God succession system
Chapter 316 - Fanservice... Fanservice everywhere...
"Hey look, it's Moka!"
"She looks as amazing as always!"
"No, she's definitely been doing something different recently."
From the moment Moka stepped within the gate of the academy, she was immediately the center of attention as every guy suddenly focused onto her, and began muttering and whispering. This had been happening over the last few days since she became Alex's 'Rook' as, even if she wasn't actually doing anything, everyone could tell there was something different about her. This in turn resulted in Moka becoming increasingly bashful when everyone focused onto her, as she instead felt as if every gaze on her somehow knew about her recent nightly activities with someone who was technically their teacher, even though that was impossible.
Meanwhile neither Kurumu or Mizore, who were walking alongside her, bothered to even acknowledge the gazes around them as they were both lost within their own thoughts, Kurumu's being what type of training she should work on that night. Even though originally she was the type of person who hated physical exercise to the extreme, she had quickly gotten used to it due to the constant training she'd receive every night within the space-time orb; however, Alex's explanation that she still lacked proper self control, as well as the additions of Sun and Moka to his peerage, had lit a fire within her. In order to show that Alex had made the right choice in making her a member of his peerage, she was now the most dedicated one when it came to training and furthering her skills, both for fighting and in the bedroom.
After Alex said that he wanted Kurumu to increase her own self control when it came to activities in the bedroom, the determined succubus had started enlisting the help of any of the girls willing to spend the night with her in order to practice. Naturally the one to agree the most often was the perverted Aika Kiryuu, who had been eager to sink her fangs into Kurumu with her short figure ever since she first met her, but she quickly learned just how terrifying a succubus could be in bed when Kurumu's natural s.e.x.u.a.l capabilities started awakening. As a result, while Kiryuu may have played with Kurumu's body to her hearts content the first night, Kurumu had returned the favor several fold since then as she swiftly learned how to handle another woman's body. It was at this point that she had learned the truth within Alex's concerns, as she would continue on for hours and still be raring to go even when the several other girls could no longer, or when she suddenly found the sun in her eyes from going at it all night long. The worst part she realized was the feeling that she was never truly satisfied after they were done for the night, and she had to let her body settle down by itself before she could even get to sleep, something she also realized Alex had endured almost nightly for years now.
While Moka was worried about others finding out about her s.e.x life, and Kurumu was trying to think of ways to improve her own, Mizore was already thinking of baby names for when Alex finally i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.ed her on her seventeenth birthday, something that was only a little over a month away with the space-time orb. Even though she wouldn't mind practicing with him for when the time came, Mizore was holding herself back in order to make the occasion more special. While three of the hottest girls in the academy were each thinking about their s.e.x lives with the same guy, that same guy himself stepped through the gate to the school a little ways behind them, when suddenly,
The majority of the girls within the courtyard suddenly let out a series of screams, as a sudden wind tore through and lifted their skirts to reveal the contents underneath. Alex's expression was a deadpan as, as if in slow motion, his gaze traveled across the courtyard so that he caught a glimpse of every single pair of exposed panties in front of him, and even a few bare bottoms due to the girls going commando. Finally, his gaze then centered into the trio of girls before him, and Alex took in the sight of Moka's white cotton panties, Kurumu's yellow silk with lace, and Mizore's trademark white and purple striped cotton. And then, as if time suddenly sped up, the moment was over as every girl in the courtyard tried to keep their skirts down and away from the prying eyes of the boys who, mysteriously, every single one hadn't been at a good enough angle to see anything. Though he enjoyed the sight greatly, Alex's expression was still a deadpan as he continued walking forward as if nothing happened, until Kurumu demanded,
"You're not going to say anything?!" Alex turned back towards her to see a bit of expectation in her, as well as Moka and Mizore's, expressions as they waited to hear what he had to say about what just happened. Without missing a beat Alex stated,
"It was really nice to see all of your panties, but you all know I would very much prefer to see them on my bedroom floor." Though they all had shy smiles in response to the first half of Alex's words, at the second half Moka and Kurumu's faces started turning red while Mizore's expression turned into a expectant one. With his deadpan expression shifting into a smirk, Alex continued on to his office past all of the deeply blushing girls, and the guys who were crying tears of blood after hearing his earlier response, though they all thought he was just flirting and didn't realize how serious he was.
