God succession system
Chapter 346 - Resolve
As sunlight started filtering through his window the next morning, Alex looked down at the five beautiful women curled up around him. On his right he had Chiffon hugged right up to him with Creo on the other side, while on the left he had Elizabeth snuggled up to his body as Arnett hugged up to hers on the other side. And then there was Attia, who, like just about every petite girl in Alex's harem, had fallen asleep right on top on him. Each girl had a look of contention on their faces as they slept, a tribute to the 'affection' Alex had shown them the night before.
With how much he pushed them Alex decided to just let the girls sleep for the moment, until Chiffon seemed to sense that he was awake and started to stir. She then opened her eyes to reveal the bladed pupils underneath, and smiled at seeing him next to her.
"Good morning." Alex said warmly, to which Chiffon's widened as she leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the lips before replying, "Good morning to you as well!"
Before either one of them could say or do anything else though, the rest of the unconscious bodies around them began moving as everyone started waking up. "Well this is a nice change." Elizabeth stated when she first opened her eyes and saw Alex right next to her, while Arnett was sputtering behind her due to waking up with a mouthful of the blond's hair.
As they started stirring around him Alex shifted himself into a seated position, making Attia yelp as she slid down onto his lap where something that was becoming harder and hotter was waiting for her. The petite white haired girl then directed a look at him, and said with a slight pout, "Even first thing in the morning?! You beast!"
Alex smirked at her as the small girl then climbed off of his lap, not because she wasn't in the mood, but because she was still exceptionally sore down there from the night before. He then pulled Elizabeth from her spot right next to him onto his lap, placing her so that her legs went on either side of his waist while she locked her hands behind his neck.
"You really are a 'beast'." She teased lightly, even as Alex lifted her h.i.p.s until she was just barely above his now erect manhood. Then, despite her attempts to keep her voice in check, Elizabeth couldn't help but let out a m.o.a.n as he quickly lowered her so that she was completely penetrated within seconds.
Then began a fairly wild ride as Elizabeth rocked and bucked her h.i.p.s in time with Alex's own movements, while the four other women watched in varying levels of fascination. With a level of skill that betrayed her lack of genuine experience, it wasn't long until Alex was once again painting her insides white as she shuddered on top of him.
Then it was Creo's turn, as Alex lifted her up and pinned her back against one of the walls as she too wrapped her legs around his waist to hold on. She then m.o.a.ned loudly and e.r.o.t.i.cally for everyone around them to hear as Alex repeatedly pulverized her insides before filling her with his seed as well. Then, after summoning a small couch and carefully placing the nearly unconscious girl onto it, Alex turned and found a rather tantalizing sight before him.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" Chiffon teased as she stuck her butt out towards him and bent over his bed enough that she had to use one hand to brace herself, while her other hand was spreading herself open invitingly. With her even wiggling her butt back and forth to entice him further, Alex didn't make the legendary Pandora wait any longer as he immediately thrusted his entire length into her, making Chiffon practically scream in ecstasy.
While he had been somewhat careful with Elizabeth and Creo, Alex seemed to have made it his mission to mess Chiffon up as much as possible with how hard he was ploughing her, while she loved every minute of it. Each thrust and scream were soon accompanied also by a sharp 'SMACK', as Alex then began to repeatedly slap Chiffon's butt with each thrust, before he then took things a step further and shoved one of his fingers into her butt.
Arnett, Attia, and even the recently recovered Elizabeth all watched with horrid fascination, as the most powerful Pandora of their world behaved like a common whore as she was f.u.c.k.i.e.d, slapped, and had even her ass drilled mercilessly. They were so entranced that almost everyone missed the bedroom door opening as Ringo arrived with an escort of the still n.a.k.e.d slave maids, however even they were transfixed by the sight before them, until Chiffon let out one final scream as Alex pumped her full of s.e.m.e.n as well. As he took a moment to catch his breath and the satisfied Pandora collapsed onto the bed before him, Alex then turned to the newcomers and casually said,
"Morning Ringo!" With his greeting snapping her out of her daze, and alerting everyone else to her presence, Ringo awkwardly nodded and returned Alex's greeting while trying not to look at the mess between Chiffon's legs. Sensing something was amiss, Alex asked, "Is there something wrong Ringo?"
The orange haired fashion master quickly shook her head before replying, "No! Not at all!" Despite her denial Alex still have a look of concern until she finally added, "Well maybe I'm still a little anxious after what happened yesterday..." She then turned and directed a not-so-subtle glare at the accompanying former Pandora, who didn't even notice from how hungry and exhausted they were with so little sleep after working all day, and the fact that they could only find a place to sleep outside until they could afford a new room.
Though he suspected that it wasn't just that, Alex decided not to prod too much and explained the type of outfit he wanted before suddenly grabbing Arnett and throwing her over his shoulder, and then tucking the protesting Attia under his arm and heading into the bath, where Elizabeth, Creo, and eventually Chiffon followed with slightly shaky legs. As the door closed behind them and Arnett's voice began to penetrate the walls, Ringo once again steeled herself for what she intended to do.
As the slave maids stripped and made the bed, she quickly disappeared inside Alex's closet and retrieved his clothes for the day(she didn't need to worry about the others so much since they would all simply wear their maid uniforms). After laying out the clothes Ringo then faced the door to the bathroom, from which she could hear a new voice, and once again resolved herself as she reached up and undid the first button on her top.
