God Rank Hero

Chapter 1424: Queen Spider Smash

Under the flying sound wave reconnaissance, the movement of the ambush opponents in the maze was completely clear. A total of 27 people should be the last batch of people. Then the terrain in the distance of the maze also began to be roughly drawn on the radar slowly.

At this moment, Dafei was really shocked! Eighth-tier soldier, worthy of being eighth-tier soldier! Although the properties of the Shadow Bat are barely higher than that of the eighth-level soldier, the other attributes are not much stronger than the seventh-level soldier, and they are also extremely afraid of sound wave interference and weak points such as light. By comparison, these are not important anymore. This is simply a map hanging. They can make up for things that the blood eagle cannot do!

Just as a surprise, a faint red dot suddenly appeared at the labyrinth fork in front of Dafei Radar.

System prompt: Your god-level reconnaissance discovered an enemy hidden in an ectopic plane.

Oh! Brother's reconnaissance is also effective. Da Fei said nothing, with a big wave of his hands, the jungle hunters raised their hands and a round of arrow rain cleared the red spot. It must be dripped, not to let the other party discover the existence of the shadow bat first.

The system prompts: You have killed the ghost sentry in the Japanese player "ahd% 2 & * 5 ......".

Da Fei laughed secretly, very high-end, no wonder I can know the brother's movement for the first time, come, continue!

The discovery of the first Ghost Sentinel was also a wake-up call for Da Fei. Da Fei focused his attention on looking forward and backward. Every time he scanned his direction, Da Fei had to observe at least 3 seconds in place, so You can prevent the horse from missing the sentry. Now Da Fei is a sound wave reconnaissance, God-level reconnaissance with sentry skill bonus, blood eagle reconnaissance trinity combined with comprehensive and complementary early warning, Da Fei himself is afraid of this battle!

However, even if Da Fei confirmed that there were no sentries nearby, the opponent still methodically copied from where he was. It seems that he really encountered a master, and Da Fei couldn't help getting nervous and excited.

At this time, two huge red dots suddenly appeared on the sonic radar, and they were quickly enlisted from the lane where they were.

Da Fei frowned and came! But why did you dispatch two this time? Look down on me, right?

at this time. The Queen Spider smiled suddenly: "I feel a breath of the weak!"

Dafei asked quickly, "Weak?"

The queen sneer sneered: "Compared to me! I have to say that you are the right one to ask me this time, so thank you for making a good deal."

Da Fei's heart moved: "Can the queen spider consume them like the Marsh Hell Dragon?"

The queen said faintly: "Chat is better than nothing."

That's it! Da Fei said: "I think this should be a cost-effective deal for the adults. I can guarantee that the other party may have a maximum of 27. These 2 should come to test the strength of the adults. The queen spider's performance is too strong, the other party may be afraid of the loss and dare not summon the demon servant. So my plan is. The queen spider first suppresses the other party, and after the illusion that the other party can counterattack our army, summons all Devil servant, the Queen Spider is full of power to kill and kill, how about it? "

The queen smiled slightly: "Interesting, okay, then I'll deal with the previous one, the rest will depend on you!"

Oh yeah! Dafei excitedly said, "Okay, that's it!"

Da Fei immediately instructed Er, An Weier, and Nalxia: "We deal with the enemy that comes after. Is it okay?"

He sighed: "If it was the beginning, it would be fine. As of now, I don't even have the ability to judge the strength level of the other party, I only know it is very strong. However, it should be fine to hold back."

Da Fei's heart was tight, and what she said meant that the other party was very strong! Even one of them is so tricky, if all 27 of them are dispatched, then what? After all, his advantage is the boat of the sky, leaving the boat of the sky, he is not invincible in imagination. Row. The more powerful the other party is, the more I will kill you.

Da Fei suddenly remembered something and asked: "Master Queen, if you sucked up the summoning servants, then the next time they come out, they will have the same strength as now?"

The Queen of the Spider laughed and laughed: "Do you think it is possible? Prey has appeared, ready to fight!"

Da Fei is ecstatic and overjoyed, even if you are a special account, it is a bad luck to meet your brother!

Then the next moment, a dark mist surged around the corner in front of the maze, and a giant horned monster surrounded by black smoke appeared. At the same time, the flames behind the big fly, another unspeakable monster appeared.

Queen of the Spider said nothing. Raising his hand is a bunch of spider silk wrapping it, and then the spider silk rushes up and swiftly rides on top of this devil's head, her eight sharp claws penetrate deeply into the opponent's body. Da Fei immediately felt the simple and realistic acting of the Queen of Spiders! Because Da Fei knows that if you want to hunt directly behind the spider, you can teleport behind the opponent.

Then I have nothing to say, I'm going all out! With a big wave of Da Fei's big hand, the three men flew towards the flame demon behind them. One hundred jungle hunters concentrated their firepower and arrows, and they and the remaining ten Seraphs were responsible for adding blood.

