God succession system
Chapter 317 - Akua Shuzen
As Akua swiped her hand to the side while simultaneously willing her Jigen-Tou(Dimensional Blade) to extend, intending to take Alex's head off instantly before she would proceed to chop up every last piece of his filthy body for daring to touch her beloved sister, she was surprised when he somehow managed to move faster than she was capable of following and avoided her blade. With Alex's body blurring slightly from his movements, he then stepped forward as if in slow motion while extending his hand out, intending to palm strike Akua's abdomen, right as she just barely managed to activate the Jigen-Tou on the rest of her body.
Unlike the blade form of the technique that was used as an unblockable blade, when Akua applied the same technique to the rest of her body she became temporarily intangible, allowing Alex's palm strike to harmlessly pass through her body instead of making contact with her, genuinely surprising him quite a bit at first. Even as her blade tore apart the walls of Alex's room, Akua ignored the damage as she instead tried to use the brief opening when he was distracted to try and drive her blade down directly through his heart. Unfortunately for her Alex's natural instincts and Observation Haki meant that he was never truly unprepared(unless his 'Lucky Pervert' skill was involved) when it came to life or death fights, and so he 'blurred' once again before moving away slightly, making Akua's blade drive itself directly down through the floor into the room below his.
As Alex took some distance from Akua with the same casual expression he had since he exited the bathroom, the icy cold vampress retracted her extended Jigen-Tou before turning to face him once more, not even caring that she had nearly skewered the history teacher living below them. As the duo stared at each other after their brief exchange, Alex broke the silence by suddenly saying,
"You know, usually when I tango with a woman while n.a.k.e.d I'm the one doing the penetrating, not the other way around." As he spoke Alex gestured to his still exposed 'sword' making Akua's glower deepen as she muttered in response,
"Don't worry, after I kill you and chop you into pieces I'll present that disgusting thing you're so proud of to my sister to show her you'll never 'penetrate' her ever again!" Her volume increasing with each word, Akua ended her declaration by rushing forward with her Jigen-Tou raised to attack once more. Alex easily sidestepped to avoid her attack and suddenly went in to attack a second time, moving just slow enough so Akua could make herself intangible once more so that he could try something.
With his hand dominating her field of view as it swiftly approached her face, Akua's expression was still calm as she activated the Jigen-Tou on the rest of her body, and redirected her attack to strike Alex when his hand failed to connect once more, or so she thought. Instead, a piercing pain assaulted her forehead as she then suffered whiplash strong enough to break an ordinary persons neck from the flick he had delivered, before being flung backwards. Landing gracefully, Akua turned yet another hate filled gaze at Alex and spat out,
"How did you do that?!" Alex however shrugged and replied nonchalantly,
"It was an attack that used a certain technique called Haki. Though it has several uses such as for defense, I've rarely used the attack form as it was originally intended, which was to grab and punch intangible opponents when they couldn't otherwise be injured." When she heard this Akua's expression darkened even more as she increased her vigilance against her opponent, someone who she knew was powerful due to the video of him killing Kanade, but assumed she'd be able to handle due to her assassination techniques and Jigen-Tou.
As the duo took a stance and prepared for the next clash, Alex was suddenly distracted as he sensed several people rushing towards his room, which was rather comical considering who was leading them. Alex knew that Akua would readily kill any intruders if given the chance, and so, before she could charge at him once more, he suddenly said,
"It's getting cramped in here, what do you say we take our fight elsewhere?" Before the vampress could respond, she suddenly found herself surrounded by a strange mist before she sensed her surroundings change, indicating that they had been teleported. Right as the mist vanished from the room though, Alex's door was suddenly blown open by an intense blast of lightning before an intimidating looking man charged in ready to face the attacker, only to find an empty room waiting for him. As Barakiel glanced around and saw signs of a fight, he muttered to himself,
"Damn, they must have teleported somewhere else...should I report this to Akeno and Rias...?" As he stood there pondering how to handle the current situation, someone else suddenly said,
"U-um excuse me! I-I don't mean to be rude, but who exactly are you?" It was then that Barakiel turned around and noticed the crowd of teachers and other staff members standing there staring at him, as of demanding answers for what was going on. He was about to answer them when he noticed several of the female staff members looking downwards at something, then Barakiel recalled a very important detail, he was still n.a.k.e.d while covered in welts, and had the broken handcuffs dangling from his wrists and ankles. Suddenly feeling embarrassed, Barakiel quickly teleported back to Ririko's room to collect his clothes, and to have her remove the broken handcuffs while also promising her that he'll get her new ones.
