God Rank Hero

Chapter 1932: Defeat Tifeng's submission task

Here is the time when the Flyer began to convene tribal allies across the great desert. There is no suspense. The threat of the devil has increased the summoning of the chiefs. Each tribe has sent out elite forces ranging from ten to twenty people. The dog **** responded enthusiastically, and in one breath, it contributed the strong power of fifty elite dog heads. .

Then, the dog **** actively responded to the call of the queen spider and the chief warrior, and played a leading role as a demonstration model. Each tribe was good at telling the benefits of population gathering. For a time, the tribe's poor thoughts changed.

Da Fei is very satisfied. At first, he really did not support this dog head family. What is needed next is to win the battle of the Falcon Holy Mountain and completely establish the prestige of this chief. As long as the victory is complete, if you ca n’t win, everything will be for nothing. It is not impossible for them to take refuge in the Demon Legion instantly.

At 3 p.m., the Feixiang assembled 1,500 elite troops of various tribes in the borderlands. At this time, Da Fei actually has two options. One is to speculate. Taking advantage of Fei Xiang's strength now, he can directly compile the Pegasus tribe. In Ursin's ethnic affinity and the crushing advantage of the force, the chance of the other's surrender has increased greatly !! ?

However, Da Fei judged the situation and eventually gave up this plan. It takes no time to say that too many scumbrings will make Jie Pegasus tribe reluctant to work together, and the chance of the other party running away may increase. And doing such things that have nothing to do with the task will most likely be offensive to the tribes. In short, you can't afford more than you can afford.

Therefore, when the Fleet arrived at the battlefield of the falcon sacred mountain like an alien battleship, the dragon-slaying players boiled.

But at this time Feixiang's identity is the "np" who played independently. Of course, Dafei can "really regret" rejecting Ma Yinglong's kindness "retention". Da Fei is now going to take back the Phantom Shooter Advanced Seeds Level 6 Soldier Shadow Witch who has been cultivated as a wavelet ss.

The scale of the battle to the level of God can certainly train her better, but it is too dangerous and unnecessary. Da Fei has a new underground battlefield and a pest control battlefield that can safely train her in the World Tree Fortress of the Flying.

When the shadow witch officially boarded the ship, a stone in Da Fei's heart finally landed, but unfortunately it was Pandora who was unable to view her attributes. Then the next thing is to wait for the deity of the European Union to come back and train her to become the first advanced phantom shooter.

Then the 1,500 elite warriors of all ethnic groups disembarked with most of the grain and ammunition loaded in the "Village of the Ship" warehouse of the Flying. Such a strong support once again, the whole audience dragon players cheered. Brother can do so much, you stand up.

Then the following time is to compile the Douglas Magma Dragon and Pegasus Horde who have been out for a long time.

At this point, the Hell Blood Eagle clone has already ushered in a new day of "salary" payment, and the upper limit of Da Fei's divine power can not keep up with the progress of divine power recovery. Then there is nothing to say.

The Time Traveler in the empty space is still heading for a less established target, and no suitable reference can be found in the vast void. Otherwise, if Alice Tower is always observing the route, Da Fei would almost think that the Time Traveler There is no exercise at all.

Such a sleepy and boring journey successfully sent Da Fei a half-hour nap time, and then at 3:30 in the afternoon, Feixiang found the lucky waterfall blooming with colorful arcs in the northern mountains. The Pegasus tribe arrived .

Da Fei refreshed! This is the Pegasus tribe. Even if it is not as intelligent as the urbanization of the Medusa tribe, it is not as high-end as those of the Goblin Lizardman and Tribe people!

Feixiang just stopped at the Pegasus tribe's cordon position, which could not only constitute a deterrent, but also not stimulate the other side too much. Then Ursin and Alicia rode on a Pegasus, sending dozens of Pegasus heads up, and the two sides began to confront each other in the air at a distance of an arrow. Da Fei will wait and see if we can meet you!

After one minute, the system prompts:

System Tip: Your team has discovered the Pegasus Tribe of Pegasus. After negotiations, the Pagasos Tribe asks your team to destroy the powerful monsters that occupy the inspirational fountain of the North. Then the Pegasus Tribe will consider joining your team. .