As he continued on his way to his office, Alex suddenly paused as he felt what seemed to be someone's murderous intent directed at him. As he spread his 'Domain' to find the source of the murderous intent though, Alex fought against the urge to smirk as he casually continued on his way, never even letting his shadow suspect that he was onto them. Alex's smirk persisted until he reached his office and noticed a memo from Mikogami on his desk, which made his deadpan expression return as he muttered,
"So it's gonna be one of those days, huh?" The words were barely out of Alex's mouth, when he noticed something through his still active 'Domain', immediately followed by a woman's voice going,
"One of what days, teacher~?" Alex turned and was unsurprised to find the captain of the schools swim club, Tamao Ichinose, standing in the entryway to his office dressed in nothing but her trademark white bikini with a cloth tied around her waist. He couldn't help but smile wryly at her timely appearance and stated,
"One of those days filled with nothing but excessive fanservice, you arriving already dressed in your bikini proves my point." Tamao looked down at herself when she heard his words, before a mischievous smile crossed her lips and she said coyly while reaching up to seemingly fix her hair,
"I don't know much about it, but I thought 'fanservice' was something like this though?" The moment she finished speaking, the top part of her bikini suddenly dropped after she loosened the knot holding it up, exposing her n.a.k.e.d b.r.e.a.s.ts to her teacher's greedy gaze. Alex chuckled to himself as he took in the sight before him, even though he had accidentally seen Tamao n.a.k.e.d several times by now without her knowing, and had even seen areas a lot less tame than her b.r.e.a.s.ts. Even as she pouted due to the lack of a 'proper' response to Alex's seeing her n.a.k.e.d upper body, he stated,
"Yeah, I'd say it'd be a day filled with that and more considering we're having the swim class today, and since you're my assistant teacher." As Alex said the memo he received from Mikogami stated that they were to have swim classes that day, and that the president of the swim club was to help him out. Annoyed that she hadn't been able to trigger more of a reaction from him, Tamao stepped forward suddenly so that she was close enough that her b.r.e.a.s.ts occasionally brushed against Alex's chest, allowing him to feel her slightly erected n.i.p.p.l.es even through his own t-shirt. She then took in a deep breath through her nose, causing her to shudder slightly in amazement at Alex's scent before asking,
"By worse, do you mean something like this?" Though he was very tempted to tease the seductive mermaid, Alex instead asked,
"Miss Tamao, are you really trying to hit on someone who's not only your teacher, but also has an entire harem of wives already?" This made her smile though, as Tamao replied while leaning even closer so that her b.r.e.a.s.ts were squished against him, and she started running her hand across his chest,
"Doesn't that make it more exciting though? The forbidden romance between teacher and student! As for your harem, while it is true that most girls would be put off from that, that only really applies to humans and maybe a few individual monster women. For most of us monsters however, a man already having so many women is like a guarantee of his capabilities and strength, as well as his ability to please them~." As she said this Tamao's hand traveled down his body, before lightly squeezing the front of his shorts. When she felt the size of what was hidden within it though, the sultry mermaid paused and squeezed it a few more times with an incredulous expression as if she was trying to confirm what she found, while Alex's wry smile turned into one of pride. Having confirmed her suspicions, Tamao then asked Alex with an expectant smile on her face,
"So tell me teacher, when can we expect you to join us for practice in the swim club? If your interest in in 'fanservice', the I'm sure we could provide you with an exceptional amount~." Alex was silent for a moment as if he was considering the expected proposal, as she had been trying to get him to join the swim clubs practices for a while now, but, as he was about to refuse her, Alex suddenly thought of something and said,
"I'll consider it, but I'll also bring along someone who might be interested in meeting you and the rest of the swim club. Don't look at me like that, save your opinions until after you meet them." Even as Tamao looked exceptionally annoyed at Alex's condition, she decided to let it go since he agreed to attend their practice, and she also had an idea of her own as she held something up and said,
"Alright, I'll agree to you bringing a guest, if you wear this during today's lessons!"
"So what are you gonna do Moka?" Kurumu asked as she and the other girls stripped down in order to change into their swimsuits, while Moka changed into her usual gym clothes. The vampress smiled wryly and responded,
"I have permission from the chairman to miss out on swim classes due to the fact that vampires are weak to water. I may have gotten the 'Water Resistance' skill recently, but it's not high enough that I can swim in pools and stuff regularly, and besides, it would seem strange to those who know that I'm vampire that I can suddenly swim normally." Kurumu nodded as she heard Moka's explanation, while Mizore instead knelt down so that her face was level with Moka's butt, before she asked,
"Are you sure it's so no one would notice the toy in your butt when you take your panties off?" Moka suddenly jumped as if she'd been shot, and she immediately slapped her hands over Mizore's mouth with enough force that she slammed the snow woman into the wall behind her. This earned them the attention of the rest of the girls in the locker room, but Moka ignored them and demanded lowly through gritted teeth,
"Where did you hear about that?!" With her smirking even through Moka's hand, Mizore replied,
"I heard about it from Venri, personally I don't understand the appeal of taking it up the butt since you can't get pregnant that way, but I guess to each their own..." Moka was about to snap that not everyone just wanted to use s.e.x to get pregnant like she did, while she herself didn't have an interest in such a thing, that Alex had done so himself once and she hadn't let him do it since; but, before she could, her bloomers and panties were both suddenly hauled down to her ankles, and Kurumu grabbed each of her butt cheeks before spreading them as if to inspect what lay within. Seeing nothing but Moka's twitching pink butthole staring back at her however, Kurumu clicked her tongue while saying,
"Tch, and here I thought you might have been developing a bit of a wild side Moka. Oh well, if darling really has such an interest then I'll be more than happy to-" Before Kurumu could finish what she was saying however, Moka bonked the succubus on the head with her fist, before hauling her panties and bloomers back where they were supposed to be. She then demanded with a furious blush and a whispering hiss,
"W-w-what the hell do you think you're doing?! We're still in the locker room with everyone!" Even as she said this though, Moka glanced around and was surprised to see that, after her initial outburst, no one was paying them any attention despite the scandalous scene playing out before them. While she and Mizore looked around curiously, Kurumu stated while pouting and rubbing the lump on her head,
"I already set an illusion so no one could see or hear us, so to them we're just chatting quietly while getting dressed, but if you keep shouting and hitting me then they'll notice somethings wrong." When they heard this the duo looked at Kurumu curiously, as they witnessed the power of her illusions for the first time and couldn't help but be slightly impressed. With the situation settling down, Moka humphed and said as if to attempt to regain her lost dignity even with her still rosy cheeks,
"Well regardless, I don't do any of that stuff so let's drop it and get to class!" With everyone else now filing out of the locker room towards the pool, both Kurumu and Mizore shrugged and dropped the discussion as Moka asked before following the rest of the girls in their class. When they arrived at the pool the only people there waiting for them were the boys in the class, several of which couldn't help but stare at the girls intensely due to their swimsuits, but there were several groans of disappointment when they saw Moka dressed in her usual gym clothes. After glancing around a couple times Mizore then asked,
"Where's Alex at?" Her question was immediately answered however when the pool started splashing, and Alex himself suddenly appeared as he used the pools ladder to climb out of it. As he did so, similarly to earlier that morning, time seemed to slow to a crawl and some kind of exotic music started playing as everyone watched their teacher climb out of the pool with the water cascading off of his body.
