memory is relatively complete. The relationship between the fusion and the splitter is indeed very peculiar. Obviously there is no contact, but You can have such a complete memory.

   This memory is like a blueprint, or it can be said to be a standard for identification. Perhaps the special emotions of the Insurgency towards the Fusion are realized through this special memory. Of course, this is just Robben's guess

   This blueprint is a very good framework. If the appropriate elements are filled in according to this framework, then theoretically there is no problem in creating a body

But...being out of nothing is a bit difficult after all, and it's still a matter of creating a body that will hold life. Robben doesn't know if what he has made is just a dead body. In that case, if his soul enters the body, he does not know that it is alive Come here, still considered a dead soul

   One step is considered one step, and there is finally hope now, it is much better than when I didn’t know what to do at the time, Robben walked out in large strides.

   The guards who were on guard at the periphery of the house immediately gave way to Robben to leave. Robben kept walking, and after leaving the houses for a certain distance, he flew directly

   It is necessary to find an empty and undisturbed place to carry out this work, after all, it is to make his own body, Robben dare not care at all

   has been flying far away. After a while, Robben fell back to the ground. From here, it seems that the week is empty, nothing can be seen, and there is a dead world around him.

   Robben checked around for a few times, and after he was sure he was safe, he immediately began to set up magic defensive formations around. Although there was no one around, it was now. Robben didn’t want something unexpected to happen when he was in a critical juncture.

   Defense barriers, silent barriers, light-shielding barriers... Robben was layered on top of magic barriers. Soon, Robben's figure disappeared completely.

   The innermost magic enchantment is a circle with a diameter of about 20 meters. The space is not small, enough for Robben to move.

   Robben rubbed his hands, calmed his mood, ready to start action

\"I made a body for myself. This kind of thing sounds very weird. I didn't expect that I would encounter this kind of thing myself..." Robben carefully collected the physical memory he had obtained from Yu, while whispering Muttering

  This process is not very difficult. If it hadn’t been for all the magic crystals to be used before, and now you can extract magic elements from those crystals, this step will be simpler.

Although the content of elements in all things is very low, the content of elements in this place is not very far from the door, and the content of elements is still considerable, and now Robben already knows that he can mobilize all the elements in the land of nothingness Strength, take out a little to make a sentence of body, this is just a small matter

   Robben took a slow breath, and slowly stretched out his hands. In the air, on the ground...if there is nothing, the rays of light began to converge on Robben’s hands.

  Ramoto is carefully identifying and extracting all available elements around

   It took not a long time, and two huge colorful **** of light have gathered on Robben's hands.

Next, it depends on what God meant. Robben sighed softly and mobilized the memory of his body. Suddenly, threads of blood, muscles, bones... everything appeared in every detail. In Robben's mind

  \"It's really a good body, I haven't realized it before"

  Roben began to slowly and cautiously shape his entire body according to the memory of his own body, every meridian, not a single thread, is careful

  The gathered colorful light group draws out countless thin silk threads, and then gathers in the air, a hazy human form has gradually begun to appear

   rough outline, and then from inside to outside, internal organs, bones, muscles and blood...Step by step, Robben slowly shaped his body according to the physical memory he got

  Gradually, a real human body began to appear...

   skin, hair...

  Roben doesn’t know how long it has been, he just feels very tired, maybe the whole process will not consume too much of his own strength, but...the tension and depression in his heart are very obvious

   If I fail this time, then I really don’t know what method I should use to retrieve my body. In this land, especially here, it should be the only clue left by my body.

Seeing yourself with your own eyes instead of looking at yourself in a mirror is also a strange experience.Looking at this familiar man in front of him, Robben feels his heart is beating. This is who he is, although this is not what he really is, but ...At least I have been like this for a hundred years...

   The body has been completely shaped, all the organs can work perfectly, the blood is flowing slowly, now... it's just a matter of giving this body the last life

   Luo Ben's divine mind trembled slightly, and the condensed body began to slowly collapse, turning into basic elements and scattered in the surrounding air, stepping forward, Robben turned back into the silver white phantom.

