God Takes The Place Of Blind Date, And Boss Yang Regrets It To Death

Chapter 52: The Box Office Exceeded 1.5 Billion! Layout Iqiyi!

"The Richest Man in Xihong City" has a box office of over 100 million in three days.

The cumulative box office in ten days was 443 million.

683 million in 13 days, refreshing the Chinese movie box office rankings.

The box office in 21 days was 1.005 billion, becoming the first domestic movie with a box office exceeding 1 billion, ushering in a billion-dollar era for Chinese movies!

With a box office of 1.3 billion in 30 days, no one can match its strong box office performance in the entire history of Chinese movies.

Because of the strong performance of "The Richest Man in Xihong City", major theater chains have extended the removal time of the film.

Every time it is released for one more day, it breaks the record of being the domestic movie box office champion. Because of this, netizens on the Internet have begun to speculate on its removal time and final box office.

"I'll go, how much is it? The box office of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" has already reached 1.5 billion?"

"That's awesome. Lin Xiao is really going to make a lot of money this time. I'm so envious."

"Tell me, how much box office will "The Richest Man in Xihong City" earn in the end?"

“Looking at this trend, it is estimated that it will exceed 1.6 billion and should eventually stop at around 1.7 billion.

*1.7 billion, that’s amazing, it’s several times ahead of the second place!”

"1.7 billion is nothing. I think it's at least 2 billion. I'm going to the cinema tonight to watch three movies. Do you have any brothers with you?"

"Brother, the third level player is awesome, I'm ready for the second level."

"No, it's not necessary to watch it twice or three times, right? Can you really continue to watch the movie you've already seen?"

"I may not be able to watch other movies, but "The Richest Man in Xihong City", even if I watch it dozens of times, I can still watch it."

"I am also planning to go to the cinema for the second time, mainly because there are really no movies to watch except "The Richest Man in Xihong City" recently.

At the same time, the bosses of Youku, iQiyi and LeTV Video all approached Lin Xiao and wanted to win the exclusive broadcasting rights of "The Richest Man in Xihong City".

With the gradual development of the Internet, various video players have sprung up one after another.

As the big brothers in the industry, the bosses of Youku, iQiyi and LeTV Video, they all know that the customers attracted by using red envelopes are short-lived.

Only by acquiring enough copyrights for excellent works can their video player truly thrive.

Therefore, seeing that the box office of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" was so high, they came to Baichuan Film Investment Co., Ltd. to find Lin Xiao and wanted to discuss the film licensing issue with him before "The Richest Man in Xihong City" was taken off the shelves.

When negotiating business, there is no problem in shopping around among three companies, but negotiating with three companies at the same time is a taboo in business.

However, none of them were invited by Lin Xiao. Instead, they happened to visit together, so they could only suffer the loss of being dumb.

"Liu Dong, watch the tea."

Seeing the three bosses walking in, Lin Xiao felt happy, turned to look at Liu Tu and gave instructions.

After the movie was removed from the shelves, he was going to talk to the owners of these video players about putting the videos on the shelves. Now that they are here, they just save him the trouble.

"Boss Lin, please introduce yourself. I am Gu Yongqiang, the boss of Youku."

"Boss Lin, I am Long Yu, the boss of iQiyi."

"Boss Lin, I am Jia Leting, the boss of LeTV."

The three bosses each gave a brief self-introduction. Lin Xiao nodded and led a few people into the conference room:

"Three bosses, please sit down. Come and try my cheap tea." Lin Xiao said with a smile and asked Liu Dong to bring the brewed tea to the three bosses.

Gu Yongqiang was impatient and didn't want to drink any tea at all. As soon as he sat down on the chair, he couldn't help but look at Lin Xiao and asked:

Boss, after this movie is taken off the shelves, if we can reach an agreement with Youku to play it, I can offer you five million and give you a share of the video according to the length of playback. "

Hearing what the boss of Youku said, Long Yu and Jia Leting couldn't help but frown. They are indeed a veteran video player, but they are rich.

He opened his mouth and said five million, which caught them off guard.

iQiyi later became the largest video player in China. Long Yu was still very courageous. He looked at Lin Xiao and gritted his teeth and said:

"Boss Lin, if you can sign an exclusive broadcast agreement with iQiyi, I can offer you six million and give you a share of the video based on the playback time."

The bosses of Youku and iQiyi both spoke, and Lin Xiao couldn't help but look at Jia Leting, the boss of LeTV.