Da Fei frowned, this Pegasus tribe is already far north, is it even more north? Isn't that going to the North Pole? Very good, this is the rhythm of buying one get one free. Is Brother Ye Niubi still afraid of monsters? God beasts are not afraid.

When Ursin and Alicia returned to the ship, Dafei hurriedly asked Pandora to step forward.

Ursin said in a deep voice: "Master Warrior, the full name of this fountain of inspiration is Hippocrini, legend is that the mysterious Tianma Pagasos stepped down the boulder in the deep mountains to discover the mountain spring water, which can be a poet Provide inspiration and increase wisdom for human beings. This is also the homeland of this group of Pegasus tribes, but their homeland is occupied by powerful monsters. The strength of this group of Pegasus is not weak. Even the monsters who are afraid of some things must be strong. Abnormally, please warn the warriors carefully. "

A fountain of wisdom! ? Is this the rhythm of becoming a god? Dafei frowned: "Are we still at this stage? Is there room for retreat? Where is that monster?"

Ursin laughed: "Well worthy of being warriors, this group of Pegasus said that as long as we continue to move north, we will naturally see."

Da Fei nodded: "Let's go and see."

So Feixiang went all the way north through the mountains. At this time, it was close to the Arctic Circle. The clouds rolled in the sky. The cold wind in the north blocked Feixiang from advancing, while covering the hull and balloons of Feixiang with a layer of frost. Da Fei is not the first time to come to the North Pole, this battle is trivial.

After more than ten minutes, a huge black smoke in the snowy mountains in front of the sky and clouds. Da Fei frowned, and the battle was really immediately visible.

It's close. You can see clearly that it's not so much black smoke rising to the sky, but a huge tornado spouting from a huge underground cave wrapped in dark clouds and heading into the sky!

Dafei was shocked at the scene: "What kind of monster is this? Was this tornado spouted by a monster?"

"In the age of mythology, there is only one monster with such power!"

At this moment, Medusa, the mayor of Medusa, hurried over: "It is the ancestor of the demon, Tifeng, this is an invincible existence!"

Da Fei was shocked: "Tifeng?"

Ursin's face also changed: "Yes, it is Tifeng, Tifeng's name means hurricane!"

Mededia was excited: "I strongly oppose taking risks to challenge him. Even the king of the gods Zeus gathered all the strength and wisdom of the gods of Olympus to defeat him. We cannot challenge him. This will only make him My tribe is buried with the ship. Please consider it carefully! "

Tamilla also stepped forward: "Yes, sir, as long as our airship is involved in this powerful hurricane, this end is unimaginable!"

Dafei hurriedly said: "Wait! Calm! Isn't Tifeng defeated by the seal of God Olympus? My deity has also been to the melting cave of Tifeng, how could Tifeng appear here?"

Medidas said in a deep voice: "If Tiefon is not sealed, then he will not be such a wind, that is another force for which the whole Olympus is shaking!"

Dafei frowned: "That is, this is another force that he tried to break through the seal and penetrated?"

Ursin nodded: "The possibility is very high. The fountain of inspiration can increase wisdom and inspiration. This is the force that the demon **** in the seal needs urgently. But even this force infiltrated by Tifeng is not something we can fight It has nothing to do with the gap in the level of Divine Realm, which is huge enough to crush our power, and we do not see him at all and are defeated by his hurricane. "

Da Fei frowned, a task of collecting Pegasus tribe would be difficult to challenge Tifeng, the ancestor of Wan Yao? This is either the super-high grade of these Pegasus Super Niubi, or there is another trick to complete this task.

Pegasus Super Niubi? This is not very likely. If it is really awesome, the Pegasus tribe will be so easy to be negotiated by the brother and the two soldiers plus two women. The last time they saw them, they tried to escape. That is to say, this possibility is not very high.

That's most probably another trick for this task. Hurricane? At this moment, Da Fei suddenly remembered how the sulphur blood sea in Japan had comprehended the Skywalker.

Da Fei frowned, and immediately instructed: "We will stop the hurricane first, but rest assured that our warships will not rush into the hurricane. As long as the situation is not right, our warships can instantly move away ... … "The big ashtray said that I was back, and I was infected by the cold after midnight, and I was adjusting my condition.

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