  It's still not, just see this time Robben clenched his fists and floated towards the body in front...

   is different from adsorbing elements, and also different from the attachment of soul to other things, Robben has a feeling of...wake up

   Looking at everything around me, I feel the coldness of my body, and experience the feeling that life seems to be slowly coming back from the gate of a ghost when it is about to disappear

  Roben’s joy cannot be expressed

  'S very happy

   Because Robben felt... hurt

The body was very stiff, like a corpse dragged out of an ice coffin. Robben felt very cold, but at the beginning, he didn't feel anything at all. Robben was pleased to know that his body Is slowly recovering, slowly regaining consciousness, the temperature is picking up a little bit, I...resurrected again

When there was a warm feeling in his arm, Robben gently raised his hand and touched his face. This was the first time that he had a feeling of attachment to his body. It's really uncomfortable...

  Roben lay here with peace of mind, his heart was at ease, slowly waiting for his life to repeat the process of Su, which made Robben very excited...

   Twisting his neck, twisting his butt, Robben didn’t know how long he had been lying on the ground, and suddenly he realized that his body seemed to be much more flexible.

   got up from the ground, Robben realized that the body he had just formed was very dexterous and looked at his hands and feet. He jumped on the spot twice, and Robben nodded in satisfaction and succeeded.

   Although it is a body shaped out of thin air, it seems that it is no longer different from the original after being carefully crafted and attached to the soul.

   Long, Robben sighed, then laughed loudly\"The feeling of being alive...good"

   Fortunately, there are clothes in the ring, I just found a few that can be worn, and Robben put it on

After confirming that there is nothing serious about himself, but it takes a short time to adapt to the body, Robben lifted the surrounding magic enchantment layers, which made Robben happy to find that this body can already be used smoothly. Magic

   After opening the last layer of the shielding barrier, Robben was taken aback, because outside the barrier, a figure suddenly fell backwards and fell directly to the ground. It seems that he has been leaning on the barrier.

  \"Oh!" With a soft cry, the figure came into close contact with the ground without any reservation

   Robben reacted and ran over to help the figure up. "You, why did you get here? How do you know that I am here?"

   It was Yu who leaned on the outermost magic enchantment and fell to the ground.

You was very dissatisfied with patted the dust on his body, and said angrily, "Suddenly disappeared, how did I know what you were doing? I am very weak now, and my strength has not recovered. Of course I have to come to you, you But I was hiding inside and couldn't come out, so I had to wait outside"

   Robben scratched his head with embarrassment\"You, how long have you been waiting outside, I'm inside, and I haven't counted the time."

  \"Five days since I found here"

   It's been so long, but I didn't even notice the passage of time...

   helped You stand up, Robben said with a smile\"You, I did not expect that I have blessed so many magic enchantments, you can still find here, although you haven't fully recovered your strength, is it still quite powerful?"

\"It has nothing to do with being great or not, we have...have been fused, and the mutual induction has become stronger. I only need to know that you are still in this land, and you have not unilaterally cut off the contact with me, I will always Know where you are"

  \"This is...Why can't I find you?" Robben was puzzled

You helpless sigh\"Although you are already the ruler here, but...obviously you will not use the ruler's many abilities in this land, let alone find me, even if you are getting information from other lives and environments Can't do it, you...still a hand ruler."

  \"Uh...this...it is indeed" Robben smiled hehe

  You looked at Robben up and down, and said with a sigh, "I didn't expect you to recover your body so soon. I was just guessing. I don't know if these clues can help you."

Speaking of this, Robben immediately became eager. "Especially, thanks to you this time, if it weren't for you, I really don't know where to find my body. I simply...Especially, do you have any desires to realize? I should be able to help you with many things now"

  \"Wish?" You tilted his head and fell silent

After a while, You shook his head.\"I...I don't seem to have any desires. I was born here in this land to prevent those outsiders from going deep into the void, and try my best to win the status of the land owner... Protecting my master status, besides...I...I have nothing else to do...

  You's answer somewhat surprised Robben, but Robben was relieved soon, strange life, there will always be a way of life that he thinks is strange

  \"You, then, as a ruler, I appoint you as the permanent master of this land"

  \"Huh?" You brows moved, \"Is this... your rule? It turns out that there is no such thing as a permanent master."

  \"At that time, I was not the ruler and we didn’t know each other, right? Now I have the final say, especially... you have saved me twice, and such things can’t repay your kindness at all.”

Especially hesitated and said slowly\"This...I am indeed the owner of this land with peace of mind, but...but you don't need to use this method, you should now understand that you are not only a ruler, but also... I'm also my fusion person, what I did to you... is all, they are all very common, I am your insurgency, you don't have to... always think like that..."

