The box office of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" was 24 million on the first day, 53 million on the second day, 61 million on the third day, and the box office exceeded 100 million in just three days!

What's even more terrifying is that on National Day, the box office of "The Richest Man in Xihong City", which was released for a week, did not fall but increased, with 87 million on the first day directly setting a single-day box office record for domestic movies.

83 million on the second day, 81 million on the third day, 80 million on the fourth day, 79 million on the fifth day, 77 million on the sixth day, and 75 million on the seventh day.

During the seven days of National Day, "The Richest Man in Xihong City" directly earned 475 million, and the cumulative box office reached as high as 835 million!

surpassing the box office of "Tangshan Earthquake" with a box office of 673 million, becoming the new box office champion of domestic movies.

Because of the continued strength of "The Richest Man in Xihong City", the news media in Tuda have been rushing to report on this incident these days.

#"The Richest Man in Xihong City" has risen strongly, with a single-day box office of 53 million, far exceeding "Jingwu Fengyun·Chen Zhen" and "Di Renjie: The Tongtian Empire" released in the same period#——Entertainment Morning News

#"The Richest Man in Xihong City" has a box office of over 100 million in three days, becoming the biggest dark horse in the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day. Director Feng Xiaogang, investment producer and starring Lin Xiao became the biggest winners during the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day. #小langnews

#"The Richest Man in Xihong City" has a single-day box office of 87 million on October 1, setting a single-day box office record for domestic movies!#————Adu News

#Warm congratulations, after 13 days, "The Richest Man in Xihong City" accumulated a box office of 683 million, officially surpassing "Tangshan Earthquake" to become the new box office champion! #————Xiaoxun News

The news is coming one after another, which is dizzying.

If you click on any news website, you will definitely see news about "The Richest Man in Xihong City".

No website is willing to miss this kind of free traffic.

While gaining click-through rates, they also gave Lin Xiao's movie free publicity. It is precisely because of the continuous publicity by the news media and the excellent quality of the movie itself that the box office of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" has remained strong.

On the Internet, the discussion about the movie "The Richest Man in Xihong City" is unprecedentedly popular.

"Let me go, "The Richest Man in Xihong City" is too awesome. I didn't expect it to be so powerful."

"It's not amazing. Who would have thought that the leading actor Lin Xiao is a complete newcomer and Liu Yifei has no box office appeal, but he can actually win the domestic box office championship of the movie, 3!"

"But should I say it, the script of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" is really good. I really admire Lin Xiao's imagination. It's very innovative."

"The script is really good, and the actors' acting skills are also top-notch. Although Lin Xiao is a newcomer, her acting skills are really good, and there is no sense of dissonance at all."

"The most incredible thing is that "The Richest Man in Xihong City" single-handedly turned the word 'crouching dragon and phoenix chick' into a derogatory term. When I hear this word now, the first thing that comes to mind is 'Zhuang Qiang' and ' Great wisdom, you can never go back."

"Lin Xiao is really awesome. His first movie broke the box office record of domestic movies and starred both Donnie Yen and Lou Dehua. "She really has a bit of Star Master flavor.

It was promoted by the media, hotly discussed by netizens, and even some of the lines in the movie became popular.

[Money is a bastard, we must respect our dreams!]

【You are the most polite among the snobs I have ever seen. 】

[I originally planned to get along with you as an ordinary person, but what I got in exchange was alienation. Stop pretending, I am a billionaire, I show my cards!]

[I thought you were just being humble, but I didn’t expect you to be so ordinary. 】

[I still like your unruly look just now. 】

Along with the movie lines, there are also actors who have appeared in the movie.

As the actor who plays Zhuang Qiang, Zhang Yiming's family is full of aunts and aunts in the community.

"Lao Zhang, your son is really promising. The fool he played really made me laugh to death. He was so good-looking and he acted like a real person."

The neighbor's aunt shouted at Zhang Yiming's father at the top of her voice, causing a group of uncles and aunts to nod in agreement.

Zhang Yiming's father had a strange expression. He was very happy that his son was famous, but when he heard these words, he always felt strange. Anyway, he was not completely happy.

"Yiming, do you still remember me? Your Aunt Zhang, I breastfed you when you were a child. When you were a child, you liked me to hold you the most, even more than your mother."

"Yi Ming, I knew that you would definitely have a big future in the future, and now you have indeed become a big star."

"Brother Yiming, can you sign your name for me?"

Zhang Yiming was also surrounded by people. There was a big star in the community. Everyone wanted to see what he looked like. The children looked expectantly and asked Zhang Yiming for his autograph.

Not only Zhang Yiming, Xu Dongdong is in a similar situation. As long as he appears outside the community without wearing a mask, there will definitely be fans asking for autographs and photos.

Sometimes he even wears a mask and is recognized by fans because of his impressive figure.

In addition to having her own fans, Xu Dongdong even received a call from Coconut Tree Group, wanting to invite her to be their advertising spokesperson.

