God Rank Hero

Chapter 1012: Ansu, the crow god

Looking at the golden light on the detector, Da Fei was ecstatic and overjoyed. The eyes of the people were really clear. If it were not for the people, he would know when to find it alone.

At this time, the nest around the island is surrounded by a large row of wooden fences, and there is a tall wooden sentry tower inside the fence. Obviously, this island has been maintained and developed by villagers as an important resource.

At this time, the villagers on duty in the sentry also immediately came out to welcome Dafei: "Adult is here, and adult is here!"

Dafei haha ​​laughed and leaped ashore: "I'm here to search for the gods hiding here, and everyone will help find them!"

The villagers on duty suddenly realized: "My lord, no wonder the fruits here are always inexplicable, and there is a god!"

——The system prompts: You have triggered the mission of Habitat Village, "The Fruit of the Missing World Tree"!

——Task reminder: The fruit of the world tree branch of Habit village disappeared just after the result, and Habit village was helpless.

Dafei frowned, I pulled it! It turned out that a mission could be triggered in such a small maggot. If it were not for Makar's orb, who would have thought that this task, which seemed to be related to the little hair thief, was related to God? That is to say, if the brother is not at the grassroots level, the world tree industry will never develop.

However, this also proves the non-uniqueness of the way to complete the task of the game from another level. Very good, just a hairy thief mission, brother has a task artifact in hand, there is no reason to complete.

So surrounded by the villagers, Da Fei came to this golden branch and held up the orb in one hand. He stared at the branches while focusing his whole body. The gods must be invisible. Just stare for a long time. Brother God-level reconnaissance will definitely play the effect of seeing through the plane to search out the opponent.

However, Da Fei stared for several minutes, and the orb was still glittering, and the gods did not show up! Suddenly, is it true that Makar's orb is not easy to use, or is this weak God unable to find even the orb?

At this time, all the villagers also saw that there was no result, and asked weakly, "Master, what do you think this **** is?"

Dafei frowned. What would this deity be? It is also necessary to ask, is it possible that the demigod crow that was driven out of the mercury mine?

Dafei blurted out: "It's likely that crow!"

"Crow?" As soon as the words came out, the villagers on duty immediately realized: "Master, we did hear a crow nearby, but we never saw it!"

nearby? !! Also, since the crow is a thief who steals fruit, it is naturally impossible to stay here directly?

Da Fei was inspired to immediately let the blood eagle hover around the bushes and branches in the swamps of the surrounding small islands. At this moment, the orb flashed gold again, this time. A golden light spot on the radar flashed away!

Light point! The specific location is out!

Da Fei hurriedly let the blood eagle fly down and saw a bird's nest-like thing hidden on a dead wood in the swamp. Just it!

Da Fei hurriedly jumped into the leaf boat and galloped forward to take a look. Sure enough, there is a bird's nest without an empty nest hidden in dead leaves and branches! Then the system prompts a jingle:

——Task Tip: You have found a suspicious empty nest!

Da Fei put on a long laugh, and all the system prompts, then he hasn't run away, the **** must be here!

So Da Fei once again held the Orb and stared at the empty nest, while the blood eagle hovered over the bird's nest and stood ready. Dafei believes that with the size of this bird's nest, the size of this crow is no different from that of ordinary crows. Obviously, it is unlikely that the fighting force is an opponent of the blood hawk that has been added to its attributes. Not to mention that this crow has been driven back soon.

Finally, an ethereal voice of men and women suddenly echoed in Da Fei's mind: "You found me, for 1000 years, you are the first! But finding me does not mean you can find me, what do you want to do?"

Dafei was shocked. This sound effect is the same as Leviathan's way of speaking. As far as finding is not equal to finding, of course, it means that Da Fei understands that, until now, Orb hasn't made her explicit. This crow's realm is obviously not comparable to the ordinary dead hair god. How can I eat a few fruits?

The most important thing is that God is willing to talk to me! As long as you can talk, you can say everything!

Da Fei's mind suddenly turned into an idea: "Are you the crow demigod Ansu who fell in the Eclipse War a thousand years ago? One thousand years ago, this space where you are has been forgotten, and people ca n’t find it. To your whereabouts, and I'm here to find you, I think, resurrect you! "

"Resurrect me!" At this moment, the crow's voice was excited: "I finally waited for this day, but my soul has completely fallen and I can never return to the original form, young ranger, you are sure you want to be resurrected I?"

Da Fei suddenly felt a joy, it wanted to be resurrected! This is obviously my brother ’s **** of training for my use! Why would I still have to breathe Makar's breath?

Dafei rejoiced: "It doesn't matter whether you are a righteous or evil **** now, our world owes you, and I will resurrect you!"

"Yes! The world owes me too much!"

