God succession system
Chapter 371 - Fate and Heartbreak
"WHY!" Markarov roared as he smashed his fist into the table in anger, shattering it instantly.
"What did the poor furniture do to you?" Alex asked jokingly as he used Regeneration magic to repair it, though under his casual appearance he too was annoyed.
Kuroka had just told them what she had learned from the members of Grimoire Heart, including the Dark Emperor's plan to leave the world with the army he built and why he wanted Fairy Tail destroyed.
"Even if they hadn't attacked, it's not like we would have been able to try anything against them anytime soon anyways!" Markarov stated angrily, while the other guild masters nodded in agreement.
While it was true that they had been training and preparing for the day they'd try to remove the Dark Emperor from power, every one of them with a brain had already bitterly swallowed the fact that they were far from ready to try. If anything, they probably wouldn't have even noticed they were gone for a long time afterwards.
As everyone was grumbling and cursing Darius though, Alex suddenly noticed Lucy out of the corner of his eye, before realization struck him.
"Of f.u.c.k.i.n.g course!" He swore out loud, gaining everyone's attention as he continued to Markarov,
"Even if you guys weren't ready, you still would've gone to fight the Dark Emperor and his forces soon anyways, I'm just not sure in you would've been able to win." With everyone looking at him in confusion, Alex pointed at Lucy and asked,
"Where were you when I found you Lucy?" Though it took a brief second of thought, Lucy quickly realized what Alex was getting at before she banged her head against the table and groaned,
"Are you kidding me?!" With everyone else continuing to appear confused though, Alex started to explain,
"When I came to this world I specifically chose Hargeon to appear at since it was the place Lucy and Natsu met, ok?" With everyone slowly nodding to show they followed, Alex continued,
"Within minutes of me appearing there though I heard about a 'fairy bitch' being held captive by the Black Collar guild, and went to rescue her, before we made our way here together and fought the combined forces under Grimoire Heart. Well what if I hadn't rescued Lucy? What would have happened then?"
Though it took a couple of minutes for everyone to catch on, once they did a series of smacks echoed throughout the guild hall as people began facepalming themselves in realization. If Alex hadn't already rescued Lucy, then they most likely would've found out about her capture either during or after the attack. Following that they would've immediately mounted a rescue mission despite the overwhelming odds due simply to the fact that the members of Fairy Tail would never leave their comrades behind.
Even now, with Natsu and Gajeel's disappearance and possible capture, Markarov planned to move out within the next several days in order to save them.
However, the old man was thinking of something else though as he muttered, "But still, I can't wrap my head around the timing of all this... We've been here for over a year, why would this happen now when they're about to leave?" While several other people nodded or murmured in agreement with his question, as the timing was too coincidental, several of his girls glanced at Alex with knowing looks in their eyes.
"'Fate'." Alex said eventually, making everyone look back at him curiously, to which he again explained,
"Fate is a mysterious force that drives the events of almost every world into motion, through one way or another. Even if they're unaware of it, many of the people within this room have connections through fate, or have experienced its pull in some way." There was silence as everyone contemplated what Alex said, before someone from one of the other guilds asked,
"How can you be so sure that something like 'fate' is involved in stuff like this?" While everyone looked to Alex for clarification, the man himself smirked and asked in return,
"Do you think it's merely coincidence that some of the people in Fairy Tail are there at the same time? Lucy, Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy, Erza, even the founder herself, Mavis; it isn't coincidence that they all ended up in the same place, even if it was years after Mavis died. Then look at the fact that, even if they're a part of a different guild, both Sting and Rogue are here too."
Though there were other examples of people with strong ties to 'fate' within the guild, such as Gray, Alex simply listed those immediately relevant to his current point. Naturally Lucy immediately jumped up and asked,
"What do you mean us being here isn't a coincidence?! The only reason I got into Fairy Tail was because I accidentally met Natsu in Hargeon!" Alex however only smiled knowingly to her claim, before asking in return,
"And why exactly did Natsu go out of his way to bring you with him?" Though Lucy wanted to retort that Natsu had simply brought her along because she said she was interested in joining, she paused slightly as the smile on Alex's face widened.
Even after she joined the guild Natsu always seemed to stick around her as if something was drawing them together, so much so that people began questioning whenever either of them took a job by themselves. Alex then surprised her by turning towards someone else, and saying,
"Wendy, Sting, Rogue, do any of you have anything to say regarding Lucy?" His question made everyone turn to look at them as well, makings Wendy fidget nervously under everyone's gazes as she awkwardly said,
"Uh, I think Lucy is a nice person who I greatly respect and admire..." Alex nodded at her and asked,
"And? Anything else?" This time Wendy's cheeks went a bit red as she timidly continued,
"She, um, smells really nice and familiar, and I always feel comfortable around her...." When Wendy said this Lucy's eye twitched slightly as she hesitantly tried to smell herself, even though she knew that a Dragon Slayer's nose could put even a dog to shame. What was surprising was that Sting and Rogue also chimed in,
"I didn't want to say anything, but I never really understood it...."
"She's always felt like someone I know from somewhere, but I can never place who...."
With everyone now questioning Lucy's apparent relationship with Dragon Slayers, they turned towards Alex in confusion as he activated his Regeneration magic. Though it took over a minute due to how far back it was, he eventually found the scene he was looking for as a miniature Natsu and Gajeel suddenly appeared in the guild, arguing of course.
"What did you say to me metal head?!" Mini Natsu growled threateningly, before mini Gajeel snarled,
"You heard me fire breath!" The two then began to butt heads as they prepared to fight, with a mini Sting and Rogue cheering them on in the background.
"Go Natsu!" Mini Sting called out excitedly.
"Kick his butt Gajeel!" Mini Rogue countered.
"Natsu....Gajeel...." A girl younger than the rest of them blubbered. "Y-you shouldn't f-fiiiiight!" She then began sobbing from seeing Natsu and Gajeel fighting each other, making all four of the pint sized Dragon Slayers stop what they were doing as they tried to get her to stop crying.
"W-what is this..." Wendy asked as she stared at the image with wide eyes, along with everyone else in the building.
"This is your actual past. Up until the day you all thought your parents left, you would regularly meet and interact with each other and this was your teacher at those times, Anna." As Alex said that the image shifted as an entirely different voice called out,
"Natsu, I have something for you."
"No way...!"
"It can't be!"
As one everyone's eyes turn towards Lucy, even as the girl herself stared transfixed at the image, which showed a woman who looked almost exactly like her, only older. They then watched as Anna handed Natsu the scarf she had been knitting, the same pink scaled scarf he always wore and cherished.
"That is Anna Heartfilia, Lucy's ancestor and the strongest Celestial Spirit Mage to have ever existed." There was a moment of stunned silence as everyone took in the appearance of Lucy's ancestor, before Alex went on to explain,
"Anna, the dragons, and another person created a plan over four hundred years ago in order to defeat Acnologia, the greatest threat to world that ever existed. However the environment of the world back then was unsuitable for their plans, and so Anna activated the Eclipse Gate to send herself and the five children four hundred years into the future, where the world would be more suitable. And so, a book was passed down through her family until the year 777, when her descendant Layla Heartfilia opened it."
"My mom...?" Lucy asked as some tears formed in her eyes, especially when Alex used Regeneration magic to show them the scene of Layla opening the gate. Alex nodded and continued,
"It requires all twelve of the Golden Zodiac keys to open the Eclipse Gate, but Layla was unable to acquire the last key and ended up using her own life force to substitute it and open the gate. As a result she ended up passing away not long after, but had succeeded in bringing the five Slayers and Anna here where they then separated by happenstance.
"By the time Anna managed to locate them several years later, each of the young Slayers had integrated well into the world of the future, and she decided to leave them be to live their own lives." There was dead silence as everyone took in what Alex had told and showed them, with Lucy specifically coming to terms with what had actually happened to her mother, while Wendy, Sting, and Rogue were trying to come to terms with the fact that they were actually over four hundred years old.
"Im a granny, and I still look like this..." Wendy muttered in self deprecation, as she reached up and gave her almost nonexistent b.r.e.a.s.ts a pitiful squeeze.
She didn't notice it, but Yue gave her a pointed stare while her eye twitched a little at her words. Even if she could change into a mature form whenever she wanted, that didn't change the fact that her 'real' form was that of a girl who appeared the same age as Wendy, despite having actually lived for several centuries.
