God Prohibitions

Chapter 873: Fatal trap

Chapter 873: Fatal Trap


The ground of the entire field began to tremble violently, and some soldiers had been swayed by the vibration of the ground. Just when Europa was about to stop the demons, there was only a loud crack from the ground that was bigger than the roar just now. . m


   A huge gap was torn in the ground in the dull and loud midfield, and a huge black shadow sprang out from it, and the soldiers who roared and rushed to the sky field were suddenly stunned.


This is an earth dragon with a strong body, and I don't know how long it is. There is a huge roar from underground. This huge earth dragon roars, hovering and rushing into the sky, it seems that its tail is still deep. It's buried deep underground.


   "Mr. Robben, what do you want to do?" Europa's fingers trembled in annoyance.


   "Ah, it's nothing I've already said, just help you level the ground." Robben still smiled harmlessly.


   The soldiers were all tilting their heads up, and now their mouths were wide open, because this earth dragon would have been too long, hovering up into the sky, now it looks like a whirlwind of dirt.


The roar suddenly changed, the earth dragon rushed down from mid-air with howling, and slammed straight to the ground. The huge dragon head slammed into the ground, and the explosive impact bō all the soldiers far away. It's a little bit on the court.




The angry dragon whose head hit the ground hard was not crushed.On the contrary, half of the earth dragon's body began to swim anger in the mud. The hard mud was broken like water, and a rumbling explosion, This earth-dragon farmland rolled over on the field, and for a while, soil and rocks splashed and smoke was everywhere.


   In the end, the earth dragon uttered a roar, and gradually there was no movement. After this sound, everyone heard the sound of collapse and collapse, and the earth dragon collapsed.


   A gust of wind blew the thick smoke away from the field, and the soldiers were all stunned there.


Since this earth dragon was making a lot of trouble just now, the soldiers had already retreated to the edge of the field. Now, even the magical nv who used magic had already reached mid-air, and the ground...the ground was completely covered. Turning it over, there are stones and mud everywhere, but these stones and mud have been stirred and crushed. This is really true...


Robben looked at the scene on the field and smiled slightly: "Commander Europa, you see, I have asked the magic nv to help you level the field. There are some large rocks and voids underneath the field. This will cause the ground to shake, which is not conducive to Yan, now the soil and stones from ten meters underground to the surface have been crushed and turned into real ground. You... don't thank me, this is also a meeting ceremony for your subordinates."


Europa's face is blue, this is obviously revenge for himself, maybe there are some problems underground, but since this barracks was built, there have been no mistakes in hundreds of years, and...the twisted soft field like this is simply impossible. In training soldiers, it takes a period of time to re-level and consolidate the ground, which will inevitably cost a lot of manpower and material resources...


   "Mr. Robben... don't you think your approach is a bit too much?" Europa moved a little, really angry.


Robben said very naturally: "Hehe, Commander Europa, indeed, this is not for you, it is just a cautious act of revenge. I just want you to see that we will not compromise, we are nv Lord Wang’s genuine army, if you don’t have this consciousness, then I have to say, I don’t want to write my name under your command. I am not in the mood to wait on my prejudiced boss, and you cannot guarantee yours. If the understanding is correct, then I will say goodbye. I will report this matter to Lord Nv. As for the final decision, that is Lord Nv's business."


Europa's face is a bit ugly. If this matter is just a small disturbance, Lord Nv won't say anything, but now the whole scene is ruined, the loud voice can be heard in the whole city, and this kind of thing is caused. , In the final analysis, the root cause is still here, so...


   "What is it that you have to tell me?"


   Just when Robben and Europa were slightly stalemate, the lazy voice of King Biris nv came from behind. Both of them were taken aback. When they looked back, the frowning King Biress nv no longer knew when he was standing in the stands.


   "Nv King Lord" Europa hurriedly bowed down on one knee to salute. Robben was an outsider in other Demon Kings' territories and a regular visitor, just bending over to salute.


Glancing at the already turbulent big field, King Biris nv looked at Robben, and then at Europa: "Who can tell me what the **** is going on? I heard it all in the magic palace. The price is so loud, do you want to demolish this city?"