Meanwhile Alex and Akua found themselves surrounded by trees and several feet of snow as he teleported them far from any place of civilization in Asora, and anyone who might've been watching or waiting for Akua back in the academy. This made Akua show the only non-angry expression Alex had seen on her yet, as she looked around curiously after being subjected to an interesting new form of teleportation, one that seemingly didn't require a laborious process to prepare beforehand. As she did the snow around them started melting as Alex channeled heat through his 'Domain', preparing a large ring for them to fight in before saying,
"So, anything else before we resume or fight?" Akua glanced back at him as he spoke, her expression hardening once more before saying in a deadpan,
"Maybe you should put on some pants at least?" At this Alex looked down at his still n.a.k.e.d body, before shrugging and replying,
"Eh, the cold never bothered me anyway." The brief conversation over, Akua suddenly rushed him while preparing an attack, only for Alex to suddenly appear in front of her without her noticing, and planting his Haki infused fist directly into her stomach to send her flying backwards into the surrounding trees. As Akua crashed through tree after tree she tried to twist and orient her battered and bruised body while still flying through the air, only for Alex to suddenly appear above her and deliver yet another awe inspiring punch, driving her directly into the frozen ground.
The otherwise eerily silent mountain suddenly echoed with the concussion of Akua's impact with the ground, which resulted in a twenty foot wide crater forming beneath her while a fountain of blood sprayed from her mouth. She had no time to recover from the impact however, as Alex's foot suddenly collided with her body and sent her flying in the direction they had just come from, until she impacted yet another tree and fell limply to the ground.
Coughing up yet more blood, Akua struggled to regain her footing as her body started healing her myriad of wounds, both internal and external, at a painstakingly slow pace while the snow crunched under Alex's bare feet as he approached her yet again. While standing over her, Alex raised his fist as if preparing to bring it down onto her head, and stated with a tone of finality,
"This fight is over..." Right as Alex started bringing his fist down however, the corner of Akua's mouth twitched to form a smirk, before she swung around suddenly with her hand in the shape of a blade, causing space to distort around it once more. Time seemed to stand still as Akua's attack sliced cleanly through Alex's right arm, severing his hand and wrist while also producing a fountain of his blood that sprayed over the nearly defeated vampress. As her face and body became covered in Alex's Crimson red blood, the most fragrant scent she had ever smelled filled her nose as she licked one of the Crimson drops from her upper lip, and Akua's insane smile widened while Alex's own lips curled up to form his own smirk at the turn of events.
Meanwhile, a certain pink haired vampire was pacing anxiously back and forth in the Misty Manor while Rias and Anne watched on passively, neither showing too much concern even as Moka stated,
"I don't know why, but I've just had a bad feeling ever since Alex told us to go on ahead without him, maybe something serious is going on?" Rias sighed when she heard Moka's concerns, and stated,
"I doubt it's anything serious, at most I'm pretty sure he stayed behind because of a girl, at least I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case..." Anne nodded in agreement at this with a disapproving look on her face, before adding,
"Why don't you just head into the space-time orb and try to focus on training there instead? I'm sure it'll be better than needlessly worrying here all night." Though Moka wanted to stay, the look she saw in Anne's eye and the sound of finality in her voice made it clear enough that there was no room for discussion, prompting her to quickly leave the room to head to the space-time orb, while her 'inner' self was even agreeing that some training might do some good instead of just waiting. As she left Anne let out a small sigh while Rias stated,
"You're getting better at that..." Anne smiled wryly at Rias's words, and replied,
"I have to with this many powerful women around, what with my position as the first wife and all. Rather her instincts had me a bit worried there." Rias nodded in agreement as she recalled the message she had received from Alex earlier, stating that he was staying behind to deal with Moka's eldest sister that had seemingly come to take his life. Even though none of the women involved with Alex doubted his strength in the slightest, they still couldn't help but worry just a little bit as even the strongest of beings could become victims of fate or pure happenstance. As the two women fell silent, the door to the room suddenly opened and a certain pony tailed beauty walked in before saying,
"I just heard about something from my father." Akeno then reported to them what her father reported to her that he had found regarding Alex's room within the academy he was currently spending is days at.