Advertising endorsement is something that Xu Dongdong never dared to think about before, but now it has come true.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Dongdong was stunned and a little unresponsive.

The thing that she had longed for for a long time suddenly appeared, catching Xu Dongdong off guard and making her faint with happiness.

Although some other actors are not as good as Zhang Yiming and Xu Dongdong, they have also received a lot of attention, and many actors have received invitations from other directors.

One after another good news from the crew made the QQ group of the crew of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" as lively as the Chinese New Year.

Zhang Yiming: "Brother Lin, thank you so much for giving me this opportunity. Now my parents no longer object to my acting, and some people even ask me for my autograph! Brother Lin, this is really the first time I have been asked for it. When I signed the autograph, I even suspected that I heard it wrong. I was so happy and excited! @Lin Xiao”

Chang Yuan: "I envy you. Now when I go out on the street, fans point at me and shout, 'I'm really good at seeing people. I'm embarrassed to go out on the street."

Zhang Yiming: "Hahaha, it made me laugh so hard. Don't make it too graphic, okay?"

Chang Yuan: "But to be honest, I am very happy to be recognized by fans. In the past, when I walked in the community, few people knew what I did. Now they are queuing up to introduce me to blind dates."

Xu Dongdong: "Brothers, let me tell you some good news. The boss of Coconut Tree Group just called me and invited me to be their advertising spokesperson. Woohoo, I'm so excited!"

Xu Dongdong: "Brother Lin, thank you so much!@Lin Xiao"

Zhang Yiming and Xu Dongdong are both popular in the industry. As the screenwriter and star of "The Richest Man in Xihong City", Lin Xiao, not to mention, has the same momentum as Xiao Shen Yang in 2008, which directly became popular in the streets and alleys across the country.

The original Weibo account numbered more than two million. With the popularity of the movie, the number of fans has increased tenfold to more than 23 million!

One movie directly made him more than 20 million followers, directly surpassing more than 80% of the stars in the entertainment industry.

This speed also set a record on Weibo.

In addition to the surge in fans, hot words related to Lin Xiao have also dominated the hot searches on various browsers. The name Lin Xiao has become the hottest word of the year.

# Lin Xiao#

# Lin Xiao—飞#

#Scriptwriter Lin Xiao#


All topics related to Lin Xiao are firmly in the top three of the major hot search lists.

Under each topic, there are countless posts, and in each post, there are countless comments from netizens and fans.

"Lin Xiao's husband is so handsome! I really want a boyfriend like Lin Xiao's husband!"

"He is so handsome, he can also compose lyrics, music, and scripts, and he is so good at acting. I really don't know which window God has closed on Lin Xiao's husband."

"I know if I close the window for husband Lin Xiao, he will never be able to get me in his life. Hahaha."

With Lin Xiao's popularity, Lin Xiao's previous participation in Happy Camp to promote the movie was also brought out by fans.

"Lin Xiao's husband is so handsome! He talks so humorously, no wonder he can write such a funny script as "The Richest Man in Xihong City"."

"Here, Lin Xiao's husband actually guessed that he was an undercover agent in one round, and even guessed other people's entries. His logical thinking ability is so powerful!"

"It's so scary! Fortunately, Lin Xiao's husband went to film a movie. If he committed a crime, the police would probably be unable to do anything to him.

"Hey, it's another day to envy Sister Yifei."

"When can I have such a powerful boyfriend? It doesn't matter if I lose ten years of my life."

"Don't say ten years, just let me live for twenty years less!"

Lin Xiao's popularity is not only reflected on the Internet, but in real life, Lin Xiao also feels the changes after the popularity.

Before he became famous, it didn't matter what time he went to the barbecue stall for supper, he could go to the supermarket for shopping at any time, and he could go to the clothing store to buy clothes at any time.

Although girls often ask for his contact information because of his handsome face, it does not affect his normal life.

Things are different now. If you go into public places without wearing a mask or a cap, you will definitely cause traffic jams within ten minutes.

Not only did some fans want to sign autographs and take photos, there were even many girls who took advantage of the situation and touched their abs and hands. There were even many girls who took advantage of the crowds and secretly touched his butt, which scared him so much that he never wanted to do it again. Dare to go out without wearing a mask or hat.

Although wearing a mask and hat, sometimes it is not safe. The strange outfit always attracts the attention of passers-by, and he has been recognized by fans several times.

If he hadn't walked fast enough, he would have been stuck in the supermarket and couldn't get out.

Because his fans were so crazy that they often caused traffic jams, he was even on the traffic police's blacklist and was told several times that it was best not to go out.

Even the pillow with Lin Xiao's face on it is several times more expensive than other pillows.

The supply is still in short supply, and outlets have sold out several times.

With the success of "The Richest Man in Xihong City", Lin Xiao can't help but gain the popularity of fans and capital.

The bosses of dozens of companies want to invite Lin Xiao to be their company's advertising spokesperson.