This guy was quite open-minded. When he saw that Youku and iQiyi were bidding so high, he spread his hands and said with a smile:

"Boss Lin, I'm sorry, at this price, I can only choose to quit. Boss Lin, I wish you a happy cooperation.

"Gu Ban, Boss Long, see you later, I'll take the first step."

Jia Leting said, drank a cup of tea, looked at Lin Xiao and said with a smile: "Boss Lin, thank you for the tea."

After saying that, he stood up from the chair and walked out of the conference room.

Obviously, for Mr. Jia, it is not cost-effective to spend 6 million to buy the exclusive broadcast rights of a movie.

Lin Xiao was obviously not expecting Jia Leting to be so decisive.

As expected of Boss Jia, his acting style is different from others.

Sighing silently, Lin Xiao looked at Liu Dong and said, "Liu Dong, help me see off Boss Jia."

When Gu Yongqiang and Long Yu saw that Boss Jia had left, they couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. Without a competitor, their chances of winning the exclusive broadcast rights would be greater, and the price they need to pay should be less.

"Boss Lin, if you can sign an exclusive broadcast agreement with Youku, we are willing to bid 8 million and increase the share of video broadcasts from 70% to 80%! Not only that, we can also make your movie free for six months months of cover advertising.”

Gu Yongqiang is obviously determined to win "The Richest Man in Xihong City" and has once again raised the purchase conditions.

This condition is a bit prohibitive even for Long Yu.

He looked at Lin Xiao and said nothing for a long time.

These people talked about it lively, but Lin Xiao was not moved at all.

Five million, six million, or eight million may be a huge amount of money for ordinary screenwriters or producers, but he really looks down upon it.

The box office of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" has exceeded 1.5 billion, and his plan is obviously bigger.

Lin Xiao looked at Gu Yongqiang and Long Yu and finally expressed his thoughts.

"Guban, Boss Long, thank you for your recognition of my film, but I am not quite able to accept the conditions you proposed."

Hearing this, Gu Ban immediately frowned and looked at Lin Xiao, feeling a little unhappy.

The conditions he gave are very fair and conscientious, and can even be said to be the only ones in the industry.

I originally thought that Lin Xiao would happily sign the contract with me, but unexpectedly, he was not satisfied even with this.

On the side, Long Yu also had the idea of ​​​​leaving. If Lin Xiao was not satisfied with the conditions given by the old boss, he didn't know how to satisfy Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao ignored the expressions of the two people and said straight to the point:

"I don't like one-shot deals. It can also be said that I really look down on a mere few million. I want to invest in your company. As long as you agree, "The Richest Man in Xihong City" can sign an exclusive licensing agreement for free."

"Not only that, in the future I will sign an exclusive licensing agreement with your company for the movies and TV series I shoot."

Although video players currently account for a small market share, Lin Xiao knows that with the development of technology and the Internet, the market for video players will be much larger than conventional TV stations.

After iQiyi was listed in the United States, its market value once reached more than 30 billion yuan, which is the best proof.

With more than ten years of memories ahead of him, Lin Xiao naturally did not want to miss such an opportunity to board the express train.

Lin Xiao doesn't have the ambition, time or experience to develop a video player by himself yet. The best way is to invest in a video player company.

Youku and iQiyi are both options.

Gu Yongqiang and Long Yu obviously didn't expect that Lin Xiao would have such a big appetite and actually eye the shares of their company.

The two people looked at Lin Xiao, and their eyes were not very friendly in an instant. No matter who they were, they didn't like people who had ideas for their company.

However, the conditions offered by Lin Xiao really made their hearts flutter.

The first movie set a domestic box office record. They all believed that Lin Xiao could not only have this movie. If they could sign Lin Xiao, they would get tens of millions of resources for free.

Of course, more importantly, they are not Lin Xiao. Although they are very optimistic about their company, they are not convinced that it will be worth tens of billions in ten years.

Society is developing rapidly, countless companies have risen, and countless companies have also fallen.

No one can guarantee that they will not be the next Motorola, let alone one that will be listed in the United States.

Seeing that the two bosses were obviously excited, Lin Xiao once again made a big deal:

"I can add a condition: within ten years, I guarantee to shoot a movie with a box office of over 1 billion every year, otherwise

You can buy back the shares I purchased at the original price. "

As soon as this condition came out, Gu Yongqiang and Long Yu were completely moved.