Every gaze, both boy and girl, made its way down from his face to his body that appeared as if it was sculpted from marble by a talented artist. His muscles appeared to be so solid they put rocks to shame, and were huge despite not being excessively so. Their gazes then slowly traveled downwards across his chest, to his abs, and then finally to the only piece of clothing he was actually wearing that day, a speedo. Despite being the only place on his body that was actually covered, no one could tear their gazes away from it as it bulged out too noticeably, as if to show off how big the contents constrained within were.
The students were then snapped awake as Alex pressed the pause button on a nearby boom box, and the exotic music suddenly stopped, allowing them to finally notice the beautiful blue haired woman behind him. Despite the fact that she was also dripping wet from having climbed out of the pool after Alex, no one seemed to notice her until then, which she pointed out by saying,
"See teacher, they were all so stunned by your entrance that not even the boys noticed me with you, though now they can't take their eyes off of me~." As Tamao mentioned this though, the majority of the boys that had been ogling her suddenly looked away bashfully, while the girls in the class were still staring at Alex as they watched the water droplets run down his body. They didn't even start paying attention to what was being said until Alex stated,
"EH-HEM! Now that the fanservice scene is over with, as you can plainly see today is pool day. Before we officially begin, how many of you can't swim?" By this point Alex could truthfully say he was barely surprised when the entirety of the class raised their hands, before he added, "Ok then, the boys will learn from me and the girls will learn from the swim clubs captain, who was asked to assist wth today's lessons, Tamao. So I'll ask again just in case, who here can't swim?" Unsurprisingly the vast majority of the hands went down, until there was only one or two left in the air as their owners embarrassingly kept them in the air.
After having the students do their warm ups they were then sent into the pool, while Moka was allowed to sit at the edge of the pool and work on school work for her other classes since it would be difficult to find something else just for her to do. With the pool separated into two sides, one for the boys and one for the girls, it was fairly easy for Alex and Tamao to keep an eye on everyone as they led them in a series of games and exercises before letting them spend the rest of the period in a free swim. The reason for the diversion was of course to prevent any 'accidents' from happening, such as one of the boys suddenly reaching out for someone to grab onto and only ending up groping or pulling on the girl's swimsuits.
As could be expected though, while the boys may not have been able to experience such a moments, Alex's time was filled with them as the girls themselves somehow ended up slipping and pulling on each other's swimsuits, among other things. In order to take a break from from the blushing and embarrassing accidents that kept occurring, Alex eventually made his way over to Moka who was reading a book for one of her classes by herself.
"How are things over here?" Alex asked as he approached, causing Moka to look up from her book before smiling and saying,
"Good, at this rate I won't have any homework left for tonight, so I don't have to worry about it cutting into.....other things...." As she got to the end of her sentence Moka started training off and blushing a little bit, prompting Alex to smile widely at her implications, making her blush even deeper since she knew what he was thinking of. To cool off a little, Moka quickly got up and said, "I'll walk around a little bit, can't just spend all of gym class sitting now, can I?" Without waiting for an answer Moka turned and started to walk away, only to feel Alex's hand suddenly grab her butt and give it a brief, yet firm, squeeze before releasing her, prompting the pink haired beauty to practically flee while hoping no one witnessed what just happened. Alex however chuckled to himself at Moka's cute reaction, before rejoining the class while pointedly ignoring the murderous intent directed at him after his little stunt.
As could be expected as the day continued on, Alex saw more random tits, asses, and somehow p.u.s.s.y than he ever expected possible, even with his 'Lucky Pervert' skill helping out. Even Tamao couldn't help but make a remark about his incredible 'luck', when they had an all female class somehow go into the men's locker room instead to change, only for Alex to walk in without knowing right as every single one of the thirty-odd girls were completely n.a.k.e.d. Surprisingly the majority of the reactions Alex received due to each 'accident' was the girl in question acting bashful while trying to cover themselves, while there were a few that then proceeded to try and use the situation to seduce him or to show off their 'ass'ets'; while only a couple tried to lash out and hit him in retaliation, though these girls were also among the only few that were already in a relationship, and didn't appreciate another man seeing them n.a.k.e.d.
The most 'notable' incidents however were the times Alex himself ended up being a victim of his own skill, meaning that, somehow or other, Alex ended up having his own speedo pulled down several times that day. These were the ones that confounded him the most as, no matter how cautious or prepared he was, it still ended up happening several times; and when it did the general response was shame from the boys, and usually embarrassment from the girls, however Alex could've sworn he noticed a few wiping what appeared to drool from their chins, including Tamao.