   "I disturbed Mr. King nv, and asked Mr. King nv to atone for his sins." Europa looked terrified.


   Robben blinked his eyes: "Master nv, we are...just acting, nothing happened."


What Europa said was pretty good, but as soon as Robben spoke, King Biris nv felt angry again, and he was about to break out. Suddenly he realized that the occasion was not very suitable. Asked: "Mr. Robben, I gave you the clerk. You didn't report to the military department yesterday. Your team is not stationed here. Today you did not deal with the giant green dragon, but came here. doing what?"


   Robben smiled: "Ah, Lord nv, things are like this..." At the moment, Robben was absolutely cheering up, but he did not deviate from the facts and told the story.


  After listening, the face of King Biress nv suddenly became ugly: "Europa, you are so bold, you dare to disobey my orders."


Europa suddenly rushed from the soles of his feet to the top of his head, and there was a shock in his heart.This moody nv king has followed for many years, and now I can fully judge with experience that the nv king in front of me has actually moved. angry.


   "Nv Lord Atonement, I am confused, but...Nv Lord, the army is like this, otherwise... I'm afraid these demons will be difficult to convince the public."


   "Hum" King Biris nv snorted and said loudly: "Soldiers, it is your King nv talking to you now"


   Tens of thousands of soldiers on the field, the soldiers already in other parts of the barracks immediately knelt down like large tracts of wheat.


   "I'm really sorry that my soldiers are so disappointed. What did your commander say just now? That's the way the army is? It's hard to convince the crowd? Has your will ever overwhelmed me?"


   The entire military camp was silent. All the soldiers knelt there with coldness. Many of them had their teeth trembling. Everyone knew that the nv king was a killer casually.


   "Master nv, I...I am inexcusable, please sanction the master nv" Europa really panicked.


   "Europa, you really seem to be confused about something...it's not what you want to do. Don't you understand this?"


   "I am confused... I am unforgivable..."


Seeing Europa's white beard's heartbroken confession on the ground, Robben also couldn't bear it. In the end, the old man didn't make a mistake. It was just the army...it is indeed the same thing. They are loyal to the nv king, but It is the brothers who agree with it. It is indeed not an easy task to force the demon nvā to come in. Europa’s reaction is actually not surprising.


   "Nv Lord, you don't have to be so angry, it's actually nothing. The magic nv have been treated like this for a long time, and you can't blame Europa Commander, please calm down."


   King Biress nv stared at Robben fiercely: "Shut up and something like this, you didn't come to me, but you came here with the magic nv to make trouble, this...is it a good thing you did?"


  "Uh..." Robben immediately moved the corners of his eyes a few times, feeling a little uncomfortable, quietly on the side of Europa's face, the old man seemed to be frowning.


   There is a problem with this. What is meant by not going to the king of nv if something goes wrong, and to make it clearer. If you go to the king of nv, it would be a little funny. Isn't it a small challenge that you dare not accept? You are your nv king, your nanny, you can see you if you want, and run there whenever you have something?


  Also, the tone of this speech is obviously different from the cold tone of speaking to Europa, with annoyance and blame, but there is not much majesty of the nv king in it.


As soon as the words were spoken, King Biress nv knew that he had made a mistake, but it was too late to change his words, he had already said everything, and if he changed it... the Europa in front of him is a mature fellow, he will surely guess something. .


   "Ah...aha, I'm really sorry for such a big movement, but...no casualties, please don't worry, Lord nv." Robben quickly found a word to break the embarrassing atmosphere.


  Birisi nv Wang’s stiff face eased, and quickly said: "This is done like this, Europa, take orders."


   "In nv King Lord" Europa hung his head down.


"You go pick five thousand sharp soldiers and have a real battle against these magic nvs. Then you will know whether these magic nvs have the strength to be named under your command, and the losing party will give me this field. Do you understand in three days?"




   is going to fight again... Robben feels resentment, this number and banner are too difficult to take...