   Hearing this, Robben couldn't help but laughed, and interrupted Yu's words and said, "You, don't say these things that you feel embarrassing..."

  \"I...I don't have one"

\"Um~~No" Robben interrupted Yu again, \"You, you call me the ruler, you call me the fusion, but...you seem to show something commensurate only when you can remember these names The movements of the facial expressions, in normal times, you don’t treat me as those identities, it seems...No matter which identity you are, you shouldn’t speak to me in a tone of complaint and dissatisfaction. At least, you don’t even have respect... …"

  You suddenly stopped, lowered his head slightly, and said dullly, "Sorry, I..."

\"Ah, okay, okay, don’t look like this" Robben stretched out his hand and pulled Yu’s head straight up.\"I don’t like my friends who are always polite with me, especially me Seen as someone who is alienated, you saved my life, and before that, we were friends. Now, uh... we have also... fused, in short... we should be very Intimate relationship, not the relationship that requires respect and requires careful attention to each other. I understand it very clearly."

  \"This way...I'm very embarrassed." Even though he said so, Yu smiled

  \"Hehe, I don’t see the slightest embarrassment"

  \"That...well, everything is up to you, my ruler and fusion, and...friend"

  \"Well then to celebrate my birth, we will go back to eat"

  \"But didn't you say you ate all your food?" You looked at Robben in confusion


  \"But, especially, I still have a few bottles of wine left"

  \"Jiu" You's eyes seemed to immediately reveal a divine light...

   It seems that I might become a drunkard in the future... Hey...

   Wine is indeed a good thing, especially when they meet friends who like wine, Robben and You return to You’s cabin, Robben takes out the last few bottles of wine, and it is obvious that You’s eyes are shining...

  \"Um~~ Robben, are you there anymore? Cut your hands, cut your feet... Get the wine out..."

Half an hour later, You had already started to walk, leaning against Robben, pulling Robben's arm with one hand, placing Robben's hand in his mouth and biting...The other hand was still holding the last half. Bottle of wine, take a sip from time to time

   Robben smiled bitterly, but the last bottle in Yu's hand...

\"What, the last bottle... how could it be, you must be lying to me..." You put the empty bottle aside and clamped Robben's hand.\"If you don't give me wine, chop Your hand

   Robben sweats profusely, this won't really cut it? This may say that breaking the arms and legs of the nihilistic thing does not seem to be a big problem. Maybe in Yu's consciousness, cutting the hand of the ruler of himself may not hurt him...

\"You...this, I'm just born again, you just let it stay on me for two more days..." Robben tried his best to **** his hand from You's arms. Now his most precious thing is this pair. Body up

  \"Roben...I want to drink..." Although I lost Robben’s arm, he obviously didn’t want to give up and kept using Robben’s face on his head.

Robben was funny. He finally straightened Yu's body and said, "You, I'm really out of alcohol, but next time I come, I will bring you a lot of things. I will repair this house for you, for sure. Okay?"

  Yu blinked his eyes\"No alcohol?" Obviously Yu only heard the first half of Robben's words

   Robben laughed out loud, especially when he is drunk, he is also very cute\"Well, especially, drinking too much alcohol is not good, it will harm the body, and it also has side effects on restoring strength, so drink a moderate amount."

   To be honest, Robben was really afraid that You would become addicted to drinking, so he solemnly started to talk about alcohol to You

  \"Really?" You shook his head, as if he didn't believe it, then suddenly he smiled

   He tilted his body forward and directly hit Luo himself and pushed hard...Roben flew out on the spot and fell to the ground two meters away...

  \"Well... why is it a little different... I have used a lot of strength..." Seeing Robben fell to the ground, Yu seemed to feel that he didn't have a good grasp of strength.

   Robben wanted to cry without tears. After this woman was drunk, she couldn't even control her own power...

   Only when he sat up from the ground, Robben felt a chill on his body. You had already jumped on him, pressed himself down, and then started a body search, still muttering \"Wine...wine..."

   Hey Robben sighed, it seems that he accidentally cultivated an alcoholic

   Soon, Yu found that Luo himself had no wine on his own, and it was also very fast. You aimed at Robben's storage ring, pressed Robben's arm, and You snatched the ring...

   played with joy for a long time, Yu frowned, because Yuxian couldn’t take anything out of this ring.