Before she could say anything though, someone suddenly asked, "So how does Erza fit into all of this?"
As they said this everyone turned their focus onto both Erza and Alex, while the former also stared at him pointedly as she waited to hear what he had to say. She never expected the words that came out of his mouth next though, as Alex asked her,
"What do you know about YOUR mother Erza?" Needless to say she was more than a little surprised that the topic suddenly shifted to her own nonexistent family, before she said,
"Nothing. I spent the first few years of my life as an orphan in a small village, which was then attacked by the cult of Zeref before being enslaved to help build the Tower of Heaven. After escaping I made my way to Fairy Tail, which was the guild that someone who had helped me on the island belonged to. If my mother is still out there somewhere then I suppose I'd be grateful towards her for giving birth to me, but that would be about it."
As Erza finished speaking those who hadn't known about her circ.u.mstances before joining Fairy Tail looked at her with sympathy for the life she lived up until that point, while nearby Millanna also hung her head as she recalled spending most of her life building the tower, and trying to kill Erza. Erza herself of course didn't care about their looks as the events of Paradise Island, where the tower was built, was a thing of the past.
Alex however didn't say anything, simply nodding slowly in affirmation as he held out his hand and conjured another image, this time of someone who was the spitting image of Erza.
"This," Alex said as everyone focused into him once more, "is Irene Belserion, one of the Spriggan Twelve, and the former queen of a nation that existed during the Great Dragon Wars over four hundred years ago." There was complete silence as Erza took in the image of her own mother for the first time in her entire life, as there was no denying the connection based on appearances alone. Eventually Lucy asked,
"How is she still alive if she lived so long ago? Did she also come through the Eclipse Gate?" Alex shook his head and began,
"Irene was a powerful enchanter who ruled a kingdom that lived in peace with the dragons of the continent of Ishgar, until other dragons set their sights on them. This began the Great Dragon Wars, which slowly began to favor the dragons that wanted to destroy humanity due to several dragons of Ishgar switching sides as well. For a time the war looked hopeless as humans couldn't possibly help due to the the difference in strength between them and the dragons, until Irene had an idea. What if humans were able to wield the powers of the dragons themselves?"
As Alex paused for dramatic effect, everyone in the room was completely stunned at bombshell he just dropped. Eventually Wendy muttered,
"Erza's mom, was the first ever Dragon Slayer?" Alex nodded and said,
"Yep. Not only was she Erza's mother, but she could also be considered the mother of every Dragon Slayer in history. However this story didn't have a happy end.
"During the fighting the dragon that Irene was closest to, and had even taught her the first Dragon Slayer magic, fell in battle. She then took his name Belserion for her own surname as a sign of respect, but everything soon fell apart afterwards. The dragons were quickly wiped out as a powerful Slayer appeared, who stole the powers of the dragons they killed. Soon the dragons were no more, and the Slayers also fell one after another until it was finally Irene's turn.
"Shortly after she discovered she was pregnant with you, a part of Irene's face began to turn to scale as the process of dragonification started."
"What do you mean by 'dragonification'?!" Sting demanded suddenly, as he, Rogue, and Wendy stared at Alex intently for information. The man himself twitched his eye subtly, before saying,
"I was just about to explain that..." Sting looked a little sheepish as he realized he was the one who delayed things, which could be considered somewhat understandable considering what Alex had just said. Taking a breath, Alex continued,
"What Irene didn't realize when she created Dragon Slaying magic was that only a dragon could use their magic, and by using it themselves Dragon Slayers allowed something called the Dragon Seed to develop within them. As the person continued to use Dragon Slayer magic the seed would continue to develop, until finally they themselves turned into a dragon.
"In your case your parents were aware of this and took certain steps to prevent it, but Irene had nothing. Once the process began she could do nothing to stop it as she was immediately thrown into prison by her own husband, your father Erza. Using her magic to preserve and protect the life within her w.o.m.b, Irene then endured three years of imprisonment, torture, beatings, and even public humiliations.
"The people who once idolized her cheered as she was marched and strung up n.a.k.e.d in the streets. Those who once followed her into battle began to eagerly beat and abuse their own queen, all while her transformation slowly progressed. Finally her husband appeared and told her that her execution had been decided, which prompted Irene to beg him once again for mercy for their child.
"Your father refused to accept that Irene even carried his child though, as she couldn't possibly be able to carry you for over three years. To further prove his point he then tried to cut you out of Irene's body then and there, only for Irene's transformation to suddenly complete itself due to her desperation.
"Leaving destruction in the wake of her transformation, Irene fled deep into the mountains, farther than any human dared to venture. There she hid for the next four centuries, until someone surprisingly came." As he got to that point, and the images Alex showed them through Regeneration magic showed who found Irene, the atmosphere around the guild hall became especially tense as those that had met him recognized Irene's visitor.
"Zeref..." Markarov growled as Mavis also appeared nearby, her brows furrowed as she gazed upon the man she once loved, and had now supposedly left this world. They watched as Zeref used his magic to return Irene to her human form, before Alex continued,
"Despite having been returned to her true form though, Irene's hell still continued. She quickly found that she could neither taste the food she ate nor sleep, showing that, while she did appear human now, she was still technically a dragon. She then devised a plan to gain the human body she so desperately desired, to enchant her entire being into the body of her own child.
"When it came time to do so though, Irene hesitated as she watched her newborn daughter smile at her, despite the fact that her own mother planned to erase her for he own needs.
"Unable to carry out her last hope for obtaining a human body, Irene left you in the village you were raised in before the attack by the cult of Zeref. She then journeyed across the sea to join the man who gave her back her life, and became one of the Spriggan Twelve of the Alverez Empire."
As Alex fell silent everyone focused on the last image he conjured, showing Irene as she was now. Her long red hair was separated into several thick braids, two of which came forward over her shoulders, and her outfit was reminiscent of witch's, except a lot more risqué. In her hands was a large wooden staff that ended in several points, which, in the hands of a master enchanter like Irene, could be considered one of the deadliest weapons in the world.
As everyone took in everything they had learned that night, Markarov muttered,
"So Wendy, Natsu, Gajeel, Sting, and Rogue are all from the past, Lucy's mother and ancestor are the ones responsible for bringing them here in order to defeat Acnologia, and Erza is the daughter of the world's first Dragon Slayer, who is also one of our opponents as one of the Spriggan Twelve. Did I miss anything?"
"Alex smirked at his question before saying, "Rather than consider Irene one of our opponents, I would think of her as someone who needs to be brought back on track after everything she's been through. After all, Irene herself isn't bad, she's just a victim of circ.u.mstance like Zeref."
At that several people made a face at Alex, while Gray spat at him angrily, "How in the hell is that monster a 'victim'?!"
When he was younger Gray's entire village and family was slaughtered by one of the demons created by Zeref, Deliora, before his magic teacher gave her own life in order to seal, and eventually kill the great beast. Though technically Gray's father was alive as a member of the dark guild Tartarus, he himself didn't know that and Alex's wasn't planning to mention it just yet. Instead he just slowly nodded his head and stated,
"When he was only a child Zeref lost his family as well to hostile dragons, his parents and his baby brother." While everyone else was stunned at the thought of the world's most evil Mage actually having a family, Mavis looked thoughtful and muttered,
"I do recall Zeref mentioning his brother before, but the way he talked implied he was still alive..." Again Alex nodded and continued,
"I don't know when he joined them, but after his family was killed Zeref lived at an academy where he was hailed as a once in a lifetime genius. The problem though was that Zeref was focused on only one subject, bringing back his dead baby brother. It was during this time that he designed the Tower of Heaven and the Eclipse Gate, but fearing him bringing down the wrath of the God of life and death upon them, the higher ups eventually decided they had no choice but to expel Zeref from their institute, but they were too late.
"Right as Zeref was informed of their decision he was struck with his curse, instantly killing everyone within the academy. So now he had lost his family in a dragon attack, and the closest thing he had found to it since due to his curse, but that wasn't even close to the end of Zeref's story.
"Due to his curse Zeref was now immortal, giving him literally all of the time in the world to complete his research. He then eventually turned his attention to even more taboo topics to delve into, Demonology. This led him creating the demons that later became known as the Books of Zeref, the Etherious.
"He spent years perfecting his craft with each demon he created, making them stronger and better, until he finally poured everything he learned into his brother to make him his strongest demon yet while simultaneously reviving him, E.N.D. Etherious, Natsu, Dragneel."