Meanwhile Alex was too distracted to notice what was going on outside the door, as he had Attia facing away from him as he pulled her arms back and lifted her off the ground with the strength of his loins.
"L-let me doooowwwn!" She tried to cry out as Alex's impossibly large girth filled her tiny hole while her feet dangled just above the tiled floor, but Alex wasn't that kind. He then began to piston even further into her with vigor that her eyes rolled back into her head and her spectating friends couldn't help but wonder if she'd start foaming at the mouth soon.
Despite the rough treatment and her pleas for mercy, it was obvious that Attia loved every moment of her 'suffering' by the silly smile on her face and wet sloshing sound that echoed through the bathroom with each of Alex's thrusts. Then, for second time that morning, the door opened and Ringo walked in right as Attia and Alex both reached climax, during which the petite girl actually passed out. This time though Ringo paused as she focused her attention on Attia's midriff, which had a very noticeable bulge from the thing inside her. She was so distracted that the orange haired milf didn't notice Alex look up at her and ask,
"Ringo? What's going on?" She looked back up at him as Alex carefully lifted Attia up off of his d.i.c.k and gently handed her to Creo for some after care, even as she continued to smile and lightly giggle sillily. After taking a deep breath to steady herself after such a 'shocking' sight, Ringo then moved her hands so that her entire n.a.k.e.d body was visible before saying,
"I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for us, and for saving Mikan once again yesterday..." As she spoke Ringo slowly but surely moved closer to Alex while trying to put a seductive movement into her body motions, making what she meant by 'thanking' him very obvious.
Alex however frowned and started to say, "Ringo-" but before he could continue she put a finger to his lips and snapped,
"Don't say anything! I don't want you cheepening my resolve!" Her snappy response not only surprised Alex, but the rest of the girls nearby widened their eyes in surprise as well as Ringo continued,
"I-I've already made my peace that my husband and son aren't coming back.....and I have nothing else to offer besides my own body, old as it is. Besides, with what I've seen of you I doubt this is a decision you'll make me regret...." As she said this Ringo involuntarily recalled how almost each morning had started for her for several months now, where she'd enter Alex's room and find him doing the dirty with any number of women. And each time Alex hadn't just used them for his own satisfaction, but had done everything to ensure that whoever he was with was satisfied as well, even if it required some 'strange' plays.
Seeing the resolution in her eyes, Alex's mouth curved upwards into a smile once more as he said, "Very well," before suddenly pulling her into his embrace. Ringo's heart sped up as she felt the heat of Alex's body against hers, his hand immediately and shamelessly seizing her buttocks. Her breathing sped up as his fingers skillfully worked the flesh of her ass while one worked its way inside the crack to find her honeypot, and Alex's other hand came up to lightly caress her chin before he sealed her lips with his own.
The four Pandora that were conscious watched with bated breath at the scene before them, before they noticed Alex's hand give them the sign that they should go. Though it made them feel a little cheap, since they still had responsibilities to attend to the Pandora quickly washed themselves off before attending to the still unconscious, yet oddly giggling, Attia. They then quickly filed out of the bathroom to leave Alex and Ringo alone, with Chiffon giving them one last look before closing the door behind her. As they left Alex mentally promised to properly apologize to them later, but still placed his full attention onto Ringo as his fingers quickly got her into the mood, distracting her as he secretly channeled magic through his hands into her body.
The next few moments were like a daze to Ringo as Alex shamelessly felt up every inch of her that he could reach, making her body heat up even more with each passing second. What she didn't notice was that they had slowly but surely been shuffling around the bathroom the entire time, until her butt bumped into the counter. He then seductively whispered into her ear, "Turn around Ringo."
Confused, Ringo did as Alex said and turned so that her butt was pointed towards him, presumably for the real thing. What she didn't expect though was that the moment she turned around Ringo found herself face to face with a mirror, showing her a younger version of herself.
Ringo wasn't noticeably old by any means, always being on the move and having access to the best cosmetics available due to her job in the fashion industry had preserved her youthful looks beyond what most can claim. However that didn't mean that she herself didn't notice more as time went on, such as her b.r.e.a.s.ts starting to droop just ever so slightly, or microscopic wrinkles that had started forming at the corners of her eyes. What she saw in the mirror though was herself back before she even had Rito, seemingly around the time she had just finished college.
Ringo slowly reached up and felt the corners of her eyes, where those tiny wrinkles no longer existed, her mind refusing to believe what she was seeing. Alex smirked as he watched her reaction, before leaning forward against as he gently held her waist and saying, "With me, there is no such thing as 'too old' Ringo. All it takes a little bit of magic and I can turn you back however much you want, as many times as you want."
Ringo didn't answer due to the shock she was still feeling at the sudden reversal of her age, making Alex's smirk widen as he slowly sunk to his knees behind her. She then let out a sudden gasp as Alex spread her butt cheeks apart, and buried his face in her ass while his elongated dragon's tongue penetrated her hot honeypot.
Down in the dining room a group of women had gathered as they ate their breakfast and made small talk about their plans for the day. For Moka and Kurumu this would be their first day going back to the academy since summer break had started so long ago, while it was also the first time 'inner' Moka would be attending herself since the rosary seal was no longer in place.
