God Prohibitions

Chapter 932: Vacant position

The road is tortuous and changeable, and the marching Modu has not been fast. Whether the gods are the gods or the demons, they have become cautious because of this rugged road, especially the gods. After the last painful lesson, the gods are no longer He will press forward again and again with presumptuous steps, but he still hasn't let go of the demons, following the demons at a suitable distance, looking for opportunities to attack.

In the former army of the demons, Queen Biris seemed a little laid back.

"Doctor, it has been several days. The Protoss has only launched two attacks in total, and they are all probing. We are really at peace now, and we are walking peacefully, so the Protoss will always follow us like this Back?"

Robben looked in the direction of the rear army, and said: "It should be, but I can't guarantee about this. The Protoss will still keep up with the greatest possibility. First, they have indeed reached the shortage of supplies. At a critical juncture, the second one they have an inscrutable hatred against us, the third one they have no good choice besides following us now, and now we have gone deep into this hilly area, surrounded by wild mountains Ling, there is no city at all to provide enough supplies for the protoss army, even if they are stationed on the spot right now, and picking edible wild grass and fruits to satisfy their hunger, they can only temporarily solve the problem. The army, it is absolutely impossible to rely on these things to support it. According to time calculations, their food should be running out. The attack yesterday might be to achieve some results..."

"Why don't we give them something? Or if they think they didn't make a profit and run away, we would have wasted so much effort." Queen Biress asked.

"No need for the time being. We can let the Protoss endure for a short period of time. If they make mistakes and lose materials because of their lack of materials, it may also arouse their suspicion. When their tolerance is almost exhausted, we can reappear. A little mistake"

Queen Biris gave a playful smile. "Doctor, I suddenly felt that you guy is really terrible. This time I have calculated the Protoss in my palm from beginning to end. I really sigh for this skill of planning. It's better."

"Not as good as you said..." Robben replied softly.

"Huh? Really? But I have fought a few wars with the Protoss, but I didn't play around with the Protoss like this. Now count it out. From the beginning of the war, you have done some weird tricks, but these were not originally. Reasonable tricks are very useful, doctor...Where did you learn this, and what did you do in the past?"

Queen Biress narrowed her eyes and stared at Robben and said: "Don't tell me you are wandering in the Tianlan Grassland or something like that. If it's really like that, I will send someone to search the Tianlan Grassland now. Every time, bring back all the living guys there and give me advice! Listen to what you mean, it seems that a guy wandering around and doing nothing is more wise than all my demons together."

Robben had no choice but to laugh, and did not answer. This kind of thing is already a habit. Smiling by himself means that he doesn't want to talk about these things. Although Queen Biress is more arrogant, she has never had some past stories about herself. Will go to investigate.

Sure enough, Queen Biris saw that Robben smiled like this again, and said with a slight dissatisfaction: "It's mysterious, and occasionally you can talk to me about the past. It doesn't matter if it is shameful. Anyway, that’s what happened before. I think I’m still very open-minded, isn’t it a doctor!?"

"Yes, as the Queen, you have always been like this..."

Queen Biress smiled and nodded, "Well, I really like to hear these words, but..., next time you tell lies, don't laugh so exaggeratedly."

Robben knew that Queen Biress would not be held accountable anymore...

The reason why the enemy goes deep is relatively simple. In addition to some other factors, it is not difficult to calculate the Protoss army, and it is still such a terrain. This ambush is also a classic example of war, and some have been seen. It has been recorded in many places in ancient books that if you want to say what wisdom is, it is better to say that it is better in your own memory...

I just hope that the Protoss can know how powerful it is, and don't be forced to step by step as before, and move fast on my own side. And now in this place, at this time, the Protoss doesn’t seem to have any particularly good choice, or to say, it’s the only choice except to continue chasing the demon army. If the demon army is far away from the protoss army, then here The Protoss army in the complex terrain is likely to fall into difficulties that they had not thought of before.

