This girl is so easy to fool, I must fool her into my company in two days.

Although Dilireba is currently a newcomer, it won't be long before she becomes the company's cash cow. For such a potential newcomer, Lin Xiao doesn't want to take advantage of others.

"By the way, I still don't know what your name is?" Lin Xiao looked at Dilireba and asked.

"Brother Lin, you are so good, can't you guess my name?"

Dilireba blinked her big beautiful eyes and asked curiously.

"I calculated on my fingers that your name should be Dilireba."

Lin Xiao imitated the plot in the movie, counted it with his fingers, and then spoke.

Seeing that Lin Xiao really said her name accurately, Dilireba's eyes widened suddenly, with a look of disbelief on her face.

She could still understand the age test based on bone age, but how could she calculate the name? This was too unscientific, right?

Looking at Dilireba's doubtful eyes, Lin Xiao smiled and pointed to the badge in front of her.

There is her name on the badge.

When Dilireba saw this, her face instantly turned red, her cheeks were hot, and she felt like she had made her cry.

Let me just say, how could Brother Lin figure out his name? It turned out that he saw his badge.

If it were anyone else, she wouldn't be so stupid. The key is that Lin Xiao really shocked her just now, and she recognized from the bottom of her heart that Lin Xiao was not an ordinary person.

"Brother Lin, you are so bad." Dilireba pursed her lips and snorted.

The 25-year-old Reba is sexy and charming, while the 18-year-old Reba is innocent and young. Each has its own beauty.

Looking at Dilraba, Lin Xiao smiled slightly and changed the subject:

"Can you show me the car?"

Hearing this, Dilireba blushed again. It had been so long that she hadn't shown the car to a customer. If the store manager found out, she would probably be scolded again.

"Okay, okay." Dilireba nodded quickly, and then asked: "What type of car does Brother Lin want to buy?"

"An SUV between one million and two million." Lin Xiao said.

Hearing this, Dilireba raised her head and glanced at Lin Xiao, and couldn't help feeling more favorable.

The request was simple and direct. She liked this kind of customer so much, unlike some female customers who didn't know what car she wanted to see after talking for a long time.

"Okay." Dilireba nodded and led Lin Xiao to a white SUV.

"This is the mid-term facelift model of the second-generation BMW X5. It just entered the domestic market this spring. It is the latest and best-quality SUV in the store."

"Compared with the first-generation BMW X5, its overall body is larger and can better meet your space needs."

"In appearance, compared to the first-generation BMW X5, the second-generation BMW X5 has a larger kidney-shaped grille, redesigned headlights, and is equipped with angel eyes and advanced intelligent headlight adjustment."

Dilireba had obviously done her homework, and she started to talk seriously about it to the BMW X5 in front of her.

Lin Xiao nodded, and after she finished the introduction, she asked, "How much is it?"

"This car is divided into elegant, leading and luxury models, with prices ranging from 798,000 to 1.736 million." Dilireba introduced.

“Are the deluxe models available in blue?”

"Yes." Dilireba nodded.

"Okay, that's it. Where do I pay?"


Dilireba looked at Lin Xiao with a look of astonishment on her face, unable to react.

So fast?

She has never seen anyone buy a car worth nearly two million yuan, how can he be so decisive? He is worthy of Brother Lin, he is so handsome.

"Brother Lin, please wait a moment, I will get you a car purchase contract right away." Dilireba said, and immediately turned around and got busy.

She can get a commission of nearly 5,000 yuan for this car, which is higher than an average person's two months' salary, so she can't help but feel a little excited.

After signing the car purchase contract and paying the money, Lin Xiao and Dilireba added their contact information and took a taxi home.

Because there are still many formalities and contracts to be processed, the 4S store will not be able to deliver the car until the next day at the earliest. It is obviously unrealistic to drive the car home on the same day.

"Reba, you are so lucky, right? You sold the car so quickly?"

"I have been working in sales for three years, and I have never sold a car in such a short period of time."

"I'm so envious. I thought back when I placed my first order, I followed you for three months. Your order placement must have been so smooth."

As soon as Lin Xiao left, the remaining salesmen immediately surrounded Dilireba with envy and jealousy on their faces.

Dilraba was already very happy, but when these people talked about it, she smiled even brighter.

"Well, after get off work, I'll treat everyone to a barbecue." Dilireba said with a smile.

"Reba is awesome, I love you so much."

"Reba is a kind-hearted person, no wonder she is so lucky."

There was a free barbecue, and several people were not stingy with their praises. They praised Reba to the point where she felt a little embarrassed.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

After returning to the rental house and sitting in front of the computer, Lin Xiao couldn't help but feel stunned.

What to do now?

Generally, after a film is completed, it needs to conduct a road show to introduce its film to the media, thereby letting the public know about its film and increasing the filming rate.

However, he has already thought about the news copy and will go to Mango Channel to record a program in a few days. The road show is obviously not needed.

There was no need to write a script. During the two months of filming, he had already written down all the scripts he needed to write in his spare time.

Forget it, let’s update the novel.

There are so many people in the book review section who insist on urging me to update this book, which seems really unjustifiable.

Really unable to think of what to do, Lin Xiao opened Word and started writing a novel.

Perhaps because he has been writing scripts these days, Lin Xiao's typing speed has improved a lot. In just three and a half hours, he wrote 15,000 words.

There is no need to save the manuscript. After writing, Lin Xiao directly uploaded it to the novel website.

"Here I go, the author is finally willing to update! I'm so touched!"

"I updated three chapters directly, totaling 15,000 words. The author is so awesome! I hope the author can stick to it."

"I was just thinking about sending the author a razor blade, but forget it, I'll keep the razor blade for now. I hope someone can be more conscious."

As soon as the novel was released, readers who had been waiting for it for a long time immediately started talking excitedly.

After waiting for more than two months, there was still no update. They all wanted to delete it from the bookshelf. Fortunately, they finally waited until the author updated.

Equally excited was Lin Xiao’s editor Mi Xue.

Without the help of Lin Xiao's novels, she had been at the bottom of the editorial team for two consecutive months. Now that she saw Lin Xiao starting to update novels again, she suddenly became excited.

As long as Lin Xiao can write seriously, she will no longer have to be at the bottom.

"Lin Xiao, Brother Lin, Uncle Lin, you are back to coding, I miss you so much!"

Looking at the message Michelle sent to him, Lin Xiao smiled and joked: "Aunt Xue, don't be like this, it's easy for people to misunderstand."

"It's okay. You are so handsome. If you really fall in love with me, I won't suffer. As long as you hand in your manuscript every day, you can just let me warm your bed every day."

Mi Xue gave Lin Xiao a roll of her eyes and said with a look of resentment.

"That's not necessary, as long as you agree to let me take a screenshot and send it to the group." Lin Xiao typed and joked.

"Don't! Please! I want to lose face!"

Michelle no longer dared to be arrogant and quickly gave in.

PS: A new author, I beg you readers for your support! Asking for flowers, asking for collection, asking for monthly tickets, and asking for rewards! Ask for all the data!

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