God succession system
Chapter 372 - Planning
"Ngh..." Levy g.r.o.a.n.e.d as she slowly regained her consciousness, her head feeling like someone had used it as a drum while her body felt heavy and sluggish, and the inside of her mouth felt dry and rough.
"What happened...?" She g.r.o.a.n.e.d groggily as she tried to recall the events of the night before.
The first thing she recalled was of course watching Gajeel being taken by that bitch while he called her a 'pathetic attention whore', and then running out to cry by herself. Though it was almost a blur after that, she recalled Alex coming out to comfort her before eventually heading back to the guild, and grabbing the nearest bottle of alcohol she could find.
With everything else after that a blank, Levy pushed herself up from the bed with the intention of going and getting herself a glass of water, but she quickly forgot about that when she noticed her current situation. Firstly she was completely n.a.k.e.d under the covers, which was secondary in her mind when she realized she wasn't alone in the bed.
"Oh. My. God..." Levy muttered as she realized that she had been hugged up uncomfortably close to Alex's b.a.r.e c.h.e.s.t with her n.a.k.e.d body, so much so that even as she pushed herself up one of her hands was against his impossibly hard abs.
"What the hell did I do last night?!" She cried out in not-so-minor panic.
*The night before*
"Gesh meh more boosh!" Levy slurred heavily as she demanded yet more alcohol, earning several looks of both pity and sympathy at her plight. The ones who seemed the most upset about Levy's behavior was Lucy, Jet, and Droy, the latter two of which had been a part of her team, Shadow Gear, before her and Gajeel started getting closer.
It had been a while since she and Alex returned, and as they continued using Kuroka's familiar to explore the enemy stronghold Levy had downed as much alcohol as she could, slurring Gajeel's name every so often. No one could blame her of course after what they had witnessed earlier.
Those who weren't worried about Levy were focused on the image Kuroka projected for them, where she explored almost the entire castle that was their opponents base. What surprised Alex the most was that their hideout didn't appear to be at a specific location, but the entire castle was situated in the middle of the ocean itself.
"No wonder no one could ever figure out where they were based at..." Bob, guild master of Blue Pegasus muttered to himself in realization. Naturally when Darius and the dark guilds started gaining power there had numerous teams sent to try and defeat them, but either they couldn't find a single trace of Darius's seat of power, or anyone who might have never returned.
The information obtained through Kuroka's familiar had answered a lot of questions that they had been asking for years, and then some. The most crucial piece of information they gained though was the last one, when Kuroka's familiar finally discovered the throne room, where Darius himself was waiting.
"Hm?" Darius stirred from sorting through all of the information he had gained from absorbing Acnologia when he noticed a presence, only for no one to be there.
"Must be my imagination..." He muttered to himself, before closing his eyes once more.
"That was close." Kuroka said as her familiar quickly escaped from the throne room where it had almost been discovered by Darius, despite its stealth capabilities.
Deciding to leave it at that for the night, especially with how late it already was, she then called the familiar back to her side.
"Nyan?" The black cat meowed cutely when it found itself back in it's mistress's arms, before Kuroka began scratching it under its chin as a reward for a job well done.
"Who's a good kitty?" Kuroka cooed at the cat, before Alex said,
"You both are." He then began to scratch Kuroka under her chin like she was her familiar, resulting in two cats filling the guild hall with the sounds of their purring. While the few remaining members left in the hall were staring at them, lucy and Mirajane were trying to take care of the very drunk Levy.
"Come on levy, it's time to go for the night..."
"I shtill wansh to shrink though..." She slurred heavily, making both girls sigh as they tried to get her to cooperate.
"Just bring her to the house with us, then you can keep an eye on her until she sobers up." Lucy nodded and tried to get Levy to go with her, but Mirajane and Erza paused before the latter nervously asked,
"Does that include us?" Alex nodded and said,
"Yeah, I want you two to take this time to get to know everyone a little better while I talk to the guild masters about a few things real quick." Though the duo initially nodded in understanding, when they then thought of Alex 'getting to know them better', their faces turned completely red as they wondered if he'd try to ravage them that very night.
Seeing this, Alex shook his head in exasperation before saying,
"Don't worry, after what we saw earlier even I'm not in the mood tonight. Tomorrow however.....I can't make any promises." Punctuating his words with a suggestive smile, the girl's embarrassment returned in full force as they quickly followed the rest out of the guild, with Levy in tow.
It wasn't until about fifteen minutes later that Alex himself finally left the guild hall, exhaling a tired sigh as he did so. It had been a fairly long day, and with no 'fun' planned that night he was looking forward to snuggling up with Sun as she hummed him to sleep.
Naturally things wouldn't go so smoothly, as, the second Alex opened the door to the temporary house, a pair of still warm p.a.n.t.i.e.s hit him in the face while catching onto his wild hair.
"Heehee, goaaaaaaaal." Levy cried out before stumbling to the side, completely n.a.k.e.d.
"What's going on here?" Alex asked as he pulled the p.a.n.t.i.e.s off of his face, only to see that Levy wasn't the only one n.a.k.e.d.
"Uh- um, welcome back...." Mirajane struggled to get out as she also tried to get the still drunk Levy under control alongside Erza and Lucy, despite the fact that the former two were also completely n.a.k.e.d. Lucy, the only one still wearing clothes, then tried to say while also struggling with Levy,
"I went to try and get a bed in one of the spare rooms set up for Levy, but when I came back the two of them were already n.a.k.e.d for some reason and Levy began stripping as well when she saw them." As she too began to pointedly look at the duo as if to ask why they had stripped, Erza awkwardly said,
"Um, Ms. Kuroka said that you always expect some of your servants to welcome you home n.a.k.e.d, and that it was our turn as the newest members..." Though Alex c.o.c.ked an eyebrow when he heard Erza refer to Kuroka as 'Ms. Kuroka', he remained silent for a moment as he unabashedly took in the view of the two pieces of art exposed before his eyes.
Erza and Mirajane squirmed slightly under Alex's gaze as they also fought the urge to cover themselves, neither one having felt such shame before. Mirajane had worked several times as a gravure model in the past as part of her being Fairy Tail's poster girl, but all of her most private areas had always been covered in one form or another, meaning this was the first time she was laying everything b.a.r.e for a man.
Erza on the other hand seemed to typically have no shame, regularly taking baths with Natsu and Gray even recently, however as fellow guild mates she had never actually saw them as anything more than her troublesome little brothers. Alex on the other hand was someone she knew for a fact she was going to enter into a s.e.x.u.a.l relationship with due to her accepting his Evil Piece, making her exceptionally conscious of their positions as man and woman.
As he took in Erza's appearance, from her b.r.e.a.s.ts that rivaled Lucy's in size to the neatly trimmed strip of scarlet hair crowing her pubic area, Alex couldn't help but imagine the various plays he could do with her later due to Erza's role as a knight. Then there was Mirajane, who's activities as a gravure model ensured she remained fit and perfectly proportioned, while the adventurous side of Alex couldn't help but imagine what s.e.x with her transformed state was like, though he kept in mind that he'd have to keep her sadistic tendencies in check as well.
