God Takes The Place Of Blind Date, And Boss Yang Regrets It To Death

Chapter 12: Liu Yifei Who Doesn’T Play By The Rules


Just after dinner, Liu Yifei and Liu Xiaoli were taking a walk and rest around the villa when their cell phones suddenly rang.

Could it be that Lin Xiao called him?

Liu Yifei thought about it and quickly turned around and took out her phone to read it.

"Who is it?" Liu Xiaoli asked hurriedly when she saw this.

"Director Feng."

Liu Yifei's voice was obviously a little disappointed.

With that said, he answered the phone.

"Hey, Director Feng, why did you remember to call me?"

Liu Yifei changed her face quickly and asked immediately with a smile.

As a star who has been around since childhood, she still understands the worldly ways of the entertainment industry.

"I'm calling you at this time. I won't disturb you, right?" Feng Xiaogang said with a smile.

"No, no." Liu Yifei smiled and shook her head.

After the two exchanged a few polite words, Feng Xiaogang finally revealed the purpose of the call.

"Your song "Ruishi" is very suitable for our movie. I want to ask you if I can use your song as the theme song." Feng Xiaogang said straight to the point.

Liu Yifei was slightly surprised that it was because of "Ruishi". She didn't expect that this song would be noticed by Director Feng so quickly.

She knew that Director Feng was filming "Tangshan Earthquake" recently. Although she had not read the script, there were historical events there, and it was directed by a director of Director Feng's level. She knew without thinking that the box office would definitely not be bad. .

If "Ruishi" can become the theme song of this movie, not only will its popularity rise to a higher level, but it will also be more prestigious, and it will have more say in winning awards and the like.

To put it simply, it is beneficial and harmless.

If the copyright of this song was in her hands, she would definitely agree immediately. Unfortunately, the copyright is not in her hands.

Liu Yifei said it was useless to give them the song as the theme song. Lin Xiao had to agree.

This is also the reason why Deng Ziqi could not sing "Bubble" in public after she terminated her contract with the company. It wasn't until Zhang Jie bought the copyright of the song and gave it to her that she could sing the song again.

"Director Feng, I'm sorry, I don't have the copyright to this song."

Liu Yifei spoke slowly, and before Feng Xiaogang asked, she added:

"However, I can give you the contact information of the copyright owner, or I can talk to him directly. I believe that he will not refuse such a good thing."

Feng Xiaogang thought for a while and said:

"Yifei, you'd better give me your contact information directly."

"Okay, Director Feng."

"Thank you."

After a few simple polite words, Feng Xiaogang hung up the phone, and Liu Yifei sent Lin Xiao's mobile phone number to Feng Xiaogang.

After receiving the mobile phone number, Feng Xiaogang immediately called Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao was writing a script when he heard his cell phone ringing. He put down the mouse and keyboard and picked it up to take a look.

Unknown number.

Lin Xiao looked at the home address and answered the phone.


"Hi, hello, I'm Feng Xiaogang. Are you the copyright holder of "Ruyu"?"

A middle-aged man's voice came from the receiver.

It was actually Feng Xiaogang. It seemed that he was right in handing the song to Liu Yifei. The song spread much faster than those of amateurs.

"Hello, Director Feng, I am Lin Xiao, Shuangmulin, Xiao Feng's Xiao, I am the copyright holder of "Ruyu", who are you calling me?"

"Mr. Lin, it's like this. I'm filming "Tangshan Earthquake" recently and I want to use your song as the theme song. I want to discuss it with you."

"Theme song, that's a good thing. No need to discuss, I agree."

Feng Xiaogang got straight to the point, and Lin Xiao was also very open-minded and agreed directly.

This Lin Xiao is really bold and bold, I like it.

Feng Xiaogang thought about it and asked:

"Mr. Lin, let me thank you first. Since Mr. Lin is so cheerful, I can't be stingy. Two hundred thousand theme songs, Mr. Lin, do you think it's okay?"

Two hundred thousand for a theme song was already considered a pretty good price in 2010.

Except for songs customized for movies, there are few songs priced above this price.

The price was right, so Lin Xiao naturally had no reason to refuse.

"Okay, listen to Director Feng."

"Mr. Lin, it's settled. Let's see when you are free recently. Can we sign the authorization contract?"

"I'm available anytime."

"How about tomorrow afternoon?"


"Since I have decided the time, let Mr. Lin decide the location."

"Okay, let's meet at No. 121 Renmin Road. We'll meet at the cafe."

"Okay, see you tomorrow."

"See you there or not."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Yifei's call came unexpectedly.


"Lin Xiao, did Director Feng call you?"

As expected, the phone call was from Liu Yifei to Feng Xiaogang.

"Yes, we just finished." Lin Xiao nodded and said, "He offered 200,000 yuan to use "Wish" as the theme song of the movie."

"Then have you agreed?" Liu Yifei quickly asked with concern.

"Well, we made an appointment to sign the song licensing contract tomorrow."

"Two hundred thousand, the price is already very fair." Liu Yifei explained then, smiled playfully, and asked:

"Lin Xiao, if you add the 200,000 yuan from Director Feng and the 500,000 yuan I gave you, you should have 3 million yuan this month. You shouldn't treat me to dinner after making so much money. Well?"

Lin Xiao was noncommittal about Liu Yifei's words.

It is indeed him who makes the most money from this song, but the person who makes the biggest profit is actually Liu Yifei as the singer.

In addition to getting a share of the ringtone, her popularity and popularity have increased a lot.

More importantly, with one more work, her popularity will last much longer, which is the most important thing in the entertainment industry.

"Obviously you used the songs I wrote for you to make money and fame, so you should be the one to treat me to dinner, right?" Lin Xiao asked in return.

"Okay, you choose a place and I'll treat you."

Liu Yifei's playful voice sounded, catching Lin Xiao off guard.

He originally thought that Liu Yifei would complain about his stinginess, but to his surprise, she actually didn't follow the routine.

Why do you feel like you've been tricked?

Although it was Liu Yifei who invited her to dinner, Lin Xiao still felt like she was being tricked.

However, even if he was tricked, it seemed to be nothing.

"This is what you said, so I won't be polite."

"Hehe, kill whatever you want."

Liu Yifei chuckled.

Tomorrow I will sign the song licensing contract with Feng Xiaogang, and then have dinner with Liu Yifei. The time is just right.

Lin Xiao thought about it and was already looking forward to it.

PS: A new author, I beg you readers for your support! Asking for flowers, asking for collection, asking for monthly tickets, and asking for rewards! Ask for all the data!

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