Meanwhile to the side a row of n.a.k.e.d women were lined up as they eagerly awaited the first food they'd get since being branded as slave maids, however all they were handed was a single bar of food. While most tore into the bar ravenously, a few looked at the pitiful amount of food incredulously before Felice demanded,
"Is this it?!" Though she was the one to get snappy, the moment Ravel directed a look at her Felice immediately clammed up and looked downward in submission. Ravel snorted at her before answering, more for the rest of the slave maids,
"One of these bars will fill you up and give you all of the energy you will need to fulfill your tasks for the day, while also providing each of you with every one of the nutrients you'd need to stay healthy. These are all any of you will be getting until you decided to spend your points on other meals." Though every one of the women heard her they barely even registered Ravel's words, as they instead reveled in having their bellies full.
As they watched the scene the rest of the girls couldn't help but shake their heads while Ravel then sent the slave maids to start their lists for the day, though Felice stayed behind as she awaited Alex for her banishment. Glancing at the scene briefly, Rias shook her head before turning her attention back to the conversation they had been having.
The drone of conversation quickly died down when two other people arrived though, Alex and Ringo. Alex didn't pay any mind to the attention he was receiving as he casually greeted everyone and took his seat to eat a light breakfast, while Ringo visibly squirmed under the scrutinizing gazes directed at her. It was quite obvious to everyone that something had happened between the two, if not from the way Ringo was acting then the way her appearance had seemingly shot backwards in time.
No one said anything however as she sat down and Mikan brought her mother something to eat, during which Ringo refused to look her daughter in the eye. Then, right as she took a single bite, her daughter suddenly asked,
"So, when should I expected a little brother or sister?"
The effect was instantaneous as Ringo immediately began choking on her food before Alex lightly patted her back to help her, making the surrounding women chuckle lightly while even Mikan cracked a small smile at her mother's reaction. Once she calmed down though Ringo slowly said,
"I don't think that'll happen just yet, if it does at all..." Mikan looked downhearted at her mother's words before playfully saying,
"Is that so? I was somewhat looking forward to becoming a big sister....." She then turned back towards her work in the kitchen while Ringo thought on what she said, glancing at Alex ever so slightly. Shaking his head at the antics of the mother-daughter duo, Alex focused on his food until Haruna brought him a small plate with an amazing looking pastry that even had several berries on it. She then said shyly,
"I just wanted to say thanks again for yesterday..." Before Alex could saying even he was then surprised when her lips briefly connected with his cheek, before Haruna ran away at speeds that he almost considered superhuman. This time Alex chuckled lightly as he watched her run away, before he sampled the pastry she had brought him. As he did so Rias couldn't help but remark with a smirk,
"Looks like someone's getting popular." Alex shrugged and finished his bite before responding,
"Are you surprised? They've been pretty much locked in here for almost a year with me being the only guy they've been around in that time, not to mention that I saved Haruna personally twice." Rias nodded slowly in agreement, before saying,
"They've been able to leave the space-time orb for some time now but haven't since it's so 'comfortable' and 'protected' here, so maybe we should start encouraging them to spend a day or so away every now and then." Before Alex could answer, Lala suddenly piped up,
"Haruna and I can go shopping sometime! I've also been wanting to explore a little bit!" Surprisingly Rias nodded and then suggested,
"We could also split into a few groups and go to different places around this earth for a bit of a girls getaway! Places like hot springs, spas, markets for shopping, maybe even some theaters!" The girls then launched into planning mode for this epic girls day out, to which Alex watched silently as he ate with a warm smile before realizing it was almost time to leave.
"Sorry to interrupt but we have to go, don't want to be late on our first day back to school." Moka and Kurumu both nodded in agreement and stood to leave with Alex while Felice started looking noticeably green at her impending banishment.
Before Alex could leave however, he turned to look as his side was suddenly being pinched by a certain someone, Yami. The assassin then said to him with completely seriousness, "Don't take advantage of your own students, pervert." As she spoke the image of certain perverted principal entered hers, and everyone else's that attended the same school's minds.
Alex felt his face twitch as he suspected who she was comparing him to, but instead of letting her comment get to him he moved faster than she could react and planted a swift kiss on her lips. Then, right as Yami was realizing what just happened, he teasingly asked, "Yami, are you jealous of my students?"
Her face turning red from his implication, Yami's only reaction was to send several blades made from her hair in Alex's direction, which he avoided with ease on his way out the door with the three women right behind him. With everyone giving the embarrassed Yami warm looks after Alex's departure, she was about to excuse herself when a new voice spoke up,
"Being able to tease Golden Darkness so easily, that man is as terrifying as always." Everyone turned towards the speaker and were surprised to see Nemesis standing in the doorway to the kitchen, looking at Yami with a conflicted expression. To her Yami, or rather 'Darkness', was one of the most powerful beings in the universe, seeing Alex regularly tease her and lead her around the way he did was nothing short of a shock to the petite living weapon.