With his tensions steadily increasing throughout the day, and not being able to properly release them, Alex was fairly glad when the club activities finally came to an end as well, and he started heading back to the dorms alongside the girls, Millicas, and Yukari. Once they reached the split from the student and teacher residences however, Alex surprised the girls by pecking then all lightly on the lips before pausing slightly and then moving onto the next one, starting with Mizore, Kurumu, and then finally Moka. As the trio of girls returned to their dorms, where they'd usually wait for Alex to take them to Asora, they all thought about what he had barely whispered to them after their kiss, 'I have some business to take care of, I'll explain properly later so head back without me.'
Though the girls were a little confused, and concerned, they didn't say anything since Alex was acting so secretive and promptly turned to leave, while Alex himself casually turned and headed back towards the faculty residences, ignoring the murderous intent that was at an all time high as he went. As he made his way up to his own residence, Alex slowly disengaged all of the defensive measures that he had originally installed so that his shadow would be able to enter his room without any issues. He then went about his business as if it was the usual while he waited for their intrusion, making himself some dinner, reading a bit of a book, and so on, until the sun started going down. Figuring they wouldn't try to confront him if he wasn't at least a little more vulnerable, Alex then headed towards the bath while simultaneously spreading his 'Domain' to keep and eye on them, which also showed him some 'interesting' sights within the faculty dorms.
As he settled into the warm water of the bath, Alex decided to wait there until the would-be-assassin finally entered his room, choosing to use his 'Domain' to mess with some of the other teachers in their own rooms to pass the time. Mostly it was just harmless pranks and messing around, with Alex practicing using his 'Domain' to move objects and to physically manipulate things such as dishes, dinner ingredients, and other small objects around their rooms. Then there was the 'not so harmless' stuff, such as him using his 'Domain' to stratch and pet Nekonome behind her cat ears as she curled up on her bed completely n.a.k.e.d, reinforcing Alex's theory that cat people like herself and kuroka just really hated wearing clothes.
Even when Nekonome transitioned to subconsciously raising her butt in the air for Alex to 'pat' or 'rub' her bottom, it was still tamer than what was happening in another room, where Barakiel had his hands and feet handcuffed to a bed while covered in welts, and Ririko bounced up and down on his waist while swinging her whip at his chest. Even though Alex would usually at least try to respect others privacy, he gave into the temptation after experiencing so much fanservice that day without any kind of release, and used his 'Domain' similarly to his 'petting' Nekonome to rub and pinch Ririko's tits and ass, making the sadistic woman jump and twitch each time she felt someone 'touch' her. For nearly an hour Alex enjoyed pranking people, petting Nekonome, and teasing Ririko until he suddenly received a notification that left him slightly stunned.
[NOTICE! New skill obtained, 'Telekinesis'!]
Alex looked at his system while a bit stunned at what happened, something he was debating on wether or not to tell Anne since she had the same ability, when he then noticed that the assassin had also chosen this time to finally creep into his room, prompting Alex to shelve the matter of his new skill temporarily as he climbed out of the tub. With a towel wrapped around his waist while using another one to dry off his hair, Alex walked out of the bathroom only to face the intruder and say as if surprised,
"And to what do I owe this unexpected pleasure, young miss of the Shuzen family?" As he spoke Alex took in the appearance of the person who could quite possibly be considered one of the most dangerous people in this world, Moka's oldest sister Akua Shuzen. She was almost unnaturally pale and had messy shoulder length black hair with two pony tails tied into it, complete with her black cheongsam she definitely appeared more Chinese than her other sisters, however her eyes blood red slitted eyes more than likely held more coldness and cruelty than the other three combined.
Seemingly unperturbed with the fact that Alex already knew who she was, Akua focused her cruel gaze onto him as she formed her hand to resemble a blade before pointing it at his neck, causing space to distort around her hand before extending until it was less than an inch from his skin, poised to decapitate him at a moments notice. Acting as if he was intimidated by the display, Alex held his hands up to make a show of surrendering despite the fact that he still held a casual expression as if his life wasn't being threatened at all. The serious assassin then took in a small breath before saying in a deathly calm voice,
"I'm only going to ask you this once, and if you make any sudden movements or play any games, I WILL remove your head from your shoulders. What is your relationship with my little sister Moka?" His expression morphing into one of mock surprise, Alex asked coyly,
"Aren't you supposed to ask instead who I am? Or why I destroyed one of Fairy Tale's bases while a dozen more were destroyed on my orders? Or perhaps why I'm hostile to your group? Or maybe-"
"NONE OF THAT IS IMPORTANT! TELL ME WHAT MOKA IS TO YOU!!" Akua roared in irritation in response to Alex asking a bunch of questions that were meaningless to her, as instead she wanted to know who the man that seemed close to her most beloved little sister was. Alex fought the urge to smirk as Akua's eyes showed a hint of obsession when she mentioned Moka, and so he decided to play the villain and mess with her a bit, saying with a sneer,
"Well, if you must know, I met her on the first day of school and took a liking to her, and so I decided to add her to my expansive collection of f.u.c.k toys." Right as Alex finished speaking, as if to drive his words home, the towel that was still around his waist seemingly randomly chose that exact moment to fall to the ground, revealing to Akua the very thing that had been recently violating her little sister in all of its glory. There was a beat of silence as Akua stared directly at the not so little 'little Alex', before she looked back at his face with her expression morphing to the very image of fury and rage before swiping her hand to chop his head off.
