God Rank Hero

Chapter 1933: Then simply release Tifeng!

How to stop a hurricane? Dafei's experience is to use a mountain to crush the hurricane! (Note: Chapter 1104 "Stopping the Hurricane with the Whole Mountain")

When Da Fei was in Japan, he wanted to use the huge advantages of the Skyship to play the high-altitude bombardment of Butchery City. Then, this mountain of bouldering came in handy in the Blood Sea Sulfur Mine, successfully realized air navigation, and broke through the intermediate transitional comprehension skills of navigation and aviation. .Fastest update

Now Dafei certainly doesn't have to be as risky as before, letting the entire ship rush into the eyes of the hurricane. Da Fei only needs to find a way to throw all kinds of stones and other things into this hurricane.

So Da Fei told them about their tactics and thoughts. They were all NPs who had experienced this adventure in the first place. Of course, their intelligence should be able to understand their tactics.

Sure enough, Tamilia immediately understood: "Adults make sense, but this time we don't have so many boulder throws at the last time, unless we get the materials locally."

Dafei frowned: "Also, here are all mountains, our sandworm mining machine is also here, you can dig the mountain and quarry on site ..."

Alicia did laugh: "What a huge amount of work this will be? It is better to go back to the city to buy quarries at this time!"

Dafei frowned! Back to town? That's six or seven hours, right? Where does Brother have time to toss this when he returns to the city? This thing can only be done by passing by, OK?

Da Fei asked Serbia for his opinion: "What do you think?"

Serbia will be hit by storms, and has obtained the true biography of the tornado made by Samael. She is the core of tactics and her opinion is very important.

Serbia is also frowning: "Our tactical theory of forcing a hurricane has been to create a hurricane that rotates in the opposite direction to offset the strength of the target. Risk, then we may need to exceed the number of boulder shots at that time. "

Elina said: "Now our tenth-level warehouse in Shadow Village can hold 10,000 units of cargo, which is no longer comparable to the original freight volume. Even if the number of boulder shots is too far away, we should be able to ship it all at once. "

Big flying eggs hurt so much! Anyway, it seems that I have to go back to ship? The problem is that I just don't want to go back.

But wait! How do ordinary players receive this story mission? They don't have such a big cargo capacity as their brothers, so they can't go back to ship things, right? So there must be another way! Brother cannot be imprisoned by empiricism.

Da Fei looked at the hurricane that connected to the sky for a long time, but still did not find any relevant clues from the surrounding environment. Maybe it ’s not smart enough, or maybe the most normal thing is to answer the bell, or start from the Pegasus tribe, get their favor, take on their tasks, and then gradually get the way to break the game!

And he was indeed the overlord's hard bow, which triggered this task without a foreplay at all, so that was such a painful situation? If you really want to spend a lot of time cultivating relationships from scratch, you might as well go back and ship a trip!

Egg hurts! Abnormal task methods can trigger abnormal results.

Between the tangles, Da Fei suddenly remembered the principle of forced hurricane that Serbia said. She said it was normal? That brother has encountered an abnormal task, how can he use the normal principle?

An absurd idea suddenly jumped out of Da Fei's heart, and Da Fei asked Serbia: "If we don't stop it with a hurricane rotating in the opposite direction, but what happens when a hurricane rotating in the same direction approaches it?"

Serbia suddenly stunned: "This? This should be like two vortices rotating in the same direction collided together into a larger vortex?"

Dafei frowned: "That means it will strengthen its momentum? What will happen?"

Ursin was not angry: "Sir, this whirlwind is obviously a sign that Tifeng is trying to escape. If you strengthen his wind, you will help it escape?"

Da Fei was shocked, and his mind suddenly opened: "What would happen if Tifeng escaped?"

The lieutenants were horrified: "This is the evil ancestor of all monsters. It was so difficult to be sealed by the gods. How can he escape?"

Why not? Da Fei is already thinking of the world and the world: "Myth, history, or history, is always written by the victors. Who says that Tiefon is evil? Those fathers who were defeated by Zeus have not been labeled as evil by Zeus? Me The avatar is given by Uranos, the **** of the first generation of the king of the sky. He is regarded as an evil **** by his sister-in-law, but I do n’t think he is evil. On the contrary, I think he is very good, very detached, completely No resentment against his children! "

At this moment, Mededia applauded: "It is indeed an adult. No one understands the hypocrisy of the **** Olympus, especially the hypocrisy of Athena, more deeply than my Medusa family. The goddess Gaia was born because of the extreme dissatisfaction with Zeus' persecution of his father God, so he gave birth to Tiven's revenge. From this point, the significance of Tifeng's birth was because Zeus had injustice. And the **** of the sky and Titus Feng is a victim, and adults have the blessing of the **** of the sky, so adults and Tifeng also have a joint basis, and it is not impossible to release Tifeng. "

Dafei was shocked: "Joint Tifeng!"

Medici laughed: "Exactly, it should be a force that escaped from United Tifeng, that is, an affiliation with him. Even if this avatar cannot be negotiated with an adult, it is only an avatar after all, not yet As for the power to subvert the world like his original deity! "

Da Fei's heart beats wildly! Anyway, his reputation in the Olympus Divine World is not good, and it will only take a lot of energy and time to make up for it. Hera is even more proud of it after that day. But as long as a avatar of Tifeng is combined, it means that there is capital to fight against the Olympian Protoss, by then? Will Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, give his brother a favor? That Vulcan is a five-body thrower who does n’t return to his Olympus, a laborer, and concentrates on being the boss to run an airship factory for his brother?

In a word, when it is more cost-effective to be an enemy than a fake friend, it is still better to be decisive! Of course, they are not all enemies. The best state is to ride the wall on both sides. This is the most aloof!

Dafei, who wanted to understand, asked, "My deity has destroyed a large number of Tifeng sons in the molten cave. Will this affect my union with him?"

Medici laughed: "I don't know. But I know that this will definitely make a strong impression on Tifeng. Maybe it will be easier to join?"

Dafei nodded: "Yes, I can tell him, since I can release him, of course, I have the ability to seal him! What do you mean?"

"I don't care about these, I just ask Tifeng to promise to safeguard the interests of the Pegasus tribe."

Of course, other beauty deputies are even more dissatisfied: "Listen to the adult's arrangements."

Wa hahaha! What I want is not to go the usual way!

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