God Prohibitions

Chapter 933: Murderous

Robben looked at the seat beside Queen Biris, his eyes were full of differences.

Hei Di asked softly: "When you were outside, didn't you count the number of demon kings?"

Robben shook his head, "No..."

Hei Di smiled faintly. "Sure enough, as Bier said, there are some things that you don’t care about... Okay, go sit down. This is the honor you deserve. Since the start of this war, your performance has exceeded In keeping with the expectations of me and the Demon King, it was even better than all the Demon Kings...Moreover, that seat will be vacant for some time to come.

After hearing the words of Hei Di, Robben's heart beat fiercely.

The smile on Hei Di's face seems to have not changed for tens of thousands of years. "Roben, in the last battle where the Protoss suddenly descended on the God of War, we lost five demon kings!"

"What!?" Robben almost didn't jump from the ground.

"Hehe... you are really surprised, and I was also very surprised when I knew the result, but now these are not important, you sit down, I have something to ask you."

Taking a look at Queen Biris, Robben sighed, stepped forward, and sat on the seat of the demon king beside Queen Biris. "

Hei Di nodded with satisfaction. "Yes, this one is not everyone who dares to sit. Sitting on it means that you have to bear a considerable burden. Robben, I admire you very much. And, you don't sit in the seat of Manir. , I am also very happy, Bier said to me, Monir, he likes you very much, it seems..., he didn't look away!"

He tapped on the armrest of the seat lightly, and the Black Emperor said softly, "Well, that's all for the gossip, Robben, I want to know now, what kind of judgment do you rely on, the Protoss will scattered and flee after descending on the God of War Open, go deep into the demon world and destroy it?"

The first question made Robben a little difficult to answer.

In fact, this is not a reasonable approach, it is entirely out of judgment, and Robben himself cannot guarantee that the Protoss will do that...

"This" Robben didn't know what he said he was guessing, what would the Black Emperor look like "Father, Robben guessed, he said he is not very sure, because we have no way to collect evidence." Queen Biris I spoke at this moment.

Robben couldn't help but sighed, secretly grateful, if this was from Queen Biris, it would sound much better than himself, at least the Black Emperor would not directly anger Queen Biris.

"Guess!?" The muscles at the corners of Hei Di's mouth moved. "By guessing alone, I have dragged the Protoss army for so long, and has delayed the date of meeting with the demon kings?"

Hei Di's chilly voice made Robben feel uncomfortable all over.

"Father" Queen Biress wanted to speak, but the Black Emperor waved her hand to stop her from continuing. "I know you finally found a baby assistant, but you don't have to talk to him like this, Robben, tell me you are How to guess? Even guess! There must be a basis!"

Robben took a slight breath and replied as calmly as possible: "His Lord Black Emperor, this time I suggested this to the Queen because the movement of the Protoss has always been very strange, completely contrary to the behavior of previous wars. They used to gather a large number of troops to rush towards our army, hoping to directly defeat us with the powerful force of their mouths, but this time the Protoss attack is obviously divided into several stages, and the methods are changeable, and the purpose is not easy to grasp. , But judging from the previous encounters, it seems that the Protoss did not want to fight us directly in this battle!"

"Oh? Don't want to go to war with us directly?" The black emperor's face showed a contemplative sè. "If they don't want to go to war with us, then they spent so much effort and paid such a high price to get through the channel and come to the demon world for what?"

"Master Black Emperor, the Protoss just doesn't want to fight us directly, but it's not that it doesn't want to destroy us. From the previous actions of the Protoss, I feel that the Protoss' determination to defeat us this time is greater than ever!"

Hei Di's eyes flashed "Why?"