Only taking a second or two to admire the view and fantasize a little bit, Alex then said,
"Unfortunately Kuroka was just messing with you since I don't have a such a rule in place, buuuuuut-" He then stepped towards them suddenly and reached out to smack their asscheeks, before grabbing onto them and pulling both girls closer while continuing, "-maybe I should make such a rule."
Erza struggled as she resisted the urge to smack Alex's hand away when she felt his fingers methodically knead her a.s.s, while Mirajane just continued to fidget embarrassedly under his grip until,
"Whash about me?" A slurred voice suddenly asked, making the three of them look over before all the tension and embarrassment evaporated on the spot.
Laying with her face against the ground and her a.s.s in the air, Levy wiggled her b.u.t.t back and forth inviting towards Alex, making him shake his head before saying firmly, "No Levy, I'm not going to take advantage of you like that."
The entire time he had ogling Erza and Mirajane, Alex had been pointedly ignoring Levy's n.a.k.e.d figure as well since he didn't want to feel as if he was taking advantage of her current situation. The girl herself g.r.o.a.n.e.d at his excuse, and slurred,
"Why not? I'm noshing but a little shomthing shomthing whore, aren't I?" Struggling to recall what exactly Gajeel had called her, Levy focused on him referring to her as a 'whore' as she then reached back with one hand and spread her b.u.t.t cheeks apart for Alex.
Refusing to even look at the offer more than he had to, Alex walked around her until he was above Levy's head, making her look up at him with tears of confusion in her eyes. Alex then knelt down and placed his palm again her temple, before saying in a firm voice,
"Sleep." In an instant Levy's eyes closed as she collapsed to the side on the floor, before Alex gently picked her up and held her out to Erza.
"Take her to the spare bedroom and stay there with Lucy and Mirajane for tonight, we'll talk more in the morning when she's sober." Erza nodded solemnly as she followed Lucy's lead to the room she prepared, before the summoner used the dial on the outside of the doorframe to set the room for four people, thanks to Lala installing the same tech used for the Love Room in the house.
With the rest of the girls in their own spare bedrooms for the night, Alex made his way to the main bedroom where a certain siren was waiting for him. Opening the door, Alex found Sun sitting up on the bed in a matching set of sky blue pajamas with clouds on them. Greeting him with a large smile, Sun patted her l.a.p and asked,
"Ready for bed?" Alex smiled warmly at his little siren, and replied as he stripped off his outer clothes,
"You have no idea." With only a pair of shorts remaining, Alex crawled onto the bed as well before gently laying his head in Sun's l.a.p.
"You were amazing today." Alex said as he laid down, referring to her role in the battle to help the allied guilds.
"Hmm-" Humming lightly and soothingly in response, Sun smiled as she began to play with Alex's hair slightly with one hand while the other started to lightly rub his c.h.e.s.t.
This was their usual ritual whenever Sun would sleep with him, as her role was more to help Alex feel comfort and relax without the usual s.e.x.u.a.l activities. And as usual, as Sun continued to lightly massage him Alex's breathing eventually became more steady as his eyes also started closing, until Sun believed that he was completely asleep. Smiling slightly at his sleeping expression, Sun moved a strand of her hair out of her face before she quickly leaned over and lightly planted her lips against Alex's.
Unlike the first time she did this, when she acted as if the brief intimate contact had shocked her, Sun drew out the kiss for several seconds before slowly drawing away from Alex's lips with a small smile on her face. She then began to the slowly and carefully extract her legs from under Alex's head, replacing them with a real pillow before she snuggled up to his side.
"Goodnight." She whispered before closing her eyes as well, right as the edges of Alex's own lips curled up in a minuscule smile of his own at her actions. Soon though he returned to the realm of dreams as his consciousness drifted away, until he was roused a couple hours later by someone entering the room.
Thinking it was one of the girls trying to get in a midnight visit, Alex was about to tell them to back to bed when he noticed that it wasn't actually any of them that had intruded, but Levy. Groaning softly at the cliche of getting lost or mistaking beds when half asleep, Alex was about to use Spatial magic to return her to her room as she started climbing into his bed, but paused when she quietly whimpered,
Faltering slightly, Alex eventually canceled his magic before muttering in the best impersonation of Gajeel he could muster,
"I'm right here short stuff." Immediately Levy smiled in her sleep as she snuggled closer to him, making Alex sigh as he tried to go back to sleep himself.
"What the hell did I do last night?!" Levy cried out as she desperately tried to recall what she did through her headache, but only drew a blank.
"Morning." Alex g.r.o.a.n.e.d as he woke up from Levy's shout, while Sun still slumbered at his side. With her being covered by the blankets, as well as the shorts Alex was still wearing, all Levy saw was the two of them sharing a bed together n.a.k.e.d, which could only mean one thing.
"Nonononononono, this can't be happening-!" As she tried to deny what was assumed from the evidence before her, Levy also began trying to back away from Alex until she inevitably reached the edge of the bed, and fell backwards.
"Ow...." She g.r.o.a.n.e.d as the sudden movement and impact sent another throb of pain through her skull, making her ignore the fact that she had landed with her legs spread in a perfect M. Shaking his head at her, Alex summoned a glass of water and offered it to her while saying,
"Drink. Now." With her head throbbing and her mouth and throat practically burning, Levy didn't even argue as she accepted the glass of water before downing the entire thing. For the next minute or so Levy focused only on the water she was chugging, as Alex handed her another two glasses before eventually asking,
"Better?" Levy nodded slightly despite the fact that her head was still throbbing, before Alex continued,
"Good, and you'll be happy to know that nothing happened between us so there's nothing to feel guilty about. However if you continue to show it off then I'll have to take it as an invitation though." As he said that Alex's voice adopted a teasing tone as he looked down at her with a gaze as if he was appraising art.
Realizing once more about her lack of dress, Levy hurriedly buried her hands over her exposed p.u.s.s.y before crying out,
"Don't look at me!" Shaking his head yet again, Alex said,
"Down the hall three doors on the right is the room that you started in with Lucy, Erza, and Mirajane." The words were barely out of his mouth before Levy was out the door running, giving him a perfect view of her a.s.s as she left, which he didn't hesitate to admire since she was no longer drunkenly trying to get his attention like she had the night before.
He then turned his attention to the surprisingly still sleeping siren, making him wonder if she was more tired than she let on after using her songs for so long on so many people. Deciding to let her sleep in, Alex stealthily planted a kiss on her lips this time before sneaking out the door, and sent a message to Lucy, Erza, and Mirajane before deliberating which of the girls he was going to drag into the bath with him.
Meanwhile Levy was panting as she tried to calm down from having 'escaped' a man's room n.a.k.e.d, where her three guild mates were stirring from their own sleep.
"Levy? What happened?!" Lucy asked once she saw that her friend was leaning against the door as she tried to catch her breath, while completely n.a.k.e.d again with the pajamas she had painstakingly put on her the night before laying discarded on the floor.
"I-I don't know Lucy... I just remember being so sad about Gajeel, picking up a bottle last night, and then I just woke up in another man's bed..." As if she hadn't heard Alex's confirmation that 'nothing happened', tears began forming at the corners of Levy's eyes as Lucy went to comfort her friend, while she simultaneously checked the message she received from Alex telling her not to tell Levy about her trying to seduce him the night before.
