God Prohibitions

Chapter 872: drill

Chapter 872


   Robben is very happy.


This time things were done surprisingly perfect, the giant-footed green dragon was intact, and he also got quite a favorable condition, it was just a profit, and he was excited all the way, and Robben went straight to the military headquarters. .


Although it is said that Robben is the celebrity next to King Biress nv, the generals of the military department have never eaten this set, and it is very much for the nv king to do things that are not aggressive about Robben. Disgust, although these disgusting guys actually frequent the stadium and yell loudly...


Robben, who had only arrived at the military headquarters, was stopped. Robben knew that these soldiers were very loyal to King Biress nv. They paid their lives for their loyalty. In comparison, they were very favored on the surface. But he didn't do much. This has made the military up and down very uncomfortable. Fortunately, he still has the name of a powerful warrior. Otherwise, it is very likely that these guys will come to trouble him twice in three days. .


   This time, Robben doesn’t have to be courteous, he will directly show the file that King Biress nv personally sealed: \"Master nv is official, don’t let it open."


   The soldiers on both sides immediately put away their spears and stood straight. The captain of the guard at that mouth also quickly stepped aside and watched the abominable Mr. Robben strode into the military headquarters.


   Robben really hadn’t been here before, and didn’t know who to pass this document to, so he simply sat outside in the living room and named him the commander-in-chief.


The commander-in-chief of the Royal City Army is an old man who is already very old and looks a little forgetful. One of his horns has been broken, but Robben knows that this is not his shame. It is said that he was ambushed once. In the battle, all the 50,000 troops were killed. In the end, only this commander used his own power to escape from the encirclement of the 100,000 army. He broke a horn that time, but Biress nv The king did not punish him, but rewarded him heavily and awarded him the position of assistant commander in command. Now, he is the commander of the president of the city.


   This old man has a very interesting name, Europa. In Robben's few ancient magic words, this pronunciation means earth.


This old man has a uā white old beard, his eyebrows have been stained with autumn frost, and his face is full of wrinkles. At first glance, he looks like a dry little old man, but it is this little old man who has taken charge of Biress nv It has been hundreds of years since all the troops in this royal city.


\"Huh? Is this... Is it an appointment letter signed by Mr. Wang? Oh so much money and a new team, eh... Two hundred people? Magic nv? Are you not stationed in the military camp? You still enjoy the treatment of an intermediate soldier. ?"


Every time Europa looked at one, the old eyes that seemed to be muddy and unclear went wide. Finally, he put his eyes on the signature of the official document and looked at it for a full five minutes. Robben simply did it for him. The earnest energy left cold sweat.


\"Well... Mr. Robben, wait a moment." Raising his head, Europa said slowly, and then blessed himself with an eagle-eye magic, and once again went to the place of the signature and seal to look vigorously, Robben here Really sweating...


\"Well...it is indeed the autograph of Lord Nv Wang, and the seal is not fake, and..." Europa said and smelled it on the official document. It took less than a long time for this official document to be written, Mr. Robben , You are really impatient"


   Robben hurriedly accompanied his smiling face and said: \"This is what the nv king meant, and I dare not neglect."


   Europa mō mō a white beard on his face: \"Outside the city... it seems that an incredible big guy has come. I heard that Mr. Robben caught it back. I don’t know the news, right?"


  \"Yes, I brought it back from the quagmire. This thing is called the giant green dragon. It was named by Lord nv."


  \"Oh, this is the giant green dragon. It really is a big guy. It seems that my five thousand soldiers died without being wronged." Europa nodded suddenly.


   Robben looked at the official document that Europa put on the table casually. He didn't know what the old man thinks in his heart. He now tentatively said: "Commander Europa, the official document of Lord Nv, look at..."


  \"Oh, you said this...haha, there is nothing wrong with it. Since it was the order of Lord Nv, I will naturally follow it, but..."


Robben always feels unreliable in his heart, because the old man's eyes seem to have been consciously or unconsciously looking at himself. This gaze is not very sharp, but it is very uncomfortable to scan on his body. Now, when I hear Europa, it seems that there are still conditions. My heart became more uncomfortable.