"Hei Di, since the beginning of the war, the Protoss has been conserving strength. Whether it is the previous self-detonation attack or the warriors of the yòu bait, they are all to ensure that more Protoss fighters can come safely. After that, they have been avoiding us. Instead of wandering around without fighting, destroying everything that can be destroyed, the only active attack was an ambush. In the end, the city was occupied to hold on, and the beasts were dropped to move around. Lord Black Emperor, they have never been as positive as we were before. Dueling, and trying their best to preserve their own strength, and destroy our land to the greatest extent, destroying the basis for our survival, but this time they finally took the initiative to attack, but used the lightning tactics for all the reasons before. The rapid arrival of the God of War caused us to lose considerable strength,

Therefore, I now think that the strategy of the Protoss for us this time is to find a safe opportunity to attack while carrying out infinite destruction, otherwise we will resolutely not fight the demon army! "

Hei Di was silent for a while, seeming to be thinking about Robben's words, and then suddenly asked: "Then...tell me about how you attracted those Protoss troops this time. Didn't you say that they would never take the initiative to attack? ?"

"That's because we used the armor of a Six-Winged Warlord who was killed by the Queen as a bait. Ordinary Protoss soldiers should not know what kind of strategy the Protoss is going to adopt. Seeing that the armor of the Six-Winged Warlord was killed We picked it up on the flagpole, and the whole army was angry, so they chased us all the way to here."

"A pair of armor can exchange so many protoss army? Is there such a good thing?"

Robben felt that his spine was a little turbulent, and the Black Emperor obviously doubted this matter. "Huh, it seems that the Protoss is still as stupid as before, but this time it has adopted a different strategy before the start of the war. It’s the same thing, and I’ve been annoyed a long time ago. This time may be a turning point in the destiny that we and the Protoss have entangled for hundreds of millions of years. As for who can make the last laugh at this turning point, it depends on our respective skills!"

The Black Emperor was smiling, but Robben felt that there was something serious in his smile. The five demon kings were beheaded! This news is too shocking. There are only 24 Demon Kings in the Demon Realm. One-fifth of them suffered a tragic death in just a few days. For the Demon Race, it is tantamount to heavy. Blow.

"Roben... I can tell you right now, you guessed it right. The Protoss army in the direction that came out of you is being wiped out by us, and the Protoss army in the other directions has begun to flee away from our army. According to the news coming back, they are wantonly destroying our villages and cities, destroying everything that can be destroyed, and taking away everything that can be taken away. Those who can’t be taken away will be burned in the end. In these days, we have already Lost more than one-twelfth of the tribe..."

"What!?" A thin layer of sweat beads suddenly appeared on Robben's forehead. The vast land of the Demon Race has a fairly deep population base. One twelfth is an astronomical figure! !

"Heh, now you should feel that I didn't let you sit in that seat for nothing. Just relying on you to bring the protoss army here, you don't know how many people have been saved."

Robben asked eagerly: "Master Black, our road is rugged and remote, and there are protoss chasing after us. It took a lot of time along the way. I think you must have received this news early, so what should we do? The strategy is to deal with this approach of the Protoss."

Hei Di nodded. "I did receive this news very early. After all, it is a strange thing that they did not pursue our united army. After sending out scouts to investigate, they quickly got the current movement of the Protoss, but until now I haven't taken any response!"

"No!?" Robben's eyes widened in astonishment. "Master Black Emperor, you mean, for so many days, you have allowed the Protoss to kill our people and destroy our land!?" Robben almost couldn't believe it. The Hei Di with a calm face, Robben couldn't see the slightest anxiety from this young face, but he was still a bit leisurely.

"Roben, pay attention to your tone!" Queen Biress reminded nervously.

Robben realized his gaffe, and quickly lowered his head, but there seemed to be a wave of blood in his heart. Twenty days have passed since the departure of Queen Biris until now. These twenty days, the Protoss has been killing wildly. , And the demon army that got the news is absolutely nothing...