"She looks as amazing as always!"
"No, she's definitely been doing something different recently."
From the moment Moka stepped within the gate of the academy, she was immediately the center of attention as every guy suddenly focused onto her, and began muttering and whispering. This had been happening over the last few days since she became Alex's 'Rook' as, even if she wasn't actually doing anything, everyone could tell there was something different about her. This in turn resulted in Moka becoming increasingly bashful when everyone focused onto her, as she instead felt as if every gaze on her somehow knew about her recent nightly activities with someone who was technically their teacher, even though that was impossible.
Meanwhile neither Kurumu or Mizore, who were walking alongside her, bothered to even acknowledge the gazes around them as they were both lost within their own thoughts, Kurumu's being what type of training she should work on that night. Even though originally she was the type of person who hated physical exercise to the extreme, she had quickly gotten used to it due to the constant training she'd receive every night within the space-time orb; however, Alex's explanation that she still lacked proper self control, as well as the additions of Sun and Moka to his peerage, had lit a fire within her. In order to show that Alex had made the right choice in making her a member of his peerage, she was now the most dedicated one when it came to training and furthering her skills, both for fighting and in the bedroom.
After Alex said that he wanted Kurumu to increase her own self control when it came to activities in the bedroom, the determined succubus had started enlisting the help of any of the girls willing to spend the night with her in order to practice. Naturally the one to agree the most often was the perverted Aika Kiryuu, who had been eager to sink her fangs into Kurumu with her short figure ever since she first met her, but she quickly learned just how terrifying a succubus could be in bed when Kurumu's natural s.e.x.u.a.l capabilities started awakening. As a result, while Kiryuu may have played with Kurumu's body to her hearts content the first night, Kurumu had returned the favor several fold since then as she swiftly learned how to handle another woman's body. It was at this point that she had learned the truth within Alex's concerns, as she would continue on for hours and still be raring to go even when the several other girls could no longer, or when she suddenly found the sun in her eyes from going at it all night long. The worst part she realized was the feeling that she was never truly satisfied after they were done for the night, and she had to let her body settle down by itself before she could even get to sleep, something she also realized Alex had endured almost nightly for years now.
While Moka was worried about others finding out about her s.e.x life, and Kurumu was trying to think of ways to improve her own, Mizore was already thinking of baby names for when Alex finally i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.ed her on her seventeenth birthday, something that was only a little over a month away with the space-time orb. Even though she wouldn't mind practicing with him for when the time came, Mizore was holding herself back in order to make the occasion more special. While three of the hottest girls in the academy were each thinking about their s.e.x lives with the same guy, that same guy himself stepped through the gate to the school a little ways behind them, when suddenly,
The majority of the girls within the courtyard suddenly let out a series of screams, as a sudden wind tore through and lifted their skirts to reveal the contents underneath. Alex's expression was a deadpan as, as if in slow motion, his gaze traveled across the courtyard so that he caught a glimpse of every single pair of exposed panties in front of him, and even a few bare bottoms due to the girls going commando. Finally, his gaze then centered into the trio of girls before him, and Alex took in the sight of Moka's white cotton panties, Kurumu's yellow silk with lace, and Mizore's trademark white and purple striped cotton. And then, as if time suddenly sped up, the moment was over as every girl in the courtyard tried to keep their skirts down and away from the prying eyes of the boys who, mysteriously, every single one hadn't been at a good enough angle to see anything. Though he enjoyed the sight greatly, Alex's expression was still a deadpan as he continued walking forward as if nothing happened, until Kurumu demanded,
"You're not going to say anything?!" Alex turned back towards her to see a bit of expectation in her, as well as Moka and Mizore's, expressions as they waited to hear what he had to say about what just happened. Without missing a beat Alex stated,
"It was really nice to see all of your panties, but you all know I would very much prefer to see them on my bedroom floor." Though they all had shy smiles in response to the first half of Alex's words, at the second half Moka and Kurumu's faces started turning red while Mizore's expression turned into a expectant one. With his deadpan expression shifting into a smirk, Alex continued on to his office past all of the deeply blushing girls, and the guys who were crying tears of blood after hearing his earlier response, though they all thought he was just flirting and didn't realize how serious he was.