  \"Roben..." You's voice was full of grievances, Robben got up here, and was pushed to the ground by You...

  \"There is wine in it, right, right?" You put your head against Robben's chin

  \"You...really gone..." Robben really wanted to cry...

  \"Hmm..." You stopped and looked at Robben with some doubts. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something and smiled...

   turned his head and put the ring on Robben’s finger, and Yu immediately turned around

  The voice is a bit sweet, and You whispered softly.\"Roben, you said it was good... and it made me find it so hard..."

  \"Huh? Say...say what?" Robben wondered

  \"Hehe" You smiled with a bit of pride, \"You...want to merge, don't you?" Saying that You smiled again, smiling as if he had guessed the other party's thoughts.

  \"Hey?" Robben suddenly understood, and hurriedly said\"You, no, there is really no alcohol."

  \"That... I will give You Jiu later, or else, chop your hands and feet." You bared his teeth and threatened Robben a little funny

  \"You, listen to me" Robben hurriedly stretched out his hand to prop up Yu's body, but was stunned that his hand penetrated directly into Yu's body

  You trembled, but said with a smile, "I haven't said yet... I can't wait..."

Leaning his head on Robben’s chest, You Hehe smiled and said, "Actually...it’s nothing wrong...Although I failed to lose the position of the master before, but the two opponents were not non-schizophrenic. This is... it's the first time to merge, it seems... it feels good, hehe... if you want to, I won't refuse"

   Robben felt that Yu's body was sinking slowly, and slowly disappearing into his body...

  \"Wine, wine..." In the end, You seemed to be reminding Robben, and then snorted slightly. His whole body slowly melted and disappeared...

Robben did not intend to show any special relationship with You. Because of this fusion, it seems that in Yu's life system and the love between the partners he knows are completely different things, but from his position, Robben I feel like I should do something for You, no matter what you are merging, you can save yourself one after another, this kindness is not rewarded

   But now... the situation seems to have changed [Dzi Bead]...

   Robben felt that Yu seemed very happy, very excited... I don't know if it is the effect of alcohol, but...

  If the intention of this fusion is not from the instinct to save oneself and a kind of division from a controlled position, then...there is some problem...

   The feeling of fusion is strong and stimulating. Although it is the same fusion, Robben feels that compared with the first time, Yu's body elements are more active in his body, and he is actively in contact and communication with himself...

   Robben felt the pleasure of ascending to heaven... Robben had a very strong feeling. At this time, especially all of his own, every single cent... all of his own

It was a bit difficult, Robben ended this intense communication ahead of time, Yu's body was slowly recondensed, and slowly emerged from the surface of his body, seeing Yu's seemingly lazy face slowly from his chest It emerged that Robben was a little unimaginable for a moment, and such weird things would happen to him.

  You still looked very excited, lying on Luo himself, gently twisting his body, but still saying the word "wine...wine..."

  \"You..." Robben took a breath, and gently pulled Yu's body up so that he could see her face clearly

This is the first time that you have carefully observed Yu's face at such a close distance. According to the standards of a human or demons, although Yu's body shape can only see some outlines, it is very beautiful. Luo could be sure of this


   The body is pulled up, you don't care, still yelling for drinking

  \"Yu..." Robben had to gently grab Yu's waist to prevent her from twisting back and forth like a prank

\"Huh?" You finally had some reaction. Looking at Robben from a distance of a few centimeters, it seemed a little bit stunned. Then he smiled and banged his forehead directly on Robben’s forehead, with the tip of his nose against the tip of his nose. Said to Robben\"Roben, where is the wine... you promised..."

  \"You, there is no wine, really no more..." Robben explained patiently

  \"Um...then we will continue to blend until there is wine..."

  \"Wait you wait for you to listen to me" Seeing Yu's body outline seems to be starting to blur again, Robben hurriedly stopped

  \"What's the matter? This time is very short...I don't like...It's all you are not good..." You have a little coquettish voice in your voice

   This is going to be like this... Robben sweats

  \"You, listen to me first, you will have wine after you finish talking."

   This sentence was immediate, and You suddenly stopped making no noise or noisy\"Um... Robben, you said..."

   Robben is sweating again

  \"You, uh...I want to know, if you...if you really don’t have alcohol, would you...willing to merge with me?"