"Master Hei Di, can I know... Why did you not take any action?" The indignation that was suppressed but could not be suppressed flooded into his heart. Robben raised his head and stared at Hei Di. "We are fighting Protoss, almost all the troops were taken away by the Demon King to the initial point of arrival. After that, no army returned to defend the cities, large and small. In front of the Protoss army, the walls of those cities were of no avail! They could only wait and see. Go to die! Lord Hei Di!! Our people are being killed!!"

"Roben!!" Queen Biress yelled and stood up from her seat.

Luo Benyuan opened his eyes and looked at the Black Emperor without giving up.

"Our people?" The Black Emperor still smiled softly as if a string was broken in Robben's heart. In an instant, Robben felt a basin of cold water poured from his head to his feet, and his whole body was plunged into extreme In the cold, the Black Emperor is also looking at him. Those dark eyes are looking at him like a pair of black holes. "Roben, you are much stronger than when I first saw you. It was just a few hundred years ago. For an existence like me, there is not much difference between a few hundred years and the time to drink a cup of tea, but you are already a lot stronger to make me stronger at an incredible speed. ." Hei Di suddenly talked about an irrelevant topic.

Robben felt that the air around him seemed to be completely hollowed out, he couldn't breathe, his body seemed to be imprisoned by a kind of power, shaking but unable to move, a kind of unprovoked fear breeds in his heart, his eyes are full of wild vines. The vine entangled and climbed, and instantly bound his body, that feeling...

Fear... spreads in the depths of my own spirit hún...

"Father?" Queen Biress saw that Robben was wrong.

The Black Emperor smiled softly and turned his gaze to Queen Biress, "Is there anything Bier?"

Robben felt light all over, and the moment the Black Emperor's eyes left his body, all the abnormal conditions were restored to their original state, the sweet air filled his lungs again, and the air contacted with his skin came again. The feeling of warmth that suddenly attacked him was instantly retreated...the sense of fear was gradually dissipating.

"Bi'er, what's the matter?" Black Emperor asked again.

Queen Biress was a little at a loss "Father, I, I'm fine!"

This woman was so stupid, Robben couldn't help shaking his head in secret.

Looking back, Hei Di asked faintly: "Roben, you seem to be uncomfortable. Did you get injured while fighting with the Protoss when you were on your way?" Robben raised his head again with difficulty, and met the eyes of the Hei Emperor. The fear and anxiety disappeared...

"No subordinates were injured in the afternoon, just a little tired, it doesn't matter." Robben still lowered his head slightly.

"Yeah" Now we are in a disadvantaged position. Talents like you are rare. You must always pay attention to your health and safety. Okay, let's stop here today. I'm tired too. Go back and rest. "Hei Di directly sent off the guests.


"Yes, father." Queen Biris and Robben both stood up, saluted the Black Emperor separately, and withdrew from the big tent.

Indifferently, the Black Emperor asked: "According to the reports of the soldiers, the God of War who descended this time seems to have dropped a significant star mark, but the God of War star marks in other places fell to the ground. I don’t know what the situation there is. What is different?"

Robben and Queen Biress all stood still.

Robben's heart jumped wildly, and the air around him seemed to begin to squeeze towards him. Robben felt that he was nervous about things that seemed to be starred for no reason. He definitely didn't want to tell the Black Emperor!

"Father, that star fell on me."

Robben was slightly startled and turned to look at Queen Biris. This woman was hanging her head slightly, answering the Black Emperor's question calmly.

"Oh? It fell on you?" Black Emperor frowned.

"Yes, I just don't know what that means until now?" Queen Biris was suspicious.

Hei Di nodded, "That's right, you go and rest, we will talk about it tomorrow..."


"It's father."

Queen Biris and Robben withdrew from the hatred of the Black Emperor.

The two people walked out of the big tent, and the face of the Hei Di quickly changed, doubts, puzzles...the expressions of sleepiness climbed up to the face of the Hei Emperor.

"Well, there are too many weird situations in this battle, and I don't know what it means. The shadow of this Robben" Black Emperor slowly fades, and there is no sound in the big tent.

