God succession system
Chapter 347 - Succubus Trouble
On the first day that everyone went back to Youkai Academy, there was a noticeable buzz in the air as students hurried too and fro with newspapers in their hands. They had already heard about the battle with Alucard, and the long reaching consequences of that battle, namely the public exposure of Youkai to the humans; but the papers that the newspaper club were putting out not only featured images from the actual fight, but also interviews from those who had participated, namely Alex's wives.
That was partially why Alex was the center of attention when he finally appeared minutes before the bell rang, so much so that no one even seemed to notice the sudden gust of wind that usually accompanied him when he stepped onto the academy grounds, kicking up every skirt in sight. Alex just shook his head at the gazes he was receiving as he made his way to the table where they had been handing out newspapers, and asked,
"How are things going?" Kurumu beamed as she held up an empty box and proudly declared,
"We handed out every last one! Though people only came over because of the new Moka to start with, when they saw we had exclusive content from the battle that was all anyone cared about!" Alex pat her head affectionately at her declaration, before telling all of them,
"Good job everyone, we'll spend our club time later cele...brating... Why does the headline say that I'm the one who defeated Alucard?" Everyone suddenly looked away awkwardly at Alex's question, while he grabbed a newspaper from a nearby student and read the bold print on the front.
Under the wordy headline was a doctored photo of Alex and Alucard squaring up as they prepared to face each other, with none of the girls who did the actual fighting in sight. A quick glance through the article told the story of how Alex singlehandedly destroyed the evil organization of Fairy Tale, before arriving to help his wives as they desperately fought to keep Alucard at bay until his arrival.
He then used magic to summon the newspaper that he had been shown before, which had the true events and photos in it, and compared them side by side. Eventually Alex slowly looked up at the four people before him, and sternly demanded,
"What is the meaning of this?" As he finished speaking both Yukari and Millicas took off suddenly while shouting that they needed to prepare for class, while Kurumu timidly hid behind Moka before declaring, "It was Moka and Rias's idea!"
Alex then looked at Moka after Kurumu's accusation, who didn't even bother trying to hide it as she nodded in affirmation and said, "We got together and discussed it a while ago, and felt that as students we should minimize our involvement in defeating Alucard, while also putting more focus on someone who's strength is already suspected to be in the same league as the three Dark Lords. Though the reason we hid it was because we all knew you wouldn't agree." Alex groaned in exasperation since there was nothing truly wrong with her logic, even the part where he wouldn't go along with such a plan.
Sadly he couldn't even really deny the claims in the paper since he had technically been the one to deal the killing blow against Alucard, though it he had essentially already been defeated by the time he got there. The only real problem was that Alex knew that he'd probably get bugged more by the students due to his strength, while it also felt as if he was tooting his own horn once again as one of the advisors of the newspaper club. As if on cue Ririko approached them her own copy before saying,
"You're certainly taking advantage of your position in the newspaper club. I could have sworn that Barakiel told me a somewhat different story about how Alucard was defeated?" There was a noticeable smirk at the edges of Ririko's lips as she finished speaking, making Alex groan as he explained,
"They doctored the story without telling me since they knew I wouldn't approve. This is the paper I thought we were going to hand out today." Ririko took the dummy paper right as the bell rang for school to begin, and looked it over as she headed to the morning assembly they were going to have before starting class.
After the assembly, during which Mikogami addressed the new state of the world and about how their original goal of coexistence hadn't changed, it became business as usual as classes began, with the exception of the attention Alex was receiving due to the paper. From the female students Alex was receiving more heated gazes than he ever had before, while their actions had also become increasingly bold and obvious to anyone watching, the boys however had the most change. At first they typically treated Alex as if he was their mortal enemy due to him directly targeting those who harassed or mistreated any of the girls, as well as his general popularity with the women; now however they looked at him as if he was their personal hero, while several of the boys even approached him during classes and asked him questions like how to get stronger, better at fighting, and even how to attract the ladies.