   "Why, Mr. Robben, do you have a disagreement?" This time the words of King Biress nv were completely chilly.


   "No, no" Robben shook his head quickly.


   This time, Europa quickly assembled five thousand jīng sharp, and then came to a smaller field. The largest performance field in the barracks just now was unavailable for a short time.


   This time Europa directly gave up the armor of the soldiers, all wearing anti-magic equipment, and the soldiers' weapons were a long sword and a small round shield.


  I am going to use magic resistance and speed to suppress the magic nv in a wide range, but...At this time, the soldiers have no idea. If the earth dragon came just now, it is estimated that these five thousand soldiers would be useless...


   "Sir, what shall we do this time? The other party has a large number of people, so we can't keep our hands." Bazaar was a little uneasy and leaned to Robben.


  "I will do my best, as long as there is no death, I will deal with the disability, but we must be straightforward. These soldiers who only know blood can only gain trust and recognition by defeating them thoroughly.


  "Good" Bazaar nodded directly and turned away.


   This time King Biress nv did not leave, but stayed to watch the game. The main seat in the stands was her author, and Robben and Europa could only stand on one side.


   Seeing the preparations on both sides of the field, King Biress nv said softly: "Let's start."


The   "咚咚咚" war drum sounded once again, representing the beginning of this battle.


When the "Incarnation" sounded at the first drum beat, Bazaar had already issued an order, and all the demons were already ready to go. The silver light and mercury around the body rolled and rolled, and after a shining white light, every demonic A moon white shadow appeared next to nv, this scene stunned the soldiers on the opposite side.




   Two hundred white shadows quickly rushed towards the soldiers in front.


When King Biress nv saw this place, he couldn't help but let out a soft sigh, this competition...there is no more to watch, these magic nvs are actually strong enough to exaggerate their divine power. This is not something an ordinary magician can do.


   Thinking of this, King Biress nv couldn't help but glanced at Robben who was beside him, wondering when these magic nvs became so powerful.


It was the first time that the soldiers saw such an enemy. They were caught off guard, but they finally did not panic and prepare to meet the impact of these two hundred shadows, but they soon discovered something that made them crazy. These months Bai è's shadows did not withstand the attack at all, and they slashed over, and the bodies of these shadows were suddenly cut open, but they healed in a blink of an eye.The back hand was a punch in your face and slammed you heavily. Got out.


   Two hundred shadows rushed into the group of soldiers, and the soldiers immediately caught themselves. These shadows wandered around almost ignoring the attack, and had completely disturbed the formation of the soldiers.


  "Combined jīng **** with fear"


The silver rays of light on the monsters' bodies were woven together, and their eyes faintly shone, and they all looked at the soldiers on the opposite side. Those soldiers had just gotten their feet and suddenly felt a chill in their hearts. , Began to shiver for no reason. For a while, there were illusions in front of him, and some soldiers had already begun to scream in horror.


Europa's face is dark, these sharp soldiers are all selected by themselves. They are first-class in terms of physical fitness and determination. They have received rigorous training, have experienced the test of blood and fire on the battlefield, and then wear them. A lot of magic equipment, it can be said that every soldier is a killing machine, but... I didn't expect to face these magic nvs so vulnerable to a blow, let alone those strange shadows, if only the magic of the jīng attack, It is difficult for ordinary magic nv to affect these soldiers, but now... it is clear that all the soldiers under attack have fallen into it.


   Looking at the magic nvs who are casting spells, Europa is very suspicious... Is there really any difference between these magic nvs?


"It's not as strong as I imagined. It's already a battle to see the opposite side." Bazaar couldn't help but muttered, and then said: "Sisters, these guys look down on us and despise adults. Now we let them see the gap between themselves and us. How big is it"


   took a breath, Bazaar yelled: "Coordinate the position, start all areas"


  The formation of the demon nvs who stood up immediately began to adjust, and then they stood in a particularly lingering formation that was completely unreasonable.


  Roben opened his eyes involuntarily. Bazaar was really obedient. She tried her best, and she actually took this out. Now... I'm afraid this scene is over.