"This.....THIS IS AMAZING!!!" Akua cried out as she felt the rush of supernatural power fill her entire body, and her wounds started healing almost instantly as she was restored to her full strength from before her battle with Alex had started, no, she was now even stronger than she was before. As the euphoria overtook her, Akua's mind started rushing through the various possible applications of Alex's blood within the vampire community, with the first thought being that they could finally firmly cement their place as the strongest of all monsters with it.
Her mind then however turned towards a simpler and more sinister thought, which was how powerful would she become if she hoarded his blood for herself? Akua's original goal was to reach the pinnacle of strength that a vampire could achieve in order to have her vengeance against the humans, and as such she originally intended to acquire the blood of a Shinso to do so; however the one who currently possesses that very blood was none other than her beloved younger sister, Moka. With the strength currently coursing through her veins however Akua felt as if she might finally be able to accomplish her goals to avenge the death of her first sister and love, Jasmine. Just as she was about to test the limits of her newfound capabilities though, a voice asked,
"So, how is it?" Akua turned to look at the wryly smiling Alex, who's hand had somehow been reattached at some point, and immediately decided how she'd use her newfound strength first. She held up her hand while once again forming a blade with it, and said while the space around it started distorting,
"Good enough that I've decided to spare you from death, instead, you'll live on as my personal blood bank!" Then, either forgetting the beating she had just received or who exactly she had gotten such wonderful blood from, Akua rushed at Alex while intending to finish the fight then and there, only to suddenly find herself staring directly at Alex's open hand.
Before she could figure out what was happening, Akua felt a pulling sensation on her head before it went 'SNAP'! She then felt something pulling on her hair as for some reason she was suddenly moving backwards instead of charging forward, and there was another person standing there where she had been less than a second prior. She then watched as the person in front of her fell to the ground, and Akua realized two different things at that second, the first bring that it had no head, and the second being that the body was wearing the exact same black cheongsam she had been. Both of these realizations came right before her vision started going dark, and Akua's last thought was about her beloved little sister that she would be leaving behind.
All that came next was darkness and loneliness, as Akua felt herself drifting aimlessly after being beheaded, her only thought being 'What now?' What she had never expected at that moment was to hear a voice respond,
"Now you back big sis." Akua turned sharply at the voice that sent chills down her spine, and found herself staring at a young girl that was no older than eight. As she looked at her Akua's entire being shook as she muttered disbelievingly,
"J-Jasmine...?" The girl nodded and looked as if she was about to say something, but Akua suddenly felt something pulling her back as her vision once again went dark, before she suddenly cried out while sitting up, "JASMINE!"