It wasn't just the students treating him different though, as even amongst the faculty Alex's reputation had soared since only a few like Ririko and Nekonome had known about how strong he was. Now they treated him with much more respect when he spoke to or even walked past them, to the point that Alex was finding it more than a little awkward.
Out of everything that was taking place that day though, the strangest was definitely what happened during the afternoon classes, and it didn't even really have anything to do with the school. He had just finished directing the students on what they were doing that day when someone suddenly clung to Alex's back, though there was no one there visible to the n.a.k.e.d eye.
"What are you doing Kurumu?" Alex hissed out the corner of his mouth while trying to avoid catching anyone's attention, making Kurumu giggle mischievously as she slid her hand down his stomach, and into his shorts to stroke his sleeping member.
"I just want to take advantage of the fact that no one else is around to have you to myself, and besides, you can't argue that I'm in better shape than pretty much everyone else here so there's no problem with me skipping a class or two~." With her hand moving up and down as she talked Alex was almost considering her offer, almost. Just as he was about to tell her to knock it off though, Kurumu suddenly stiffened as Alex caught sight of something blue out of the corner of his eye.
Alex and Kurumu both muttered quietly, confusion in their voice due to the way the mature succubus looked. Not only was her appearance disheveled and dull compared to usual, but there was an unfocused look in her eyes as she slowly teetered across the academy grounds. However, as if she could hear Alex and her daughter from where she was, she slowly focused into him like a predator finally finding prey after not eating for weeks.
"Found you!" She cried out before rushing towards Alex desperately, catching the attention of the already dispersed students in the process. Alex didn't avoid her as Ageha grabbed onto his shirt in her desperation, and shouted to his dismay,
Shocked and confused about how she was acting, Alex tried to loosen her grip while asking, "What do you want me to give you?" The words were barely out of his mouth as she cried out for everyone to hear,
Not just Alex and Kurumu, but almost everyone watching was dumbfounded by the vulgarity coming out of the the woman's mouth, while several people began to look at Alex in awe once more. Before he could try and diffuse the situation though, Kurumu suddenly appeared and cried out with her face Crimson from embarrassment,
"MOTHER! What do you think you're doing?!" Ageha only gave her daughter a brief glance before returning her attention to Alex as she pleaded for his d.i.c.k in front of the entire class. Just as he was considering simply knocking her out until they could figure out what was wrong, a new voice suddenly said,
"Just give her what she wants sonny boy, she needs it more than you know." Alex looked up from the begging succubus to see Nurari the bus driver of all people standing there, his expression unusually serious.
Though Alex wasn't sure if him giving Ageha what she wanted would truly help her, with no other alternatives in mind he released an exasperated sigh and swept the poor woman into his arms. Kurumu watched with a mixture of emotions as Alex took her mother away, while some of the students whipped into a frenzy with the realization that their teacher had somehow managed to woo both one of the schools hotties, and her mother.