His message had also explained why Levy was in his bed, so Lucy just tried to get her friend to calm down while Erza and Mirajane also woke up. Eventually the trio managed to get her to calm a little bit, during which Lucy managed to get a robe out for her to wear from the impossibly large closet. Then Erza stated,
"Maybe a bath will do you some good. Even after everything that happened yesterday we didn't get a chance to clean off, so some warm water will help us all out." With Lucy and Mirajane agreeing with her, the former led the way to the large baths before she suddenly froze right outside the door, and said,
"Wait a second!" With Levy, Erza, and Mirajane all tensing up at her alertness, Lucy just barely cracked open the bathroom door to peek inside.
"Of course." She sighed while closing the door, after seeing the orgy taking place within. Shaking her head, Lucy led them back to their original room while saying,
"Sorry, I don't think you'd want to go in there right now." Since some of the sounds had escaped the bathroom when she cracked the door, all three of the other girls were red faced as they silently thanked Lucy for checking before they had just walked right in.
Arriving back at the room they had stayed in that night, Mirajane asked,
"Was there a bathroom in this room? I didn't see one before?" Lucy smirked proudly at her question, and stated,
"Watch this though!" She then operated the little dial besides the door until it was set the way she wanted, before opening the door to reveal the drastically changed inside of the room.
"Woah..." Erza muttered when she saw the luxurious bathroom that had replaced the room they slept in the night before.
The entire room was tiled with ivory colored tiles with a gold trim, while here and there amongst the different pools elegant statues dotted the bathroom that, with the push of a button, would pour water into the pools themselves. It was obvious that with the large size and number of pools to bath in, and no less than twenty wash stations to use, the bathroom was designed with a lot of people in mind.
"Is it really ok to use this?" Mirajane asked hesitantly as she looked around, feeling as if the extravagant room should belong exclusively to royalty. Lucy however was already stripping out of her pajamas as she said,
"Yep. Alex apparently has several high class women as a part of his peerage and harem, ranging from noble ladies, to former princesses, queens, and apparently even a goddess. Facilities like this are apparently commonplace in his home and whenever he travels so they'll never be without any comfort."
Though she hadn't seen his home for herself yet, Lucy had already heard from the others what to expect when they inevitably returned to Asora. With how luxurious and comfortable the temporary home and Zenith was, she had no problem believing their claims in the slightest. Of course Lucy wasn't fazed by this in the slightest due to her own upbringing, with her father being so wealthy that she had treated akin to royalty until she ran away from home.
Erza, Mirajane, and Levy were different though. They had all more or less grown up in the guild and the facilities it had provided, which weren't lacking by any means, but were still a far cry from the extravagance they were seeing now.
"To think-" Mirajane muttered quietly, "-this is our lives now..." Erza slowly nodded in agreement as she took in everything around them, while Levy felt the most out of place since the other three were technically a part of Alex's harem now, and she had just been dragged along due to being drunk.
"What are you waiting for? Come on!" Lucy urged them to join her, as she already began scrubbing herself at one of the wash stations.
Within moments Erza, Mirajane, and Levy had stripped and joined her, in which the latter was glad to finally start scrubbing away the faint scent of booze that lingered on her. For a few minutes there was silence as the group scrubbed themselves while also trying out the different varieties of soap available, until Mirajane suddenly asked,
"So Lucy, is there anything else we need to know about our new master?" It was obvious they were in for quite the drastic changes with what little they've seen so far, so Mirajane couldn't help but ask Lucy what else to expect in order to lessen the impact.
With both Erza and Levy also listening intently, Lucy was silent for several seconds as she thought before saying,
"Not that I know of. I only knew everyone a few days before we arrived on Tenrou Island so there isn't much more than you that I'd know, except...." As she suddenly thought of something Lucy's cheeks started turning red as she started rubbing her knees together, before eventually muttering,
"You better prepare yourself before he decides to eat you up..." When they heard that both Erza and Levy's minds immediately snapped to the collections of e.r.o.t.i.c novels they've read, before the former asked,
"Prepare how?!" Lucy was silent for several seconds at her question, before eventually admitting,
"You should be prepared to be broken both physically and mentally once he finally has his way with you, since you'll never be the same afterwards." As she said that Lucy felt the increasingly familiar itch start between her legs, as she suddenly wished she was participating in the ongoing orgy.
She then shook her head to try and rid herself of such thoughts while also cursing Alex for turning her into a pervert, which was of course noticed by her three guild mates. Erza and Mirajane then began to grill her about every single detail of what to expect when their time inevitably arrived, while Levy listened in with a mix of fascination and embarrassment.
When they finally left the bath after grilling Lucy for every single detail regarding her s.e.x life, the quartet found Alex and the rest of the girls gathered in the kitchen as Rias and Shia busied themselves making breakfast. It didn't take much to guess why everyone looked exceptionally 'refreshed' as they waited patiently for their food, with Mirajane, Erza, and Levy all avoiding eye contact after hearing the details from Lucy while the latter one also recalling what had happened earlier that morning.
"Good morning." Lucy greeted everyone before they greeted her and the others in return. "That was rather.....quick, wasn't it?" She asked hesitantly while referring to what she had spied on earlier. Alex didn't even hesitate to nod and explain,
"After the four of you went back to your room from last night, Kuroka used her mastery over time so that we could indulge ourselves all we wanted without wasting the day away."
"Of course..." Lucy murmured as she took her seat at the large table.
"Um..." Mirajane started as she stood awkwardly to the side along with Erza and Levy, not sure about what was expected of them.
"Go ahead and sit, breakfast shouldn't be much longer." Alex told them casually, even as both Yue and Moka proceeded to sink their fangs into either side of his neck to drink while they waited.
It was only after they took a seat on the opposite side of Lucy that Alex told them,
"While officially you may be my 'servants', I prefer to treat my peerage members as my wives. So instead of constantly trying to figure out your position, please act as you always have." With his piece said some of the tension in Erza and Mirajane's bodies seemed to vanish immediately, as their biggest concern was that neither was sure if their roles as Alex's 'servants' meant that they had certain responsibilities they were supposed to be doing.
However Mirajane had always been the one waiting on others for years, and wasn't used to being on the receiving end. So, with Alex telling them to act as they always have, she didn't hesitate to stand once more to help Rias and Shia prepare breakfast and set the table.
Within minutes everyone had a plate of food before as they quickly began eating, with Alex's group having worked up quite the appetite with all of their previous 'exercise'. When they were about done eating Lucy finally asked,
"So what now?" Alex finished chewing the last bit of food in his mouth before answering,
"Now that the battle's over we're going to spend the day fortifying the island and making sure that there's no more lingering members of any dark guilds around, but tomorrow the three of you will be returning home with us." Immediately everyone perked up around the table as Rias piped up,
"We're going home?!" Alex nodded and continued,
"Yeah. I'll discuss the details with Markarov and the others today, but when the island's secure I'm going to create a permanent portal to Asora here to provide them support." There was a veritable buzz of excitement as everyone excitedly talked of going home, while Rias and Grayfia were both happy that they'll get to see their sons soon.