Now, the morale of the Protoss army has begun to drop a bit. Since the demons attacked the previous few days, the Protoss also tried to open the situation and carried out two attacks, but they all returned without success.

As night fell, the demons and the gods all began to rest. The distance between the two is not too far. In the night, you can even see the bonfires raised by the horses and horses on both sides winding and stretching on the mountain road, like two long snakes.

"Rafis, I don’t think we need to chase it down anymore. On this terrain, it’s difficult for us to effectively attack the demons, and obviously they are more familiar with this terrain than we are, and our maps have begun to have a lot of errors. , It’s too dangerous to go deeper!"

Faqt was arguing with Rafis in the protoss discussion.

Raffith looked at Fakert, who began to oppose the pursuit again, shook his head and said: Fakert, don’t always waver from side to side, you will be excited when you taste the sweetness, and once you suffer, you will want it immediately. Retreat, this is your shortcoming, and why you are always assigned to assist me when you are with me. "

"But our current situation is that we shouldn't chase it anymore!" Fakert was very annoyed by what Rafis said.

"Yeah, it is very difficult for us to effectively kill the demons. Even if they stretch their necks to let us kill, we don't know how far we must go to kill all the demons. Our map has indeed begun to show various errors but..."

Raffith stared at Fakert with a cold light in his eyes and asked, "Facter! Come and tell me, if we don't pursue the demon army now, what action should we take?"

Retreat immediately and return to the same way! Act according to our previous plan! "Faket said without hesitation.

Rafis shook his head and looked at a little bit of food on the table. "Rafis, how many days can my food last?"

"Two days! But I think two days are enough for us to walk back quickly. As long as we leave this mountain and hill, we can immediately find sufficient food and other supplies. If not, we can use weeds temporarily. Leaves come to satisfy your hunger."

"That's good!" Rafis nodded. "Let’s not say whether we can really retreat to the plains in two days, even if we can, but on our wrong map, the closest city to us. It seems that there will be a two-day journey, but because we are out of food, our speed will be slower. So when we are hungry to reach the next city that may not even exist due to map errors, can we find enough? The supplies of the people are still a problem, and what should we do if the demons don’t let us leave? What if they sāo attack us and delay our pace?"

"Raffis! You are borrowing... You just don't want to give up Roche's hatred!" Fakert pointed out Raffith's thoughts sharply.

Raffith grinned, "Fact, you are right, although there are many reasons, but even if none of these reasons are available, then I will continue to pursue it because Roche...yes, it's because Roche..."

Double Sun slowly widened, and Rafis smiled weirdly. "But the situation I just said is true. Can you answer my question? What I said is all We have the most urgent situation right now, can you solve it?"

"Those are all your ideas, we don't necessarily encounter those situations at all,..."

"Oh?" Rafis looked at Kurt with a funny look. "Rafis, you mean, we are now giving up the supplies that are in front of us and we have to go back regardless of everyone's desire to pursue it, and use the lives of all soldiers to do it once. Gambling? FAKT, do you know that if we return now, if there are ambushes along the way, most of the ordinary soldiers in our army may die because of hunger and weakness, and a million army will be in the mountains and forests. Quietly turned into an injustice hún!"

"Raffis, you, how did you become like this? You weren't like this before. We have been together for many years. I never knew you would become like this because of hatred!!" Faqt looked at him in disbelief. Raffith had a distorted face.

"Indeed, the Rafis you know is not like this. He is loyal and brave, cherishes his subordinates, and has a spirit of sacrifice, but that is because he has the only relative by his side, and the only important thing he needs to protect is still by his side. , And now... that thing has disappeared, and the original Rafis has died with it. Now standing in front of you is just a vengeful dead hún, Fakert, it's unfortunate that you have to become this vengeance. Part of the power of death, and there is no choice!"

Fakert became angry, "I will tell all the soldiers and soldiers who are really alike, Rafis! We can't all die here because of your hatred!"

"Heh...hehe, hahahaha..." Raffith laughed, raised his head and laughed, as if he heard the most ridiculous thing in the world...