\"But Mr. Robben, your army is a bit special. In this case, it is almost beyond the control of the military. After all, it is directly responsible to the nv king. This is the first time such a thing has occurred. This makes the old man and me too I don’t know what to do. The army is a group of men bleeding and sweating together all day, so that they can give their lives to each other on the battlefield, but if a group of nv people suddenly come, they never meet with their brothers. , It would be wise to act in the future..."


  \"Commander Europa, I don’t know what you mean..."


Europa picked up the official document on the table and read it again, then put it back on the table and said: "Well, since it is a special force approved by Lord Nv, I naturally can't stop it, but for the unification of the army, your team needs it. The soldiers’ approval, um... Tomorrow, bring your team to the barracks tomorrow, meet with the soldiers, at least familiar, if the soldiers think it’s okay, then acknowledge your organization and immediately provide your weapons and equipment And various supplies, so be it."


   Robben was slightly angry when he heard that, the plain fact that King Biress nv had written on the order was actually blocked here?


  \"Commander Europa, can I understand that you are rebelling?" Robben's tone became cold.


There were a few jīng lights in Europa's muddy eyes: "Young man, you can't speak so carelessly, I am not disobedience. I am the commander-in-chief promoted by Lord Nv personally. I want to be loyal to Lord Nv, even if It is to give his life. This is the difference between the fighters who are the master of nv and those who use subtotals to please master of nv."


   Luo Ben's heart sank slightly, but he didn't expect that the commander-in-chief would have such a deep prejudice against him. It would be a little troublesome in the future.


\"Mr. Robben, my duty is to defend everything about Lord Nv King and assist Mr. King nv’s military affairs. What must be said is that even the wise Lord Nv King sometimes thinks about leaks, so we need our loyalty. Followed by my assistant, my duty is not only to execute the orders of Lord nv, but also... to correct the mistakes of Lord nv"


With that said, Europa’s tone is already very bad: "Mr. Robben, my army is a place of strict discipline. Not everyone can come to be a part-time officer and a half-time job, but your two hundred demon nv is often Those little girls who came here to engage in restlessness? If they are really them, I think my approach today is not wrong, but of course, the order of the nv king is the first, since the nv king I have recognized you, then I can't kick you out without reason. If your magical powerful two hundred demon nv can defeat my four hundred sharp soldiers, I will give you this number."


   It turned out that Robben understood this. This old man thought he was here to make a name for himself, so he became angry. If this is the case, I can't blame others, and no one wants to be harmful to the horse under his nose.


   This is a good opportunity. The magic nvs have never demonstrated their strength in many situations.


Robben smiled: \"Commander Europa, it turns out that this is the case. If this is the case, it would be easy to say. I fully agree to this condition, but I think I should emphasize in advance that the giant green dragon outside the city is a demon. The nv caught them, but I didn’t make a move in the middle. I think if you don’t prepare five thousand soldiers, you will be defeated in an instant."


  \"Humph" Europa smiled coldly, \"Mr. Robben, don't think that it is great to use powerful magic. You don't know what the soldiers of the army look like. See you in the center tomorrow and see you off."


There is a feeling that Robben is standing in the mouth of the military department and feels helpless. This old man has a really bad temper. It is best not to provoke him in the future. This old man dare to discount the order of the nv king. There should be few such guys in Wangcheng.


Robben first went outside the city and picked up the magic nvs. By the way, he pretended to draw a huge bound magic circle that had no effect except sound and light effects. The giant green dragon was locked inside, and then a large number of them were immediately shipped. Give him food and water.


  \"Brother, if you are wronged to stay here for a few more days, we will send you back the day after tomorrow at the latest." Because of an unexpected situation, Robben had to apologize to the giant green dragon.


The giant-legged green dragon looked at the huge city in front of him: "Um... so I am safe. I feel that there is an extremely powerful existence in this city that I can't compete with. That is the nv king you said. ?"