"So what about the three of us?" Erza asked curiously.
"After properly meeting everyone you three will start training. We have something called the space-time orbs that will extend a single day into an entire month, and within the one we have several biomes that are home to several different environments and monsters of every kind. You and Mirajane will focus on leveling up and changing jobs as much as possible, while Lucy will work on using the Alteration magic I gave her to tame every monster she can."
When they heard him the trio's expressions hardened as they wondered exactly what kind of monsters they'll be facing in the near future. They didn't get long to dwell on it though, as Alex stood and dismissed everyone once they were done eating.
As he instructed, Lucy, Erza, and Mirajane went to go collect their personal belongings and say goodbyes to their friends and guild mates since quite a bit of time will pass from their perspective before seeing each other again. Kuroka, Yue, and Kurumu all set to applying the protective formations around that would not only protect it from those with hostile intentions, but using Kurumu's illusions it would also be hidden from their senses completely. The entire time they worked on this Mavis eagerly watched, studying their every move and each of the spells they used intently.
Meanwhile Shizuku, Yami, Moka, and Shia all searched around and in the waters surrounding the island to make sure there was no surviving members of the dark guilds left stranded or adrift. Though it was fairly ruthless work, Yami, Moka, and Shia managed it alright, while Shizuku couldn't help but wonder if she was becoming increasingly numb to all the killing, something she couldn't tell was good or bad.
While the two groups were working on securing the island, Rias and the others were working on their own projects. Lala was in her portable lab as she worked on some new invention, Anne was talking with Warrod about the different varieties of plants on the island, and Sun was visiting with Wendy and Sherria after she eventually woke up, both of who were telling her how much they admired her singing voice and songs from the day before.
As for Rias, the Crimson haired beauty was on the hunt to find candidates to fill some of her own remaining Evil Pieces, five 'Pawns'. She already had an person or two in mind after watching them fight the day before, but just in case she decided to talk with as many people as possible in order to make sure she didn't pass over any hidden gems. (A.N. I already have at least one person in mind, but I'm open to other suggestions as well.)
While everyone else was busy with this or that, Alex spent most of the day in a meeting with Markarov, Sting, Bob, Kagura, and Ooba as they discussed their plans, with Grayfia accompanying him to give advice and provide refreshments. It was pretty much unanimously decided that they couldn't just leave Natsu and Gajeel in the hands of the Dark Emperor and his generals, so the decision was made to set sail within the next few days to save them. This was where Alex stepped in, saying that since he could simply transfer everyone to Hargeon instantly that they could use the time that they'd be sailing to train for the upcoming battles instead.
It was then that he brought up his intention to open a portal to Asora the following day after they ensured the island was secure, through which they could provide the allied guilds with supplies and reinforcements. Though Alex had said that he didn't intend to take the battle away from the allied guilds by doing all the fighting themselves, that didn't change the fact that they were severely outnumbered. So Grayfia had agreed with Alex when he mentioned sending alternating groups of Valkyries and peerages to help bolster the ranks, something that the various guild masters were very relieved to hear.
After that they discussed specifics of the plan of attack, mainly that they make landfall at Hargeon before trying to find the location of Darius's floating castle from there. Though they had been tempted to ask Alex to use his magic compass to find the island to begin with, none of the guild masters wanted to be the one to ask him to do even more than he had already done for them.
The conversations and planning continued until it started getting dark out, at which point they finally called it quits for the day. As he and Grayfia slowly walked back to the temporary house the silver haired maid said,
"I'm sure that Rosswiess and the others will be grateful for the chance to fight while we are in this world." Alex nodded and replied,
"Yep, even if most of our opponents aren't as 'strong' as we're used to, there's several different types of magic in this world so even someone like Vali should find someone interesting to fight."
As Alex said there were users of various interesting types of magic in the dark guilds that one wouldn't necessarily think they'd fight against, such as a guy who would use his magic to lower the speed and perception of his opponents, making himself seem super fast in comparison. There was also a person who was capable of copying almost any and every magic that was performed before them, making them the worst possible opponent for any Mage.
As they walked Alex and Grayfia discussed who should be brought first until they finally got to the house, where they found an exhausted group waiting for them.
"That was so exhausting!" Shia cried out from where she was sprawled out on the floor, a growing puddle of sea water spreading from her.
"Did you go swimming?" Alex asked jokingly, to which Shia frustratedly declared,
"Don't even! One of those left over bastards apparently had a type of magic that let him breath under water, so I had to keep diving down until I finally got him!" There was a small round of chuckles at Shias woes, while Grayfia scolded,
"So you decided to just get sea water everywhere instead of cleaning yourself up?" This time Shia sat up and surprisingly glared at Grayfia before saying,
"What did you want me to do? Strip down out there in front of everyone?!" Grayfia then surprised everyone by snapping her fingers, and making all of Shias clothing disappear so that the bunny girl was suddenly n.a.k.e.d in the living room.
"Maybe not, but you certainly could have once you came inside, instead of getting the mess everywhere else." Grayfia said plainly before turning to go and prepare a round of refreshments. Shia simply huffed at her before flopping back down without a singe care about her sudden n.a.k.e.dness, before Alex suddenly seized her by the ankle.
"Kya!" Shia cried out in mock surprise as he threw her over his shoulder, before looking back and saying,
"Bath time!" When they heard that the rest of the girls stood and eagerly followed Alex as he made his way into the bath, sans Lucy, Erza, and Mirajane since they were still spending time with their guild mates.
"Ahhhhhh... I feel so refreshed!" Shia cried out happily as she washed away the remaining salt and sea water on her skin, which made Lala seem to recall something as she declared,
"I know! I have a new invention that'll make all the bubbles you could ever want to get clean with!" Before anyone could stop her, Lala used her almighty wand to summon an invention that looked like a miniature elephant.
With everyone focused on the elephant as it sprayed bubbles from it trunk, no one noticed a small metallic ring that had also appeared when all used her wand, which bounced and rolled until it stopped against Alex's feet. Looking down at what touched him, Alex immediately recognized the band as its started glowing, and had just enough time to say, "shit..." before he suddenly disappeared.
"Woah!" Alex cried out as he suddenly reappeared in a new location, before he fell onto down on top of someone.
"You've got to be kidding me..." He muttered to himself, before realizing that there was curiously familiar warm and wet sensation enveloping him 'below'.
Opening his eyes, Alex looked down to see the acting guild master of Mermaid Heel, Kagura, under his, her eyes also wide in surprise while her lips were wrapped around the base of his c.o.c.k.
"I'm so sorry!" Alex cried out as he hurriedly jumped up to get off of her, though he couldn't help but inwardly remark about how good her mouth felt. With her mouth free, Kagura began a fit of coughing from having his entire manhood suddenly shoved inside her mouth, a feat that actually surprised Alex considering how big he was and her lack of experience.
He didn't have time to dwell on that though, as he looked around for the first time and noticed where exactly he had ended up, though he had already somewhat expected it. The girl's bath.