There are also more than a dozen well-known directors who want to extend an olive branch to Lin Xiao and invite Lin Xiao to be the male lead in their new movie.

There are countless people who have submitted scripts to Lin Xiao. Countless young people with dreams have submitted their own scripts to Lin Xiao, hoping to be picked up by Lin Xiao.

Variety shows that used to require help from Xie Na now seem to be free of charge. Lin Xiao is invited to attend their shows one after another, and the remuneration given is not low. When filming one episode of the show, the remuneration is actually between 5 million and 5 million. Between ten million.

This price is something that few people in the entertainment industry can surpass.

The number of fans has skyrocketed, the news media has covered it all, endorsement contracts have piled up, and variety show invitations are endless.

This time, Lin Xiao really felt that he was on fire!

However, despite the popularity, Lin Xiao is not as eager to make money as some people in the entertainment industry. Those advertising endorsements that easily cost tens or even hundreds of millions, Lin Xiao did not even think about it and rejected them all.

It's not that he doesn't like money, on the contrary, he likes it very much. When he made movies, his biggest purpose was to make money.

However, making money is making money, and he still doesn't want to lose his conscience. It's either a lending platform or a financial product. He won't accept this kind of advertising endorsement even if he starves to death.

Of course, it's also because it's not necessary. If you're really going to starve to death, you won't be able to care about moral integrity.

As for the directors and screenwriters who offered him an olive branch, not to mention they were all rejected.

After returning from rebirth, what he lacks most is a good script, so there is no need to cooperate with them.

As for variety shows, Lin Xiao doesn't want to consider it for the time being. Although the quotes they gave are not low, Lin Xiao has more important things to do.

It’s time to start planning Bitcoin.

Although this thing has been said to have no investment value, Lin Xiao does not agree with this view. It can be known to the world and is indeed scarce, so it has its own value.

Just like some antiques and misprinted coins, although it has no actual value, it has collection value due to its scarcity.

With collection value, it will not be reset to zero, which is why the price of Bitcoin continues to rise more than ten years later.

Its target has never been currency, but antiques.

In 2010, there were not many Bitcoins in China. Most of the Bitcoins were in the United States. Lin Xiao did not have many connections in the United States, but he thought he might know some people at Liu Yifei 587, so Lin Xiao called Liu Yifei.

"Bad guy, do you miss me? I'm still busy with work. I'll call you back later, okay?"

"It's okay, I just want to ask a question, very soon. I want to buy some Bitcoins recently. Do you have any friends in the United States who have channels for this?"

"Ah! I'm so angry! I thought you missed me."

"Okay, don't be angry. I miss you. I miss you all the time."

"Hmph, I'll settle the score with you when I get back! By the way, why did you suddenly think of buying Bitcoin? I heard that thing has no value at all."

"It's okay, I'll just buy it for fun."

"Okay, I do know someone. She might be able to get some Bitcoins. I'll send you her phone number later."

"Okay, then you can continue your work, I love you."

"Hmph, what a perfunctory man!"

Lin Xiao and Liu Yifei were happily dating here, but Wang Lihong was so angry that he couldn't even do his job.

Since "The Richest Man in Xihong City" made a counterattack at the box office, Wang Lihong's whole person has been in bad shape, and he feels depressed and has nowhere to vent his anger.

Especially when I discovered that "The Richest Man in Xihong City" actually set a domestic box office record, my face was filled with disbelief, full of regret and resentment.

I regretted missing such a movie, but I resented that Lin Xiao was not sincere enough. If he came to me with "Young Chinese Story", I would definitely not reject him.

"Lin Xiao, it's all your fault!"

Wang Lihong cursed Lin Xiao in his heart.

Some people are like this. No matter what mistakes they make, they will always blame others. From the beginning to the end, he never thought that he broke the contract first, and he broke the contract without saying hello.

For such a person, even if he regrets it, let alone the song, Lin Xiao will refuse to cooperate with him.

What makes Wang Lihong even more desperate is that he obviously tries very hard to forget about the movie and return to his normal life, but he can't help but click on Douban to check the movie box office, and then enters an endless cycle of regret and resentment.

After more than a month, my life was messed up, and I lost several pounds.

"Li Hong, what's wrong with you? You're not in a good state."

The agent looked at Wang Lihong and asked with concern.

When Wang Lihong was recording songs in the past, he could basically sing it a few times and correct the notes. Today, he sang it more than a dozen times, but he still didn't have the same emotion. His manager clearly felt that something was wrong with Wang Lihong.

"It's okay, come again."

Wang Lihong shook his head irritably.

The manager had no choice but to follow him and record it again. Unfortunately, there was still no improvement.

Wang Lihong couldn't let go of the movie in his mind, and couldn't put his emotions into the song.


Seeing that the song still didn't work, Wang Lihong swore directly and punched the guitar in anger.


The guitar strings broke instantly, and a cut was made on the back of Wang Lihong's hand. Blood oozed out. Wang Lihong screamed in pain on the spot. .

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