\"Probably..." Robben replied vaguely, because this powerful character in the king city can really say a lot of it. According to the strength of King Biris nv, this giant green dragon should not be able to sense her. existing.


  \"Well, in short, thank you very much, if such a powerful existence wants to threaten us, we really can't continue to survive [永生], you can guarantee our safety, I really feel jī."


Robben was said to be embarrassed: "Nothing, it's not that we bother you for no reason, in short, remember, don't run, if you step on something, it will be troublesome, and this king city There are many organ traps nearby."


  \"Um...I understand." When it comes to traps, the giant-footed green dragon seems to understand immediately. It must have survived [Eternal Life] for such a long time. In the quagmire, I rarely see the traps of the demons.


As soon as they returned to their residences, the magic nvs immediately cheered and fell on the soft chairs, with the thick velvet stalls, to find the sweet wine, to order something to eat...this time to grab the giant feet The green dragon exhausted them.


When Robben entered, in this huge hall specially built for these demons, the demons were laughing and celebrating the victory of this battle. As soon as he probed, Robben was immediately splashed with sweet wine. Almost all nvs are like this, and the hall is full of joy.


  Roben wiped the drink off his face, thinking that if he was seen by the old man again, he would have to be so angry.


   Before the magic nvs had time to grab himself over and drink, Robben hurriedly said: "Girls, girls, I have something to announce, quiet, quiet"


   The noisy monsters suddenly became quiet, looking at Robben strangely.


\"I know everyone is very tired. It is not easy for us to successfully complete the task this time, but...now is not the time to relax, because tomorrow...we have to play a good match with some guys who look down on us. "


   The demon nv frowned immediately and asked what was going on. Robben explained the conditions he got from Europa again, which made the demon nv angry.


  \"That old fellow nv lord king dare not follow the orders"


  \"I knew he was not a good thing for a long time, and it really is."


  \"Let’s go to nv Wang for comment"


  \"Yes, let the nv lord king dismiss the old guy, and then let the lord be the commander-in-chief, then we will upgrade along, haha"


   The demon nvs were filled with indignation at the beginning, but in the end they started to mess around again. All laughed together.


   Robben felt weak, and it seemed that he was indeed too indulgent to these demons.


\"Okay, okay, I know you are amazing, but this time we can't go to Lord nv. Although the commander in command of Europa is very unreasonable, we should understand that this is not his own intention, but the army treats us We must solve this problem through our own attitude, not through the master of nv. Do you understand? Tomorrow, we must beautifully defeat those soldiers."


  \"Good" The magic nvs spilled the sweet wine on Robben again...


   Fortunately, the magic nv didn't make a fuss for too long. They drank some wine happily, then ate dinner full, and all slipped back to sleep early.


   Early in the morning of the next day, Robben brought jīng spirited, or murderous demons, to the front of the barracks. The soldiers had heard the news early, and did not stop Robben and let him go.


From the mouth to the center of the big field, both sides are full of demon soldiers who are staring at each other. It seems that the Europa Commander has made special arrangements for today's affairs. It is like killing his own power and aspiration to grow the army. ... I am actually such a tragic character in other people's settings


On the big field, four hundred jīng sharp soldiers have been neatly lined up and stood there. Europa is shouting loudly in front. This dry old man is indeed full of breath and does not use magic, voice You can hear clearly almost on the entire field.


  \"Faith, glory, this is all that you have. We are not any other horns. We are the fighters of Lord Nv. The moment you know that you die, you must remember this firmly for me."


  \"Yes" The four hundred soldiers roared loudly like thunder.


Robben stood there with the demons and waited for more than ten minutes before Europa had finished the training. His face was completely gone from the yīn soft that was in the military department yesterday. It seems that the aura of the murder is leading this. Europa has a murderous look like the sturdy in the shriveled old skull.


  \"Mr. Robben, you came very early. I like this very much."


  \"Thank you" Robben's unsatisfactory response.


  \"Before starting, do you have anything to say?"


   Robben looked at the four hundred soldiers over there: \"I just think that there are fewer soldiers over there."