"Huh? What kind of strange thing is this?" King Biris nv saw that the magic nv suddenly came up with an unreasonable formation. He felt strange, and he couldn't help but look at Robben, Robben. Only laugh at that time.


It was only light at first, but soon the light buzzing and blasting in the air began to become clear and violent. All soldiers in the vicinity felt the wind was flowing abnormally, and the temperature began to rise and drop significantly. Constantly changing...


   Countless monsters roared in the air, and it was like a storm roaring on the sea...


   "This..." Europa's eyes widened in disbelief.


   Bi Ruisi nv Wang raised his eyebrows: "Oh, this is really unexpected. I have never seen such a thing. These magic nvs are really beyond my expectation."


No one was surprised when the ice field at the feet of the first demon nv became clear, but when the second and third appeared, someone was surprised, but when the whole body flame field under the feet of another demon nv began When it expanded, some people had already begun to feel incredible.


   When the two hundred demon nv all expanded their domains, the ice and flames, storms, thunder and lightning were all woven together, everyone who was watching was completely stunned...


This is the joint field that Robben and the magic nv came out after a long time of research and running-in. The two hundred magic nv launched its own field at a very close distance, and overlapped with the field of other magic nv, using The mutual checks and balances ensure that these areas will not conflict, and at the same time increase the power of their respective areas.


The position where the two hundred magic nv stood, has formed a powerful magic storm, all the magic elements are mixed in it, and flowed almost violently between the formations of the magic nv with a unique pattern, and the surrounding ground has been completely The devastated body is incomplete, scorched, frozen, torn apart, crushed...


   This magic is a buff-type magic, but it has extremely powerful attack power in its own province, and any opponents involved will inevitably be crushed.


  The demon nv began to move, moving towards the soldiers who were still struggling to deal with the jīng **** split and the soldiers who had not been relieved from the jīng god's fear.


   It's like... a violent lion is throwing at a little white rabbit shivering with fright.


   King Biress nv sighed: "Commander Europa, do you think it is necessary for this competition to continue?"


   Europa was amazed: "No...no, Lord nv, it was we who were defeated. I hope...my soldiers will not sacrifice in vain."


   "Mr. Robben, go tell your monsters to stop. If you don't stop, this place will be destroyed."


   Robben smiled happily, turned around and whispered softly: "Bazaar, stop making trouble, if you want to blow this place to the sky, we have to go to jail."


   King Biress nv looked at Robben somewhat unexpectedly. According to this volume, those magic nvs would never hear him, but only after Robben had finished speaking, the magic nvs directly stopped.


  In fact, this is the jīng **** network that Robben connects to the magic nvs over a short distance. Although it is not possible to directly share the magic with the magic nvs, communication is fine.


   "Sisters, we won. The adults said we should withdraw. Remember to be careful. The adults also said that if we blow up here, we will go to jail, right?"


   "But... how can we not be bombed here?" The magic nv raised this question.


   "This... Let it be your fate..." Bazaar was very helpless.


The magic nv started to stop casting spells. After that... the violent elements gathered together lost control, and directly turned into a more violent storm raging on the big field, if it weren’t for the soldiers to slip fast enough, This time I am afraid that it will be fatal.


   Seeing that the only one remaining field was turned upside down, Europa only had to admit that he was unlucky in his heart. This kind of thing... This kind of thing is really boring, and now Lord King is here, he can't even complain.


King Biress nv stood up: "Okay, this matter is over like this. The appointment of Mr. Robben and his magic nv remains unchanged, Europa, you'd better remember this, and don't do this in the future. Things, otherwise, you don’t have to come to see me again."


   Europa couldn't help sweating, and fell on his knees and said: "Thank you nv lord, the subordinates will never be like this again."


   "That's the best..." After saying that, King Biress nv turned around and disappeared.


After confirming that King Biress nv left, Europa got up from the ground, looked at Robben, and smiled dryly: "Mr. Robben really can't see it, these monsters of yours are really not good. Messed up."