A little less than an hour later Alex left the sleeping Ageha in his office, her expression showing immense satisfaction while she already looked quite a bit better after he f.u.c.k.i.e.d her. Before he could wonder what exactly happened to her, or why she was so easily satisfied this time when they had literally gone for several days before, Kurumu appeared and and said,
"The bus driver told me to have you meet him in the headmaster's office when you were finished, he also had Moka go get Touhou." Alex frowned when he heard that since he didn't know why Ageha's condition warranted the attention of two of the Dark Lords, but instead of trying to figure it out himself he simply headed straight for Mikogami's office. There he found Nurari, Mikogami, Touhou, and Moka waiting for him and Kurumu as expected, which the bus driver immediately asked,
"How's she doing?" Alex looked at him and, despite the rather intimate context of what they were discussing, answered without hesitation,
"She's sleeping now, and is already looking better than before." Nurari nodded in affirmation before saying,
"Looks like I was right to bring her to you sonny boy, I've seen succubi starve before, but never like that." His words immediately caught Alex's attention, but before he could say anything Kurumu demanded,
"She was starving?! Mom's never even gotten close to letting herself get to a state like that before, so how is that possible?!" Though she said so, Kurumu had also forgotten that she knew for a fact that Ageha had 'fed' on Alex less than a month prior, and that it would usually take years before a succubus genuinely started starving. Instead of immediately responding though, Touhou, the one present with the most medical knowledge, directed a curious gaze at Alex and asked,
"I know I'm imposing, but was today the first time you were 'together' with Ageha, or was there a previous time as well." Despite the private and intrusive nature of his questioning, Alex didn't seem to mind Touhou asking and answered,
"We were only together once about a month ago, before we went our separate ways since she considered herself akin to a free spirit who wouldn't be tied down." Touhou nodded in agreement as he stated,
"That goes along with the vast majority of succubi, at least those who don't find their 'destined one'. And I think I have an idea of what might have happened." He then went quiet as he started contemplating the possibility of his theory, before Nurari spat at him,
"Well don't keep us waiting, what is it?" His words snapped Touhou back to them, before he said and explained,
"As I said it's only an idea, since I've never seen a case like this in a succubus, but I think you accidentally got her addicted to you after your previous time together, and now her body won't accept the nourishment it needs from anyone else." The room was dead silent at his words, before Kurumu slowly said,
"Mom.....is addicted?" Touhou nodded before looking directly at Moka and saying,
"Let's ask her, do you drink any blood other than his?" Moka's eyes widened ever so slightly as everyone else looked at her, to which she said,
"No... I've always drank from donated blood packs before, but stopped shortly after I met Alex and started drinking from him." Everyone was silent at her confirmation, as, even if she didn't outright say it, it was fairly obvious that Moka was addicted to Alex's blood.
Mikogami then surprised everyone as he opened a drawer in his desk and removed a single goblet, before slicing open his own wrist over it. As the goblet slowly filled the scent of blood wafted across the room, before Mikogami pulled his hand back and started to wrap the wound until Alex healed it with a small wave of his finger. Nodding towards him in gratitude, Mikogami then pushed the goblet towards Moka and said,
"Please drink miss Akashiya, I want to see something." Though she hesitated very slightly at first, after a look of encouragement from Alex, Moka stepped forward and raised the offered goblet to her lips.
For nearly a minute everyone was silent as Moka drank the blood, before she finished it and set the goblet down with a slight grimace. "It tastes too bland and I can't really feel anything from it like I can Alex's blood..." Once she finished speaking Touhou immediately smirked while Mikogami glowered at him before saying,
"Kishin blood is often considered a rare delicacy by vampires, and will often increase their powers for a short time after drinking it. Though several have come for it in the past, the only vampires that have sampled my blood are Akasha, Issa, and now you." Moka was silent as she listened to Mikogami, before she shook her head and stated,
"While I could tell it was better than 'normal' blood, it still tastes bad compared to Alex's, sorry." Then, as if to add insult to injury, Moka made her way to Alex's side and unhesitantly sank her fangs into his neck while Alex wrapped an arm around her waist. He then looked at Touhou, who looked jealously at the scene before him before continuing with an awkward cough,
"I think that confirms it, something about Alex's body makes any thing that 'feeds' on him addicted, meaning that for poor Ageha no other man will probably be enough to satisfy or sustain her again, no matter how many she has." Kurumu looked up at the last part of Touhou's explanation, before demanding,
"What do you mean by 'no matter how many she has'?" Instead of directly answering her though, instead Mikogami picked up a remote control and turned on a tv that sat in the corner.