"There's no need to shout you know..." A nearby voice suddenly said, making Akua look around and realize that, instead of some kind of afterlife like she was expecting, she was instead back in the snowy mountainside, alive. As she tried to make sense of what happened since her 'death' seemed so real, Alex supplied,
"I did kill you, but then used a certain technique to revive you, that's why you're back here instead of still being dead." This caught Akua's attention as she suddenly demanded,
"Where is jasmine?! I saw her!" Alex raised his brows in surprise at her demand, but then stated,
"She's still dead like she has been for years, my guess is that she's been following you and keeping an eye on her big sister, even in death." When she heard this a certain look appeared in Akua's eyes, but Alex preempted her request by saying, "I can't bring her back. Your death was recent and could be considered closer to a form of resuscitation, however she's been dead for years and there's no body to work with." This made Akua grit her teeth in frustration as she tried to make sense of what was happening, making Alex continue, "If I were you, I'd be more concerned with what's about to happen to me instead." This made Akua look back at him, before saying with narrowed eyes,
"Well if you wanted me dead then you wouldn't have gone to the trouble of bringing me back, so what do you want?" Alex resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he approached her and said,
"I intend to give you a chance. The way I see it there's three options available for you, the first being that you leave Fairy Tale and follow me, by doing so you'll be able to see Moka whenever you wanted and rekindle your sisterhood, while also training to reach heights that even the most powerful vampires of your world will struggle to obtain, to the point that you'll even look down on the Shinso or beings like Alucard." At this Akua rolled her eyes and snorted, but was otherwise silent as she focused on the part where she could see Moka whenever she wanted, and another thing Alex had mentioned when he said 'your world'. The next offer however practically made her jaw hit the ground when she heard, "The second option is to join my harem, which would-"
"Why would I ever do something so stupid?!" Akua roared as she glared at Alex with slightly red cheeks, before her gaze slowly traveled down to his still exposed nether region, making her wish she had cut it off instead of his hand. However what Alex said next caught by surprise when he said,
"Well for one it'll allow you to share the same bed as Moka once the two of you have made up, meaning you'll be able to act out pretty much all of dubious scenarios you want with your beloved little sister." This made Akua pause as her mind immediately filled with scenes similar to what Alex mention, causing a small drop of blood to flow out of her nose even before she heard the rest of what Alex said,
"On top of that I'll also allow you to drink my blood whenever you want like the other vampires that are a part of my harem, and, if you truly want it that badly, I will even eventually change you into a Shinso so you could have all the power you once wanted and then some. Naturally however you'll need to give up your desire for vengeance against humanity." Though this naturally sounded very appealing to Akua, she couldn't help but ask,
"So you won't allow any of this if I don't spread my legs for you?" This made Alex frown slightly before he said,
"Rather, think of it as give and take instead. That isn't to say you won't be happy with the first option, but I won't hand over so much power or privilege to someone unless I'm completely sure of their intentions." Rather than taking offense to what Alex said, Akua instead felt a little gratified that he was still regarding her with caution, since it meant that he took her at least a little seriously. With the majority of their battle still very fresh in her mind, and the euphoria from his blood over with her instant defeat, she easily considered it a waste to reject seeing the future potential Alex offered to her. She then added,
"And let me guess, the third option is death?" Alex was silent for a moment at her question, before saying,
"The third option is that I'll let Moka decide. Your actions directly resulted in her mother's 'death', and you can also be said to have spent that last several years working to awaken the very one her mother fought so hard to defeat, and gave her life to seal." Akua was silent as she heard this, her mind weighing the different options. While a part of her wouldn't mind being judged by her sister, she also couldn't deny the attraction of getting into a position where she could try and fix their relationship instead.
After several minutes of silence, Akua didn't say anything as she simply stood up and started removing various pieces of her own clothing without minding the cold, though she was very aware of Alex's eyes watching her every move. After removing the few extra pieces of clothing, Akua undid the straps holding her cheongsam up, hesitating for a moment, before letting it drop to leave her standing there in nothing but her combat boots, and a lacy black thong. She then felt Alex's eyes carefully scrutinize every bit of her now exposed skin, before halting slightly on her exposed b.r.e.a.s.ts, which were so small she didn't even bother wearing a bra. With her face turning Crimson from a mixture of embarrassment and indignation, Akua then turned around so that her back was facing Alex, and bent over while simultaneously pulling down her thong so that it pooled around her boots. She then reached back and spread open her most precious place, and said begrudgingly,
"Hurry and get it over with...the sooner this is done the better..." Alex didn't say anything as he slowly started walking towards her with a wry smile, making Akua's body tense visibly whenever she heard his feet crunch the snow beneath them. She then actually jumped as he reached out, and gently ran his fingers along her quivering s.e.x, while continuing to walk by her until he was by her head. At this point several thoughts ran through Akua's mind when she saw Alex didn't immediately accept her 'offering', making her wonder if he instead wanted her to do something else first, before he suddenly swept her up into his arms in a princess carry. Alex then said,
"While I can't deny that was quite the tantalizing sight, and that I was fairly tempted to take you then and there, that's not my style. I know I implied otherwise earlier, but I actually care about my women, and try to ensure their happiness." Before she could demand to know what he was doing, Alex waved his hand a small cottage appeared out of nowhere, silencing any questions she had as Alex started slowly walking towards the small building.