Robben followed Queen Biris back to the place where the army was stationed. Queen Biris did not speak all the way, but stared at her eyebrows, as if thinking about something.

Entering the palace, on the second floor, Queen Biris walked to the bedroom without saying a word.

Robben felt a little strange and asked, "Bi Er, do I have something to eat?"

Queen Biress looked back at Robben, shook her head, said nothing, turned and walked away.

What does this mean? Robben didn't feel very surprised, and directly followed Ben.

Walking into the bedroom, Robben saw Queen Biress standing not far from the door, standing there with his back to him, not knowing what he was doing.

"Bi Er?" Robben gently put Queen Biris on the shoulder. But I don't want Queen Biris to react at all...

Robben walked around in front of Queen Biris, seeing her expression a little stiff, he shook his hands in front of her with worry, "Bi Er, are you okay..."

As if a puppet suddenly came to life, Queen Biris's eyes trembled, and finally fell on Robben's face. "If something is wrong, you are the one!"


Robben hadn’t reacted yet. Queen Biress had already reached out and grabbed Robben’s shoulders, and pushed back fiercely until Robben’s body hit the bookshelf with a “bang”, and the top was fixed. The book shook his head for a while, and Robben saw clearly that an icy cold flashed in Queen Biris’s astonishing eyes...

"Say! What the **** is going on!?" Queen Biris almost roared.

"What's the matter?" Robben didn't understand what Queen Biress was saying. "Beier, you..."

"Shut up!!" Queen Biress interrupted Robben's words with a scream, "The one standing in front of you is your lord Queen! Bier is also what you can call such a humiliating idiot!?"

Robben felt that the hands of Queen Biress holding his shoulders were tightening like iron tongs, and he could even hear the gurgling sound of his bones being grasped by her.

I couldn't help but smile, this woman was crazy again, just a short time ago, since the last time she announced that she was her own possession, this woman has obviously changed a lot, but now it seems to have changed back in an instant. This face that was distorted because of anger had not been seen in a long time.

"Uh, then, Lord Queen, we have something to say, you don’t need to be so nervous, just ask me what you want to know!" Robben hurriedly smiled. From the woman’s cold eyes, Robben could read To an anger that is extremely angry but still suppressed.

"Doctor, you'd better tell me not to let me endure this kind of thing. Today, just now...what happened in my father's account? You tell me now, half a word. Don't miss it!"

This time Robben is really a little turbulent. Just in the big tent, nothing special seems to have happened, and Queen Biress has been sitting next to her, and she can see everything she says and does. Here, what to say...

Especially, only the fear and helplessness that I felt at that moment of kung fu, but......I don't understand what that happened...

Seeing Robben's suspicious look, Biress said with an extremely ugly face: "Roben! At the Demon King's meeting today, we discussed a lot of things, discussed all the battles and results from the beginning of the war to the present, and For the trend and analysis of the future battle situation, in this one, I mentioned you many times, so later my father called you in. I was thinking about you, do you understand?"

It turned out to be like this, no wonder the Black Emperor would leave Queen Biris at the end and meet him. It seems that this woman still cares more about herself, thinking of this Robben with a smile, "Thank you, the Queen..."

Robben’s smile did not reduce the coldness on Queen Biris’ face. "Roben, the current situation of the war is not good for us, and my father is also very eager to reverse this situation. Under such a general situation, our theater of war has won victory over the Protoss. Surprised my father and the other demon kings. It stands to reason... Father values ​​you very much, because you have played a vital role in this, and I have emphasized this several times!!"

"But!!" Queen Biris gave off a terrifying cold light, staring firmly at Robben's eyes and shouted: "Why does my father not trust you! Why have you been doing things for your father before? But I can't get my father's trust!? I can clearly feel the tentative meaning of my father, the kind of feeling that he even hesitated to kill you, what have you done!!!?"

Robben was taken aback, "Black Emperor...want to kill me!?"