The second these words left Alex's mouth, Gray's hand slammed into the table in front of him.
"Bullshit!" He snarled with a murderous expression on his face, which matched almost every other person's that was from Fairy Tail. This included Erza and Mirajane, while even Lucy was glaring daggers at Alex for daring to say such a thing.
The man himself was seemingly unconcerned about the looks he was receiving though, as he casually emptied an entire tankard of alcohol to wet his throat after all of the talking he'd done. Happy however looked as if his entire world came crashing down when he found out the truth regarding his best friend, while surprisingly the only one who seemed to have kept his cool was Markarov, who simply asked him,
"Is this true?" Alex smirked at him and replied,
"I don't have a reason to lie about this, yes Natsu is Zeref's younger brother, and E.N.D." As he said this Alex searched for and conjured a new image for everyone to see, one of Natsu and Zeref playing when they were children, with a beautiful woman that had tied up long black hair and a man with short messy pink hair watching them, obviously their mother and father.
Watching the scene for several seconds with a heavy heart, Markarov then asked, "Why tell us this?" It was obvious he was referring to the large amounts of people that suffered as a result of Zeref's actions, like Gray, finding out about Natsu's true identity. Alex however said,
"I'm not the only one aware of this information, it's safe to say the Dark Emperor and his followers probably are as well. If they truly are gathering strength, and they manage to make Natsu completely fall to their side, then it's possible they'll try to awaken the demonic nature within him that was destined to destroy Zeref, and then himself." When he said the last part Lucy's glare disappeared, and was instead replaced with a look of concern.
"What does that mean?!" She demanded anxiously, as, despite Natsu's stupidity, she still didn't want him to die. Alex however sighed and explained,
"It's a part of the effects of Zeref's curse, also known as the Curse of Contradictions. This was probably the greatest example of the living contradiction that Zeref became, as his whole objective that led to his curse and his rise as the most evil dark Mage to ever exist was to bring his brother back, yet he also designed Natsu to perish once he accomplished his destiny of killing Zeref. Though, I doubt that would happen now."
As Alex said Zeref was already no more, yet Natsu still lived. Though this could just be that the target of E.N.D.'s destiny changed to Darius, who had absorbed Zeref, he doubted that was the case. Naturally the next thing that came out of Markarov's mouth was,
"If that's the case then shouldn't we hurry to try and rescue Natsu and Gajeel before it's too late?" This time though Alex shrugged and said noncommittally,
"If you want to then go right ahead, but I'm not going to jump right into things without first gaining some Intel on our opponents. I don't doubt my own capabilities, but I still don't know what exactly they're all capable of, and I'm not going to risk everything I've built because of a couple of dumbasses that got themselves caught."
Being unable to argue Alex's point about Natsu and Gajeel being the ones who got themselves captured, Markarov held his tongue about them despite his own feelings and instead asked,
"So when exactly are you going to gather Intel on them?" Sensing that the conversation regarding 'fate' bringing Natsu, Lucy, Gajeel, Wendy, and Erza together was over, Alex smiled widely and leaned over to whisper something into Kuroka's cat-like ear.
The mischievous nekomata flashed an unsettling grin when she heard Alex's plan, before she suddenly disappeared into thin air without a trace. She was barely gone for a few seconds before Kuroka reappeared on Alex's lap, a small crystal in her hands.
"All done~Nya! Shall we watch the entertainment~Nya?" Before anyone could ask what she meant, the crystal Kuroka was holding flashed, and it began projecting the inside of what appeared to be a castle.
"What is this?" Erza asked curiously, prompting Kuroka to happily explain,
"I used my mastery over Spatial magic to send one of my familiars through the distortion caused by that stinky man from earlier, very sloppy teleportation by the way~nya, and now we can see and hear everything my familiar does through this crystal~Nya!"
While everyone else was watching the image and looking at Kuroka in awe, Anne turned towards Alex and asked in a deadpan,
"So why did we need to use Kuroka and let him get away to do this? We still have the magic key, right?" Instead of justifying Anne's questions with a verbal answer, this time Alex returned her deadpan stare as he wordlessly pulled out the magic key, and used it to open a portal to just outside of the guild hall.
The hall was filled with a brilliant flash of white light that slowly condensed before fading to reveal an aged wooden door with an arch.
As if it was unlocking a loud clunk echoed through the guild hall before the aged door slowly began to swing open on old hinges, which groaned loudly the entire time. All of this was unnecessary of course, but they were all 'features' that Hajime had added later for 'aesthetic'.
Seeing that using the key was unsuitable for 'subtle' situations such as this, Anne's cheeks turned a little red before she muttered, "understood..." She then looked away embarrassedly while waiting for everyone to resume watching the feed Kuroka was providing as Alex also dispersed the door.
While the key itself was unusable due to being too loud and noticeable, Kuroka on the other hand was not only able to peer through the remaining distortion in space to see if anyone was present on the other side, but she could send her familiar through so seamlessly that no one would notice it's arrival on the other side, even if they were in the same room.
Regardless though they didn't need to worry about that, as the room that they saw was already empty. Instead however it still bore signs of a fight with even one of the walls having a head-sized hole in it.
"Looks like Natsu and Gajeel were definitely here." Someone muttered while the rest of those watching nodded, before the cat who's eyes they were seeing everything through proceeded to jump through the hole and continue exploring. They quickly saw though that the destruction was restricted to the one room, meaning that the duo must have been subdued before being able to leave it.
Instead, the hallway they found themselves in seemed to be in pristine condition with its overly dark and malicious looking decor intact. As if the dark, almost black, colored carpets weren't bad enough, there were also several matching banners hung up and down the halls while vicious looking sculptures and violent paintings were dotted here and there.
"I'd make a comment about how we're apparently up against edgelord supreme here, but then again what should I have expected from someone with a title like the 'Dark Emperor'?" Alex muttered quietly, earning him a few snickers from those that heard him.
Slowly but surely Kuroka's familiar made its way through the halls, investigating anything it found interesting along the way, before it finally slipped through a door that was just barely cracked open. Within was another lounge where a completely bald man was relaxing with his feet up on a table and a bottle of alcohol in his hand, while leering at a pair of maids in front of him.
Normally watching a couple of girls clean wouldn't be that entertaining to watch, but these two girls were wearing maid outfits that were so short that almost each and every movement they made allowed one to spy the contents of their skirts, while the white portion of cloth covering their b.r.e.a.s.ts was see-through. They both also had black bands around their necks that identifies them as slaves, which explained their current circ.u.mstances completely. At once the atmosphere in the room changed as Alex suddenly felt himself being surrounded by murderous auras, to which Mirajane explained while emitting her own,
"These two were girls that we knew in Magnolia before it was destroyed. One ran a shop that most of the guild members would frequent, while the other was a waitress at a cafe." When he heard this Alex's expression darkened as well, since this was the first he'd heard about the inhabitants of Magnolia after it had been destroyed during the seven years Markarov and the others slept.
"I never knew they were enslaved..." Macao muttered with pain in his eyes, as he had been the one in charge of guild in Markarov's absence and blamed himself for failing to protect the city.
"That one's name is Calvin, one of the Dark Emperor's general's." Everyone turned and looked at the speaker, Jura, who continued,
"I fought him once when we were trying to escape to Tenrou Island. Not only can he control the earth like me, but he can control fire, water, lightning, ice, and air in ways I never imagined. He also always carried two katanas on his h.i.p.s, but I've never seen him draw them." Though Alex couldn't help the sense of familiarity he felt when Kuroka's familiar gave them a view of the katanas, he dismissed it for now and asked Jura,
"How were his abilities strange exactly? If I know a bit more then I might know what it is he can do." Jura was silent for a moment as he recalled the details of their fight, before saying,
"The way he moves is like a dance or fighting stance, and as he moves whatever it is he's controlling at the moment moves as well. Plus there was one point when I saw his eyes start glowing with a weird light, which made him significantly stronger instantly. I barely managed to get away with my life at that point." When he heard that Alex went "ah-ha!" while Anne also tilted her head and muttered,
"Why does that sound so familiar...?" Alex leaned over to her and whispered his conclusion in her ear, making Anne's eyes widen in realization as she exclaimed,
"So that's where I knew it from! I knew it sounded familiar!" Alex nodded and asked,
"So you want to call this one?" Anne looked at him curiously once more before he elaborated,
"I'd say I've already claimed the Dark Emperor and what's his face from earlier, but nothing says I have to be the one to fight all of them. Do you want this one?" Though Anne initially wasn't sure, as she watched Calvin begin to drunkenly harass the two women she frowned before saying,
"Ok, I'll take this one. And if I can get his powers then I'll have another method to heal with anyways." Alex nodded in affirmation before indicating to Kuroka that they could leave that current room, which she only made her familiar leave after a quick twitch of her finger. With even Alex not noticing what she did, Kuroka smirked while also silently lamenting that they wouldn't get to watch Calvin's reaction when he found out he could no longer get it up after she used magic to disable him, since she already had a medium to channel her magic through in the room with them as well.