   Robben was not in the mood to say this, and said bluntly: "Commander Europa, I don't know what your current view is. If you change your mind, then I will be very happy."


Europa was a little depressed. Today, I was really planted in the hands of this kid, but... those demon nvs are surprisingly powerful, and each of them has domains. Such things have lived an age by themselves, but even heard of them. Never heard of it.


   "Well, I take back my rude words and I am very sorry about it. I hope Mr. Robben will not be offended. Now let's go through some necessary procedures."


   apologized frankly.


   Robben’s impression of Europa is a little better: "Okay, Commander Europa."


   "Well... now, you can call me general, general Robben"


   Luo Ben knowingly smiled: "Okay, General"


   Europa’s office.


   "These are all the documents. I have left a copy here. You will send me your flag design within one month. I will leave a record. Do you understand?"




   Things are finally done. The moment Robben walked out of the military headquarters, a stone in his heart finally fell to the ground. This banner is really hard-won...


   You can celebrate tonight


The magic nvs immediately cheered when they learned that they had successfully obtained the recognition and the team's number has been on the list. They don't need to say Robben to prepare for the celebration. This time Robben didn't say anything. Time really exhausted these demons.


   In the evening, Robben was happily celebrating today's victory with the demon nv, but the envoy of King Biris nv visited at this time and the ruler of Robben nv summoned him.


Robben had no choice, so he hurriedly took a shower, washed the spilled wine and the greasy vegetable juice of the cakes and pastries on his body, changed his clothes and hurried to the magic palace with the messenger. .


   This time, when Robben came to the small living room, King Biris nv was actually sitting in a chair with a tired face and was sleeping soundly.


   Robben is very strange, this nv person came to find herself, and then why did she fall asleep here, wouldn’t it be that she walked too slowly to make her faint and fall asleep...


   Robben scratched his chin. It seemed that this nv person seemed a little strange. Today, he almost made a mistake and Europa noticed his special relationship with him. Such things really shouldn't happen to this nv person.


   I was asleep with a tired look on his face, Robben couldn't bother, so he walked aside for himself, took a bottle of wine, poured himself a glass gently, and drank slowly.


   The small living room is very quiet, and there is a warm flame burning in the fireplace, and there is a soft crackling sound.


Robben drank the wine lightly, his eyes involuntarily passed through the window, his thoughts were a bit different in recent years, it seems that he has rarely had time to sit down and drink and think quietly in this way, busy every day, tirelessly Busy...


   "Doctor [Super doctor recommended reading this book], what are you thinking?" Suddenly, the voice of King Biress nv sounded softly.


   Robben was taken aback, only to discover that King Biress nv didn't know when he had woke up, and he had only drank half of his first glass of wine.


   With a soft smile, Robben replied naturally: "It's nothing, it's just that it's quiet here, and there is the fragrance of Lord Nv in the air, which makes me intoxicated."


   "Doctor [Super doctor recommends reading this book], I found for the first time that your look in a daze seems very interesting, your eyes are very soft, not...it should be said to be very gentle, it seems that you are thinking of a certain nv person."


Facing the gaze of King Biress NV, Robben unconsciously dodges.Although he doesn't love this nv person, after all, in the past two hundred years, he and this nv person have been looking for comfort in each other's body. , This is almost the only way to relieve stress. To say that he doesn't care about this nv person, that's a lie.


   "Oh? Doctor [Super doctor recommended reading this book] Your eyes are dodge, it seems that I was right." King Biress nv was full of smiles.


   Robben had to shrug his shoulders bachelorfully: "Why, Lord nv, are you jealous?"


"Haha" King Biress nv laughed loudly, "Why would I ask that stupid nv person for being boring? You are just a man I've seen before, maybe one day I will be tired of you I'm jealous...I don't have time to do this."


   Luo Ben smiled in his heart and knew that this nv person would answer that way. The relationship between himself and the other party was really a total estimate... worse than the average husband.


   "Then you don't know what important things the nv lord king came to call for me today? Now, after dinner time, you are full and have nothing to do?"


