God Prohibitions

Chapter 834: Stand

  Walking out a long way, Robben looked back, and You still stood in front of the door and looked at himself. Seeing that he looked back, he immediately raised both hands and waved. I don't know what it meant.

   Strange life, Robben turned to move on

This trip to the Void Land has yielded something, but this gain is rather unexpected. I originally wanted to find some clues to my own mission, but now it seems that I have not obtained these, um...or with my own The task is related, but...now I still can’t figure it out

   Robben walked back, recalling his experience during this time in his heart

What happened to You was an accident, no longer in his own harvest, and the inexplicable ruler had disappeared for his own reasons.Although the specific principle Robben is not clear now, it is certain that he is close. In his process, he collapsed, and the world he created disappeared together, leaving only the periphery of the Void Land, which has supported the residual power of this part of the world, and he is the successor of this power, the Void Land's ruler

Almost all beings in the Void Land can make the gem that the Black Emperor of the Demon Realm gave him a red light, and their mental memory seems to have traces of the war between gods and demons, that kind of anger, that kind of sadness and rage... …

Now I feel the clearest is the memory of the ruler. Perhaps this is because he left his last power to himself before disappearing, and at the same time conveyed some of the reasons for the memory. Robben was able to read some non-God wars. Memory, but it's much vague in comparison, and obviously incomplete

Robben guessed that the war between gods and demons left a deep impression on the ruler, so it was kept so clearly and completely.Even when he was about to disappear, this memory was so clear, but other things , Seems to have been lost as he dissipated

Vaguely, you can see some incomplete and fuzzy pictures. After searching carefully, Robben feels that this ruler shouldn't always stay in the void, because in the incomplete memory fragments, Robben found a relatively clear picture of memory.On it, there was an image of Demon King Arthur, and it seemed that Demon King Arthur was talking to this ruler, and there was no such thing on his face to the lower demons. Majesty and arrogance

  From this point of view, this ruler at least knows Arthur, and his status is not low, at least not much lower than that

   And he wants to destroy the world...The reason is because he was born in destruction, just like his own source, born in destruction

  What exactly is this destruction? Does it refer to the original Demon Realm, or something in the original Demon Realm, or something in this Demon Realm, or simply nonsense

   Hey... It's a mess Robben feels like a mess in his mind. There is still no clue about his mission in this world, but one thing is almost certain.

This ruler, it seems that it should not be his goal.He can feel his own existence. After approaching, he is like this, and he wants to kill himself in order to protect himself.In this case, it is impossible to gain his trust. It is impossible to approach things. It turns out that the Black Emperor confessed to him to survive carefully, find the target, approach him, and completely gain trust, and then show him the gem. From this point of view, the ruler seems to be not Meets the requirements

   And... it seems that when the black emperor here approaches the gem, the gem's reaction becomes more intense

   Robben sighed softly, and finally... I still have to go back and think about getting close to the Black Emperor, that is... I have to go back and train those little monster-like witches...

\"I don’t know when this kind of thing will end. When will the war between gods and demons come?” Robben really hopes that the war between gods and demons will come sooner. In that case, his chance should be Will be more

   Looking back, you can't see Yu's shadow anymore, and Yu's small broken houses disappeared from sight. Robben turned around and flew away, toward the hazy halo of the sky ahead.

   Soon, Robben came to the door of the void

   There is no slight change here [天珠变], countless emptiness is crowded here, and various colors of halo flicker on their bodies, here is like a long river of light in front of them

   Going back this time, without the slightest obstruction, these nihilistic things no longer ignored Robben as they did before, but silently gave way to Robben, which seemed very respectful.

  When I came to the level where there would be guards at any time, the surrounding nothingness was distorted, and hundreds of nothingness guards appeared at once.

   Robben wondered, is he going to do it this time?

   However, I saw that these emptiness were quickly patted into two rows, and all the surrounding emptiness was dispersed, forming a channel. The emptiness guard gently bent over and collectively bowed to Luo Ben.