As he continued on his way to his office, Alex suddenly paused as he felt what seemed to be someone's murderous intent directed at him. As he spread his 'Domain' to find the source of the murderous intent though, Alex fought against the urge to smirk as he casually continued on his way, never even letting his shadow suspect that he was onto them. Alex's smirk persisted until he reached his office and noticed a memo from Mikogami on his desk, which made his deadpan expression return as he muttered,
"So it's gonna be one of those days, huh?" The words were barely out of Alex's mouth, when he noticed something through his still active 'Domain', immediately followed by a woman's voice going,
"One of what days, teacher~?" Alex turned and was unsurprised to find the captain of the schools swim club, Tamao Ichinose, standing in the entryway to his office dressed in nothing but her trademark white bikini with a cloth tied around her waist. He couldn't help but smile wryly at her timely appearance and stated,
"One of those days filled with nothing but excessive fanservice, you arriving already dressed in your bikini proves my point." Tamao looked down at herself when she heard his words, before a mischievous smile crossed her lips and she said coyly while reaching up to seemingly fix her hair,
"I don't know much about it, but I thought 'fanservice' was something like this though?" The moment she finished speaking, the top part of her bikini suddenly dropped after she loosened the knot holding it up, exposing her n.a.k.e.d b.r.e.a.s.ts to her teacher's greedy gaze. Alex chuckled to himself as he took in the sight before him, even though he had accidentally seen Tamao n.a.k.e.d several times by now without her knowing, and had even seen areas a lot less tame than her b.r.e.a.s.ts. Even as she pouted due to the lack of a 'proper' response to Alex's seeing her n.a.k.e.d upper body, he stated,
"Yeah, I'd say it'd be a day filled with that and more considering we're having the swim class today, and since you're my assistant teacher." As Alex said the memo he received from Mikogami stated that they were to have swim classes that day, and that the president of the swim club was to help him out. Annoyed that she hadn't been able to trigger more of a reaction from him, Tamao stepped forward suddenly so that she was close enough that her b.r.e.a.s.ts occasionally brushed against Alex's chest, allowing him to feel her slightly erected n.i.p.p.l.es even through his own t-shirt. She then took in a deep breath through her nose, causing her to shudder slightly in amazement at Alex's scent before asking,
"By worse, do you mean something like this?" Though he was very tempted to tease the seductive mermaid, Alex instead asked,
"Miss Tamao, are you really trying to hit on someone who's not only your teacher, but also has an entire harem of wives already?" This made her smile though, as Tamao replied while leaning even closer so that her b.r.e.a.s.ts were squished against him, and she started running her hand across his chest,
"Doesn't that make it more exciting though? The forbidden romance between teacher and student! As for your harem, while it is true that most girls would be put off from that, that only really applies to humans and maybe a few individual monster women. For most of us monsters however, a man already having so many women is like a guarantee of his capabilities and strength, as well as his ability to please them~." As she said this Tamao's hand traveled down his body, before lightly squeezing the front of his shorts. When she felt the size of what was hidden within it though, the sultry mermaid paused and squeezed it a few more times with an incredulous expression as if she was trying to confirm what she found, while Alex's wry smile turned into one of pride. Having confirmed her suspicions, Tamao then asked Alex with an expectant smile on her face,
"So tell me teacher, when can we expect you to join us for practice in the swim club? If your interest in in 'fanservice', the I'm sure we could provide you with an exceptional amount~." Alex was silent for a moment as if he was considering the expected proposal, as she had been trying to get him to join the swim clubs practices for a while now, but, as he was about to refuse her, Alex suddenly thought of something and said,
"I'll consider it, but I'll also bring along someone who might be interested in meeting you and the rest of the swim club. Don't look at me like that, save your opinions until after you meet them." Even as Tamao looked exceptionally annoyed at Alex's condition, she decided to let it go since he agreed to attend their practice, and she also had an idea of her own as she held something up and said,
"Alright, I'll agree to you bringing a guest, if you wear this during today's lessons!"
"So what are you gonna do Moka?" Kurumu asked as she and the other girls stripped down in order to change into their swimsuits, while Moka changed into her usual gym clothes. The vampress smiled wryly and responded,
"I have permission from the chairman to miss out on swim classes due to the fact that vampires are weak to water. I may have gotten the 'Water Resistance' skill recently, but it's not high enough that I can swim in pools and stuff regularly, and besides, it would seem strange to those who know that I'm vampire that I can suddenly swim normally." Kurumu nodded as she heard Moka's explanation, while Mizore instead knelt down so that her face was level with Moka's butt, before she asked,
"Are you sure it's so no one would notice the toy in your butt when you take your panties off?" Moka suddenly jumped as if she'd been shot, and she immediately slapped her hands over Mizore's mouth with enough force that she slammed the snow woman into the wall behind her. This earned them the attention of the rest of the girls in the locker room, but Moka ignored them and demanded lowly through gritted teeth,
"Where did you hear about that?!" With her smirking even through Moka's hand, Mizore replied,
"I heard about it from Venri, personally I don't understand the appeal of taking it up the butt since you can't get pregnant that way, but I guess to each their own..." Moka was about to snap that not everyone just wanted to use s.e.x to get pregnant like she did, while she herself didn't have an interest in such a thing, that Alex had done so himself once and she hadn't let him do it since; but, before she could, her bloomers and panties were both suddenly hauled down to her ankles, and Kurumu grabbed each of her butt cheeks before spreading them as if to inspect what lay within. Seeing nothing but Moka's twitching pink butthole staring back at her however, Kurumu clicked her tongue while saying,
"Tch, and here I thought you might have been developing a bit of a wild side Moka. Oh well, if darling really has such an interest then I'll be more than happy to-" Before Kurumu could finish what she was saying however, Moka bonked the succubus on the head with her fist, before hauling her panties and bloomers back where they were supposed to be. She then demanded with a furious blush and a whispering hiss,
"W-w-what the hell do you think you're doing?! We're still in the locker room with everyone!" Even as she said this though, Moka glanced around and was surprised to see that, after her initial outburst, no one was paying them any attention despite the scandalous scene playing out before them. While she and Mizore looked around curiously, Kurumu stated while pouting and rubbing the lump on her head,
"I already set an illusion so no one could see or hear us, so to them we're just chatting quietly while getting dressed, but if you keep shouting and hitting me then they'll notice somethings wrong." When they heard this the duo looked at Kurumu curiously, as they witnessed the power of her illusions for the first time and couldn't help but be slightly impressed. With the situation settling down, Moka humphed and said as if to attempt to regain her lost dignity even with her still rosy cheeks,
"Well regardless, I don't do any of that stuff so let's drop it and get to class!" With everyone else now filing out of the locker room towards the pool, both Kurumu and Mizore shrugged and dropped the discussion as Moka asked before following the rest of the girls in their class. When they arrived at the pool the only people there waiting for them were the boys in the class, several of which couldn't help but stare at the girls intensely due to their swimsuits, but there were several groans of disappointment when they saw Moka dressed in her usual gym clothes. After glancing around a couple times Mizore then asked,
"Where's Alex at?" Her question was immediately answered however when the pool started splashing, and Alex himself suddenly appeared as he used the pools ladder to climb out of it. As he did so, similarly to earlier that morning, time seemed to slow to a crawl and some kind of exotic music started playing as everyone watched their teacher climb out of the pool with the water cascading off of his body.