Keeping silent about her 'prank', Kuroka directed her familiar about where to go next until they found their next target, the same copycat from earlier. The room they were in was quite large and filled with numerous pieces of equipment that was meant to help one train. The man himself was attired in his armor once more as he trained intently against a giant sandbag, which had an image of Alex's face attached to it.
"Next time...next time for sure I'll win!" The reincarnator muttered to himself over and over again like a mantra as he repeatedly punched the paper with Alex's picture on it.
Again everyone turned their attention to him as the sound of the sandbag being hit echoed throughout the room, to which Alex's simply shrugged before they heard him mutter something else.
"Wait for me Rias, we'll be together soon..."
This time everyone turned towards the Crimson haired beauty, who then proceeded to cover her own mouth before saying, "I think I just threw up a little..."
Her words were met with a few chuckles, while Alex grabbed her by her ass and pulled her closer before giving it a squeeze and saying, "This piece of ass belongs to me and only me. Anyone who thinks they can lay hands on it will lose them."
Though her ears turned a little red from Alex grabbing her in front of everyone, Rias also couldn't deny she found it kind of hot when he 'claimed' her like this. Though that didn't keep her from whispering to him playfully, "Wait until later or you might lose your hands as well." Smirking slightly, Alex gave her ass one last smack and squeeze before letting her go, promising himself that he'll enjoy her 'assets' as much as he pleased later.
For now he turned his attention back the live feed Kuroka's familiar provided them, which was already once agin on the move since all they had to learn from him was how far his delusions went. As the stealthy feline continued exploring though, the next room it slipped into cleared Alex's mind of any dirty plans he might have had for later that night.
The next room the familiar had entered was filled with n.a.k.e.d men who were lined up behind two figures that they were eagerly humping, who anyone could confirm to be Natsu and Gajeel if they bothered to look closely enough.
"I think I'm going to be sick..." Markarov muttered, even as several other people did lose their dinner while Cana tried to cover Wendy and Sherria's eyes from the sight before them.
"Get us out of there cat." Grayfia growled as she too tried to avoid looking at the disturbing scene before them.
Though she usually wouldn't pass up a chance to mess with them, Kuroka also didn't care for what they were seeing so she quickly tried to make her familiar leave the room.
"Wait!" Alex said suddenly and seriously, making everyone stare at him like he was some kind of loon before he continued,
"Focus right over there!" With Alex pointing at one specific area in the image Kuroka did as he asked, which revealed the sole woman in the room, n.a.k.e.d with her legs spread wide as she buried her fingers in the hole between them. However that wasn't was Alex was focused on. Instead his gaze was centered on the brown monkey's tail swaying behind her.
"Another Saiyan...!" Alex muttered with evident excitement, as his blood suddenly started thundering in his veins and the entire guild hall started shaking and rumbling from his sudden battlel.u.s.t.
"Dibs! A hundred time dibs!" Alex exclaimed as his eyes never left the woman in the image, his desire to do battle another Saiyan overriding everything else at that moment, including what else was going on within the room around her.
Alex was so overcome with his desire to fight her, that he didn't even notice what his excitement was doing to the surroundings until Shia smacked the back of his head and said, "Sheesh, pay attention a little would you!"
Looking around Alex saw everyone looking at him as if he was some kind of monster from the way his excitement had affected his surroundings. "Sorry.." He said in an apologetic manner, however his excitement to fight the other Saiyan hadn't been curbed in he slightest, he just held in check better.
"So what are you planning to do with her?" Grayfia asked him curiously, as he usually had a tendency to draft enemy women into her combat maids. This time though Alex said without hesitation,
"I'll kill her. Aside from her Saiyan bloodline we know she apparently has the ability to bend others to her will, slave mark or not that's too dangerous an ability to keep around when another reincarnator is involved." Grayfia and their others nodded in understanding, all silently relieved he wouldn't try to keep this particular woman around.
Having seen everything they needed to about this particular opponent, and several things they didn't, Alex motioned to Kuroka that they could finally leave the room, when,
"That's enough, come here Gajeel~"
The moment she heard Gajeel's name Levy called for them to stop, as she also rushed towards Kuroka to see exactly what the Saiyan woman wanted with him. The latest of the long line of men that had been f.u.c.k.i.n.g the unfortunate Dragon Slayer backed off at her command, allowing Gajeel to stand up himself once more.
With her legs already spread as wide as could be, Alice then used her fingers to spread the pink folds of her flesh as well so that her soaking hole was completely visible.
"Are you ready Gajeel?" She asked in a sultry tone, as he slowly lumbered to her while saying slowly,
"Yes mistress..." Though he hadn't fallen completely yet, Alice knew it would only take a little bit more before he was completely hers, and then she could focus her attention entirely on Natsu.
"DON'T GO NEAR HER GAJEEL!" Levy cried out despite the fact that he couldn't hear her. Levy continued to plead and beg Gajeel to stop as he slowly shuffled closer to the Saiyan woman, before he placed the head of his c.o.c.k at her entrance.
"Wait!" Alice suddenly said, making Gajeel pause as she smiled gleefully and ordered,
"Tell me Gajeel, what is Levy to you?" Not knowing that the very person in question was actually watching this scene, Alice wanted to test the effectiveness of the nights activities so far. Levy however anxiously held her breath as Gajeel muttered,
"Levy...?" Alice nodded eagerly and repeated,
"What is to you Gajeel?" Though it took him several seconds to answer eventually Gajeel began,
"levy is....." With the woman in question at their head, everyone in the guild watched with bated breath at his answer, before he finished, "...nothing but an annoying and pathetic little attention whore, who means nothing to me..."
"No..." Levy whispered as she fell to her knees, her eyes empty.
"Good boy!" Alice smirked as she wrapped her legs around Gajeel's waist and forced his entire length into her at once.
"Yes!" Alice cried out as she felt Gajeel fill her, before the duo began their passionate lovemaking.
"Gajeel..." Levy whimpered as she watched the man she had grown to deeply care for, and possibly love, eagerly thrust into another woman as if his life depended on it.
"YEEEEEEESSSSSSS!" Alice screamed in ecstasy as she and Gajeel eagerly f.u.c.k.i.e.d, before she asked in her excitement,
"Who do you love Gajeel?!"
"You mistress Alice!"
"Who do you worship Gajeel?!"
"Who do you devote your everything to?!"
As he declared his love to her Gajeel let out a great m.o.a.n as his body came to a standstill, and he filled her with his seed.
"Gajeel..." Levy whimpered once more as tears fill her eyes, before she then fled the guild hall crying her eyes out.
"Levy..." Lucy whispered as she watched her friend flee. She was about to go after her when Alex stood up and said,
"This is my fault so I'll go talk to her." As it was his idea to spy on them in this way despite what they might have been doing to Gajeel and Natsu, and he was the reason they stuck around long enough for Alice to call for Gajeel, Alex considered it his fault that Levy witnessed what she did.
It was also him letting the reincarnator go that resulted in Gajeel and Natsu getting captured, though it was mostly their own stupidity, so he figured worst case Levy could take out her frustrations on him.
It was easy enough to find her as, aside from the crashing of the waves and rustle of the leaves in the trees, the only sounds one could hear outside the guild was that of Levy's crying. Finding her sitting on the beach, overlooking the waves that sparkled in the light of the almost full moon, Alex sat next to her and said,
"I'm sorry, you shouldn't have had to watch that." Instead of answering or hitting him like he thought, Levy only continued sobbing over Gajeel's fate. Always having hated seeing women genuinely cry, Alex did what he would've done for anyone in this situation, and put his arm around her comfortingly.