   Europa sneered: \"Mr. Robben won’t think so after a while. But speaking of it, I have a good proposal. I don’t know if Mr. Robben can agree."


  \"I don’t know what good advice you have, Commander-in-Chief."


  \"If you win this time, I can provide you with double weapon supplies, double salary, and all treatments doubled." Europa said, his eyes fixed on the demons.


  \"Really good treatment, but what if we lose?" Robben knew that there would never be such a cheap thing.


\"Haha, Mr. Robben, there have always been no nv people in the army, and occasionally some nv generals will appear, but at that time, there was a special case. There was only one identity for the nv people who wanted to enter the army in this way. I... I don't want to make exceptions here. ."


   A large crowd of onlookers on the field roared with laughter.


  The demon nvs all looked angry after hearing this sentence. A large number of people who entered the barracks were also demon nvs. They have always had only one identity-the army


   Robben looked at Europa in front of him coldly, his clenched fists slowly loosened, he breathed out, and finally managed to reduce the pressure of his fire.


  \"How about, Mr. Robben, do you agree to this condition?" Europa said with mockery


   This **** old man is really merciless, Robben gritted his teeth in his heart, this is definitely an insult


  Roben didn't answer directly, instead he blessed himself with a sound amplification magic and coughed twice.


Europa frowned immediately, because in this heavy cough, there was obviously a trace of soul-shaking power.The soldiers on the field were still laughing loudly just now, but they fell down a large part immediately, and the rest of the soldiers were also a while. Dizziness, shocked


   In an instant, without Europa's order, countless spears and swords were pointed at Robben and the demon nvs on the big field. Tens of thousands of soldiers in the barracks surrounded them, and their faces were full of anger.


  Dare to make trouble in the barracks This is the first time this barracks was built.


  \"Mr. Robben, what do you mean by...?" A layer of frost hung on Europa's face, his voice filled with suppressed anger.


Robben said lightly: "Commander Europa, I'm reminding you to pay attention to your identity and behavior. We are also the fighters of Lord nv. Lord nv's order has been placed on your desk. You proposed I could not agree to the unreasonable request, but for the sake of the harmony of the army, I came here to accept your troubles, but this does not mean that you can insult us. Even if you treat the enemy, as a soldier with a sense of honor, you should just kill He, and insulting him, is insulting yourself. Don’t you think what you just said is very devilish and despicable? This seems to be somewhat different from your sonorous remarks just now."


   Europa couldn't help being furious, but he couldn't refute anything. When it comes to this matter... I really am a bit too much.


Robben sneered, glanced at the soldiers in the distance and aimed their weapons at his side, and said loudly: \"Soldiers, you must understand that your glory is on the battlefield, in the blood and fire that you become soldiers. In order to be loyal to our nv lord, instead of insulting your companions here, just now...you are also acting and despicable."


  The soldiers looked at each other, and the murderous aura just disappeared. This Mr. Robben's statement... is indeed good, but...


  \"Mr. Robben, you seem to be mistaken, the monsters behind you are not our companions" Europa’s cold voice reached Robben’s ears.


  \"That’s why I didn’t get angry, Europa... or else, sir, I wouldn’t stand here honestly now."


   Europa opened his small eyes: \"It's really a good aura, but... this is no doubt, Mr. Robben, whether your demons can defeat my soldiers is the final key."


\"Yes, but Mr. Europa, I now have a new condition. If we win, you... and your soldiers, must apologize to us otherwise, I will never let this matter go." Robben stared at Europa coldly, a very obvious reminder that there was absolutely no discussion about this matter.


  \"Yes" Europa agreed very readily.


Both arms shook, Europa shouted loudly: \"My soldiers, this is the first time our army has come to the guests of Magic NV. They want to be our companions. I feel ridiculous about that... if they do I am ashamed of what I said just now. I am ashamed of your laughter. We only have dead soldiers, but no insulted soldiers. If they join us today, then... I order you to tell us 'S companion apologize"


  \"Yes" tens of thousands of soldiers shouted neatly, like thunder.


  \"Are you satisfied with Mr. Robben?"