Every gaze, both boy and girl, made its way down from his face to his body that appeared as if it was sculpted from marble by a talented artist. His muscles appeared to be so solid they put rocks to shame, and were huge despite not being excessively so. Their gazes then slowly traveled downwards across his chest, to his abs, and then finally to the only piece of clothing he was actually wearing that day, a speedo. Despite being the only place on his body that was actually covered, no one could tear their gazes away from it as it bulged out too noticeably, as if to show off how big the contents constrained within were.
The students were then snapped awake as Alex pressed the pause button on a nearby boom box, and the exotic music suddenly stopped, allowing them to finally notice the beautiful blue haired woman behind him. Despite the fact that she was also dripping wet from having climbed out of the pool after Alex, no one seemed to notice her until then, which she pointed out by saying,
"See teacher, they were all so stunned by your entrance that not even the boys noticed me with you, though now they can't take their eyes off of me~." As Tamao mentioned this though, the majority of the boys that had been ogling her suddenly looked away bashfully, while the girls in the class were still staring at Alex as they watched the water droplets run down his body. They didn't even start paying attention to what was being said until Alex stated,
"EH-HEM! Now that the fanservice scene is over with, as you can plainly see today is pool day. Before we officially begin, how many of you can't swim?" By this point Alex could truthfully say he was barely surprised when the entirety of the class raised their hands, before he added, "Ok then, the boys will learn from me and the girls will learn from the swim clubs captain, who was asked to assist wth today's lessons, Tamao. So I'll ask again just in case, who here can't swim?" Unsurprisingly the vast majority of the hands went down, until there was only one or two left in the air as their owners embarrassingly kept them in the air.
After having the students do their warm ups they were then sent into the pool, while Moka was allowed to sit at the edge of the pool and work on school work for her other classes since it would be difficult to find something else just for her to do. With the pool separated into two sides, one for the boys and one for the girls, it was fairly easy for Alex and Tamao to keep an eye on everyone as they led them in a series of games and exercises before letting them spend the rest of the period in a free swim. The reason for the diversion was of course to prevent any 'accidents' from happening, such as one of the boys suddenly reaching out for someone to grab onto and only ending up groping or pulling on the girl's swimsuits.
As could be expected though, while the boys may not have been able to experience such a moments, Alex's time was filled with them as the girls themselves somehow ended up slipping and pulling on each other's swimsuits, among other things. In order to take a break from from the blushing and embarrassing accidents that kept occurring, Alex eventually made his way over to Moka who was reading a book for one of her classes by herself.
"How are things over here?" Alex asked as he approached, causing Moka to look up from her book before smiling and saying,
"Good, at this rate I won't have any homework left for tonight, so I don't have to worry about it cutting into.....other things...." As she got to the end of her sentence Moka started training off and blushing a little bit, prompting Alex to smile widely at her implications, making her blush even deeper since she knew what he was thinking of. To cool off a little, Moka quickly got up and said, "I'll walk around a little bit, can't just spend all of gym class sitting now, can I?" Without waiting for an answer Moka turned and started to walk away, only to feel Alex's hand suddenly grab her butt and give it a brief, yet firm, squeeze before releasing her, prompting the pink haired beauty to practically flee while hoping no one witnessed what just happened. Alex however chuckled to himself at Moka's cute reaction, before rejoining the class while pointedly ignoring the murderous intent directed at him after his little stunt.
As could be expected as the day continued on, Alex saw more random tits, asses, and somehow p.u.s.s.y than he ever expected possible, even with his 'Lucky Pervert' skill helping out. Even Tamao couldn't help but make a remark about his incredible 'luck', when they had an all female class somehow go into the men's locker room instead to change, only for Alex to walk in without knowing right as every single one of the thirty-odd girls were completely n.a.k.e.d. Surprisingly the majority of the reactions Alex received due to each 'accident' was the girl in question acting bashful while trying to cover themselves, while there were a few that then proceeded to try and use the situation to seduce him or to show off their 'ass'ets'; while only a couple tried to lash out and hit him in retaliation, though these girls were also among the only few that were already in a relationship, and didn't appreciate another man seeing them n.a.k.e.d.
The most 'notable' incidents however were the times Alex himself ended up being a victim of his own skill, meaning that, somehow or other, Alex ended up having his own speedo pulled down several times that day. These were the ones that confounded him the most as, no matter how cautious or prepared he was, it still ended up happening several times; and when it did the general response was shame from the boys, and usually embarrassment from the girls, however Alex could've sworn he noticed a few wiping what appeared to drool from their chins, including Tamao.
