God Rank Hero

Chapter 949: The First Trader in the Eastern World

When General Naga's terrible final attack failed, another poisonous blood spurted out and gasped.

At this time, the Naga soldiers in the audience had no air defense methods. The only thing they could do was to chase the three angels and blood eagles who were killing the middle-ranked Naga soldiers. Too simple, not to mention the petrified halo with Bloodhawk slowing down.

For a time, Dafei's angels shuttled across the field, and the Naga soldiers were exhausted to chase after vain, 89, 90, 91!

Victory waved to Dafei step by step!

Did you win? At this time, Da Fei has been twisted and turns, and the situation of ups and downs has changed the whole heart and heaving, and can no longer afford any accidental changes. Now what to do is calm pursuit! Yes, calm!

98! 99!

——Prompt Reminder: Complete progress of your Icesong prestige quest "Slay 100 Middle-Range Naga Warriors": 100/100. You have completed the assessment task of the Bingsong race. Please return to the Bingsong battlefield front to receive the task rewards.

Hundreds of people cut! success!

At this point, Da Fei can no longer restrain his excitement and laugh long, Da Fei finally laughs to the end!

As for what else can we do now? Of course, killing one more is making money, kill as many as you can! And looking at the general's bloodless appearance, Da Fei even faintly beheaded the general to complete the victory goal of ultimate annihilation!

Could Brother behead the general? When Da Fei's ambitious imagination came to mind, the general suddenly said: "Human, don't you just want a trade license? I admit that you have the power to excel, and I promise you, please let my men down!"

——System reminder: General Naga Kennatch demanded an armistice on the condition that the Naga Empire Trade Pass be issued. May I accept it?

Naga Empire Business Pass: With this card, players can trade freely in the cities and ports of the Naga Empire. The higher the player's reputation, the greater the authority to trade items.

Dafei was shocked! Let me go. He really took Brother Huluo's words seriously! However, Israel's world reputation and current progress. This step is not surprising, the problem is that brother's main goal is not to do trade, brother is to grab a sea **** offering to appease Leviathan!

However, after this battle, Da Fei can be considered to have a deep understanding of the strength of the Naga clan, and he will have a twist and turn in the situation where he has occupied such an advantage. In the end, he will be lucky enough to win. Gao robbed. God knows what kind of blood flow is going to happen? And there are also trade options in the Leviathan task hints, so trade is king!

Dafei hastily confirmed: "As long as I have this certificate, I will not be attacked by the Naga army?"

General Shen cried: "Yes, Naga and the affiliated direct Murloc Siren tribe will not attack you, but the pirate sea monsters who flow here are not sure."

Really have this benefit! Dafei continued to ask, "I want to trade the Poseidon offerings, is this OK?"

The general gasped, "Of course you can. The Poseidon offerings are high-grade pearls, high-level night pearls. This is a hot item in the whole empire, as long as you have enough things, good enough. Of course, there will be cities willing to exchange with you. In addition, the common currency of the empire is pearls. All the cities and islands in the empire and the homeless people they contain must complete the task of paying tribute to the pearls. At the same time, you can also exchange excess pearls for needed supplies. How do you trade here on the human side The same goes for trading. "

Is pearl a currency? Da Fei finally understands how many pearls are found every time an island is cleared! But pearl is too inconvenient, right? To occupy space. Where is comparable to gold coins, there are tens of millions of dollars in the equipment bar at any time without pressure.

Da Fei suddenly remembered the incident: "I have a small island in the Lighthouse Islands. If I accept this business permit, the surrounding Naga tribe will not be hostile to my territory?"

The general suddenly stunned, and immediately jumped into his spirits: "Of course! But the premise is that you must pay enough pearls as a tribute every month!"

That's it! That is to say, this accidental business card is the key to breaking the East World! This condition is completely acceptable!

Dafei couldn't help but said, "Okay, I promise you!"

——System prompt: You have accepted the general's truce request, and the battle is over! You gain +3.6 million experience. You get the Naga Empire Business Pass.

——System Tip: You have obtained the “Naga Empire Business Pass”, and the Naga Empire cancels its hostile attitude towards you.

Your archipelago, Lighthouse Islands, in the territory of the Naga Empire, cancels hostile relations with the surrounding Naga tribes. You must tribute 100 units of pearls this month to maintain your current relationship.

——System Tip: You get the achievement "Trader in the Eastern World", your world reputation +1000. Your reputation in the Naga Empire becomes "awe"! You are the first player to reach the Eastern World Trade and get the achievement "First Eastern World Trader". You get a bonus bargaining skill level cap of +1 and your bargaining skill is promoted to the Grand Master level. You get Grand Master Bargaining Skills Jewellery Sale.

Grand Master Bargaining: Bargaining can reduce the purchase price of goods by up to 30%, and sell goods by up to 30% of the sale price. The effect is increased by 5% at each level. The sub-skills are "food trading", "textile trading", "hobbies trading", "precious metal trading" and "luxury trading".

Jewellery trading: Players can buy higher-grade, larger quantities of jewelry products from the exchange.


Da Fei Fangtian laughed. Brother is still the world's first trader. The reward of this first person is directly sent to the master skills. This is specifically for brother to sell pearls here! What's more important is that bargaining is also a skill required by the incumbent arms transporter. The more advanced the bargaining, the more inaugural a new career you take!

Wow, hahaha, this is a good way to turn a gang into a hostel! Otherwise, I won't be able to carry my brother all night long.

Da Fei laughed and slid down from the top of the cave. He came to the general with a smile and smiled, "General, we don't know each other, we have offended a lot before."

The general shook his head: "It is not my responsibility to issue business cards, but the sacrifice of so many troops in exchange for the joining of the warriors is also a credit to me in the defeat. I hope the warriors will have something in the Naga Empire As the warrior has been in contact with our Naga Empire for a long time, the more I can realize that standing on our side is the wise choice! I am tired, warrior, please. "

Da Fei frowned. What does this mean to ask Brother to choose a sideline between Naga and Siren? By the way, brother and Naga have ceased fighting now. What would Siren think of brother?

Yes, it's time to look at Siren's mission rewards.

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