The laughter was stopped abruptly, and Rafis faced Fakert and said coldly, "Fact! No one would believe you! We had already told the soldiers that Rohey was special when he left. The mission left alone. You did it yourself. Now you have to change your words. Soldiers won’t believe it, and now the soldiers still want to regain the armor of Sender, as well as those behind the Protoss team. At this moment, you said that you would retire, and you have to come up with some strange reasons, Fakert, the soldiers will not recognize you, they will only think, because of the last failure,..., there has been cowardice. Maker, Fact...do you understand?"

Faqt looked at Rafis, unable to say a word...

Raffith walked around the table and came to FAKT’s side, reached out and patted him on the shoulder. "FKT, according to the current situation, it is the most correct way for us to follow the demons, so that we will know where they are going. , At least not because of that vague map, and you can also rob their materials and vehicles by the way. That is the standard configuration of the army, and it is what we need most. If we want to survive first, we must do this!"

With a smile, Rafis took away his hand, "Fact, go to sleep, take a break, we will chase the demons tomorrow, if there is a good chance, we have to take the opportunity to grab some supplies and go to sleep..."

"Lafite, you will regret it," Fakert said softly.

"Regret? No way! Now...

There is nothing that I regret anymore. The only thing I regret now is that if you can choose what I said to Roche, I really want to be stabbed by her again, and then tell her it’s okay to stabbing a hundred more swords, I It's still her brother... I will never leave her alone. "

Faqt looked at Rafis, with a little more despair in his eyes, slowly turned around, and walked away...

Looking at the back of Fakert’s departure, Rafis sighed helplessly, "I’m sorry, Fakert... But if Roche is gone, I won’t have any worries, even though we have been friends for many years. In terms of your status and strength, you should not suffer any harm in this battle. This is... the only place I feel at ease."

The demon army began to pull the protoss army to run in the mountains and forests. Both sides were afraid of each other, and they did not want the other side to leave their line of sight. Sometimes they would fight fiercely and sometimes they would be peaceful for a few days. thing.

Just walked in tandem for ten days. "Doctor, did the supplies we discarded yesterday were a little bit? In that case, the Protoss would only have enough food for one day." Queen Biris said in the chariot with worry.

"Unexpectedly, you would care about the food of the Protoss.

"Roben said little carelessly.

"I'm just worried that the demons will turn around and run away." Regarding Robben's casual tone, Queen Biress was completely helpless.

"I didn’t even run away at the beginning, it’s even worse now. The terrain here is very complicated. I think it’s very difficult for the Protoss to go out without our guides, let alone escape, and... those that only have enough food for a day The food is not important, the Protoss will divide them into three parts and save them for three days, and...we are already close to our destination, and it is time to start cleaning up these tails."

Queen Biress sighed, "Why do I suddenly feel that the protoss behind us are so pitiful that they are so pitiful that they have followed us so far, endured hunger and hungry, and originally wanted to drag us, the result is still calculated by us? , Now it’s just offensive for fear of traps, but if you don’t offense you will starve to death..."

"Ah" Queen Biris looked bitter, "When did I fight such a poor enemy..."

Robben looked at Queen Biris with a leisurely look. "The poor still don't know who it is. When we reach Jiaoshan, we will also know the specific situation of the battle. The real purpose of Lord Black Emperor summoning us, maybe that At that time, the Queen would not feel pitiful for them."

After a long period of time, Fakert became more uncomfortable. In these ten days, Fakert asked Rafite several times that he should no longer risk chasing after him, but obviously, Rafis has listened to everything now. Not going in, chasing the demons, even without thinking about why the demons took out the armor of the Sender to deliberately let the demons chase after. Rafis's heart now, in addition to hatred, is still hatred "waiting to leave this narrow After the terrain, we immediately launched a large-scale offensive to collect all the benefits of the demon race's tricks on us!"

This is the original words of Rafis, but Fakert is very worried about whether these Protoss soldiers can get out of such a neck.