"This is a prototype we're trying to mass produce for exploration and such, I guess you could call it a literal 'mobile home'?" Akua was silent as she heard this, as her nervousness started building and she realized what was actually about to happen as Alex opened the door and walked into the small cottage.
Unlike the blade form of the technique that was used as an unblockable blade, when Akua applied the same technique to the rest of her body she became temporarily intangible, allowing Alex's palm strike to harmlessly pass through her body instead of making contact with her, genuinely surprising him quite a bit at first. Even as her blade tore apart the walls of Alex's room, Akua ignored the damage as she instead tried to use the brief opening when he was distracted to try and drive her blade down directly through his heart. Unfortunately for her Alex's natural instincts and Observation Haki meant that he was never truly unprepared(unless his 'Lucky Pervert' skill was involved) when it came to life or death fights, and so he 'blurred' once again before moving away slightly, making Akua's blade drive itself directly down through the floor into the room below his.
As Alex took some distance from Akua with the same casual expression he had since he exited the bathroom, the icy cold vampress retracted her extended Jigen-Tou before turning to face him once more, not even caring that she had nearly skewered the history teacher living below them. As the duo stared at each other after their brief exchange, Alex broke the silence by suddenly saying,
"You know, usually when I tango with a woman while n.a.k.e.d I'm the one doing the penetrating, not the other way around." As he spoke Alex gestured to his still exposed 'sword' making Akua's glower deepen as she muttered in response,
"Don't worry, after I kill you and chop you into pieces I'll present that disgusting thing you're so proud of to my sister to show her you'll never 'penetrate' her ever again!" Her volume increasing with each word, Akua ended her declaration by rushing forward with her Jigen-Tou raised to attack once more. Alex easily sidestepped to avoid her attack and suddenly went in to attack a second time, moving just slow enough so Akua could make herself intangible once more so that he could try something.
With his hand dominating her field of view as it swiftly approached her face, Akua's expression was still calm as she activated the Jigen-Tou on the rest of her body, and redirected her attack to strike Alex when his hand failed to connect once more, or so she thought. Instead, a piercing pain assaulted her forehead as she then suffered whiplash strong enough to break an ordinary persons neck from the flick he had delivered, before being flung backwards. Landing gracefully, Akua turned yet another hate filled gaze at Alex and spat out,
"How did you do that?!" Alex however shrugged and replied nonchalantly,
"It was an attack that used a certain technique called Haki. Though it has several uses such as for defense, I've rarely used the attack form as it was originally intended, which was to grab and punch intangible opponents when they couldn't otherwise be injured." When she heard this Akua's expression darkened even more as she increased her vigilance against her opponent, someone who she knew was powerful due to the video of him killing Kanade, but assumed she'd be able to handle due to her assassination techniques and Jigen-Tou.
As the duo took a stance and prepared for the next clash, Alex was suddenly distracted as he sensed several people rushing towards his room, which was rather comical considering who was leading them. Alex knew that Akua would readily kill any intruders if given the chance, and so, before she could charge at him once more, he suddenly said,
"It's getting cramped in here, what do you say we take our fight elsewhere?" Before the vampress could respond, she suddenly found herself surrounded by a strange mist before she sensed her surroundings change, indicating that they had been teleported. Right as the mist vanished from the room though, Alex's door was suddenly blown open by an intense blast of lightning before an intimidating looking man charged in ready to face the attacker, only to find an empty room waiting for him. As Barakiel glanced around and saw signs of a fight, he muttered to himself,
"Damn, they must have teleported somewhere else...should I report this to Akeno and Rias...?" As he stood there pondering how to handle the current situation, someone else suddenly said,
"U-um excuse me! I-I don't mean to be rude, but who exactly are you?" It was then that Barakiel turned around and noticed the crowd of teachers and other staff members standing there staring at him, as of demanding answers for what was going on. He was about to answer them when he noticed several of the female staff members looking downwards at something, then Barakiel recalled a very important detail, he was still n.a.k.e.d while covered in welts, and had the broken handcuffs dangling from his wrists and ankles. Suddenly feeling embarrassed, Barakiel quickly teleported back to Ririko's room to collect his clothes, and to have her remove the broken handcuffs while also promising her that he'll get her new ones.