(A.N. Sorry for the delay, we're back to the season where work constantly kicks my ass, plus this chapter took me quite a bit longer than I thought it would have to to write.)
"What did the poor furniture do to you?" Alex asked jokingly as he used Regeneration magic to repair it, though under his casual appearance he too was annoyed.
Kuroka had just told them what she had learned from the members of Grimoire Heart, including the Dark Emperor's plan to leave the world with the army he built and why he wanted Fairy Tail destroyed.
"Even if they hadn't attacked, it's not like we would have been able to try anything against them anytime soon anyways!" Markarov stated angrily, while the other guild masters nodded in agreement.
While it was true that they had been training and preparing for the day they'd try to remove the Dark Emperor from power, every one of them with a brain had already bitterly swallowed the fact that they were far from ready to try. If anything, they probably wouldn't have even noticed they were gone for a long time afterwards.
As everyone was grumbling and cursing Darius though, Alex suddenly noticed Lucy out of the corner of his eye, before realization struck him.
"Of f.u.c.k.i.n.g course!" He swore out loud, gaining everyone's attention as he continued to Markarov,
"Even if you guys weren't ready, you still would've gone to fight the Dark Emperor and his forces soon anyways, I'm just not sure in you would've been able to win." With everyone looking at him in confusion, Alex pointed at Lucy and asked,
"Where were you when I found you Lucy?" Though it took a brief second of thought, Lucy quickly realized what Alex was getting at before she banged her head against the table and groaned,
"Are you kidding me?!" With everyone else continuing to appear confused though, Alex started to explain,
"When I came to this world I specifically chose Hargeon to appear at since it was the place Lucy and Natsu met, ok?" With everyone slowly nodding to show they followed, Alex continued,
"Within minutes of me appearing there though I heard about a 'fairy bitch' being held captive by the Black Collar guild, and went to rescue her, before we made our way here together and fought the combined forces under Grimoire Heart. Well what if I hadn't rescued Lucy? What would have happened then?"
Though it took a couple of minutes for everyone to catch on, once they did a series of smacks echoed throughout the guild hall as people began facepalming themselves in realization. If Alex hadn't already rescued Lucy, then they most likely would've found out about her capture either during or after the attack. Following that they would've immediately mounted a rescue mission despite the overwhelming odds due simply to the fact that the members of Fairy Tail would never leave their comrades behind.
Even now, with Natsu and Gajeel's disappearance and possible capture, Markarov planned to move out within the next several days in order to save them.
However, the old man was thinking of something else though as he muttered, "But still, I can't wrap my head around the timing of all this... We've been here for over a year, why would this happen now when they're about to leave?" While several other people nodded or murmured in agreement with his question, as the timing was too coincidental, several of his girls glanced at Alex with knowing looks in their eyes.
"'Fate'." Alex said eventually, making everyone look back at him curiously, to which he again explained,
"Fate is a mysterious force that drives the events of almost every world into motion, through one way or another. Even if they're unaware of it, many of the people within this room have connections through fate, or have experienced its pull in some way." There was silence as everyone contemplated what Alex said, before someone from one of the other guilds asked,
"How can you be so sure that something like 'fate' is involved in stuff like this?" While everyone looked to Alex for clarification, the man himself smirked and asked in return,
"Do you think it's merely coincidence that some of the people in Fairy Tail are there at the same time? Lucy, Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy, Erza, even the founder herself, Mavis; it isn't coincidence that they all ended up in the same place, even if it was years after Mavis died. Then look at the fact that, even if they're a part of a different guild, both Sting and Rogue are here too."
Though there were other examples of people with strong ties to 'fate' within the guild, such as Gray, Alex simply listed those immediately relevant to his current point. Naturally Lucy immediately jumped up and asked,
"What do you mean us being here isn't a coincidence?! The only reason I got into Fairy Tail was because I accidentally met Natsu in Hargeon!" Alex however only smiled knowingly to her claim, before asking in return,
"And why exactly did Natsu go out of his way to bring you with him?" Though Lucy wanted to retort that Natsu had simply brought her along because she said she was interested in joining, she paused slightly as the smile on Alex's face widened.
Even after she joined the guild Natsu always seemed to stick around her as if something was drawing them together, so much so that people began questioning whenever either of them took a job by themselves. Alex then surprised her by turning towards someone else, and saying,
"Wendy, Sting, Rogue, do any of you have anything to say regarding Lucy?" His question made everyone turn to look at them as well, makings Wendy fidget nervously under everyone's gazes as she awkwardly said,
"Uh, I think Lucy is a nice person who I greatly respect and admire..." Alex nodded at her and asked,
"And? Anything else?" This time Wendy's cheeks went a bit red as she timidly continued,
"She, um, smells really nice and familiar, and I always feel comfortable around her...." When Wendy said this Lucy's eye twitched slightly as she hesitantly tried to smell herself, even though she knew that a Dragon Slayer's nose could put even a dog to shame. What was surprising was that Sting and Rogue also chimed in,
"I didn't want to say anything, but I never really understood it...."
"She's always felt like someone I know from somewhere, but I can never place who...."
With everyone now questioning Lucy's apparent relationship with Dragon Slayers, they turned towards Alex in confusion as he activated his Regeneration magic. Though it took over a minute due to how far back it was, he eventually found the scene he was looking for as a miniature Natsu and Gajeel suddenly appeared in the guild, arguing of course.
"What did you say to me metal head?!" Mini Natsu growled threateningly, before mini Gajeel snarled,
"You heard me fire breath!" The two then began to butt heads as they prepared to fight, with a mini Sting and Rogue cheering them on in the background.
"Go Natsu!" Mini Sting called out excitedly.
"Kick his butt Gajeel!" Mini Rogue countered.
"Natsu....Gajeel...." A girl younger than the rest of them blubbered. "Y-you shouldn't f-fiiiiight!" She then began sobbing from seeing Natsu and Gajeel fighting each other, making all four of the pint sized Dragon Slayers stop what they were doing as they tried to get her to stop crying.
"W-what is this..." Wendy asked as she stared at the image with wide eyes, along with everyone else in the building.
"This is your actual past. Up until the day you all thought your parents left, you would regularly meet and interact with each other and this was your teacher at those times, Anna." As Alex said that the image shifted as an entirely different voice called out,
"Natsu, I have something for you."
"No way...!"
"It can't be!"
As one everyone's eyes turn towards Lucy, even as the girl herself stared transfixed at the image, which showed a woman who looked almost exactly like her, only older. They then watched as Anna handed Natsu the scarf she had been knitting, the same pink scaled scarf he always wore and cherished.
"That is Anna Heartfilia, Lucy's ancestor and the strongest Celestial Spirit Mage to have ever existed." There was a moment of stunned silence as everyone took in the appearance of Lucy's ancestor, before Alex went on to explain,
"Anna, the dragons, and another person created a plan over four hundred years ago in order to defeat Acnologia, the greatest threat to world that ever existed. However the environment of the world back then was unsuitable for their plans, and so Anna activated the Eclipse Gate to send herself and the five children four hundred years into the future, where the world would be more suitable. And so, a book was passed down through her family until the year 777, when her descendant Layla Heartfilia opened it."
"My mom...?" Lucy asked as some tears formed in her eyes, especially when Alex used Regeneration magic to show them the scene of Layla opening the gate. Alex nodded and continued,
"It requires all twelve of the Golden Zodiac keys to open the Eclipse Gate, but Layla was unable to acquire the last key and ended up using her own life force to substitute it and open the gate. As a result she ended up passing away not long after, but had succeeded in bringing the five Slayers and Anna here where they then separated by happenstance.
"By the time Anna managed to locate them several years later, each of the young Slayers had integrated well into the world of the future, and she decided to leave them be to live their own lives." There was dead silence as everyone took in what Alex had told and showed them, with Lucy specifically coming to terms with what had actually happened to her mother, while Wendy, Sting, and Rogue were trying to come to terms with the fact that they were actually over four hundred years old.
"Im a granny, and I still look like this..." Wendy muttered in self deprecation, as she reached up and gave her almost nonexistent b.r.e.a.s.ts a pitiful squeeze.
She didn't notice it, but Yue gave her a pointed stare while her eye twitched a little at her words. Even if she could change into a mature form whenever she wanted, that didn't change the fact that her 'real' form was that of a girl who appeared the same age as Wendy, despite having actually lived for several centuries.
Before she could say anything though, someone suddenly asked, "So how does Erza fit into all of this?"