   Robben smiled slightly, it seems that after becoming the ruler, the treatment is really different

  \"Good comrades, comrades have worked hard." Robben yelled, feeling very happy

  Since these emptiness no longer affect his degree, Robben flew directly, and the emptiness flying in the sky in front of him seemed to have received some order, and he automatically gave way to the sky.

   Passing through this vast and emptiness community, Robben saw the world outside the door

   Although I was very excited in my heart, I can say that I have lived and died in the emptiness, and now I am back intact. Robben feels that life is really beautiful, but...

   Luoben was a little puzzled, how come all the nothingness that rushed to the safe area violently?

   Now Robben can clearly judge the distance of the void. At the safe distance that the Demon Hunting Fair originally said, there is no longer the void that had passed by.

   Could it be that time has passed for a long time, and all the emptiness has returned to the door? Robben was very puzzled in the emptiness. Due to the power of the emptiness that changes all the time [天珠变], even the magic hourglass could not work normally, and there was no marker for judging time in that place, Robben I don’t even know how they calculate time

  Self, have you been there for a long time?

Now that I calculate it myself, the main time is to go to Lingdu from Yu, and then stay in Lingdu for a short period of time, and then come back. I was anxious to go back to Nalan, but didn't stay there any longer. In total, it seems... less than half a month... Robben himself is not very sure.

   After flying forward for a short time, a small black spot appeared in Robben's sight. Robben knew that he had already seen the giant warrior.

   When Robben fell from the sky, he saw full shock on the face of the giant warrior

   This demon warrior, who seems to have been standing here since the beginning of the world, is holding the huge sword, and the blue veins in the hand of the huge sword jump up one by one, the unkempt beard and head on his face are almost entangled together

  \"Are you... actually alive?"

   Robben couldn’t help but laughed \"Senior, I am back, thanks to you, I am not dead"

This giant warrior stared at Robben steadily and kept shaking his head.\"Unbelievable...unbelievable, I never thought you could come back alive at this time. I thought you were dead, but I didn't expect, How can you... come back without injury?"

  \"I would like to thank seniors for their reminders. If seniors hadn't reminded me to defend first and then attack, maybe I would die as soon as I entered."

\"A miracle is a miracle... I don’t know how many years have passed since I was a guard here. I didn’t expect to see such a miracle. I think I am the warrior who knows the nihility best, but... I have never Staying in the door world for so long"

  \"So...long?" Robben's eyebrows couldn't help but jumped, \"Senior, the time inside is not so easy to calculate, I don't know...how long have I been in?"

  \"Hmm? Don’t you know?" Seeing Robben asked about this, the giant demon warrior seemed puzzled

  \"Senior, in the void, the magic hourglass that calculates time often makes many mistakes. Sometimes, the sand will even flow and flow. I really... don't know how long I have stayed in it."

   The giant warrior groaned slightly, reached into his arms, and took out a magic hourglass. The small magic hourglass was held in his hand like a small toy

  Roben glanced at the hourglass, and saw that it was engraved with various patterns. It was completely different from the ordinary magic hourglass only for some time markings. It seems that it should be a prop that can record time in one direction for a long time.

  \"One hundred and fifty-three days since you left me and now you come back, it’s the one hundred and fiftieth day." The giant warrior looked at the hourglass carefully, and then replied

  \"One hundred... one hundred... Fifty-three days" Robben stood on the spot suddenly, doesn't it mean that it has been almost half a year since he entered and returned

  \"This...senior, you won’t...you won’t be mistaken. I feel inside...as if I only stayed for a month, maybe even half a month."

   The giant warrior directly put away the hourglass in his hand and said, "This magic hourglass was customized before I planned to come here. It has been following me for thousands of years and has never made a mistake."

  \"Uh...this...this is the case..." All Robben's words were immediately blocked.

   I was surprised that he had been wandering in the void for half a year. Suddenly Robben remembered something and couldn't help but feel cold.

