God Rank Hero

Chapter 959: Demon sent

(Thank you Mortal Fans for providing the latest Dafei attribute data again!)

The following time is Da Fei's happy on-hook dinner break. As for the giant thunder, his arduous task has just begun. But it doesn't matter. He is not fighting alone. Behind him is the mission Raiders think tank of the Grand Guild.

The first is to report the findings to the Great Prince. Even Dafei knows that the prince is greedy and unprofitable, so he must have dry goods to convince the prince.

So the giant thunderstorm took the master-level prospecting team he introduced to personally arrived in Dabianhuang, and carried out exploration around the bird droppings to obtain ore samples, and then received maps from those reconnaissance team members who explored the road, then swallowed the **** and returned to the city by themselves. See the great prince.

At this moment, the star, the ninth heaven, the blood Wei, and the royal family's big screen are the key plot of the live-shaking giant thunder to meet the prince.

A flaming flame armor cloak, stomping on the flame hero's aura, a tall prince who is half taller than ordinary human beings, Tiberon? The Fist of Fire appeared, and he looked forward as if between his eyes. Two moving flames left two traces of inflammation in the air.

The first time I saw the blood princes of the royal prince, I couldn't help but be shocked: "Where is a dwarf, it is obviously a flame monster!"

Ancient Gu Xingchen laughed: "In fact, dwarves are also the earliest Chinese translation idiom. Ordinary dwarves are slightly shorter than adults by one or two heads, but their weight and strength are indeed completely human, and it is not a problem to hit two or three humans. It's just that the game is for the balance of arms, which makes the gap between conventional arms not so great. "

Xuewei Rose laughed: "I see that the big prince is really powerful and domineering, I am afraid that few heroes in the league can beat him?"

Gu Guxing laughed: "Right, fight for force, no matter whether it is the alliance or orc, no one is his opponent. The other second contender with him is far worse than him. Even the hero is not, it is estimated that It is for this reason that Dafei is reluctant to take this trip to muddy waters. "

The royal overlord laughed: "Such a hero and a demon assist. God knows to what extent Niubi is, we have the right thigh."

Gu Guxing sighed with a smile: "It's because it's so great. So his power is limited by his father, so it's uncertain whether this can be done."

Xuewei Rose smiled: "I see, if his power is constrained to death, then he can only rely on the devil, but he can succeed."

The crowd laughed: "I hope so."

At this moment, the prince on the big screen said lightly: "5 minutes, let's say something!"

Earthquake immediately took out the diamond samples and maps that were obtained: "Report to Your Highness, I found a diamond mine surrounded by mountains at an exit of the Window of the World. This is a poor-quality mine found on the surface. We believe in There are more and better mines in the mountains or underground, so ask your Highness to mine? "

"Diamond ?!" The prince's flame trembled, and he hurriedly took a closer look at the sample-under the grip of his blazing flame fist, the ore began to fragment and disintegrate and smoke and melted into lava from the palms Flowing in!

Such amazing strength completely refreshed the awareness of the thunderous giant thunder and the big men behind the scenes: "Is this Nima God?"

At the same time, the think tanks were also keen to capture the prince's character from the shock of the flames: Emotions were indeed easily dominated by foreign objects.

In the stunned horror of the thunderous thunder, the prince clapped his hands, and the glittering powder flew around his palms-the diamond stars!

At this moment, all the big men behind the scenes were stunned again. This was the process of refining the ore into a diamond on the spot! This is how powerful it is!

"Good mine!" Said the Prince Shen. "But such a good mine must be guarded by monsters, right?"

The terrifying thunder hurriedly said, "His Royal Highness, we have encountered the mythical creature of the savannah, and we cannot cope with just the ordinary savannah. There is no power to fight back, and there must be stronger and more cunning birds in the mountains. Personally, I think our enemies are not capable of dealing with mortals, so I dare to ask His Highness for help! "

The prince said unpleasantly, "Since you don't think that mortal abilities can handle it, what use is it to find me? Go to other exits and see if there are other better opportunities."

The prince won't answer! ? At this moment, the think tank behind all the grand guilds immediately cheered up. That's right, it's not normal to take it so easily! Fortunately, professional think tanks have long been ready to respond.

So Gu Xingchen immediately said: "No. 2 response plan! Excite him."

The terrifying thunderstorm knew, and immediately said, "Your Highness, I heard that the second prince was assisted by a demon god. This is extremely bad for your highness!"

At this moment, all behind-the-scenes think tanks watched its changes. Because the thunderous giant Thunder himself did not trigger the story that the second prince had a demon god. So this hearsay story has no effect on the prince. Either it can trigger an unexpected effect.

