God Takes The Place Of Blind Date, And Boss Yang Regrets It To Death

Chapter 38: Dilireba Was Deceived And Became Lame

After making the call, Lin Xiao received a text message from Xie Na at noon the next day.

"Boss Lin, I have just told Director Liu about your situation. He promised to let you come to Kuaiben next time. The recording will officially start on July 26, which is next Monday. Please send me the list of people who will come to Kuaiben." Bar."

"Thank you, sister. I'll send you the list in half an hour."


Feng Xiaogang and Liu Yifei will definitely be able to go, but Xu Dongdong and Zhang Yiming are not sure, especially Xu Dongdong. She had finished filming a month ago and may have gone to other crews to film by now.

After chatting with Xie Na, Lin Xiao immediately sent a message to Xu Dongdong and Zhang Yiming:

"Next Monday, July 26, the crew will go to Kuaiben to promote the movie. Do you have time?"

"Yes! There is time."

Zhang Yiming responded almost instantly. Being able to get into the fast book was a good opportunity for him, and he was not willing to miss this opportunity.

After Xu Dongdong saw the news, she felt a little complicated. She was naturally very happy to be able to gain exposure in Kuaiben and see Lin Xiao again.

However, when she thought that Liu Yifei would definitely be there and might see Liu Yifei and Lin Xiao showing off their love with her own eyes, she wanted to back down.

After some ideological struggle, Xu Dongdong finally chose to go to Kuaiben. She had no love and could no longer lose her career.

"Have time."

After receiving affirmative replies from the two people, Lin Xiao immediately sent the list to Xie Na: "Lin Xiao, Feng Xiaogang, Liu Yifei, Xu Dongdong, Zhang Yiming."


After a simple reply, Xie Na immediately sent the list to Director Liu.

Soon, such news appeared on Happy Camp’s official Weibo.

[Happy Camp official v: Next Saturday at 7:30 p.m., Feng Xiaogang, Liu Yifei, Lin Xiao, Xu Dongdong, and Zhang Yiming will be guests of Happy Camp.

In order to make the program more interesting, the director collects interesting questions from netizens online.

The most topical questions will have the opportunity to be selected by the program team to ask the stars during the interview session.

Fans and friends who want to interact with celebrities, hurry up and join in. 】

Happy Camp has many fans of the show. When they heard that Liu Yifei and Lin Xiao were going to be on the show, the fans immediately started excited discussions and talked about topics of interest to them.

As for Lin Xiao, she took a taxi and went to the BMW 4S store.

Liu Yifei gave him 50 million yuan for filming, Feng Xiaogang invested 5 million yuan, and he himself had more than 5 million yuan. Zhang Jie's "Young Chinese Story" sung and received more than 2 million yuan from the ring tones business.

A total of 60 million was spent on the filming of the movie, promotion and distribution, but despite this, he still had more than 2 million in his pocket.

After arranging the variety show and having nothing to do, Lin Xiao prepared to buy herself a car.

"Lin Xiao, are you Liu Yifei's boyfriend Lin Xiao?"

As soon as he walked into the BMW 4S store, Lin Xiao was recognized by the female salesperson.

The female saleswoman is seventeen or eighteen years old. She is very beautiful, with a good figure, delicate facial features, and an exotic feel.

"Hello, I'm Lin Xiao."

Lin Xiao nodded, and then couldn't help but look at the girl. She always felt that the girl looked familiar.

After watching it carefully for a while, I immediately remembered that the girl in front of me was Dilireba, 18-year-old Dilireba.

Compared to when she debuted, she was obviously a little greener now, so Lin Xiao didn't recognize her right away.

18-year-old Dilireba is really the best in the world. Her face is full of collagen and her skin can be broken by blows, which makes people want to knock her down.

Especially the innocent and ignorant appearance not only stimulates the man's protective desire, but also stimulates the man's instinctive physiological impulse.

However, with Liu Yifei by her side, Lin Xiao's ability to resist temptation has obviously improved a lot. Looking at Dilireba in front of her, she only felt that she was very innocent and beautiful, and did not have those filthy thoughts.

On the contrary, seeing the clarity and stupidity in her eyes, he couldn't help but want to tease her.

"Looking at your accent, are you from Xinjiang?" Lin Xiao asked with a smile while looking at Dilraba.

"Brother Lin, you can hear this, it's amazing."

Dilireba looked at Lin Xiao with a shocked expression on her face.

After graduating from the college entrance examination, she had nothing to do, so she came here to work during the summer vacation and experience life in a big city in advance.

She has been in Kyoto for more than ten days, and no one has recognized her Xinjiang accent. Unexpectedly, Lin Xiao actually recognized it now, and she suddenly felt a little novel and admired her.

I can't hear it, I just know the answer in advance.

Lin Xiao sighed secretly in his heart, and then asked: "Looking at your age, you should have just finished the college entrance examination. Are you working here during the summer?"

He actually guessed it right again!

Dilireba looked at Lin Xiao, her beautiful eyes widened with admiration.

No wonder people can catch up with Liu Yifei, it shows how talented she is.

"Brother Lin, you are so amazing, how come you can see everything?" Dilireba asked with admiration.

"This is nothing. If I take a closer look, I can calculate your bone age and even your date of birth." Lin Xiao said nonchalantly.

"So awesome, Brother Lin, can you tell my birth date?" Dilireba looked curious.

She had only seen an expert who could read Feng Shui in movies. This was the first time she saw him in real life. She finally met such a powerful person, so she wanted to let him show it to her.

Lin Xiao looked at Dilireba carefully for a while, then grabbed her hand and squeezed it, then squeezed her face, then nodded and said:

"If my calculations are correct, you should have been born on June 3, 1992."

? ? ?

Dilireba looked at Lin Xiao, her mouth wide open in horror, and she froze on the spot.

She just wanted to try to see if Lin Xiao was bragging. She never expected that Lin Xiao actually figured it out for her. She was immediately dumbfounded.

When he looked at Lin Xiao, there was no trace of doubt in his eyes, only respect and admiration.

Awesome, really awesome!

She didn't expect that she could actually calculate her bone age just by squeezing her hands and face.

Seeing the surprised expression on Dilireba's face, Lin Xiao couldn't help but curl up the corner of her mouth. For the first time, she discovered that it was so interesting to have the memory of her previous life and be able to play like this.

It’s quite interesting to fool Dilireba regardless of what she should say. It’s quite interesting to see the surprised look on her face.

"Brother Lin, you are so amazing!"

PS: A new author, I beg you readers for your support! Asking for flowers, asking for collection, asking for monthly tickets, and asking for rewards! Ask for all the data!

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