If Liu Yifei really takes off her mask to eat barbecue and is recognized by fans, based on her popularity, they may not be able to walk out of the barbecue stall tonight.

So, seeing that Liu Yifei didn't want to eat barbecue, Lin Xiao didn't say anything and just started eating.

"In life, the most important thing is to be happy. If you can't eat and be happy, what's the point of staying in such good shape?"

While eating barbecue, Lin Xiao started to read aloud. He didn't know whether he was talking to Liu Yifei or to himself.

Liu Yifei looked at Lin Xiao with beautiful eyes and couldn't help but blink.

She disagreed with Lin Xiao's words.

Although I can't eat whatever I want, having a good figure is a happy thing, and eating vegetable salads is also fun.

Lin Xiao eats very quickly and is not used to chewing slowly, especially when she is hungry.

In less than ten minutes, Lin Xiao had finished the midnight snack.

"Let's go."

After paying, Lin Xiao stood up and looked at Liu Yifei.

He was not going to talk about things at the barbecue stall, but Liu Yifei actually came to see him. Naturally, he couldn't give up this opportunity to upgrade his relationship.

Boys, although they can't be lickers, they definitely have to take the initiative when they meet the girl they like.

In most cases, love doesn't just fall from the sky.

"Where to go?"

Liu Yifei followed closely and asked in confusion.

"There is a nice park over there. Let me take you to see it. You haven't seen a park so late at night, right?"

After Liu Yifei caught up with him, Lin Xiao finally spoke.

"Who said that? I've seen it in parks later than this when I was filming."

Liu Yifei looked at Lin Xiao, with obvious pride in her eyes.


Lin Xiao smiled slightly and walked towards the park with Liu Yifei.

The aisle was not too wide, so the two of them walked side by side, and the distance between them was invisibly shortened.

Especially the shadows of the two people are closely together because of the angle of the street lamp.

Liu Yifei quietly looked at the figures stuck together, the face inside the mask, and the corners of her mouth curved into a nice curve.

Especially the inadvertent touching of their arms made Liu Yifei's heart ripple. For the first time, she felt that her body was so sensitive.

Lin Xiao also enjoys this feeling. It feels like falling in love for the first time, which is very beautiful.

Especially after I felt that Liu Yifei did not object to physical touch, I felt even better.

He already had a premonition that the national girl Liu Yifei would be completely captured by him in a short time.

While walking, Lin Xiao suddenly stopped.

Liu Yifei also stopped and turned to look at Lin Xiao with a puzzled expression.

"I can give you this song, but are you sure you can sing it well?" Lin Xiao said seriously.

"I, I want to try."

This song is good, and Liu Yifei likes it very much, but her singing skills are really not that good. Even with the help of millions of tuners, she doesn't dare to guarantee it, she can only say that she wants to try it.

"Quite self-aware." Lin Xiao joked with a smile.

"Well what does that mean?"

Liu Yifei couldn't help but give Lin Xiao a roll of her eyes.

"It's not interesting." Lin Xiao shook his head and added: "If you were bragging just now, I really don't want to give you the song. But since you are so honest, I will leave this song to you to sing."

"Give it to me for free?"

Liu Yifei looked surprised.

"Want to eat shit?"

Lin Xiao gave Liu Yifei a slap in the face unceremoniously: "You still want to have sex for nothing. You are also a big star after all. How can you have such unrealistic ideas?"

Liu Yifei snorted, pursed her lips, and glared at Lin Xiao angrily.

"What for? You don't want it. If you don't want it, then I'll give it to someone else?" Lin Xiao joked.


Liu Yifei shook her head quickly: "Then how much do you want?"

"The more the merrier, just give it as you see."

Lin Xiao smiled and said unceremoniously.

Liu Yifei couldn't help but snorted again. Just now she thought Lin Xiao was very arrogant and gentle, but she didn't expect to be so sinister.

"Is half a million okay?" Liu Yifei asked.

Five hundred thousand to buy a song, this price was already very high in 10 years.

Even for some well-known arrangers and lyricists, the price is about the same.

"make a deal!"

Lin Xiao smiled and nodded, obviously very satisfied with Liu Yifei's quotation.

After the price was negotiated, the contract was signed, and the deposit was paid, Liu Yifei left with satisfaction.


Pressing the accelerator, Liu Yifei drove the Maserati and drove away.

The first time we met, we had a good feeling. The second time we met, we had physical contact. The third time we met, we could almost hold hands and hug.

Looking at the direction Liu Yifei left, Lin Xiao smiled slightly, already looking forward to the next meeting.

While walking towards the rental house, Lin Xiao took out his mobile phone and checked, wanting to see if the authors had stopped writing at this point.

Fifty Ding wrote to death: "I've finished writing, I've finally finished writing! Although I say I'm tired, I feel really fulfilled."

Fifty Ding wrote to death: "Come on, brothers, I have finally discovered that coding is the most peaceful thing to do. It is much stronger than the emptiness you feel after playing games for a day."

I wrote until I died at fifty: "It is said that God rewards hard work. Now I am willing to go all out. As long as I can't write to death, I will write to death! I don't believe it anymore. I will never become a god one day! Really, it is better to die exhausted than poor. Good luck, I’m fed up with having to worry about everything I buy! From today on, I want to rise!”

Let me go, since when did this guy become so inspiring?

Sure enough, people will mature and change after experiencing certain things.

Lin Xiao sighed, and then asked: "How much did you write?"

The fifty-year rule will be written until death: "2000!"

? ? ?

What the hell?

two thousand?

He was so excited that he thought the other party had written at least ten thousand. He thought he had made a mistake. He read it carefully several times before confirming that it was two thousand.

Lin Xiao was speechless. As expected, these authors are just being mean and can't really work hard.

Such a salty fish, if you go to Feilu, you will be eliminated.

Not only was Lin Xiao speechless, many authors in the group couldn't hold back and complained one after another.

Wanding Preparatory Camp: "Pfft~ I'm so old-fashioned. I almost thought you wrote 20,000. I was so scared that I turned off the computer game."

Don’t like fish: “Lao Xu, you are such a talented girl!”


PS: A new author, I beg you readers for your support! Asking for flowers, asking for collection, asking for monthly tickets, and asking for rewards! Ask for all the data!

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