  \"Um~~? Is there any?" Especially seemingly confused by Robben's words

  \"You, you answer me first" Robben said very seriously

\"What is the problem... Obviously it should be you who want to blend with me, so I have to ask... Really..." You lowered his head and started pushing Robben's chin again. This seems to have become Yu's entertainment project

  \"Uh...you, I mean, um...I still...like to merge with you, don't know...do you like it?"

  \"Unpleasant question" You snorted, pushing Robben's chin hard

  \"Uh...that is, did you like it?" Robben probably guessed the answer

Particularly frowning vigorously, and said a little annoyed, "Don't ask if you know it, it feels weird... It's... um... In short, it's not annoying, I like it a little bit, but still It's not all you take advantage, I own everything, but you are none mine, um... wine..."

   looks especially confused

   Luo Ben sighed in his heart, is this...is it the feeling of this strange life?

  You seem to like yourself, but... this kind of like seems to be different from the like between humans and demons, and it may also be mixed with the insurgents’ favor and obedience to the fusion.

   But... You seem to really like herself better. At least when she knows some things, she is still willing to merge with herself. Hey... It's really strange.

  Roben didn't expect that after he reshaped his body, he would be quite different from Yu's form of existence, but this kind of fusion has been able to proceed, and the induction has obviously increased.

  \"Wine...wine..." murmured, but Yu fell asleep in a daze. It seems that the wine is a masterpiece, and the fusion just now consumes a lot of her energy.

   Robben sighed, took You back to her blanket, covered the towel, and sat alone.

   I don’t know how long it took, Robben felt there was movement behind him, and Yu woke up, but Robben turned around, and now Yu immediately began to pretend to sleep again

   What is this for? A string of question marks popped out of Robben's head

  \"You, wake up" Robben simply stepped forward and pushed You to think that you should wake up this time

  You did wake up, but he didn't get up. Instead, he turned around, turned his face away, shrank his body, and ignored Robben

   what's wrong

  \"You, what's wrong?" Robben leaned forward strangely, \"You?"

  \"Ah" yelled, You suddenly jumped up, grabbed Robben by the collar, and shocked Robben.

  \"You...you, what are you doing?" Looking at the two angry flames in your eyes, Robben is a little bit unclear.

  \"Roben, you bastard, ‘what the **** is wine, what did you drink for me?"

   Robben smiled innocently, "That's wine, it's just a drink"

  \"Then why...why after I drink it will...it will be...just like that" especially yelled

   You drink too much. I have advised you eight hundred times. Didn’t you listen to me... Robben is slanderous

   But Robben knew that even if he explained it was useless, he had emphasized it countless times, but You never heard the same, and explained to an angry woman what was originally a wrong thing

  \"Yu, that's not a bad thing, I drank it too" Robben felt... he still has to say something

  \"Yeah, you drank it too, and then I became like that, but you didn’t respond, and after that...you just...I just...just take the initiative for the sake of wine...you **** bastard"

  \"But...you said you like that very much"

  \"That...Which is...because I drank the wine you gave me" You immediately stuttered, but his voice became louder

   Robben looked at You, and suddenly he chuckles, smiling very happily

  \"What are you laughing at?"

   reached out his hand, Robben took Yu's arm and pulled her over, Yu was shocked immediately\"What are you doing?"

  Looking at Yuna's somewhat humble face up close, Robben said with a smile\"Yu, I'm leaving"

  \"What?" You immediately showed a look even more surprised than before, \"Are you leaving? Where are you going?"

  \"I am an outsider, I am going back to my original world, where there are still my friends waiting for me"

  \"But...but...but you are already the ruler here, how can you leave?"

  \"It doesn’t matter whether it’s the ruler or not, even if it’s the owner of a certain place, there are times when I go out to play, right? Besides, I didn’t belong here originally.”

  \"That...but you..." Especially for a while, he couldn't find any good reason, his face was stiff

   Robben shook Yu's body slightly\"You, don't you want me to go?"

  \"Of course" You answered quickly, but immediately said\"I just thought, you are the ruler here, uh...and..."

  \"It's still your fusion and friend, right?" Robben answered

   After holding back for a long time, Youcai said loudly\"Yes, but what's wrong with this?"

   Robben replied softly, "There is nothing wrong with this, especially I like you very much, I like to be with you, I like to sit together like this, I like to eat together, I like the feeling of being with you."

  \"You...what did you say? I..."