Soon, the towering peaks of Jiaoshan appeared looming in the clouds and mist and appeared in the eyes of the forefront of the demon army.

Looking at the dark mountain peaks, Queen Biris felt a lot more relaxed. "It seems that in two days at most, we will reach the foot of Jiao Mountain. Father's summoning made us finally catch up... "

"But it's not time for us to relax. After all, there are countless Protoss warriors behind us, Bier, find a demon general who is quick to move, and send him to the front to pass the news."

"Yeah!" Queen Biris nodded heavily.

Jiaoshan can be regarded as a scene of the Demon Realm. It is a high mountain that is dark from a distance or close up. The main peak protrudes beyond the adjoining mountain range, towering into the clouds, and is still shrouded in light clouds. At the time of the Devildom, the top of Jiaoshan was a mystery. It is said that no one has ever gone up and down, including the demon kings.

But now it seems that the tall black mountain peaks straight into the sky, and thick clouds gather on the top of the mountain, hiding the appearance of Jiaoshan’s main peak. From a distance, it looks like a hidden A huge black monster in the thick fog.

The meeting place set by the Black Emperor is at the foot of Jiaoshan.

The land around Jiaoshan, as well as the mountain itself, are soil and rocks rich in magic elements, and most of them are rich in dark elements. This is a rare phenomenon. Generally speaking, dark elements and Like the light element, it is rarely such a large-scale gathering of other objects in a natural state, except in places with extremely special environments, but Jiaoshan is an exception.

Also because of this exception, in the environment where the surrounding mountains are covered with lush vegetation, there are very few plants growing near Jiaoshan very abruptly. Even if there are, some of them are extremely tenacious or rely on magical elements for growth. Rare species.

Jiaoshan is a place where various plants of the Diablo genus are abundant, and these strange creatures gather together.

I also hesitate that the surrounding vegetation is quite sparse. At the foot of Jiaoshan, there is a circle with a very large area. Compared with other hilly terrains, this land looks very fertile, dark and dark, but almost everything. It's not long, just a flat land that feels very desolate.

The exact meeting place for Hei Di's reservation this time was on this flat and open land.

After bypassing a short mountain, Queen Biris finally saw the Mozu army at the foot of Jiaoshan that had already gathered there. At a glance, she could see that the foot of Jiaoshan was crowded with darkness. She couldn't see the edge at all, and she didn't know if there was any. How many troops.

"It seems that we are indeed late!" Queen Biris paralyzed helplessly.

"There is no way. Our ark is all rugged mountain roads, and there are protoss chasing. Unlike the demon kings in other directions, some of them even flew over from the road in a big way."

What Robben is talking about is the truth. Counting from Jiaoshan, Queen Biris came from the mountain and hilly area, and when he crossed Jiaoshan, the terrain began to become gentle, and finally Ma Pingchuan

Queen Biris may be the most difficult one to walk among these demon kings. "Ah...but anyway, we will be here, um... should our messenger be back? If it is later, The Protoss can see our army as long as they stand at our current position. If that's the case, even if they starve to death in the mountains, they will never dare to catch up."

Robben nodded, "Indeed, our messenger should bring back news now, oh that seems to be it!" Robben raised his finger and pointed to a Demon soldier who suddenly ran out from behind a rock on the mountain road ahead. "

Queen Biress squeezed her fist, creaked the joints, stood up and said, "After enduring for so long, now I can finally take care of those protoss who have been harassing me. This time...I absolutely Go and kill yourself..."

"Uh, as a queen, this is not a good idea. I'm afraid it will hurt innocent soldiers." Robben shook his head.

"Doctor, I found that you are getting more and more wordy!" Queen Biress' eyebrows twitched.

"Maybe, but I’m telling the truth. Now the Protoss army doesn’t need us to pay attention anymore. Lord Hei Di will naturally send more troops to clean up them. We just need to hurry as soon as possible. We must be tired all the way, Hei Di. The adults will not ask us to participate in the offensive as well. To bring them here, our mission is over..."