Nemesis's expression suddenly changed into a mischievous one however as she suddenly said, "By the way, Golden Darkness and Princess Lala, have either of you gone 'all the way' with him?" Suddenly everyone was silent as they awaited the two's answer, or more specifically those from the same universe were waiting, while Yami gave Nemesis a deadpan expression and Lala absentmindedly said,
"I don't know what you mean by 'all the way', but we've kissed and washed each other in the bath and stuff!" With her last words being said with a cheerful smile, several others looked at Lala incredulously while Nemesis actually face palmed and muttered to herself,
"How can someone who basically spent a year as a s.e.x toy not know what that means...?" Though she was quietly muttering to herself, those that did hear what Nemesis said directed a bunch of dirty looks at her while Haruna embarrassedly whispered what she actually meant in Lala's ear. Instead of reacting with embarrassment, Lala just gave Nemesis an annoyed look and said,
"Geez, Alex isn't going to make us do that until we want to!" While Yami nodded in agreement to Lala's words, several of the girls glanced at each other pointedly while Nemesis narrowed her eyes and asked,
"And how long until the two of you are 'ready' exactly?" Yami and Lala looked at Nemesis with confusion as she rolled her eyes and continued, "How long do you think he's going to wait for you when other women are already accepting him? How long until he starts to think that maybe it was a mistake to make you into his servants?"
With each word from Nemesis Yami and Lala felt increasingly uneasy at the fact that there might have been some truth within them, however Grayfia's voice suddenly rang out, "Nemesis, shut up."
Immediately the petite living weapon clammed up as the power of Alex's slave brand activated, forcing her to remain silent until ordered otherwise. Nodding in satisfaction, Grayfia then turned her attention towards Lala and Yami before saying,
"Normally I would say that you shouldn't pay any attention to what she was saying, however I unfortunately have to agree with Nemesis." Grayfia's words shocked everyone around them, as they never thought she would agree with what Nemesis was saying, and Nana was the first to speak up as she angrily demanded,
"Are you trying to force my big sis and Yami to jump into that beast's bed?!" Though she was angry, Nana's bravado suddenly evaporated when Grayfia turned a single stern eye at her, before she explained,
"Not at all, I'm just trying to give them some advice." She then turned back towards Lala and Yami before continuing, "I'm someone who has gone through something similar to what you two are experiencing, so let me-"
"What do you mean 'you've gone through something similar'?! Are you saying you were used by someone like that 'beast' before being turned into his-owee!" Once again Nana interrupted Grayfia while Momo tried to hold her back, however this time Grayfia didn't leave things at just a look as she immediately seized the pink haired girl's ear and stated,
"It looks like someone needs to be taught the meaning of the word 'manners'. Venri, take her to the island and wait for me, I'll be there shortly." The mature dragon woman bowed her head respectfully while saying, "Of course miss Grayfia." She then seized Nana's other ear and began dragging her away despite the petite girl's protests.
While everyone shook their heads as they watched Nana being dragged away, including her own mother, Grayfia sighed and pulled out a small picture before offering it to Lala and Yami. On it was three people, Grayfia, a younger looking Millicas, and a handsome crimson haired man who was obviously Millicas's father. She then continued,
"As I was saying, I once went through something similar to what the two of you are currently experiencing, after my husband left me behind in order to protect all of us from certain destruction. Though we had planned to go together so that our son would be safe, my husband, Sirzechs,used a spell on me at the last moment to leave me behind, so that I might stay with Millicas.
"Even though him doing so was his own way of caring for me, what happened next was even worse as several politicians in our world started losing their authority due to their own mistakes and inner corruption. In a last desperate attempt to keep their power they tried using my past to turn me into their scapegoat, while also trying to have my son taken away to use as their own puppet. With everyone else around me having their hands full or otherwise being unable to help, I turned to Alex.
"He then made me an offer after deciding that I'll work for him, either I can simply be his maid and serve him while Millicas and I were under his protection, or I can join his peerage and harem to become more powerful than I ever thought possible. Naturally I joined his peerage, and like the two of you Alex said he'd give me time until I was ready to move on from Sirzechs, except I had him make me his that night."
As she paused to take a breath Yami couldn't help but ask, "Why rush? Why not wait until you were truly ready?" This time Grayfia smiled warmly, and sadly at the question, before answering with a bit of softness in her voice,
"Because, I knew that the longer I waited, the harder it would be to take that first step. I knew that in the back of my mind I'd keep trying to convince myself that Sirzechs would come back, and that we'd be together again." As she spoke Grayfia directed a warm gaze at the two women, who suddenly looked guilty as they realized that they had unintentionally been thinking the same thing. She then surprised everyone by pulling the two of them into a hug, and continuing,
"I didn't say anything until now because I wanted to give both of you a proper amount of time to mourn, but you really do need to start thinking about when you want to take that final plunge. Think of it like a bandaid, the faster you rip it off the easier it is." With her piece said, Grayfia released the two girls and turned to walk away, only to say as she left,
"Now to discipline that Nana...." Everyone's faces cramped when they heard that, while a few of those that had faced Grayfia's 'discipline' in the past also sent out prayers to the petite princess. Meanwhile Momo nonchalantly followed Grayfia while seeming concerned for her sister, though a few people could have sworn that they saw a small camera in her hands.
Shaking their heads at the twin princesses behavior, the rest of the girls went back to discussing their 'girls day', while Lala and Yami seriously thought about what Grayfia told them.
Unaware of the discussions taking place after they left, Alex exited the room where the space-time orb was located along with the three women, before saying to Moka and Kurumu,
"You two go on ahead to the school and get ready to distribute the newspapers with Millicas and Yukari, I've got to deal with her before getting the children up." As he spoke Alex pointed a finger at Felice, who turned even greener than she already was, while Moka and Kurumu nodded and disappeared within the wall of mist that had appeared. Felice then turned towards Alex and pleaded,
"Please don't banish me! Or at least give me some clothes and food or something before doing so!" Alex however glowered at her pleas and spat at her,
"You should have thought about that before burying a knife in one of my wife's heart. Now to Brazil with you!" He then gave her a good shove into the wall of mist that appeared behind her, sending Felice somewhere that she'd never see Alex or any of those associated with Asora ever again.