"You idiot!!" Seeing Robben's face was shocked, and she didn't seem to pretend, Queen Beris was furious, raising her pink fist and hitting Robben's face with a brutal blow, Robben was now The huge force directly broke the bookshelf behind him, and was buried in broken wood and scattered books amidst the sound of "ping-pong".

Stepping forward, he pulled Robben out of the rotten wood and ripped pages by the collar. Queen Biress said with a grimace: "Roben, father can't be wrong. If father doesn't trust you, it must be There are reasonable reasons, and if the father wants to kill you, there must be some indisputable reasonableness. I now want to know who you are, the **** **** who suddenly appeared in hundreds of years!? What have you done? Who are you!?"

Hei Di wants to kill himself! ? Robben felt a little confused in his mind.

The Black Emperor has absolutely no reason to kill himself, just like the appearance of the Black Emperor at the beginning. Now that the Demon Clan is defeated, Queen Biris, who has achieved brilliant results through her own plans, is unique among the demon kings. As a contributor to the strategy, I should be treated with courtesy and attention. It seems that this is indeed the beginning of the matter. I even sat on the seat of the devil, and I was so happy that I was in this world for so many years. The distance between myself and my dreams suddenly changed. It took a huge step closer...

Suddenly, Robben's heart shuddered, his own purpose. . . His mind turned sharply, and Robben shed sweat instantly.

It turns out that the warning of the World Black Emperor seems to be returning to the ear...

He must obtain the absolute trust of the Black Emperor before he can show him that gem. Before that, he must avoid all special characters, because those characters are dangerous to him and may endanger his life. Existence, among these special characters, the Black Emperor... is undoubtedly special in special.

Did his contact with the Black Emperor today caused this special existence to threaten him?

The Black Emperor’s eyes seemed to appear in front of Robben again, dark and deep...like a bottomless abyss, the shudder seemed to come from the depths of the spirit hún, the kind that made oneself unable to stop. Live the shivering feeling...

Hei Di wants to kill himself! At least at that moment, the Black Emperor indeed had the idea of ​​killing himself, indeed... just like Queen Biris said! My fear stems from this kind of life instinct crisis..., absolutely right!

"Sure enough, you concealed something from me!" Seeing Robben's face fluctuating, green and white, and sweating profusely, Queen Biress knew that she might have guessed something correctly.

For hundreds of years, I have tolerated in this world for hundreds of years, just to wait for this war, hoping to approach the Black Emperor, hoping to gain his trust, why is this the result in the end? He didn't rush forward at all, and he didn't express the intention of approaching the Black Emperor. Even so, is it dangerous to approach the Black Emperor at close range?

Robben thought quickly, he no longer paid attention to what Queen Biress was saying...

Soon, Robben denied his previous thoughts. This time the Black Emperor suddenly had doubts about himself. This was definitely not because he was too close to him. Speaking of which, in the past years, he has been a lot. I have contacted the Black Emperor face-to-face for the second time, but never once caused the Black Emperor’s suspicion like this. Something must have been overlooked by myself, and that’s why this situation was caused. There must be something I ignored. ...

Thinking fast, Robben was startled suddenly, because his body suddenly fell to the ground, he didn't know when he was let go by Queen Biress.

Queen Biress had already turned around and walked towards the table, walking slowly...and looking tired.

"Doctor, you really have been lying to me." Queen Biress slowly sat on the chair by the table, looking out the window with endless disappointment in her voice.

"I feel that you have many secrets. You have many secrets that you haven’t told me. Even your witches don’t really understand you, so I’m not in a hurry, because I know that in your heart, I’m far away. Far less important than those witches, but I also know that I have time. I have a longer life than those witches. Sooner or later they will all die, and you...you can only believe in me...,..." "I used to Think so!" Queen Biris clenched her fist.