\"Yes, Commander Europa, I think we can start." Robben smiled slightly, how much... This Europa is not an egg, at least it is clear, what is needed now is just to show the strength of the monsters. They watched.


  \"Bazaar, solve them quickly" Robben told Bazaar and turned and walked away. Europa said nothing, turned and left with Robben.


  On the huge field, only two hundred demon nv and four hundred demon soldiers lined up in a square formation on the opposite side.


The two sides of the "line" almost yelled at the same time. The magic nvs and the four hundred soldiers moved at the same time, and the formation was quickly arranged. This time, the formations of the magic nvs are a little different. You can see that it is an offensive formation. The same goes for the four hundred soldiers on the other side.


  On the stand of the game, Europa chuckled: \"Mr. Robben, these monsters of yours seem to be the same, but I don’t know what it looks like for a while."


  \"Commander Europa, I promise you will be surprised."


  \"Really? That's the best"


  \"咚......咚......咚咚The offensive drums sounded on the field, and tens of thousands of soldiers began to shout to the drums: \"Kill kill kill"


   The deafening shouts and the offensive drums were mixed together, and the field of this drill was suddenly murderous.


  \"Kill" The four hundred soldiers suddenly uttered a loud shout, all holding the huge shield in their hands, and slowly starting to approach the team of the enchanted nv.


  \"Sister Bazaar, what shall we do? Do you really want to do it? They are just ordinary soldiers."


Bazaar sneered: "Ordinary soldiers? Your lord has clearly reminded us just now. Didn't you see that these soldiers didn't even get a little dizzy when the lord trembles? This is a jealous one. Being jīng sharp, having magic resistance means that they can use magic themselves. If you guessed it correctly, this should be an ace fighter"




A silver light floated on Bazaar's body: "I seem to have heard that King Biress nv has a sharp army that is good at fighting magicians, um... they all carry long javelins, it seems That's them, hum the mirror light shield prepares"


Seeing that the magic nvs on the field listed the offensive formations but first opened up a huge magic defensive shield in front of the team, Europa couldn't help but laugh: "Mr. Robben, are your magic nvs pretty smart? Myself."


   Robben didn't say a word, he just watched quietly.


   Four hundred soldiers walked forward quietly, and after reaching a certain distance, a command came from the team, and all the soldiers stopped.


  \"Anti-shield, raise a gun"


  \"Boom" The ground shook violently, and the four hundred soldiers slammed the heavy shield with nearly one person in their hands on the ground, and quickly took off the javelin on their back.


  \"To cast"


  \"Om" With a roar, four hundred javelin locusts rushed towards the formation of the enchanted NV.


The faces of Bazaar and the demon nv couldn't help but have a weird smile, because all the demon nv have seen it, on these javelins, all have a green light, which means that the javelins must be accompanied by wind Department of magic.


  Sure enough, these javelins crossed the sky at twice the speed of ordinary throwing, and came to the top of the demons in the blink of an eye. Then there was a "ping-pong-pong" sound, and all four hundred javelins hit the magic shield.


  \"Really accurate." Bazaar saw that these javelins were concentrated on attacking a place on the shield, and she couldn't help smiling happier.


   The 400-hundred javelin attack had no effect. The magic shields of the magic nv did not flash once, and the soldiers on the opposite side raised their javelins again...


Robben looked at this scene and couldn't help but smiled: \"Commander Europa, you really have lost money. I think these shot guns seem to have magic engravings. In addition to wind magic, they are also very strong. The ink-breaking effect seems to be dedicated to destroying magical defenses. The cost of this shot gun is very expensive."


  \"Hehe, wealth on the battlefield cannot buy the lives of soldiers, nor victory. As long as possible, I have always given my soldiers the best equipment."


  Roben nodded: "I hope we can get the best things then."


  \"Huh if possible"


   The four hundred soldiers were about to throw the javelin again, and they couldn't help but slow down a bit, because the magic shield that didn't move at all on the other side suddenly flashed after the first bō attack ended.