"But..." Queen Biris gritted her teeth.

"As a queen, even if you are provoked and hurt, you should show your strength and focus on the overall situation. What's more, it's just being disturbed by sāo all the way. We need to rest now." Robben said lightly, but looked at the rear, his eyes full of concern.

"Doctor, what do you seem to be worried about..."

"Ah...no, no..." Robben smiled.

Queen Biress smiled helplessly. "Thank you to show some serious expressions when you tell lies. Although I don't mind that, should you try to get through it? Don't let me think you always Treat me carelessly."

"Sorry, I will do it next time


The hand that was gently rolling her silver hair still tightened involuntarily, Queen Biris calmed down, but in her heart she cursed Robben with a **** spray.

"Forget it, let's move forward! Those **** Protoss army, let my father handle it!"

Robben glanced at the rear army for the last time. This time the Protoss army chased here all the way, and indeed made a huge mistake, but under the support of the unstoppable desire for revenge, this mistake was deliberately ignored. Si, I don’t know if you will regret it. The countless Protoss warriors will pay the price for your revenge...

The destination has appeared in front of him, and the demons began to speed up their march, and gathered at the position reserved for their army. The messenger who rushed in had already brought the message of the Black Emperor to Queen Biris, and could not leave Robbensho. It is expected that Hei Di meant that Queen Biris led the army into the foot of Montenegro quietly. Don’t let the Protoss army have any suspicion. The Protoss army on the long mountain road behind will be carried out by the remaining troops that have been secretly transferred. Sniper.

"Well, I'm going to see my father in a while, it seems that I am the last demon to arrive!

Everyone is waiting for me, doctor, I can’t take you there this time. How do you say it’s a shì girl, it’s okay to fool those demons, but in front of my father, I can’t guarantee that you will not be exposed. "

Queen Biris has already planted a large camp at the foot of Jiao Mountain. The soldiers of the whole army are reorganizing, while Queen Biris is taking a bath. She will meet with the Black Emperor in a moment to discuss the summoning of the Demon King.

Robben also leaned against the bathtub and silently looked at the ceiling of the palace without speaking.

Suddenly, there was a not-so-weak vibration on the ground, and obvious water patterns dàng in the bathtub. Robben's eyes narrowed, "It seems that he has already started."

Queen Biris nodded, still washing her long hair carefully, "It's time to do it, if you don't do it, the Protoss will find that we are gathering here and retreat. This time they are unlucky. It’s very pleasant to bite us all the way and not let it down, but in the end we have chased our lair. It’s really a dead end..."

With that said, Queen Biris picked her finger, and a strand of silver thread 〖jī〗 shot up, but when she approached Robben, she suddenly slowed down and slapped Robben gently on the nose, leaving behind a little Chuanshui huā "Doctor, why do I feel that you are worried about the safety of the Protoss? Is there any reason you can tell me?"

The reason is that Robben smiled bitterly in his heart. The reason why the Protoss will persevere in chasing it this time is that Rafis’s burning heart of revenge, after being ambushed on the long and narrow mountain road, still followed all the way here. , Perhaps Rafis still wanted to attack the demons on the open ground after stepping out of the mountains, but he might not have thought that the end of the demons did not go out of this vast hilly area, and... the purpose There are still a large number of demons waiting for him on the ground.

This elder brother who wanted to avenge his sister and tied the lives of countless soldiers to the chariot, may be fighting desperately now. Maybe he doesn’t worry about anything now, and doesn’t care about the situation that suddenly becomes passive or even terrible. He thinks it should. Just desperate to kill one more demons...

Looking at Queen Biris, Robben smiled and shook his head, "No, I just think the Protoss is a little pitiful..."

Queen Beris raised her eyebrows. "Doctor, pay attention to you. It would be nothing if there were only our soldiers, but now there are all the demon king’s army gathered here, I don’t know how many ears and eyes are around, and you just say sorry. If the Protoss is like this, it will be enough for you to continue to trouble."

