God Rank Hero

Chapter 947: Fierce battle with General Naga

The terrain of the battlefield is very important. The narrow tunnels have the same restrictions on the troops on both sides. Then the brave warriors who meet each other on the narrow road are better than the individual soldiers.

Now, standing in front of Dafei is a group of ordinary four-armed Naga fighters surrounded by blisters. Under the sharing of the Naga Warrior's anti-magic cover and quantity, Elina's spell power decreased sharply, and she could only rely on the front line of Da Fei, Katerina, and the three angels to resist.

Their medium height and flexible block put great pressure on Da Fei, their defense was beyond Da Fei's expectations, and even more Da Fei was shocked that it seemed that their anti-magic blisters had the ability to return blood. It is beyond the level of the mid-level six-armed Naga who had previously sacrificed the power of the sea god. Then there is only one possibility. This general is a Naga hero. These troops are under the command of hero attribute skills.

Now it's too late for Egg Pain to keep surpassing expected opponents. Dafei just wants to know, did these ordinary Naga drink alcohol? Are these 20 units of wine enough for all Naga soldiers to drink?

At this moment, the light flashed, and the flying Titan's grip on the high hopes of Dafei successfully stunned the special effects. The Naga warrior in front of him instantly stiffened, and the blisters surrounding his body burst apart!

Dafei suddenly burst into joy and immediately directed the whole group to attack the fire, killing him in one round!

Yes, stun and knockout are the two most terrifying negative effects in the game. Once stunned, the defense of the unit itself will be cleared, and the chance of the opponent's fatal damage will be greatly increased. Because of this, humans with shield stun stun special effects also have one of the stealth killers.

As the Naga warrior crashed to the ground, the system beeped:

——The system prompts: You have a confrontation with a superb enemy. Gained information on Grand Master defense. Gain information on Master Defense's hidden subskill block.

Dafei frowned. Can ordinary Naga send information? But also directly out of the hidden skills information. This gain is greater than the siege of the intermediate fighters!

Needless to say, it must be related to the hero of the opponent! It may also be related to going to the battle yourself, and you don't hesitate to travel!

OK, do n’t even think about poisoning or poisoning, just fight the pain to understand hidden skills!

Da Fei was excited and continued to kill the Naga warriors who blocked the way. Each successful kill was based on the success of the Titan's grip. Now Da Fei is counting on the artifact to live.

Looking at Naga's pragmatic tactics. They obviously did not send out more powerful intermediate fighters. Instead, they sent many ordinary fighters with weak strength to resist death. Then it is certain that the opponent's intermediate tier Naga was poisoned! Either a poisoned life cannot take care of itself, or it takes time to detoxify. In short, it must be accelerated.

And just as the big flying was advancing steadily, and the fierce battle was about to end, the Naga troops blocking in front of them suddenly turned and retreated.

Da Fei suddenly felt a joy, so strange, there must be a good show. So immediately chase. From a distance, you can see the bright lights in front of the passage. Needless to say, the headquarters is here. To see wave ss!

Just then, a dull roar sounded in front of the passage: "Despicable mankind, enough, let Kennatch face you directly!"

Da Fei's heart beats, it's finally here! It is indeed Naga, no longer meaningless troop consumption, it is going to be a pain to fight with brother! OK, brother is a player, but also a pure hero team, destroying the group is meaningless, brother will consume you casually.

Da Fei came to the end of the aisle with excitement and nervousness, and a large and bright stone cave appeared in front of Da Fei. At first glance, Da Fei saw a full-body scale armor, and the six-armed Naga heroes who stepped on the blue hero aura under the tail led nearly a hundred ordinary Naga warriors to stand by. Dafei was shocked, and the opponent's strength was quite strong!

Da Fei hurriedly looked around, there was indeed a mess around the hall, and suddenly there were dozens of mid-level warriors twisted on their backs!

All intermediate strokes! Dafei was ecstatic and overjoyed. What is the difference between the other party ’s status and the pigs and sheep to be slaughtered? But if you want to kill them, you must defeat the general? The problem is that there are so many soldiers left in the general. Once these few people walk out of the passage and enter the lobby, they must be surrounded by all sides, then they must be destroyed, and they are not opponents at all.

Therefore, he must be stuck at the entrance of the lobby and fight against each other. Although the general has a large number of soldiers, it is estimated that he also drank a lot. Now he is holding hard, and he has every chance!

At this moment, the red light on the Dafei radar exploded, and a red dot appeared in the channel behind him. A dozen Naga soldiers appeared aggressively in the channel when they came. His jaw dropped to the ground, and Brother was copied!

The general haha ​​laughed wildly: "Dirty and arrogant human, do you think you have won? You think you can have no one with a little strength? This is your end!" After uttering a roar, he led the army to fly!

What the hell! Pinch on both sides! At this moment, Dafei was furious and yelled, "Despicable Naga!"

Elina shouted immediately: "Master, fight it, the fish is dead!"

Da Fei knew how to grit his teeth instantly: "Katrina, Serbia, you cover Elina behind and put on magic! Give it to me in front!"

"Roger that!"

With Elina waving her hand, a huge spinning flame array suddenly appeared over the stone cave-the ultimate mystery of the god-level destruction, judgment of the last days! Bombing the audience, indiscriminate killing magic regardless of enemy or me!

During the first Battle of the Pool of Light, Thunderfire used the quest items given by the demon king once, and a meteorite came down to pit many troops of the multinational army. But the quest items at that time had little magic power, so the power of magic was not very high.