As they said this everyone turned their focus onto both Erza and Alex, while the former also stared at him pointedly as she waited to hear what he had to say. She never expected the words that came out of his mouth next though, as Alex asked her,
"What do you know about YOUR mother Erza?" Needless to say she was more than a little surprised that the topic suddenly shifted to her own nonexistent family, before she said,
"Nothing. I spent the first few years of my life as an orphan in a small village, which was then attacked by the cult of Zeref before being enslaved to help build the Tower of Heaven. After escaping I made my way to Fairy Tail, which was the guild that someone who had helped me on the island belonged to. If my mother is still out there somewhere then I suppose I'd be grateful towards her for giving birth to me, but that would be about it."
As Erza finished speaking those who hadn't known about her circ.u.mstances before joining Fairy Tail looked at her with sympathy for the life she lived up until that point, while nearby Millanna also hung her head as she recalled spending most of her life building the tower, and trying to kill Erza. Erza herself of course didn't care about their looks as the events of Paradise Island, where the tower was built, was a thing of the past.
Alex however didn't say anything, simply nodding slowly in affirmation as he held out his hand and conjured another image, this time of someone who was the spitting image of Erza.
"This," Alex said as everyone focused into him once more, "is Irene Belserion, one of the Spriggan Twelve, and the former queen of a nation that existed during the Great Dragon Wars over four hundred years ago." There was complete silence as Erza took in the image of her own mother for the first time in her entire life, as there was no denying the connection based on appearances alone. Eventually Lucy asked,
"How is she still alive if she lived so long ago? Did she also come through the Eclipse Gate?" Alex shook his head and began,
"Irene was a powerful enchanter who ruled a kingdom that lived in peace with the dragons of the continent of Ishgar, until other dragons set their sights on them. This began the Great Dragon Wars, which slowly began to favor the dragons that wanted to destroy humanity due to several dragons of Ishgar switching sides as well. For a time the war looked hopeless as humans couldn't possibly help due to the the difference in strength between them and the dragons, until Irene had an idea. What if humans were able to wield the powers of the dragons themselves?"
As Alex paused for dramatic effect, everyone in the room was completely stunned at bombshell he just dropped. Eventually Wendy muttered,
"Erza's mom, was the first ever Dragon Slayer?" Alex nodded and said,
"Yep. Not only was she Erza's mother, but she could also be considered the mother of every Dragon Slayer in history. However this story didn't have a happy end.
"During the fighting the dragon that Irene was closest to, and had even taught her the first Dragon Slayer magic, fell in battle. She then took his name Belserion for her own surname as a sign of respect, but everything soon fell apart afterwards. The dragons were quickly wiped out as a powerful Slayer appeared, who stole the powers of the dragons they killed. Soon the dragons were no more, and the Slayers also fell one after another until it was finally Irene's turn.
"Shortly after she discovered she was pregnant with you, a part of Irene's face began to turn to scale as the process of dragonification started."
"What do you mean by 'dragonification'?!" Sting demanded suddenly, as he, Rogue, and Wendy stared at Alex intently for information. The man himself twitched his eye subtly, before saying,
"I was just about to explain that..." Sting looked a little sheepish as he realized he was the one who delayed things, which could be considered somewhat understandable considering what Alex had just said. Taking a breath, Alex continued,
"What Irene didn't realize when she created Dragon Slaying magic was that only a dragon could use their magic, and by using it themselves Dragon Slayers allowed something called the Dragon Seed to develop within them. As the person continued to use Dragon Slayer magic the seed would continue to develop, until finally they themselves turned into a dragon.
"In your case your parents were aware of this and took certain steps to prevent it, but Irene had nothing. Once the process began she could do nothing to stop it as she was immediately thrown into prison by her own husband, your father Erza. Using her magic to preserve and protect the life within her w.o.m.b, Irene then endured three years of imprisonment, torture, beatings, and even public humiliations.
"The people who once idolized her cheered as she was marched and strung up n.a.k.e.d in the streets. Those who once followed her into battle began to eagerly beat and abuse their own queen, all while her transformation slowly progressed. Finally her husband appeared and told her that her execution had been decided, which prompted Irene to beg him once again for mercy for their child.
"Your father refused to accept that Irene even carried his child though, as she couldn't possibly be able to carry you for over three years. To further prove his point he then tried to cut you out of Irene's body then and there, only for Irene's transformation to suddenly complete itself due to her desperation.
"Leaving destruction in the wake of her transformation, Irene fled deep into the mountains, farther than any human dared to venture. There she hid for the next four centuries, until someone surprisingly came." As he got to that point, and the images Alex showed them through Regeneration magic showed who found Irene, the atmosphere around the guild hall became especially tense as those that had met him recognized Irene's visitor.
"Zeref..." Markarov growled as Mavis also appeared nearby, her brows furrowed as she gazed upon the man she once loved, and had now supposedly left this world. They watched as Zeref used his magic to return Irene to her human form, before Alex continued,
"Despite having been returned to her true form though, Irene's hell still continued. She quickly found that she could neither taste the food she ate nor sleep, showing that, while she did appear human now, she was still technically a dragon. She then devised a plan to gain the human body she so desperately desired, to enchant her entire being into the body of her own child.
"When it came time to do so though, Irene hesitated as she watched her newborn daughter smile at her, despite the fact that her own mother planned to erase her for he own needs.
"Unable to carry out her last hope for obtaining a human body, Irene left you in the village you were raised in before the attack by the cult of Zeref. She then journeyed across the sea to join the man who gave her back her life, and became one of the Spriggan Twelve of the Alverez Empire."
As Alex fell silent everyone focused on the last image he conjured, showing Irene as she was now. Her long red hair was separated into several thick braids, two of which came forward over her shoulders, and her outfit was reminiscent of witch's, except a lot more risqué. In her hands was a large wooden staff that ended in several points, which, in the hands of a master enchanter like Irene, could be considered one of the deadliest weapons in the world.
As everyone took in everything they had learned that night, Markarov muttered,
"So Wendy, Natsu, Gajeel, Sting, and Rogue are all from the past, Lucy's mother and ancestor are the ones responsible for bringing them here in order to defeat Acnologia, and Erza is the daughter of the world's first Dragon Slayer, who is also one of our opponents as one of the Spriggan Twelve. Did I miss anything?"
"Alex smirked at his question before saying, "Rather than consider Irene one of our opponents, I would think of her as someone who needs to be brought back on track after everything she's been through. After all, Irene herself isn't bad, she's just a victim of circ.u.mstance like Zeref."
At that several people made a face at Alex, while Gray spat at him angrily, "How in the hell is that monster a 'victim'?!"
When he was younger Gray's entire village and family was slaughtered by one of the demons created by Zeref, Deliora, before his magic teacher gave her own life in order to seal, and eventually kill the great beast. Though technically Gray's father was alive as a member of the dark guild Tartarus, he himself didn't know that and Alex's wasn't planning to mention it just yet. Instead he just slowly nodded his head and stated,
"When he was only a child Zeref lost his family as well to hostile dragons, his parents and his baby brother." While everyone else was stunned at the thought of the world's most evil Mage actually having a family, Mavis looked thoughtful and muttered,
"I do recall Zeref mentioning his brother before, but the way he talked implied he was still alive..." Again Alex nodded and continued,
"I don't know when he joined them, but after his family was killed Zeref lived at an academy where he was hailed as a once in a lifetime genius. The problem though was that Zeref was focused on only one subject, bringing back his dead baby brother. It was during this time that he designed the Tower of Heaven and the Eclipse Gate, but fearing him bringing down the wrath of the God of life and death upon them, the higher ups eventually decided they had no choice but to expel Zeref from their institute, but they were too late.
"Right as Zeref was informed of their decision he was struck with his curse, instantly killing everyone within the academy. So now he had lost his family in a dragon attack, and the closest thing he had found to it since due to his curse, but that wasn't even close to the end of Zeref's story.
"Due to his curse Zeref was now immortal, giving him literally all of the time in the world to complete his research. He then eventually turned his attention to even more taboo topics to delve into, Demonology. This led him creating the demons that later became known as the Books of Zeref, the Etherious.
"He spent years perfecting his craft with each demon he created, making them stronger and better, until he finally poured everything he learned into his brother to make him his strongest demon yet while simultaneously reviving him, E.N.D. Etherious, Natsu, Dragneel."