With just about every(good looking) female member of Fairy Tail, Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus, Sabertooth, and Mermaid Heel arranged before him n.a.k.e.d as the day the were born, Alex could only awkwardly joke,
"So, does this mean it's time for the fairy orgy?"
"What happened...?" She g.r.o.a.n.e.d groggily as she tried to recall the events of the night before.
The first thing she recalled was of course watching Gajeel being taken by that bitch while he called her a 'pathetic attention whore', and then running out to cry by herself. Though it was almost a blur after that, she recalled Alex coming out to comfort her before eventually heading back to the guild, and grabbing the nearest bottle of alcohol she could find.
With everything else after that a blank, Levy pushed herself up from the bed with the intention of going and getting herself a glass of water, but she quickly forgot about that when she noticed her current situation. Firstly she was completely n.a.k.e.d under the covers, which was secondary in her mind when she realized she wasn't alone in the bed.
"Oh. My. God..." Levy muttered as she realized that she had been hugged up uncomfortably close to Alex's b.a.r.e c.h.e.s.t with her n.a.k.e.d body, so much so that even as she pushed herself up one of her hands was against his impossibly hard abs.
"What the hell did I do last night?!" She cried out in not-so-minor panic.
*The night before*
"Gesh meh more boosh!" Levy slurred heavily as she demanded yet more alcohol, earning several looks of both pity and sympathy at her plight. The ones who seemed the most upset about Levy's behavior was Lucy, Jet, and Droy, the latter two of which had been a part of her team, Shadow Gear, before her and Gajeel started getting closer.
It had been a while since she and Alex returned, and as they continued using Kuroka's familiar to explore the enemy stronghold Levy had downed as much alcohol as she could, slurring Gajeel's name every so often. No one could blame her of course after what they had witnessed earlier.
Those who weren't worried about Levy were focused on the image Kuroka projected for them, where she explored almost the entire castle that was their opponents base. What surprised Alex the most was that their hideout didn't appear to be at a specific location, but the entire castle was situated in the middle of the ocean itself.
"No wonder no one could ever figure out where they were based at..." Bob, guild master of Blue Pegasus muttered to himself in realization. Naturally when Darius and the dark guilds started gaining power there had numerous teams sent to try and defeat them, but either they couldn't find a single trace of Darius's seat of power, or anyone who might have never returned.
The information obtained through Kuroka's familiar had answered a lot of questions that they had been asking for years, and then some. The most crucial piece of information they gained though was the last one, when Kuroka's familiar finally discovered the throne room, where Darius himself was waiting.
"Hm?" Darius stirred from sorting through all of the information he had gained from absorbing Acnologia when he noticed a presence, only for no one to be there.
"Must be my imagination..." He muttered to himself, before closing his eyes once more.
"That was close." Kuroka said as her familiar quickly escaped from the throne room where it had almost been discovered by Darius, despite its stealth capabilities.
Deciding to leave it at that for the night, especially with how late it already was, she then called the familiar back to her side.
"Nyan?" The black cat meowed cutely when it found itself back in it's mistress's arms, before Kuroka began scratching it under its chin as a reward for a job well done.
"Who's a good kitty?" Kuroka cooed at the cat, before Alex said,
"You both are." He then began to scratch Kuroka under her chin like she was her familiar, resulting in two cats filling the guild hall with the sounds of their purring. While the few remaining members left in the hall were staring at them, lucy and Mirajane were trying to take care of the very drunk Levy.
"Come on levy, it's time to go for the night..."
"I shtill wansh to shrink though..." She slurred heavily, making both girls sigh as they tried to get her to cooperate.
"Just bring her to the house with us, then you can keep an eye on her until she sobers up." Lucy nodded and tried to get Levy to go with her, but Mirajane and Erza paused before the latter nervously asked,
"Does that include us?" Alex nodded and said,
"Yeah, I want you two to take this time to get to know everyone a little better while I talk to the guild masters about a few things real quick." Though the duo initially nodded in understanding, when they then thought of Alex 'getting to know them better', their faces turned completely red as they wondered if he'd try to ravage them that very night.
Seeing this, Alex shook his head in exasperation before saying,
"Don't worry, after what we saw earlier even I'm not in the mood tonight. Tomorrow however.....I can't make any promises." Punctuating his words with a suggestive smile, the girl's embarrassment returned in full force as they quickly followed the rest out of the guild, with Levy in tow.
It wasn't until about fifteen minutes later that Alex himself finally left the guild hall, exhaling a tired sigh as he did so. It had been a fairly long day, and with no 'fun' planned that night he was looking forward to snuggling up with Sun as she hummed him to sleep.
Naturally things wouldn't go so smoothly, as, the second Alex opened the door to the temporary house, a pair of still warm p.a.n.t.i.e.s hit him in the face while catching onto his wild hair.
"Heehee, goaaaaaaaal." Levy cried out before stumbling to the side, completely n.a.k.e.d.
"What's going on here?" Alex asked as he pulled the p.a.n.t.i.e.s off of his face, only to see that Levy wasn't the only one n.a.k.e.d.
"Uh- um, welcome back...." Mirajane struggled to get out as she also tried to get the still drunk Levy under control alongside Erza and Lucy, despite the fact that the former two were also completely n.a.k.e.d. Lucy, the only one still wearing clothes, then tried to say while also struggling with Levy,
"I went to try and get a bed in one of the spare rooms set up for Levy, but when I came back the two of them were already n.a.k.e.d for some reason and Levy began stripping as well when she saw them." As she too began to pointedly look at the duo as if to ask why they had stripped, Erza awkwardly said,
"Um, Ms. Kuroka said that you always expect some of your servants to welcome you home n.a.k.e.d, and that it was our turn as the newest members..." Though Alex c.o.c.ked an eyebrow when he heard Erza refer to Kuroka as 'Ms. Kuroka', he remained silent for a moment as he unabashedly took in the view of the two pieces of art exposed before his eyes.
Erza and Mirajane squirmed slightly under Alex's gaze as they also fought the urge to cover themselves, neither one having felt such shame before. Mirajane had worked several times as a gravure model in the past as part of her being Fairy Tail's poster girl, but all of her most private areas had always been covered in one form or another, meaning this was the first time she was laying everything b.a.r.e for a man.
Erza on the other hand seemed to typically have no shame, regularly taking baths with Natsu and Gray even recently, however as fellow guild mates she had never actually saw them as anything more than her troublesome little brothers. Alex on the other hand was someone she knew for a fact she was going to enter into a s.e.x.u.a.l relationship with due to her accepting his Evil Piece, making her exceptionally conscious of their positions as man and woman.
As he took in Erza's appearance, from her b.r.e.a.s.ts that rivaled Lucy's in size to the neatly trimmed strip of scarlet hair crowing her pubic area, Alex couldn't help but imagine the various plays he could do with her later due to Erza's role as a knight. Then there was Mirajane, who's activities as a gravure model ensured she remained fit and perfectly proportioned, while the adventurous side of Alex couldn't help but imagine what s.e.x with her transformed state was like, though he kept in mind that he'd have to keep her sadistic tendencies in check as well.