The commander in the \"Shield Lifting" team shouted loudly, and the soldiers immediately raised the huge shield of ā on the ground, and on the side of the magic nv, the magic shield flashed, and those who hit the shield were not completely The curved and shattered javelin that fell on the ground flew back with a sliver of blue light directly at a speed several times faster than when it came.


  \"Ding ding 咣咣"


The sound of these javelins hitting the shields of the soldiers is much crisper than hitting the magic shields of the magic nvs. The power of the javelins is very large. The soldiers in the front row are knocked down almost instantly. The huge shield They immediately dispersed but the soldiers behind immediately made up, always maintaining a tight defense. One bō attacked, only knocking out a few rows of thirty or forty soldiers in the front.


  \"Oh really tenacious, I thought it would be over." Bazaar laughed with teeth out, \"Sisters, it's time for us to go and drive them away"


The soldiers around the field were a little stunned to see the javelins that suddenly flew back. The soldiers knew the power of these javelins. They were designed to deal with the magician's magic shield, but now... Has it been used exclusively?


The    demons also started to take their steps, slowly moving towards the four hundred soldiers in front.


  The Europa noodles in the stands were a bit ugly. I didn't expect that this attack not only failed to achieve results, but also hurt his own people.


Robben shook his head gently: "Commander Europa, I remember I said, you'd better prepare more than five thousand sharp soldiers, otherwise, we can't see our power at all, but this sentence seems to be you It's just a joke."


   Europa snorted angrily: "Young man, it's too early to make a conclusion. The battle is not at the last minute, no one knows who is the winner."


  \"That’s right, let’s keep watching."


On the field, the magic nvs have begun to approach the four hundred soldiers, and the big magic shield is in front of them, regardless of walking forward, without using magic attacks, they must use this shield to attack the enemy in front of you. Push away the momentum.


   This angered these sharp soldiers. With a command, these soldiers raised their huge shields, roared and rushed up, stepping on the ground with a sonorous and powerful sound.


\"Boom" The huge shields of the twenty soldiers in the front row slammed into the magic shields of the magic nvs. At the same time, in the gaps between these soldiers, a series of spears came out, poking fiercely Magic shield.


   However, there was no effect. The magic shields of the magic nv were undamaged, and they were still advancing, and the soldiers who had contact with the magic shield felt a huge force from the shield and spear.


   The thirty or forty soldiers in front flew back bizarrely under everyone's eyes, but the tens of thousands of soldiers could see clearly that the demons didn't do anything at all, they just pushed forward.


  \"Hehe" Robben smiled, but this chuckle made Europa angry.


  \"Disperse, attack the left and right wings"


   Soldiers who have lost a lot of manpower discovered that this huge magic shield is extremely strong. It seems that a frontal breakthrough is not a smart thing, but the magic nv have to continue to cast spells to maintain this shield. The commander now ordered the team to separate and attack the two wings.


  \"Let them go back" Bazaar drew the rapier from her waist.


  The soldiers started their formation and wanted to bypass the magic shield and attack the two sides of the demon nv. However, 200 to cold light flew from the demon nv team and directly attacked the soldiers who walked out of the team.


The sharp thorns of the rapier made a crisp sound on the shield, the thin blade was bounced, and it was flying in the air like a spinning wheel.What the soldiers did not expect was that these rapiers were extremely unreasonable. The trajectory moved a short distance forward, and fell directly after crossing the shield.


   Suddenly there was a "ping-pong-pong" sound. All the rapiers focused on the soldiers behind the shield with their sword handles. These soldiers fell straight down without a hum.


   A hundred soldiers had fallen in the blink of an eye, and the commander urgently changed the order to get all the soldiers back.


After   , the soldiers were stunned to watch the thin swords bounce from the ground, and all flew back to the hands of the demon nv accurately. Several soldiers seemed to see something like shiny silk in the air...




   Bazaar uttered an angry voice, and the magic nv screamed, immediately speeded up the pace, and quickly gathered forward. The huge magic shield was like a wall pressing against the soldiers in front.