Robben stood up from the ground. "My Lady Queen, do you have doubts about me now?" "Heh" Queen Biress laughed at herself. "Doctor, I have never liked a man before, and I don't know what it is. I feel that my previous men are all tools used to vent their flesh. I have never hoped so strongly that a man will be by my side forever, and that he will only hug me. I think... I like you. And... I like it more than your witches, because I have to pay a far higher price than them, and I have been prepared, even... already doing it." Gently stroked my belly, Queen Biress’s voice softened. "I’ve never been pregnant, and I don’t know what it feels like to have childbirth, but when I realize that I am a mother just like other women, I am very excited. I even think Yes, do you need to work harder and have a lot of children, but doctor, do you know what price I have to pay to get back the safety of this child and the right to life for you and me?"

Robben opened his mouth and chose to remain silent.

"I know what you are going to say. You want to say that you didn't agree to keep this child. I insisted on doing this, right..."

With a "click", Queen Biris grabbed a corner of the hardwood table abruptly. "Doctor, I do this entirely out of liking you and I want this feeling. I never knew and loved the man to have children. What it feels like! I have been worrying too! I have been fearing too! I know better than anyone what the price I have to pay! Even I can’t afford that price! But in the end I decided to stay This child! Doctor!!" Queen Biress yelled, turning her head to look at Robben, her eyes full of uncontrollable anger.

"But you don't want him to want this child who is more important to me than anything else, men... really are ruthless."

Robben felt that Queen Biress used this tone to speak to herself countless times, but this time..., it was serious.

Turning her head slowly, Queen Biress sneered: "Of course, this is not your fault. When I seduce you, you already knew it. We just need each other's indulgence. You have nothing to do with me. The slightest feeling, what I like is only what I put on it. It is I who unknowingly crossed the bottom line of our tacit understanding and began to ask for more things."

"But I haven't regretted either." Queen Biress twisted the hardwood from one piece into several pieces in her hand, squeezed it into pieces, and finally rubbed it into powder...

"Because I think you don’t like me, but as long as you are a man worthy of my liking... I like the feeling you hold me, like your gentle, rough, and even every moment of torturing me, I find I really should have fallen in love with a man. I think my first real man will definitely not let me down..." Queen Biris' voice went low. "But things don't seem to be what I imagined. So optimistic...Doctor, what do you... want?"

Her gaze fell on Robben again, and Queen Biris' eyes were already full of cold guard, and she had no warmth at all, just like when she first met Robben that year.

"You suddenly appeared hundreds of years ago. The previous record was completely zero. I investigated your past with the power of the devil, but I was surprised to find that you suddenly appeared from the Tianlan grassland. There is no way to find out what happened in the past. This is extremely abnormal for the demon king who can mobilize almost the entire demon world."

Slowly standing up, Queen Biris took a few steps at will, blocking the direction of the window. Robben knew that that was the only weak point of the defensive magic circle in this room.

"After that, you started to get in touch with the witch. The first thing was that Nalan rose all the way to Gaso City afterwards. With her outstanding performance in the witch evaluation, he won Arthur’s favor. Finally, he even helped Arthur play a big match. Since then, you have also gotten an enemy with Bige."

"When you were engaged in the treatment and training of witches, you were attacked by Bige's general Shabitt after the evaluation of witches. He is a powerful water magician who was once praised by the water king. Summoned the Demon King's Battle Armor as a little horn who was not in the flow at all, killed Shabitt directly, and destroyed the water hún, your companion water bone... also appeared later!"

"Later, my father determined that you had royal blood, and commissioned you to start training the witch, created Meriya’s marriage proposal, and removed you from the position of lord. From then on, you became a well-known prodigal son and quickly disappeared. In everyone’s sight."

"Later, because of my injury, I got my father’s instruction to seek medical treatment. Attracted by your weird behavior, I seduced you, became your woman, and kept the relationship to the present. You have gotten from me during this period. The huge benefits include all kinds of material and financial support, as well as various materials and practice books of the witches, and every time you and I will draw a certain amount of spiritual power from me, which makes your magic progress happy. fast."