Only taking a second or two to admire the view and fantasize a little bit, Alex then said,
"Unfortunately Kuroka was just messing with you since I don't have a such a rule in place, buuuuuut-" He then stepped towards them suddenly and reached out to smack their asscheeks, before grabbing onto them and pulling both girls closer while continuing, "-maybe I should make such a rule."
Erza struggled as she resisted the urge to smack Alex's hand away when she felt his fingers methodically knead her a.s.s, while Mirajane just continued to fidget embarrassedly under his grip until,
"Whash about me?" A slurred voice suddenly asked, making the three of them look over before all the tension and embarrassment evaporated on the spot.
Laying with her face against the ground and her a.s.s in the air, Levy wiggled her b.u.t.t back and forth inviting towards Alex, making him shake his head before saying firmly, "No Levy, I'm not going to take advantage of you like that."
The entire time he had ogling Erza and Mirajane, Alex had been pointedly ignoring Levy's n.a.k.e.d figure as well since he didn't want to feel as if he was taking advantage of her current situation. The girl herself g.r.o.a.n.e.d at his excuse, and slurred,
"Why not? I'm noshing but a little shomthing shomthing whore, aren't I?" Struggling to recall what exactly Gajeel had called her, Levy focused on him referring to her as a 'whore' as she then reached back with one hand and spread her b.u.t.t cheeks apart for Alex.
Refusing to even look at the offer more than he had to, Alex walked around her until he was above Levy's head, making her look up at him with tears of confusion in her eyes. Alex then knelt down and placed his palm again her temple, before saying in a firm voice,
"Sleep." In an instant Levy's eyes closed as she collapsed to the side on the floor, before Alex gently picked her up and held her out to Erza.
"Take her to the spare bedroom and stay there with Lucy and Mirajane for tonight, we'll talk more in the morning when she's sober." Erza nodded solemnly as she followed Lucy's lead to the room she prepared, before the summoner used the dial on the outside of the doorframe to set the room for four people, thanks to Lala installing the same tech used for the Love Room in the house.
With the rest of the girls in their own spare bedrooms for the night, Alex made his way to the main bedroom where a certain siren was waiting for him. Opening the door, Alex found Sun sitting up on the bed in a matching set of sky blue pajamas with clouds on them. Greeting him with a large smile, Sun patted her l.a.p and asked,
"Ready for bed?" Alex smiled warmly at his little siren, and replied as he stripped off his outer clothes,
"You have no idea." With only a pair of shorts remaining, Alex crawled onto the bed as well before gently laying his head in Sun's l.a.p.
"You were amazing today." Alex said as he laid down, referring to her role in the battle to help the allied guilds.
"Hmm-" Humming lightly and soothingly in response, Sun smiled as she began to play with Alex's hair slightly with one hand while the other started to lightly rub his c.h.e.s.t.
This was their usual ritual whenever Sun would sleep with him, as her role was more to help Alex feel comfort and relax without the usual s.e.x.u.a.l activities. And as usual, as Sun continued to lightly massage him Alex's breathing eventually became more steady as his eyes also started closing, until Sun believed that he was completely asleep. Smiling slightly at his sleeping expression, Sun moved a strand of her hair out of her face before she quickly leaned over and lightly planted her lips against Alex's.
Unlike the first time she did this, when she acted as if the brief intimate contact had shocked her, Sun drew out the kiss for several seconds before slowly drawing away from Alex's lips with a small smile on her face. She then began to the slowly and carefully extract her legs from under Alex's head, replacing them with a real pillow before she snuggled up to his side.
"Goodnight." She whispered before closing her eyes as well, right as the edges of Alex's own lips curled up in a minuscule smile of his own at her actions. Soon though he returned to the realm of dreams as his consciousness drifted away, until he was roused a couple hours later by someone entering the room.
Thinking it was one of the girls trying to get in a midnight visit, Alex was about to tell them to back to bed when he noticed that it wasn't actually any of them that had intruded, but Levy. Groaning softly at the cliche of getting lost or mistaking beds when half asleep, Alex was about to use Spatial magic to return her to her room as she started climbing into his bed, but paused when she quietly whimpered,
Faltering slightly, Alex eventually canceled his magic before muttering in the best impersonation of Gajeel he could muster,
"I'm right here short stuff." Immediately Levy smiled in her sleep as she snuggled closer to him, making Alex sigh as he tried to go back to sleep himself.
"What the hell did I do last night?!" Levy cried out as she desperately tried to recall what she did through her headache, but only drew a blank.
"Morning." Alex g.r.o.a.n.e.d as he woke up from Levy's shout, while Sun still slumbered at his side. With her being covered by the blankets, as well as the shorts Alex was still wearing, all Levy saw was the two of them sharing a bed together n.a.k.e.d, which could only mean one thing.
"Nonononononono, this can't be happening-!" As she tried to deny what was assumed from the evidence before her, Levy also began trying to back away from Alex until she inevitably reached the edge of the bed, and fell backwards.
"Ow...." She g.r.o.a.n.e.d as the sudden movement and impact sent another throb of pain through her skull, making her ignore the fact that she had landed with her legs spread in a perfect M. Shaking his head at her, Alex summoned a glass of water and offered it to her while saying,
"Drink. Now." With her head throbbing and her mouth and throat practically burning, Levy didn't even argue as she accepted the glass of water before downing the entire thing. For the next minute or so Levy focused only on the water she was chugging, as Alex handed her another two glasses before eventually asking,
"Better?" Levy nodded slightly despite the fact that her head was still throbbing, before Alex continued,
"Good, and you'll be happy to know that nothing happened between us so there's nothing to feel guilty about. However if you continue to show it off then I'll have to take it as an invitation though." As he said that Alex's voice adopted a teasing tone as he looked down at her with a gaze as if he was appraising art.
Realizing once more about her lack of dress, Levy hurriedly buried her hands over her exposed p.u.s.s.y before crying out,
"Don't look at me!" Shaking his head yet again, Alex said,
"Down the hall three doors on the right is the room that you started in with Lucy, Erza, and Mirajane." The words were barely out of his mouth before Levy was out the door running, giving him a perfect view of her a.s.s as she left, which he didn't hesitate to admire since she was no longer drunkenly trying to get his attention like she had the night before.
He then turned his attention to the surprisingly still sleeping siren, making him wonder if she was more tired than she let on after using her songs for so long on so many people. Deciding to let her sleep in, Alex stealthily planted a kiss on her lips this time before sneaking out the door, and sent a message to Lucy, Erza, and Mirajane before deliberating which of the girls he was going to drag into the bath with him.
Meanwhile Levy was panting as she tried to calm down from having 'escaped' a man's room n.a.k.e.d, where her three guild mates were stirring from their own sleep.
"Levy? What happened?!" Lucy asked once she saw that her friend was leaning against the door as she tried to catch her breath, while completely n.a.k.e.d again with the pajamas she had painstakingly put on her the night before laying discarded on the floor.
"I-I don't know Lucy... I just remember being so sad about Gajeel, picking up a bottle last night, and then I just woke up in another man's bed..." As if she hadn't heard Alex's confirmation that 'nothing happened', tears began forming at the corners of Levy's eyes as Lucy went to comfort her friend, while she simultaneously checked the message she received from Alex telling her not to tell Levy about her trying to seduce him the night before.