  \"You like it too" Robben said affirmatively

  \"I...I'm going to kill you" You jumped up like a runaway

  \"You, I really want to leave, so I want to talk to you, sit down, okay?" Robben looked at You quietly, smiled and patted the position beside him

  You stared, seemed to want to yell at something, but looked at Robben's appearance, but didn't know what to say for a while, snorted, and sat down angrily

  \"I'm not so cheap and I took the initiative to find you to merge, but you gave me something called wine" You mumbled

Robben didn’t care about Yu’s attitude, thought for a while, and slowly said, "You, although we are not the same kind of life, but what I want to have is the same. In our life, if we have a certain individual If you have a relationship like fusion and a relationship that can grow harmoniously, we just say that they are a pair of partners"

  \"Partner?" You murmured, seemingly puzzled

\"Yes, they are often together, help each other, care for each other, pay for each other, and do not ask for anything in return. There is no exchange of benefits between them. This relationship is a relationship purely like each other from the heart." Luo Ben explained as much as possible

  \"Will there be such a thing?" Especially, he doubted what Robben said.

   is not the same kind of life, there is no common language in some places... Robben smiled helplessly in secret

  \"Especially, if your fusionists do not want to dominate you, but get along well with you, then what kind of relationship do you think you should be?"

\"This... you suddenly asked me... I also... uh... that's what you said, although it is unlikely that you don't want to dominate, but if this happens, it is business as usual, what should I do What to do" You shrugged

  \"You...don't you want to stay with the Fusion?" Robben asked, blinking

  \"No", especially affirmative answer, very fast

   Hey...still a dishonest girl...

  You should like to be with yourself, but this is not love, maybe just out of interest, as for fusion... You are really shy, but it seems that it is not the same thing as a human woman who is shy to mention men and women.

  You like to be with yourself and accept the fusion with yourself. The rest... seems to be gone... Feelings, You seem to have no idea that Robben's vague feeling is like this...

  Ok...it seems to be a gentle and gentle method for You.

   Robben turned around and grabbed Yu's shoulders." Yu, you answer me seriously now, when we merged, did you like it or not?"

   You opened his mouth suddenly, his face was surprised, and then angry

   Robben clenched his hands and insisted on asking\"Eu, I want you to answer truthfully, I solemnly want you to answer truthfully"

  \"You..." I seem to be crying

  \"Answer" Robben continued to ask

   After a long time, when Robben thought Yu was about to slash himself violently, You snorted fiercely, tilted his head to Lingwa's side, and shouted, "What's wrong with that? This doesn't mean anything"

   Robben nodded with a big smile\"That's it."

  \"It's all right? What's it all right?" You squinted his eyes in confusion

Robben slowed down and said very sincerely, "You, I like you very much. You are very kind. When I was about to die, you saved me. I still don’t think you have to do that. And you fell into weakness for this, and you were almost taken away by others. You, I am alive now, I am very moved, I don't know how to thank you

  You suddenly felt a little at a loss\"What...what are you doing? Suddenly saying this...I..."

\"Eu, our relationship is very close now, I like to be with you, so I want to know, what you hated originally, but will it change for me, now I know, we like each other, so That's it"

\"You...say something strange so suddenly, I...I don't particularly like it, but...but if you want, I won't refuse it, that's it. That's it." You's head is almost crooked One hundred and eighty degrees, completely ignore Robben’s words"

Robben looked at You and smiled softly.In this case, even if the relationship is temporarily determined, although it is not a lover relationship, but he seems to have done some psychologically responsible things, so he can't be fooled. At least know your own mind

  \"Eu, my body has recovered now, and I must leave this place immediately and return to my world. The friends there must be anxious, but I will come back to see you soon, okay?"

  \"Out there, are your friends too?" You frowned

  Roben nodded\"Well, but you are the only one here"

  You smiled\"Um... well, I didn't have to stop you from leaving, but... when you come back, I will bring me your food."

  \"Sure, uh... what about the wine?" Robben joked

  \"You...um...whatever you want, I can't stop it..." You hum

\"Hehe, I see, then I won’t waste time, especially, I will order those guys to serve you well, when I’m not in this land, you are the acting ruler, you can heal your wounds with peace of mind "

  \"Agent...Agent ruler me?" The boss with your mouth open

  \"Of course who makes us good friends" Robben laughed

  \"That...that's good, I will reluctantly agree" especially obviously overwhelmed

  \"Um that...bye bye, Yu"

  \"Well, come back earlier".


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