King Biress nv couldn't help being amused by Robben: "You...what do you take me for? I have countless things to do at all times, but those things are arranged by me ingeniously in advance for others to do. Now, do you think the devil is just enjoying the blessing at leisure all day?"


   To be honest, Robben really thinks so, since he knew the nv person in front of him, he has always thought so...


"But..." King Biress nv stood up, walked in front of Robben, took Robben's glass of half-drunk wine and drank it, then giggled and threw away the glass. Sit gently in Robben's arms.


   "I was very tired today, and suddenly I felt a little bored. I wanted to find a stupid man to accompany me, ha, probably the doctor [Super doctor recommends reading this book] What you said is nothing to do if you are full."


   Robben blinked his eyes, feeling a little weird in his heart. It's already commonplace for this nv person to find himself, but it is the first time to say this. What is this? Are you lonely? Robben thought a little bit evil in his heart, then would this nv person resolve his loneliness by himself when he was away?


  Roben smiled, smiling very much. He held the nv person in his arms and slapped on the ruddy mouth: "Then my beautiful nv lord, where do you like today?"


  Bi Ruisi nv Wang murmured lazily: "Anyway...I didn't count this."


Robben could see that King Biress nv was indeed a little tired. The sound sleep just now was not a pretense. The nv person’s soft face in mōmō’s arms said: "To do business, you still have to be in a proper place. I think... or Let's go to Lord nv's room"




   Today's King Biress nv is very lazy, like a rag doll at the mercy of others, without a trace of strength, after a few soldiers, he has fallen on his body like a frame, unable to fight again.


  Roben is a little helpless, he hasn't enjoyed himself yet, this nv guy is already contented and about to fall asleep. This really makes him helpless.


After staring for a long time, Robben was also helpless, so he picked up the drowsy nv person and went into the bathroom, heated the water to a higher temperature, and then threw the big white fish-like King Biress into the bathtub. He took a shower and returned to the bedroom, holding her expertly.


Post the King of Biress NV, Robben intends to leave, and now the celebration party of the magic NVs should not be over, there are still a lot of good things to eat when I go back, it is better than watching a person here. But it's better not to eat.


  "Hehe..." Robben was about to get up, King Biress nv suddenly opened his eyes and let out a sweet smile, two arms clung to Robben's neck and pulled Robben back.


   In the last roll, King Biress nv pressed Robben under him. With one hand on his chin, and the other holding Robben’s face, King Biress nv smiled and said, "Doctor [super doctor recommends reading this book], it’s still early, where do you want to go?"


   Robben smiled and hugged the waist of the nv man in his arms: "Master nv, you are tired, it is time to rest..."


"Huh?" King Biress nv tilted his head, deliberately hung a long silver wire on Robben's face, and said thoughtfully: "Doctor [super doctor recommends reading this book], don't you think, Are you a little...different?"


   "It's not the same?" Luo Benzheng tried his best to remove the filament hanging from his nose. Hearing the words of King Biress nv, he felt very strange.


   "Last time, did something happen? I feel...you seem to have changed [天珠变], this change [天珠变]...... is not good"


   Robben rolled his eyes: "What exactly does Lord King nv mean?"


   Bi Ruisi nv Wang smiled faintly: "Doctor [super doctor recommended reading this book], when did you start...care about my feelings?"


  "Nv Master Wang, I have always been cautious. A small person like me is very afraid that one day you will kill me when you get angry."


"Really? That's why you... are you ready to go back without being satisfied? I remember that at the beginning you didn't care about this. Sometimes I really have a feeling that a beast is in me, doctor [Super doctor recommends reading this book]..."


   King Biress nv's fingers gently mō to Robben's forehead: "When did you...become so gentle to me? You won't like me anymore?"


   Luo Ben has a vigilance in his heart, this nv man’s hand... is weird


   As soon as he grasped mō's hand to his head, Robben was slightly startled. This hand was no different from the soft hand he was familiar with, but his feeling just now...


   "Oh...Doctor [Super doctor recommends reading this book], what are you doing? Did my words make you angry?"