"Officials still have no idea what caused these strange events over the last week, however theories are flying around regarding the recent revelations of the existence of monsters, including a certain s.e.x demon called a 'succubus'. According to our sources a 'succubus' is a demon that harvests energy from men through s.e.x.u.a.l activities, which typically leaves the man in question either completely drained of energy or even dead from over exerting himself-"
Before the news reporter could continue Mikogami shut off the tv and stated, "For nearly two weeks now men have been turning up completely drained of energy after what was obviously s.e.x.u.a.l intercourse, however people only started catching on once these numbers began to swell to entire groups at once." Nurari then added,
"From what we've discussed, I believe we can say that after being away from sonny boy over there Ageha tried to feed, only to feel even hungrier afterwards because her body was no longer satisfied after her typical 'meal'. Before I found her she managed to seduce and feed on an entire company's board of directors that were staying at hotel, which is why people are talking about it right now."
"It's also because of this that I came as well," Touhou added before continuing, "If left unchecked her actions are capable of painting all Youkai as creatures that only look at humans as a food source, which will only hurt the minor progress we've made since our exposure." With all three of them looking directly at Alex as they spoke, it was obvious who they considered responsible for what happened. Alex himself though nodded and said,
"I understand, she'll be taken to my home so that we can look after her in safety, and I'll use my contacts to try and quiet down what happened." The three old Youkai nodded in affirmation at his promise, while Alex then asked Kurumu to take her mother to the space-time orb until they could be sure she was no longer a threat to anyone.
While Alex was trying to deal with his succubus problem, Anne appeared on a certain floating island right outside a series of barriers that made it one of the most secure locations in the entirety of Asora, and where they held their most dangerous prisoner.
Going through the barriers as if they were nothing, Anne found herself in a serene setting of green grass, trees, and flowers, while a small house was located in the center of the island. As she walked towards the house with purpose, Anne took in a deep breath to enjoy the fragrant wind as it lightly blew through the trees and flowers, the scent calming her greatly. When she reached the door to the house though, Anne tensed slightly before opening the door, where a great battle axe was waiting for her at face level.
"Good morning Beth." Anne said as if she wasn't disturbed by the sharp and menacing piece of metal in her face, to which the other reincarnator snorted before she slowly lowered her weapon and demanded,
"What do you people want?" Anne's brow twitched at Beth's attitude, but she tried to ignore it as she made her way to a chair to sit down, before asking in exasperation,
"What are we supposed to do with you Beth?" Though the question caught her somewhat off guard, Beth quickly said,
"Let me kill that bastard and all of the women he's tricked into spreading their legs for him, even if you don't believe me now you'll all thank me later." This time there was a trace of anger in Anne's expression when Beth casually mentioned killing the man she had spent twenty years waiting for, and was the father of her children. She then took a deep breath to try and calm herself, for Beth's sake more than her own, before saying in a firm tone that left no room for argument,
"I've discussed this with Alex's other wives and since you haven't shown any signs of trusting us after all this time, we have arrived at a couple different ideas." Beth's face paled in response to Anne's words, before she then continued,
"Firstly is that we apply more commands and magical contracts, while also removing your stigmata to prevent you from acting out before we let you out of here, in which you will live alongside the rest of those who have more or less recovered from their time with 'that' man. You will have next to no real freedoms, but will be able to walk around and interact with everyone else as you wish, with the exception of any of our children.
"The second option is that we completely wipe your memories so that you have no recollection of the suffering you've endured, or even who you were, turning you into a blank slate. You'll then be trained to be completely obedient to Alex and the rest of us while also serving as one of our combat maids. Of course the only option other than these is death, not that I want it to actually come to that."
As Anne finished speaking Beth was deathly silent as she thought about the choices she was now being given. Eventually she looked at Anne and simply asked, "why?"
At first Anne didn't say anything, but then she sighed and said, "There was a certain incident not too long ago." She then explained about the Pandora that rebelled and that they had even taken, and tried to kill, hostages just to get what they wanted. She then finished by saying,
"After this we want to make sure there are no more dangerous elements in the space-time orb, of which you are the only one left. While everyone else has mostly moved past what they suffered in their time here, you have refused to accept that we are trying to help and continue insisting that Alex is the bad guy, even when he was the one to save you from 'him'. The first option is our last attempt to help you before we have to resort to something that none of us would like to do."