The soldiers were not afraid, and rushed up again with an angry roar, and then they were immediately bounced back and fell into a piece.The magic nv didn't care about those, just pushed forward. If anyone dared to run out of the team, they would greet with weapons. ...


The    demons nv pushed forward all the way, these soldiers had to back up, and organized several attacks in the middle, but they all returned without success and lost a lot of manpower.


  Waiting for the demons to push these soldiers to the edge of the field, there were only less than one hundred soldiers left in the original team of 400 soldiers, and the rest were fainted on the way the demons came...


Robben grabbed his chin: "Oropa Commander, I think... the result is already obvious. This shield is a mirrored light shield, which can have anti-magic effects. Your sharp soldiers are all attached to their equipment. Magic effect, ha ha, it seems that this has become an obstacle."


   Europa’s face was green, and he shouted: \"Stop"


The    demon nv couldn't help but stop - it won't work if they stop, and they will be crowded out of the field again and again.


   Bazaar turned her head and looked at the distant stand, and saw Robben nod to this side, and then said: "Sisters, we are going back."


  Magic nvs slowly backed away and removed the magic shield.


As soon as the demon nvs turned around, there was a roar like a wolf and a tiger behind them, and the demon soldiers who were less than a hundred were so embarrassed that they had never been so frustrated as a jīng sharp unit. The shield immediately threw away the heavy shield, and ōu threw the scimitar from his waist and rushed up.


   Bazaar cried out in secret, this is what I am waiting for, or I will not turn around on purpose


  \"Sisters, fight hard"


   Then the soldiers on the field saw a scene that made them unforgettable and very injured...


A hundred predators who have received the most rigorous training, equipped with the best equipment, and have experienced countless life and death trials, swarmed up and pounced on those who, at first glance, are young, and even have a little face with the innocent and weak demons. Then... these innocent, beautiful and charming nv people showed their fangs.


Pure fighting skills, pure strength and speed fighting, quite perfect formation cutting and cover attacks, these magic nvs almost divided the poor hundred soldiers into dozens of small teams in the blink of an eye. After that, there was a siege of "inhumanity".


   The fists of these nv people can break the armor directly on the light armor, and the palms can block the slashing of the blade, and even direct fist attacks can shake these iron-blooded soldiers back.


   It was a one-sided situation. In less than three minutes, all of the hundred or so soldiers were knocked to the ground with blood on their faces, but the demons were all standing.


\"You are lucky, this is just a play." Bazaar glared fiercely at the soldier who had been beaten on her hand and was about to die, wiped the blood from her fist on him, and threw him to the ground— —This is the last soldier to fall to the ground.


   There is no sound on the field, all the soldiers have their mouths open, and their brains are a little short-circuited. Such an nv person... even if you stand naked in front of you, you dare not go up and hug it.


   The demon nv exhaled very relaxedly. The suffocation in the heart just now finally came out.


Robben was rather embarrassed and mō his nose: \"I’m so sorry, Commander Europa, these subordinates of mine...Sometimes they get a little anxious and they do a little too much. When I go back, I’ll discipline them. of."


   Europa snorted, this kind of words are only believed, this is almost the standard line of the boss to shield the subordinates: "Well, you... won"


\"Haha, Commander Europa, I know you are not reconciled, but now if you ask someone to find five thousand soldiers to compete again, it would be a little contemptuous of you. I am here. This is to show the team appointed by Lord Nv. The characteristics are good~www.readwn.com~Speaking, in the eyes of Europa, Robben waved to the obsessed NVs and called Bazaar over. Robben said something in Bazaar’s ear What, Bazaar immediately looked strange.


  \"This...sir, don’t we do it so absolutely."


  \"It’s okay, let’s go, there’s an adult with me."


  \"Hmm...also" Bazaar said something that made Robben speechless, then turned around and went back.


  \"Sisters, the earth dragon is ready" Bazaar shouted excitedly.


  \"Mr. Robben, what are you going to do?" Europa frowned.


  \"It's nothing, but I don't think the field is very smooth, so I can help by the way." Robben smiled naturally.




  The bodies of the demon nv flashed with silver brilliance again, and the earth began to roar F

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