God Rank Hero

Chapter 1013: Old village chief's musical weapon

As the black smoke of the crow demigod entered the necklace, the system prompted a jingle:

——The system prompts: You have completed the Habit village task "Missing World Tree Fruit", please go back to the village to get the reward.

Oh yeah! Two birds with one stone also successfully completed a villager task. Now there is nothing to say, go back to the village. So cheered by the villagers' raft, Da Fei set off for the village.

At this moment, Da Fei was filled with emotion. In the final analysis, the wisdom of the masses is endless. If it were not for the various information tips of the villagers, even if they had Makar's god-level props, it would not be so easy to compile crows. After learning from experience, I can't break away from the masses.

After Ansu's enlightenment, Da Fei also began to have a little interest in the power of nature and the Ranger. Da Fei decided to strike the iron while he was hot. After the inspection, he went to see the home of the grudge teacher who taught his ranger profession. After all, Makar's mission has no time limit, and it can be carried out after being fully prepared, and now the day has not passed, and Serbia is still busy at the shipyard.

Da Fei opened the mission log of that year. After all, Da Fei even forgot the names of Teacher Wraith and his hometown.

"——I'm Taranna. Maybe it's an unpopular name, but it doesn't matter. You have inherited my will to hate. It can prove my genius and greatness if you are interested in Ranger. You have made some achievements, you can go to my hometown of Oranto. You have redeemed me. You are the first person to express my gratitude. Thank you. May my hate will kill the Quartet for you! Farewell! " (See Chapter 169 "The Return of the Abyss Blood Pond")

found it. Oranto! well. Wait for it to pass.

When Da Fei reached Habit village. A large group of children were already cheering and welcoming on the dock. Among the crowd, Da Fei saw the cultural consultant standing tall at a glance. In other words, he has been teaching children to paint this time. It should be quite hard, and it is worthy of praise, wow hahaha!

When Da Fei went ashore, the old village chief came forward and shook hands with excitement: "Welcome to the Lord! The Lord of the City has solved a difficult problem in the village as soon as he came, it is really ashamed!"

Da Fei laughed and said, "Where and where. This is really not something ordinary people can handle, so the village head doesn't have to blame himself!"

The village chief sighed: "It is really lucky for us Habbit to follow such a wise and heroic Lord of the City. This is our kind intention. Please accept it!"

——System Tip: You get +3 million mission reward experience, and your reputation in Habit village becomes "worship".

Da Fei laughed in surprise, the only thing left for the village chief was experience and prestige. Worshipping is also a higher level of worship than worship.

The village chief continued: "But our dim sum is not enough to pay tribute to the Lord of the City. Last time Bilbo returned, he said that the Lord of the City wants to quickly learn to play the flute. This is indeed a very difficult task. After all, music skills are different from other hero skills and require long-term practice to learn. But if you have the heart, you can't do it! "

Dafei suddenly remembered that there was still this! Yeah, I said so casually in the city of punishment during the last voyage, but I forgot about it, and at the same time I also asked the pharmacist's sister to treat the sea clan? Suddenly, I thought of everything when everything was done. You can also return to the city when you have time to see what potions she has made to see if it can help this operation.

Da Fei asked, "Is there any way?"

The village chief took out a short bone clarinet: "The whistle, the most primitive form of the flute, can be used by anyone. It can only play a monotonous musical instrument. It cannot play any musical scores. It has no combat power. ! "

Brother can only play the lowest level whistle? Dafei frowned: "I don't demand much, as long as there is combat effectiveness, the magnitude of the combat effectiveness doesn't matter!

For Da Fei, the combat power of the score is all clouds, as long as it can trigger the fear special effect of the artifact dragon king crown.

"Please rest assured! I can definitely meet the basic requirements of adults!" The village chief took out a much longer clarinet between words: "This is also a whistle, a musical instrument that can only play one note, but this long whistle can High notes are played, but it is also impossible to play any music. "

There is drama! Da Fei waited for a while.

At this moment, the village chief tied the two flutes together: "Lord, look, now I have tied the two whistle together into a new instrument-harmonica, the most primitive and simple harmonica!"

Blow the harmonica into your mouth after you finish speaking, and a noisy mix of high and low sounds pops out!

Da Fei was shocked, and the instruments could be combined! Old village chief, how high is your realm?

Dafei hurriedly asked, "Is this voice fighting?"