Robben naturally put the hand of King Biress nv to his mouth, and bit him: "My lord nv, I have always been so gentle, what about a man like me who loves everyone? Maybe it's a rough guy like you told you, a guy who treats you like that is damned"


   "Yes, **** it. I have had many men, but no one has ever dared to treat me like that..."


Robben was playing a snare drum in his heart. Today, this nv guy is too weird. I can't figure out what he meant by what he said. Moreover, even though he is holding on to himself, his touching body has been gently rubbed against him. Some fever, obviously emotional again, but the strange thing is that in the soft voice, even in the eyes of Mí Li, I can always feel a little ……Danger


  Roben gently rolled over and pressed the nv man in his arms under him: "Master nv, since you are still such a jealous god, I think we should do something serious."


   "Hehe, yeah...it's too early." King Biress nv smiled.


   Luo Ben's feeling of anxiety grew stronger.


   The bodies of the two entangled together again, and the heavy panting went back in the bedroom for a long time.


   The body heats like a fire, but Robben's heart is getting colder and colder, as if he has fallen into the ice cellar, Robben can almost hear a voice in his heart yelling to push away the nv person in his arms and immediately run away


   Why do you feel this way? I have been entangled with this nv person countless times, countless times, why is there such a strong sense of anxiety this time?


Soon, the body of the nv person in his arms began to twitch violently, and the vague voice rang meaninglessly in her throat, and Robben directly bit on the neck of King Biress nv with sharp canine teeth. Stabbed in.


  Bi Ruisi nv Wang's body twitched, seemingly ignorant of all this.


   Escape, Escape, Robben's mind is all this sound.


  "Nv Lord King..." Robben raised his head and stared straight at the nv person who had lost consciousness in high school. Her eyes seemed to have no focus, staring at herself blankly.


   Suddenly a ray of cold light flashed in these blank eyes.


Luo Ben was shocked in his heart, his whole body's divine power suddenly skyrocketed, but he was still a step slower, and there was a sharp pain behind his back. This nv man was holding his back hand, his ten fingers stuck in like a sharp knife, even his own momentary element The strengthened body can't resist.


   But only a few inches into the body, the opponent's hand suddenly stopped, and there was a continuation of consternation in his eyes and anger arose.


   "You...what did you do to me?" Mí Li Zhi disappeared from the face of King Bi Ruisi nv in an instant, changing into a cold killing intent.


"You... want to kill me?" Robben was frightened and angry. He didn't understand what was going on at all, but what is certain now is the nv guy who was still entangled with himself a moment ago and indulged in eros. In a blink of an eye, I was about to kill myself. If I hadn't bitten her first with this charm tooth that had never been known by this nv person, I guess my heart and lungs had been penetrated.


   "Magic Teeth" King Biris nv felt the slight pain in his neck for a moment, and the anger in his eyes couldn't help but get stronger.


Robben feels like falling into the ice cellar. The nv guy in front of him is actually going to kill himself and this time it is not a joke. His murderous intent makes his whole body tremble, facing a demon king who is close to him, Robben Feeling that the cold sweat on my brain is spreading out layer by layer, can I really survive today?


   His eyes condensed, and the eyes of King Biress nv flashed like black fire. UU reading www.uukanshu. cm


Robben yelled badly. The tricks obtained from the magical nv breath of Charm Fang only played a little role when the nv person was completely unprepared. Now it has been seen through, the effect of Charm Fang may be imminent Will be cracked.


  Roben understood very well that facing a demon king, he had no chance of winning, whether it was from fighting qi or magic. This Jiao Didi's body could not be harmed casually, not to mention that he hardly used vindictiveness.


   Summoning the Demon King's armor, Robben thought of this for the first time, but soon found out in despair that he was facing a genuine Demon King. With his armor that could not exert his full strength, there was no possibility of victory.


   At the moment when King Biris nv was briefly affected by the tooth of Charm, Robben hugged her head and fixed her eyes firmly: "This is your bī mine."


   Robben’s eyes burst into silver


  "Jīng God magic, do you want to die?" In the eyes of King Biris nv there was a terrifying black light F

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