Meanwhile Alex and Akua found themselves surrounded by trees and several feet of snow as he teleported them far from any place of civilization in Asora, and anyone who might've been watching or waiting for Akua back in the academy. This made Akua show the only non-angry expression Alex had seen on her yet, as she looked around curiously after being subjected to an interesting new form of teleportation, one that seemingly didn't require a laborious process to prepare beforehand. As she did the snow around them started melting as Alex channeled heat through his 'Domain', preparing a large ring for them to fight in before saying,
"So, anything else before we resume or fight?" Akua glanced back at him as he spoke, her expression hardening once more before saying in a deadpan,
"Maybe you should put on some pants at least?" At this Alex looked down at his still n.a.k.e.d body, before shrugging and replying,
"Eh, the cold never bothered me anyway." The brief conversation over, Akua suddenly rushed him while preparing an attack, only for Alex to suddenly appear in front of her without her noticing, and planting his Haki infused fist directly into her stomach to send her flying backwards into the surrounding trees. As Akua crashed through tree after tree she tried to twist and orient her battered and bruised body while still flying through the air, only for Alex to suddenly appear above her and deliver yet another awe inspiring punch, driving her directly into the frozen ground.
The otherwise eerily silent mountain suddenly echoed with the concussion of Akua's impact with the ground, which resulted in a twenty foot wide crater forming beneath her while a fountain of blood sprayed from her mouth. She had no time to recover from the impact however, as Alex's foot suddenly collided with her body and sent her flying in the direction they had just come from, until she impacted yet another tree and fell limply to the ground.
Coughing up yet more blood, Akua struggled to regain her footing as her body started healing her myriad of wounds, both internal and external, at a painstakingly slow pace while the snow crunched under Alex's bare feet as he approached her yet again. While standing over her, Alex raised his fist as if preparing to bring it down onto her head, and stated with a tone of finality,
"This fight is over..." Right as Alex started bringing his fist down however, the corner of Akua's mouth twitched to form a smirk, before she swung around suddenly with her hand in the shape of a blade, causing space to distort around it once more. Time seemed to stand still as Akua's attack sliced cleanly through Alex's right arm, severing his hand and wrist while also producing a fountain of his blood that sprayed over the nearly defeated vampress. As her face and body became covered in Alex's Crimson red blood, the most fragrant scent she had ever smelled filled her nose as she licked one of the Crimson drops from her upper lip, and Akua's insane smile widened while Alex's own lips curled up to form his own smirk at the turn of events.
Meanwhile, a certain pink haired vampire was pacing anxiously back and forth in the Misty Manor while Rias and Anne watched on passively, neither showing too much concern even as Moka stated,
"I don't know why, but I've just had a bad feeling ever since Alex told us to go on ahead without him, maybe something serious is going on?" Rias sighed when she heard Moka's concerns, and stated,
"I doubt it's anything serious, at most I'm pretty sure he stayed behind because of a girl, at least I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case..." Anne nodded in agreement at this with a disapproving look on her face, before adding,
"Why don't you just head into the space-time orb and try to focus on training there instead? I'm sure it'll be better than needlessly worrying here all night." Though Moka wanted to stay, the look she saw in Anne's eye and the sound of finality in her voice made it clear enough that there was no room for discussion, prompting her to quickly leave the room to head to the space-time orb, while her 'inner' self was even agreeing that some training might do some good instead of just waiting. As she left Anne let out a small sigh while Rias stated,
"You're getting better at that..." Anne smiled wryly at Rias's words, and replied,
"I have to with this many powerful women around, what with my position as the first wife and all. Rather her instincts had me a bit worried there." Rias nodded in agreement as she recalled the message she had received from Alex earlier, stating that he was staying behind to deal with Moka's eldest sister that had seemingly come to take his life. Even though none of the women involved with Alex doubted his strength in the slightest, they still couldn't help but worry just a little bit as even the strongest of beings could become victims of fate or pure happenstance. As the two women fell silent, the door to the room suddenly opened and a certain pony tailed beauty walked in before saying,
"I just heard about something from my father." Akeno then reported to them what her father reported to her that he had found regarding Alex's room within the academy he was currently spending is days at.