Though she wanted to argue against their decision, one look into Anne's eyes was enough for Beth to know that the woman before her was deathly serious in her threat, and that she would kill her without a moments hesitation if she thought that she'd be a threat to her family.
That was partially why Alex was the center of attention when he finally appeared minutes before the bell rang, so much so that no one even seemed to notice the sudden gust of wind that usually accompanied him when he stepped onto the academy grounds, kicking up every skirt in sight. Alex just shook his head at the gazes he was receiving as he made his way to the table where they had been handing out newspapers, and asked,
"How are things going?" Kurumu beamed as she held up an empty box and proudly declared,
"We handed out every last one! Though people only came over because of the new Moka to start with, when they saw we had exclusive content from the battle that was all anyone cared about!" Alex pat her head affectionately at her declaration, before telling all of them,
"Good job everyone, we'll spend our club time later cele...brating... Why does the headline say that I'm the one who defeated Alucard?" Everyone suddenly looked away awkwardly at Alex's question, while he grabbed a newspaper from a nearby student and read the bold print on the front.
Under the wordy headline was a doctored photo of Alex and Alucard squaring up as they prepared to face each other, with none of the girls who did the actual fighting in sight. A quick glance through the article told the story of how Alex singlehandedly destroyed the evil organization of Fairy Tale, before arriving to help his wives as they desperately fought to keep Alucard at bay until his arrival.
He then used magic to summon the newspaper that he had been shown before, which had the true events and photos in it, and compared them side by side. Eventually Alex slowly looked up at the four people before him, and sternly demanded,
"What is the meaning of this?" As he finished speaking both Yukari and Millicas took off suddenly while shouting that they needed to prepare for class, while Kurumu timidly hid behind Moka before declaring, "It was Moka and Rias's idea!"
Alex then looked at Moka after Kurumu's accusation, who didn't even bother trying to hide it as she nodded in affirmation and said, "We got together and discussed it a while ago, and felt that as students we should minimize our involvement in defeating Alucard, while also putting more focus on someone who's strength is already suspected to be in the same league as the three Dark Lords. Though the reason we hid it was because we all knew you wouldn't agree." Alex groaned in exasperation since there was nothing truly wrong with her logic, even the part where he wouldn't go along with such a plan.
Sadly he couldn't even really deny the claims in the paper since he had technically been the one to deal the killing blow against Alucard, though it he had essentially already been defeated by the time he got there. The only real problem was that Alex knew that he'd probably get bugged more by the students due to his strength, while it also felt as if he was tooting his own horn once again as one of the advisors of the newspaper club. As if on cue Ririko approached them her own copy before saying,
"You're certainly taking advantage of your position in the newspaper club. I could have sworn that Barakiel told me a somewhat different story about how Alucard was defeated?" There was a noticeable smirk at the edges of Ririko's lips as she finished speaking, making Alex groan as he explained,
"They doctored the story without telling me since they knew I wouldn't approve. This is the paper I thought we were going to hand out today." Ririko took the dummy paper right as the bell rang for school to begin, and looked it over as she headed to the morning assembly they were going to have before starting class.
After the assembly, during which Mikogami addressed the new state of the world and about how their original goal of coexistence hadn't changed, it became business as usual as classes began, with the exception of the attention Alex was receiving due to the paper. From the female students Alex was receiving more heated gazes than he ever had before, while their actions had also become increasingly bold and obvious to anyone watching, the boys however had the most change. At first they typically treated Alex as if he was their mortal enemy due to him directly targeting those who harassed or mistreated any of the girls, as well as his general popularity with the women; now however they looked at him as if he was their personal hero, while several of the boys even approached him during classes and asked him questions like how to get stronger, better at fighting, and even how to attract the ladies.
It wasn't just the students treating him different though, as even amongst the faculty Alex's reputation had soared since only a few like Ririko and Nekonome had known about how strong he was. Now they treated him with much more respect when he spoke to or even walked past them, to the point that Alex was finding it more than a little awkward.