His message had also explained why Levy was in his bed, so Lucy just tried to get her friend to calm down while Erza and Mirajane also woke up. Eventually the trio managed to get her to calm a little bit, during which Lucy managed to get a robe out for her to wear from the impossibly large closet. Then Erza stated,
"Maybe a bath will do you some good. Even after everything that happened yesterday we didn't get a chance to clean off, so some warm water will help us all out." With Lucy and Mirajane agreeing with her, the former led the way to the large baths before she suddenly froze right outside the door, and said,
"Wait a second!" With Levy, Erza, and Mirajane all tensing up at her alertness, Lucy just barely cracked open the bathroom door to peek inside.
"Of course." She sighed while closing the door, after seeing the orgy taking place within. Shaking her head, Lucy led them back to their original room while saying,
"Sorry, I don't think you'd want to go in there right now." Since some of the sounds had escaped the bathroom when she cracked the door, all three of the other girls were red faced as they silently thanked Lucy for checking before they had just walked right in.
Arriving back at the room they had stayed in that night, Mirajane asked,
"Was there a bathroom in this room? I didn't see one before?" Lucy smirked proudly at her question, and stated,
"Watch this though!" She then operated the little dial besides the door until it was set the way she wanted, before opening the door to reveal the drastically changed inside of the room.
"Woah..." Erza muttered when she saw the luxurious bathroom that had replaced the room they slept in the night before.
The entire room was tiled with ivory colored tiles with a gold trim, while here and there amongst the different pools elegant statues dotted the bathroom that, with the push of a button, would pour water into the pools themselves. It was obvious that with the large size and number of pools to bath in, and no less than twenty wash stations to use, the bathroom was designed with a lot of people in mind.
"Is it really ok to use this?" Mirajane asked hesitantly as she looked around, feeling as if the extravagant room should belong exclusively to royalty. Lucy however was already stripping out of her pajamas as she said,
"Yep. Alex apparently has several high class women as a part of his peerage and harem, ranging from noble ladies, to former princesses, queens, and apparently even a goddess. Facilities like this are apparently commonplace in his home and whenever he travels so they'll never be without any comfort."
Though she hadn't seen his home for herself yet, Lucy had already heard from the others what to expect when they inevitably returned to Asora. With how luxurious and comfortable the temporary home and Zenith was, she had no problem believing their claims in the slightest. Of course Lucy wasn't fazed by this in the slightest due to her own upbringing, with her father being so wealthy that she had treated akin to royalty until she ran away from home.
Erza, Mirajane, and Levy were different though. They had all more or less grown up in the guild and the facilities it had provided, which weren't lacking by any means, but were still a far cry from the extravagance they were seeing now.
"To think-" Mirajane muttered quietly, "-this is our lives now..." Erza slowly nodded in agreement as she took in everything around them, while Levy felt the most out of place since the other three were technically a part of Alex's harem now, and she had just been dragged along due to being drunk.
"What are you waiting for? Come on!" Lucy urged them to join her, as she already began scrubbing herself at one of the wash stations.
Within moments Erza, Mirajane, and Levy had stripped and joined her, in which the latter was glad to finally start scrubbing away the faint scent of booze that lingered on her. For a few minutes there was silence as the group scrubbed themselves while also trying out the different varieties of soap available, until Mirajane suddenly asked,
"So Lucy, is there anything else we need to know about our new master?" It was obvious they were in for quite the drastic changes with what little they've seen so far, so Mirajane couldn't help but ask Lucy what else to expect in order to lessen the impact.
With both Erza and Levy also listening intently, Lucy was silent for several seconds as she thought before saying,
"Not that I know of. I only knew everyone a few days before we arrived on Tenrou Island so there isn't much more than you that I'd know, except...." As she suddenly thought of something Lucy's cheeks started turning red as she started rubbing her knees together, before eventually muttering,
"You better prepare yourself before he decides to eat you up..." When they heard that both Erza and Levy's minds immediately snapped to the collections of e.r.o.t.i.c novels they've read, before the former asked,
"Prepare how?!" Lucy was silent for several seconds at her question, before eventually admitting,
"You should be prepared to be broken both physically and mentally once he finally has his way with you, since you'll never be the same afterwards." As she said that Lucy felt the increasingly familiar itch start between her legs, as she suddenly wished she was participating in the ongoing orgy.
She then shook her head to try and rid herself of such thoughts while also cursing Alex for turning her into a pervert, which was of course noticed by her three guild mates. Erza and Mirajane then began to grill her about every single detail of what to expect when their time inevitably arrived, while Levy listened in with a mix of fascination and embarrassment.
When they finally left the bath after grilling Lucy for every single detail regarding her s.e.x life, the quartet found Alex and the rest of the girls gathered in the kitchen as Rias and Shia busied themselves making breakfast. It didn't take much to guess why everyone looked exceptionally 'refreshed' as they waited patiently for their food, with Mirajane, Erza, and Levy all avoiding eye contact after hearing the details from Lucy while the latter one also recalling what had happened earlier that morning.
"Good morning." Lucy greeted everyone before they greeted her and the others in return. "That was rather.....quick, wasn't it?" She asked hesitantly while referring to what she had spied on earlier. Alex didn't even hesitate to nod and explain,
"After the four of you went back to your room from last night, Kuroka used her mastery over time so that we could indulge ourselves all we wanted without wasting the day away."
"Of course..." Lucy murmured as she took her seat at the large table.
"Um..." Mirajane started as she stood awkwardly to the side along with Erza and Levy, not sure about what was expected of them.
"Go ahead and sit, breakfast shouldn't be much longer." Alex told them casually, even as both Yue and Moka proceeded to sink their fangs into either side of his neck to drink while they waited.
It was only after they took a seat on the opposite side of Lucy that Alex told them,
"While officially you may be my 'servants', I prefer to treat my peerage members as my wives. So instead of constantly trying to figure out your position, please act as you always have." With his piece said some of the tension in Erza and Mirajane's bodies seemed to vanish immediately, as their biggest concern was that neither was sure if their roles as Alex's 'servants' meant that they had certain responsibilities they were supposed to be doing.
However Mirajane had always been the one waiting on others for years, and wasn't used to being on the receiving end. So, with Alex telling them to act as they always have, she didn't hesitate to stand once more to help Rias and Shia prepare breakfast and set the table.
Within minutes everyone had a plate of food before as they quickly began eating, with Alex's group having worked up quite the appetite with all of their previous 'exercise'. When they were about done eating Lucy finally asked,
"So what now?" Alex finished chewing the last bit of food in his mouth before answering,
"Now that the battle's over we're going to spend the day fortifying the island and making sure that there's no more lingering members of any dark guilds around, but tomorrow the three of you will be returning home with us." Immediately everyone perked up around the table as Rias piped up,
"We're going home?!" Alex nodded and continued,
"Yeah. I'll discuss the details with Markarov and the others today, but when the island's secure I'm going to create a permanent portal to Asora here to provide them support." There was a veritable buzz of excitement as everyone excitedly talked of going home, while Rias and Grayfia were both happy that they'll get to see their sons soon.
"So what about the three of us?" Erza asked curiously.