"This.....THIS IS AMAZING!!!" Akua cried out as she felt the rush of supernatural power fill her entire body, and her wounds started healing almost instantly as she was restored to her full strength from before her battle with Alex had started, no, she was now even stronger than she was before. As the euphoria overtook her, Akua's mind started rushing through the various possible applications of Alex's blood within the vampire community, with the first thought being that they could finally firmly cement their place as the strongest of all monsters with it.
Her mind then however turned towards a simpler and more sinister thought, which was how powerful would she become if she hoarded his blood for herself? Akua's original goal was to reach the pinnacle of strength that a vampire could achieve in order to have her vengeance against the humans, and as such she originally intended to acquire the blood of a Shinso to do so; however the one who currently possesses that very blood was none other than her beloved younger sister, Moka. With the strength currently coursing through her veins however Akua felt as if she might finally be able to accomplish her goals to avenge the death of her first sister and love, Jasmine. Just as she was about to test the limits of her newfound capabilities though, a voice asked,
"So, how is it?" Akua turned to look at the wryly smiling Alex, who's hand had somehow been reattached at some point, and immediately decided how she'd use her newfound strength first. She held up her hand while once again forming a blade with it, and said while the space around it started distorting,
"Good enough that I've decided to spare you from death, instead, you'll live on as my personal blood bank!" Then, either forgetting the beating she had just received or who exactly she had gotten such wonderful blood from, Akua rushed at Alex while intending to finish the fight then and there, only to suddenly find herself staring directly at Alex's open hand.
Before she could figure out what was happening, Akua felt a pulling sensation on her head before it went 'SNAP'! She then felt something pulling on her hair as for some reason she was suddenly moving backwards instead of charging forward, and there was another person standing there where she had been less than a second prior. She then watched as the person in front of her fell to the ground, and Akua realized two different things at that second, the first bring that it had no head, and the second being that the body was wearing the exact same black cheongsam she had been. Both of these realizations came right before her vision started going dark, and Akua's last thought was about her beloved little sister that she would be leaving behind.
All that came next was darkness and loneliness, as Akua felt herself drifting aimlessly after being beheaded, her only thought being 'What now?' What she had never expected at that moment was to hear a voice respond,
"Now you back big sis." Akua turned sharply at the voice that sent chills down her spine, and found herself staring at a young girl that was no older than eight. As she looked at her Akua's entire being shook as she muttered disbelievingly,
"J-Jasmine...?" The girl nodded and looked as if she was about to say something, but Akua suddenly felt something pulling her back as her vision once again went dark, before she suddenly cried out while sitting up, "JASMINE!"
"There's no need to shout you know..." A nearby voice suddenly said, making Akua look around and realize that, instead of some kind of afterlife like she was expecting, she was instead back in the snowy mountainside, alive. As she tried to make sense of what happened since her 'death' seemed so real, Alex supplied,
"I did kill you, but then used a certain technique to revive you, that's why you're back here instead of still being dead." This caught Akua's attention as she suddenly demanded,
"Where is jasmine?! I saw her!" Alex raised his brows in surprise at her demand, but then stated,
"She's still dead like she has been for years, my guess is that she's been following you and keeping an eye on her big sister, even in death." When she heard this a certain look appeared in Akua's eyes, but Alex preempted her request by saying, "I can't bring her back. Your death was recent and could be considered closer to a form of resuscitation, however she's been dead for years and there's no body to work with." This made Akua grit her teeth in frustration as she tried to make sense of what was happening, making Alex continue, "If I were you, I'd be more concerned with what's about to happen to me instead." This made Akua look back at him, before saying with narrowed eyes,
"Well if you wanted me dead then you wouldn't have gone to the trouble of bringing me back, so what do you want?" Alex resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he approached her and said,
"I intend to give you a chance. The way I see it there's three options available for you, the first being that you leave Fairy Tale and follow me, by doing so you'll be able to see Moka whenever you wanted and rekindle your sisterhood, while also training to reach heights that even the most powerful vampires of your world will struggle to obtain, to the point that you'll even look down on the Shinso or beings like Alucard." At this Akua rolled her eyes and snorted, but was otherwise silent as she focused on the part where she could see Moka whenever she wanted, and another thing Alex had mentioned when he said 'your world'. The next offer however practically made her jaw hit the ground when she heard, "The second option is to join my harem, which would-"