  \"Senior" Robben asked loudly\"When I entered the door, did anyone come to me, especially...especially a few young witches?"

   The giant warrior raised his hand and touched his beard, and smiled slightly.\"You mean, that witch named Nalan"

  Roben's heart jumped, Nalan really came, this is really bad

  \"Yes, senior, besides her, there are a few more, they are together"

   The giant warrior shook his head\"I only saw her, hehe, to be honest, I didn't expect that a race like the witch could step into the void. When she came here, she was already bruised and dying."

Robben felt that a certain string in his heart was flicked severely. Nalan had never been to the land of nothingness, and definitely no one wanted her to die, so... if Nalan had been there, it would most likely be After getting off everyone, she broke in alone by herself, that means... she didn't know the safer road at all. If she went wrong, she might have passed through the dense area of ​​the void before arriving. Here, for the current Nalan, this is no different from seeking death

   Robben felt that his voice couldn't stop trembling\"Senior...that...then she, where is she now?"

The Peerless Warrior curled up his beard and said with a little nostalgia\"It's the first time I have seen such a witch. To be honest, I am surprised that she actually managed to break through with her own strength all the way. This is even... It’s close to my level when I wanted to come here."

\"Senior" Robben interrupted the giant warrior's emotion loudly,\"Where is she? Did she... go to the door?" When asked this sentence, Robben felt completely empty. If you go further in, then...

  The giant warrior can't help but frown.\"Even the witch you like, as a powerful warrior, your reaction seems to be too intense. For women, are you too important to look at?"

  \"She is my relative, senior, I ask you to tell me where she is now? Don't... talk nonsense"

   The giant warrior was very surprised by Robben’s reaction\"Family? It surprised me."

  \"Pre..." Robben gritted his teeth

The giant warrior carelessly touched his weedy beard and said, "Don't worry, I am here, in addition to practicing, I naturally have to stop those brainless little ghosts from entering, so as to prevent them from dying in vain. Your witch was lucky. Although she went astray and broke into the crowded area of ​​nothingness, she finally turned around. She was lost, but... she still met me, which means she 'S journey is over"

  \"Uh..." Robben looked at the giant in a daze, and for a moment there was a feeling of loss of strength

Slowly, Robben let out a breath in his chest, then quickly patted his face with his hand, and said apologetically to the giant, "Senior, I'm very sorry, I was rude just now, but can you tell me? , Where is she now?"

  \"She has gone back" the giant warrior answered briefly

  \"Go back?" This answer was a bit beyond Robben's expectation. According to Nalan’s character, he wouldn’t give up even if he didn’t find himself. How could he go back?

\"Well, I left her, hehe, the little guy knew I was forbidden to move forward, and he attacked me, um...it’s been a long time since I started with the witch." The giant warrior had a funny face on his face. look

   Robben suddenly became a little nervous\"Senior, you..."

  \"Naturally, I wouldn’t put a heavy hand on a witch, not to mention that even if I didn’t care about her at that time, she wouldn’t be able to live long. By the time she came here, she was already weak enough to resist the power of nothingness."

  \"Then she..."

\"I stunned her. I had fulfilled my duties in this way. I was not obligated to send her back. If she insisted on going forward, she would still be kept until she was emptied here. The force is completely shredded"

  \"What?" Robben was shocked

  \"But... it seems that your face is not small. Not long after the witch came, the kid named Ke Ke Luo chased after her and took her back. Now... she should be safe."

  \"Kokoro...is it him?" Robben immediately thought of the young mage who was polite and respectful to himself

  \"Well, it is indeed him, and I now feel... At the temporary station on the border, it seems that there is still someone who has not left, I don’t know if it is them."

