God Rank Hero

Chapter 948: Race against time

Poisoned mid-level Naga warriors not only ignore the low defense, but also have much less health. Three angels plus blood eagles flew for the next two rounds, and easily killed one.

In the face of Da Fei's wall-climbing mutation, the general spit out poisonous blood with a calmness!

Dafei suddenly burst into joy! Yeah, it ’s obviously impossible for Naga as a sea clan to specialize in long-range attacks. Think about how painful it is to put arrows in the turbulent water.

However, Dafei was still happy for two seconds before the general shouted again: "Harpoon!"

For a moment, Naga rushed to the box of supplies stacked on the side of the field, and Dafei was shocked to drop his chin! It turns out they will be remote too! Yeah, wouldn't they be remote and let the siren **** on their heads and pee?

The last hope of speculation was dashed, and Dafei sighed!

If it is said that the strength of npc is too strong to directly crush Dafei, the defeat of Dafei is defeated. But deviation from success is only half a step away, and this half step is a gap in strength and a gap in luck. This feeling can no longer be described by tangled and egg pain, this is a suffocating breath in my heart, and I can't spit it out!

What else can I do now? You can only kill a few mid-tier while they are still changing weapons.

And as the audience rummaged through the cabinets, the hundreds of harpoons in several boxes were all assigned by Naga soldiers, and the next moment, they will be shot into a sieve.

and many more! Dafei suddenly found that they only had a few hundred harpoons in stock! Run out? Counting missed and undead, as long as I can carry it-the question is can I carry it?

At this moment, Da Fei suddenly took out the bag loaded with the magical skill "Large Displacement Wisdom Scroll"!

-Large Displacement: Use this spell. You will effectively avoid physical attacks by transforming the plane. It takes 300 mana to activate the spell. This spell requires 100 mana every second. Players must not move or make physical attacks while the spell is active.

What hesitating now. Learn!

——System Tip: Learning this spell requires 1 skill point. You have no remaining skill points!

A big mouthful of old blood spurted out! Brother Weiyu developed a good habit of 攒 skill attribute points for many years, but it did not work at the most critical time!

However, it doesn't matter, there are still great tricks, the store will wash it!

That's right! There are lotions for sale in the game mall. It costs 1,000 yuan a bottle and can only be used for one month. The last time Dafei started to buy a bottle with little money, and now it is. Money is just a cloud for Dafei!

Dafei races against the mall every minute. At this moment, time is life, time is the future, time is the pattern of China, and time is the future of the world! Although Da Fei's time has been spent leisurely in many times, the only two seconds now are so precious!

——System Tip: You have purchased a bottle of washing potion. Thank you for your patronage. The products you need will be sent to your game mailbox. . .

this moment. Naga in the audience each held 4 harpoons and began to gather around the general! At this moment, Da Fei's mailbox was glittering! It's raining like sweat at this moment!

——The system prompts: You have taken out the washing potion in the mall. May I use it?


At this moment, the general was furious, and all the Naga soldiers raised their harpoons in their hands!

——The system prompts: Please select the skills to be cleaned?

What the hell! Can you have so much nonsense? It's too late!

As commander-in-chief, be cold enough at critical moments! Da Fei immediately blocked the three angels in front of himself, all in a defensive posture! Although the stance has a 50% defensive bonus, when the unit is in the air, the ranged damage taken has an additional bonus. It can only rely on the remaining half of the remaining blood and the 15% arrow dodge of the Da Fei defense skill. And Jin Xiaoqiang dodge amulet 10% dodge chance to resist!

1 second! It only takes 1 second to fly! Even if all the angel troops are killed, Da Fei can come back with a more mobile blood eagle!

——The system prompts: You have cleaned the logistic skills "Master of Pathfinder", you get 1 free attribute point!

"Shoo!" With the roar of the general, hundreds of harpoons roared!

——System Tip: You have used 1 free skill point and learned the large displacement technique!

Just at this moment, a large piece of "-75!", "-68!", "Dodge!", "Missed", and "blocked!" Appeared from the angel's head!

Block! There is actually a block in the words! In such an instant, three golden lights fell from the sky, and a large row of system prompts appeared on the screen:

——System reminder: Your contractual angel An Weier has learned the essence of martial arts in the battle of life and death with her superb martial arts opponents, and has realized the "blocking" of the acrobatic stunts! An Weier successfully advanced, life +500, attack +10, defense +20, damage +2.

-Blocking: Units have a 30% chance to block physical attacks. When blocked, the unit cannot attack.

——The system prompts: your contractual angel Nalxia. . . Comprehended the "stall" of the acrobatics stunt! Nalxia successfully advances, with +400 life, +400 mana, +5 attack, and +20 defense.

——System Tip: Your Intellect Angel Trooper Ellie Phil. . . Comprehended the "stall" of the acrobatics stunt! Elefier successfully advanced, with +500 life, +500 mana, +6 attack, and +20 defense.

. . . . . .

For just this instant, the three angels who were instantly marked as residual blood were instantly full of blood because of the advanced golden light!

It turned out to be advanced at the moment of life and death! At this moment, Dafei burst into tears, God, did not abandon me, now, it's brother!

Big displacement, start! Angel troops, immediately kill and clear the field! Then, Da Fei no longer struggled with no hesitation, and added all the remaining 75 free attribute points in one breath and added knowledge!

——The system prompts: You have consumed 300 mana and used the large displacement technique!

——System Tip: Increase your knowledge by 75 points and gain 750 mana. Junior priests add 75 points of knowledge to 15 points of defense.

At this moment, the world in Da Fei's eyes was blurry, and the three angels blocking Da Fei flew down again!

And General Naga will never waste limited ammunition to hit a **** angel moving his target at high speed. He identified the coach Dafei who was exposed to him: "Kill!"

Another round of gun rain came!

At this moment, countless dodges and misses jumped from the flying head! Dafei knows that in the next 10 seconds, he is the **** of pretense!

Obviously, the state of Da Fei's pretense is too high-end, beyond the understanding of the general level of the npc. The general is incredible, he personally took two harpoons from his subordinates, and then a roar that shook the audience. , The last two rounds of harpoons whistled out, and they all fell through again!

At this moment, Dafei laughed. Dafei believed that this time he must have laughed to the end!

(New Year's lunch at noon, New Year's dinner at night, Tomorrow's New Year's dinner, taking turns to eat and drink, and now the ashtray of cigarettes and alcohol has broken the ring, the update can only be as far as possible.)


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