God Takes The Place Of Blind Date, And Boss Yang Regrets It To Death

Chapter 10: Preparing For The Filming Of The Richest Man In Xihong City

"Yifei, how's it going? Is the deal done?"

As soon as Liu Yifei returned to the house, Liu Xiaoli asked expectantly.

"Yes." Liu Yifei nodded happily and took out the contract: "The contract has been signed."

Liu Xiaoli took the contract and read it, while Liu Yifei went to the bathroom to wash her feet, wiped them clean, and lay down on the bed to rest.

Looking at the ceiling, Liu Yifei couldn't help but think of the scenes with Lin Xiao.

Thinking about the way he devoured the barbecue, thinking about the way the two people's shadows were close to each other, thinking about the occasional touch of their arms, that magical feeling of electric shock.

Of course, there is also Lin Xiao's appearance when his brain breaks down.

Thinking of this, Liu Yifei couldn't help pouting and snorting.

It was too presumptuous, a little too much, and he actually dared to blow his own brains.

Liu Yifei thought angrily, but she was not angry.

Girls never like honest boys.

Liu Yifei turned around and looked at the little bear who had been bullied all night, her eyes gradually becoming gentle.

I flicked the bear's nose and couldn't help but think: What is that bad guy doing now? did you miss me?

"Ah, cut~"

Who is thinking about me?

Lin Xiao was taking a shower when he suddenly sneezed.

Forget it for men, but women can call directly!

Lin Xiao's thoughts wandered, then he shook his head and continued washing.

After taking a shower, I lay on the bed and fell asleep quickly.

When I opened my eyes again, it was already the next day.

"Lin Xiao, my mother and I are going to record a single first. Do you want to come with us?"

Just after waking up, Lin Xiao received a message from Liu Yifei.

"No, I have something else to do, come on."

With her mother here, Lin Xiao didn't want to join in the fun, not to mention not getting the slightest advantage, but also having to bear the psychological pressure of meeting her parents.

After brushing his teeth and washing up, Lin Xiao went downstairs to have some breakfast, and then went back to the rental house to code.

Although I registered the copyright of the song yesterday, the script has not started yet.

A script of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of words can take several days to write. Obviously, it cannot be completed in one afternoon or one night.

As for the scripts, Lin Xiao had no intention of writing them down and registering them in one go, as that would be too tiring.

He plans to write one first and then go to shoot it. In his spare time, he will slowly write other scripts.

With the skills of a movie star, a good script, and the royalties have been paid, it means that he has start-up capital. Naturally, Lin Xiao also wants to have fun on the big screen.

No one can refuse the cheers and admiration of fans. Although everyone hates idiot fans, who doesn’t want someone to fan them unconditionally?

Once you’ve made up your mind, it’s time to choose the movie.

What movie should you shoot first?

There are so many good movies, and as his first movie, he really doesn’t know how to choose.

Forget it, don’t think about it anymore, just go directly from the box office rankings.

Lin Xiao thought and started filtering directly from the box office rankings.

"Changjin Lake", "Wolf Warrior 2"


Without any hesitation, Lin Xiao directly crossed out these two movies.

Although these two movies are excellent, they require the use of too many weapons and equipment, even helicopters, tanks, and warships.

With his current ability and funds, he is obviously not qualified to shoot a movie of this level.

"Hello, Li Huanying"

This movie is relatively simple, with no big scenes and no special effects.

However, after thinking about it, Lin Xiao still shook his head.

Although this movie cannot be called a bad movie, it definitely reaped the dividends of the epidemic. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to have such a high box office. It is a miracle to get one tenth of it.

"Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes to the World", "The Wandering Earth", "Man Jiang Hong"...

After some comparisons, Lin Xiao finally made the choice to shoot "The Richest Man in Xihong City" for his first movie.

This movie does not have the bonus of star power, nor the bonus of environmental factors such as the epidemic. The reason why this movie has such a high box office is entirely because of the excellent acting skills of the actors and the imaginative script that makes people laugh.

If he can make this movie, as long as everyone's acting skills are on point, the box office will definitely be the same.

Moreover, there are no special effects shots in the movie. Although he inherited a fortune of tens of billions, he only rented a few luxury supercars and a few helicopters.

Compared with war and science fiction, shooting is obviously much less difficult.

Just do it.

After making the decision, Lin Xiao immediately turned on the computer and typed a line of large characters in Word - the richest man in Xihong City.

Then, the long and serious coding work began.

It wasn't until 12:30 noon that Lin Xiao stopped working on the keyboard when he was so hungry that he couldn't bear it anymore.

After checking the time, Lin Xiao clicked save, picked up her phone and prepared to go downstairs for dinner.

He habitually opened his phone and took a look. Sure enough, Liu Yifei had sent him a message.

The record has been recorded.

Lin Xiao clicked and listened again.

Needless to say, Million Tuner really deserves its reputation.

After professional tuning, Liu Yifei's recording of "Wishful" is not as stunning as Queen Wang, but the effect is already very good and can be sold as a record.

"It's really good, it sounds pretty good."

"Hehe, I think so too."

Liu Yifei quickly sent a message back to Lin Xiao.

Apparently, she was equally pleased with the new song she had recorded.

After sharing it with Lin Xiao, Liu Yifei couldn't wait to send the song to her best friend group.

"Sisters, I recommend a new song to you."

Yang Mi and Liu Shishi were eating, and they happened to have some free time, so they clicked on it and started listening.

They could still hear Liu Yifei's voice.

Let me go, isn't this sung by Liu Yifei?

When did she release a song?

After several people in the group heard it, they immediately exploded!

PS: A new author, I beg you readers for your support! Asking for flowers, asking for collection, asking for monthly tickets, and asking for rewards! Ask for all the data!

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