If Lin Xiao can really shoot a movie with a box office of over 1 billion every year, the number of members and users of their video player will definitely increase a lot.

Because of the exclusive relationship, the valuation of their video player will definitely increase greatly.

Then even if they sell part of their shares to Lin Xiao, the benefits will definitely outweigh the disadvantages.

If Lin Xiao breaches the contract, they will also gain nothing but no harm.

When the company appreciates in value, they can choose to repurchase shares at the original price, which not only earns money and time costs, but also allows Lin Xiao's movies to attract users and members for free. Make huge profits

If the company depreciates, they can choose not to repurchase the shares. At this time, selling the shares to Lin Xiao is a high-level cash-out, which is also a huge profit!

"`"Boss Lin, are you so confident that you can make a movie with a box office of over one billion every year?"

Gu Yongqiang looked at Lin Xiao and asked with confusion.

This condition is naturally a huge profit for them, but for Lin Xiao, it feels very stressful no matter how you look at it.

He really didn't understand why Lin Xiao said such conditions.

Long Yu looked at Lin Xiao with the same puzzled expression. He really didn't understand where he got his confidence.

Naturally, most people would not dare to say this, let alone do it, but Lin Xiao has a system and countless classic scripts. It is not difficult for him to shoot a movie with a box office of over one billion every year.

"Guban, you don't need to worry about this. You just need to consider whether to accept my proposal." Lin Xiao said with a smile.

Such a good opportunity, Gu Yongqiang and Long Yu are not fools, so they will naturally not refuse it.

"Boss Lin, I wonder how much you are prepared to invest to acquire our shares?" Gu Yizhao asked Lin Xiao.

Long Yu also turned to look at Lin Xiao.

Since Lin Xiao has given so many conditions, he will naturally not use the market price to acquire shares. If he really uses the market price, there is no need to waste so much words.

"One hundred million, 30% of the shares, if any of you agree, you can sign the agreement now." Lin Xiao said.

One price?

One hundred million, 30% of the shares, plus the conditions offered by Lin Xiao, are actually not low.

However, Gu Yongqiang was obviously a little dissatisfied when he heard that his platform and iQiyi's platform had the same price.

Although more than ten years later, iQiyi’s user base is much higher than that of Youku, but today’s Youku is obviously not something iQiyi can compete with.

Gu Yongqiang was dissatisfied, but Long Yu was extremely excited. After Lin Xiao finished speaking, Long Yu took the lead and said before Gu Yongqiang expressed his stance:

"Boss Lin, happy working with you!"

Obviously, he agreed to Lin Xiao's proposal.

In fact, Lin Xiao is more optimistic about iQiyi, but it is not convenient to say it clearly.

Seeing this, Lin Xiao shook Long Yu's hand (ok), smiled and said: "Boss Long, happy cooperation."


Was it settled so quickly?

Gu Yongqiang looked at the two people shaking hands with a confused look on his face.

Although iQiyi competes with him, he has always felt that Lin Xiao is definitely more optimistic about his Youku. In terms of market share, Youku is more than a little bit better than iQiyi.

He never expected that Lin Xiao would choose Long Yu so quickly.

Although puzzled, Gu Yongqiang got up and left.

"Boss Lin, Boss Long, goodbye, see you later.

"Gu Ban, go slowly. Liu Dong, help me deliver Boss Tongue."

Lin Xiao shouted towards Liu Dong.

After Gu Ban left, Lin Xiao and Long Yu formally discussed the details of the share transfer. Things went smoothly. In just one and a half hours, the two signed a share transfer agreement and an exclusive film licensing agreement.

"Boss Lin, the faster we cooperate."

After signing the agreement, Long Yu reached out to Lin Xiao again, obviously very happy.

After a simple handshake, Long Bao left Baichuan Film Investment Co., Ltd.

Lin Xiao held the signed agreement and was also very satisfied with this transaction.

You know, in 2018, iQiyi was listed in the United States, and its market value at that time was as high as more than 30 billion yuan, or more than 200 billion yuan.

30% is more than 70 billion!

The return of 700 times in eight years is much better than those real estate speculators.

After signing the agreement, more than half a month passed. On December 8, after more than two months, "The Richest Man in Xihong City" was finally removed from the shelves.

As the first movie he invested in, "The Richest Man in Xihong City" has a different meaning to Lin Xiao.

On the day the movie was removed from the shelves, Lin Xiao made an appointment with Liu Yifei and stepped into the cinema again, preparing to say a final farewell to the movie. .

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