God Rank Hero

Chapter 1423: Maze ambush

Although it is a very cost-effective business to ask the Queen to dispatch, Da Fei is really tangled when it comes to paying. A force of 10,000 command will definitely not work, Da Fei does not have so much cannon fodder at all. Artifacts are priceless. Don't even think about the 1000 life limit. The average life of ordinary level 50 players does not have a thousand. Then there are only 100 million gold coins and 100 million experience left.

Although Da Fei and all the deputy heroes ca n’t upgrade until now because of the side effects of being still in time, but the experience value has been hoarded. It ’s useless now does not mean it will be useless in the future. Especially now that Feifei has lost Level 4 and is dragging her back. What if she sends her experience again, what if she starts the National Warfare server and she can't reach Level 50?

Then there are only gold coins left. Gold coins, things outside of him, Dafei just ransacked the Moyan City and robbed them of tens of millions and tens of millions. The issue of money is not an issue. But wait! Compared to experience, making money is actually not easy? The large and small battles have been completed countless times. Each time there are 12-30 million experiences. The navigator gives hundreds and hundreds of thousands of experiences every day. But how many times did you win gold coins? No!

And judging from Xiaoli ’s request to buy gold coins for Pandora, gold coins are now a hard currency of great value. This billion-dollar coin should be worth at least several hundred thousand and worth nothing? Spend hundreds of thousands to ask God to dispatch? Lying down! This is simply a shame for high-end professional players!

So after a short struggle, Dafei decided to pay 100 million experience! Don't care about what comes back after fighting four or five casually.

And the spider Queen is obviously more satisfied with Dafei's payment: "Very well, then hurry up."

Then there is nothing to say. The spider and 10 angels and 3 contracted angels in the angel summoning space will be enough to sweep in a tunnel environment like a maze. The special terrain of the maze is destined to make it impossible for the other side to achieve true encirclement. Then, bring 100 jungle hunters to provide a long-range strike, there are many local soldiers useless and crowded.

Then, there is a key issue. Dafei doesn't know the maze's roadmap. Once he enters the maze, he has to go around. And the other side must have a roadmap when they clear the customs. Once they ambush, I will be the enemy, and I will summon the magic servant at the level of a professional player plus the unknown ability. Even if they can't deal with the Queen. But maybe you can still find a chance to behead him? No! Have to bring some soldiers.

At this moment, Da Fei thought of a new species of shadow bat. This bat has three signature stunts of stealth, sonic reconnaissance and sonic attack, which can be used in this maze terrain. OK, it's time to test the capabilities of the new arms.

In addition to the 15 flying bats that surrendered to attack the lair, the barracks produced another 3 during this time. A total of 18 animals. have to say. It's all 10-level barracks, and this output is so low, Da Fei can't imagine what the first-level barracks will slow down. And it looks like there is no fresh blood replenishment during this time, and it may only be slower in the future. In short, look at the actual combat effect. If the effect is good, we will try to collect blood for mass production in the future.

After the formation was completed, Dafei started the key, and the scene changed. Da Fei appeared in front of the long-lost maze door. However, the radar was empty.

Dafei frowned, and there was no whistle at the door? Then it must be inside the maze. It must be after the brother has completely penetrated the maze before blocking the door. Row. Then let go.

So Dafei sneaked 18 shadow bats in the first time, and then the team strode into the maze. The reason for sneaking is, of course, to prevent the other party from seeing that they have this secret weapon. But it really doesn't matter if it is seen when playing, this bat is particularly similar to the volcanic devil wolf that he used in the competition suit at first, even if it is seen, it is no big deal.

After Da Fei entered the maze, he immediately started the sonic reconnaissance of the shadow bat. After a while, Da Fei's radar immediately flashed more than 20 moving red dots!

Dafei ecstatic intersection! This is a great trough, this reconnaissance effect is amazing! It is indeed a few kilometers away from Elena that the dark bats of the prey can be found in the dark ground. With this magical skill, the god-level reconnaissance that has long been dissatisfied can be laid off!

OK, now it's the enemy's light, I'm dark, see how my brother cleans you all the way!


The US Supernova Command Special Operations Group, Tommy and other teenagers have been searching for treasure in the maze for more than ten hours.

For the Super Nova team, even if they don't get the brick tips at the door like Dafei, they still have channels to get relevant information from the designer of this copy. Then the direct carpet-style search, by the way, the current result is that all the team members have obtained information about the master-level luck from the occasional flash of treasure.

Of course, this seemingly stupid action is not entirely for treasure hunting, for ambush flying, but also for the captain Fordson to hone these young players. Fordson, a professional soldier, believes that patience is a must-have quality for an excellent soldier, just like a sniper. They can stay at a location for days and nights.

And this quality is no longer seen in these young people, and even in professional players from all over the world. The current e-sports competition is too impulsive. It always uses a million or one minute to enter and exaggerate the commercial value of professional players, and always uses various so-called optimization efficiency to make the most reasonable use of time.

But did they succeed? Compared to Da Fei who went to the sea, they are all losers! It is precisely because professional teams in all countries are pursuing the so-called optimal efficiency. No team chooses to start from a monotonous and nothing to do at sea. Facts have proven that the world is wrong. This kind of error is especially unacceptable to the US team. Remedy should be too late now.

Just then, a player's screen flashed red and gold, and a huge red dot appeared on the radar.

The team member exclaimed, "Oh buy ka! The magic energy crystal detected a golden high-energy response in the direction of the labyrinth door, and a god-level unit entered the copy!"

At this moment, the boring members of the team were shocked by the spirit: "Duffy?"

Tommy reacted the first time: "No. 15 and No. 11, activate Ghost Sentinel, No. 1 and No. 2 at the door to evacuate immediately, to avoid alarming the big fly! Immediately notify the Mitsubishi team, wait for the big fly to enter the maze, and send immediately People enter the copy to block the door, and by the way ask if they know the god-level unit of Dafei ... "

"Yes, private r!"

The next moment, Fordson who got the news also rushed to the scene to watch it for the first time.

Tommy immediately asked: "Captain, we found that Da Fei has a god-level unit. Are you going to fight him?"

Fordson frowned. "What do you mean?"

Tommy gritted his teeth and said, "Of course, there is a war. Only god-level units are worth our summon to kill!"

Just then, a team member reported: "Captain Mitsubishi has something important to report!"

Then Tsukamoto appeared on the big screen: "Report to Mr. Fordson that our team is already on standby at the copy npc. About the god-level creature of Dafei, we know from the information provided by the npc that it is most likely the summoned by Dafei. The god-level avatar behind the silk spider, this avatar just destroyed a god-level monster under the ground ... "

After listening to Tsukamoto's report, the youngsters in the special action group were uproaring: "Queen Rose? Should it be a small god? Can our magic servants ever fight?"

Fordson's face was gloomy: "Captain Tsukamoto, you are also players who can summon the demon servant. Do you think it is feasible to defeat this queen avatar?"

Tsukamoto said positively: "It's just an avatar, and it can't be judged. However, according to the rules of the demon's summoning, Dafei can make the **** enter the copy, so he must pay a lot of sacrifices. The stronger the god, the more he pays, Once she is wiped out, then Dafei's loss is predictable. "

Fordson said positively: "Okay, then let a team member summon two demon servants to pinch back and forth in the maze, let's test the strength of this spider's avatar first."

Tsukamoto said: "Hi Yi! Our team is waiting for dispatch at any time."

Tommy immediately ordered: "The members No.1 and No.2 closest to Dafei summoned the demon servant! The other members immediately went to the ambush site!"

(No state, so uncomfortable) (To be continued.)

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