  \"Did not leave?" Robben's heart suddenly became hot, \"It must be Nalan"

Turning around, Robben ran straight in the direction he was going back, but immediately stopped and turned to salute the giant warrior respectfully.\"Senior, thank you for saving Nalan, and for your reminder when I entered the door, I must remember your kindness in my heart"

\"Hahaha..." Actually the soldier burst into laughter.\"Roben...Haha, you are very good. I have never seen anyone enter the door for such a long time. I can feel that... you have become stronger. It has become a lot stronger. If we have the opportunity, we can compare each other."


   Robben heard a slight crisp sound in his ears, and he was surprised to find that the giant stone sword held in the hands of the giant warrior had a crack open, and a small light came out from the crack.

  In an instant, a torrent of majestic pressure rushed over like a violent wind.

   This giant warrior, is his sword in that stone, that stone is just a shell? Robben was surprised. If this is the case, then this guy has obviously mastered the method of absorbing elements in the world within the door, and he can also transform the elements into other forms.

   This giant warrior feels more powerful than he feels

  \"Senior, I naturally dare not. Now I have something to do, so I won’t talk to seniors here any more and say goodbye." Robben stood there, his body motionless, and he was not shaken by the pressure released by this soldier.

\"Ahahahaha" The giant warrior laughed again, his voice was like rolling thunder, \"Ok...I usually scare those little ghosts when I get serious, you are not afraid, it is already very good, if you have a chance, come back Find me"

   Robben was sweating slightly. After the giant said this, the cracked part of the huge sword slowly recovered.

   Without a trace, he repaired the cracks with the elements of the ground. If this guy returns to the demon world, he will definitely be a monster-level existence.


Robben saluted the giant warrior once again and turned to leave.Roben could probably estimate that he should be able to defeat the giant in the Void Land, because all the elements of the Void Land can be controlled by himself, although it is still very different. Proficiency, if you return to the Demon Realm and leave the void... Then I don’t know how many tricks I can go through under the hands of this giant warrior.

   thought of Nalan in his heart, Robben sprinted all the way, and soon, the temporary residence that had been established before the hunting event gradually appeared in Robben's sight

   There used to be twenty-four warriors sent by the Demon King, and the luxurious temporary buildings surrounded it, but now...you can't see anything...

   Everyone is gone? The temporary resident in front of Robben is already empty, and he can't help frowning. If this is the case, what about Nalan and the others?

   flew forward again, and Robben could not help but suddenly lifted up

   On the original site of the temporary station in front, although all the tall buildings have disappeared, in the wind and sand, there is a very inconspicuous tent standing there.

   That is obviously my own tent

   Besides, beside the tent, a slender figure stood there, standing there quietly...

   From a few months ago, the wind began to blow in the void, sometimes soft, like a beauty's hand slowly passing by, sometimes violent, like a roaring beast

   But, everything, for Nalan, doesn’t make any sense...

   Wind, gently dragging Nalan's slender silk in the air, this young witch with a boyish grin almost every day, she can no longer laugh anymore.

Nalan stood in the wind, letting the blowing sand hit her body, the dust wrapped in her clothes, as if she had just crawled out of the soil, Nalan's eyes and the three-color pupils looked dim on the edge of this void, but ...But persistently looking ahead

   Tears... already drained...

  \"Sister Nalan, go back and rest for a while...sir, he might be back in a while."

   A figure appeared beside Nalan, a hand gently held Nalan's shoulder, Bazaar with a haggard face gently persuaded Nalan

  Nalan didn't speak, her eyes didn't move, she stood here quietly

   Bazaar bit her lip and whispered, "Nalan, don't do this, if you come back and see you like this, you will definitely feel distressed"

  Nalan remained indifferent and stood quietly

  \"Nalan, don't...don't do this..." Bazaar hugged Nalan lightly, her voice a little out of touch, she couldn't help but sniffed

   Slowly, Nalan raised his hands and hands, hugged Bazaar, and said in a hoarse and stiff voice, "It's okay...Go back, I'm here...wait for him"

  \"Nalan..." Bazaar almost prayed

  \"The master is okay... it's okay..."

