After hanging up the phone with Liu Yifei, Lin Xiao went to take a bath and then went to bed happily.

He slept soundly, but as the editor of his novel, Michelle couldn't sleep.

She had been waiting for the update of Lin Xiao's novel today. Unexpectedly, he had not updated it until twelve o'clock in the evening.

As a new editor, a talented player suddenly came under her command, and she thought their team was about to take off.

Unexpectedly, just as she lifted her buttocks, Lin Xiao pushed her down.

He actually stopped updating!

"Lin Xiao! Update! What are you doing?"

Seeing that it was one o'clock in the morning and Lin Xiao had not updated yet, Michelle couldn't bear it anymore and launched a text message bombardment to Lin Xiao.

Seeing that Lin Xiao didn't reply and knowing that he might have fallen asleep, Michelle became even more unbalanced.

Is this your novel or mine?

The novel has not been updated, how can you sleep?

Michelle roared in her heart, feeling that she was really going to die.

That night, Michelle was destined to have no sleep.

By the time Lin Xiao saw the news, it was already 8:30 the next morning.

"Aunt Xue, I've been busy lately, so I can't update the novel for the time being."

After replying to the message, Lin Xiao stretched and prepared to get dressed and get up.

"Then when are you going to continue updating? Your novel sells more than two million yuan a month! Is there anything more important than writing a novel?"

Aunt Xue actually replied in seconds. Lin Xiao, who was getting dressed, couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Didn't she stay up all night?

Thinking of this possibility, Lin Xiao was really embarrassed. As a new editor, Aunt Xue was usually very attentive to the author.

"Aunt Xue, you didn't sleep all night, did you?"

"What did you say!!!"

Three exclamation marks made Lin Xiao feel Michelle Xue's murderous intention towards him, which was very strong.

"Aunt Xue, go to bed quickly. I'm going to buy breakfast first. I'm starving."

After replying, Lin Xiao immediately stepped away.

He didn't dare to continue chatting with Michelle. Women after staying up late had a lot of resentment, and he didn't want to get involved.

"Go to hell!"

Seeing the message Lin Xiao replied to her, Michelle almost died on the spot.

This guy is so insincere. He waited all night and didn't even mention updating a chapter or two. He really didn't give any face at all!

It was impossible to sleep. She had to go to the company to check in. The editor couldn't work from home like the author.

After complaining, Michelle quickly got up, brushed her teeth and washed up.

the other side.

After Lin Xiao finished replying, he immediately closed his phone, got up, brushed his teeth, washed up, and then went to have breakfast.

Then, I sat at my computer desk, opened Word, and continued writing the script.

Although the novel can earn a million dollars a month, he obviously doesn't like it anymore after having the system.

Working hard every day on coding is not as good as writing scripts and making movies.

If "The Richest Man in Xihong City" is released, the box office will be in the billions if nothing unexpected happens.

Even if the movie is taken off the shelves and is released on the video website to earn membership commissions, it will still be more than one million a month.

In contrast, Lin Xiao naturally chose to make movies.

As for the novel, I’ll write it when I have time. Anyway, I don’t have time now.

Lin Xiao was writing the script seriously all morning. After a simple lunch, he didn't even take a nap and started typing seriously again.

Lin Xiao is going to meet Feng Xiaogang and Liu Yifei later. Lin Xiao wants to hurry up and write out the script so that they can have a look at it.

As a pure newcomer, even if he has the skills of a movie star, he cannot shoot this movie alone, although it is not difficult to shoot this movie.

If Feng Xiaogang and Liu Yifei can help, it will undoubtedly be much smoother.

"Phew, finally finished!"

Around three o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Xiao finally finished writing the script.

Putting down the mouse and keyboard, Lin Xiao took a long breath.

After clicking save and shutting down the computer, Lin Xiao took the USB flash drive and went to the print shop at the entrance of the community.

After printing the script, I looked at the time, immediately stopped a taxi and headed to the coffee shop.

"Director Feng, I'm here."

Arriving at the door of the coffee shop, Lin Xiao sent a message to Feng Xiaogang.

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry, there's a bit of traffic on the road. I'll be there soon, in about ten minutes."

"Okay, be safe."

After sending the message, Lin Xiao walked into the coffee shop and found a seat by the window.

About ten minutes later, a man in his fifties and not very friendly came in. It was director Feng Xiaogang.

"Director Feng, this way."

Lin Xiao stood up and waved to Feng Xiaogang.

His face was still very recognizable. Lin Xiao recognized him as soon as he walked in.

Looking along the sound, Feng Xiaogang saw Lin Xiao.

So handsome? !

Feng Xiaogang looked at Lin Xiao and was a little surprised. It was rare for celebrities to be so handsome. This was the first time he had seen a music creator so handsome.

"Director Feng, please introduce yourself, I am Lin Xiao."

Seeing the surprised look on Director Feng's face, Lin Xiao smiled slightly and introduced himself.

"I didn't expect Mr. Lin to be so young and handsome. How about it? Are you interested in entering the entertainment industry?"

Feng Xiaogang quickly adjusted his emotions, looked at Lin Xiao, smiled and spoke.

"To tell you the truth, I really have this plan." Lin Xiao nodded, "I will make a movie in a while, and I will need more help from Director Feng."

"Oh, Mr. Lin can also make movies?" Feng Xiaogang suddenly became interested.

If Lin Xiao could make movies, he would have something to talk about.

"I've never taken a photo before, but I want to try it."

Lin Xiao looked frank, then took out the prepared script and handed it to Feng Xiaogang:

"Director Feng, please read the book first."

"Okay, let's take a look first."

Seeing the promise of "Wish", Feng Xiaogang took the script and opened it to read.

If it were a script written by an ordinary person, he would definitely not be willing to read it and would not waste so much time.

But after all, the song licensing contract for "Ruishi" has not been signed yet. In order to successfully win the song, he had to give Lin Xiao a face.

"The richest man in Xihong City"

Feng Xiaogang read it softly, then opened it and started reading.

This... this script is too awesome, right?

He originally just wanted to take a look, but he didn't expect that the script gave him such a big surprise!

With many years of directing experience, he can be sure that if this script is made into a movie, it will be a hit!

Some scripts have this ability!

PS: A new author, I beg you readers for your support! Asking for flowers, asking for collection, asking for monthly tickets, and asking for rewards! Ask for all the data!

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