As soon as this word came out, the flame of the prince was not beating. Just faintly said: "Is there any evidence?"

Shocking giant thunder did not dare to answer, Jing waited for the analysis plan of the think tank. The think tank immediately began a quick discussion.

Judging from the dull flames of the prince, the prince was obviously not stimulated. Either the plot did not work for the prince, or the prince knew that the second prince had a demon. If it is the first case, then this dialogue is completely failed. If it is the second case, there is still a drama.

The think tank quickly concluded: "To be honest, to retreat."

After a moment's silence, Shocking Thunder replied, "The second prince has a very good confidentiality, and I have no evidence. Right now His Royal Highness is short, so I won't bother to leave. The occupation of the diamond mine will be cancelled."

At this moment, the flame on the prince ignited again, he waved suddenly: "No! Go ahead, I will send someone to follow you, and I will also provide the mine equipment."

Between words, a dwarf with an invisible face covering his body suddenly appeared silently beside him.

"Success!" The league chat room was jubilant!

As for the mysterious dwarf who suddenly appeared, everyone knew that this was the legendary demon!

Ancient Gu Xing excitedly said, "Keep asking, ask him what he can do!"

The terrifying thunder hurriedly said, "His Royal Highness, the bird is high above the range of bows and arrows and magic, how do you send someone to deal with it?"

The armored dwarf grinned, "I need you to build a rune tower, and I will catch the birdmen in person, and then brainwash, so that these birdmen will become our army. Warrior, is this feasible?"

"Brainwashing! Really a demon!" At this moment, the big guys in the chat room suddenly got up and started applauding!

Shocking giant thunder rushed to the spot with tears of excitement: "Thank you for your shot, I will go all out!"

The Prince nodded: "Very well, I'm here to visit. I have a 50% stake in this mine. You have to find a way to transport and mine, and wait for your good news." After that, the flames disappeared.

50% stake! ? The big guys who just cheered for a moment were dumbfounded!

Xuewei Rose couldn't laugh or cry: "This big prince really meets half, but it is greedy and dark-hearted?"

Gu Guxing shook her head and smiled, "After all, it wouldn't work without him."

The Emperor smiled and said, "That is, you don't have a chance without greedy us."

The hegemon of the royal family was really puzzled: "Yes, I want to know why the prince did not agree at first, but we said that the second prince had a demon, and the prince agreed?"

The ancient stars laughed and laughed: "The truth is very simple. The second child has a demon. The boss really doesn't have a demon. What do you let your subordinates think? If the boss doesn't show it, maybe all his subordinates will run to follow the second child.

Then the royal overlord came to his senses and patted his head and laughed: "Yes, I am the boss and I must not be able to sit still and I must show it."

The Emperor smiled: "The intelligence of the npc has reached the level of the prince. Sincerely there is no difference between a real person and a real person, so as long as he plays with him in the way of dealing with real people, it will be effective."

The royal overlord nodded: "So it is, so it is!"

The Emperor smiled and sighed: "It's a pity that we have a real pain in this 50% share. He took 50% alone, and the remaining 50% is obviously a little bit so much for us."

The ancient star smiled coldly: "This is easy to do, wait for us to settle down here, then say hello to Tu Long, and then find a suitable time for Tu Long to take down the mine, and then we will split the accounts offline, or , We just shot a trumpet that was not in touch with the prince and killed it to recapture the mine and redistribute it. "

Everyone laughed, "Look, it's too bad!"

With the prince's shot, another team of mysterious materials began to rush to Shenyu Space, and the diamond mining of the deserted border is imperative.

At the same time, under the instructions of President Xue Qing, Xue Fang, Xiao Fang and Xiao Li also returned to the monastery outside the city of St. Paul, and once again found the gatekeeper to report the progress of the cleaning. Compared to the Raiders think tank behind the shocking giant thunder, Xiaofang and Xiaoli are purely random luck.

At this time, the old lady's old eggplant said blankly: "Your guild cleaning is well done, and I will report your achievements like the church."

——System Tips: The Blood Wei Guild has completed the shared task "Methods of Obtaining Appreciation from the Sweeping Ducks" in stages. (See Chapter 775, "Methods of Getting Your Admiration.")

This experience reputation reward is completely different from a normal leg running task. So Xiaofang immediately said, "Please give us a higher challenge."

嬷嬷 The expressionless old face finally got a glorious look: "Are you tired of feces, ready to challenge to clean up the carrion?"

Although Xiaofang wanted to say yes, it wasn't his business anyway. But for the mission, we had to open our door to the veto: "No, we associate from the dung to Beelzebu, the king of dunghills. We want to challenge the conquest of such a demon, please show us the way."


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