With his tensions steadily increasing throughout the day, and not being able to properly release them, Alex was fairly glad when the club activities finally came to an end as well, and he started heading back to the dorms alongside the girls, Millicas, and Yukari. Once they reached the split from the student and teacher residences however, Alex surprised the girls by pecking then all lightly on the lips before pausing slightly and then moving onto the next one, starting with Mizore, Kurumu, and then finally Moka. As the trio of girls returned to their dorms, where they'd usually wait for Alex to take them to Asora, they all thought about what he had barely whispered to them after their kiss, 'I have some business to take care of, I'll explain properly later so head back without me.'
Though the girls were a little confused, and concerned, they didn't say anything since Alex was acting so secretive and promptly turned to leave, while Alex himself casually turned and headed back towards the faculty residences, ignoring the murderous intent that was at an all time high as he went. As he made his way up to his own residence, Alex slowly disengaged all of the defensive measures that he had originally installed so that his shadow would be able to enter his room without any issues. He then went about his business as if it was the usual while he waited for their intrusion, making himself some dinner, reading a bit of a book, and so on, until the sun started going down. Figuring they wouldn't try to confront him if he wasn't at least a little more vulnerable, Alex then headed towards the bath while simultaneously spreading his 'Domain' to keep and eye on them, which also showed him some 'interesting' sights within the faculty dorms.
As he settled into the warm water of the bath, Alex decided to wait there until the would-be-assassin finally entered his room, choosing to use his 'Domain' to mess with some of the other teachers in their own rooms to pass the time. Mostly it was just harmless pranks and messing around, with Alex practicing using his 'Domain' to move objects and to physically manipulate things such as dishes, dinner ingredients, and other small objects around their rooms. Then there was the 'not so harmless' stuff, such as him using his 'Domain' to stratch and pet Nekonome behind her cat ears as she curled up on her bed completely n.a.k.e.d, reinforcing Alex's theory that cat people like herself and kuroka just really hated wearing clothes.
Even when Nekonome transitioned to subconsciously raising her butt in the air for Alex to 'pat' or 'rub' her bottom, it was still tamer than what was happening in another room, where Barakiel had his hands and feet handcuffed to a bed while covered in welts, and Ririko bounced up and down on his waist while swinging her whip at his chest. Even though Alex would usually at least try to respect others privacy, he gave into the temptation after experiencing so much fanservice that day without any kind of release, and used his 'Domain' similarly to his 'petting' Nekonome to rub and pinch Ririko's tits and ass, making the sadistic woman jump and twitch each time she felt someone 'touch' her. For nearly an hour Alex enjoyed pranking people, petting Nekonome, and teasing Ririko until he suddenly received a notification that left him slightly stunned.
[NOTICE! New skill obtained, 'Telekinesis'!]
Alex looked at his system while a bit stunned at what happened, something he was debating on wether or not to tell Anne since she had the same ability, when he then noticed that the assassin had also chosen this time to finally creep into his room, prompting Alex to shelve the matter of his new skill temporarily as he climbed out of the tub. With a towel wrapped around his waist while using another one to dry off his hair, Alex walked out of the bathroom only to face the intruder and say as if surprised,
"And to what do I owe this unexpected pleasure, young miss of the Shuzen family?" As he spoke Alex took in the appearance of the person who could quite possibly be considered one of the most dangerous people in this world, Moka's oldest sister Akua Shuzen. She was almost unnaturally pale and had messy shoulder length black hair with two pony tails tied into it, complete with her black cheongsam she definitely appeared more Chinese than her other sisters, however her eyes blood red slitted eyes more than likely held more coldness and cruelty than the other three combined.
Seemingly unperturbed with the fact that Alex already knew who she was, Akua focused her cruel gaze onto him as she formed her hand to resemble a blade before pointing it at his neck, causing space to distort around her hand before extending until it was less than an inch from his skin, poised to decapitate him at a moments notice. Acting as if he was intimidated by the display, Alex held his hands up to make a show of surrendering despite the fact that he still held a casual expression as if his life wasn't being threatened at all. The serious assassin then took in a small breath before saying in a deathly calm voice,
"I'm only going to ask you this once, and if you make any sudden movements or play any games, I WILL remove your head from your shoulders. What is your relationship with my little sister Moka?" His expression morphing into one of mock surprise, Alex asked coyly,
"Aren't you supposed to ask instead who I am? Or why I destroyed one of Fairy Tale's bases while a dozen more were destroyed on my orders? Or perhaps why I'm hostile to your group? Or maybe-"
"NONE OF THAT IS IMPORTANT! TELL ME WHAT MOKA IS TO YOU!!" Akua roared in irritation in response to Alex asking a bunch of questions that were meaningless to her, as instead she wanted to know who the man that seemed close to her most beloved little sister was. Alex fought the urge to smirk as Akua's eyes showed a hint of obsession when she mentioned Moka, and so he decided to play the villain and mess with her a bit, saying with a sneer,
"Well, if you must know, I met her on the first day of school and took a liking to her, and so I decided to add her to my expansive collection of f.u.c.k toys." Right as Alex finished speaking, as if to drive his words home, the towel that was still around his waist seemingly randomly chose that exact moment to fall to the ground, revealing to Akua the very thing that had been recently violating her little sister in all of its glory. There was a beat of silence as Akua stared directly at the not so little 'little Alex', before she looked back at his face with her expression morphing to the very image of fury and rage before swiping her hand to chop his head off.
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