"Why would I ever do something so stupid?!" Akua roared as she glared at Alex with slightly red cheeks, before her gaze slowly traveled down to his still exposed nether region, making her wish she had cut it off instead of his hand. However what Alex said next caught by surprise when he said,
"Well for one it'll allow you to share the same bed as Moka once the two of you have made up, meaning you'll be able to act out pretty much all of dubious scenarios you want with your beloved little sister." This made Akua pause as her mind immediately filled with scenes similar to what Alex mention, causing a small drop of blood to flow out of her nose even before she heard the rest of what Alex said,
"On top of that I'll also allow you to drink my blood whenever you want like the other vampires that are a part of my harem, and, if you truly want it that badly, I will even eventually change you into a Shinso so you could have all the power you once wanted and then some. Naturally however you'll need to give up your desire for vengeance against humanity." Though this naturally sounded very appealing to Akua, she couldn't help but ask,
"So you won't allow any of this if I don't spread my legs for you?" This made Alex frown slightly before he said,
"Rather, think of it as give and take instead. That isn't to say you won't be happy with the first option, but I won't hand over so much power or privilege to someone unless I'm completely sure of their intentions." Rather than taking offense to what Alex said, Akua instead felt a little gratified that he was still regarding her with caution, since it meant that he took her at least a little seriously. With the majority of their battle still very fresh in her mind, and the euphoria from his blood over with her instant defeat, she easily considered it a waste to reject seeing the future potential Alex offered to her. She then added,
"And let me guess, the third option is death?" Alex was silent for a moment at her question, before saying,
"The third option is that I'll let Moka decide. Your actions directly resulted in her mother's 'death', and you can also be said to have spent that last several years working to awaken the very one her mother fought so hard to defeat, and gave her life to seal." Akua was silent as she heard this, her mind weighing the different options. While a part of her wouldn't mind being judged by her sister, she also couldn't deny the attraction of getting into a position where she could try and fix their relationship instead.
After several minutes of silence, Akua didn't say anything as she simply stood up and started removing various pieces of her own clothing without minding the cold, though she was very aware of Alex's eyes watching her every move. After removing the few extra pieces of clothing, Akua undid the straps holding her cheongsam up, hesitating for a moment, before letting it drop to leave her standing there in nothing but her combat boots, and a lacy black thong. She then felt Alex's eyes carefully scrutinize every bit of her now exposed skin, before halting slightly on her exposed b.r.e.a.s.ts, which were so small she didn't even bother wearing a bra. With her face turning Crimson from a mixture of embarrassment and indignation, Akua then turned around so that her back was facing Alex, and bent over while simultaneously pulling down her thong so that it pooled around her boots. She then reached back and spread open her most precious place, and said begrudgingly,
"Hurry and get it over with...the sooner this is done the better..." Alex didn't say anything as he slowly started walking towards her with a wry smile, making Akua's body tense visibly whenever she heard his feet crunch the snow beneath them. She then actually jumped as he reached out, and gently ran his fingers along her quivering s.e.x, while continuing to walk by her until he was by her head. At this point several thoughts ran through Akua's mind when she saw Alex didn't immediately accept her 'offering', making her wonder if he instead wanted her to do something else first, before he suddenly swept her up into his arms in a princess carry. Alex then said,
"While I can't deny that was quite the tantalizing sight, and that I was fairly tempted to take you then and there, that's not my style. I know I implied otherwise earlier, but I actually care about my women, and try to ensure their happiness." Before she could demand to know what he was doing, Alex waved his hand a small cottage appeared out of nowhere, silencing any questions she had as Alex started slowly walking towards the small building.
"This is a prototype we're trying to mass produce for exploration and such, I guess you could call it a literal 'mobile home'?" Akua was silent as she heard this, as her nervousness started building and she realized what was actually about to happen as Alex opened the door and walked into the small cottage.
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