Out of everything that was taking place that day though, the strangest was definitely what happened during the afternoon classes, and it didn't even really have anything to do with the school. He had just finished directing the students on what they were doing that day when someone suddenly clung to Alex's back, though there was no one there visible to the n.a.k.e.d eye.
"What are you doing Kurumu?" Alex hissed out the corner of his mouth while trying to avoid catching anyone's attention, making Kurumu giggle mischievously as she slid her hand down his stomach, and into his shorts to stroke his sleeping member.
"I just want to take advantage of the fact that no one else is around to have you to myself, and besides, you can't argue that I'm in better shape than pretty much everyone else here so there's no problem with me skipping a class or two~." With her hand moving up and down as she talked Alex was almost considering her offer, almost. Just as he was about to tell her to knock it off though, Kurumu suddenly stiffened as Alex caught sight of something blue out of the corner of his eye.
Alex and Kurumu both muttered quietly, confusion in their voice due to the way the mature succubus looked. Not only was her appearance disheveled and dull compared to usual, but there was an unfocused look in her eyes as she slowly teetered across the academy grounds. However, as if she could hear Alex and her daughter from where she was, she slowly focused into him like a predator finally finding prey after not eating for weeks.
"Found you!" She cried out before rushing towards Alex desperately, catching the attention of the already dispersed students in the process. Alex didn't avoid her as Ageha grabbed onto his shirt in her desperation, and shouted to his dismay,
Shocked and confused about how she was acting, Alex tried to loosen her grip while asking, "What do you want me to give you?" The words were barely out of his mouth as she cried out for everyone to hear,
Not just Alex and Kurumu, but almost everyone watching was dumbfounded by the vulgarity coming out of the the woman's mouth, while several people began to look at Alex in awe once more. Before he could try and diffuse the situation though, Kurumu suddenly appeared and cried out with her face Crimson from embarrassment,
"MOTHER! What do you think you're doing?!" Ageha only gave her daughter a brief glance before returning her attention to Alex as she pleaded for his d.i.c.k in front of the entire class. Just as he was considering simply knocking her out until they could figure out what was wrong, a new voice suddenly said,
"Just give her what she wants sonny boy, she needs it more than you know." Alex looked up from the begging succubus to see Nurari the bus driver of all people standing there, his expression unusually serious.
Though Alex wasn't sure if him giving Ageha what she wanted would truly help her, with no other alternatives in mind he released an exasperated sigh and swept the poor woman into his arms. Kurumu watched with a mixture of emotions as Alex took her mother away, while some of the students whipped into a frenzy with the realization that their teacher had somehow managed to woo both one of the schools hotties, and her mother.
A little less than an hour later Alex left the sleeping Ageha in his office, her expression showing immense satisfaction while she already looked quite a bit better after he f.u.c.k.i.e.d her. Before he could wonder what exactly happened to her, or why she was so easily satisfied this time when they had literally gone for several days before, Kurumu appeared and and said,
"The bus driver told me to have you meet him in the headmaster's office when you were finished, he also had Moka go get Touhou." Alex frowned when he heard that since he didn't know why Ageha's condition warranted the attention of two of the Dark Lords, but instead of trying to figure it out himself he simply headed straight for Mikogami's office. There he found Nurari, Mikogami, Touhou, and Moka waiting for him and Kurumu as expected, which the bus driver immediately asked,
"How's she doing?" Alex looked at him and, despite the rather intimate context of what they were discussing, answered without hesitation,
"She's sleeping now, and is already looking better than before." Nurari nodded in affirmation before saying,
"Looks like I was right to bring her to you sonny boy, I've seen succubi starve before, but never like that." His words immediately caught Alex's attention, but before he could say anything Kurumu demanded,
"She was starving?! Mom's never even gotten close to letting herself get to a state like that before, so how is that possible?!" Though she said so, Kurumu had also forgotten that she knew for a fact that Ageha had 'fed' on Alex less than a month prior, and that it would usually take years before a succubus genuinely started starving. Instead of immediately responding though, Touhou, the one present with the most medical knowledge, directed a curious gaze at Alex and asked,