"Hehe, then, Lou and the queen have a bath together, shouldn't he be put to death for rebelliousness?"

Queen Biress rolled her eyes, "A man is a nasty guy no matter what! You wash it yourself, I must go now, um...what are you doing?"

Robben also stood up and stepped out of the bathtub. "I am your temporary adjutant. This time the Black Emperor blockade will call you in detail. There will be a closed meeting. Then I will just pretend to be there. I will definitely be stopped. Outside, you don’t take me there, it looks a little strange."

This time, Robben guessed again. After being well-dressed, Queen Beris and Robben, who appeared very solemn, arrived at the central camp where the Black Emperor was. Like the rest of the demon kings, Robben was killed by the soldiers. Stopped outside the big tent of the meeting, and couldn't get within a hundred steps of the big tent at all, and the surroundings were all guarded by the Black Emperor's guards.

The clear black armored warrior, without a trace of his body, moved in his heart. He quietly tested one of the guards, and found that it was just an empty armor...just inside the empty armor, but Filled with a strong feeling and strength.

Just like the black armored guards in the original black fortress of the Demon Realm, these are all alive and dead. Feeling that the guard seems to be paying attention to him, Robben immediately withdrew all his mental power and retreated obediently...

There were very strong vibrations and huge shouts of killing from the direction from time to time, and the billowing smoke couldn't conceal the flames. Half of the sun has fallen below the horizon, but the fire from that direction is scattered above the sky, as if the entire sky is burning. Robben seems to smell the pain and struggle in the air. Countless lives are in that fire. It disappeared quickly.

Hesitating the influence of Jiaoshan, the growth of plants on the surrounding mountains is not very high, most of them are very thin and shriveled and easy to catch fire, and on such a terrain, fire is undoubtedly the most likely to interfere with sight and cause confusion. The demon army did not know that it was several times that of the protoss army. With the addition of mental arithmetic and unintentional, as well as the familiarity with the terrain, the protoss army had no chance of winning. Suddenly, Robben thought: I don’t know Luo. How is Xi now? In the afternoon, Queen Biris entered the big tent and started this meeting of the demon kings. Until the night fell, it gradually deepened. The big tent was lit with bright lights, and the meeting was not over. On the other side of the mountain... the demons’ attacks on the Protoss have continued to this day. The flames only burned the rocks and burned through the sky. Half of the world seemed to be burning. In the flames of the bear, no I know how many of the rays of light turned into hún from the death of Protoss warriors...

As the lieutenant to accompany the demon king, everyone waited outside the conference camp, but the meeting time was too long. Everyone was well received and had food and drink. The only one here is Robben who looks like a female xìng. Everyone inevitably kept watching Robben frequently. Robben had no choice but to ignore him. No one knew him anyway. Robben discovered a strange phenomenon. It seems that the number of people here is not right. There are twenty-four demon kings. Everyone, even if each one brings only one adjutant to eliminate the adjutant of the demon Lord Manil who has died in battle, there are too few people here...............,

Everyone has nothing to do and talks to each other a few words, but it can be seen that the demon kings usually do not communicate a lot, and everyone is not familiar with them. What they say is not a painful question, and the most talked about. But it was the Protoss army that was under attack. It was just that no one came to talk to Robben, the adjutant of Queen Biris who led the Protoss all the way here.

Sure enough, still look down on women? These people are really dead-headed. Robenso was happy and quiet, drinking tea by himself, ignoring what others were saying.

The meeting of the demon kings lasted until the middle of the night. Just after Robben felt that he should leave and go to sleep first, but after the meeting, the curtain of the big tent was finally opened, and the demon kings filed out and left quickly.

All the adjutants stood up and chased after the demon king of Zisi. Robben waited for a long time, but found strangely that the other demon kings were gone, but Queen Biress hadn't appeared yet, so he couldn't help but mumble, could it be this woman again What caused the black Emperor to reprimand her?