With Dafei's current offense and defense plus artifact effects, if it is a normal field wave ss, a copy wave ss, in a lot of blood, it can only be done with a few rounds of arrow rain.

However, the flame demon in front of it is obviously not an ordinary wave ss. The flame shield surrounded by the whole body causes a large amount of long-range damage to the fly. I do not know the effect of "arrow burning high pressure offset damage reduction". In short, the first round of attack is all Around 20 points of damage is basically the heroic bonus of the jungle hunter back to the prototype!

However, Da Fei has already seen the full damage immunity of the Blood Demon King and Numa prison Demon Dragon, which is not enough to scare Da Fei. The key is to see if it can be blocked.

And this time the big fly was not disappointed. He's own defense attributes increased the fly's defensive bonus. The defense can only be described as thick as a city wall. The 1000 points of damage that the demon servant did to him was completely within the ability of the big fly. . If we can stand it, the situation is under our control.

Then Dafei began to pay attention to the movement on the radar. I believe that the other party sent two summons will never sacrifice in vain. This is not the style of a professional master.


At this point, the Supernova Team Command.

When Da Fei cleared the ghost sentinel, the American team members finally saw the rosy spider behind Captain Tsukamoto said, is actually the same shape as the spider lady of Hongming Village? And after Da Fei cleared the sentinel, he continued his advance on the radar and showed his arrogance and arrogance. This made Fordson's brows frown, and his expression was solemn.

However, Tommy and other teenagers were really hot-blooded and Fang Gang was very indifferent. In the bottom of his heart, he was gritting his teeth and wanted to give Dafei a little color.

Finally, the two Shadow Demon and Fire Demon of team members 1 and 2 were in place, and the pinch battle began. Then also at this moment, the shadow demon of team member 1 was immediately controlled by the queen spider, and he couldn't get rid of the violent struggle, and the mana and vitality of life brushed down at the same time!

At this moment, Supernova Command was stunned! This is the strength of the Queen of Spiders, and this is the arrogant capital of Dafei!

On the other hand, the flame demon on the side of Da Fei was anxious.

Team member 2 immediately reported: "My flame demon is completely pressure-free. An angel in Da Fei is very resistant. This should be the legendary city defending angel who signed a contract with Da Fei. But it can only resist."

Team member 1 was panicked: "My Shadow Devil is dead! It's not an opponent at all! You can try to throw off the last Shadow Blast, but it may exhaust most of your physical and mana!"

Tommy immediately ordered: "Get away! What we want to see is the strength of this queen spider!"

"Roger that!"

Then the next moment, the Shadow Demon roared, and a Shadow Shockwave exploded. This explosion directly blew up the cobweb around it, and at the same time, it succeeded in shaking the spider back from the body.

"Success!" The supernova players immediately judged the approximate strength of the spider from this change of situation.

However, the Queen of the Spider immediately recovered, and flew up again to catch the Shadow Demon firmly. At this time, the Shadow Devil had no resistance.

Fordson frowned. "Guys, how do you feel?"

The teenagers were shocked: "Very strong, not an order of magnitude at all!"

Tommy gritted his teeth, "But it's not invincible!"

The boys shouted, "Captain, concentrate on destroying him! Anyway, Japan will also summon the demon servant, which is not such a shocking secret in the world!"

Fordson gritted his teeth: "The whole army is attacking!"

The teenagers shouted in unison as if they had beaten chicken blood: "The demon servant of the abyss, in the name of the contract and the offering as a medium, respond to my call!"

For a while, the big screens on the wall of the Supernova Command began to rumble. This is the power of the demons, 27 demons, enough to teach Dafei to be a good person!


At this moment, the red light on Dafei's radar flashed, and more than twenty huge red dots suddenly appeared in the radar!

Dafei suddenly sighed with joy: "It's off! Master Queen, let's fire it all!"

The queen spider even laughed wildly: "Why the weak, why should you join the battle?" Between the words, blood flashed, and the sharp claws fluttered, stabbing the sitting shadow demon directly, and the shadow devil had no strength to scream. , Its body shrinks like a suffocating tire, and a large amount of shadow energy is quickly sucked into the spider's body along the spider's eight claws.

Spike! At this moment, even the big fly who knew the strength of the spider could not help but be stunned!

Then the next moment, the back of the spider flickered, and it instantly appeared on the flame demon of Dafei fierce battle. It was a flash of blood, the claws stabbed in, and the flame devil was miserable. Its body also shrank like the former. The red energy poured into the back of the spider's body like an aerosol.

Still spike! Dafei was crying with excitement!

The queen haha ​​laughed wildly: "I want more! Mortal, you save yourself, I hunted!" After finishing talking, he flickered, disappeared, and then appeared on the nearest red dot on the radar. Soon, red Dot disappear!

Then again and again!

The following is exactly the predatory time of the whole court flashing! Da Fei was completely stunned, this is the power of God! (~ ^ ~)

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