"After properly meeting everyone you three will start training. We have something called the space-time orbs that will extend a single day into an entire month, and within the one we have several biomes that are home to several different environments and monsters of every kind. You and Mirajane will focus on leveling up and changing jobs as much as possible, while Lucy will work on using the Alteration magic I gave her to tame every monster she can."
When they heard him the trio's expressions hardened as they wondered exactly what kind of monsters they'll be facing in the near future. They didn't get long to dwell on it though, as Alex stood and dismissed everyone once they were done eating.
As he instructed, Lucy, Erza, and Mirajane went to go collect their personal belongings and say goodbyes to their friends and guild mates since quite a bit of time will pass from their perspective before seeing each other again. Kuroka, Yue, and Kurumu all set to applying the protective formations around that would not only protect it from those with hostile intentions, but using Kurumu's illusions it would also be hidden from their senses completely. The entire time they worked on this Mavis eagerly watched, studying their every move and each of the spells they used intently.
Meanwhile Shizuku, Yami, Moka, and Shia all searched around and in the waters surrounding the island to make sure there was no surviving members of the dark guilds left stranded or adrift. Though it was fairly ruthless work, Yami, Moka, and Shia managed it alright, while Shizuku couldn't help but wonder if she was becoming increasingly numb to all the killing, something she couldn't tell was good or bad.
While the two groups were working on securing the island, Rias and the others were working on their own projects. Lala was in her portable lab as she worked on some new invention, Anne was talking with Warrod about the different varieties of plants on the island, and Sun was visiting with Wendy and Sherria after she eventually woke up, both of who were telling her how much they admired her singing voice and songs from the day before.
As for Rias, the Crimson haired beauty was on the hunt to find candidates to fill some of her own remaining Evil Pieces, five 'Pawns'. She already had an person or two in mind after watching them fight the day before, but just in case she decided to talk with as many people as possible in order to make sure she didn't pass over any hidden gems. (A.N. I already have at least one person in mind, but I'm open to other suggestions as well.)
While everyone else was busy with this or that, Alex spent most of the day in a meeting with Markarov, Sting, Bob, Kagura, and Ooba as they discussed their plans, with Grayfia accompanying him to give advice and provide refreshments. It was pretty much unanimously decided that they couldn't just leave Natsu and Gajeel in the hands of the Dark Emperor and his generals, so the decision was made to set sail within the next few days to save them. This was where Alex stepped in, saying that since he could simply transfer everyone to Hargeon instantly that they could use the time that they'd be sailing to train for the upcoming battles instead.
It was then that he brought up his intention to open a portal to Asora the following day after they ensured the island was secure, through which they could provide the allied guilds with supplies and reinforcements. Though Alex had said that he didn't intend to take the battle away from the allied guilds by doing all the fighting themselves, that didn't change the fact that they were severely outnumbered. So Grayfia had agreed with Alex when he mentioned sending alternating groups of Valkyries and peerages to help bolster the ranks, something that the various guild masters were very relieved to hear.
After that they discussed specifics of the plan of attack, mainly that they make landfall at Hargeon before trying to find the location of Darius's floating castle from there. Though they had been tempted to ask Alex to use his magic compass to find the island to begin with, none of the guild masters wanted to be the one to ask him to do even more than he had already done for them.
The conversations and planning continued until it started getting dark out, at which point they finally called it quits for the day. As he and Grayfia slowly walked back to the temporary house the silver haired maid said,
"I'm sure that Rosswiess and the others will be grateful for the chance to fight while we are in this world." Alex nodded and replied,
"Yep, even if most of our opponents aren't as 'strong' as we're used to, there's several different types of magic in this world so even someone like Vali should find someone interesting to fight."
As Alex said there were users of various interesting types of magic in the dark guilds that one wouldn't necessarily think they'd fight against, such as a guy who would use his magic to lower the speed and perception of his opponents, making himself seem super fast in comparison. There was also a person who was capable of copying almost any and every magic that was performed before them, making them the worst possible opponent for any Mage.
As they walked Alex and Grayfia discussed who should be brought first until they finally got to the house, where they found an exhausted group waiting for them.
"That was so exhausting!" Shia cried out from where she was sprawled out on the floor, a growing puddle of sea water spreading from her.
"Did you go swimming?" Alex asked jokingly, to which Shia frustratedly declared,
"Don't even! One of those left over bastards apparently had a type of magic that let him breath under water, so I had to keep diving down until I finally got him!" There was a small round of chuckles at Shias woes, while Grayfia scolded,
"So you decided to just get sea water everywhere instead of cleaning yourself up?" This time Shia sat up and surprisingly glared at Grayfia before saying,
"What did you want me to do? Strip down out there in front of everyone?!" Grayfia then surprised everyone by snapping her fingers, and making all of Shias clothing disappear so that the bunny girl was suddenly n.a.k.e.d in the living room.
"Maybe not, but you certainly could have once you came inside, instead of getting the mess everywhere else." Grayfia said plainly before turning to go and prepare a round of refreshments. Shia simply huffed at her before flopping back down without a singe care about her sudden n.a.k.e.dness, before Alex suddenly seized her by the ankle.
"Kya!" Shia cried out in mock surprise as he threw her over his shoulder, before looking back and saying,
"Bath time!" When they heard that the rest of the girls stood and eagerly followed Alex as he made his way into the bath, sans Lucy, Erza, and Mirajane since they were still spending time with their guild mates.
"Ahhhhhh... I feel so refreshed!" Shia cried out happily as she washed away the remaining salt and sea water on her skin, which made Lala seem to recall something as she declared,
"I know! I have a new invention that'll make all the bubbles you could ever want to get clean with!" Before anyone could stop her, Lala used her almighty wand to summon an invention that looked like a miniature elephant.
With everyone focused on the elephant as it sprayed bubbles from it trunk, no one noticed a small metallic ring that had also appeared when all used her wand, which bounced and rolled until it stopped against Alex's feet. Looking down at what touched him, Alex immediately recognized the band as its started glowing, and had just enough time to say, "shit..." before he suddenly disappeared.
"Woah!" Alex cried out as he suddenly reappeared in a new location, before he fell onto down on top of someone.
"You've got to be kidding me..." He muttered to himself, before realizing that there was curiously familiar warm and wet sensation enveloping him 'below'.
Opening his eyes, Alex looked down to see the acting guild master of Mermaid Heel, Kagura, under his, her eyes also wide in surprise while her lips were wrapped around the base of his c.o.c.k.
"I'm so sorry!" Alex cried out as he hurriedly jumped up to get off of her, though he couldn't help but inwardly remark about how good her mouth felt. With her mouth free, Kagura began a fit of coughing from having his entire manhood suddenly shoved inside her mouth, a feat that actually surprised Alex considering how big he was and her lack of experience.
He didn't have time to dwell on that though, as he looked around for the first time and noticed where exactly he had ended up, though he had already somewhat expected it. The girl's bath.
With just about every(good looking) female member of Fairy Tail, Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus, Sabertooth, and Mermaid Heel arranged before him n.a.k.e.d as the day the were born, Alex could only awkwardly joke,
"So, does this mean it's time for the fairy orgy?"
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