The second these words left Alex's mouth, Gray's hand slammed into the table in front of him.
"Bullshit!" He snarled with a murderous expression on his face, which matched almost every other person's that was from Fairy Tail. This included Erza and Mirajane, while even Lucy was glaring daggers at Alex for daring to say such a thing.
The man himself was seemingly unconcerned about the looks he was receiving though, as he casually emptied an entire tankard of alcohol to wet his throat after all of the talking he'd done. Happy however looked as if his entire world came crashing down when he found out the truth regarding his best friend, while surprisingly the only one who seemed to have kept his cool was Markarov, who simply asked him,
"Is this true?" Alex smirked at him and replied,
"I don't have a reason to lie about this, yes Natsu is Zeref's younger brother, and E.N.D." As he said this Alex searched for and conjured a new image for everyone to see, one of Natsu and Zeref playing when they were children, with a beautiful woman that had tied up long black hair and a man with short messy pink hair watching them, obviously their mother and father.
Watching the scene for several seconds with a heavy heart, Markarov then asked, "Why tell us this?" It was obvious he was referring to the large amounts of people that suffered as a result of Zeref's actions, like Gray, finding out about Natsu's true identity. Alex however said,
"I'm not the only one aware of this information, it's safe to say the Dark Emperor and his followers probably are as well. If they truly are gathering strength, and they manage to make Natsu completely fall to their side, then it's possible they'll try to awaken the demonic nature within him that was destined to destroy Zeref, and then himself." When he said the last part Lucy's glare disappeared, and was instead replaced with a look of concern.
"What does that mean?!" She demanded anxiously, as, despite Natsu's stupidity, she still didn't want him to die. Alex however sighed and explained,
"It's a part of the effects of Zeref's curse, also known as the Curse of Contradictions. This was probably the greatest example of the living contradiction that Zeref became, as his whole objective that led to his curse and his rise as the most evil dark Mage to ever exist was to bring his brother back, yet he also designed Natsu to perish once he accomplished his destiny of killing Zeref. Though, I doubt that would happen now."
As Alex said Zeref was already no more, yet Natsu still lived. Though this could just be that the target of E.N.D.'s destiny changed to Darius, who had absorbed Zeref, he doubted that was the case. Naturally the next thing that came out of Markarov's mouth was,
"If that's the case then shouldn't we hurry to try and rescue Natsu and Gajeel before it's too late?" This time though Alex shrugged and said noncommittally,
"If you want to then go right ahead, but I'm not going to jump right into things without first gaining some Intel on our opponents. I don't doubt my own capabilities, but I still don't know what exactly they're all capable of, and I'm not going to risk everything I've built because of a couple of dumbasses that got themselves caught."
Being unable to argue Alex's point about Natsu and Gajeel being the ones who got themselves captured, Markarov held his tongue about them despite his own feelings and instead asked,
"So when exactly are you going to gather Intel on them?" Sensing that the conversation regarding 'fate' bringing Natsu, Lucy, Gajeel, Wendy, and Erza together was over, Alex smiled widely and leaned over to whisper something into Kuroka's cat-like ear.
The mischievous nekomata flashed an unsettling grin when she heard Alex's plan, before she suddenly disappeared into thin air without a trace. She was barely gone for a few seconds before Kuroka reappeared on Alex's lap, a small crystal in her hands.
"All done~Nya! Shall we watch the entertainment~Nya?" Before anyone could ask what she meant, the crystal Kuroka was holding flashed, and it began projecting the inside of what appeared to be a castle.
"What is this?" Erza asked curiously, prompting Kuroka to happily explain,
"I used my mastery over Spatial magic to send one of my familiars through the distortion caused by that stinky man from earlier, very sloppy teleportation by the way~nya, and now we can see and hear everything my familiar does through this crystal~Nya!"
While everyone else was watching the image and looking at Kuroka in awe, Anne turned towards Alex and asked in a deadpan,
"So why did we need to use Kuroka and let him get away to do this? We still have the magic key, right?" Instead of justifying Anne's questions with a verbal answer, this time Alex returned her deadpan stare as he wordlessly pulled out the magic key, and used it to open a portal to just outside of the guild hall.
The hall was filled with a brilliant flash of white light that slowly condensed before fading to reveal an aged wooden door with an arch.
As if it was unlocking a loud clunk echoed through the guild hall before the aged door slowly began to swing open on old hinges, which groaned loudly the entire time. All of this was unnecessary of course, but they were all 'features' that Hajime had added later for 'aesthetic'.
Seeing that using the key was unsuitable for 'subtle' situations such as this, Anne's cheeks turned a little red before she muttered, "understood..." She then looked away embarrassedly while waiting for everyone to resume watching the feed Kuroka was providing as Alex also dispersed the door.
While the key itself was unusable due to being too loud and noticeable, Kuroka on the other hand was not only able to peer through the remaining distortion in space to see if anyone was present on the other side, but she could send her familiar through so seamlessly that no one would notice it's arrival on the other side, even if they were in the same room.
Regardless though they didn't need to worry about that, as the room that they saw was already empty. Instead however it still bore signs of a fight with even one of the walls having a head-sized hole in it.
"Looks like Natsu and Gajeel were definitely here." Someone muttered while the rest of those watching nodded, before the cat who's eyes they were seeing everything through proceeded to jump through the hole and continue exploring. They quickly saw though that the destruction was restricted to the one room, meaning that the duo must have been subdued before being able to leave it.
Instead, the hallway they found themselves in seemed to be in pristine condition with its overly dark and malicious looking decor intact. As if the dark, almost black, colored carpets weren't bad enough, there were also several matching banners hung up and down the halls while vicious looking sculptures and violent paintings were dotted here and there.
"I'd make a comment about how we're apparently up against edgelord supreme here, but then again what should I have expected from someone with a title like the 'Dark Emperor'?" Alex muttered quietly, earning him a few snickers from those that heard him.
Slowly but surely Kuroka's familiar made its way through the halls, investigating anything it found interesting along the way, before it finally slipped through a door that was just barely cracked open. Within was another lounge where a completely bald man was relaxing with his feet up on a table and a bottle of alcohol in his hand, while leering at a pair of maids in front of him.
Normally watching a couple of girls clean wouldn't be that entertaining to watch, but these two girls were wearing maid outfits that were so short that almost each and every movement they made allowed one to spy the contents of their skirts, while the white portion of cloth covering their b.r.e.a.s.ts was see-through. They both also had black bands around their necks that identifies them as slaves, which explained their current circ.u.mstances completely. At once the atmosphere in the room changed as Alex suddenly felt himself being surrounded by murderous auras, to which Mirajane explained while emitting her own,
"These two were girls that we knew in Magnolia before it was destroyed. One ran a shop that most of the guild members would frequent, while the other was a waitress at a cafe." When he heard this Alex's expression darkened as well, since this was the first he'd heard about the inhabitants of Magnolia after it had been destroyed during the seven years Markarov and the others slept.
"I never knew they were enslaved..." Macao muttered with pain in his eyes, as he had been the one in charge of guild in Markarov's absence and blamed himself for failing to protect the city.
"That one's name is Calvin, one of the Dark Emperor's general's." Everyone turned and looked at the speaker, Jura, who continued,
"I fought him once when we were trying to escape to Tenrou Island. Not only can he control the earth like me, but he can control fire, water, lightning, ice, and air in ways I never imagined. He also always carried two katanas on his h.i.p.s, but I've never seen him draw them." Though Alex couldn't help the sense of familiarity he felt when Kuroka's familiar gave them a view of the katanas, he dismissed it for now and asked Jura,
"How were his abilities strange exactly? If I know a bit more then I might know what it is he can do." Jura was silent for a moment as he recalled the details of their fight, before saying,
"The way he moves is like a dance or fighting stance, and as he moves whatever it is he's controlling at the moment moves as well. Plus there was one point when I saw his eyes start glowing with a weird light, which made him significantly stronger instantly. I barely managed to get away with my life at that point." When he heard that Alex went "ah-ha!" while Anne also tilted her head and muttered,
"Why does that sound so familiar...?" Alex leaned over to her and whispered his conclusion in her ear, making Anne's eyes widen in realization as she exclaimed,
"So that's where I knew it from! I knew it sounded familiar!" Alex nodded and asked,
"So you want to call this one?" Anne looked at him curiously once more before he elaborated,
"I'd say I've already claimed the Dark Emperor and what's his face from earlier, but nothing says I have to be the one to fight all of them. Do you want this one?" Though Anne initially wasn't sure, as she watched Calvin begin to drunkenly harass the two women she frowned before saying,
"Ok, I'll take this one. And if I can get his powers then I'll have another method to heal with anyways." Alex nodded in affirmation before indicating to Kuroka that they could leave that current room, which she only made her familiar leave after a quick twitch of her finger. With even Alex not noticing what she did, Kuroka smirked while also silently lamenting that they wouldn't get to watch Calvin's reaction when he found out he could no longer get it up after she used magic to disable him, since she already had a medium to channel her magic through in the room with them as well.