"I know I'm imposing, but was today the first time you were 'together' with Ageha, or was there a previous time as well." Despite the private and intrusive nature of his questioning, Alex didn't seem to mind Touhou asking and answered,
"We were only together once about a month ago, before we went our separate ways since she considered herself akin to a free spirit who wouldn't be tied down." Touhou nodded in agreement as he stated,
"That goes along with the vast majority of succubi, at least those who don't find their 'destined one'. And I think I have an idea of what might have happened." He then went quiet as he started contemplating the possibility of his theory, before Nurari spat at him,
"Well don't keep us waiting, what is it?" His words snapped Touhou back to them, before he said and explained,
"As I said it's only an idea, since I've never seen a case like this in a succubus, but I think you accidentally got her addicted to you after your previous time together, and now her body won't accept the nourishment it needs from anyone else." The room was dead silent at his words, before Kurumu slowly said,
"Mom.....is addicted?" Touhou nodded before looking directly at Moka and saying,
"Let's ask her, do you drink any blood other than his?" Moka's eyes widened ever so slightly as everyone else looked at her, to which she said,
"No... I've always drank from donated blood packs before, but stopped shortly after I met Alex and started drinking from him." Everyone was silent at her confirmation, as, even if she didn't outright say it, it was fairly obvious that Moka was addicted to Alex's blood.
Mikogami then surprised everyone as he opened a drawer in his desk and removed a single goblet, before slicing open his own wrist over it. As the goblet slowly filled the scent of blood wafted across the room, before Mikogami pulled his hand back and started to wrap the wound until Alex healed it with a small wave of his finger. Nodding towards him in gratitude, Mikogami then pushed the goblet towards Moka and said,
"Please drink miss Akashiya, I want to see something." Though she hesitated very slightly at first, after a look of encouragement from Alex, Moka stepped forward and raised the offered goblet to her lips.
For nearly a minute everyone was silent as Moka drank the blood, before she finished it and set the goblet down with a slight grimace. "It tastes too bland and I can't really feel anything from it like I can Alex's blood..." Once she finished speaking Touhou immediately smirked while Mikogami glowered at him before saying,
"Kishin blood is often considered a rare delicacy by vampires, and will often increase their powers for a short time after drinking it. Though several have come for it in the past, the only vampires that have sampled my blood are Akasha, Issa, and now you." Moka was silent as she listened to Mikogami, before she shook her head and stated,
"While I could tell it was better than 'normal' blood, it still tastes bad compared to Alex's, sorry." Then, as if to add insult to injury, Moka made her way to Alex's side and unhesitantly sank her fangs into his neck while Alex wrapped an arm around her waist. He then looked at Touhou, who looked jealously at the scene before him before continuing with an awkward cough,
"I think that confirms it, something about Alex's body makes any thing that 'feeds' on him addicted, meaning that for poor Ageha no other man will probably be enough to satisfy or sustain her again, no matter how many she has." Kurumu looked up at the last part of Touhou's explanation, before demanding,
"What do you mean by 'no matter how many she has'?" Instead of directly answering her though, instead Mikogami picked up a remote control and turned on a tv that sat in the corner.
"Officials still have no idea what caused these strange events over the last week, however theories are flying around regarding the recent revelations of the existence of monsters, including a certain s.e.x demon called a 'succubus'. According to our sources a 'succubus' is a demon that harvests energy from men through s.e.x.u.a.l activities, which typically leaves the man in question either completely drained of energy or even dead from over exerting himself-"
Before the news reporter could continue Mikogami shut off the tv and stated, "For nearly two weeks now men have been turning up completely drained of energy after what was obviously s.e.x.u.a.l intercourse, however people only started catching on once these numbers began to swell to entire groups at once." Nurari then added,
"From what we've discussed, I believe we can say that after being away from sonny boy over there Ageha tried to feed, only to feel even hungrier afterwards because her body was no longer satisfied after her typical 'meal'. Before I found her she managed to seduce and feed on an entire company's board of directors that were staying at hotel, which is why people are talking about it right now."