  \"Nalan, if your lord is okay, you will naturally go back. You will go back with me first to see the patriarch, and then we will find a way, OK?"

  \"No" Nalan firmly refused,\"You stay here and let the other sisters go back to report and discuss, don't you want to stay here and wait?"

   Bazaar suddenly suffocated, and the hand holding Nalan slowly tightened and tightened, and then... Bazaar cried

  \"Nalan, what shall we do? The master is gone...we...I never thought of such a thing"

  \"The master is okay, it’s okay..." Nalan Machinery repeated


  \"No but" Nalan roared, and immediately blocked Harper’s words back

  Nalan tried his best to control, but he was still very excited and said, "Our contract is still there, and the space magic left by the master is still there. This proves that the master is fine, the master will come back, yes."

With his fists clenched tightly, Nalan’s voice was filled with incomparable hatred\"Why are we a witch, such a weak witch, only I among us can barely step into the land of nothingness, but... It's very difficult to survive, let alone find the owner, why? Damn witch, damn, damn, damn," Nalan shouted hoarsely

  \"Nalan, calm down" Bazaar quickly grabbed Nalan's crazy waving hands

   Gasping for breath, Nalan looked at Bazaar and sighed weakly. "It's okay... Bazaar, you go back, I want to be quiet"

Bazaar is very distressed.Although Nalan is the strongest, and is usually a way to give orders to all the witches, Nalan is the youngest, and everyone actually spoils her. Now, this is my favorite. The little girl has completely changed her appearance. Every day, except for standing here in a daze, she is hysterical. If she is not here, she does not know if she can live.

  \"Nalan, let's go back to eat something and come out again, okay?"

  Naran did not respond, and has returned to the state it was at the beginning

  \"Nalan, you have not eaten for five days. The last time it was twelve days ago, you only ate a little bit. If this goes on, your dying adult won’t want you to be like this."

\"I... won't die" Nalan's eyes stared at the direction of the void, \"I can't die, I have to wait for the master to know my situation, I won't die... I am In order to live, I didn't go in to find the master. All I can do is wait... Bazaar, do you want to stop me like this?"

   Bazaar only shook her head helplessly, now it's useless to say anything

  \"Nalan, then I am here to accompany you, I will not speak, okay?"

  Naran no longer reacts...

   The wind began to become violent, and the sand that was rolling on the ground raged everywhere, and the two thin figures were quickly covered in the wind and sand...


   Bazaar was taken aback, because Nalan next to him suddenly screamed

  \"Nalan, what's wrong?"

  \"Master Master Master" Nalan Zhuangruo frantically began to shout

  \"Nalan, calm down, calm down" Bazaar had to step forward and hold Nalan again

  \"Bazaar" Nalan yelled, \"It’s the owner is the owner." Nalan struggled desperately, but for a few months he barely got into the water, and Nalan didn’t have much energy anymore.

  \"Nalan, please calm down first, first calm down" Seeing Nalan start to be mad again, Bazaar's heart is like a knife, this powerful witch may soon be mad

  \"Let go of my Bazaar, you **** is the master, the master is back" Nalan twisted his body desperately to get out of Bazaar's control

  \"Nalan, please don’t do this, don’t..." Bazaar shed tears again, maybe... Nalan’s appearance now is her own future


  Nalan suddenly screamed, shook her head, and slammed into the face of Bazaar. Bazaar was cold and cold, and was knocked away. Nalan turned and ran, and went straight to the void.

\"Nalan is back" Bazaar suddenly flew away. Now Nalan's physical condition has been extremely bad. The injury suffered a few months ago was not good at all, and it has almost been getting worse. Now it has entered the land of nothingness. Yu Zixun

After a pause, a layer of silver light surged on Bazaar's body, and he rushed forward like lightning, and when the probe hand grabbed it, it unexpectedly caught a hole.Nalan has turned into a phantom and flew forward eagerly go with

  \"Nalan" Bazaar yelled, and the heart had already mentioned her throat, Nalan had no strength anymore. At this time, if she used her strength forcibly, it would only reduce the few lives left.