The village chief smiled comfortably: "Yes! Although these two whistle are simple, their tones have been carefully adjusted by me. The harmonica synthesized by these two whistle can play the simplest musical score, and of course, its combat effect is also The weakest is that after playing for 5 minutes, there is a certain chance that the enemy will be anxious. Although the anxiety is not a negative effect, as long as the adult's magic is high, the opponent will naturally have further negative stunts. Although It only takes 5 minutes to take effect and it is slow, but if you are defending the city, there is still plenty of time. In short, this is an instrument that can be used without any skills! "

Da Fei took the harmonica in shock to view the properties:

——Combined whistle harmonica: musical instrument, off-hand weapon position. Can play another fretful noise.

Is this a weapon that does not require any skill support? Not a strategic weapon? This is simple and not simple. How could it be possible to create such a weapon if it wasn't for an expert like the old village chief?

At this time, the village chief sighed and said, "In short, it makes adults laugh. Music is a profound subject. If the city master has time, it is better to take time to practice musical instruments."

I just don't have time, I just want to be fast!

Suddenly, Da Fei remembered something and hurriedly asked: "Old village chief, since this harmonica can be used without any skill requirements, can it be used by the army?"

That's right, Da Fei remembered that he had been preparing for the formation of a music corps for many years. Although he had been preparing, it was obviously too high-end and not a day's work. Even if a god-level musician was invited as a teacher, it was difficult to say Progress.

At this time, the old village chief also hesitated: "Adult, what does this mean to convert this harmonica into a weapon?"

Da Fei nodded again and again: "That's what it is! Can you do that, old village chief?"

The old village chief frowned: "It is indeed the Lord of the City. I am really sorry for the use of this harmonica for adults, but if it is used for soldiers, it may need to be tailored. I do n’t know what troops the adult needs to use?"

Seems to have a show? Dafei immediately said: "Flower monster! Is it possible?"

The old village chief said aloud: "The flower demon is one of the arms with the most musical potential. If it is a flower demon, the probability of success is higher. So, let ’s go to the adults’ city for a few days to study A moment, as far as the village is concerned, please let Miss Taj Uth go to the city of punishment and bring a letter to Bilbo to come back and take over. "

What the hell! Since npc says research, it definitely works!

Dafei was overjoyed, "No need to trouble Tajius, I'll go in person!"

The old village chief laughed, "How can that work?"

Da Fei said, "There is nothing wrong with it. Anyway, there is something wrong with me, so let's go back by boat now!"

The old village chief laughed: "Okay, I will also report to the adults on the situation of the mercury mines and fortresses, as well as the newly relocated fish dried plant in the kingdom."

Da Fei laughed: "Okay! Also save me to run in person."

So Da Fei invited the old village chief to sit on a leaf boat and leave the village with a bunch of children's fireworks to send off.

At this time, Wuhe Xinlong was waiting for Dafei to visit the old nest of the demigod that once swamped, and now the construction site of the dried fish factory. Because the fireworks were soaring on the lake just now, Wuhe Xinlong knew from the npc villagers that it was flying.

Wuhe Xinlong wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to settle on the legendary Da Fei, and at the same time to solve the question of a guild, is that the mercury mine in the space next to it is personal? If so, the strength of Da Fei is really terrible, then the Star Guild will further adjust its communication strategy with Da Fei. To put it plainly, that is to buy ore with RMB from Dafei. After all, the guild buys ore from npc is too limited by production, it is impossible to buy with money.

But wait and wait, the sky is filled with fireworks.

The villagers at the construction site were vocal again: "Master, the city owner is gone!"

Wuhe Xinlong couldn't help but hesitated: "Gone? The Lord of the City didn't come to inspect it?"

The villagers sighed: "The Lord is very busy! Everyone is working hard, don't let the Lord be disappointed!"

Wuhe Xinlong couldn't help crying and laughing. This kind of event about setting up a factory is nothing more than asking? This Dafei is too high-end? Or is this dried fish factory, and the mine is not a big flying industry? Otherwise, the main players will pay attention to it, right?

As a last resort, Wuhe Xinlong had to report truthfully to the ancient stars: "Boss, Dafei just came to the village and then left."

Gu Xingchen was surprised and said, "Did you go to the mining area to see?"

Wuhe Xinlong sighed, "Did not go!"

The ancient star said, "It is not likely to be Dafei ’s personal industry, otherwise there is no reason not to go for such a major event. In this way, the guild will continue to send several members to the Fujimon Village for development. You can also choose from your previous bar brothers, but only if you must join our Star Guild. "

"I see, Boss." (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, novels are better updated faster!


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