With how much he pushed them Alex decided to just let the girls sleep for the moment, until Chiffon seemed to sense that he was awake and started to stir. She then opened her eyes to reveal the bladed pupils underneath, and smiled at seeing him next to her.
"Good morning." Alex said warmly, to which Chiffon's widened as she leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the lips before replying, "Good morning to you as well!"
Before either one of them could say or do anything else though, the rest of the unconscious bodies around them began moving as everyone started waking up. "Well this is a nice change." Elizabeth stated when she first opened her eyes and saw Alex right next to her, while Arnett was sputtering behind her due to waking up with a mouthful of the blond's hair.
As they started stirring around him Alex shifted himself into a seated position, making Attia yelp as she slid down onto his lap where something that was becoming harder and hotter was waiting for her. The petite white haired girl then directed a look at him, and said with a slight pout, "Even first thing in the morning?! You beast!"
Alex smirked at her as the small girl then climbed off of his lap, not because she wasn't in the mood, but because she was still exceptionally sore down there from the night before. He then pulled Elizabeth from her spot right next to him onto his lap, placing her so that her legs went on either side of his waist while she locked her hands behind his neck.
"You really are a 'beast'." She teased lightly, even as Alex lifted her h.i.p.s until she was just barely above his now erect manhood. Then, despite her attempts to keep her voice in check, Elizabeth couldn't help but let out a m.o.a.n as he quickly lowered her so that she was completely penetrated within seconds.
Then began a fairly wild ride as Elizabeth rocked and bucked her h.i.p.s in time with Alex's own movements, while the four other women watched in varying levels of fascination. With a level of skill that betrayed her lack of genuine experience, it wasn't long until Alex was once again painting her insides white as she shuddered on top of him.
Then it was Creo's turn, as Alex lifted her up and pinned her back against one of the walls as she too wrapped her legs around his waist to hold on. She then m.o.a.ned loudly and e.r.o.t.i.cally for everyone around them to hear as Alex repeatedly pulverized her insides before filling her with his seed as well. Then, after summoning a small couch and carefully placing the nearly unconscious girl onto it, Alex turned and found a rather tantalizing sight before him.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" Chiffon teased as she stuck her butt out towards him and bent over his bed enough that she had to use one hand to brace herself, while her other hand was spreading herself open invitingly. With her even wiggling her butt back and forth to entice him further, Alex didn't make the legendary Pandora wait any longer as he immediately thrusted his entire length into her, making Chiffon practically scream in ecstasy.
While he had been somewhat careful with Elizabeth and Creo, Alex seemed to have made it his mission to mess Chiffon up as much as possible with how hard he was ploughing her, while she loved every minute of it. Each thrust and scream were soon accompanied also by a sharp 'SMACK', as Alex then began to repeatedly slap Chiffon's butt with each thrust, before he then took things a step further and shoved one of his fingers into her butt.
Arnett, Attia, and even the recently recovered Elizabeth all watched with horrid fascination, as the most powerful Pandora of their world behaved like a common whore as she was f.u.c.k.i.e.d, slapped, and had even her ass drilled mercilessly. They were so entranced that almost everyone missed the bedroom door opening as Ringo arrived with an escort of the still n.a.k.e.d slave maids, however even they were transfixed by the sight before them, until Chiffon let out one final scream as Alex pumped her full of s.e.m.e.n as well. As he took a moment to catch his breath and the satisfied Pandora collapsed onto the bed before him, Alex then turned to the newcomers and casually said,
"Morning Ringo!" With his greeting snapping her out of her daze, and alerting everyone else to her presence, Ringo awkwardly nodded and returned Alex's greeting while trying not to look at the mess between Chiffon's legs. Sensing something was amiss, Alex asked, "Is there something wrong Ringo?"
The orange haired fashion master quickly shook her head before replying, "No! Not at all!" Despite her denial Alex still have a look of concern until she finally added, "Well maybe I'm still a little anxious after what happened yesterday..." She then turned and directed a not-so-subtle glare at the accompanying former Pandora, who didn't even notice from how hungry and exhausted they were with so little sleep after working all day, and the fact that they could only find a place to sleep outside until they could afford a new room.
Though he suspected that it wasn't just that, Alex decided not to prod too much and explained the type of outfit he wanted before suddenly grabbing Arnett and throwing her over his shoulder, and then tucking the protesting Attia under his arm and heading into the bath, where Elizabeth, Creo, and eventually Chiffon followed with slightly shaky legs. As the door closed behind them and Arnett's voice began to penetrate the walls, Ringo once again steeled herself for what she intended to do.
As the slave maids stripped and made the bed, she quickly disappeared inside Alex's closet and retrieved his clothes for the day(she didn't need to worry about the others so much since they would all simply wear their maid uniforms). After laying out the clothes Ringo then faced the door to the bathroom, from which she could hear a new voice, and once again resolved herself as she reached up and undid the first button on her top.
Meanwhile Alex was too distracted to notice what was going on outside the door, as he had Attia facing away from him as he pulled her arms back and lifted her off the ground with the strength of his loins.