   With a bite of silver teeth, Bazaar chased it out directly\"If there is no hope, then die here like this"

   Anxiously chased forward, and gradually, Bazaar felt the force that seemed to radiate from the body in the void. This force was pulling her body irresistibly, as if she was about to tear herself apart

   But now Bazaar doesn’t have time to care about it. Nalan’s situation is much worse than himself.

  If the adult really did not die, if Nalan died in the void at this time, after the adult came back, it would be hard to apologize for himself

   When I think of this, Bazaar feels a numb scalp, her heart is turned, she directly gives up the protection of her body, uses all her strength to advance, and chases forward like lightning.

   The wind and sand began to become more violent, and I couldn't see anything from fifty meters ahead. Bazaar felt extremely anxious, and Nalan had completely disappeared.

   My lord is missing, and now even Nalan is missing, Bazaar feels crazy desperate


   Just when Bazaar didn’t know what to do with herself, suddenly, there were intermittent crying in the wind and sand

   For an instant, Bazaar had a strange feeling, the body was shocked by this feeling a little trembling, this... should be Nalan's cry

   Since Nalan rushed into the land of nothingness a few months ago, and was later brought back by the Kokoro gang, Nalan has not entered the land of nothingness again, and at the same time, he has not cried...

   The crying sound seemed to be not far in front of him, passing through the wind and sand into his ears, where Nalan cried again

   Bazaar did not know why she slowed down, and walked slowly forward, Bazaar seemed to be blocking something in her heart, in front of it... as if there was something that scared me... but something that I desperately desire

  The wind was calling out in the ear, and gradually, Nalan's figure emerged in the sand

   Bazaar shook her body, her feet were a little soft, she almost didn't fall, her eyes widened, she stared at the front completely stupidly

  Nalan was crying, lying in a person's arms and crying loudly, that person gently patted Nalan on the back, as if saying something with laughter

   Tears welled up in the eyes again, Bazaar finally knew what she was afraid of. What she was afraid of was that she couldn’t see the scene now.


   raised his head slightly, Robben smiled apologetically\"Sorry, Bazaar, I'm back late"

\"grown ups"

   Bazaar, who is usually mature and prudent, cried out with a "wow", plunged into Robben's arms, and cried loudly with Nalan...

   Robben gently hugged the two witches, sad and gratified, and it's okay, Nalan and Bazaar are still fine...

  In Robben’s small tent, Nalan was wrapped in a blanket, lying on Robben’s lap and fell asleep deeply. The endless love and fear in the past few months has drained all the energy of this young witch

   There was a fire in front of Luo Ben, and a small pot was driving on it, and the cheongsam was turned over in the pot, and the smell of meat wafted out from it. On the opposite side, there was a Bazaar with swollen eyes like two peaches.

Robben lifted the lid of the small pot, smelled it, nodded, and closed the lid again. He looked helplessly at Bazaar, who was opposite to him. When he came back, Bazaar stared at him like this. My tears haven't stopped till now

   staring tightly, staring at...

   sighed, Robben patted the place next to him and said, "Bazaar, come here"

   Bazaar burst into tears, almost directly on Luo himself, and said with a trembling \"Sir...I..."

   Robben patted Bazaar on the back lightly.\"Bazaar, I’m really sorry, I didn’t expect it to be so long. During this time, you have worked hard, it seems that taking care of Nalan must be very tired."

   Bazaar shook her head desperately and kept wiping tears

  \"Hey, look at how you cried, you won’t be pretty if you cry again" Robben laughed and joked

  \"Anyway, it doesn’t matter if you are beautiful or not, even the ugly adults won’t drive me away..." Bazaar began to wipe Robben’s clothes as a tear cloth

   After crying very fiercely for a long time, Bazaar finally stopped her tears, slowly lifted her head from Robben's arms, sniffed her nose and said, "Okay...well, I shouldn't cry anymore..."

