God Rank Hero

Chapter 960: It turned out to be engineering contracting

When Xiaofang directly made a request to challenge Besib, the tense crow and sparrow at the Blood Wei Studio watching the live broadcast behind the scenes was silent.

At this moment, I couldn't help but stunned, and then laughed: "It's ridiculous! Very ridiculous! You want to tell me, can you feel very good if you can dive in the septic tank for ten minutes?"

Dive in a septic tank! ? At this moment, don't say that Xiaofang Xiaoli's face is not good at the scene, all the beauties behind the scene are even greener!

Then he slumped: "I don't want to hear any messy requests. If you have new requirements, I can arrange for you to pick up the carrion!" The two people who were not in front of them, swept the floor by themselves. .

Xiaofang Xiaoli was silent on the spot, and the whole Xuewei studio was dead silent.

Xuewei Sheng gun coughed dryly: "This, it seems, is not working."

Chairman Zhou Qing sighed: "It was an unreliable clue."

Xue Wei Shenggun laughed: "So, do we accept the higher-level missions arranged by You?"

Zhou Qing coughed: "Anyway, it's a game, so accept it. The team members staying behind the monastery will continue to work hard."

At this moment, the entire studio cried out: "Chairman, we apply to develop the desert!"

Zhou Qing was not angry, "Don't bother, just do what you should do."

Xue Wei Shenggun laughed: "That's right-Chang-feng-cfwx-, there are so many professional teams in Dabianhuang, and it's not a few of us. The key is that the mission of the grandma is only female players can pick up, thousands Don't miss it. Besides, after a period of excrement training, our team members are doing very well in Dabianhuang. "

Zhou Qing said, "Okay. Let the Blood Arrow and the Blood Arrow continue to return to the city of punishment to do the task."

"Got it."

at this time. Of course, the mourning of the Blood Wei Guild's Channel is full of Jun Xiang's eyes. Da Fei could not help shaking his head and sighed. Why are these beauties so persistent? This misguided development brother himself can't stand it anymore.

But then again, Brother didn't have Bessib himself, it doesn't mean there is no Bessib in the game. Anyway, now I'm idle and I'm also idle. Then ask Serbia. Brother has been busy and hasn't had time to follow her.

So Da Fei switched to the large side and came to the captain's room of the Emerald Dragon. Serbia was reading attentively at this time, and Katrina was struggling to look up the dictionary.

Seeing Da Fei's arrival, Katrina greeted enthusiastically: "Captain tired of reading or reading?"

Dafei laughed and said, "Yeah. Look at your progress. I remember something. This, does your dad's ransom have to be these twenty or so firearms? We use cryolite from Siren. is it not OK?"

Katrina frowned: "Unclear, because this gun is Dad's last possession, so he can't rule out why he can't choose."

Da Fei said, "If you can keep the gun, try to keep the gun. As long as you have the scientific and technological strength, the ransom is not a problem."

Katrina nodded. "Yes, let's try to negotiate with that organization."

Da Fei asked Serbia again: "Serbia, I ask something. I heard that you posted a toilet cleaning task to the gatekeeper of the monastery when you were in the city of punishment?"

Serbia said, "I admire those who are willing to do hard work and dirty work. At the same time appreciate those who understand the flexibility, what is wrong?"

Da Fei was surprised: "What does it mean to be flexible?"

Serbia laughed: "Of course I do n’t want to do these dirty jobs. So I leave it to those who are willing to do it. It was originally a test for me to recommend my current maiden successor, but I found some things the captain knew , So it was interrupted. "

Dafei's brow fluttered in shock: "You mean, as long as the toilet is cleaned, I can recommend you as the current maiden?"

Serbia shook her head and smiled: "Although there are many factors for being a maid, but the toilet can be cleaned to add moral character. Or, I can give more people to do better what I do badly, just It can better reflect my organizational ability and add my leadership points. "

Da Fei frowned and then jumped: "So what is the purpose of your mission?"

Serbia laughed: "Of course, let more people help me to add points! Of course, those who help me will also get the due appreciation, if the comprehensive evaluation of those who help me exceed me, then she is the next saint Now. "

Dafei was so shocked that his jaw dropped! Let me go, this is the legendary project contracting and decentralization! I have never heard that someone who digs coal can dig into a coal boss. The better the beauty of the bloodweaver who helps her clean the toilet, the more points Serbia will add, which will further consolidate her virgin status!

This is the pit father mission as a player vice hero? What a mission!

Da Fei went back to God in shock and asked, "Don't you say that your escape from the monastery is tantamount to self-delisting? Are you still eligible to run for the Virgin?"

Serbia said positively: "It is not only the captain you who found that Duke Makar is wrong, but the matter is too large and serious, so the captain knows the consequences better than me."

Da Fei suddenly realized that it was an extension of Brother's epic mission against Makar! It's no wonder that Serbia can advance to the nun with the sacred gun and get the blessing of the harp! It turned out that I was always a secret ally of Brother, and Brother was not fighting alone!

At this moment, Dafei burst into tears!嬷嬷 The unbearable look and feel of the face also became kind and kind in Da Fei's eyes, 嬷嬷, rest assured, you will always live in the heart of brother! Um, they're not dead yet!

Dafei continued to ask, "Does he know how to summon Beelzebub?"

Serbia smirked: "Captain, Miss Hilda's" The Key to Solomon "is a forbidden book, but it is not widely summoned as long as it is copied. Anyone can summon and give it a try, even dwarven princes that the captain cares about can get, let alone stubborn strong. "

Dafei frowned: "That is to say, the church also has a curse?"

Serbia shook her head: "Unclear, but as long as it is a large organization, such as the Seven Cities Alliance. In fact, there are also transcripts circulating on the black market. However, if we really want to confront the demigod death like Makar Lord, depending on the strength of our mortal life, it may be difficult to do. Maybe we ca n’t rule out the possibility that we must also use the curse to summon the demon to fight against it. Work hard to improve. "

There was a great earthquake in Da Fei's heart, wasn't it? Is this still the innocent little nun I knew? Forbidden curse? What a distant topic for Brother, and she already thought so much!

While sighing, Junxiang Trumpet was cheering. Da Fei quickly put on a small helmet and looked at it. It was indeed a great thunder with a large convoy.

Then the guild channel was in an uproar: "Seeing it, this dwarf with a black armor and invisible face is the legendary devil. He can catch the birdman and brainwash it for our army!"

Big fright startled, brainwashed! Really Gushing!

What makes Dafei even more alarming is that this shocking giant thunder really invited the demon out! Of course, this may also require the support of the Grand Guild Raiders, but this fully shows that as long as you provide them with a clue, they can do it immediately, this is a well-deserved master! Don't underestimate it!

At the request of the demon god, the team immediately unloaded the materials on the car, and the on-site troops immediately started to build the fortifications of the demon god, and the demon **** began to lay out a magic array on the ground.

Dafei is unhappy in his eyes. The demons are dispatched. It is not a problem to get the birdman, but as long as you make a good start in this high-end scene, the rhythm of **** must be behind. If you go on like this, Geshan's supremacy will be lost. Take it easy! In short, I can no longer be a live Lei Feng, and a moment of urgency came to Da Fei's heart.

And watching this demon cast a spell on the construction site, Da Fei is another heartbeat, is this going to consume the power of the demon? If it consumes a lot, if I want to kill this ancient Xin in the future, I will not have no chance!

Yes, this is a chance! As soon as he thought about it, Dafei felt relieved immediately. (To be continued ...)


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