"L-let me doooowwwn!" She tried to cry out as Alex's impossibly large girth filled her tiny hole while her feet dangled just above the tiled floor, but Alex wasn't that kind. He then began to piston even further into her with vigor that her eyes rolled back into her head and her spectating friends couldn't help but wonder if she'd start foaming at the mouth soon.
Despite the rough treatment and her pleas for mercy, it was obvious that Attia loved every moment of her 'suffering' by the silly smile on her face and wet sloshing sound that echoed through the bathroom with each of Alex's thrusts. Then, for second time that morning, the door opened and Ringo walked in right as Attia and Alex both reached climax, during which the petite girl actually passed out. This time though Ringo paused as she focused her attention on Attia's midriff, which had a very noticeable bulge from the thing inside her. She was so distracted that the orange haired milf didn't notice Alex look up at her and ask,
"Ringo? What's going on?" She looked back up at him as Alex carefully lifted Attia up off of his d.i.c.k and gently handed her to Creo for some after care, even as she continued to smile and lightly giggle sillily. After taking a deep breath to steady herself after such a 'shocking' sight, Ringo then moved her hands so that her entire n.a.k.e.d body was visible before saying,
"I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for us, and for saving Mikan once again yesterday..." As she spoke Ringo slowly but surely moved closer to Alex while trying to put a seductive movement into her body motions, making what she meant by 'thanking' him very obvious.
Alex however frowned and started to say, "Ringo-" but before he could continue she put a finger to his lips and snapped,
"Don't say anything! I don't want you cheepening my resolve!" Her snappy response not only surprised Alex, but the rest of the girls nearby widened their eyes in surprise as well as Ringo continued,
"I-I've already made my peace that my husband and son aren't coming back.....and I have nothing else to offer besides my own body, old as it is. Besides, with what I've seen of you I doubt this is a decision you'll make me regret...." As she said this Ringo involuntarily recalled how almost each morning had started for her for several months now, where she'd enter Alex's room and find him doing the dirty with any number of women. And each time Alex hadn't just used them for his own satisfaction, but had done everything to ensure that whoever he was with was satisfied as well, even if it required some 'strange' plays.
Seeing the resolution in her eyes, Alex's mouth curved upwards into a smile once more as he said, "Very well," before suddenly pulling her into his embrace. Ringo's heart sped up as she felt the heat of Alex's body against hers, his hand immediately and shamelessly seizing her buttocks. Her breathing sped up as his fingers skillfully worked the flesh of her ass while one worked its way inside the crack to find her honeypot, and Alex's other hand came up to lightly caress her chin before he sealed her lips with his own.
The four Pandora that were conscious watched with bated breath at the scene before them, before they noticed Alex's hand give them the sign that they should go. Though it made them feel a little cheap, since they still had responsibilities to attend to the Pandora quickly washed themselves off before attending to the still unconscious, yet oddly giggling, Attia. They then quickly filed out of the bathroom to leave Alex and Ringo alone, with Chiffon giving them one last look before closing the door behind her. As they left Alex mentally promised to properly apologize to them later, but still placed his full attention onto Ringo as his fingers quickly got her into the mood, distracting her as he secretly channeled magic through his hands into her body.
The next few moments were like a daze to Ringo as Alex shamelessly felt up every inch of her that he could reach, making her body heat up even more with each passing second. What she didn't notice was that they had slowly but surely been shuffling around the bathroom the entire time, until her butt bumped into the counter. He then seductively whispered into her ear, "Turn around Ringo."
Confused, Ringo did as Alex said and turned so that her butt was pointed towards him, presumably for the real thing. What she didn't expect though was that the moment she turned around Ringo found herself face to face with a mirror, showing her a younger version of herself.
Ringo wasn't noticeably old by any means, always being on the move and having access to the best cosmetics available due to her job in the fashion industry had preserved her youthful looks beyond what most can claim. However that didn't mean that she herself didn't notice more as time went on, such as her b.r.e.a.s.ts starting to droop just ever so slightly, or microscopic wrinkles that had started forming at the corners of her eyes. What she saw in the mirror though was herself back before she even had Rito, seemingly around the time she had just finished college.
Ringo slowly reached up and felt the corners of her eyes, where those tiny wrinkles no longer existed, her mind refusing to believe what she was seeing. Alex smirked as he watched her reaction, before leaning forward against as he gently held her waist and saying, "With me, there is no such thing as 'too old' Ringo. All it takes a little bit of magic and I can turn you back however much you want, as many times as you want."
Ringo didn't answer due to the shock she was still feeling at the sudden reversal of her age, making Alex's smirk widen as he slowly sunk to his knees behind her. She then let out a sudden gasp as Alex spread her butt cheeks apart, and buried his face in her ass while his elongated dragon's tongue penetrated her hot honeypot.
Down in the dining room a group of women had gathered as they ate their breakfast and made small talk about their plans for the day. For Moka and Kurumu this would be their first day going back to the academy since summer break had started so long ago, while it was also the first time 'inner' Moka would be attending herself since the rosary seal was no longer in place.
Meanwhile to the side a row of n.a.k.e.d women were lined up as they eagerly awaited the first food they'd get since being branded as slave maids, however all they were handed was a single bar of food. While most tore into the bar ravenously, a few looked at the pitiful amount of food incredulously before Felice demanded,
"Is this it?!" Though she was the one to get snappy, the moment Ravel directed a look at her Felice immediately clammed up and looked downward in submission. Ravel snorted at her before answering, more for the rest of the slave maids,
"One of these bars will fill you up and give you all of the energy you will need to fulfill your tasks for the day, while also providing each of you with every one of the nutrients you'd need to stay healthy. These are all any of you will be getting until you decided to spend your points on other meals." Though every one of the women heard her they barely even registered Ravel's words, as they instead reveled in having their bellies full.