Keeping silent about her 'prank', Kuroka directed her familiar about where to go next until they found their next target, the same copycat from earlier. The room they were in was quite large and filled with numerous pieces of equipment that was meant to help one train. The man himself was attired in his armor once more as he trained intently against a giant sandbag, which had an image of Alex's face attached to it.
"Next time...next time for sure I'll win!" The reincarnator muttered to himself over and over again like a mantra as he repeatedly punched the paper with Alex's picture on it.
Again everyone turned their attention to him as the sound of the sandbag being hit echoed throughout the room, to which Alex's simply shrugged before they heard him mutter something else.
"Wait for me Rias, we'll be together soon..."
This time everyone turned towards the Crimson haired beauty, who then proceeded to cover her own mouth before saying, "I think I just threw up a little..."
Her words were met with a few chuckles, while Alex grabbed her by her ass and pulled her closer before giving it a squeeze and saying, "This piece of ass belongs to me and only me. Anyone who thinks they can lay hands on it will lose them."
Though her ears turned a little red from Alex grabbing her in front of everyone, Rias also couldn't deny she found it kind of hot when he 'claimed' her like this. Though that didn't keep her from whispering to him playfully, "Wait until later or you might lose your hands as well." Smirking slightly, Alex gave her ass one last smack and squeeze before letting her go, promising himself that he'll enjoy her 'assets' as much as he pleased later.
For now he turned his attention back the live feed Kuroka's familiar provided them, which was already once agin on the move since all they had to learn from him was how far his delusions went. As the stealthy feline continued exploring though, the next room it slipped into cleared Alex's mind of any dirty plans he might have had for later that night.
The next room the familiar had entered was filled with n.a.k.e.d men who were lined up behind two figures that they were eagerly humping, who anyone could confirm to be Natsu and Gajeel if they bothered to look closely enough.
"I think I'm going to be sick..." Markarov muttered, even as several other people did lose their dinner while Cana tried to cover Wendy and Sherria's eyes from the sight before them.
"Get us out of there cat." Grayfia growled as she too tried to avoid looking at the disturbing scene before them.
Though she usually wouldn't pass up a chance to mess with them, Kuroka also didn't care for what they were seeing so she quickly tried to make her familiar leave the room.
"Wait!" Alex said suddenly and seriously, making everyone stare at him like he was some kind of loon before he continued,
"Focus right over there!" With Alex pointing at one specific area in the image Kuroka did as he asked, which revealed the sole woman in the room, n.a.k.e.d with her legs spread wide as she buried her fingers in the hole between them. However that wasn't was Alex was focused on. Instead his gaze was centered on the brown monkey's tail swaying behind her.
"Another Saiyan...!" Alex muttered with evident excitement, as his blood suddenly started thundering in his veins and the entire guild hall started shaking and rumbling from his sudden battlel.u.s.t.
"Dibs! A hundred time dibs!" Alex exclaimed as his eyes never left the woman in the image, his desire to do battle another Saiyan overriding everything else at that moment, including what else was going on within the room around her.
Alex was so overcome with his desire to fight her, that he didn't even notice what his excitement was doing to the surroundings until Shia smacked the back of his head and said, "Sheesh, pay attention a little would you!"
Looking around Alex saw everyone looking at him as if he was some kind of monster from the way his excitement had affected his surroundings. "Sorry.." He said in an apologetic manner, however his excitement to fight the other Saiyan hadn't been curbed in he slightest, he just held in check better.
"So what are you planning to do with her?" Grayfia asked him curiously, as he usually had a tendency to draft enemy women into her combat maids. This time though Alex said without hesitation,
"I'll kill her. Aside from her Saiyan bloodline we know she apparently has the ability to bend others to her will, slave mark or not that's too dangerous an ability to keep around when another reincarnator is involved." Grayfia and their others nodded in understanding, all silently relieved he wouldn't try to keep this particular woman around.
Having seen everything they needed to about this particular opponent, and several things they didn't, Alex motioned to Kuroka that they could finally leave the room, when,
"That's enough, come here Gajeel~"
The moment she heard Gajeel's name Levy called for them to stop, as she also rushed towards Kuroka to see exactly what the Saiyan woman wanted with him. The latest of the long line of men that had been f.u.c.k.i.n.g the unfortunate Dragon Slayer backed off at her command, allowing Gajeel to stand up himself once more.
With her legs already spread as wide as could be, Alice then used her fingers to spread the pink folds of her flesh as well so that her soaking hole was completely visible.
"Are you ready Gajeel?" She asked in a sultry tone, as he slowly lumbered to her while saying slowly,
"Yes mistress..." Though he hadn't fallen completely yet, Alice knew it would only take a little bit more before he was completely hers, and then she could focus her attention entirely on Natsu.
"DON'T GO NEAR HER GAJEEL!" Levy cried out despite the fact that he couldn't hear her. Levy continued to plead and beg Gajeel to stop as he slowly shuffled closer to the Saiyan woman, before he placed the head of his c.o.c.k at her entrance.
"Wait!" Alice suddenly said, making Gajeel pause as she smiled gleefully and ordered,
"Tell me Gajeel, what is Levy to you?" Not knowing that the very person in question was actually watching this scene, Alice wanted to test the effectiveness of the nights activities so far. Levy however anxiously held her breath as Gajeel muttered,
"Levy...?" Alice nodded eagerly and repeated,
"What is to you Gajeel?" Though it took him several seconds to answer eventually Gajeel began,
"levy is....." With the woman in question at their head, everyone in the guild watched with bated breath at his answer, before he finished, "...nothing but an annoying and pathetic little attention whore, who means nothing to me..."
"No..." Levy whispered as she fell to her knees, her eyes empty.
"Good boy!" Alice smirked as she wrapped her legs around Gajeel's waist and forced his entire length into her at once.
"Yes!" Alice cried out as she felt Gajeel fill her, before the duo began their passionate lovemaking.
"Gajeel..." Levy whimpered as she watched the man she had grown to deeply care for, and possibly love, eagerly thrust into another woman as if his life depended on it.
"YEEEEEEESSSSSSS!" Alice screamed in ecstasy as she and Gajeel eagerly f.u.c.k.i.e.d, before she asked in her excitement,
"Who do you love Gajeel?!"
"You mistress Alice!"
"Who do you worship Gajeel?!"
"Who do you devote your everything to?!"
As he declared his love to her Gajeel let out a great m.o.a.n as his body came to a standstill, and he filled her with his seed.
"Gajeel..." Levy whimpered once more as tears fill her eyes, before she then fled the guild hall crying her eyes out.
"Levy..." Lucy whispered as she watched her friend flee. She was about to go after her when Alex stood up and said,
"This is my fault so I'll go talk to her." As it was his idea to spy on them in this way despite what they might have been doing to Gajeel and Natsu, and he was the reason they stuck around long enough for Alice to call for Gajeel, Alex considered it his fault that Levy witnessed what she did.
It was also him letting the reincarnator go that resulted in Gajeel and Natsu getting captured, though it was mostly their own stupidity, so he figured worst case Levy could take out her frustrations on him.
It was easy enough to find her as, aside from the crashing of the waves and rustle of the leaves in the trees, the only sounds one could hear outside the guild was that of Levy's crying. Finding her sitting on the beach, overlooking the waves that sparkled in the light of the almost full moon, Alex sat next to her and said,
"I'm sorry, you shouldn't have had to watch that." Instead of answering or hitting him like he thought, Levy only continued sobbing over Gajeel's fate. Always having hated seeing women genuinely cry, Alex did what he would've done for anyone in this situation, and put his arm around her comfortingly.
(A.N. Sorry for the delay, we're back to the season where work constantly kicks my ass, plus this chapter took me quite a bit longer than I thought it would have to to write.)
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