"You tell me very clearly that what I like is only my body, but sometimes you will have a little tenderness towards me, will please me, and make some strange things to make me happy, but you don't like me at all! After the second war, you used incredible strategies and puzzling predictive abilities to predict the enemy first, and completely played with the Protoss in the palm of your hand. It can be said that you shine in this war!"

After a pause, Queen Biris narrowed her eyes. "Doctor, your experience is like a dream to an ordinary Demon warrior, but I have always been suspicious. Now I am even more puzzled. Who is it? Where is it from? What do you want?"

Robben felt a little dry in his throat...

"Lord Queen, we have been together for more than two hundred years. You suspected me to this point because of the feeling of Lord Black Emperor...?"

"Doctor, answer!!" Queen Biress was not moved by Robben's words.

"You have asked the same question many times in the past two hundred years, and I have answered it many times. Today's [Answer]... is the same as before."

"There are no wanderers on the Tianlan grassland! Right?" Queen Biris asked bluntly.

"Yes..." Robben replied softly.

Biress's lowered eyebrows were twitching, and she slowly raised her hand, Queen Biress held the doubting silver in her hand. "Doctor, you said, my silver hair is more beautiful than anything in the world. ...Giving you another chance"

The other hand was slowly placed on the strand of hair, a faint blue halo flowing on the tips of Queen Biris’s fingers, Queen Biris said with a trembling voice: "If this strand of hair is broken... ………, we, for this reason, will absolutely die and never recognize each other again!"

"Doctor!" Queen Biris moved, her mouth chún kept shaking and shouted: "I am your woman!! You like your witches, but it is not them who are willing to pay the most expensive price for you! It's me!! I can tolerate everything about you! I can stay with you until the day when your life comes to an end! You can dislike me, you can just treat me as a plaything! But trust me! I am You paid a price you couldn't imagine! I whirr...

As jī panted, there was a little flash of light in the rolling cold air in Queen Biris’ eyes, "I can even abandon the spirit hún...

Put everything behind your head, can't you tell me the truth? I don’t even know what my favorite man is! Doctors! ! You shouldn't be so unfair even if it is a beast picked up by the roadside! ! You shouldn't treat me like this... You shouldn't... You have no reason to treat me like this! "

Seeing the whole body trembling in jī moving, the whole body was murderous for a while, and the next moment the queen Biress was full of misery, Robben seemed to see a spirit trembling in anxiety and fear.

Perhaps for a woman like Queen Biris, it was a sad fault that Xiyi liked the feeling of a man...

This woman...

"Stop! Don't come over!" Queen Biris screamed, but Robben continued to step forward slowly without hearing.

A burst of anger flashed in his eyes, and the silver teeth bit, Queen Biris's finger was severely cut, and the soft silver thread was cut off suddenly~www.readwn.com~ Although the hair became rusty and slipped Looking at the falling hair, Queen Biress instantly widened her eyes, and her face was shocked. For a while, her body was stiff and "broken" Queen Biress throat gurgled.

"It doesn't matter if I am here, it will be as good as before."

She suddenly raised her head, Queen Biress found that Robben had already walked to her side, and could not help taking a step back in amazement, but was followed by Robben and hugged him directly.

Queen Biress felt she was extremely tired and wanted to struggle, but she didn't have the strength. Robben sighed softly, "I'm really sorry, Bier wants you to worry about me."

In a word, she shattered the hard attachment in Queen Biress's heart, and suddenly grief came from her heart. Queen Biressi burst into tears, sobbed with a grievance, and wept in Robben.

Hugging Robben tightly, Queen Biress couldn't cry, "Doctor, what the **** is going on...why, why is my father like that. If my father wants to kill you, I can't..., I can't..."

"I also want to know, if I knew the reason, I would definitely not let the Black Emperor look like that..." Robben felt extremely heavy in his heart while hugging Queen Biris who was crying. .

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