As they watched the scene the rest of the girls couldn't help but shake their heads while Ravel then sent the slave maids to start their lists for the day, though Felice stayed behind as she awaited Alex for her banishment. Glancing at the scene briefly, Rias shook her head before turning her attention back to the conversation they had been having.
The drone of conversation quickly died down when two other people arrived though, Alex and Ringo. Alex didn't pay any mind to the attention he was receiving as he casually greeted everyone and took his seat to eat a light breakfast, while Ringo visibly squirmed under the scrutinizing gazes directed at her. It was quite obvious to everyone that something had happened between the two, if not from the way Ringo was acting then the way her appearance had seemingly shot backwards in time.
No one said anything however as she sat down and Mikan brought her mother something to eat, during which Ringo refused to look her daughter in the eye. Then, right as she took a single bite, her daughter suddenly asked,
"So, when should I expected a little brother or sister?"
The effect was instantaneous as Ringo immediately began choking on her food before Alex lightly patted her back to help her, making the surrounding women chuckle lightly while even Mikan cracked a small smile at her mother's reaction. Once she calmed down though Ringo slowly said,
"I don't think that'll happen just yet, if it does at all..." Mikan looked downhearted at her mother's words before playfully saying,
"Is that so? I was somewhat looking forward to becoming a big sister....." She then turned back towards her work in the kitchen while Ringo thought on what she said, glancing at Alex ever so slightly. Shaking his head at the antics of the mother-daughter duo, Alex focused on his food until Haruna brought him a small plate with an amazing looking pastry that even had several berries on it. She then said shyly,
"I just wanted to say thanks again for yesterday..." Before Alex could saying even he was then surprised when her lips briefly connected with his cheek, before Haruna ran away at speeds that he almost considered superhuman. This time Alex chuckled lightly as he watched her run away, before he sampled the pastry she had brought him. As he did so Rias couldn't help but remark with a smirk,
"Looks like someone's getting popular." Alex shrugged and finished his bite before responding,
"Are you surprised? They've been pretty much locked in here for almost a year with me being the only guy they've been around in that time, not to mention that I saved Haruna personally twice." Rias nodded slowly in agreement, before saying,
"They've been able to leave the space-time orb for some time now but haven't since it's so 'comfortable' and 'protected' here, so maybe we should start encouraging them to spend a day or so away every now and then." Before Alex could answer, Lala suddenly piped up,
"Haruna and I can go shopping sometime! I've also been wanting to explore a little bit!" Surprisingly Rias nodded and then suggested,
"We could also split into a few groups and go to different places around this earth for a bit of a girls getaway! Places like hot springs, spas, markets for shopping, maybe even some theaters!" The girls then launched into planning mode for this epic girls day out, to which Alex watched silently as he ate with a warm smile before realizing it was almost time to leave.
"Sorry to interrupt but we have to go, don't want to be late on our first day back to school." Moka and Kurumu both nodded in agreement and stood to leave with Alex while Felice started looking noticeably green at her impending banishment.
Before Alex could leave however, he turned to look as his side was suddenly being pinched by a certain someone, Yami. The assassin then said to him with completely seriousness, "Don't take advantage of your own students, pervert." As she spoke the image of certain perverted principal entered hers, and everyone else's that attended the same school's minds.
Alex felt his face twitch as he suspected who she was comparing him to, but instead of letting her comment get to him he moved faster than she could react and planted a swift kiss on her lips. Then, right as Yami was realizing what just happened, he teasingly asked, "Yami, are you jealous of my students?"
Her face turning red from his implication, Yami's only reaction was to send several blades made from her hair in Alex's direction, which he avoided with ease on his way out the door with the three women right behind him. With everyone giving the embarrassed Yami warm looks after Alex's departure, she was about to excuse herself when a new voice spoke up,
"Being able to tease Golden Darkness so easily, that man is as terrifying as always." Everyone turned towards the speaker and were surprised to see Nemesis standing in the doorway to the kitchen, looking at Yami with a conflicted expression. To her Yami, or rather 'Darkness', was one of the most powerful beings in the universe, seeing Alex regularly tease her and lead her around the way he did was nothing short of a shock to the petite living weapon.
Nemesis's expression suddenly changed into a mischievous one however as she suddenly said, "By the way, Golden Darkness and Princess Lala, have either of you gone 'all the way' with him?" Suddenly everyone was silent as they awaited the two's answer, or more specifically those from the same universe were waiting, while Yami gave Nemesis a deadpan expression and Lala absentmindedly said,
"I don't know what you mean by 'all the way', but we've kissed and washed each other in the bath and stuff!" With her last words being said with a cheerful smile, several others looked at Lala incredulously while Nemesis actually face palmed and muttered to herself,
"How can someone who basically spent a year as a s.e.x toy not know what that means...?" Though she was quietly muttering to herself, those that did hear what Nemesis said directed a bunch of dirty looks at her while Haruna embarrassedly whispered what she actually meant in Lala's ear. Instead of reacting with embarrassment, Lala just gave Nemesis an annoyed look and said,
"Geez, Alex isn't going to make us do that until we want to!" While Yami nodded in agreement to Lala's words, several of the girls glanced at each other pointedly while Nemesis narrowed her eyes and asked,
"And how long until the two of you are 'ready' exactly?" Yami and Lala looked at Nemesis with confusion as she rolled her eyes and continued, "How long do you think he's going to wait for you when other women are already accepting him? How long until he starts to think that maybe it was a mistake to make you into his servants?"