   Robben raised his hand and wiped the tears from Bazaar’s face\"Sorry..."

   Bazaar shook his head again\"No... we are useless, we can't follow the adults. Here, the adults must be worried..."

Robben smiled and kissed Bazaar’s pink cheek and said, "You are all very important relatives to me. I have always worked hard for me to have relatives like you who are worthy of my worry. For me, it couldn’t be better"

It was the first time that Robben was held in his arms like this, and he was kissed. Bazaar's face suddenly became red with fire, and she stammered, "Well...big...sir, if you can, let it go. Drive me..."

   Robben sweats slightly\"Ah, then... let go of your hand a little, Bazaar"

   Bazaar realized that she was holding Robben tightly, and jumped up as if he was bitten by a cat, Robben smiled.

   Although she is shy, Bazaar is still reluctant to leave here. It seems as if he is afraid that Robben is disappearing suddenly, Bazaar sits beside Robben

   But before that, Bazaar walked around Nalan's side, and then lay down and whispered something in a low voice. Robben seemed to vaguely hear something like ‘Just hugged it...

   The flame licked the bottom of the pot, Robben's broth was ready, Bazaar was holding a small bowl and eating happily

  \"Bazaar, how about the others? Why are you two still here?" Robben noticed that now in this tent, not only Bazaar and Nalan are left, but even the luggage and utensils are only two of them.

\"Nalan insisted on staying, saying that the lord will come back soon, and no one can persuade him to leave, so I had to stay with Nalan. The other sisters have already returned to report the letter, and the envoy of Queen Biris also came. After that, I stayed for a lot of days before I went back. Now everyone may still be staying with the Queen. The messenger said that everyone should come, but the Queen is not allowed."

Robben nodded clearly, but he thanked Queen Biress a little bit more in his heart. The environment here is quite bad. If all the witches come, it is actually very dangerous. If everyone really comes, then come back by yourself. Maybe it’s not just a dying Nalan

  \"Well, that’s okay, it’s not a safe and good place. It’s not easy to survive [Eternal Life], Bazaar, you tell me about the rest of the life."

  \"Well" Bazaar started drinking soup while starting to talk about the situation in the past few months

\"After that emptiness, the envoy of the Black Emperor left here and returned on the third day after the adults left, and directly announced the end of this demon hunting event, and all the demon warriors returned to where they belonged, everyone There are no complaints, there have been so many casualties, it is reasonable to make such a decision."

   As he said, Bazaar frowned and looked at Robben\"But when the adult was missing, the messenger had a terrible meal, and Nalan and I were both scolded."

   Robben quickly lost a smile\"Sorry, sorry..."

   Bazaar nodded with satisfaction\"Then, most of the soldiers left directly, but the five of Kokoro stayed behind, saying that they would wait for the adults together."

  Roben nodded, this Kokoro is really good at being a man

Bazaar sighed, looked at the familiar Nalan over there and said, "That Ke Kro is very patient and confident in the adults, but Nalan... soon became anxious. , In less than half a month, Nalan proposed to enter the land of nothingness to find an adult.Of course, this proposal was rejected, but only a few days later, I found that Nalan planned to enter the land of nothingness secretly, and I stopped I missed her, but... after another half month, Nalan seized the opportunity. When none of us noticed, Nalan had disappeared."

   Robben sighed when he heard this\"What a restless guy"

   Bazaar can't help but frown\"Speaking of which, big people are the most restless."

  \"Uh...Haha...I'm sorry." Robben hurriedly and re-qin, thinking that he might be repaired by those witches this time.

\"I knew that with my strength there was no way to enter the void, so I immediately approached Kokoro and asked him to help. He readily agreed, and acted immediately, and successfully rescued Nalan back, but... He said something strange"

  \"Strange words?"

  \"Well, he said...Nalan seems to...have a problem".


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