At this moment, haha ​​laughed from all around, a dark mist in front of Dafei's eyes, and an omnipresent spirit crow appeared above the bird's nest: "Young Ranger, I have neither the body nor the godhead, I need to board An item on your body, preferably an artifact! "

Boarding on equipment? That's right, whether it was the earliest Captain Renoir or the Uriel ring that I met later, this kind of thing is too normal, and the most important thing for me is the artifact!

Dafei immediately turned on the display of his entire body of equipment, and also laughed, "Which one do you like, choose it yourself!"

The crow satisfied: "I fancy your breathless necklace, this is the best prop to make a totem!"

After that, the crow turned into a cruel tooth of black crocodile artifact that flew into Da Fei's chest. In a blink of an eye, the bones became black and bright!

——System Tip: The ancient crow demigod has completed totem fusion with your artifact “Cruel Tooth”, and the cruel tooth gains new attributes: +1 health and mana +1. This attribute grows as Ansu grows. The cruel tooth gets a new stunt "Dark Channel." "Ansu's Resurrection."

-Dark Psychic: You will get Dark Psychic when wearing this artifact. You can discover and absorb the power of dark nature in nature and absorb it into the totem for storage.

——Ansu's Rebirth: Ansu needs to absorb a large amount of dark and natural forces, and consume your upgrade experience to grow. With this skill you can summon Ansu to fight for you.

. . . . . .

Brutal Tooth Ansu Totem! Looking at the artifact whose name has changed, Da Fei was shocked at the spot. What was this dark psychic? Also, it is another food that can grow up after consuming the upgrade experience of the brother. Can the brother hold the house with his mouth?

Perhaps it was the question of Da Fei. The necklace flashed, and a gloomy female voice that was clearly different from the previous one said: "Mortal. As a human being, you are a ranger who can only be an elven, or even a deeper sentry. It ’s strange to me, do you know the difference between humans and elves? "

Of course, the elf beauty is more temperamental than the human beauty! Dafei hurriedly said, "Please Ansu advise!"

Ansu Shen said: "The power of nature exists between all things in heaven and earth, and the spirits naturally feel the power of nature. This is the instinct of their race, which is psychicism, so it is easy for the elves to Deal with flower tree bugs. The source of strength for the two professions, Ranger and Druid, is the power of nature. "

"Similarly, the source of the power of the orc shaman and the witch doctors of some small races is another violent form of the power of nature. Humans ca n’t feel the power of nature. Now, with this dark psychic. You will You can feel the power of nature in the dark form. All I need is this power, and all you need to do is collect this power. Do you understand? "

Let me go. Brother only knows the power of the elements used by the mages. Can he open a new course for him every now and then?

Da Fei asked inexplicably: "This, what is the difference between ordinary natural power and dark natural power?"

Ansu replied: "Of course, the power of nature is to support the ordinary Ranger Druid profession, and the power of dark nature is to support the special profession Dark Ranger. As long as you do well, I will let you transfer to the Dark Ranger. .Even if you do n’t want to transfer to Dark Ranger, I ’m your god, you can summon me out to help you when you need it, but currently there is only one chance to summon, I will enter a long sleep with this opportunity. I'm too weak now. "

Dark Knight! At this moment, Dafei remembered that Xuesha classmate! Let me go, this profession looks like a bunker! But the brother did not even understand the Ranger and started the Dark Ranger. This is too nonsense! but--

Da Fei's heart hurriedly asked: "Can not Ranger and Dark Ranger coexist?"

Ansu Haha laughed: "Good question, you can perceive and use the power of ordinary nature and the power of dark nature at the same time, you are the mother of nature!"

Dafei coughed, "I'm a man."

Ansu continued: "The power of dark nature is very rare and difficult to be found. There are relatively more dead forests and swamps, dark and dark dead areas, or dark ground, which requires you to take time to go Looking for. Do you have anything else to ask now? "

Dafei asked: "What about the underworld? What about the underworld?"

Ansu quickly added: "Yes, there is also the underworld! There is a relatively abundant area of ​​dark and natural power, but there is a lot of life-threatening death, there are more powerful people, not humans can go."

Dafei laughed, "It's okay, I've been there a lot, and I'll take you there if I have the chance."

Ansu said with satisfaction: "Very well, I can find my mortal really worthwhile after a thousand years. Then I am asleep now, and the next time I need to see me, I can only use the totem skills to summon me. Oh, if If you want to transform the Dark Ranger, you can also summon me. But you only have a junior ranger, so I can only transform you into a junior Dark Ranger. "After that, the black light of the necklace disappeared and returned to peace.

Dafei sounded for a long time and did not return to God. After all, the amount of information is too large, and Da Fei can't digest so much knowledge for a while!

But as long as you know a little, you have obtained an artifact that can grow and a god-level thug that you can carry with you, and that's it! As for other things, I will ask Xuesha classmates for advice in the future, wow hahaha. . . (Want to know more exciting news of "God Heroes"? Now open WeChat, click the "+" sign on the upper right, choose to add a friend to add a public account, search for "qidianzhongwenwang", pay attention to the public account, and never miss every Updates!) (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!


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