But now that Elina has a divine costume, and has an elemental set to accelerate the cast effects, Da Fei can already imagine how this stone will be shocked and the enemy will die! That's right, when brother and enemy are dead, it is when brother's mission is fulfilled!

Facing the law array appearing in the hole, the general immediately took out a sheathed knife and smiled coldly: "Human! You are still too arrogant!"

After speaking, he shouted, "Pull a knife!"

——Oh! With the flash of the sword, the thrilling sound of the scabbard shocked the audience like a dragon chant, and the Dafei team brushed off 100 blood. At the same time Elina's cast array burst into pieces!

——System Tip: Your co-hero Elina is disturbed by powerful sound waves. The release of Divine Destruction Doom failed. Spell cd can only be reused after one day. . .

What the hell! This works too! This is the legendary heroic occupation of the six-armed Naga, Swordmaster?

However, it was already shocked by Da Fei, and the general's twisted figure had turned into a phantom and rushed to Da Fei!

Dafei knew that his attack would definitely be blocked by him, so the following consciousness started his own god-level lucky move, and a lucky light rose-then. The gun is like a dragon!

boom! Lei Guang flashed, and in absolute luck, this shot not only successfully hit the general, but also took the stun effect for granted!

Dafei exults: "Cut him!"

——System Tip: Your co-hero Elena releases the god-level destruction magic "Big Frozen"!

Elina, who had just failed to cast, continued her efforts, a cold fell from the sky, a huge ice cone crashed down, the stunned general and the Naga unit sharing the damage stunned, the frost covered with ice debris! But in the face of Naga's blister shield, the damage of this divine spell is far worse than just now!

"Yeah ... laugh!" The general who turned into an ice sculpture laughed coldly: "Because of arrogance, it's ridiculous!"

Elena gritted her teeth. A wave of generals was wrapped between the waves

——System Tip: Your co-hero Elena releases the god-breaking magic "Crack"!

boom! !! !! The dross splashed, soot covered the audience. But the damage is still not high! This short moment. Elena's three famous god-level spells can hardly kill the general who has drunk poison!

The general said coldly: "I have made such a serious mistake, I have no face to pray to the **** of the sea for the possession of divine power, but even so, I can still use my own strength to restore the situation, human beings, you can roll aside-"

After speaking, there was another roar, the general turned, and the huge spears on the other arm swept out-pop! Snapped! Snapped! — "Flight Damage -641!" "Real Damage -500!" "Flight Damage -663!"

The three angels, Da Fei and An Weier, who were standing in front of the general, were swept into the cave by a shot like a kite with a broken line, and slammed into the wall of the cave. Another row of "-200!" The damage jumped out, then Da Fei and Venus shining on the heads of the three angels!

Brother was beaten up! I was stunned! He killed nearly half of his blood in one shot! Dafei was stunned!

Although the general's damage was not high for Da Fei who had seen the Hydra and Leviathan could not move tens of thousands of damages, the problem is that this damage really extinguished Da Fei's full confidence! At this moment, Da Fei once again remembered the truth of Siren's shadow advising himself not to challenge the general! After all, this is also the npc leader of a regional battlefield!

However, there is no time for Da Fei to be stunned. Being swept away means that Elina, Katerina, Serbia, and Alicia behind are completely exposed to the two sides of the general!

Only the general laughed wildly: "Get out!"

"Ah!" Alicia turned away with a scream!

——System Tip: Your co-hero Alicia died. . .

Da Fei's eyes narrowed, this was the first time Alicia had died since he was mixed with his brother!

Then there was another scream, and Katerina went away! This is Katerina's second death after the city of punishment!

To destroy the group! Although Da Fei has made psychological preparations for destroying the regiment, this configuration was originally for destroying the regiment, but just destroying the regimen may mean that he will not be able to enter next time, and the door is blocked by stones!

——System Tip: Your co-hero Elina is killed. . .

Da Fei's heart is drawn! Then Da Fei saw the middle-order Naga twisting beside him-in any case, he would have to kill a few earning points after recovering from the dizzy state.

and many more! Seeing the high cave wall above his head, Dafei suddenly remembered the familiar scene, wasn't this the time when Brother Spider-Man was out? As long as I can survive, I still have 3 angels and blood eagles. I can kill these middle-ranked naga everywhere. I ’m not demanding, just kill 21! However, if the other party would shoot arrows and throw javelins, the brother would admit it, although he had never seen them lost since the beginning of the war.

——System Tip: Your co-hero Serbian died. . .

At this moment, the dizzy Venus above Dafei ’s head finally disappeared, and the general came out with a grinning smile: "Human, I overestimate you! I thought you were the legendary human son descended, but now it seems that you are just like that! "

At this time, Da Fei took out the long-lost cliff walker, and then--hey! A piece of spider silk shot towards the top of the hole, and then, Da Fei, the whole person was also pulled by the spider silk to fly up!

This feeling of flying, Dafei was instantly intoxicated. At the next moment, the general's laughter came to an abrupt end, and the entire headquarters was dead instantly!

Not moving? no response? The next big flight that frightened me is just looking at the generals!

——Ahhh! The general spit out green blood!

It works, it works! It's your turn now!

Da Fei's big wave of hands, An Weier, Nalxia, Ali Feir, and the poisoned Naga that the blood eagle swooped down like a lightning!

——Prompt Reminder: Your ice-song race prestige mission "Slay 100 Intermediate Naga Warriors" completed: 80/100.

Haha! Wa hahaha!

(Um, book friends are sorry, there is only one more today ...) (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, novels are better and faster!


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