As he was thinking, Robben saw Queen Biris appearing at the door of the big tent, but did not come out. Instead, he waved gently to himself, and then disappeared.

Call yourself in? Robben reflected this for a while to confirm this information. He walked forward quickly and stopped when he approached the guards, but found that they had no intention of attacking at all, so he left with confidence. Go in.

Within the big tent, the layout is similar to that of the Black Emperor's discussion hall. The seats of the demon kings are arranged on two sides, and the seat of the Black Emperor is in the center.

Queen Biress was sitting in her seat, and when she saw Robben coming in, she frequently looked at Robben, but Robben was a little confused by Queen Biress’s overly rich expression, and she didn’t know this woman. He wanted to hint at what he wanted, when he saw the Black Emperor sitting on it, he hurriedly walked over to salute, "Humble Job Qisi, I have seen..." "Roben, you have changed your look again" Black Emperor said softly.

Robben suffocated, and found Queen Biris a disappointed god, and finally knew what she was reminding herself just now. It turned out that the Black Emperor had already asked her identity.

Robben was very surprised about this, because he had no reason not to show his face. The last time he met the Black Emperor on the battlefield, he was like Nalan, which is actually a bit unreasonable. After all, if you want to investigate the reason for using the disguised nucleus, you have to start with teaching Queen Biris magic. It will involve the relationship between yourself and Queen Biris. Presumably Queen Biris will not want to The Black Emperor knows too much, but now it seems that the Black Emperor knows a lot...

"Master Black, please atone for your sins...I can't see you in my original face now."

When his identity was violent, Robben directly recognized his identity.

Hei Di lightly nodded, "Well, I already know about this. What I want to know now is that you have led the Protoss here this time. You have already received news that the Protoss may be Destroying everywhere, I don’t know where this news came from, did you get it while lurking in the Protoss?" "No!" Robben denied directly, "This is my guess! That's why I asked the queen this time. Your lord made such a decision, knowing that now I don't know whether this guess is accurate, and I also asked Lord Black Emperor to make atonement. For this reason, we delayed a lot of time to arrive here.

"Yeah" Black Emperor didn't say anything, just nodded gently.

"Roben, judging from the situation after the start of this war, only the Queen has achieved brilliant results. It can be said that the Protoss has been defeated steadily, and from the Queen’s mouth, I know that you have a huge in this. Credit, of course, your witches."

Robben felt a little hot in his heart. He has been in this world for so many years, in order...that is, at this moment, to be recognized by the Black Emperor, and trusted by the Black Emperor. "It's not that I just do my best. These victories , And all relying on the Queen's strategizing, finally defeated the Protoss."

"Oh that's the case, Bier, your skill in strategizing, as expected, makes me a little doubt that you are the original Bier."

There was embarrassment on Queen Biris’ face, "Uh, father, I’m just lucky."

Hei Di smiled: "Luck is the most important thing on the battlefield!"

Turning his head to look at Robben~www.readwn.com~ The Black Emperor pointed to Queen Biris' side, "Roben, sit down, I have something to ask you."

"Yes!" Robben nodded and agreed, but when he raised his foot, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, beside Queen Biris,...Isn't that the seat of the other demon kings?

"What's the matter, why don't you go sit down?" Black Emperor urged.

"Uh, the subordinates are terrified, the subordinates dare not sit in the seat of Lord Demon King!" Robben thought to myself that I would be reimbursed for my life if I sat on it with this ass?

"It's okay," Black Emperor said in a deep voice, "That seat will be vacant for a long time in the future. Originally..., it is Monil sitting there."

Robben trembled in his heart and bowed his head deeply. "Devil Manil is generous and kind. Although he has only met a few times, he has left a deep impression on his subordinates. They respect Demon Manil from the heart. Seat... Subordinates will never dare to sit!!"

Robben's insistence made the Black Emperor a little surprised. Few people would speak to himself in this insistence tone.

However, the Black Emperor smiled, and did not care, but pointed to the seat on the other side of Queen Biris, "Then you sit there!".

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