"It's also because of this that I came as well," Touhou added before continuing, "If left unchecked her actions are capable of painting all Youkai as creatures that only look at humans as a food source, which will only hurt the minor progress we've made since our exposure." With all three of them looking directly at Alex as they spoke, it was obvious who they considered responsible for what happened. Alex himself though nodded and said,
"I understand, she'll be taken to my home so that we can look after her in safety, and I'll use my contacts to try and quiet down what happened." The three old Youkai nodded in affirmation at his promise, while Alex then asked Kurumu to take her mother to the space-time orb until they could be sure she was no longer a threat to anyone.
While Alex was trying to deal with his succubus problem, Anne appeared on a certain floating island right outside a series of barriers that made it one of the most secure locations in the entirety of Asora, and where they held their most dangerous prisoner.
Going through the barriers as if they were nothing, Anne found herself in a serene setting of green grass, trees, and flowers, while a small house was located in the center of the island. As she walked towards the house with purpose, Anne took in a deep breath to enjoy the fragrant wind as it lightly blew through the trees and flowers, the scent calming her greatly. When she reached the door to the house though, Anne tensed slightly before opening the door, where a great battle axe was waiting for her at face level.
"Good morning Beth." Anne said as if she wasn't disturbed by the sharp and menacing piece of metal in her face, to which the other reincarnator snorted before she slowly lowered her weapon and demanded,
"What do you people want?" Anne's brow twitched at Beth's attitude, but she tried to ignore it as she made her way to a chair to sit down, before asking in exasperation,
"What are we supposed to do with you Beth?" Though the question caught her somewhat off guard, Beth quickly said,
"Let me kill that bastard and all of the women he's tricked into spreading their legs for him, even if you don't believe me now you'll all thank me later." This time there was a trace of anger in Anne's expression when Beth casually mentioned killing the man she had spent twenty years waiting for, and was the father of her children. She then took a deep breath to try and calm herself, for Beth's sake more than her own, before saying in a firm tone that left no room for argument,
"I've discussed this with Alex's other wives and since you haven't shown any signs of trusting us after all this time, we have arrived at a couple different ideas." Beth's face paled in response to Anne's words, before she then continued,
"Firstly is that we apply more commands and magical contracts, while also removing your stigmata to prevent you from acting out before we let you out of here, in which you will live alongside the rest of those who have more or less recovered from their time with 'that' man. You will have next to no real freedoms, but will be able to walk around and interact with everyone else as you wish, with the exception of any of our children.
"The second option is that we completely wipe your memories so that you have no recollection of the suffering you've endured, or even who you were, turning you into a blank slate. You'll then be trained to be completely obedient to Alex and the rest of us while also serving as one of our combat maids. Of course the only option other than these is death, not that I want it to actually come to that."
As Anne finished speaking Beth was deathly silent as she thought about the choices she was now being given. Eventually she looked at Anne and simply asked, "why?"
At first Anne didn't say anything, but then she sighed and said, "There was a certain incident not too long ago." She then explained about the Pandora that rebelled and that they had even taken, and tried to kill, hostages just to get what they wanted. She then finished by saying,
"After this we want to make sure there are no more dangerous elements in the space-time orb, of which you are the only one left. While everyone else has mostly moved past what they suffered in their time here, you have refused to accept that we are trying to help and continue insisting that Alex is the bad guy, even when he was the one to save you from 'him'. The first option is our last attempt to help you before we have to resort to something that none of us would like to do."
Though she wanted to argue against their decision, one look into Anne's eyes was enough for Beth to know that the woman before her was deathly serious in her threat, and that she would kill her without a moments hesitation if she thought that she'd be a threat to her family.
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