With each word from Nemesis Yami and Lala felt increasingly uneasy at the fact that there might have been some truth within them, however Grayfia's voice suddenly rang out, "Nemesis, shut up."
Immediately the petite living weapon clammed up as the power of Alex's slave brand activated, forcing her to remain silent until ordered otherwise. Nodding in satisfaction, Grayfia then turned her attention towards Lala and Yami before saying,
"Normally I would say that you shouldn't pay any attention to what she was saying, however I unfortunately have to agree with Nemesis." Grayfia's words shocked everyone around them, as they never thought she would agree with what Nemesis was saying, and Nana was the first to speak up as she angrily demanded,
"Are you trying to force my big sis and Yami to jump into that beast's bed?!" Though she was angry, Nana's bravado suddenly evaporated when Grayfia turned a single stern eye at her, before she explained,
"Not at all, I'm just trying to give them some advice." She then turned back towards Lala and Yami before continuing, "I'm someone who has gone through something similar to what you two are experiencing, so let me-"
"What do you mean 'you've gone through something similar'?! Are you saying you were used by someone like that 'beast' before being turned into his-owee!" Once again Nana interrupted Grayfia while Momo tried to hold her back, however this time Grayfia didn't leave things at just a look as she immediately seized the pink haired girl's ear and stated,
"It looks like someone needs to be taught the meaning of the word 'manners'. Venri, take her to the island and wait for me, I'll be there shortly." The mature dragon woman bowed her head respectfully while saying, "Of course miss Grayfia." She then seized Nana's other ear and began dragging her away despite the petite girl's protests.
While everyone shook their heads as they watched Nana being dragged away, including her own mother, Grayfia sighed and pulled out a small picture before offering it to Lala and Yami. On it was three people, Grayfia, a younger looking Millicas, and a handsome crimson haired man who was obviously Millicas's father. She then continued,
"As I was saying, I once went through something similar to what the two of you are currently experiencing, after my husband left me behind in order to protect all of us from certain destruction. Though we had planned to go together so that our son would be safe, my husband, Sirzechs,used a spell on me at the last moment to leave me behind, so that I might stay with Millicas.
"Even though him doing so was his own way of caring for me, what happened next was even worse as several politicians in our world started losing their authority due to their own mistakes and inner corruption. In a last desperate attempt to keep their power they tried using my past to turn me into their scapegoat, while also trying to have my son taken away to use as their own puppet. With everyone else around me having their hands full or otherwise being unable to help, I turned to Alex.
"He then made me an offer after deciding that I'll work for him, either I can simply be his maid and serve him while Millicas and I were under his protection, or I can join his peerage and harem to become more powerful than I ever thought possible. Naturally I joined his peerage, and like the two of you Alex said he'd give me time until I was ready to move on from Sirzechs, except I had him make me his that night."
As she paused to take a breath Yami couldn't help but ask, "Why rush? Why not wait until you were truly ready?" This time Grayfia smiled warmly, and sadly at the question, before answering with a bit of softness in her voice,
"Because, I knew that the longer I waited, the harder it would be to take that first step. I knew that in the back of my mind I'd keep trying to convince myself that Sirzechs would come back, and that we'd be together again." As she spoke Grayfia directed a warm gaze at the two women, who suddenly looked guilty as they realized that they had unintentionally been thinking the same thing. She then surprised everyone by pulling the two of them into a hug, and continuing,
"I didn't say anything until now because I wanted to give both of you a proper amount of time to mourn, but you really do need to start thinking about when you want to take that final plunge. Think of it like a bandaid, the faster you rip it off the easier it is." With her piece said, Grayfia released the two girls and turned to walk away, only to say as she left,
"Now to discipline that Nana...." Everyone's faces cramped when they heard that, while a few of those that had faced Grayfia's 'discipline' in the past also sent out prayers to the petite princess. Meanwhile Momo nonchalantly followed Grayfia while seeming concerned for her sister, though a few people could have sworn that they saw a small camera in her hands.
Shaking their heads at the twin princesses behavior, the rest of the girls went back to discussing their 'girls day', while Lala and Yami seriously thought about what Grayfia told them.
Unaware of the discussions taking place after they left, Alex exited the room where the space-time orb was located along with the three women, before saying to Moka and Kurumu,
"You two go on ahead to the school and get ready to distribute the newspapers with Millicas and Yukari, I've got to deal with her before getting the children up." As he spoke Alex pointed a finger at Felice, who turned even greener than she already was, while Moka and Kurumu nodded and disappeared within the wall of mist that had appeared. Felice then turned towards Alex and pleaded,
"Please don't banish me! Or at least give me some clothes and food or something before doing so!" Alex however glowered at her pleas and spat at her,
"You should have thought about that before burying a knife in one of my wife's heart. Now to Brazil with you!" He then gave her a good shove into the wall of mist that appeared behind her, sending Felice somewhere that she'd never see Alex or any of those associated with Asora ever again.
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